8Hr workday? Weekends? Thank Henry Ford and Capitalism!

I know real estate agents who work a lot and don't make shit. Real estate is a safety net job for divorced women who need to find work because the free ride is over

I worked 100% commission for 24 years.

Don't care what you are selling, 20% of your sales staff delivers 80% of your business.

The bottom 80 work long and hard. They just don't make a lot of money.
You have the catalyst to do anything you want to do in this country, you

Really? How do people with an IQ of 100 and a 5th grade education, how do they become millionaires?

Be specific. Those people need your expertise in becoming millionaires. Btw, how many millions have you made?
And manufacturing is in decline so do you bet your economic future on a manufacturing job?

You can't name a single industry that can replace good paying manufacturing jobs.

You support the free market. The free global market takes wages down the lowest possible level. That is what you want for Americans.
1 Manufacturing job creates ten service jobs. We can't all go around serving ourselves. Someone's got to make grow or dig something valuable out of the ground.

Without manufacturing you don't need so many service jobs. It unsustainable.

Banks don't make anything either.

Face the fact manufacturing jobs in this country are on the decline and they will stay that way but its funny that service sector jobs have risen steadily as manufacturing declines that seems to contradict you doesn't it?

And wages are stagnant. We need to fix that.

No if your wages are stagnant YOU fix it.

You have the catalyst to do anything you want to do in this country, you want to be a millionaire go ahead and do it, if you want to do as little as possible then that is YOUR choice also.


We have stagnant wages and a slow economy. Claiming I can fix that myself is just plain silly.
You don't talk to HR you talk to the actual person who they worked for. That's the beauty of small businesses most don't have HR departments Idiot

I'd never work for a small business. They are beneath me. They probably couldn't afford me, anyway. That's what you don't get.

Most employees given the choice between working for a real company and a little shithole that brags that they have a whopping 8000 SF of space like you did a while back, will work for the real company every time.

Funny that you just don't want to work anywhere you can't be anonymous because your fuck ups are easier to see
On average, full-time manufacturing work pays 20 percent more than full-time service-sector jobs.

And manufacturing is in decline so do you bet your economic future on a manufacturing job?

You can't name a single industry that can replace good paying manufacturing jobs.

You support the free market. The free global market takes wages down the lowest possible level. That is what you want for Americans.
1 Manufacturing job creates ten service jobs. We can't all go around serving ourselves. Someone's got to make grow or dig something valuable out of the ground.

Without manufacturing you don't need so many service jobs. It unsustainable.

Banks don't make anything either.

Face the fact manufacturing jobs in this country are on the decline and they will stay that way but its funny that service sector jobs have risen steadily as manufacturing declines that seems to contradict you doesn't it?

And wages are stagnant. We need to fix that.

And just how do you propose we do that? FYI cutting CEO pay and tax hikes won't do it
You don't talk to HR you talk to the actual person who they worked for. That's the beauty of small businesses most don't have HR departments Idiot

I'd never work for a small business. They are beneath me. They probably couldn't afford me, anyway. That's what you don't get.

Most employees given the choice between working for a real company and a little shithole that brags that they have a whopping 8000 SF of space like you did a while back, will work for the real company every time.

I never mentioned how much square footage we have just that we are expanding
You have the catalyst to do anything you want to do in this country, you

Really? How do people with an IQ of 100 and a 5th grade education, how do they become millionaires?

Be specific. Those people need your expertise in becoming millionaires. Btw, how many millions have you made?

By having regressive democrats steal their earnings via taxes... obviously.
and they sat on their asses the entire summer right?

No they were repairing their homes and equipment or doing something else to bring in money in case the crop didn't produce well or the market tanked

Not really. But you keep telling yourself that they were reparing their hovels for 8 hours a day while watching the crops grow.

Since you've never owned a home or a working farm as usual you don't know what you're talking about.

