89% of all Crime in NYC Nonwhite

Color of Crime update/summary excerpts
The Color of Crime

Crime rates

There are dramatic race differences in crime rates. Asians have the Lowest rates, followed by whites, and then Hispanics. Blacks have notably high crime rates. This pattern holds true for virtually all crime categories and for virtually all age groups. In 2013, a black was Six times more likely than a non-black to commit murder, and 12 times more likely to murder someone of another race than to be murdered by someone of another race.
Urban centers
In 2014 in New York City, a black was 31 times more likely than a white to be arrested for Murder, and a Hispanic was 12.4 times more likely. For the crime of “shooting”— defined as firing a bullet that hits someone —a black was 98.4 times more likely than a white to be arrested, and a Hispanic was 23.6 times more likely.

If New York City were All white, the murder rate would drop by 91%, the robbery rate by 81%, and the shootings rate by 97%.
In an All-white Chicago, murder would decline 90%, rape by 81%, and robbery by 90%.

Nah that's not true. Look at Russia.

stupid n1663r demonstrating why it is a stupid n1663r
All white Russia's murder rate is 5 times that of NYC you dumb honky
What would the rate look like if there were no white people in NY? I'm guessing the rate would be 10 times worse than russia. You got peaceful white New Yorkers skewing the numbers there.
NYC is one of the most diverse cities in the world. Great place. You should visit sometime.
Nice deflection. Being wrong isn't very fun, is it. :laugh:
and it ain't significantly Asian either.
Asians commit crime at a fraction of the white rate,
Leaving the usual suspects. Who as it turns out, are WAY Under stopped-and-frisked relative to their crime rates.
Yes, Yes, we know it's because of 'persecution' by those Park Avenue types. But apparently they have not much effect on other poor minorities who have low crime rates. Unlike virtually all other cities, NYC breaks Hispanic from 'white' so we can see the whole picture in addition to just 'Black.'

89% of all Crime in NYC Nonwhite
March 4, 2016 - by A.N. Wyatte
89% of all Crime in NYC Nonwhite - The New Observer

Nonwhites commit 89% of all crime in New York City, including 97.7% of all shootings, 96% of all robberies, 94.2% of all murders, 94.9% of all Juvenile Felony and Misdemeanor crimes, and 90.6% of all rapes.

These figures are contained in the New York City Police Department’s latest “Crime and Enforcement Activity in New York City” report, which covers the dates January 1 to December 31, 2015. It can be found on the New York Government website here (PDF).

The report is almost Unique in present-day America because it Openly presents statistics on race and crime compiled from the New York City Police Department’s records management system—statistics that are most often Suppressed by other police departments.

In addition, the NYPD breaks down the racial categories correctly, listing “Hispanic” separately instead of grouping it together with “white,” which is what most of the US government does (thereby artificially inflating the “white” crime levels).

We don't have a Gun or Crime Problem, we have a Minority (2) Problem.


What are poverty rates for blacks and Hispanics in NYC?
If poverty was the cause of black crime, you would have notoriously dangerous white neighborhoods too. Lots of them.
Lots of them in Russia. Probably lots in America too. I'd wager most poor white people in America have the benefit of living in places with no population density. Tons of empty land with neighbors too far away to bother starting a gang with. Trump country.
Probably lots in America? If they existed, you would have listed them and everyone would already be familiar with them.
Nah that's not true. Look at Russia.

stupid n1663r demonstrating why it is a stupid n1663r
All white Russia's murder rate is 5 times that of NYC you dumb honky
What would the rate look like if there were no white people in NY? I'm guessing the rate would be 10 times worse than russia. You got peaceful white New Yorkers skewing the numbers there.
NYC is one of the most diverse cities in the world. Great place. You should visit sometime.
Nice deflection. Being wrong isn't very fun, is it. :laugh:
White people are in the minority in NYC. Not saying white people are bad at all. Just that you're wrong, dumb, and a pussy.
and it ain't significantly Asian either.
Asians commit crime at a fraction of the white rate,
Leaving the usual suspects. Who as it turns out, are WAY Under stopped-and-frisked relative to their crime rates.
Yes, Yes, we know it's because of 'persecution' by those Park Avenue types. But apparently they have not much effect on other poor minorities who have low crime rates. Unlike virtually all other cities, NYC breaks Hispanic from 'white' so we can see the whole picture in addition to just 'Black.'

