8Hr workday? Weekends? Thank Henry Ford and Capitalism!

Funny that you just don't want to work anywhere you can't be anonymous because your fuck ups are easier to see

Naw, guy, I just happen to like structure. The problem with little companies is that you get shit like the Boss' nephew is now a manager because he done just graduated from college, or the lady who is sleeping withthe boss is now a supervisor.

What I've found is the smaller the company, the less the competence and the less the professionalism.

Funny that you just don't want to work anywhere you can't be anonymous because your fuck ups are easier to see

Naw, guy, I just happen to like structure. The problem with little companies is that you get shit like the Boss' nephew is now a manager because he done just graduated from college, or the lady who is sleeping withthe boss is now a supervisor.

What I've found is the smaller the company, the less the competence and the less the professionalism.


Not the case in my business. I don't have any family and my wife's only sister is a very successful CFO ( who BTW regularly works more than 8 hours a day)

You have a real problem with blinders and broad brushes don't you?

But it's OK if you want to be a little unnoticeable cog in a big machine after all we all have to be something
1 Manufacturing job creates ten service jobs. We can't all go around serving ourselves. Someone's got to make grow or dig something valuable out of the ground.

Without manufacturing you don't need so many service jobs. It unsustainable.

Banks don't make anything either.

Face the fact manufacturing jobs in this country are on the decline and they will stay that way but its funny that service sector jobs have risen steadily as manufacturing declines that seems to contradict you doesn't it?

And wages are stagnant. We need to fix that.

And just how do you propose we do that? FYI cutting CEO pay and tax hikes won't do it

Well there are many things that might help. Increasing min wage is one option. I would stop all the immigration and guest workers. I would heavily tax services like IT, Finance, and CS from other countries. The best way to fix it is creating a better environment for workers. If that didn't seem to be enough a few tariffs on certain products to increase manufacturing here would be helpful.

So you want people to pay more fr everything then?

Basically all a tariff does is increase the prices we pay here.

I'll use my sneakers example again.

You buy sneakers made overseas for $50 now those exact same shoes would have to be sold for $100 if they were made here because of the cost. So you want to put a tariff on the imports so they will cost more than $100. You have just forced a person to spend twice as much on a pair of sneakers than they had to leaving them less money to spend on other things.

How is that helpful?
Don't use your sneakers as an example. That's one industry we will give up. BUT, I think you should know that Nike doesn't pass on the savings to you. Do you think they do? Because Nike should be charging us $25 for a pair of sneakers but they charge whatever the market will pay. So actually sneakers is a horrible example to use. How about cars?

And tariffs won't raise the price of imports. The purpose of tariffs are to get the companies to move back home. If they don't want to pay the tariff, move back and make the shit here.

Anyways, I love it how now that the Republicans have promised to bring jobs back home, now they are starting to walk that talk backward because the reality is, they don't want to bring jobs back home. They don't want to pay higher wages.

YOU my friend are the perfect example of why Trump won't bring jobs back home. Ultimately that sounds good on a bumper sticker but as soon as he's elected he's going to start sounding a lot like you.
Face the fact manufacturing jobs in this country are on the decline and they will stay that way but its funny that service sector jobs have risen steadily as manufacturing declines that seems to contradict you doesn't it?

And wages are stagnant. We need to fix that.

And just how do you propose we do that? FYI cutting CEO pay and tax hikes won't do it

Well there are many things that might help. Increasing min wage is one option. I would stop all the immigration and guest workers. I would heavily tax services like IT, Finance, and CS from other countries. The best way to fix it is creating a better environment for workers. If that didn't seem to be enough a few tariffs on certain products to increase manufacturing here would be helpful.

So you want people to pay more fr everything then?

Basically all a tariff does is increase the prices we pay here.

I'll use my sneakers example again.

