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84 schools in England show NO white British pupils...

I made a valid point, about the way your behavior demonstrated the Witch Hunt mentality of Political Correctness, JUST LIKE IN ROTHERHAM.

Your response? "Whatever"?

Being snarky is not a defense, it is a dodge.


I read it as complicit support for the behavior in question.

Thousands of postings that all point in the same direction makes that clear.

Hello Doggy, nothing much happening in the Zionist paradise forum then?
...But regardless, the argument that pro-immigration people always use is that british WON'T DO the work. NOw we see that that is not the case.

No movement of goal posts, just sharing an anecdote from personal experience in the industry you cited. Here's an interesting article from a "right wing" newspaper, however:

"...It’s a cliché, but it’s a cliché for a reason: a few rotten apples aside (such as the criminal gangs from Eastern Europe who have made a home here along with their fellow countrymen), migrants mostly come here to do the jobs we can't or won’t. In the first category are those at the upper end, who work for mostly London-based companies that require access to global talent pools - but they're not really who we're talking about, given that they put in far more than they take out (unless you're competing against them for access to the London property market, or places at private school).

In the second are those who do what are called 3D or 5D jobs - “dirty, difficult and dangerous”, or the same with “domestic and dull” added. That's confirmed by Migration Observatory, which found that it was precisely these "relatively low-skilled sectors and occupations" that have seen the biggest growth in foreign-born workers since the early 2000s. Migrants in the UK Labour Market: An Overview | The Migration Observatory

None of this is to say that immigration isn’t a concern. Yes, people overestimate its impact: as a recent survey has found, people believe that immigrants make up a quarter of the population rather than the actual figure of 13 per cent. And no, it doesn’t necessarily prevent British people getting jobs: witness the fact that the number of jobless families has fallen to an 18-year low, even as immigration remains stubbornly high (which in turn suggests that many of these new arrivals are adding to workforce rather than displacing Britons from their jobs).

Our immigration problems are a result of Britain's success

2. Well, maybe you should raise wages until the new brits workers have a chance to fill those slots. That would help hold them, and then be good jobs for your citizens when the time comes

Where will you get the money from? These foreign medical professionals were attracted because the NHS paid more than they earned in their home countries; raise the wages to what a native would expect and you'd bankrupt the NHS, which is cracking at the seams already. Haven't you heard, we live in an age of "austerity".

3. So, do you craft policy to benefit the schools, or to benefit the citizens?

Both. since schools reciving funding from foreign countries help defray costs borne by the taxpayer and the schools will accept native students, so it's a win-win scenario.

1. All you just did there was repeat your claim that we already debunked. Brits ARE willing to do those jobs.

2. Got it. So you admit it is not about natives NOT being willing to do the job, but about you not being willing to pay a fair wage. Thus, you try to cover the difference by paying less to desperate foreigners.

3. Mmm, lets imagine that a single educator is supported by the money brought in from abroad. Yet in his career he would educate and graduate thousands of foreigners who will now be competing with British Citizens for jobs, and careers. Overall, looks like a negative for the UK.
Has the EU shown any interest in respecting the democratically expressed will of various national populations who want to protect themselves, their economy and their culture?

If these "various national populations who want to protect themselves, their economy and their culture" voted in EU elections they might be taken more seriously.

What EU elections, as the people are not allowed to vote on such matters, that is only for the unelected eurocrats in Brussels to decide. When were you ever asked to vote on a bail out for Greece or the length of a cucumber
...But regardless, the argument that pro-immigration people always use is that british WON'T DO the work. NOw we see that that is not the case.

No movement of goal posts, just sharing an anecdote from personal experience in the industry you cited. Here's an interesting article from a "right wing" newspaper, however:

"...It’s a cliché, but it’s a cliché for a reason: a few rotten apples aside (such as the criminal gangs from Eastern Europe who have made a home here along with their fellow countrymen), migrants mostly come here to do the jobs we can't or won’t. In the first category are those at the upper end, who work for mostly London-based companies that require access to global talent pools - but they're not really who we're talking about, given that they put in far more than they take out (unless you're competing against them for access to the London property market, or places at private school).