89% of all Crime in NYC Nonwhite
March 4, 2016 - by A.N. Wyatte
89% of all Crime in NYC Nonwhite - The New Observer

Nonwhites commit 89% of all crime in New York City, including 97.7% of all shootings, 96% of all robberies, 94.2% of all murders, 94.9% of all Juvenile Felony and Misdemeanor crimes, and 90.6% of all rapes.

These figures are contained in the New York City Police Department’s latest “Crime and Enforcement Activity in New York City” report, which covers the dates January 1 to December 31, 2015. It can be found on the New York Government website here (PDF).

The report is almost Unique in present-day America because it Openly presents statistics on race and crime compiled from the New York City Police Department’s records management system—statistics that are most often Suppressed by other police departments.

In addition, the NYPD breaks down the racial categories correctly, listing “Hispanic” separately instead of grouping it together with “white,” which is what most of the US government does (thereby artificially inflating the “white” crime levels).

We don't have a Gun or Crime Problem, we have a Minority (2) Problem.


What are poverty rates for blacks and Hispanics in NYC?
If poverty was the cause of black crime, you would have notoriously dangerous white neighborhoods too. Lots of them.
Lots of them in Russia. Probably lots in America too. I'd wager most poor white people in America have the benefit of living in places with no population density. Tons of empty land with neighbors too far away to bother starting a gang with. Trump country.
Probably lots in America? If they existed, you would have listed them and everyone would already be familiar with them.
No I don't obsess over race and demonizing people because of their skin color like you.
and it ain't significantly Asian either.
Asians commit crime at a fraction of the white rate,
Leaving the usual suspects. Who as it turns out, are WAY Under stopped-and-frisked relative to their crime rates.
Yes, Yes, we know it's because of 'persecution' by those Park Avenue types. But apparently they have not much effect on other poor minorities who have low crime rates. Unlike virtually all other cities, NYC breaks Hispanic from 'white' so we can see the whole picture in addition to just 'Black.'

89% of all Crime in NYC Nonwhite
March 4, 2016 - by A.N. Wyatte
89% of all Crime in NYC Nonwhite - The New Observer

Nonwhites commit 89% of all crime in New York City, including 97.7% of all shootings, 96% of all robberies, 94.2% of all murders, 94.9% of all Juvenile Felony and Misdemeanor crimes, and 90.6% of all rapes.

These figures are contained in the New York City Police Department’s latest “Crime and Enforcement Activity in New York City” report, which covers the dates January 1 to December 31, 2015. It can be found on the New York Government website here (PDF).

The report is almost Unique in present-day America because it Openly presents statistics on race and crime compiled from the New York City Police Department’s records management system—statistics that are most often Suppressed by other police departments.

In addition, the NYPD breaks down the racial categories correctly, listing “Hispanic” separately instead of grouping it together with “white,” which is what most of the US government does (thereby artificially inflating the “white” crime levels).

We don't have a Gun or Crime Problem, we have a Minority (2) Problem.


What are poverty rates for blacks and Hispanics in NYC?
If poverty was the cause of black crime, you would have notoriously dangerous white neighborhoods too. Lots of them.
Lots of them in Russia. Probably lots in America too. I'd wager most poor white people in America have the benefit of living in places with no population density. Tons of empty land with neighbors too far away to bother starting a gang with. Trump country.

But then crime does exist in such places. Louisiana has the highest murder rate, the largest prison population etc.