You buy sneakers made overseas for $50 now those exact same shoes would have to be sold for $100 if they were made here because of the cost. So you want to put a tariff on the imports so they will cost more than $100. You have just forced a person to spend twice as much on a pair of sneakers than they had to leaving them less money to spend on other things.

How is that helpful?
Don't use your sneakers as an example. That's one industry we will give up. BUT, I think you should know that Nike doesn't pass on the savings to you. Do you think they do? Because Nike should be charging us $25 for a pair of sneakers but they charge whatever the market will pay. So actually sneakers is a horrible example to use. How about cars?

And tariffs won't raise the price of imports. The purpose of tariffs are to get the companies to move back home. If they don't want to pay the tariff, move back and make the shit here.

Anyways, I love it how now that the Republicans have promised to bring jobs back home, now they are starting to walk that talk backward because the reality is, they don't want to bring jobs back home. They don't want to pay higher wages.

YOU my friend are the perfect example of why Trump won't bring jobs back home. Ultimately that sounds good on a bumper sticker but as soon as he's elected he's going to start sounding a lot like you.

Tariffs are a tax on imports that artificially raise the price
That is the every definition of a tariff. Look it up.

Tariffs are great for the government because they'll have more money to waste and in the short term are good for in country businesses because the government removes their competition by artificially inflating prices on imports. So people then have the "choice" of buying the already higher rices American product or the artificially inflated price on the import.

So yes people might opt to buy the American product at it's regular price that is higher than what they would have paid for a tariff free import but they now have less money than they would have so they by less of other things and then in the long run the entire economy will see a lowering of demand because everyone has less money to spend because anything they buy will cost more.

How is that a good thing for consumers?

FYI the jobs that were offshored aren't coming back anytime soon even if we impose tariffs.

There are plenty of opportunities that exist right now where we have a severe shortage of people and a growing need as I've said before
And wages are stagnant. We need to fix that.

And just how do you propose we do that? FYI cutting CEO pay and tax hikes won't do it

Well there are many things that might help. Increasing min wage is one option. I would stop all the immigration and guest workers. I would heavily tax services like IT, Finance, and CS from other countries. The best way to fix it is creating a better environment for workers. If that didn't seem to be enough a few tariffs on certain products to increase manufacturing here would be helpful.

So you want people to pay more fr everything then?

Basically all a tariff does is increase the prices we pay here.

I'll use my sneakers example again.

You buy sneakers made overseas for $50 now those exact same shoes would have to be sold for $100 if they were made here because of the cost. So you want to put a tariff on the imports so they will cost more than $100. You have just forced a person to spend twice as much on a pair of sneakers than they had to leaving them less money to spend on other things.

How is that helpful?
Don't use your sneakers as an example. That's one industry we will give up. BUT, I think you should know that Nike doesn't pass on the savings to you. Do you think they do? Because Nike should be charging us $25 for a pair of sneakers but they charge whatever the market will pay. So actually sneakers is a horrible example to use. How about cars?

And tariffs won't raise the price of imports. The purpose of tariffs are to get the companies to move back home. If they don't want to pay the tariff, move back and make the shit here.

Anyways, I love it how now that the Republicans have promised to bring jobs back home, now they are starting to walk that talk backward because the reality is, they don't want to bring jobs back home. They don't want to pay higher wages.

YOU my friend are the perfect example of why Trump won't bring jobs back home. Ultimately that sounds good on a bumper sticker but as soon as he's elected he's going to start sounding a lot like you.

Tariffs are a tax on imports that artificially raise the price
That is the every definition of a tariff. Look it up.

Tariffs are great for the government because they'll have more money to waste and in the short term are good for in country businesses because the government removes their competition by artificially inflating prices on imports. So people then have the "choice" of buying the already higher rices American product or the artificially inflated price on the import.

So yes people might opt to buy the American product at it's regular price that is higher than what they would have paid for a tariff free import but they now have less money than they would have so they by less of other things and then in the long run the entire economy will see a lowering of demand because everyone has less money to spend because anything they buy will cost more.

