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84 schools in England show NO white British pupils...

No movement of goal posts, just sharing an anecdote from personal experience in the industry you cited. Here's an interesting article from a "right wing" newspaper, however:

"...It’s a cliché, but it’s a cliché for a reason: a few rotten apples aside (such as the criminal gangs from Eastern Europe who have made a home here along with their fellow countrymen), migrants mostly come here to do the jobs we can't or won’t. In the first category are those at the upper end, who work for mostly London-based companies that require access to global talent pools - but they're not really who we're talking about, given that they put in far more than they take out (unless you're competing against them for access to the London property market, or places at private school).

In the second are those who do what are called 3D or 5D jobs - “dirty, difficult and dangerous”, or the same with “domestic and dull” added. That's confirmed by Migration Observatory, which found that it was precisely these "relatively low-skilled sectors and occupations" that have seen the biggest growth in foreign-born workers since the early 2000s. Migrants in the UK Labour Market: An Overview | The Migration Observatory

None of this is to say that immigration isn’t a concern. Yes, people overestimate its impact: as a recent survey has found, people believe that immigrants make up a quarter of the population rather than the actual figure of 13 per cent. And no, it doesn’t necessarily prevent British people getting jobs: witness the fact that the number of jobless families has fallen to an 18-year low, even as immigration remains stubbornly high (which in turn suggests that many of these new arrivals are adding to workforce rather than displacing Britons from their jobs).

Our immigration problems are a result of Britain's success

Where will you get the money from? These foreign medical professionals were attracted because the NHS paid more than they earned in their home countries; raise the wages to what a native would expect and you'd bankrupt the NHS, which is cracking at the seams already. Haven't you heard, we live in an age of "austerity".

Both. since schools reciving funding from foreign countries help defray costs borne by the taxpayer and the schools will accept native students, so it's a win-win scenario.

1. All you just did there was repeat your claim that we already debunked. Brits ARE willing to do those jobs.

2. Got it. So you admit it is not about natives NOT being willing to do the job, but about you not being willing to pay a fair wage. Thus, you try to cover the difference by paying less to desperate foreigners.

3. Mmm, lets imagine that a single educator is supported by the money brought in from abroad. Yet in his career he would educate and graduate thousands of foreigners who will now be competing with British Citizens for jobs, and careers. Overall, looks like a negative for the UK.

1. Debunked? Hardly.
2. Not me, the Tories.
3. Claptrap, most students go home and get rich/make their careers there.

The problem with "Little Englanders" like you is you think it's all about you; it's not.

The "darkies" aren't taking your jobs, chasing your women or molesting your kids; at least not to the extent you'd have us believe. Economic migrants come here to make money to send home to their families and they're prepared to do any menial work that "the natives" won't do. Read, Migrants in the UK Labour Market: An Overview | The Migration Observatory in my link.

If the natives did, there'd be no vacancies and we'd have full employment. Migrants actually enrich our culture, rather than destroy it. All cultures evolve; we never had Christmas trees until Germans brought them over, do you like Pizza? most Brits do. An Italian invention and as for Curry (Asian), Kebabs (Greek/Turkish) some things we'd never have bothered with if migrants hadn't brought them over, and that's just food.

This article sums it up quite well:

"We need rather to view immigration from an entirely different perspective. We need to acknowledge the movement of peoples as neither an aberration, nor as an evil to be tolerated, but as an inherent part of human life. We need to view the social changes that immigration brings not as a loss of something precious, but also as the gain of something valuable, the creation of a more open, vibrant, cosmopolitan society. We should regard the clashes and conflicts in ideas and values that immigration often creates not as something to be feared and minimised but as something to be prized, the basis of social engagement, the means by which we can break out of our narrow cultural boxes and create possibility of a common language of citizenship."
Curry is the national dish of Britain. If ISIS wanted to wipe us out all they need to do is infiltrate all the curry houses. What a grey and miserable place it would be in ukipland.

The lad who does our windows is Polish and he has been here for a decade.he started with a ladder and a bucket and now has a shiny new van. He is so busy that he has had to take on a young lad to help him. His wife works in the local Aldi and their little boy attends the local catholic school.

I have no idea if they ever claimed benefits but I suspect they have at some point. Its tough getting started at the best of times.

Under UKIP edict he would be booted out I suppose. But I believe that he makes a positive contribution to the UK and I would welcome more like him. He certainly pays more tax than our prime minister.

It might be in wales but round here it is a chicken parmo.

One swallow does not a summer maske

You know this because he confides his private affairs to you ? Or are you just making this up ?
He does chat to me actually.We mainly talk about football but after 10 years we sometimes discuss this and that.More this than that if I am honest. You know matey, if you try talking to people as opposed to twitching your curtains when they walk down the road you may learn things.

This shows just how silly you are doesn't it, and how you think everyone is just like you. I talk to people from all over the world, and send them TV pictures of my earth station. I even talk to Tim Peak and the rest of the crew licensed to do so when he is in my capture area. I even have Hussein the king of Jordan in my log book. Being virtually housebound it is the only way I can keep in contact with the outside world. So my friends are vastly more numerous than yours, and they come from all walks of life and nations. Maybe you should try listening to what people say and not just assume they are talking the same crap as you are.
1. Stop pretending that I didn't debunk your claims with your own words. It is dishonest of you, and incredibly rude to lie to my face about something I personally did, and you are well aware of. Knock it off.

You may believe this to be the case, I do not.

2. "NOthing bothering you" is not something you like. It is obvious that you strongly support Immigration. I have asked you why. If you honestly don't know, then you need some serious introspection.

How you have come to this conclusion, probably has something to do with the fantasy in point 1. "Not bothering me" means I don't care one way or the other; I've just demonstrated that the issue has been hijacked by scaremongering bigots and is nowhere near as "bad" as they'd like people to believe.

3. YOu did not answer my question. Do you think Diversity is "cool" or "fun"? Do you consider your circle of friends to be BETTER, because they are "diverse"?

My friends are my friends, your friends are yours, are mine better? You tell me why yours are better than mine.

Define what YOU mean by "Diversity"

1 From post 366 in this very thread.

A.. Your words.

" I worked for Tarmac about that time and we found Eastern European migrant workers just as skilled as their British counterparts but they were more reliable and worked harder for the same rate of pay, hiring them was a no brainer; the free market can be a bitch to those who get complacent and lazy."

Thus, it is not about Brits NOT being willing to do the work, but about employers wanting better workers than they can get from a First World nation without increasing pay.

B. YOur words.

"Where will you get the money from? These foreign medical professionals were attracted because the NHS paid more than they earned in their home countries; raise the wages to what a native would expect and you'd bankrupt the NHS, which is cracking at the seams already. Haven't you heard, we live in an age of "austerity"."