In the second are those who do what are called 3D or 5D jobs - “dirty, difficult and dangerous”, or the same with “domestic and dull” added. That's confirmed by Migration Observatory, which found that it was precisely these "relatively low-skilled sectors and occupations" that have seen the biggest growth in foreign-born workers since the early 2000s. Migrants in the UK Labour Market: An Overview | The Migration Observatory

None of this is to say that immigration isn’t a concern. Yes, people overestimate its impact: as a recent survey has found, people believe that immigrants make up a quarter of the population rather than the actual figure of 13 per cent. And no, it doesn’t necessarily prevent British people getting jobs: witness the fact that the number of jobless families has fallen to an 18-year low, even as immigration remains stubbornly high (which in turn suggests that many of these new arrivals are adding to workforce rather than displacing Britons from their jobs).

Our immigration problems are a result of Britain's success

2. Well, maybe you should raise wages until the new brits workers have a chance to fill those slots. That would help hold them, and then be good jobs for your citizens when the time comes

Where will you get the money from? These foreign medical professionals were attracted because the NHS paid more than they earned in their home countries; raise the wages to what a native would expect and you'd bankrupt the NHS, which is cracking at the seams already. Haven't you heard, we live in an age of "austerity".

3. So, do you craft policy to benefit the schools, or to benefit the citizens?

Both. since schools reciving funding from foreign countries help defray costs borne by the taxpayer and the schools will accept native students, so it's a win-win scenario.

1. All you just did there was repeat your claim that we already debunked. Brits ARE willing to do those jobs.

2. Got it. So you admit it is not about natives NOT being willing to do the job, but about you not being willing to pay a fair wage. Thus, you try to cover the difference by paying less to desperate foreigners.

3. Mmm, lets imagine that a single educator is supported by the money brought in from abroad. Yet in his career he would educate and graduate thousands of foreigners who will now be competing with British Citizens for jobs, and careers. Overall, looks like a negative for the UK.

1. Debunked? Hardly.
2. Not me, the Tories.
3. Claptrap, most students go home and get rich/make their careers there.

The problem with "Little Englanders" like you is you think it's all about you; it's not.

The "darkies" aren't taking your jobs, chasing your women or molesting your kids; at least not to the extent you'd have us believe. Economic migrants come here to make money to send home to their families and they're prepared to do any menial work that "the natives" won't do. Read, Migrants in the UK Labour Market: An Overview | The Migration Observatory in my link.

If the natives did, there'd be no vacancies and we'd have full employment. Migrants actually enrich our culture, rather than destroy it. All cultures evolve; we never had Christmas trees until Germans brought them over, do you like Pizza? most Brits do. An Italian invention and as for Curry (Asian), Kebabs (Greek/Turkish) some things we'd never have bothered with if migrants hadn't brought them over, and that's just food.

This article sums it up quite well:

"We need rather to view immigration from an entirely different perspective. We need to acknowledge the movement of peoples as neither an aberration, nor as an evil to be tolerated, but as an inherent part of human life. We need to view the social changes that immigration brings not as a loss of something precious, but also as the gain of something valuable, the creation of a more open, vibrant, cosmopolitan society. We should regard the clashes and conflicts in ideas and values that immigration often creates not as something to be feared and minimised but as something to be prized, the basis of social engagement, the means by which we can break out of our narrow cultural boxes and create possibility of a common language of citizenship."
...But regardless, the argument that pro-immigration people always use is that british WON'T DO the work. NOw we see that that is not the case.

No movement of goal posts, just sharing an anecdote from personal experience in the industry you cited. Here's an interesting article from a "right wing" newspaper, however:

"...It’s a cliché, but it’s a cliché for a reason: a few rotten apples aside (such as the criminal gangs from Eastern Europe who have made a home here along with their fellow countrymen), migrants mostly come here to do the jobs we can't or won’t. In the first category are those at the upper end, who work for mostly London-based companies that require access to global talent pools - but they're not really who we're talking about, given that they put in far more than they take out (unless you're competing against them for access to the London property market, or places at private school).