Tell you what try being a farmer in the 1800s and see how many hours a day you can sit on your ass
You can't name a single industry that can replace good paying manufacturing jobs.

You support the free market. The free global market takes wages down the lowest possible level. That is what you want for Americans.
1 Manufacturing job creates ten service jobs. We can't all go around serving ourselves. Someone's got to make grow or dig something valuable out of the ground.

Without manufacturing you don't need so many service jobs. It unsustainable.

Banks don't make anything either.

Face the fact manufacturing jobs in this country are on the decline and they will stay that way but its funny that service sector jobs have risen steadily as manufacturing declines that seems to contradict you doesn't it?

And wages are stagnant. We need to fix that.

No if your wages are stagnant YOU fix it.

You have the catalyst to do anything you want to do in this country, you want to be a millionaire go ahead and do it, if you want to do as little as possible then that is YOUR choice also.


We have stagnant wages and a slow economy. Claiming I can fix that myself is just plain silly.

Who the FUCK claimed you can fix that? No one. You can fix YOUR OWN wage... Or could if you weren't such a regressive.

Now, TRUMP, an alpha, can maybe fix that. But you are NOWHERE NEAR his level. And if this attitude persists, will never be.
1 Manufacturing job creates ten service jobs. We can't all go around serving ourselves. Someone's got to make grow or dig something valuable out of the ground.

Without manufacturing you don't need so many service jobs. It unsustainable.

Banks don't make anything either.

Face the fact manufacturing jobs in this country are on the decline and they will stay that way but its funny that service sector jobs have risen steadily as manufacturing declines that seems to contradict you doesn't it?

And wages are stagnant. We need to fix that.

No if your wages are stagnant YOU fix it.

You have the catalyst to do anything you want to do in this country, you want to be a millionaire go ahead and do it, if you want to do as little as possible then that is YOUR choice also.


We have stagnant wages and a slow economy. Claiming I can fix that myself is just plain silly.

Who the FUCK claimed you can fix that? No one. You can fix YOUR OWN wage... Or could if you weren't such a regressive.

Now, TRUMP, an alpha, can maybe fix that. But you are NOWHERE NEAR his level. And if this attitude persists, will never be.

Bear claimed that. Do you not know how the quoting works? The answer is right there.
And manufacturing is in decline so do you bet your economic future on a manufacturing job?

You can't name a single industry that can replace good paying manufacturing jobs.

You support the free market. The free global market takes wages down the lowest possible level. That is what you want for Americans.
1 Manufacturing job creates ten service jobs. We can't all go around serving ourselves. Someone's got to make grow or dig something valuable out of the ground.

Without manufacturing you don't need so many service jobs. It unsustainable.

Banks don't make anything either.

Face the fact manufacturing jobs in this country are on the decline and they will stay that way but its funny that service sector jobs have risen steadily as manufacturing declines that seems to contradict you doesn't it?

And wages are stagnant. We need to fix that.

And just how do you propose we do that? FYI cutting CEO pay and tax hikes won't do it

Well there are many things that might help. Increasing min wage is one option. I would stop all the immigration and guest workers. I would heavily tax services like IT, Finance, and CS from other countries. The best way to fix it is creating a better environment for workers. If that didn't seem to be enough a few tariffs on certain products to increase manufacturing here would be helpful.
You have the catalyst to do anything you want to do in this country, you

Really? How do people with an IQ of 100 and a 5th grade education, how do they become millionaires?

Be specific. Those people need your expertise in becoming millionaires. Btw, how many millions have you made?

Stupid is as Stupid does....

Damn dude why are you such an enabler? You do know the difference between book smarts and street smarts correct?

This 8-Year-Old Makes $1.3 Million A Year By Posting YouTube Videos

This 8-Year-Old Makes $1.3 Million A Year By Posting YouTube Videos
You can't name a single industry that can replace good paying manufacturing jobs.