How is that a good thing for consumers?

Maybe it will pay off our debt.

If it increases consumer wages it is good for consumers.
Funny that you just don't want to work anywhere you can't be anonymous because your fuck ups are easier to see

Naw, guy, I just happen to like structure. The problem with little companies is that you get shit like the Boss' nephew is now a manager because he done just graduated from college, or the lady who is sleeping withthe boss is now a supervisor.

What I've found is the smaller the company, the less the competence and the less the professionalism.

Actually, I don't work for the big 2 I work for a small competitor. BUT, it is still a international company so it does things right. Pays us well, great benefits, professionally run, etc. But that's because everyone who runs my company has worked for the big 2 before. So they know how things should run.

You are absolutely correct though about a really small family owned shop. They don't make enough to treat their employees right. My company still has to be competitive with the big 2 otherwise people from the Big 2 would never come here and work.
And just how do you propose we do that? FYI cutting CEO pay and tax hikes won't do it

Well there are many things that might help. Increasing min wage is one option. I would stop all the immigration and guest workers. I would heavily tax services like IT, Finance, and CS from other countries. The best way to fix it is creating a better environment for workers. If that didn't seem to be enough a few tariffs on certain products to increase manufacturing here would be helpful.

So you want people to pay more fr everything then?

Basically all a tariff does is increase the prices we pay here.

I'll use my sneakers example again.

You buy sneakers made overseas for $50 now those exact same shoes would have to be sold for $100 if they were made here because of the cost. So you want to put a tariff on the imports so they will cost more than $100. You have just forced a person to spend twice as much on a pair of sneakers than they had to leaving them less money to spend on other things.

How is that helpful?
Don't use your sneakers as an example. That's one industry we will give up. BUT, I think you should know that Nike doesn't pass on the savings to you. Do you think they do? Because Nike should be charging us $25 for a pair of sneakers but they charge whatever the market will pay. So actually sneakers is a horrible example to use. How about cars?

And tariffs won't raise the price of imports. The purpose of tariffs are to get the companies to move back home. If they don't want to pay the tariff, move back and make the shit here.

Anyways, I love it how now that the Republicans have promised to bring jobs back home, now they are starting to walk that talk backward because the reality is, they don't want to bring jobs back home. They don't want to pay higher wages.

YOU my friend are the perfect example of why Trump won't bring jobs back home. Ultimately that sounds good on a bumper sticker but as soon as he's elected he's going to start sounding a lot like you.

Tariffs are a tax on imports that artificially raise the price
That is the every definition of a tariff. Look it up.

Tariffs are great for the government because they'll have more money to waste and in the short term are good for in country businesses because the government removes their competition by artificially inflating prices on imports. So people then have the "choice" of buying the already higher rices American product or the artificially inflated price on the import.

So yes people might opt to buy the American product at it's regular price that is higher than what they would have paid for a tariff free import but they now have less money than they would have so they by less of other things and then in the long run the entire economy will see a lowering of demand because everyone has less money to spend because anything they buy will cost more.

How is that a good thing for consumers?

Maybe it will pay off our debt.

If it increases consumer wages it is good for consumers.

It won't increase wages it will increase the cost of goods and lessen demand which will lessen sales which will mean less people needed to work in the manufacturing plants
Well there are many things that might help. Increasing min wage is one option. I would stop all the immigration and guest workers. I would heavily tax services like IT, Finance, and CS from other countries. The best way to fix it is creating a better environment for workers. If that didn't seem to be enough a few tariffs on certain products to increase manufacturing here would be helpful.

So you want people to pay more fr everything then?

Basically all a tariff does is increase the prices we pay here.

I'll use my sneakers example again.

You buy sneakers made overseas for $50 now those exact same shoes would have to be sold for $100 if they were made here because of the cost. So you want to put a tariff on the imports so they will cost more than $100. You have just forced a person to spend twice as much on a pair of sneakers than they had to leaving them less money to spend on other things.

