8Hr workday? Weekends? Thank Henry Ford and Capitalism!

And as I have said over and over and over again to you thick skulled morons, no one has to do anything. If you only want to work 8 hours a day that's just fine with me but don't expect to be as successful as someone who works more and stop whining about how jealous you are when others are far more successful than you

Naw, when I see someone rich, it's usually because he fucked over the people who did the actual work.

No one produces seven figures of value on his own. No one.
And I'll work free overtime too if you're paying me $200k or more a year. Id be stupid not to.

But if I make $10 hr you should pay me $15 if you want me to work overtime
So let me guess they just ran out to the local quickie mart at 3 am in your world?

Kind of posting retarded...

they didn't slave away for 60 hours a week, either. When most of the world was agricultural, people only worked really hard in planting season and harvest season.


You don't have a clue or trying to back track.


On average, full-time manufacturing work pays 20 percent more than full-time service-sector jobs.

And manufacturing is in decline so do you bet your economic future on a manufacturing job?

You can't name a single industry that can replace good paying manufacturing jobs.

You support the free market. The free global market takes wages down the lowest possible level. That is what you want for Americans.
1 Manufacturing job creates ten service jobs. We can't all go around serving ourselves. Someone's got to make grow or dig something valuable out of the ground.

Without manufacturing you don't need so many service jobs. It unsustainable.

Banks don't make anything either.

You don't have a clue or trying to back track.

Um, no, i was pretty clear, actually. I'm sorry you didn't understand the concept of what labor was like in a pre-industrial society.

Was it back-breaking work to harvest wheat with a scythe? You betcha. But you didn't do it every day.

You don't have a clue or trying to back track.

Um, no, i was pretty clear, actually. I'm sorry you didn't understand the concept of what labor was like in a pre-industrial society.

Was it back-breaking work to harvest wheat with a scythe? You betcha. But you didn't do it every day.

Pick up a history book will ya?

Everyday Life in America – A Patriot's History of the United States

Children worked hard because all Americans worked hard, all their lives. But kids always found time to play games like “tag,” “blindman’s bluff,” “Here we go round the mulberry bush,” and “London Bridge.” Boys played ball and girls played with dolls made of rags and corn husks. In the winter they sledded, and in the summer they swam. Most boys and girls, certainly in frontier areas, learned how to plow, mend fences, skin animals, dress meat, fish, shoot, hunt, and ride. Their lives, like their parents’ lives, were tied to the seasons as they worked and played and civilized the raw land, and their survival to a deadly aim trained on an attacker, man or beast. It was nothing for a father to go away for days or even weeks, leaving a young teenager in charge of the farm, the livestock, the house, and the other family members. At 12 or 13, most boys sought work in the form of an apprenticeship, where they learned a craft or trade from a cobbler, barrel-maker, tanner, fisherman, or other skilled artisan.

Women, expected to bear between five and 10 live children, could anticipate a dozen pregnancies. Bodies wore out fast, and women aged rapidly. With infant mortality high, families typically did not name a child until he or she had reached the age of two: prior to that time, parents would call the baby “it,” “the little angel,” or “the little visitor.” Overall life expectancy hardly tells the tale of the everyday life, where work was hard, the most minor sicknesses potentially life-threatening, and pleasures few. Despite the reality of this coarse life for common folk, it is worth noting that by 1774 American colonists already had attained a standard of living that far surpassed that found in even most of the civilized parts of the modern world.
Most boys and girls, certainly in frontier areas, learned how to plow, mend fences, skin animals, dress meat, fish, shoot, hunt, and ride. Their lives, like their parents’ lives, were tied to the seasons as they worked and played and civilized the raw land, and their survival to a deadly aim trained on an attacker, man or beast.

except, again, they weren't doing these things repetitiously, every day, for 8 hours a day.

I don't know how many times I have to explain this to you and have you STILL not understand the concept.
And manufacturing is in decline so do you bet your economic future on a manufacturing job?

You can't name a single industry that can replace good paying manufacturing jobs.

You support the free market. The free global market takes wages down the lowest possible level. That is what you want for Americans.

I don't want anything for anyone. And define "good paying".

All I am saying is that like it or not our economy has been and is still moving to a predominantly service based economy.

I never said it was good or bad I merely said that's the way it is and therefore the place to look for opportunities is not in manufacturing.

But since you can't seem to think on your own I'll give you a few service area jobs in high demand
Plumbers, HVAC electricians.