In the second are those who do what are called 3D or 5D jobs - “dirty, difficult and dangerous”, or the same with “domestic and dull” added. That's confirmed by Migration Observatory, which found that it was precisely these "relatively low-skilled sectors and occupations" that have seen the biggest growth in foreign-born workers since the early 2000s. Migrants in the UK Labour Market: An Overview | The Migration Observatory

None of this is to say that immigration isn’t a concern. Yes, people overestimate its impact: as a recent survey has found, people believe that immigrants make up a quarter of the population rather than the actual figure of 13 per cent. And no, it doesn’t necessarily prevent British people getting jobs: witness the fact that the number of jobless families has fallen to an 18-year low, even as immigration remains stubbornly high (which in turn suggests that many of these new arrivals are adding to workforce rather than displacing Britons from their jobs).

Our immigration problems are a result of Britain's success

2. Well, maybe you should raise wages until the new brits workers have a chance to fill those slots. That would help hold them, and then be good jobs for your citizens when the time comes

Where will you get the money from? These foreign medical professionals were attracted because the NHS paid more than they earned in their home countries; raise the wages to what a native would expect and you'd bankrupt the NHS, which is cracking at the seams already. Haven't you heard, we live in an age of "austerity".

3. So, do you craft policy to benefit the schools, or to benefit the citizens?

Both. since schools reciving funding from foreign countries help defray costs borne by the taxpayer and the schools will accept native students, so it's a win-win scenario.

1. All you just did there was repeat your claim that we already debunked. Brits ARE willing to do those jobs.

2. Got it. So you admit it is not about natives NOT being willing to do the job, but about you not being willing to pay a fair wage. Thus, you try to cover the difference by paying less to desperate foreigners.

3. Mmm, lets imagine that a single educator is supported by the money brought in from abroad. Yet in his career he would educate and graduate thousands of foreigners who will now be competing with British Citizens for jobs, and careers. Overall, looks like a negative for the UK.

1. Debunked? Hardly.
2. Not me, the Tories.
3. Claptrap, most students go home and get rich/make their careers there.

The problem with "Little Englanders" like you is you think it's all about you; it's not.

The "darkies" aren't taking your jobs, chasing your women or molesting your kids; at least not to the extent you'd have us believe. Economic migrants come here to make money to send home to their families and they're prepared to do any menial work that "the natives" won't do. Read, Migrants in the UK Labour Market: An Overview | The Migration Observatory in my link.

If the natives did, there'd be no vacancies and we'd have full employment. Migrants actually enrich our culture, rather than destroy it. All cultures evolve; we never had Christmas trees until Germans brought them over, do you like Pizza? most Brits do. An Italian invention and as for Curry (Asian), Kebabs (Greek/Turkish) some things we'd never have bothered with if migrants hadn't brought them over, and that's just food.

This article sums it up quite well:

"We need rather to view immigration from an entirely different perspective. We need to acknowledge the movement of peoples as neither an aberration, nor as an evil to be tolerated, but as an inherent part of human life. We need to view the social changes that immigration brings not as a loss of something precious, but also as the gain of something valuable, the creation of a more open, vibrant, cosmopolitan society. We should regard the clashes and conflicts in ideas and values that immigration often creates not as something to be feared and minimised but as something to be prized, the basis of social engagement, the means by which we can break out of our narrow cultural boxes and create possibility of a common language of citizenship."
Curry is the national dish of Britain. If ISIS wanted to wipe us out all they need to do is infiltrate all the curry houses. What a grey and miserable place it would be in ukipland.

The lad who does our windows is Polish and he has been here for a decade.he started with a ladder and a bucket and now has a shiny new van. He is so busy that he has had to take on a young lad to help him. His wife works in the local Aldi and their little boy attends the local catholic school.

