8Hr workday? Weekends? Thank Henry Ford and Capitalism!

The biggest lie ever told was that people only need to work 40 hours a week to be successful.

No one who has ever accomplished anything has ever worked only 40 hours a week.

Do you think Henry Ford only worked from 9 to 5 Mon -Fri took vacations and sick time and holidays off?

Instead of whining about shit maybe you ought to emulate successful people instead of the idiots who barely make it paycheck to paycheck
That's a false comparison anyway you look at it.

Idiots here think people are still slaves in bondage

Back in 1996 I worked on a job with Loockheed Martin with a new contract.

For a third of 1996 and all of 1997 I did not get a day off. Not one holiday or one Saturday or one Sunday. I worked seven days a week for little over a year. Not every weekend day or holiday was a full day and did take a couple of sick days when I got the flu bad.

I did that because it was necessary for me to be successful at my job. I was rewarded substantially for it and have no regrets for doing it.

If I didn't want to do the work that was necessary all I had to do was quit and find a new job. I was not a slave to the corporation and I was not forced to do anything that I didn't want to do.

I did not need the filthy ass government protecting me and I sure as hell did not need a greedy union negotiating my work schedule on my behalf.

These sorry ass Libtards think they are all victims of something or another and they need unions and the government to protect them.

Then they wonder why we ridicule them so much for being sorry assholes.

You were rewarded well for working your ass off thanks to unions, and government contracts, yet you conclude that the unions, and shitty assed government contracts had nothing to do with it. lol
We don't need manufacturing jobs what don't you understand about that?

But hey if you want them so badly why don't you open up a manufacturing plant and show us all how it's done
Fucking right wing moron who doesn't have a clue how important manufacturing is.

I can't even take you seriously. What side of your mouth will you talk out of next?

The trend is a move towards service jobs Moron
If you want a job and a good job then concentrate on things that can't be moved offshore or where you can't be replaced by a low skill low wage worker

It's not rocket science all you have to do is look around.
Omg. Google the problem with a nation that doesn't make anything! Educate yourself.

Keep living in the past if you want

Services, Not Manufacturing, Will Revive The U.S. Workforce

Charting The Incredible Shift From Manufacturing To Services In America

Look up lists of recession proof businesses and you'll see NONE of them are in manufacturing and ALL of them are service oreiented

Wake the fuck up.

Service Economy Taking Over U.S. | Economy In Crisis
Nice opinion piece by a group of biased idiots

For Christ's sake the name of their Blog or whatever it is tells you that you're not going to get an impartial look at anything
So one guy in CA living in his mammy's basement id THE expert now?

Here is his bio

I am John Aziz.

I live in California. The views expressed here are my own and mine alone.

I am interested in global trade dynamics, debt dynamics and the flow of credit, moneyness and currencies, unclearing markets, futurology, civil libertarianism, drone warfare, market democracy, solar technology, ecology, the psychology of bubbles, behaviourism, Bayesian statistics, subjectivism and a whole load of other stuff.

And lots & lots of music. Currently writing a novel.

I know I especially like the psychology of bubbles area of interest
Shouldn't we just manufacturers here pay 3rd world wages and be done with it?

We don't need manufacturing jobs what don't you understand about that?

But hey if you want them so badly why don't you open up a manufacturing plant and show us all how it's done
Fucking right wing moron who doesn't have a clue how important manufacturing is.

I can't even take you seriously. What side of your mouth will you talk out of next?

The trend is a move towards service jobs Moron
If you want a job and a good job then concentrate on things that can't be moved offshore or where you can't be replaced by a low skill low wage worker

It's not rocket science all you have to do is look around.
Omg. Google the problem with a nation that doesn't make anything! Educate yourself.

Keep living in the past if you want

Services, Not Manufacturing, Will Revive The U.S. Workforce

Charting The Incredible Shift From Manufacturing To Services In America

Look up lists of recession proof businesses and you'll see NONE of them are in manufacturing and ALL of them are service oreiented

The shift seems to be leaving us with stagnant wages.

Nobody is cutting government spending. Nobody will.