You support the free market. The free global market takes wages down the lowest possible level. That is what you want for Americans.
1 Manufacturing job creates ten service jobs. We can't all go around serving ourselves. Someone's got to make grow or dig something valuable out of the ground.

Without manufacturing you don't need so many service jobs. It unsustainable.

Banks don't make anything either.

Face the fact manufacturing jobs in this country are on the decline and they will stay that way but its funny that service sector jobs have risen steadily as manufacturing declines that seems to contradict you doesn't it?

And wages are stagnant. We need to fix that.

And just how do you propose we do that? FYI cutting CEO pay and tax hikes won't do it

Well there are many things that might help. Increasing min wage is one option. I would stop all the immigration and guest workers. I would heavily tax services like IT, Finance, and CS from other countries. The best way to fix it is creating a better environment for workers. If that didn't seem to be enough a few tariffs on certain products to increase manufacturing here would be helpful.

When did tariff wars ever work?
And manufacturing is in decline so do you bet your economic future on a manufacturing job?

You can't name a single industry that can replace good paying manufacturing jobs.

You support the free market. The free global market takes wages down the lowest possible level. That is what you want for Americans.
1 Manufacturing job creates ten service jobs. We can't all go around serving ourselves. Someone's got to make grow or dig something valuable out of the ground.

Without manufacturing you don't need so many service jobs. It unsustainable.

Banks don't make anything either.

Face the fact manufacturing jobs in this country are on the decline and they will stay that way but its funny that service sector jobs have risen steadily as manufacturing declines that seems to contradict you doesn't it?

And wages are stagnant. We need to fix that.

No if your wages are stagnant YOU fix it.

You have the catalyst to do anything you want to do in this country, you want to be a millionaire go ahead and do it, if you want to do as little as possible then that is YOUR choice also.

Ha ha. Lots of people WANT to be millionaires and they work their asses off to try and become millionaires and they never become millionaires.

Funny thing is my dad became a millionaire and he never made more than $13 hr. He's not really a "millionaire" but has $1 million in $ and assets.
And manufacturing is in decline so do you bet your economic future on a manufacturing job?

You can't name a single industry that can replace good paying manufacturing jobs.

You support the free market. The free global market takes wages down the lowest possible level. That is what you want for Americans.
1 Manufacturing job creates ten service jobs. We can't all go around serving ourselves. Someone's got to make grow or dig something valuable out of the ground.

Without manufacturing you don't need so many service jobs. It unsustainable.

Banks don't make anything either.

Face the fact manufacturing jobs in this country are on the decline and they will stay that way but its funny that service sector jobs have risen steadily as manufacturing declines that seems to contradict you doesn't it?

And wages are stagnant. We need to fix that.

And just how do you propose we do that? FYI cutting CEO pay and tax hikes won't do it
It's a start. Why not instead of giving the CEO a $20 million dollar bonus next year you give him a $10 million bonus and give the other $10 million to his 30,000 employees? You don't think those employees could use that extra $333 a year? Greedy fuck.
1 Manufacturing job creates ten service jobs. We can't all go around serving ourselves. Someone's got to make grow or dig something valuable out of the ground.

Without manufacturing you don't need so many service jobs. It unsustainable.

Banks don't make anything either.

Face the fact manufacturing jobs in this country are on the decline and they will stay that way but its funny that service sector jobs have risen steadily as manufacturing declines that seems to contradict you doesn't it?

And wages are stagnant. We need to fix that.

And just how do you propose we do that? FYI cutting CEO pay and tax hikes won't do it

Well there are many things that might help. Increasing min wage is one option. I would stop all the immigration and guest workers. I would heavily tax services like IT, Finance, and CS from other countries. The best way to fix it is creating a better environment for workers. If that didn't seem to be enough a few tariffs on certain products to increase manufacturing here would be helpful.

When did tariff wars ever work?
Back when we used them.
1 Manufacturing job creates ten service jobs. We can't all go around serving ourselves. Someone's got to make grow or dig something valuable out of the ground.