I have no idea if they ever claimed benefits but I suspect they have at some point. Its tough getting started at the best of times.

Under UKIP edict he would be booted out I suppose. But I believe that he makes a positive contribution to the UK and I would welcome more like him. He certainly pays more tax than our prime minister.
...But regardless, the argument that pro-immigration people always use is that british WON'T DO the work. NOw we see that that is not the case.

No movement of goal posts, just sharing an anecdote from personal experience in the industry you cited. Here's an interesting article from a "right wing" newspaper, however:

"...It’s a cliché, but it’s a cliché for a reason: a few rotten apples aside (such as the criminal gangs from Eastern Europe who have made a home here along with their fellow countrymen), migrants mostly come here to do the jobs we can't or won’t. In the first category are those at the upper end, who work for mostly London-based companies that require access to global talent pools - but they're not really who we're talking about, given that they put in far more than they take out (unless you're competing against them for access to the London property market, or places at private school).

In the second are those who do what are called 3D or 5D jobs - “dirty, difficult and dangerous”, or the same with “domestic and dull” added. That's confirmed by Migration Observatory, which found that it was precisely these "relatively low-skilled sectors and occupations" that have seen the biggest growth in foreign-born workers since the early 2000s. Migrants in the UK Labour Market: An Overview | The Migration Observatory

None of this is to say that immigration isn’t a concern. Yes, people overestimate its impact: as a recent survey has found, people believe that immigrants make up a quarter of the population rather than the actual figure of 13 per cent. And no, it doesn’t necessarily prevent British people getting jobs: witness the fact that the number of jobless families has fallen to an 18-year low, even as immigration remains stubbornly high (which in turn suggests that many of these new arrivals are adding to workforce rather than displacing Britons from their jobs).

Our immigration problems are a result of Britain's success

2. Well, maybe you should raise wages until the new brits workers have a chance to fill those slots. That would help hold them, and then be good jobs for your citizens when the time comes

Where will you get the money from? These foreign medical professionals were attracted because the NHS paid more than they earned in their home countries; raise the wages to what a native would expect and you'd bankrupt the NHS, which is cracking at the seams already. Haven't you heard, we live in an age of "austerity".

3. So, do you craft policy to benefit the schools, or to benefit the citizens?

Both. since schools reciving funding from foreign countries help defray costs borne by the taxpayer and the schools will accept native students, so it's a win-win scenario.

1. All you just did there was repeat your claim that we already debunked. Brits ARE willing to do those jobs.

2. Got it. So you admit it is not about natives NOT being willing to do the job, but about you not being willing to pay a fair wage. Thus, you try to cover the difference by paying less to desperate foreigners.

3. Mmm, lets imagine that a single educator is supported by the money brought in from abroad. Yet in his career he would educate and graduate thousands of foreigners who will now be competing with British Citizens for jobs, and careers. Overall, looks like a negative for the UK.

1. Debunked? Hardly.
2. Not me, the Tories.
3. Claptrap, most students go home and get rich/make their careers there.

The problem with "Little Englanders" like you is you think it's all about you; it's not.

The "darkies" aren't taking your jobs, chasing your women or molesting your kids; at least not to the extent you'd have us believe. Economic migrants come here to make money to send home to their families and they're prepared to do any menial work that "the natives" won't do. Read, Migrants in the UK Labour Market: An Overview | The Migration Observatory in my link.

If the natives did, there'd be no vacancies and we'd have full employment. Migrants actually enrich our culture, rather than destroy it. All cultures evolve; we never had Christmas trees until Germans brought them over, do you like Pizza? most Brits do. An Italian invention and as for Curry (Asian), Kebabs (Greek/Turkish) some things we'd never have bothered with if migrants hadn't brought them over, and that's just food.

This article sums it up quite well:

"We need rather to view immigration from an entirely different perspective. We need to acknowledge the movement of peoples as neither an aberration, nor as an evil to be tolerated, but as an inherent part of human life. We need to view the social changes that immigration brings not as a loss of something precious, but also as the gain of something valuable, the creation of a more open, vibrant, cosmopolitan society. We should regard the clashes and conflicts in ideas and values that immigration often creates not as something to be feared and minimised but as something to be prized, the basis of social engagement, the means by which we can break out of our narrow cultural boxes and create possibility of a common language of citizenship."