How is that helpful?
Don't use your sneakers as an example. That's one industry we will give up. BUT, I think you should know that Nike doesn't pass on the savings to you. Do you think they do? Because Nike should be charging us $25 for a pair of sneakers but they charge whatever the market will pay. So actually sneakers is a horrible example to use. How about cars?

And tariffs won't raise the price of imports. The purpose of tariffs are to get the companies to move back home. If they don't want to pay the tariff, move back and make the shit here.

Anyways, I love it how now that the Republicans have promised to bring jobs back home, now they are starting to walk that talk backward because the reality is, they don't want to bring jobs back home. They don't want to pay higher wages.

YOU my friend are the perfect example of why Trump won't bring jobs back home. Ultimately that sounds good on a bumper sticker but as soon as he's elected he's going to start sounding a lot like you.

Tariffs are a tax on imports that artificially raise the price
That is the every definition of a tariff. Look it up.

Tariffs are great for the government because they'll have more money to waste and in the short term are good for in country businesses because the government removes their competition by artificially inflating prices on imports. So people then have the "choice" of buying the already higher rices American product or the artificially inflated price on the import.

So yes people might opt to buy the American product at it's regular price that is higher than what they would have paid for a tariff free import but they now have less money than they would have so they by less of other things and then in the long run the entire economy will see a lowering of demand because everyone has less money to spend because anything they buy will cost more.

How is that a good thing for consumers?

Maybe it will pay off our debt.

If it increases consumer wages it is good for consumers.

It won't increase wages it will increase the cost of goods and lessen demand which will lessen sales which will mean less people needed to work in the manufacturing plants

Don't see any of that happening with cars.
So you want people to pay more fr everything then?

Basically all a tariff does is increase the prices we pay here.

I'll use my sneakers example again.

You buy sneakers made overseas for $50 now those exact same shoes would have to be sold for $100 if they were made here because of the cost. So you want to put a tariff on the imports so they will cost more than $100. You have just forced a person to spend twice as much on a pair of sneakers than they had to leaving them less money to spend on other things.

How is that helpful?
Don't use your sneakers as an example. That's one industry we will give up. BUT, I think you should know that Nike doesn't pass on the savings to you. Do you think they do? Because Nike should be charging us $25 for a pair of sneakers but they charge whatever the market will pay. So actually sneakers is a horrible example to use. How about cars?

And tariffs won't raise the price of imports. The purpose of tariffs are to get the companies to move back home. If they don't want to pay the tariff, move back and make the shit here.

Anyways, I love it how now that the Republicans have promised to bring jobs back home, now they are starting to walk that talk backward because the reality is, they don't want to bring jobs back home. They don't want to pay higher wages.

YOU my friend are the perfect example of why Trump won't bring jobs back home. Ultimately that sounds good on a bumper sticker but as soon as he's elected he's going to start sounding a lot like you.

Tariffs are a tax on imports that artificially raise the price
That is the every definition of a tariff. Look it up.

Tariffs are great for the government because they'll have more money to waste and in the short term are good for in country businesses because the government removes their competition by artificially inflating prices on imports. So people then have the "choice" of buying the already higher rices American product or the artificially inflated price on the import.

So yes people might opt to buy the American product at it's regular price that is higher than what they would have paid for a tariff free import but they now have less money than they would have so they by less of other things and then in the long run the entire economy will see a lowering of demand because everyone has less money to spend because anything they buy will cost more.

How is that a good thing for consumers?

Maybe it will pay off our debt.

If it increases consumer wages it is good for consumers.

It won't increase wages it will increase the cost of goods and lessen demand which will lessen sales which will mean less people needed to work in the manufacturing plants

Don't see any of that happening with cars.

Are there tariffs on cars?