It is not that Brits won't do the work, it's that immigrants will do it cheaper.

Your position that the UK needs immigrants because native born whites won't do those jobs is debunked with your own words.

Your denials at this point is absurd. Knock it off. We are past that.

2. Your irrational defense of HIgh Levels of Immigration shows that you are emotionally invested in the policy. I have asked you why. YOu still have not answered. Please try again.

2b Save the Race Card for someone who cares.

3. I asked you if you thought your friends were better because they are diverse. YOu did not answer. Please try again.

I strongly support immigration.I think that it has helped Britain make great strides. And the US for that matter. Everyone is an immigrant there.

What "great strides"?

You guys keep saying shit like that.

I keep asking for examples.

YOu guys keep NOT being able to back up your claims.

But you keep making the same bs claims.

The quality of life is better.

Tell that to the brits who don't have jobs because an immigrant is doing the job better and/or cheaper, and the girls of Rotherham, who were enslaved by immigrants.

Our knowledge of the world has improved.

So, some immigrant told you a story about life back in some shitty Third World Hellhole. How exciting. NOt.

We are less parochial and have a more cosmopolitan world view.

Subjective. YOU like that. There is no intrinsic value to it.

Our economy has benefited from taxes paid by immigrants.

Which is one of primary reasons that your political class wants it. A larger population and economy can keep the "ponzi scheme" of the 19th century social programs going for a little while longer.

But they will still fail, and you will still have all the negatives of having imported a alien culture(s).

We all have friends who are immigrants or children of immigrants.

YOu would have other friends, in a low immigration scenario.

Some of us married an immigrants daughter.

You would have likely found another spouse.

They have set up businesses and created work for people.

Filling niches that could have been filled by native born UK whites.

They have integrated with British society and have provided role models and heroes in every sphere.
In Wales we have Colin Jackson, Taulupe Falatau and Joe Calzaghe who all represent Wales in sport and are venerated by the Welsh people.

If those immigrants had NOT immigrated, those roles would have been filled by someone else.

Here is a list of Asian owned businesses which employ thousands of British people.
Top 20 Richest Asians

Which shows that immigration is great for the immigrants.

Our public services would collapse without the thousands of immigrants who make it work.

Got it. YOu are using cheap labor to cover up the non-sustainability of your social programs.

The greatest Welsh chanteuse is Shirley Bassey whose father was a Somali immigrant.

Taking a job that could have been filled by an actual Welsh singer.

Welshman Ryan Giggs was the greatest footballer in the World for a decade. His father was an immigrant from the West Indies. Ashley Williams is captain of Wales and Neil Taylor is the left back.Both are children of immigrants.

Oh, is sports hero a job that native born whites won't do? SOmeone else would have had those slots.

In cricket Nasser Hussain was captain of England as was Mark Ramprakash. There are around 100
other immigrant cricketers who have represented England going back to Prince Ranjitsingh and the Nawab of Pataudi.

See above.
Immigrants fuel our night time economy.There is a curry house or 10 in every town in Britain.Life without Curry is no life at all. Every town also has a Chinese restaurant and most have a Thai. It has freed us from the grey days of post war Britain.

You don't need mass immigration to have a rich food scene. There is a chinese buffet I go to. Yes, you can argue that you want an authentic chinese cook. They don't need all chinese servers.

In the past 12 months a Pakistani immigrant was crowned the best baker in Britain, another Pakistani migrant will be elected Lord Mayor of London and an Algerian has been awarded the Player of the Year by the Premier League.

HOw much worse was the second best baker? What horrible cost would be borne by the population, if they had to settle for his baked goods instead?

In music we have had, UB40,The Specials,The Beat,Hot Chocolate,Billy Ocean,Massive Attack, Mica Paris,Soul 2 Soul,The Selecter, Eddy Grant, The Real Thing amongst others. All of our lives would be poorer without these artists.

Increased competition that crushed the dreams of native born whites who wanted to be rock stars.

Michelle Hussain is the voice of the BBC as well as being the hottest woman on the Planet.

She is not really that hot. YOu need to import some talking heads from America.

Catherine Zeta Jones is the most beautiful Welsh woman ever and is descended from immigrants.

And she left you to move to America. And yet you still have access to her work.


I could go on but I think the point is made.You people sit in a cave playing with your undersized cocks and cant see the world outside. You make me sick to my stomach.

Do you need any more examples you racist **** ?

Shove your race card up your ass, you asshole.

2. Your irrational defense of HIgh Levels of Immigration shows that you are emotionally invested in the policy. I have asked you why. YOu still have not answered. Please try again.

The only one "emotionally invested in the policy" is you. You've had your answer, here, in case you missed it.
"Not bothering me" means I don't care one way or the other; I've just demonstrated that the issue has been hijacked by scaremongering bigots and is nowhere near as "bad" as they'd like people to believe.

3. I asked you if you thought your friends were better because they are diverse. YOu did not answer. Please try again.

Once again I answered your question; a person has a subjective view of their friends, because they are friends. To ask someone to compare his friends with someone else's is not only irrelevant to this discussion, but rather childish in my view (MY friend's betterr than YOUR friend!). If nothing else I'm the richer and more enlightened for having known them.

1. Your passionate defense of the policy is NOT a "don't care" behavior. It is a "cares strongly" behavior. Why are you so strongly invested in HIgh Levels of immigration?

2. I did not ask you to compare your friends to another person's friends. I asked you if YOUR friends were better because they were diverse. You seemed to present their diversity AS THOUGH it was a good thing.

The comparison groups here would be the hypothetical group of friends you would have if such diversity was NOT available to you as you formed your group of friends.

Please stop dodging and answer my very simple and easy question.

1. Oh please, if this is what you call a "passionate defence", you must not get out much. From the start all I've been doing is disputing your frantic scare-mongering and trying to put things into context and keeping a sense of proportion.

2. Your question is unanswerable because it's based on subjective opinion about a group of people; it's not a question of who is "better" or "worse", it's about who you get on with. If this country was uniformly "white Anglo-Saxon" my group of friends would still be people I got on with. The key phrase here is "people I get on with"

1. Yes. And I get out plenty.

2. Yes, I have asked you for your subjective opinion. That does not make it unanswerable.

Are YOUR friends were better because they were diverse?

3. Why are you so resistant to answer the above question?
No movement of goal posts, just sharing an anecdote from personal experience in the industry you cited. Here's an interesting article from a "right wing" newspaper, however:

"...It’s a cliché, but it’s a cliché for a reason: a few rotten apples aside (such as the criminal gangs from Eastern Europe who have made a home here along with their fellow countrymen), migrants mostly come here to do the jobs we can't or won’t. In the first category are those at the upper end, who work for mostly London-based companies that require access to global talent pools - but they're not really who we're talking about, given that they put in far more than they take out (unless you're competing against them for access to the London property market, or places at private school).