1. Your words.

" I worked for Tarmac about that time and we found Eastern European migrant workers just as skilled as their British counterparts but they were more reliable and worked harder for the same rate of pay, hiring them was a no brainer; the free market can be a bitch to those who get complacent and lazy."

Thus, it is not about Brits NOT being willing to do the work, but about employers wanting better workers than they can get from a First World nation without increasing pay.

2. YOur words.

"Where will you get the money from? These foreign medical professionals were attracted because the NHS paid more than they earned in their home countries; raise the wages to what a native would expect and you'd bankrupt the NHS, which is cracking at the seams already. Haven't you heard, we live in an age of "austerity"."

It is not that Brits won't do the work, it's that immigrants will do it cheaper.

The "darkies", as you so subtly slip in the Race Card, ARE taking jobs and decreasing wages.
Has the EU shown any interest in respecting the democratically expressed will of various national populations who want to protect themselves, their economy and their culture?

If these "various national populations who want to protect themselves, their economy and their culture" voted in EU elections they might be taken more seriously.

What EU elections, as the people are not allowed to vote on such matters, that is only for the unelected eurocrats in Brussels to decide. When were you ever asked to vote on a bail out for Greece or the length of a cucumber

Can I respectfully suggest when anyone was ever asked to vote on whether they wanted their children to be forced to go to academies, or to build a hugely expensive fleet of aircraft carriers?

The European Parliament is directly elected by all EU citizens. The "unelected Eurocrats in Brussels" no longer have the power to make laws and rulings without the consent of the EUP since Maastricht in 1992. The powers of the European Parliament have increased over time and lately it has been showing signs of "independance" from national governments. Like the saying goes if you don't vote, you can't bitch about the government you get.
Thus, it is not about Brits NOT being willing to do the work, but about employers wanting better workers than they can get from a First World nation without increasing pay.

It is not that Brits won't do the work, it's that immigrants will do it cheaper.

Nice try, but the reality is, if all the "natives" were willing to do the work available, there would be no "vacancies" for the migrants.

The "darkies", as you so subtly slip in the Race Card, ARE taking jobs and decreasing wages.

I slipped in the race card? Seriosly? "Little Englanders" are the biggest racists going. This whole thread is about racism.
Thus, it is not about Brits NOT being willing to do the work, but about employers wanting better workers than they can get from a First World nation without increasing pay.

It is not that Brits won't do the work, it's that immigrants will do it cheaper.

Nice try, but the reality is, if all the "natives" were willing to do the work available, there would be no "vacancies" for the migrants.....

That is not a logical conclusion.
Thus, it is not about Brits NOT being willing to do the work, but about employers wanting better workers than they can get from a First World nation without increasing pay.

It is not that Brits won't do the work, it's that immigrants will do it cheaper.

Nice try, but the reality is, if all the "natives" were willing to do the work available, there would be no "vacancies" for the migrants.

The "darkies", as you so subtly slip in the Race Card, ARE taking jobs and decreasing wages.

I slipped in the race card? Seriosly? "Little Englanders" are the biggest racists going. This whole thread is about racism.

As I posted in #336, using YOUR WORDS you admitted that the issue was not that Brits were NOT willing to do the work, but that employers wanted BETTER workers without raising wages, or CHEAPER workers.

Now you are moving the goal posts to claiming that the very fact that employers have sometimes have openings is a reason to support immigration.

Are you against rising wages for the Working Poor and/or Middle Class?

Because that is what leads to rising wages, ie demand for labor exceeding supply.

And yes, Race Card. You OBVIOUSLY cannot honestly defend your position on this issue, so you are trying to change the subject to personal attacks on your ideological or partisan enemies.

