8Hr workday? Weekends? Thank Henry Ford and Capitalism!

If Hutch has ever took econ classes, either it was at a Marxist university or that knowledge (including the knowledge of how to add / subtract, as proven a few posts ago) is long gone.

Dude you can't say you're making a sound economic argument while ignoring 50% of the GDP.

I am not ignoring 50% of the GDP. I have tried to ignore your ignorance as best I can, but it doesn't seem to be working, you just grow dumber every post!

Basically your idea seems to be this: Forcibly take money from the productive people and funnel it to the underachievers. Everyone knows where this will lead in the long run. You can go verify the results in Greece.

Not my idea at all. Like I said, no critical thinking ability.
The biggest lie ever told was that people only need to work 40 hours a week to be successful.

No one who has ever accomplished anything has ever worked only 40 hours a week.

Do you think Henry Ford only worked from 9 to 5 Mon -Fri took vacations and sick time and holidays off?

Instead of whining about shit maybe you ought to emulate successful people instead of the idiots who barely make it paycheck to paycheck

why should anyone have to work MORE than 40 hours a week. Before the Industrial revolution, people didn't work that long

Here's the thing. No one ever said on their death bed, "I wish I spent more time at the office."
Because we shouldn't be buying tv's made in china stupid. They don't buy tv's made here so why do we buy tv's that are made there? I understand why you do. Because you are a cheap ass who wants a cheap tv more than you do a booming economy.
And yet I'll bet you're the first asshole who picks up the cheapest crap he can while complaining about price.
IN any case the market has spoken. And Americans wont spend 5 times the amount on American made. Nor should they.

Shouldn't we just manufacturers here pay 3rd world wages and be done with it?

We don't need manufacturing jobs what don't you understand about that?

But hey if you want them so badly why don't you open up a manufacturing plant and show us all how it's done
Fucking right wing moron who doesn't have a clue how important manufacturing is.

I can't even take you seriously. What side of your mouth will you talk out of next?

The trend is a move towards service jobs Moron
If you want a job and a good job then concentrate on things that can't be moved offshore or where you can't be replaced by a low skill low wage worker

It's not rocket science all you have to do is look around.
Omg. Google the problem with a nation that doesn't make anything! Educate yourself.
If you leave every employer you ever has hanging the you may never get a reference again
A notice and an effort to leave on good terms is a small price to pay for your reputation as a conscientious employee

Guy, real world. Most employers don't say anything positive or negative about ex-employees. At most, they will confirm dates of employment. anything else is legally actionable.
The biggest lie ever told was that people only need to work 40 hours a week to be successful.

No one who has ever accomplished anything has ever worked only 40 hours a week.

Do you think Henry Ford only worked from 9 to 5 Mon -Fri took vacations and sick time and holidays off?

Instead of whining about shit maybe you ought to emulate successful people instead of the idiots who barely make it paycheck to paycheck

why should anyone have to work MORE than 40 hours a week. Before the Industrial revolution, people didn't work that long

Here's the thing. No one ever said on their death bed, "I wish I spent more time at the office."

WHAT THE FUCK?????????

Seriously dude you must rethink that post.

Aren't they all moving to places in the South where they run non-union plants?

Are you saying even that can't keep the jobs here?

Do you think Mexican wages here in the US would keep the jobs here?

I really don't care.
We do not have to have a large manufacturing base anymore. We are and have been on the road to a service based economy for a long time nowServices, Not Manufacturing, Will Revive The U.S. Workforce

Thinking that we need to revive manufacturing is obsolete thinking

We don't have manufacturing because we let foreign manufacture at dirt cheap wages into this country with little or no penalty.

Good job losing this debate, loser.

You mean we can't compete unless the government raises the prices on foreign goods?

We can't compete against businesses playing by a different set of rules.

Then why compete in that area at all?

There are plenty of areas of the economy where we can compete and compete well but you people insist on manufacturing where we obviously can't compete

Okay, then you name 3 fields of occupation,

labor intensive, good pay prospects,

that could easily fill the void left by the exportation of the millions of jobs that have been exported to areas of cheaper labor.
The biggest lie ever told was that people only need to work 40 hours a week to be successful.

No one who has ever accomplished anything has ever worked only 40 hours a week.

Do you think Henry Ford only worked from 9 to 5 Mon -Fri took vacations and sick time and holidays off?

Instead of whining about shit maybe you ought to emulate successful people instead of the idiots who barely make it paycheck to paycheck

why should anyone have to work MORE than 40 hours a week. Before the Industrial revolution, people didn't work that long

Here's the thing. No one ever said on their death bed, "I wish I spent more time at the office."
You don't think that people worked more than 40 hours a week when they were subsistence farming and working as individual craftsmen?