We balanced the budget with PAYGO in the nineties. The Republicans got rid of PAYGO, and cut taxes, guess what happened?

Massive deficits came back.

It is not about balancing the budget that is destroying this country.

It is about 40% of the GDP being wasted on the combined cost of government instead of being productively being spent in the real economy.

According to the CIA Fact Book the bloated filthy ass US Federal government by itself spends more money than the GDP of all but three other counties on the face of the earth. If you include the State and Local government spending there is only two other countries that has a GDP greater than the US cost of government and one of them is just barely. That is despicable.

We are not going to reduce spending as long as we elect big government Democrats and Republicans to offices.

America needs to get its head out of his ass and stop electing idiots to office that have no intentions of cutting back on the size of government.

By the way, dumbass. The cumulative Federal debt was greater when Slick Willy left office than when he came in so the budget was not balanced during his administration. God knows it would have been far worse without Newt.

I find it really hypocritical when Moon Bats like you that voted for Obama talk about debt seeing that the sonofabitch created more debt than all the other President in the history of this country combined. It is even worse than that when you look at the two deficit budgets he voted for as Senator in 2007 and 2008.

I dropped the Republicans over a decade ago because they are fiscally irresponsible and support big government. When are you going to get your head out of your ass and dump the Democrat Party for being fiscal irresponsible that support big government?

Sad but true.

But in these USA in order to be electable a politician must support the gargantuan welfare/warfare police state.

We don't need manufacturing jobs what don't you understand about that?

But hey if you want them so badly why don't you open up a manufacturing plant and show us all how it's done
Fucking right wing moron who doesn't have a clue how important manufacturing is.

I can't even take you seriously. What side of your mouth will you talk out of next?

The trend is a move towards service jobs Moron
If you want a job and a good job then concentrate on things that can't be moved offshore or where you can't be replaced by a low skill low wage worker

It's not rocket science all you have to do is look around.
Omg. Google the problem with a nation that doesn't make anything! Educate yourself.

Keep living in the past if you want

Services, Not Manufacturing, Will Revive The U.S. Workforce

Charting The Incredible Shift From Manufacturing To Services In America

Look up lists of recession proof businesses and you'll see NONE of them are in manufacturing and ALL of them are service oreiented

The shift seems to be leaving us with stagnant wages.
Speak for yourself

I know plenty of people making more now than they were a few years ago and all of them are in service businesses.
My wife and I have more than quintupled our income in the past 10 years

There are plenty of opportunities in service sector businesses
Fucking right wing moron who doesn't have a clue how important manufacturing is.

I can't even take you seriously. What side of your mouth will you talk out of next?

The trend is a move towards service jobs Moron
If you want a job and a good job then concentrate on things that can't be moved offshore or where you can't be replaced by a low skill low wage worker

It's not rocket science all you have to do is look around.
Omg. Google the problem with a nation that doesn't make anything! Educate yourself.

Keep living in the past if you want

Services, Not Manufacturing, Will Revive The U.S. Workforce

Charting The Incredible Shift From Manufacturing To Services In America

Look up lists of recession proof businesses and you'll see NONE of them are in manufacturing and ALL of them are service oreiented

The shift seems to be leaving us with stagnant wages.
Speak for yourself

I know plenty of people making more now than they were a few years ago and all of them are in service businesses.
My wife and I have more than quintupled our income in the past 10 years

There are plenty of opportunities in service sector businesses

I'm speaking for national numbers. Wages are stagnant.

Sad but true.

But in these USA in order to be electable a politician must support the gargantuan welfare/warfare police state.


One of the main things that bothers both the Democrats and Republicans is that Trump is not beholding to anybody. That is scarring the hell out of the big government weenies. They can't control him to make sure everybody gets their teat suck time and they don't like it.

Now I don't think they have much to worry about because Trumps's record is to support big government and he has a history of being Liberal but they are not willing to take a chance on it.
The trend is a move towards service jobs Moron
If you want a job and a good job then concentrate on things that can't be moved offshore or where you can't be replaced by a low skill low wage worker

It's not rocket science all you have to do is look around.
Omg. Google the problem with a nation that doesn't make anything! Educate yourself.