13.5% of people are in poverty and 11.6% of people are in poverty, 6.9% of white families are below the poverty line (not including Hispanics). 22.2% of black families are in poverty, 8.1% of Asian families are in poverty. 20.4% of Hispanics are in poverty.

Historical Poverty Tables: People and Families - 1959 to 2015 according to table 1.

The South is the region with the highest poverty, 15.3%


It also has the highest prison population.

Poverty doesn't cause crime, but it can be a factor in someone committing crime. People in poverty are more likely to become criminals. But some rich people become criminals and many poor people don't.
and it ain't significantly Asian either.
Asians commit crime at a fraction of the white rate,
Leaving the usual suspects. Who as it turns out, are WAY Under stopped-and-frisked relative to their crime rates.
Yes, Yes, we know it's because of 'persecution' by those Park Avenue types. But apparently they have not much effect on other poor minorities who have low crime rates. Unlike virtually all other cities, NYC breaks Hispanic from 'white' so we can see the whole picture in addition to just 'Black.'

89% of all Crime in NYC Nonwhite
March 4, 2016 - by A.N. Wyatte
89% of all Crime in NYC Nonwhite - The New Observer

Nonwhites commit 89% of all crime in New York City, including 97.7% of all shootings, 96% of all robberies, 94.2% of all murders, 94.9% of all Juvenile Felony and Misdemeanor crimes, and 90.6% of all rapes.

These figures are contained in the New York City Police Department’s latest “Crime and Enforcement Activity in New York City” report, which covers the dates January 1 to December 31, 2015. It can be found on the New York Government website here (PDF).

The report is almost Unique in present-day America because it Openly presents statistics on race and crime compiled from the New York City Police Department’s records management system—statistics that are most often Suppressed by other police departments.

In addition, the NYPD breaks down the racial categories correctly, listing “Hispanic” separately instead of grouping it together with “white,” which is what most of the US government does (thereby artificially inflating the “white” crime levels).

We don't have a Gun or Crime Problem, we have a Minority (2) Problem.


What are poverty rates for blacks and Hispanics in NYC?
If poverty was the cause of black crime, you would have notoriously dangerous white neighborhoods too. Lots of them.
Lots of them in Russia. Probably lots in America too. I'd wager most poor white people in America have the benefit of living in places with no population density. Tons of empty land with neighbors too far away to bother starting a gang with. Trump country.
Probably lots in America? If they existed, you would have listed them and everyone would already be familiar with them.
No I don't obsess over race and demonizing people because of their skin color like you.
Your skin color isnt the problem. Its your awful culture. It just happens to be that the people who are part of your culture happen to be black.
What are poverty rates for blacks and Hispanics in NYC?
If poverty was the cause of black crime, you would have notoriously dangerous white neighborhoods too. Lots of them.
Lots of them in Russia. Probably lots in America too. I'd wager most poor white people in America have the benefit of living in places with no population density. Tons of empty land with neighbors too far away to bother starting a gang with. Trump country.
Probably lots in America? If they existed, you would have listed them and everyone would already be familiar with them.
No I don't obsess over race and demonizing people because of their skin color like you.
Your skin color isnt the problem. Its your awful culture. It just happens to be that the people who are part of your culture happen to be black.
New York City has a great culture. And most of it's people happen to not be white. :thup:
If poverty was the cause of black crime, you would have notoriously dangerous white neighborhoods too. Lots of them.
Lots of them in Russia. Probably lots in America too. I'd wager most poor white people in America have the benefit of living in places with no population density. Tons of empty land with neighbors too far away to bother starting a gang with. Trump country.
Probably lots in America? If they existed, you would have listed them and everyone would already be familiar with them.
No I don't obsess over race and demonizing people because of their skin color like you.
Your skin color isnt the problem. Its your awful culture. It just happens to be that the people who are part of your culture happen to be black.
New York City has a great culture. And most of it's people happen to not be white. :thup:
White people made NYs culture. Foreigners who live in NY have their own cultures.
White people made NYs culture. Foreigners who live in NY have their own cultures.
Immigrants with diverse cultures who all initially hated each other made NYC's culture. They still do today, with more civility.