You want tariffs I told you what tariffs get the consumer you can believe it or not IDGAF
Don't use your sneakers as an example. That's one industry we will give up. BUT, I think you should know that Nike doesn't pass on the savings to you. Do you think they do? Because Nike should be charging us $25 for a pair of sneakers but they charge whatever the market will pay. So actually sneakers is a horrible example to use. How about cars?

And tariffs won't raise the price of imports. The purpose of tariffs are to get the companies to move back home. If they don't want to pay the tariff, move back and make the shit here.

Anyways, I love it how now that the Republicans have promised to bring jobs back home, now they are starting to walk that talk backward because the reality is, they don't want to bring jobs back home. They don't want to pay higher wages.

YOU my friend are the perfect example of why Trump won't bring jobs back home. Ultimately that sounds good on a bumper sticker but as soon as he's elected he's going to start sounding a lot like you.

Tariffs are a tax on imports that artificially raise the price
That is the every definition of a tariff. Look it up.

Tariffs are great for the government because they'll have more money to waste and in the short term are good for in country businesses because the government removes their competition by artificially inflating prices on imports. So people then have the "choice" of buying the already higher rices American product or the artificially inflated price on the import.

So yes people might opt to buy the American product at it's regular price that is higher than what they would have paid for a tariff free import but they now have less money than they would have so they by less of other things and then in the long run the entire economy will see a lowering of demand because everyone has less money to spend because anything they buy will cost more.

How is that a good thing for consumers?

Maybe it will pay off our debt.

If it increases consumer wages it is good for consumers.

It won't increase wages it will increase the cost of goods and lessen demand which will lessen sales which will mean less people needed to work in the manufacturing plants

Don't see any of that happening with cars.

Are there tariffs on cars?

You want tariffs I told you what tariffs get the consumer you can believe it or not IDGAF

It would increase production here creating more jobs.
Tariffs are a tax on imports that artificially raise the price
That is the every definition of a tariff. Look it up.

Tariffs are great for the government because they'll have more money to waste and in the short term are good for in country businesses because the government removes their competition by artificially inflating prices on imports. So people then have the "choice" of buying the already higher rices American product or the artificially inflated price on the import.

So yes people might opt to buy the American product at it's regular price that is higher than what they would have paid for a tariff free import but they now have less money than they would have so they by less of other things and then in the long run the entire economy will see a lowering of demand because everyone has less money to spend because anything they buy will cost more.

How is that a good thing for consumers?

Maybe it will pay off our debt.

If it increases consumer wages it is good for consumers.

It won't increase wages it will increase the cost of goods and lessen demand which will lessen sales which will mean less people needed to work in the manufacturing plants

Don't see any of that happening with cars.

Are there tariffs on cars?

You want tariffs I told you what tariffs get the consumer you can believe it or not IDGAF

It would increase production here creating more jobs.

Tariffs artificially raise prices forcing people to spend more than they would therefore they have less money to buy things. less money equals less demand less demand does not equal increased production
Maybe it will pay off our debt.

If it increases consumer wages it is good for consumers.

It won't increase wages it will increase the cost of goods and lessen demand which will lessen sales which will mean less people needed to work in the manufacturing plants

Don't see any of that happening with cars.

Are there tariffs on cars?

You want tariffs I told you what tariffs get the consumer you can believe it or not IDGAF

It would increase production here creating more jobs.

Tariffs artificially raise prices forcing people to spend more than they would therefore they have less money to buy things. less money equals less demand less demand does not equal increased production

Moving production to the US creates jobs. Increased demand for workers increases wages.
It won't increase wages it will increase the cost of goods and lessen demand which will lessen sales which will mean less people needed to work in the manufacturing plants

Don't see any of that happening with cars.

Are there tariffs on cars?

You want tariffs I told you what tariffs get the consumer you can believe it or not IDGAF

It would increase production here creating more jobs.

Tariffs artificially raise prices forcing people to spend more than they would therefore they have less money to buy things. less money equals less demand less demand does not equal increased production

Moving production to the US creates jobs. Increased demand for workers increases wages.