And as I have said over and over and over again to you thick skulled morons, no one has to do anything. If you only want to work 8 hours a day that's just fine with me but don't expect to be as successful as someone who works more and stop whining about how jealous you are when others are far more successful than you

No one who has ever accomplished anything has ever only worked 40 hours a week

Why you idiots think that is somehow me saying that people have to be required to work more that 40 hours a week is more testimony to your stupidity than you need to volunteer
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I really don't care.
We do not have to have a large manufacturing base anymore. We are and have been on the road to a service based economy for a long time nowServices, Not Manufacturing, Will Revive The U.S. Workforce

Thinking that we need to revive manufacturing is obsolete thinking

We don't have manufacturing because we let foreign manufacture at dirt cheap wages into this country with little or no penalty.

Good job losing this debate, loser.

You mean we can't compete unless the government raises the prices on foreign goods?

We can't compete against businesses playing by a different set of rules.

Then why compete in that area at all?

There are plenty of areas of the economy where we can compete and compete well but you people insist on manufacturing where we obviously can't compete

Okay, then you name 3 fields of occupation,

labor intensive, good pay prospects,

that could easily fill the void left by the exportation of the millions of jobs that have been exported to areas of cheaper labor.

Look around moron. Any one of the many service industries fits that model

We're already taxing half a trillion below what's needed to run the government.

Unions are no drag on our economy.

Free markets means that the $100/month textile worker in Vietnam gets to compete directly with any American who might hope to work in that industry.

In short, you're an idiot.

I cannot believe you are that stupid.

We are not taxing "a half trillion below what is needed to run the government".

We are taxing a half trillion below what is needed to fund a bloated corrupt debt ridden welfare state.

There is a big difference between the two and you are not smart enough to understand the difference because you are an uneducated low information Gruberidiot Moon Bat. The same kind of idiot that thought Obama was going to do a good job and don't care about Crooked Hillarys corruption and dishonesty.

We wouldn't need the half trillion or even another trillion if we would stop paying bonuses to Solyndra executives, defund Obamacare, stop giving welfare to the welfare queens and illegal aliens, stop subsidies and bailouts and do away with the useless government bureaucracies like the Department of Education, HUD and DOE.

Maybe the American textile worker will never compete with a Gook in Vietnam when it comes to sewing cloth but he can be productive in other areas if the fucking government would get off the backs of the job producers in this country and stop taking 40% of the GDP for the combined cost of the filthy ass government in this country.
If you leave every employer you ever has hanging the you may never get a reference again
A notice and an effort to leave on good terms is a small price to pay for your reputation as a conscientious employee

Guy, real world. Most employers don't say anything positive or negative about ex-employees. At most, they will confirm dates of employment. anything else is legally actionable.

Sorry but since you never hired anyone or called any references you wouldn't know what to listen for. The way a person answers a question and the tone of voice used when telling me dates of hires etc is far more telling than a bad comment

And if anyone walked off a job with no notice I would ever hire them and fyi a former employer can tell me anything they have documented proof for such as sick time taken. days absent, even other employee complaints as long as it can be proven to be true and is properly documented there is nothing an ex-employee can do about it
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And yet I'll bet you're the first asshole who picks up the cheapest crap he can while complaining about price.
IN any case the market has spoken. And Americans wont spend 5 times the amount on American made. Nor should they.

Shouldn't we just manufacturers here pay 3rd world wages and be done with it?

We don't need manufacturing jobs what don't you understand about that?

But hey if you want them so badly why don't you open up a manufacturing plant and show us all how it's done
Fucking right wing moron who doesn't have a clue how important manufacturing is.

I can't even take you seriously. What side of your mouth will you talk out of next?

The trend is a move towards service jobs Moron
If you want a job and a good job then concentrate on things that can't be moved offshore or where you can't be replaced by a low skill low wage worker

It's not rocket science all you have to do is look around.
Omg. Google the problem with a nation that doesn't make anything! Educate yourself.

Keep living in the past if you want

Services, Not Manufacturing, Will Revive The U.S. Workforce

Charting The Incredible Shift From Manufacturing To Services In America

Look up lists of recession proof businesses and you'll see NONE of them are in manufacturing and ALL of them are service oreiented

We're already taxing half a trillion below what's needed to run the government.

Unions are no drag on our economy.

Free markets means that the $100/month textile worker in Vietnam gets to compete directly with any American who might hope to work in that industry.

In short, you're an idiot.

I cannot believe you are that stupid.

We are not taxing "a half trillion below what is needed to run the government".

We are taxing a half trillion below what is needed to fund a bloated corrupt debt ridden welfare state.