In the second are those who do what are called 3D or 5D jobs - “dirty, difficult and dangerous”, or the same with “domestic and dull” added. That's confirmed by Migration Observatory, which found that it was precisely these "relatively low-skilled sectors and occupations" that have seen the biggest growth in foreign-born workers since the early 2000s. Migrants in the UK Labour Market: An Overview | The Migration Observatory

None of this is to say that immigration isn’t a concern. Yes, people overestimate its impact: as a recent survey has found, people believe that immigrants make up a quarter of the population rather than the actual figure of 13 per cent. And no, it doesn’t necessarily prevent British people getting jobs: witness the fact that the number of jobless families has fallen to an 18-year low, even as immigration remains stubbornly high (which in turn suggests that many of these new arrivals are adding to workforce rather than displacing Britons from their jobs).

Our immigration problems are a result of Britain's success

Where will you get the money from? These foreign medical professionals were attracted because the NHS paid more than they earned in their home countries; raise the wages to what a native would expect and you'd bankrupt the NHS, which is cracking at the seams already. Haven't you heard, we live in an age of "austerity".

Both. since schools reciving funding from foreign countries help defray costs borne by the taxpayer and the schools will accept native students, so it's a win-win scenario.

1. All you just did there was repeat your claim that we already debunked. Brits ARE willing to do those jobs.

2. Got it. So you admit it is not about natives NOT being willing to do the job, but about you not being willing to pay a fair wage. Thus, you try to cover the difference by paying less to desperate foreigners.

3. Mmm, lets imagine that a single educator is supported by the money brought in from abroad. Yet in his career he would educate and graduate thousands of foreigners who will now be competing with British Citizens for jobs, and careers. Overall, looks like a negative for the UK.

1. Debunked? Hardly.
2. Not me, the Tories.
3. Claptrap, most students go home and get rich/make their careers there.

The problem with "Little Englanders" like you is you think it's all about you; it's not.

The "darkies" aren't taking your jobs, chasing your women or molesting your kids; at least not to the extent you'd have us believe. Economic migrants come here to make money to send home to their families and they're prepared to do any menial work that "the natives" won't do. Read, Migrants in the UK Labour Market: An Overview | The Migration Observatory in my link.

If the natives did, there'd be no vacancies and we'd have full employment. Migrants actually enrich our culture, rather than destroy it. All cultures evolve; we never had Christmas trees until Germans brought them over, do you like Pizza? most Brits do. An Italian invention and as for Curry (Asian), Kebabs (Greek/Turkish) some things we'd never have bothered with if migrants hadn't brought them over, and that's just food.

This article sums it up quite well:

"We need rather to view immigration from an entirely different perspective. We need to acknowledge the movement of peoples as neither an aberration, nor as an evil to be tolerated, but as an inherent part of human life. We need to view the social changes that immigration brings not as a loss of something precious, but also as the gain of something valuable, the creation of a more open, vibrant, cosmopolitan society. We should regard the clashes and conflicts in ideas and values that immigration often creates not as something to be feared and minimised but as something to be prized, the basis of social engagement, the means by which we can break out of our narrow cultural boxes and create possibility of a common language of citizenship."
Curry is the national dish of Britain. If ISIS wanted to wipe us out all they need to do is infiltrate all the curry houses. What a grey and miserable place it would be in ukipland.

The lad who does our windows is Polish and he has been here for a decade.he started with a ladder and a bucket and now has a shiny new van. He is so busy that he has had to take on a young lad to help him. His wife works in the local Aldi and their little boy attends the local catholic school.

I have no idea if they ever claimed benefits but I suspect they have at some point. Its tough getting started at the best of times.

Under UKIP edict he would be booted out I suppose. But I believe that he makes a positive contribution to the UK and I would welcome more like him. He certainly pays more tax than our prime minister.

It might be in wales but round here it is a chicken parmo.

One swallow does not a summer maske

You know this because he confides his private affairs to you ? Or are you just making this up ?
He does chat to me actually.We mainly talk about football but after 10 years we sometimes discuss this and that.More this than that if I am honest. You know matey, if you try talking to people as opposed to twitching your curtains when they walk down the road you may learn things.

I doubt he will, too busy hob-knobbing with royalty, dontchya know. Has he told you his family came over with William the Conqueror...bloody immigrants! :D
Tell that to the brits who don't have jobs because an immigrant is doing the job better and/or cheaper,

So you admit immigrants can do the job better, thanks.

Filling niches that could have been filled by native born UK whites.

If they had the skill or talent or desire.

If those immigrants had NOT immigrated, those roles would have been filled by someone else.

If they had the skill or talent or desire.

Which shows that immigration is great for the immigrants.

Correct! We agree on something.

Got it. YOu are using cheap labor to cover up the non-sustainability of your social programs.

They were quite sustainable until Thatcher introduced a "free market" into it and cut funding.

Taking a job that could have been filled by an actual Welsh singer.

If they had the skill or talent or desire.

Oh, is sports hero a job that native born whites won't do? SOmeone else would have had those slots.

If they had the skill or talent or desire.

There is a chinese buffet I go to. Yes, you can argue that you want an authentic chinese cook.

Chinese? Immigrants!!!

You don't need mass immigration to have a rich food scene.

Yes you do.

Increased competition that crushed the dreams of native born whites who wanted to be rock stars.

If they had the skill or talent or desire.
1. All you just did there was repeat your claim that we already debunked. Brits ARE willing to do those jobs.

2. Got it. So you admit it is not about natives NOT being willing to do the job, but about you not being willing to pay a fair wage. Thus, you try to cover the difference by paying less to desperate foreigners.

3. Mmm, lets imagine that a single educator is supported by the money brought in from abroad. Yet in his career he would educate and graduate thousands of foreigners who will now be competing with British Citizens for jobs, and careers. Overall, looks like a negative for the UK.

1. Debunked? Hardly.
2. Not me, the Tories.
3. Claptrap, most students go home and get rich/make their careers there.

The problem with "Little Englanders" like you is you think it's all about you; it's not.

The "darkies" aren't taking your jobs, chasing your women or molesting your kids; at least not to the extent you'd have us believe. Economic migrants come here to make money to send home to their families and they're prepared to do any menial work that "the natives" won't do. Read, Migrants in the UK Labour Market: An Overview | The Migration Observatory in my link.

If the natives did, there'd be no vacancies and we'd have full employment. Migrants actually enrich our culture, rather than destroy it. All cultures evolve; we never had Christmas trees until Germans brought them over, do you like Pizza? most Brits do. An Italian invention and as for Curry (Asian), Kebabs (Greek/Turkish) some things we'd never have bothered with if migrants hadn't brought them over, and that's just food.