THE Primary Propaganda Tool of the Left in the Modern Western World.
Thus, it is not about Brits NOT being willing to do the work, but about employers wanting better workers than they can get from a First World nation without increasing pay.

It is not that Brits won't do the work, it's that immigrants will do it cheaper.

Nice try, but the reality is, if all the "natives" were willing to do the work available, there would be no "vacancies" for the migrants.

The "darkies", as you so subtly slip in the Race Card, ARE taking jobs and decreasing wages.

I slipped in the race card? Seriosly? "Little Englanders" are the biggest racists going. This whole thread is about racism.

As I posted in #336, using YOUR WORDS you admitted that the issue was not that Brits were NOT willing to do the work, but that employers wanted BETTER workers without raising wages, or CHEAPER workers.

Now you are moving the goal posts to claiming that the very fact that employers have sometimes have openings is a reason to support immigration.

Are you against rising wages for the Working Poor and/or Middle Class?

Because that is what leads to rising wages, ie demand for labor exceeding supply.

And yes, Race Card. You OBVIOUSLY cannot honestly defend your position on this issue, so you are trying to change the subject to personal attacks on your ideological or partisan enemies.

THE Primary Propaganda Tool of the Left in the Modern Western World.
Laughable. The whole thread is about racism.
Thus, it is not about Brits NOT being willing to do the work, but about employers wanting better workers than they can get from a First World nation without increasing pay.

It is not that Brits won't do the work, it's that immigrants will do it cheaper.

Nice try, but the reality is, if all the "natives" were willing to do the work available, there would be no "vacancies" for the migrants.

The "darkies", as you so subtly slip in the Race Card, ARE taking jobs and decreasing wages.

I slipped in the race card? Seriosly? "Little Englanders" are the biggest racists going. This whole thread is about racism.

As I posted in #336, using YOUR WORDS you admitted that the issue was not that Brits were NOT willing to do the work, but that employers wanted BETTER workers without raising wages, or CHEAPER workers.

Now you are moving the goal posts to claiming that the very fact that employers have sometimes have openings is a reason to support immigration.

Are you against rising wages for the Working Poor and/or Middle Class?

Because that is what leads to rising wages, ie demand for labor exceeding supply.

And yes, Race Card. You OBVIOUSLY cannot honestly defend your position on this issue, so you are trying to change the subject to personal attacks on your ideological or partisan enemies.

THE Primary Propaganda Tool of the Left in the Modern Western World.
Laughable. The whole thread is about racism.

No, the thread is about the effects of high levels of Third World Immigration.

Accusations of Racism is the Primary Defense that the Left has for it's policies.

Challenger had been trying to make the case for Third World Immigration serving UK interests, but his effort is failing miserably.

As shown by the way I have been able to use his own words to debunk his claims.

This is not to say that I am a better debater than Challenger.

The truth is that he was handicapped by having a very weak case to defend.

Thus, he is trying to change the subject, rather than admit the truth, ie that Third Wold Immigration is NOT good for the UK.

And the subject he is trying to derail the thread to, is of course The Race Card.
Thus, it is not about Brits NOT being willing to do the work, but about employers wanting better workers than they can get from a First World nation without increasing pay.

It is not that Brits won't do the work, it's that immigrants will do it cheaper.

Nice try, but the reality is, if all the "natives" were willing to do the work available, there would be no "vacancies" for the migrants.

The "darkies", as you so subtly slip in the Race Card, ARE taking jobs and decreasing wages.

I slipped in the race card? Seriosly? "Little Englanders" are the biggest racists going. This whole thread is about racism.

As I posted in #336, using YOUR WORDS you admitted that the issue was not that Brits were NOT willing to do the work, but that employers wanted BETTER workers without raising wages, or CHEAPER workers.

Now you are moving the goal posts to claiming that the very fact that employers have sometimes have openings is a reason to support immigration.

Are you against rising wages for the Working Poor and/or Middle Class?

Because that is what leads to rising wages, ie demand for labor exceeding supply.