Keep living in the past if you want

Services, Not Manufacturing, Will Revive The U.S. Workforce

Charting The Incredible Shift From Manufacturing To Services In America

Look up lists of recession proof businesses and you'll see NONE of them are in manufacturing and ALL of them are service oreiented

The shift seems to be leaving us with stagnant wages.
Speak for yourself

I know plenty of people making more now than they were a few years ago and all of them are in service businesses.
My wife and I have more than quintupled our income in the past 10 years

There are plenty of opportunities in service sector businesses

I'm speaking for national numbers. Wages are stagnant.

And it's not because of CEO pay it's because we are in the midst of a shift in the economy and people like you are not adapting.
Manufacturing will never be the same because of new and improving technology it takes fewer and less skilled workers to produce high quality goods and that trend will continue. Low skilled workers are not paid the wages that the previous higher skilled workers were hence the wage lag even though productivity has increased

We have been dependent on large scale production and manufacturing in this country since the 1940s that is changing as we can see and we will need to adjust during that adjustment there will be economic ramifications.
Omg. Google the problem with a nation that doesn't make anything! Educate yourself.

Keep living in the past if you want

Services, Not Manufacturing, Will Revive The U.S. Workforce

Charting The Incredible Shift From Manufacturing To Services In America

Look up lists of recession proof businesses and you'll see NONE of them are in manufacturing and ALL of them are service oreiented

The shift seems to be leaving us with stagnant wages.
Speak for yourself

I know plenty of people making more now than they were a few years ago and all of them are in service businesses.
My wife and I have more than quintupled our income in the past 10 years

There are plenty of opportunities in service sector businesses

I'm speaking for national numbers. Wages are stagnant.

And it's not because of CEO pay it's because we are in the midst of a shift in the economy and people like you are not adapting.
Manufacturing will never be the same because of new and improving technology it takes fewer and less skilled workers to produce high quality goods and that trend will continue. Low skilled workers are not paid the wages that the previous higher skilled workers were hence the wage lag even though productivity has increased

We have been dependent on large scale production and manufacturing in this country since the 1940s that is changing as we can see and we will need to adjust during that adjustment there will be economic ramifications.

The change started quite some time ago and the result is stagnant wages, growing inequality, and a slow economy.
Keep living in the past if you want

Services, Not Manufacturing, Will Revive The U.S. Workforce

Charting The Incredible Shift From Manufacturing To Services In America

Look up lists of recession proof businesses and you'll see NONE of them are in manufacturing and ALL of them are service oreiented

The shift seems to be leaving us with stagnant wages.
Speak for yourself

I know plenty of people making more now than they were a few years ago and all of them are in service businesses.
My wife and I have more than quintupled our income in the past 10 years

There are plenty of opportunities in service sector businesses

I'm speaking for national numbers. Wages are stagnant.

And it's not because of CEO pay it's because we are in the midst of a shift in the economy and people like you are not adapting.
Manufacturing will never be the same because of new and improving technology it takes fewer and less skilled workers to produce high quality goods and that trend will continue. Low skilled workers are not paid the wages that the previous higher skilled workers were hence the wage lag even though productivity has increased

We have been dependent on large scale production and manufacturing in this country since the 1940s that is changing as we can see and we will need to adjust during that adjustment there will be economic ramifications.

The change started quite some time ago and the result is stagnant wages, growing inequality, and a slow economy.

As I said we are in the midst of a shift. was that too big a word for you to understand?
The shift seems to be leaving us with stagnant wages.
Speak for yourself

I know plenty of people making more now than they were a few years ago and all of them are in service businesses.
My wife and I have more than quintupled our income in the past 10 years

There are plenty of opportunities in service sector businesses

I'm speaking for national numbers. Wages are stagnant.

And it's not because of CEO pay it's because we are in the midst of a shift in the economy and people like you are not adapting.
Manufacturing will never be the same because of new and improving technology it takes fewer and less skilled workers to produce high quality goods and that trend will continue. Low skilled workers are not paid the wages that the previous higher skilled workers were hence the wage lag even though productivity has increased

We have been dependent on large scale production and manufacturing in this country since the 1940s that is changing as we can see and we will need to adjust during that adjustment there will be economic ramifications.