This article sums it up quite well:

"We need rather to view immigration from an entirely different perspective. We need to acknowledge the movement of peoples as neither an aberration, nor as an evil to be tolerated, but as an inherent part of human life. We need to view the social changes that immigration brings not as a loss of something precious, but also as the gain of something valuable, the creation of a more open, vibrant, cosmopolitan society. We should regard the clashes and conflicts in ideas and values that immigration often creates not as something to be feared and minimised but as something to be prized, the basis of social engagement, the means by which we can break out of our narrow cultural boxes and create possibility of a common language of citizenship."
Curry is the national dish of Britain. If ISIS wanted to wipe us out all they need to do is infiltrate all the curry houses. What a grey and miserable place it would be in ukipland.

The lad who does our windows is Polish and he has been here for a decade.he started with a ladder and a bucket and now has a shiny new van. He is so busy that he has had to take on a young lad to help him. His wife works in the local Aldi and their little boy attends the local catholic school.

I have no idea if they ever claimed benefits but I suspect they have at some point. Its tough getting started at the best of times.

Under UKIP edict he would be booted out I suppose. But I believe that he makes a positive contribution to the UK and I would welcome more like him. He certainly pays more tax than our prime minister.

It might be in wales but round here it is a chicken parmo.

One swallow does not a summer maske

You know this because he confides his private affairs to you ? Or are you just making this up ?
He does chat to me actually.We mainly talk about football but after 10 years we sometimes discuss this and that.More this than that if I am honest. You know matey, if you try talking to people as opposed to twitching your curtains when they walk down the road you may learn things.

I doubt he will, too busy hob-knobbing with royalty, dontchya know. Has he told you his family came over with William the Conqueror...bloody immigrants! :D
I have an awful feeling that his friends are better than my friends.Not sure how to cope with that.
You may believe this to be the case, I do not.

How you have come to this conclusion, probably has something to do with the fantasy in point 1. "Not bothering me" means I don't care one way or the other; I've just demonstrated that the issue has been hijacked by scaremongering bigots and is nowhere near as "bad" as they'd like people to believe.

My friends are my friends, your friends are yours, are mine better? You tell me why yours are better than mine.

Define what YOU mean by "Diversity"

1 From post 366 in this very thread.

A.. Your words.

" I worked for Tarmac about that time and we found Eastern European migrant workers just as skilled as their British counterparts but they were more reliable and worked harder for the same rate of pay, hiring them was a no brainer; the free market can be a bitch to those who get complacent and lazy."

Thus, it is not about Brits NOT being willing to do the work, but about employers wanting better workers than they can get from a First World nation without increasing pay.

B. YOur words.

"Where will you get the money from? These foreign medical professionals were attracted because the NHS paid more than they earned in their home countries; raise the wages to what a native would expect and you'd bankrupt the NHS, which is cracking at the seams already. Haven't you heard, we live in an age of "austerity"."

It is not that Brits won't do the work, it's that immigrants will do it cheaper.

Your position that the UK needs immigrants because native born whites won't do those jobs is debunked with your own words.

Your denials at this point is absurd. Knock it off. We are past that.

2. Your irrational defense of HIgh Levels of Immigration shows that you are emotionally invested in the policy. I have asked you why. YOu still have not answered. Please try again.

2b Save the Race Card for someone who cares.

3. I asked you if you thought your friends were better because they are diverse. YOu did not answer. Please try again.

I strongly support immigration.I think that it has helped Britain make great strides. And the US for that matter. Everyone is an immigrant there.

What "great strides"?

You guys keep saying shit like that.

I keep asking for examples.

YOu guys keep NOT being able to back up your claims.

But you keep making the same bs claims.

The quality of life is better.

Tell that to the brits who don't have jobs because an immigrant is doing the job better and/or cheaper, and the girls of Rotherham, who were enslaved by immigrants.

Our knowledge of the world has improved.

So, some immigrant told you a story about life back in some shitty Third World Hellhole. How exciting. NOt.

We are less parochial and have a more cosmopolitan world view.

Subjective. YOU like that. There is no intrinsic value to it.

Our economy has benefited from taxes paid by immigrants.

Which is one of primary reasons that your political class wants it. A larger population and economy can keep the "ponzi scheme" of the 19th century social programs going for a little while longer.

But they will still fail, and you will still have all the negatives of having imported a alien culture(s).

We all have friends who are immigrants or children of immigrants.

YOu would have other friends, in a low immigration scenario.

Some of us married an immigrants daughter.

You would have likely found another spouse.

They have set up businesses and created work for people.

Filling niches that could have been filled by native born UK whites.

They have integrated with British society and have provided role models and heroes in every sphere.
In Wales we have Colin Jackson, Taulupe Falatau and Joe Calzaghe who all represent Wales in sport and are venerated by the Welsh people.

If those immigrants had NOT immigrated, those roles would have been filled by someone else.

Here is a list of Asian owned businesses which employ thousands of British people.
Top 20 Richest Asians

Which shows that immigration is great for the immigrants.

Our public services would collapse without the thousands of immigrants who make it work.

Got it. YOu are using cheap labor to cover up the non-sustainability of your social programs.

The greatest Welsh chanteuse is Shirley Bassey whose father was a Somali immigrant.

Taking a job that could have been filled by an actual Welsh singer.

Welshman Ryan Giggs was the greatest footballer in the World for a decade. His father was an immigrant from the West Indies. Ashley Williams is captain of Wales and Neil Taylor is the left back.Both are children of immigrants.

Oh, is sports hero a job that native born whites won't do? SOmeone else would have had those slots.

In cricket Nasser Hussain was captain of England as was Mark Ramprakash. There are around 100
other immigrant cricketers who have represented England going back to Prince Ranjitsingh and the Nawab of Pataudi.

See above.
Immigrants fuel our night time economy.There is a curry house or 10 in every town in Britain.Life without Curry is no life at all. Every town also has a Chinese restaurant and most have a Thai. It has freed us from the grey days of post war Britain.

You don't need mass immigration to have a rich food scene. There is a chinese buffet I go to. Yes, you can argue that you want an authentic chinese cook. They don't need all chinese servers.

In the past 12 months a Pakistani immigrant was crowned the best baker in Britain, another Pakistani migrant will be elected Lord Mayor of London and an Algerian has been awarded the Player of the Year by the Premier League.

HOw much worse was the second best baker? What horrible cost would be borne by the population, if they had to settle for his baked goods instead?

In music we have had, UB40,The Specials,The Beat,Hot Chocolate,Billy Ocean,Massive Attack, Mica Paris,Soul 2 Soul,The Selecter, Eddy Grant, The Real Thing amongst others. All of our lives would be poorer without these artists.