Thanks for exposing yourself as white supremacist scum though you loser.
...says the guy whos trying to give credit for the culture in NY to people who didnt create it. I guess that makes you a black supremacist, or at least a racist liar who is trying to steal history from the people who created it.
Nope sorry. I pity you. Life is too short to be filled with so much hate.
Ran out of arguments is see. That happened quick!
I made my argument. Your response was pitiable. I hope you stop being so small and insecure. Best of luck to you.
Your argument was pure shit, and I dont need a racist like you to wish me luck.
Immigrants with diverse cultures who all initially hated each other made NYC's culture. They still do today, with more civility.

Thanks for exposing yourself as white supremacist scum though you loser.
...says the guy whos trying to give credit for the culture in NY to people who didnt create it. I guess that makes you a black supremacist, or at least a racist liar who is trying to steal history from the people who created it.
Nope sorry. I pity you. Life is too short to be filled with so much hate.
Ran out of arguments is see. That happened quick!
I made my argument. Your response was pitiable. I hope you stop being so small and insecure. Best of luck to you.
Your argument was pure shit, and I dont need a racist like you to wish me luck.

You need a decent human being to have hope that you can rise above your prejudices one day. I don't expect you to, but I do hope that you do. Again, best of luck to you.
Are you sure that's not a map showing Russia and places that were colonized and raped by white people? Interesting that the middle east is so squeaky clean.
Anyways white people killed hundreds of millions of people more than dark skinned people in the last 100 years. What monsters.
The only Reason Black people didn't kill more in the past is Lower IQ/Technical ability.
They never developed 'Navies' or 'Tanks' or even 'guns', and still in good part live in Huts.
But there were Hundreds of Genocides in Africa, (they had no written language to record them either)
So being so backwards, their Wars were limited to Spears.
But given, ie, Guns by Western Technology, they are showing what they can do.
Murder is right up there with Basketball and the Hundred meter dash.
They're the champs worldwide... not just in poverty stricken 'Inner cities'
and the penchant for Murder and Better athletic ability, driven in good part by the same factor, Higher Testosterone.

Last edited:
Yes, even in the UK.


Race and crime in London​
Figures from the Office for National Statistics showed that in 2007 an estimated 10.6% of London's population of 7,556,900 were Black.[23]
In June 2010 The Sunday Telegraph, through a Freedom of Information Act request, obtained statistics on accusations of crime broken down by race from the Metropolitan Police Service.[2] The figures showed that the Majority of males who were accused of Violent crimes in 2009–10 were Black.
Of the recorded 18,091 such accusations against males, 54% accused of street crimes were black; for robbery, 59%; and for gun crimes, 67%.[25] Robbery, drug use, and gang violence have been associated with black people since the 1960s.[26] In the 1980s and 1990s, the police associated robbery with black people. In 1995, the Metropolitan Police commissioner Paul Condon said that the majority of robberies in London were committed by black people.[27]
In London in 2006, 75% of the victims of Gun crime and 79% of the suspects were "from the African/Caribbean community."[31]​
White people in the west stole gun powder from the Chinese you dumb fucking retard. And used it to massacre the fuck out of each other and the rest of the world. Good job you dumb honky cracka.
True, but not Tanks and Navies.
And of course, the point stands. The ONLY reason Blacks didn't kill Hundred of millions (among their countless genocides, which indeed may have) is the Lack of technological weapons/transport to do so.
And They still got, and are getting, Guns from White Western countries for their Murder sprees, Not China.
My statement remains 100% TRUE.. BOY.