We actually have a severe lack of skilled tradesmen in this country. There is a golden opportunity there

America's Skilled Trades Dilemma: Shortages Loom As Most-In-Demand Group Of Workers Ages

If you don't know what a good paying job is you must never have worked.

Maybe someday you'll realize that an ideologically purist obsession with 'free markets' might not be in the best interest of your nation.

Once you sell foreign made products in the US made at $1.00 hr. labor, you have made the minimum wage here for that production a dollar an hour. That's what amounts to an illegal invasion as bad or worse than people sneaking across the border.

Give me a number what's "good paying" The average income is about 50K a year. Is that "good" I never thought average was "good"

When you use subjective terms you intentionally obfuscate facts.

And I'm not talking about production and manufacturing in case you haven't realized that yet.

But tell me do you want the government telling you that instead of paying 50 dollars for a pair of sneakers made overseas somewhere that you have to pay 100 dollars for them because that's what it costs an American company to make them?

Isn't 50k about the median household income?

Some households only have one person you know. but either way it's not much lower the average income in 2015 was about 45K

If you want to quibble over 5 K go ahead but why not address the actual topic of the post

I find that you like to avoid answering questions by fixating on the minutiae and definition of terms
Sorry but since you never hired anyone or called any references you wouldn't know what to listen for. The way a person answers a question and the tone of voice used when telling me dates of hires etc is far more telling than a bad comment

so you are saying you are psychic? What if that HR Broad was on the rag that day?

And if anyone walked off a job with no notice I would ever hire them and fyi a former employer can tell me anything they have documented proof for such as sick time taken. days absent, even other employee complaints as long as it can be proven to be true and is properly documented there is nothing an ex-employee can do about it

They can, but they'd probably get sued, and frankly, it isn't going to be 12 Capitalists assholes in that jury box. It will be twelve working stiffs who hate their bosses.

good luck with that, buddy.

You don't talk to HR you talk to the actual person who they worked for. That's the beauty of small businesses most don't have HR departments Idiot

You really think a person who got passed over for a job will know what their former employer did or didn't say about them? If a former employer does give me a poor reference that will not be the reason I say I didn't hire him. And if a person ever says that I cannot contact their former employer their resume hits the circular file

WHat do you have against employer references anyway...oh wait I already know why you don't want anyone talking to your former employers

On average, full-time manufacturing work pays 20 percent more than full-time service-sector jobs.

And manufacturing is in decline so do you bet your economic future on a manufacturing job?

You can't name a single industry that can replace good paying manufacturing jobs.

You support the free market. The free global market takes wages down the lowest possible level. That is what you want for Americans.

I don't want anything for anyone. And define "good paying".

All I am saying is that like it or not our economy has been and is still moving to a predominantly service based economy.

I never said it was good or bad I merely said that's the way it is and therefore the place to look for opportunities is not in manufacturing.

But since you can't seem to think on your own I'll give you a few service area jobs in high demand
Plumbers, HVAC electricians.

We actually have a severe lack of skilled tradesmen in this country. There is a golden opportunity there

America's Skilled Trades Dilemma: Shortages Loom As Most-In-Demand Group Of Workers Ages
I would love to open up a home for Alzheimer's patients only instead of doing it for $6000 a month I'd charge $4k. I would partner with a nurse or 3 and we could help people and make a fortune Providing a better service for less.

Of course all our employees will only make minimum wages. And I'll only work them 32 hours so I don't have to buy them insurance. In fact my employees will have to apply for food stamps but at least me and the nurses will make good $

WHat's that got to do with the thread or my post?
And as I have said over and over and over again to you thick skulled morons, no one has to do anything. If you only want to work 8 hours a day that's just fine with me but don't expect to be as successful as someone who works more and stop whining about how jealous you are when others are far more successful than you

Naw, when I see someone rich, it's usually because he fucked over the people who did the actual work.

No one produces seven figures of value on his own. No one.

Funny I know salesmen in the million dollar club in both real estate and insurance and they did it by themselves

But then again they worked more than you ever did to do it
So let me guess they just ran out to the local quickie mart at 3 am in your world?

Kind of posting retarded...

they didn't slave away for 60 hours a week, either. When most of the world was agricultural, people only worked really hard in planting season and harvest season.

and they sat on their asses the entire summer right?

No they were repairing their homes and equipment or doing something else to bring in money in case the crop didn't produce well or the market tanked

On average, full-time manufacturing work pays 20 percent more than full-time service-sector jobs.

And manufacturing is in decline so do you bet your economic future on a manufacturing job?

You can't name a single industry that can replace good paying manufacturing jobs.