Increased competition that crushed the dreams of native born whites who wanted to be rock stars.

Michelle Hussain is the voice of the BBC as well as being the hottest woman on the Planet.

She is not really that hot. YOu need to import some talking heads from America.

Catherine Zeta Jones is the most beautiful Welsh woman ever and is descended from immigrants.

And she left you to move to America. And yet you still have access to her work.


I could go on but I think the point is made.You people sit in a cave playing with your undersized cocks and cant see the world outside. You make me sick to my stomach.

Do you need any more examples you racist **** ?

Shove your race card up your ass, you asshole.

Seriously you are embarrassing yourself. This is just nonsense. A 5 year old could craft a better argument.
You asked how immigration had made the country better and I was able to give you a shed load without even thinking about it. If you are that deep in the trench there is no reaching you.

Are you seriously suggesting that the likes of Bassey and Giggs were responsible for holding back native talent ? Mind boggling.
Tell that to the brits who don't have jobs because an immigrant is doing the job better and/or cheaper,

So you admit immigrants can do the job better, thanks.

Filling niches that could have been filled by native born UK whites.

If they had the skill or talent or desire.

If those immigrants had NOT immigrated, those roles would have been filled by someone else.

If they had the skill or talent or desire.

Which shows that immigration is great for the immigrants.

Correct! We agree on something.

Got it. YOu are using cheap labor to cover up the non-sustainability of your social programs.

They were quite sustainable until Thatcher introduced a "free market" into it and cut funding.

Taking a job that could have been filled by an actual Welsh singer.

If they had the skill or talent or desire.

Oh, is sports hero a job that native born whites won't do? SOmeone else would have had those slots.

If they had the skill or talent or desire.

There is a chinese buffet I go to. Yes, you can argue that you want an authentic chinese cook.

Chinese? Immigrants!!!

You don't need mass immigration to have a rich food scene.

Yes you do.

Increased competition that crushed the dreams of native born whites who wanted to be rock stars.

If they had the skill or talent or desire.

1. Yes, the immigrants can do the job better and/or cheaper. That doesn't mean that they are NEEDED to get the job done which is what you were claiming when you initially said they did jobs that native born whites would NOT do.

2. YOu are putting the interests of the employer who wants cheaper and better labor ahead of the far more numerous want-to-be native born workers who want jobs and raising wages.

3. Nope. In every instance the guy that was just barely edged out by the immigrant could have filled that role with a statistically insignificant drop in quality. Instead he lost out on his dreams because of Government Policy.

4. And no, modern First World social program systems are NOT sustainable with a post industrial greying, or even dropping population, and ever increasing and ever increasingly expensive life spans.
Tell that to the brits who don't have jobs because an immigrant is doing the job better and/or cheaper,

So you admit immigrants can do the job better, thanks.

Filling niches that could have been filled by native born UK whites.

If they had the skill or talent or desire.

If those immigrants had NOT immigrated, those roles would have been filled by someone else.

If they had the skill or talent or desire.

Which shows that immigration is great for the immigrants.

Correct! We agree on something.

Got it. YOu are using cheap labor to cover up the non-sustainability of your social programs.

They were quite sustainable until Thatcher introduced a "free market" into it and cut funding.

Taking a job that could have been filled by an actual Welsh singer.

If they had the skill or talent or desire.

Oh, is sports hero a job that native born whites won't do? SOmeone else would have had those slots.

If they had the skill or talent or desire.

There is a chinese buffet I go to. Yes, you can argue that you want an authentic chinese cook.

Chinese? Immigrants!!!

You don't need mass immigration to have a rich food scene.

Yes you do.

Increased competition that crushed the dreams of native born whites who wanted to be rock stars.

If they had the skill or talent or desire.

1. Yes, the immigrants can do the job better and/or cheaper. That doesn't mean that they are NEEDED to get the job done which is what you were claiming when you initially said they did jobs that native born whites would NOT do.

2. YOu are putting the interests of the employer who wants cheaper and better labor ahead of the far more numerous want-to-be native born workers who want jobs and raising wages.

3. Nope. In every instance the guy that was just barely edged out by the immigrant could have filled that role with a statistically insignificant drop in quality. Instead he lost out on his dreams because of Government Policy.

4. And no, modern First World social program systems are NOT sustainable with a post industrial greying, or even dropping population, and ever increasing and ever increasingly expensive life spans.
Your naked racism makes any point you make redundant.
1 From post 366 in this very thread.

A.. Your words.

" I worked for Tarmac about that time and we found Eastern European migrant workers just as skilled as their British counterparts but they were more reliable and worked harder for the same rate of pay, hiring them was a no brainer; the free market can be a bitch to those who get complacent and lazy."

Thus, it is not about Brits NOT being willing to do the work, but about employers wanting better workers than they can get from a First World nation without increasing pay.

B. YOur words.

"Where will you get the money from? These foreign medical professionals were attracted because the NHS paid more than they earned in their home countries; raise the wages to what a native would expect and you'd bankrupt the NHS, which is cracking at the seams already. Haven't you heard, we live in an age of "austerity"."

It is not that Brits won't do the work, it's that immigrants will do it cheaper.

Your position that the UK needs immigrants because native born whites won't do those jobs is debunked with your own words.

Your denials at this point is absurd. Knock it off. We are past that.

2. Your irrational defense of HIgh Levels of Immigration shows that you are emotionally invested in the policy. I have asked you why. YOu still have not answered. Please try again.

2b Save the Race Card for someone who cares.

3. I asked you if you thought your friends were better because they are diverse. YOu did not answer. Please try again.

I strongly support immigration.I think that it has helped Britain make great strides. And the US for that matter. Everyone is an immigrant there.

What "great strides"?

You guys keep saying shit like that.

I keep asking for examples.

YOu guys keep NOT being able to back up your claims.

But you keep making the same bs claims.

The quality of life is better.

Tell that to the brits who don't have jobs because an immigrant is doing the job better and/or cheaper, and the girls of Rotherham, who were enslaved by immigrants.

Our knowledge of the world has improved.

So, some immigrant told you a story about life back in some shitty Third World Hellhole. How exciting. NOt.

We are less parochial and have a more cosmopolitan world view.

Subjective. YOU like that. There is no intrinsic value to it.

Our economy has benefited from taxes paid by immigrants.

Which is one of primary reasons that your political class wants it. A larger population and economy can keep the "ponzi scheme" of the 19th century social programs going for a little while longer.

But they will still fail, and you will still have all the negatives of having imported a alien culture(s).

We all have friends who are immigrants or children of immigrants.

YOu would have other friends, in a low immigration scenario.