Tariffs raise prices on goods I don't know how many times I have to tell you this

Why don't you find some experts that say tariffs make foreign companies relocate their manufacturing plants.
Well there are many things that might help. Increasing min wage is one option. I would stop all the immigration and guest workers. I would heavily tax services like IT, Finance, and CS from other countries. The best way to fix it is creating a better environment for workers. If that didn't seem to be enough a few tariffs on certain products to increase manufacturing here would be helpful.

So you want people to pay more fr everything then?

Basically all a tariff does is increase the prices we pay here.

I'll use my sneakers example again.

You buy sneakers made overseas for $50 now those exact same shoes would have to be sold for $100 if they were made here because of the cost. So you want to put a tariff on the imports so they will cost more than $100. You have just forced a person to spend twice as much on a pair of sneakers than they had to leaving them less money to spend on other things.

How is that helpful?
Don't use your sneakers as an example. That's one industry we will give up. BUT, I think you should know that Nike doesn't pass on the savings to you. Do you think they do? Because Nike should be charging us $25 for a pair of sneakers but they charge whatever the market will pay. So actually sneakers is a horrible example to use. How about cars?

And tariffs won't raise the price of imports. The purpose of tariffs are to get the companies to move back home. If they don't want to pay the tariff, move back and make the shit here.

Anyways, I love it how now that the Republicans have promised to bring jobs back home, now they are starting to walk that talk backward because the reality is, they don't want to bring jobs back home. They don't want to pay higher wages.

YOU my friend are the perfect example of why Trump won't bring jobs back home. Ultimately that sounds good on a bumper sticker but as soon as he's elected he's going to start sounding a lot like you.

Tariffs are a tax on imports that artificially raise the price
That is the every definition of a tariff. Look it up.

Tariffs are great for the government because they'll have more money to waste and in the short term are good for in country businesses because the government removes their competition by artificially inflating prices on imports. So people then have the "choice" of buying the already higher rices American product or the artificially inflated price on the import.

So yes people might opt to buy the American product at it's regular price that is higher than what they would have paid for a tariff free import but they now have less money than they would have so they by less of other things and then in the long run the entire economy will see a lowering of demand because everyone has less money to spend because anything they buy will cost more.

How is that a good thing for consumers?

Maybe it will pay off our debt.

If it increases consumer wages it is good for consumers.

It won't increase wages it will increase the cost of goods and lessen demand which will lessen sales which will mean less people needed to work in the manufacturing plants
Ahhhh! The old "if we pay everyone $30K each instead of $60K each we can employ twice as many people. No thanks.
It won't increase wages it will increase the cost of goods and lessen demand which will lessen sales which will mean less people needed to work in the manufacturing plants

Don't see any of that happening with cars.

Are there tariffs on cars?

You want tariffs I told you what tariffs get the consumer you can believe it or not IDGAF

It would increase production here creating more jobs.

Tariffs artificially raise prices forcing people to spend more than they would therefore they have less money to buy things. less money equals less demand less demand does not equal increased production

Moving production to the US creates jobs. Increased demand for workers increases wages.
And higher wages for workers means they spend more. I have a friend he owns a UPS store. He made a fortune in the 90's because everyone had money in their pockets. He says, "I don't think Americas realize how bad things are today. No one has any money. Everyone is in debt. Everyone is pretending to be middle class when they are borderline broke."

Now Republicans will try to pretend it was Obama who did this to the middle class but we all know better. Even Republicans get it. That's why Donald "bring jobs back home" Trump is their nominee.

But notice which side will immediately start telling us why we can't bring jobs back home? Of course it's the Republican party. The party of NO. If that's what's going to happen, then voters need to vote out the incumbants who tell us no we can't. As Obama said, "yes we can". Unfortunately the GOP said "oh no you can't and no you won't. Not while we are still around".
Don't see any of that happening with cars.

Are there tariffs on cars?