You support the free market. The free global market takes wages down the lowest possible level. That is what you want for Americans.
1 Manufacturing job creates ten service jobs. We can't all go around serving ourselves. Someone's got to make grow or dig something valuable out of the ground.

Without manufacturing you don't need so many service jobs. It unsustainable.

Banks don't make anything either.

Face the fact manufacturing jobs in this country are on the decline and they will stay that way but its funny that service sector jobs have risen steadily as manufacturing declines that seems to contradict you doesn't it?
Most boys and girls, certainly in frontier areas, learned how to plow, mend fences, skin animals, dress meat, fish, shoot, hunt, and ride. Their lives, like their parents’ lives, were tied to the seasons as they worked and played and civilized the raw land, and their survival to a deadly aim trained on an attacker, man or beast.

except, again, they weren't doing these things repetitiously, every day, for 8 hours a day.

I don't know how many times I have to explain this to you and have you STILL not understand the concept.

That wasn't your argument, you were trying to imply before the industrial revolution everyone was having tea party's and magical unicorns would deliver them goods.
You don't talk to HR you talk to the actual person who they worked for. That's the beauty of small businesses most don't have HR departments Idiot

I'd never work for a small business. They are beneath me. They probably couldn't afford me, anyway. That's what you don't get.

Most employees given the choice between working for a real company and a little shithole that brags that they have a whopping 8000 SF of space like you did a while back, will work for the real company every time.
Funny I know salesmen in the million dollar club in both real estate and insurance and they did it by themselves

But then again they worked more than you ever did to do it

Wow, the two industries (besides the bankers) that probably did more to contribute to the disaster of 2008, and you are proud of that? Really?

Oh, wait. You think the government caused 2008 because Barney Frank had anal sex with someone at Fannie Mae 20 years ago.
and they sat on their asses the entire summer right?

No they were repairing their homes and equipment or doing something else to bring in money in case the crop didn't produce well or the market tanked

Not really. But you keep telling yourself that they were reparing their hovels for 8 hours a day while watching the crops grow.
That wasn't your argument, you were trying to imply before the industrial revolution everyone was having tea party's and magical unicorns would deliver them goods.

No, I didn't say that at all. Please go back and read what I actually said, and if want to discuss that, I'll be here.
And as I have said over and over and over again to you thick skulled morons, no one has to do anything. If you only want to work 8 hours a day that's just fine with me but don't expect to be as successful as someone who works more and stop whining about how jealous you are when others are far more successful than you

Naw, when I see someone rich, it's usually because he fucked over the people who did the actual work.

No one produces seven figures of value on his own. No one.

Funny I know salesmen in the million dollar club in both real estate and insurance and they did it by themselves

But then again they worked more than you ever did to do it
I know real estate agents who work a lot and don't make shit. Real estate is a safety net job for divorced women who need to find work because the free ride is over

On average, full-time manufacturing work pays 20 percent more than full-time service-sector jobs.

And manufacturing is in decline so do you bet your economic future on a manufacturing job?

You can't name a single industry that can replace good paying manufacturing jobs.

You support the free market. The free global market takes wages down the lowest possible level. That is what you want for Americans.
1 Manufacturing job creates ten service jobs. We can't all go around serving ourselves. Someone's got to make grow or dig something valuable out of the ground.

Without manufacturing you don't need so many service jobs. It unsustainable.

Banks don't make anything either.

Face the fact manufacturing jobs in this country are on the decline and they will stay that way but its funny that service sector jobs have risen steadily as manufacturing declines that seems to contradict you doesn't it?

And wages are stagnant. We need to fix that.
On average, full-time manufacturing work pays 20 percent more than full-time service-sector jobs.

And manufacturing is in decline so do you bet your economic future on a manufacturing job?

You can't name a single industry that can replace good paying manufacturing jobs.

You support the free market. The free global market takes wages down the lowest possible level. That is what you want for Americans.
1 Manufacturing job creates ten service jobs. We can't all go around serving ourselves. Someone's got to make grow or dig something valuable out of the ground.

Without manufacturing you don't need so many service jobs. It unsustainable.

Banks don't make anything either.

Face the fact manufacturing jobs in this country are on the decline and they will stay that way but its funny that service sector jobs have risen steadily as manufacturing declines that seems to contradict you doesn't it?

And wages are stagnant. We need to fix that.

No if your wages are stagnant YOU fix it.

You have the catalyst to do anything you want to do in this country, you want to be a millionaire go ahead and do it, if you want to do as little as possible then that is YOUR choice also.


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