Some of us married an immigrants daughter.

You would have likely found another spouse.

They have set up businesses and created work for people.

Filling niches that could have been filled by native born UK whites.

They have integrated with British society and have provided role models and heroes in every sphere.
In Wales we have Colin Jackson, Taulupe Falatau and Joe Calzaghe who all represent Wales in sport and are venerated by the Welsh people.

If those immigrants had NOT immigrated, those roles would have been filled by someone else.

Here is a list of Asian owned businesses which employ thousands of British people.
Top 20 Richest Asians

Which shows that immigration is great for the immigrants.

Our public services would collapse without the thousands of immigrants who make it work.

Got it. YOu are using cheap labor to cover up the non-sustainability of your social programs.

The greatest Welsh chanteuse is Shirley Bassey whose father was a Somali immigrant.

Taking a job that could have been filled by an actual Welsh singer.

Welshman Ryan Giggs was the greatest footballer in the World for a decade. His father was an immigrant from the West Indies. Ashley Williams is captain of Wales and Neil Taylor is the left back.Both are children of immigrants.

Oh, is sports hero a job that native born whites won't do? SOmeone else would have had those slots.

In cricket Nasser Hussain was captain of England as was Mark Ramprakash. There are around 100
other immigrant cricketers who have represented England going back to Prince Ranjitsingh and the Nawab of Pataudi.

See above.
Immigrants fuel our night time economy.There is a curry house or 10 in every town in Britain.Life without Curry is no life at all. Every town also has a Chinese restaurant and most have a Thai. It has freed us from the grey days of post war Britain.

You don't need mass immigration to have a rich food scene. There is a chinese buffet I go to. Yes, you can argue that you want an authentic chinese cook. They don't need all chinese servers.

In the past 12 months a Pakistani immigrant was crowned the best baker in Britain, another Pakistani migrant will be elected Lord Mayor of London and an Algerian has been awarded the Player of the Year by the Premier League.

HOw much worse was the second best baker? What horrible cost would be borne by the population, if they had to settle for his baked goods instead?

In music we have had, UB40,The Specials,The Beat,Hot Chocolate,Billy Ocean,Massive Attack, Mica Paris,Soul 2 Soul,The Selecter, Eddy Grant, The Real Thing amongst others. All of our lives would be poorer without these artists.

Increased competition that crushed the dreams of native born whites who wanted to be rock stars.

Michelle Hussain is the voice of the BBC as well as being the hottest woman on the Planet.

She is not really that hot. YOu need to import some talking heads from America.

Catherine Zeta Jones is the most beautiful Welsh woman ever and is descended from immigrants.

And she left you to move to America. And yet you still have access to her work.


I could go on but I think the point is made.You people sit in a cave playing with your undersized cocks and cant see the world outside. You make me sick to my stomach.

Do you need any more examples you racist **** ?

Shove your race card up your ass, you asshole.

Seriously you are embarrassing yourself. This is just nonsense. A 5 year old could craft a better argument.
You asked how immigration had made the country better and I was able to give you a shed load without even thinking about it. If you are that deep in the trench there is no reaching you.

Are you seriously suggesting that the likes of Bassey and Giggs were responsible for holding back native talent ? Mind boggling.

1. I certainly believe that you didn't give it any thought.

2. And yes. In 1953, Bassey signed her first professional contract, to sing in the touring variety show Memories of Jolson, a musical based on the life of Al Jolson. I guarantee there were other applicants for that job.

It is mind boggling that you can claim otherwise.
Tell that to the brits who don't have jobs because an immigrant is doing the job better and/or cheaper,

So you admit immigrants can do the job better, thanks.

Filling niches that could have been filled by native born UK whites.

If they had the skill or talent or desire.

If those immigrants had NOT immigrated, those roles would have been filled by someone else.

If they had the skill or talent or desire.

Which shows that immigration is great for the immigrants.

Correct! We agree on something.

Got it. YOu are using cheap labor to cover up the non-sustainability of your social programs.

They were quite sustainable until Thatcher introduced a "free market" into it and cut funding.

Taking a job that could have been filled by an actual Welsh singer.

If they had the skill or talent or desire.

Oh, is sports hero a job that native born whites won't do? SOmeone else would have had those slots.

If they had the skill or talent or desire.

There is a chinese buffet I go to. Yes, you can argue that you want an authentic chinese cook.

Chinese? Immigrants!!!

You don't need mass immigration to have a rich food scene.

Yes you do.

Increased competition that crushed the dreams of native born whites who wanted to be rock stars.

If they had the skill or talent or desire.

1. Yes, the immigrants can do the job better and/or cheaper. That doesn't mean that they are NEEDED to get the job done which is what you were claiming when you initially said they did jobs that native born whites would NOT do.

2. YOu are putting the interests of the employer who wants cheaper and better labor ahead of the far more numerous want-to-be native born workers who want jobs and raising wages.

3. Nope. In every instance the guy that was just barely edged out by the immigrant could have filled that role with a statistically insignificant drop in quality. Instead he lost out on his dreams because of Government Policy.

4. And no, modern First World social program systems are NOT sustainable with a post industrial greying, or even dropping population, and ever increasing and ever increasingly expensive life spans.
Your naked racism makes any point you make redundant.

I already told you to shove your race card up your ass.

WHat more do you want from me?

Here, have you read this yet?

2. And yes. In 1953, Bassey signed her first professional contract, to sing in the touring variety show Memories of Jolson, a musical based on the life of Al Jolson. I guarantee there were other applicants for that job.

....and she was deemed the best applicant, so she got the job. If there was no immigration at all and this was a pure white Anglo-Saxon country, the best candidate would STILL get the job, and there would still be people with shattered dreams and ambitions.
Tell that to the brits who don't have jobs because an immigrant is doing the job better and/or cheaper,

So you admit immigrants can do the job better, thanks.

Filling niches that could have been filled by native born UK whites.

If they had the skill or talent or desire.

If those immigrants had NOT immigrated, those roles would have been filled by someone else.

If they had the skill or talent or desire.

Which shows that immigration is great for the immigrants.

Correct! We agree on something.

Got it. YOu are using cheap labor to cover up the non-sustainability of your social programs.

They were quite sustainable until Thatcher introduced a "free market" into it and cut funding.

Taking a job that could have been filled by an actual Welsh singer.

If they had the skill or talent or desire.

Oh, is sports hero a job that native born whites won't do? SOmeone else would have had those slots.

If they had the skill or talent or desire.

There is a chinese buffet I go to. Yes, you can argue that you want an authentic chinese cook.

Chinese? Immigrants!!!

You don't need mass immigration to have a rich food scene.

Yes you do.

Increased competition that crushed the dreams of native born whites who wanted to be rock stars.