You want tariffs I told you what tariffs get the consumer you can believe it or not IDGAF

It would increase production here creating more jobs.

Tariffs artificially raise prices forcing people to spend more than they would therefore they have less money to buy things. less money equals less demand less demand does not equal increased production

Moving production to the US creates jobs. Increased demand for workers increases wages.

Tariffs raise prices on goods I don't know how many times I have to tell you this

Why don't you find some experts that say tariffs make foreign companies relocate their manufacturing plants.
Then bring those manufacturing jobs back inside America and avoid the tariffs. You'll pay more? So what? If your car cost $10K or $11K, would you notice the difference?

How expensive can employees in Detroit or Kentucky be? We have cheap labor in America. Come home and find out!

And even if you have to pay a little more, you won't be paying tariffs or shipping costs to ship from somewhere else to here. Also, when gas goes back up to $4 a gallon, you'll need to be manufacturing here because it'll be too expensive to ship.
So you want people to pay more fr everything then?

Basically all a tariff does is increase the prices we pay here.

I'll use my sneakers example again.

You buy sneakers made overseas for $50 now those exact same shoes would have to be sold for $100 if they were made here because of the cost. So you want to put a tariff on the imports so they will cost more than $100. You have just forced a person to spend twice as much on a pair of sneakers than they had to leaving them less money to spend on other things.

How is that helpful?
Don't use your sneakers as an example. That's one industry we will give up. BUT, I think you should know that Nike doesn't pass on the savings to you. Do you think they do? Because Nike should be charging us $25 for a pair of sneakers but they charge whatever the market will pay. So actually sneakers is a horrible example to use. How about cars?

And tariffs won't raise the price of imports. The purpose of tariffs are to get the companies to move back home. If they don't want to pay the tariff, move back and make the shit here.

Anyways, I love it how now that the Republicans have promised to bring jobs back home, now they are starting to walk that talk backward because the reality is, they don't want to bring jobs back home. They don't want to pay higher wages.

YOU my friend are the perfect example of why Trump won't bring jobs back home. Ultimately that sounds good on a bumper sticker but as soon as he's elected he's going to start sounding a lot like you.

Tariffs are a tax on imports that artificially raise the price
That is the every definition of a tariff. Look it up.

Tariffs are great for the government because they'll have more money to waste and in the short term are good for in country businesses because the government removes their competition by artificially inflating prices on imports. So people then have the "choice" of buying the already higher rices American product or the artificially inflated price on the import.

So yes people might opt to buy the American product at it's regular price that is higher than what they would have paid for a tariff free import but they now have less money than they would have so they by less of other things and then in the long run the entire economy will see a lowering of demand because everyone has less money to spend because anything they buy will cost more.

How is that a good thing for consumers?

Maybe it will pay off our debt.

If it increases consumer wages it is good for consumers.

It won't increase wages it will increase the cost of goods and lessen demand which will lessen sales which will mean less people needed to work in the manufacturing plants
Ahhhh! The old "if we pay everyone $30K each instead of $60K each we can employ twice as many people. No thanks.

Ahhh the no jobs ploy.. No thanks

You do know those little 20 grand to 30 grand jobs are just stepping stones for some people right?

The more company's in your town and city the better.

So you want people to pay more fr everything then?

Basically all a tariff does is increase the prices we pay here.

I'll use my sneakers example again.

You buy sneakers made overseas for $50 now those exact same shoes would have to be sold for $100 if they were made here because of the cost. So you want to put a tariff on the imports so they will cost more than $100. You have just forced a person to spend twice as much on a pair of sneakers than they had to leaving them less money to spend on other things.

How is that helpful?
Don't use your sneakers as an example. That's one industry we will give up. BUT, I think you should know that Nike doesn't pass on the savings to you. Do you think they do? Because Nike should be charging us $25 for a pair of sneakers but they charge whatever the market will pay. So actually sneakers is a horrible example to use. How about cars?