Without manufacturing you don't need so many service jobs. It unsustainable.

Banks don't make anything either.

Face the fact manufacturing jobs in this country are on the decline and they will stay that way but its funny that service sector jobs have risen steadily as manufacturing declines that seems to contradict you doesn't it?

And wages are stagnant. We need to fix that.

And just how do you propose we do that? FYI cutting CEO pay and tax hikes won't do it

Well there are many things that might help. Increasing min wage is one option. I would stop all the immigration and guest workers. I would heavily tax services like IT, Finance, and CS from other countries. The best way to fix it is creating a better environment for workers. If that didn't seem to be enough a few tariffs on certain products to increase manufacturing here would be helpful.

When did tariff wars ever work?

Being the largest economy in the world has advantages. Is free trade working?
And manufacturing is in decline so do you bet your economic future on a manufacturing job?

You can't name a single industry that can replace good paying manufacturing jobs.

You support the free market. The free global market takes wages down the lowest possible level. That is what you want for Americans.
1 Manufacturing job creates ten service jobs. We can't all go around serving ourselves. Someone's got to make grow or dig something valuable out of the ground.

Without manufacturing you don't need so many service jobs. It unsustainable.

Banks don't make anything either.

Face the fact manufacturing jobs in this country are on the decline and they will stay that way but its funny that service sector jobs have risen steadily as manufacturing declines that seems to contradict you doesn't it?

And wages are stagnant. We need to fix that.

No if your wages are stagnant YOU fix it.

You have the catalyst to do anything you want to do in this country, you want to be a millionaire go ahead and do it, if you want to do as little as possible then that is YOUR choice also.


What if you just wanted to work in a steel mill like your dad and granddad did, at wages good enough to buy a home and raise a family, without your wife having to work?
Most boys and girls, certainly in frontier areas, learned how to plow, mend fences, skin animals, dress meat, fish, shoot, hunt, and ride. Their lives, like their parents’ lives, were tied to the seasons as they worked and played and civilized the raw land, and their survival to a deadly aim trained on an attacker, man or beast.

except, again, they weren't doing these things repetitiously, every day, for 8 hours a day.

I don't know how many times I have to explain this to you and have you STILL not understand the concept.

That wasn't your argument, you were trying to imply before the industrial revolution everyone was having tea party's and magical unicorns would deliver them goods.

The Industrial Revolution, with its atrocities, spawned socialism in its many forms.
You can't name a single industry that can replace good paying manufacturing jobs.

You support the free market. The free global market takes wages down the lowest possible level. That is what you want for Americans.
1 Manufacturing job creates ten service jobs. We can't all go around serving ourselves. Someone's got to make grow or dig something valuable out of the ground.

Without manufacturing you don't need so many service jobs. It unsustainable.

Banks don't make anything either.

Face the fact manufacturing jobs in this country are on the decline and they will stay that way but its funny that service sector jobs have risen steadily as manufacturing declines that seems to contradict you doesn't it?

And wages are stagnant. We need to fix that.

And just how do you propose we do that? FYI cutting CEO pay and tax hikes won't do it

Well there are many things that might help. Increasing min wage is one option. I would stop all the immigration and guest workers. I would heavily tax services like IT, Finance, and CS from other countries. The best way to fix it is creating a better environment for workers. If that didn't seem to be enough a few tariffs on certain products to increase manufacturing here would be helpful.

So you want people to pay more fr everything then?

Basically all a tariff does is increase the prices we pay here.

I'll use my sneakers example again.

You buy sneakers made overseas for $50 now those exact same shoes would have to be sold for $100 if they were made here because of the cost. So you want to put a tariff on the imports so they will cost more than $100. You have just forced a person to spend twice as much on a pair of sneakers than they had to leaving them less money to spend on other things.

How is that helpful?

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