If they had the skill or talent or desire.

1. Yes, the immigrants can do the job better and/or cheaper. That doesn't mean that they are NEEDED to get the job done which is what you were claiming when you initially said they did jobs that native born whites would NOT do.

2. YOu are putting the interests of the employer who wants cheaper and better labor ahead of the far more numerous want-to-be native born workers who want jobs and raising wages.

3. Nope. In every instance the guy that was just barely edged out by the immigrant could have filled that role with a statistically insignificant drop in quality. Instead he lost out on his dreams because of Government Policy.

4. And no, modern First World social program systems are NOT sustainable with a post industrial greying, or even dropping population, and ever increasing and ever increasingly expensive life spans.
Your naked racism makes any point you make redundant.

I agreed with you initially but I've changed my mind. It's really not about racism, although for some anti-immigration proponents this could well be true individually. What seems to be coming apparent from what Correll has been posting is that it's all about "inadequates"; those people less talented, less skilled, less educated, etc.

It's about preying on their fears and finding scapegoats they can focus on instead of attempting to better themselves or questioning how/why society has let them down. The classic, "it's not my fault I can't get a job, it's those bloody immigrants coming in and taking the job I wanted!" approach makes these people feel both "good" about themselves and "victims" at the same time.

These same scaremongering tactics were used against Jewish migrants in the late 19th early 20th century from Russia, and against Afro-Carribean and Asian and African migrants in the mid to late 20th century. Guess what? We adjusted, adapted and evolved.

What Corell is "concerned" about is the fact he (she) percieves his "tribe" is under attack; this article is worth a look: Tribalism

"My being Jewish is a part of me to be sure, but no more important a part of me than my gender, than my nationality, my sexuality, my interests, my dreams, in fact the whole sum of my experiences! I can’t splice myself into pieces just to please others.

But for some people – this bit player in my identity puts me firmly in the box they’ve allocated to me, along with all manner of preconceptions and stereotypes. And we all do this to an extent; when we meet someone we neatly try to slot them into some pre-allocated segmentation. And at the same time, we also then gravitate towards those that seem most like us, most like a part of our ‘tribe’.

Because in essence we are tribal. Whether we’re genetically programmed to be, or have evolved to be, or learnt to be – I’ll leave that discussion to the nature/ nurture, chicken and egg brigade. Essentially, we gravitate to those that are like us. Think of any new group setting, first day at college, a wedding or conference and you can see tribalism in action. When we come in independently and we’re on the lookout for a welcome and recognition, then we look out for that person who most resembles us. Whether on grounds of gender, faith, style, background (public schools boys can spot each other at 100 paces!) – we find each other.

And although in most cases this isn’t really a problem, the problems happen when one tribe believes that they are better than the other tribe. Then we start to see that group as the ‘other’ as somehow threatening or lesser than us.

Migrants today are being blamed for all of our woes. Can’t get a house? Blame the migrants. Can’t get a job? Must be the migrants. Traffic jams? It’s those pesky migrants again. Fungal foot infection?? Ok so I made that last one up, but I actually wouldn’t be surprised to see it in the headlines of a certain paper that shall remain nameless!

And at the moment, there is a growing sense of outrage that ‘our’ tribe is under attack, that our tribe’s values are being diluted, that we need to protect our tribe from those evil, scrounging tribes from over there in otherland, Ug.

But what exactly is our tribe? Notwithstanding the fact that we all (yes all of us) are descended from some otherland (think Romans, Normans, Angles, Saxons, Jutes etc, etc.) – migration to and from this country is a long standing and established British tradition. We now even seem to be trying to subdivide our British tribe to devolved maps of yore."
2. And yes. In 1953, Bassey signed her first professional contract, to sing in the touring variety show Memories of Jolson, a musical based on the life of Al Jolson. I guarantee there were other applicants for that job.

....and she was deemed the best applicant, so she got the job. If there was no immigration at all and this was a pure white Anglo-Saxon country, the best candidate would STILL get the job, and there would still be people with shattered dreams and ambitions.

And thus she DID "hold back native talent".

Thus there is a negligible benefit to the UK, in that Bassey was slightly better than the next to best singer,

while the cost is that one "native talent" UK citizen was denied that opportunity.

If you want to show a benefit to the UK from immigration, you have to show something good that happened to the UK, that could NOT have happened without immigration.

Showing a good singer who happens to be a child off an immigrant does NOT do that.

The UK would still have had excellent singers without immigration.
2. And yes. In 1953, Bassey signed her first professional contract, to sing in the touring variety show Memories of Jolson, a musical based on the life of Al Jolson. I guarantee there were other applicants for that job.

....and she was deemed the best applicant, so she got the job. If there was no immigration at all and this was a pure white Anglo-Saxon country, the best candidate would STILL get the job, and there would still be people with shattered dreams and ambitions.

And thus she DID "hold back native talent".

Thus there is a negligible benefit to the UK, in that Bassey was slightly better than the next to best singer,

while the cost is that one "native talent" UK citizen was denied that opportunity.

If you want to show a benefit to the UK from immigration, you have to show something good that happened to the UK, that could NOT have happened without immigration.

Showing a good singer who happens to be a child off an immigrant does NOT do that.

The UK would still have had excellent singers without immigration.
You are a riot kid. People are laughing at you. Nobody is that dumb.

Kind of begs the question what would,in your mature opinion, be "something good" ?
Tell that to the brits who don't have jobs because an immigrant is doing the job better and/or cheaper,

So you admit immigrants can do the job better, thanks.

Filling niches that could have been filled by native born UK whites.

If they had the skill or talent or desire.

If those immigrants had NOT immigrated, those roles would have been filled by someone else.

If they had the skill or talent or desire.

Which shows that immigration is great for the immigrants.

Correct! We agree on something.

Got it. YOu are using cheap labor to cover up the non-sustainability of your social programs.

They were quite sustainable until Thatcher introduced a "free market" into it and cut funding.

Taking a job that could have been filled by an actual Welsh singer.

If they had the skill or talent or desire.

Oh, is sports hero a job that native born whites won't do? SOmeone else would have had those slots.

If they had the skill or talent or desire.

There is a chinese buffet I go to. Yes, you can argue that you want an authentic chinese cook.

Chinese? Immigrants!!!

You don't need mass immigration to have a rich food scene.

Yes you do.

Increased competition that crushed the dreams of native born whites who wanted to be rock stars.

If they had the skill or talent or desire.

1. Yes, the immigrants can do the job better and/or cheaper. That doesn't mean that they are NEEDED to get the job done which is what you were claiming when you initially said they did jobs that native born whites would NOT do.

2. YOu are putting the interests of the employer who wants cheaper and better labor ahead of the far more numerous want-to-be native born workers who want jobs and raising wages.