The change started quite some time ago and the result is stagnant wages, growing inequality, and a slow economy.

As I said we are in the midst of a shift. was that too big a word for you to understand?

Wages are stagnant. Please give some numbers on when this shift started and where we are in this shift,
Speak for yourself

I know plenty of people making more now than they were a few years ago and all of them are in service businesses.
My wife and I have more than quintupled our income in the past 10 years

There are plenty of opportunities in service sector businesses

I'm speaking for national numbers. Wages are stagnant.

And it's not because of CEO pay it's because we are in the midst of a shift in the economy and people like you are not adapting.
Manufacturing will never be the same because of new and improving technology it takes fewer and less skilled workers to produce high quality goods and that trend will continue. Low skilled workers are not paid the wages that the previous higher skilled workers were hence the wage lag even though productivity has increased

We have been dependent on large scale production and manufacturing in this country since the 1940s that is changing as we can see and we will need to adjust during that adjustment there will be economic ramifications.

The change started quite some time ago and the result is stagnant wages, growing inequality, and a slow economy.

As I said we are in the midst of a shift. was that too big a word for you to understand?

Wages are stagnant. Please give some numbers on when this shift started and where we are in this shift,

People have been talking about the shift to a service economy for years now and as all major changes it can take a long time so there is no way to tell if it will be an entirely systemic change so it is impossible to say where and when this or that will happen. But open your eyes and look at the trends in what businesses are considered to be doing well during the manufacturing decline and that will give you some indication as to the sectors to look to for opportunity.

The problem is that people these days don't look for opportunity anymore they either want the old obsolete way to continue working or they want the opportunities to come to them
I'm speaking for national numbers. Wages are stagnant.

And it's not because of CEO pay it's because we are in the midst of a shift in the economy and people like you are not adapting.
Manufacturing will never be the same because of new and improving technology it takes fewer and less skilled workers to produce high quality goods and that trend will continue. Low skilled workers are not paid the wages that the previous higher skilled workers were hence the wage lag even though productivity has increased

We have been dependent on large scale production and manufacturing in this country since the 1940s that is changing as we can see and we will need to adjust during that adjustment there will be economic ramifications.

The change started quite some time ago and the result is stagnant wages, growing inequality, and a slow economy.

As I said we are in the midst of a shift. was that too big a word for you to understand?

Wages are stagnant. Please give some numbers on when this shift started and where we are in this shift,

People have been talking about the shift to a service economy for years now and as all major changes it can take a long time so there is no way to tell if it will be an entirely systemic change so it is impossible to say where and when this or that will happen. But open your eyes and look at the trends in what businesses are considered to be doing well during the manufacturing decline and that will give you some indication as to the sectors to look to for opportunity.

The problem is that people these days don't look for opportunity anymore they either want the old obsolete way to continue working or they want the opportunities to come to them

Ok you just babbled again. Give some specifics. When did it start? What percent of jobs will be service when it is done? If a shift to services is good shouldnt wages gradually be increasing rather than being stagnant?
And it's not because of CEO pay it's because we are in the midst of a shift in the economy and people like you are not adapting.
Manufacturing will never be the same because of new and improving technology it takes fewer and less skilled workers to produce high quality goods and that trend will continue. Low skilled workers are not paid the wages that the previous higher skilled workers were hence the wage lag even though productivity has increased

We have been dependent on large scale production and manufacturing in this country since the 1940s that is changing as we can see and we will need to adjust during that adjustment there will be economic ramifications.

The change started quite some time ago and the result is stagnant wages, growing inequality, and a slow economy.

As I said we are in the midst of a shift. was that too big a word for you to understand?

Wages are stagnant. Please give some numbers on when this shift started and where we are in this shift,

People have been talking about the shift to a service economy for years now and as all major changes it can take a long time so there is no way to tell if it will be an entirely systemic change so it is impossible to say where and when this or that will happen. But open your eyes and look at the trends in what businesses are considered to be doing well during the manufacturing decline and that will give you some indication as to the sectors to look to for opportunity.