There is a big difference between the two and you are not smart enough to understand the difference because you are an uneducated low information Gruberidiot Moon Bat. The same kind of idiot that thought Obama was going to do a good job and don't care about Crooked Hillarys corruption and dishonesty.

We wouldn't need the half trillion or even another trillion if we would stop paying bonuses to Solyndra executives, defund Obamacare, stop giving welfare to the welfare queens and illegal aliens, stop subsidies and bailouts and do away with the useless government bureaucracies like the Department of Education, HUD and DOE.

Maybe the American textile worker will never compete with a Gook in Vietnam when it comes to sewing cloth but he can be productive in other areas if the fucking government would get off the backs of the job producers in this country and stop taking 40% of the GDP for the combined cost of the filthy ass government in this country.

Nobody is cutting government spending. Nobody will.

We balanced the budget with PAYGO in the nineties. The Republicans got rid of PAYGO, and cut taxes, guess what happened?

Massive deficits came back.
We don't have manufacturing because we let foreign manufacture at dirt cheap wages into this country with little or no penalty.

Good job losing this debate, loser.

You mean we can't compete unless the government raises the prices on foreign goods?

We can't compete against businesses playing by a different set of rules.

Then why compete in that area at all?

There are plenty of areas of the economy where we can compete and compete well but you people insist on manufacturing where we obviously can't compete

Okay, then you name 3 fields of occupation,

labor intensive, good pay prospects,

that could easily fill the void left by the exportation of the millions of jobs that have been exported to areas of cheaper labor.

Look around moron. Any one of the many service industries fits that model

But, unsurprisingly, you can't name 3.
You mean we can't compete unless the government raises the prices on foreign goods?

We can't compete against businesses playing by a different set of rules.

Then why compete in that area at all?

There are plenty of areas of the economy where we can compete and compete well but you people insist on manufacturing where we obviously can't compete

Okay, then you name 3 fields of occupation,

labor intensive, good pay prospects,

that could easily fill the void left by the exportation of the millions of jobs that have been exported to areas of cheaper labor.

Look around moron. Any one of the many service industries fits that model

But, unsurprisingly, you can't name 3.

Why should I?

You too fucking lazy to look yourself?

Nobody is cutting government spending. Nobody will.

We balanced the budget with PAYGO in the nineties. The Republicans got rid of PAYGO, and cut taxes, guess what happened?

Massive deficits came back.

It is not about balancing the budget that is destroying this country.

It is about 40% of the GDP being wasted on the combined cost of government instead of being productively being spent in the real economy.

According to the CIA Fact Book the bloated filthy ass US Federal government by itself spends more money than the GDP of all but three other counties on the face of the earth. If you include the State and Local government spending there is only two other countries that has a GDP greater than the US cost of government and one of them is just barely. That is despicable.

We are not going to reduce spending as long as we elect big government Democrats and Republicans to offices.

America needs to get its head out of his ass and stop electing idiots to office that have no intentions of cutting back on the size of government.

By the way, dumbass. The cumulative Federal debt was greater when Slick Willy left office than when he came in so the budget was not balanced during his administration. God knows it would have been far worse without Newt.

I find it really hypocritical when Moon Bats like you that voted for Obama talk about debt seeing that the sonofabitch created more debt than all the other President in the history of this country combined. It is even worse than that when you look at the two deficit budgets he voted for as Senator in 2007 and 2008.

I dropped the Republicans over a decade ago because they are fiscally irresponsible and support big government. When are you going to get your head out of your ass and dump the Democrat Party for being fiscal irresponsible that support big government?
Shouldn't we just manufacturers here pay 3rd world wages and be done with it?

We don't need manufacturing jobs what don't you understand about that?

But hey if you want them so badly why don't you open up a manufacturing plant and show us all how it's done
Fucking right wing moron who doesn't have a clue how important manufacturing is.

I can't even take you seriously. What side of your mouth will you talk out of next?

The trend is a move towards service jobs Moron
If you want a job and a good job then concentrate on things that can't be moved offshore or where you can't be replaced by a low skill low wage worker

It's not rocket science all you have to do is look around.
Omg. Google the problem with a nation that doesn't make anything! Educate yourself.

Keep living in the past if you want

Services, Not Manufacturing, Will Revive The U.S. Workforce

Charting The Incredible Shift From Manufacturing To Services In America

Look up lists of recession proof businesses and you'll see NONE of them are in manufacturing and ALL of them are service oreiented

Wake the fuck up.

Service Economy Taking Over U.S. | Economy In Crisis
I have been blessed enuff to walk off 3 different jobs in my life...right into a better one. Three of the best days of my life. I surely didnt owe my employers a speck more than i did. Its a about survival loyalty has no place in capitalism.

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