3. Nope. In every instance the guy that was just barely edged out by the immigrant could have filled that role with a statistically insignificant drop in quality. Instead he lost out on his dreams because of Government Policy.

4. And no, modern First World social program systems are NOT sustainable with a post industrial greying, or even dropping population, and ever increasing and ever increasingly expensive life spans.
Your naked racism makes any point you make redundant.

I agreed with you initially but I've changed my mind. It's really not about racism, although for some anti-immigration proponents this could well be true individually. What seems to be coming apparent from what Correll has been posting is that it's all about "inadequates"; those people less talented, less skilled, less educated, etc.

It's about preying on their fears and finding scapegoats they can focus on instead of attempting to better themselves or questioning how/why society has let them down. The classic, "it's not my fault I can't get a job, it's those bloody immigrants coming in and taking the job I wanted!" approach makes these people feel both "good" about themselves and "victims" at the same time.

We have gone over this point repeatedly. As you admitted, in your quotes below, it is not about the Native Born Whites being "inadequate" but about the immigrants being willing to the job cheaper or worker harder for the same pay.

None of that means the native born workers are "inadequate".

Thus, your attack aimed at Native Born White workers is shown to be a rationalization for your support of the policy of HIgh Immigration.

1. Your words.

" I worked for Tarmac about that time and we found Eastern European migrant workers just as skilled as their British counterparts but they were more reliable and worked harder for the same rate of pay, hiring them was a no brainer; the free market can be a bitch to those who get complacent and lazy."

Thus, it is not about Brits NOT being willing to do the work, but about employers wanting better workers than they can get from a First World nation without increasing pay.

2. YOur words.

"Where will you get the money from? These foreign medical professionals were attracted because the NHS paid more than they earned in their home countries; raise the wages to what a native would expect and you'd bankrupt the NHS, which is cracking at the seams already. Haven't you heard, we live in an age of "austerity"."

It is not that Brits won't do the work, it's that immigrants will do it cheaper.

And although in most cases this isn’t really a problem, the problems happen when one tribe believes that they are better than the other tribe. Then we start to see that group as the ‘other’ as somehow threatening or lesser than us.

Migrants today are being blamed for all of our woes. Can’t get a house? Blame the migrants. Can’t get a job? Must be the migrants. Traffic jams? It’s those pesky migrants again. Fungal foot infection?? Ok so I made that last one up, but I actually wouldn’t be surprised to see it in the headlines of a certain paper that shall remain nameless!

And at the moment, there is a growing sense of outrage that ‘our’ tribe is under attack, that our tribe’s values are being diluted, that we need to protect our tribe from those evil, scrounging tribes from over there in otherland, Ug.

But what exactly is our tribe? Notwithstanding the fact that we all (yes all of us) are descended from some otherland (think Romans, Normans, Angles, Saxons, Jutes etc, etc.) – migration to and from this country is a long standing and established British tradition. We now even seem to be trying to subdivide our British tribe to devolved maps of yore."

Most of this thread has been supporters of the policy of High Immigration trying to demonstrate the benefits of High Immigration.

(Remember when you initially claimed that native born whites wouldn't do the jobs? LOL.)

That is what you need to do in order to justify the national policy. If the policy does NOT benefit the citizens of the nation, then the policy should be changed.

I have debunked your claims with your own words, repeatedly.

Calling my concern for my interests and the interests of "those that are like" me, "tribalism" does not support your position.

It is merely an attempt to change the subject from the actual TOPIC, to an examination of your opinion of my motivations.

This is a debate you cannot lose.

For all you have to do is present your negative opinion of my motives, and character, and dismiss all evidence or argument to the contrary.

This suppresses a debate that you had lost, and though smearing your ideological opponent's character marginalizes him and his position.

It is a vile form of propaganda, and a very common one.

It is widely known as the Race Card.

ONe of the smaller side effects of this tactic, btw, was the massive rape ring in Rotherham, with the rape and torture of thousands of native born white children.

That that does not give you pause to use this tactic is unbelievable to me.

Truthfully, and I feel comfortable telling you this, because you are feel so comfortable assigning to me vile motives without any just reason,

your lack of concern about the horrific costs of your methods makes you disgusting to me.

FOr you.

2. And yes. In 1953, Bassey signed her first professional contract, to sing in the touring variety show Memories of Jolson, a musical based on the life of Al Jolson. I guarantee there were other applicants for that job.

....and she was deemed the best applicant, so she got the job. If there was no immigration at all and this was a pure white Anglo-Saxon country, the best candidate would STILL get the job, and there would still be people with shattered dreams and ambitions.

And thus she DID "hold back native talent".

Thus there is a negligible benefit to the UK, in that Bassey was slightly better than the next to best singer,

while the cost is that one "native talent" UK citizen was denied that opportunity.

If you want to show a benefit to the UK from immigration, you have to show something good that happened to the UK, that could NOT have happened without immigration.

Showing a good singer who happens to be a child off an immigrant does NOT do that.

The UK would still have had excellent singers without immigration.
You are a riot kid. People are laughing at you. Nobody is that dumb.

Kind of begs the question what would,in your mature opinion, be "something good" ?

From the post you just "responded to", two sentences above your post, you moron.

"If you want to show a benefit to the UK from immigration, you have to show something good that happened to the UK, that could NOT have happened without immigration."

BTW, asshole, nothing in your post challenged my point about Bassey.
2. And yes. In 1953, Bassey signed her first professional contract, to sing in the touring variety show Memories of Jolson, a musical based on the life of Al Jolson. I guarantee there were other applicants for that job.

....and she was deemed the best applicant, so she got the job. If there was no immigration at all and this was a pure white Anglo-Saxon country, the best candidate would STILL get the job, and there would still be people with shattered dreams and ambitions.

And thus she DID "hold back native talent".

Thus there is a negligible benefit to the UK, in that Bassey was slightly better than the next to best singer,

while the cost is that one "native talent" UK citizen was denied that opportunity.

If you want to show a benefit to the UK from immigration, you have to show something good that happened to the UK, that could NOT have happened without immigration.

Showing a good singer who happens to be a child off an immigrant does NOT do that.

The UK would still have had excellent singers without immigration.
You are a riot kid. People are laughing at you. Nobody is that dumb.

Kind of begs the question what would,in your mature opinion, be "something good" ?

From the post you just "responded to", two sentences above your post, you moron.

"If you want to show a benefit to the UK from immigration, you have to show something good that happened to the UK, that could NOT have happened without immigration."

BTW, asshole, nothing in your post challenged my point about Bassey.

Shirley is a unique talent. There is no next in line. She made the world a better place. You know that she isnt a muslim dont you ?

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