The problem is that people these days don't look for opportunity anymore they either want the old obsolete way to continue working or they want the opportunities to come to them

Ok you just babbled again. Give some specifics. When did it start? What percent of jobs will be service when it is done? If a shift to services is good shouldnt wages gradually be increasing rather than being stagnant?

You ask questions that cannot be answered. We don't know when it "will be done".
I never said it was good or bad I said it it what is happening and that is where to look for opportunities.
Unlike you I don't like to use subjective terms like "good " and "bad" when it is just the way it is no matter what you call it.

Charting The Incredible Shift From Manufacturing To Services In America
The change started quite some time ago and the result is stagnant wages, growing inequality, and a slow economy.

As I said we are in the midst of a shift. was that too big a word for you to understand?

Wages are stagnant. Please give some numbers on when this shift started and where we are in this shift,

People have been talking about the shift to a service economy for years now and as all major changes it can take a long time so there is no way to tell if it will be an entirely systemic change so it is impossible to say where and when this or that will happen. But open your eyes and look at the trends in what businesses are considered to be doing well during the manufacturing decline and that will give you some indication as to the sectors to look to for opportunity.

The problem is that people these days don't look for opportunity anymore they either want the old obsolete way to continue working or they want the opportunities to come to them

Ok you just babbled again. Give some specifics. When did it start? What percent of jobs will be service when it is done? If a shift to services is good shouldnt wages gradually be increasing rather than being stagnant?

You ask questions that cannot be answered. We don't know when it "will be done".
I never said it was good or bad I said it it what is happening and that is where to look for opportunities.
Unlike you I don't like to use subjective terms like "good " and "bad" when it is just the way it is no matter what you call it.

Charting The Incredible Shift From Manufacturing To Services In America
Sounds like is peaked in 2008 and the result is stagnant wages.

Services industry employment began leveling off with the onset of the 2001 recession. Growth began accelerating again in 2004, but the rate of growth was well below what we saw in the 1980s and 1990s. Services employment hit its all-time peak in January 2008, the second month of the Great Recession. Services employment is slowly improving, but it remains about 2.6% below the 2008 peak.
Omg. Google the problem with a nation that doesn't make anything! Educate yourself.

Keep living in the past if you want

Services, Not Manufacturing, Will Revive The U.S. Workforce

Charting The Incredible Shift From Manufacturing To Services In America

Look up lists of recession proof businesses and you'll see NONE of them are in manufacturing and ALL of them are service oreiented

The shift seems to be leaving us with stagnant wages.
Speak for yourself

I know plenty of people making more now than they were a few years ago and all of them are in service businesses.
My wife and I have more than quintupled our income in the past 10 years

There are plenty of opportunities in service sector businesses

I'm speaking for national numbers. Wages are stagnant.

And it's not because of CEO pay it's because we are in the midst of a shift in the economy and people like you are not adapting.
Manufacturing will never be the same because of new and improving technology it takes fewer and less skilled workers to produce high quality goods and that trend will continue. Low skilled workers are not paid the wages that the previous higher skilled workers were hence the wage lag even though productivity has increased

We have been dependent on large scale production and manufacturing in this country since the 1940s that is changing as we can see and we will need to adjust during that adjustment there will be economic ramifications.
In 1990, the manufacturing industry employed more workers than any other sector in 36 states. Today, the picture is totally different: Manufacturing is the dominant industry in only seven states.

What happened? A few recessions, the rise of off-shoring and imports from China and the rest of the world and the explosion of the health-care industry, to begin with. Over the last two decades, employment in the manufacturing sector has plummeted, from nearly 18 million jobs in 1990 to just over 12 million jobs today.

We also have a lot of high skill jobs that are going unfilled because we aren't doing a better job of educating our kids to learn what companies need.

Update: A smart reader points out that the decline in manufacturing jobs is actually more closely tied to automation rather than offshoring. The U.S. is manufacturing more now than it ever has, but much of that work can be done by machines — which don’t require salaries or health care coverage.)


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