Oh, Asians commit Violent Crime at 1/4 the White Rate, and app 1/25th of the Black rate despite Gun Powder.
Now what BOY?
There seems to be some debate/apologetics about the wildly inordinate amount of Black Crime
Tackled this a while ago.

Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

According to the US Department of Justice, blacks accounted for 52.5% of homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008, with whites 45.3% and "Other" 2.2%. The offending rate for Blacks was almost 8 times higher than whites (per 100,000), and the victim rate 6 times higher (per 100,000).
Most murders were intraracial, with 84% of white homicide victims murdered by whites, and 93% of black victims murdered by blacks.[33][34][35]
According to the National Crime Victimization Survey in 2002, the black arrest rate for robbery was 8.55 times Higher than whites, and blacks were 16 times more likely to be incarcerated for robbery than non-Hispanic whites.
Robberies with White victims and Black offenders were more than 12 Times more common than the reverse.[38][39]​

98% of shootings in NY are done by non-whites, yet libtards claim whites are the predators and the danger to society.
Color of Crime update/summary excerpts
The Color of Crime

Crime rates

There are dramatic race differences in crime rates. Asians have the Lowest rates, followed by whites, and then Hispanics. Blacks have notably high crime rates. This pattern holds true for virtually all crime categories and for virtually all age groups. In 2013, a black was Six times more likely than a non-black to commit murder, and 12 times more likely to murder someone of another race than to be murdered by someone of another race.
Urban centers
In 2014 in New York City, a black was 31 times more likely than a white to be arrested for Murder, and a Hispanic was 12.4 times more likely. For the crime of “shooting”— defined as firing a bullet that hits someone —a black was 98.4 times more likely than a white to be arrested, and a Hispanic was 23.6 times more likely.

If New York City were All white, the murder rate would drop by 91%, the robbery rate by 81%, and the shootings rate by 97%.
In an All-white Chicago, murder would decline 90%, rape by 81%, and robbery by 90%.

Nah that's not true. Look at Russia.

stupid n1663r demonstrating why it is a stupid n1663r
All white Russia's murder rate is 5 times that of NYC you dumb honky

Nope, and no.

Russia's murder rate is more like 2 X higher than NYC.

Russia's not all White, many Asiatic Siberian, and Caucasus tribes who are not White live in Russia, this includes Tatars, Chechens, Ingush, Chuvash, Kalmyks, Buryats, etc.
Color of Crime update/summary excerpts
The Color of Crime

Crime rates

There are dramatic race differences in crime rates. Asians have the Lowest rates, followed by whites, and then Hispanics. Blacks have notably high crime rates. This pattern holds true for virtually all crime categories and for virtually all age groups. In 2013, a black was Six times more likely than a non-black to commit murder, and 12 times more likely to murder someone of another race than to be murdered by someone of another race.
Urban centers
In 2014 in New York City, a black was 31 times more likely than a white to be arrested for Murder, and a Hispanic was 12.4 times more likely. For the crime of “shooting”— defined as firing a bullet that hits someone —a black was 98.4 times more likely than a white to be arrested, and a Hispanic was 23.6 times more likely.

If New York City were All white, the murder rate would drop by 91%, the robbery rate by 81%, and the shootings rate by 97%.
In an All-white Chicago, murder would decline 90%, rape by 81%, and robbery by 90%.

Nah that's not true. Look at Russia.

stupid n1663r demonstrating why it is a stupid n1663r
All white Russia's murder rate is 5 times that of NYC you dumb honky
The point of looking at NYC is that it has significant black and white populations living in the same area and for the most part they are more or less "native" to the country in the sense that they were born there. I'm not aware of any significant negro populations in Russia, except tiny groups of tourists/visitors. So, that proves...pretty much nothing except that you're a dumbass.

If you want to talk entire countries, Russia is probably one of the worst white-run and white-inhabited countries in the world, and even then there are lots of central asians and muslims shitting the place up, but I'd still rather live there than in the average sub-saharan apefreaka shithole.

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