And tariffs won't raise the price of imports. The purpose of tariffs are to get the companies to move back home. If they don't want to pay the tariff, move back and make the shit here.

Anyways, I love it how now that the Republicans have promised to bring jobs back home, now they are starting to walk that talk backward because the reality is, they don't want to bring jobs back home. They don't want to pay higher wages.

YOU my friend are the perfect example of why Trump won't bring jobs back home. Ultimately that sounds good on a bumper sticker but as soon as he's elected he's going to start sounding a lot like you.

Tariffs are a tax on imports that artificially raise the price
That is the every definition of a tariff. Look it up.

Tariffs are great for the government because they'll have more money to waste and in the short term are good for in country businesses because the government removes their competition by artificially inflating prices on imports. So people then have the "choice" of buying the already higher rices American product or the artificially inflated price on the import.

So yes people might opt to buy the American product at it's regular price that is higher than what they would have paid for a tariff free import but they now have less money than they would have so they by less of other things and then in the long run the entire economy will see a lowering of demand because everyone has less money to spend because anything they buy will cost more.

How is that a good thing for consumers?

Maybe it will pay off our debt.

If it increases consumer wages it is good for consumers.

It won't increase wages it will increase the cost of goods and lessen demand which will lessen sales which will mean less people needed to work in the manufacturing plants
Ahhhh! The old "if we pay everyone $30K each instead of $60K each we can employ twice as many people. No thanks.

No I'm telling you that a tariff will not increase anyone's income, It will increase costs which will decrease demand
Are there tariffs on cars?

You want tariffs I told you what tariffs get the consumer you can believe it or not IDGAF

It would increase production here creating more jobs.

Tariffs artificially raise prices forcing people to spend more than they would therefore they have less money to buy things. less money equals less demand less demand does not equal increased production

Moving production to the US creates jobs. Increased demand for workers increases wages.

Tariffs raise prices on goods I don't know how many times I have to tell you this

Why don't you find some experts that say tariffs make foreign companies relocate their manufacturing plants.
Then bring those manufacturing jobs back inside America and avoid the tariffs. You'll pay more? So what? If your car cost $10K or $11K, would you notice the difference?

How expensive can employees in Detroit or Kentucky be? We have cheap labor in America. Come home and find out!

And even if you have to pay a little more, you won't be paying tariffs or shipping costs to ship from somewhere else to here. Also, when gas goes back up to $4 a gallon, you'll need to be manufacturing here because it'll be too expensive to ship.

It won't happen. Foreign companies will not move their manufacturing here simply because of tariffs.

All that will happen is that we will pay more for everything here and we will be forced to pay higher prices because there will be no competition
Don't see any of that happening with cars.

Are there tariffs on cars?

You want tariffs I told you what tariffs get the consumer you can believe it or not IDGAF

It would increase production here creating more jobs.

Tariffs artificially raise prices forcing people to spend more than they would therefore they have less money to buy things. less money equals less demand less demand does not equal increased production

Moving production to the US creates jobs. Increased demand for workers increases wages.
And higher wages for workers means they spend more. I have a friend he owns a UPS store. He made a fortune in the 90's because everyone had money in their pockets. He says, "I don't think Americas realize how bad things are today. No one has any money. Everyone is in debt. Everyone is pretending to be middle class when they are borderline broke."

Now Republicans will try to pretend it was Obama who did this to the middle class but we all know better. Even Republicans get it. That's why Donald "bring jobs back home" Trump is their nominee.

But notice which side will immediately start telling us why we can't bring jobs back home? Of course it's the Republican party. The party of NO. If that's what's going to happen, then voters need to vote out the incumbants who tell us no we can't. As Obama said, "yes we can". Unfortunately the GOP said "oh no you can't and no you won't. Not while we are still around".

You assume that foreign manufacturers will move their operations here then show me some proof that it will happen and that it will raise people's incomes

FYI it won't but go ahead and try to find me the proof for your claims

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