And yes, Race Card. You OBVIOUSLY cannot honestly defend your position on this issue, so you are trying to change the subject to personal attacks on your ideological or partisan enemies.

THE Primary Propaganda Tool of the Left in the Modern Western World.
Laughable. The whole thread is about racism.

No, the thread is about the effects of high levels of Third World Immigration.

Accusations of Racism is the Primary Defense that the Left has for it's policies.

Challenger had been trying to make the case for Third World Immigration serving UK interests, but his effort is failing miserably.

As shown by the way I have been able to use his own words to debunk his claims.

This is not to say that I am a better debater than Challenger.

The truth is that he was handicapped by having a very weak case to defend.

Thus, he is trying to change the subject, rather than admit the truth, ie that Third Wold Immigration is NOT good for the UK.

And the subject he is trying to derail the thread to, is of course The Race Card.
Nope its all about racism.Its not generally a problem when things are going well but any economic slump sees the bigots looking for a scapegoat.
That is the way of the world.
Third World Immigration has greatly enhanced Britain. The country is more diverse and benefits from the efforts of those who have come to make a life for themselves here.

Ugandan Asians are part of Britain's secret weapon for success | Coffee House

Even the Spectator believes that.
No, the thread is about the effects of high levels of Third World Immigration.
What high level of immigration? A 2.5% increase in the Asian population in 10 years and a 1.06% increase in the Afro-Caribbean population over the same period are not particularly high. Talking of moving goalposts are you really bitching about 3rd world or Eastern Europe/EU migration? you bait and switch so often it's starting to get confusing.
Thus, it is not about Brits NOT being willing to do the work, but about employers wanting better workers than they can get from a First World nation without increasing pay.

It is not that Brits won't do the work, it's that immigrants will do it cheaper.

Nice try, but the reality is, if all the "natives" were willing to do the work available, there would be no "vacancies" for the migrants.....

That is not a logical conclusion.
How so?
Challenger had been trying to make the case for Third World Immigration serving UK interests, but his effort is failing miserably.

I've been trying to maintain a sense of proportion regarding this issue as opposed to scare-mongering, although I would agree it does serve our interests on several levels; inbreeding, for example, is not considered a good survival trait.
Thus, it is not about Brits NOT being willing to do the work, but about employers wanting better workers than they can get from a First World nation without increasing pay.

It is not that Brits won't do the work, it's that immigrants will do it cheaper.

Nice try, but the reality is, if all the "natives" were willing to do the work available, there would be no "vacancies" for the migrants.

The "darkies", as you so subtly slip in the Race Card, ARE taking jobs and decreasing wages.

I slipped in the race card? Seriosly? "Little Englanders" are the biggest racists going. This whole thread is about racism.

As I posted in #336, using YOUR WORDS you admitted that the issue was not that Brits were NOT willing to do the work, but that employers wanted BETTER workers without raising wages, or CHEAPER workers.

Now you are moving the goal posts to claiming that the very fact that employers have sometimes have openings is a reason to support immigration.

Are you against rising wages for the Working Poor and/or Middle Class?

Because that is what leads to rising wages, ie demand for labor exceeding supply.

And yes, Race Card. You OBVIOUSLY cannot honestly defend your position on this issue, so you are trying to change the subject to personal attacks on your ideological or partisan enemies.

THE Primary Propaganda Tool of the Left in the Modern Western World.
Laughable. The whole thread is about racism.

No, the thread is about the effects of high levels of Third World Immigration.

Accusations of Racism is the Primary Defense that the Left has for it's policies.

Challenger had been trying to make the case for Third World Immigration serving UK interests, but his effort is failing miserably.

As shown by the way I have been able to use his own words to debunk his claims.

This is not to say that I am a better debater than Challenger.

The truth is that he was handicapped by having a very weak case to defend.

Thus, he is trying to change the subject, rather than admit the truth, ie that Third Wold Immigration is NOT good for the UK.

And the subject he is trying to derail the thread to, is of course The Race Card.
Nope its all about racism.Its not generally a problem when things are going well but any economic slump sees the bigots looking for a scapegoat.
That is the way of the world.
Third World Immigration has greatly enhanced Britain. The country is more diverse and benefits from the efforts of those who have come to make a life for themselves here.

Ugandan Asians are part of Britain's secret weapon for success | Coffee House

Even the Spectator believes that.

There was no example of HOW Third World Immigration was good for the UK, in that linked article.

There was a number of statements CLAIMING THAT, but with no support.

Much like your post(s).

You state stuff over and over again, without ever giving examples or even logical explanations.

Diversity has not intrinsic value, no matter how many times you claim it does.

Constantly claiming that anyone who thinks that Third World Immigration is a "problem" is a "bigot" does not make it so, no matter how many times you say it.

WIth enough of a witch hunt mentality you MIGHT manage to scare people into keeping quite for fear of being branded a "Racist" and thus you win political battles.

The cost of course is a loss of connection between policy and reality.

Such as what happened in Rotherham.

The reality was that a large ethnic rape gang was terrorizing, torturing, raping and literally ENSLAVING, children in your nation, but your government officials and police were afraid to say anything for fear of being branded as "racists".

Thus the policy was one of ignoring reality and allowing the Rape Gang to continue to operate unhindered.

This is the status quo you are supporting with your constant use of the Race Card.
No, the thread is about the effects of high levels of Third World Immigration.
What high level of immigration? A 2.5% increase in the Asian population in 10 years and a 1.06% increase in the Afro-Caribbean population over the same period are not particularly high. Talking of moving goalposts are you really bitching about 3rd world or Eastern Europe/EU migration? you bait and switch so often it's starting to get confusing.

Sorry, the two issues between the UK with immigration and the US with immigration are very similar, but we don't have a LOT of immigration from Eastern Europe, which is a minor difference for you.

In economic effect both seem to be the same, ie giving employERS the benefit of a flooded labor pool, thus giving them the advantage in any employer employee relationship.

And as a result you see fewer jobs with lower pay for UK/US citizens.

And it seems to be a major factor. YOu yourself state that is it important to keeping your NHS afloat.
Challenger had been trying to make the case for Third World Immigration serving UK interests, but his effort is failing miserably.

I've been trying to maintain a sense of proportion regarding this issue as opposed to scare-mongering, although I would agree it does serve our interests on several levels; inbreeding, for example, is not considered a good survival trait.

The native white population of the UK is not inbred.

That is a silly reason.

Your previous claims were more "reasonable" than that, but I have been able to debunk them using your own words.

What is it that you really like about Immigration/Third World Immigration that you find appealing?

DO you have guilt about Britain's Imperial past and think it is time to give back to the world?

DO you think diversity is cool and fun?

Someone who is worried about 50 million people being "inbred" has no grounds to be dismissive of other people's reasons.
The native white population of the UK is not inbred.

I never said it was (although there are some parts where this is true, mentioning no names ;) but there are several villages out there where everyone is related.).

I have been able to debunk them using your own words.

I must have blinked and missed that singular event, but dream on...

What is it that you really like about Immigration/Third World Immigration that you find appealing?

It doesn't bother me in any way shape or form, I'm putting it in it's proper context, you are scaremongering about the "extinction" of white Anglo-Saxons and creating mountains out of molehills.

DO you have guilt about Britain's Imperial past and think it is time to give back to the world?

:wtf:I have no problem with our Imperial past and accept no responsibility for any of the "unsavoury" things our ancestors did. Overall I believe the British Empire did more good than bad, as I've argued with Tommy Tainant in another thread.

DO you think diversity is cool and fun?

I've been inside a Catholic church, a Protestant church, a Mosque, a Synagogue, a Gurdwara, a Mandir and mixed socially with the people that go to these places, I have a variety of friends and I couldn't care less what colour their skin is or what gods they worship; they're my friends because I like them and they like me and most of the time we all get along famously. I also know a homosexual couple and a lesbian (yes, just the one). If that's embracing diversity, count me in.

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