8Hr workday? Weekends? Thank Henry Ford and Capitalism!

How will there be no competition when we have many car companies manufacturing here?

SO now you're sticking to cars huh?

I already said that is not a good example because we already have foreign car companies with manufacturing plants here

I have been talking about tariffs in general and you are talking about an industry that tariffs will not affect much if at all

You think Tariffs will make foreign manufacturers without facilities here move here. It won't

The fact is tariffs RAISE consumer prices for the products they are placed on because people have no choice but to buy either the more expensive goods already produced here or the artificially inflated prices of the formerly less expensive imports

I have already explained to you more than once why the auto industry is a poor example. There are already foreign manufacturers here so there will be no tariffs on those cars. You cannot place a tariff on cars made by US owned companies in Mexico because they are technically not imports and there's this thing called NAFTA that prevents it. So what cars can you place a tariff on?

That shows how wrong you are. It is a good example because we have foreign car companies here. It shows the price won't increase for consumers. And as I showed we are far from 100% of cars made here, so there is room for more.

And how will tariffs ensure enough companies move their manufacturing to this country?

And post some expert testimony that says it will

I have posted multiple sources on the effect of tariffs from economists and even from a Harvard publication but you have not posted anything that supports your claim that high tariffs on foreign goods would make a foreign manufacturer move production to this country

It will make the foreign made cars more expensive lowering demand for them and increasing demand for US made cars. They will move or business will move to companies making cars here.

Suddenly you care about expert testimony? That is funny.

How many times did you ask me for expert testimony? What's the matter you don't have any this time? I have plenty

The problem is I provided you with loads and you still chose to ignore. No point in bothering.
How will there be no competition when we have many car companies manufacturing here?

SO now you're sticking to cars huh?

I already said that is not a good example because we already have foreign car companies with manufacturing plants here

I have been talking about tariffs in general and you are talking about an industry that tariffs will not affect much if at all

You think Tariffs will make foreign manufacturers without facilities here move here. It won't

The fact is tariffs RAISE consumer prices for the products they are placed on because people have no choice but to buy either the more expensive goods already produced here or the artificially inflated prices of the formerly less expensive imports

I have already explained to you more than once why the auto industry is a poor example. There are already foreign manufacturers here so there will be no tariffs on those cars. You cannot place a tariff on cars made by US owned companies in Mexico because they are technically not imports and there's this thing called NAFTA that prevents it. So what cars can you place a tariff on?

That shows how wrong you are. It is a good example because we have foreign car companies here. It shows the price won't increase for consumers. And as I showed we are far from 100% of cars made here, so there is room for more.

And how will tariffs ensure enough companies move their manufacturing to this country?

And post some expert testimony that says it will

I have posted multiple sources on the effect of tariffs from economists and even from a Harvard publication but you have not posted anything that supports your claim that high tariffs on foreign goods would make a foreign manufacturer move production to this country

It will make the foreign made cars more expensive lowering demand for them and increasing demand for US made cars. They will move or business will move to companies making cars here.

Suddenly you care about expert testimony? That is funny.

So it will force people to pay more for American made cars than they would have paid for a cheaper foreign car with no tariff.

So now what happens? People might still buy the more expensive American car and have less money to spend on something else or they will not buy a new car and instead buy a used one and put off their purchase of a new car indefinitely.

So how does that increase demand? It doesn't. it works the same way with every tariff as I have posted links to support and as of yet you have posted none to support your claims. Why is that?

Why would they pay more?
Skull believes it acceptable to have a foreign government subsidize an industry (steel for example) so the industry can sell product in the USA at a cost lower than the production cost.

A foreign company finds skulls idea very acceptable for.putting American companies out of business. Sell product below cost.
With no tariffs to protect American industry.

Skull hates American workers.
SO now you're sticking to cars huh?

I already said that is not a good example because we already have foreign car companies with manufacturing plants here

I have been talking about tariffs in general and you are talking about an industry that tariffs will not affect much if at all

You think Tariffs will make foreign manufacturers without facilities here move here. It won't

The fact is tariffs RAISE consumer prices for the products they are placed on because people have no choice but to buy either the more expensive goods already produced here or the artificially inflated prices of the formerly less expensive imports

I have already explained to you more than once why the auto industry is a poor example. There are already foreign manufacturers here so there will be no tariffs on those cars. You cannot place a tariff on cars made by US owned companies in Mexico because they are technically not imports and there's this thing called NAFTA that prevents it. So what cars can you place a tariff on?

That shows how wrong you are. It is a good example because we have foreign car companies here. It shows the price won't increase for consumers. And as I showed we are far from 100% of cars made here, so there is room for more.

And how will tariffs ensure enough companies move their manufacturing to this country?

And post some expert testimony that says it will

I have posted multiple sources on the effect of tariffs from economists and even from a Harvard publication but you have not posted anything that supports your claim that high tariffs on foreign goods would make a foreign manufacturer move production to this country

It will make the foreign made cars more expensive lowering demand for them and increasing demand for US made cars. They will move or business will move to companies making cars here.

Suddenly you care about expert testimony? That is funny.

How many times did you ask me for expert testimony? What's the matter you don't have any this time? I have plenty

The problem is I provided you with loads and you still chose to ignore. No point in bothering.
Where is your proof that high tariffs increase salaries, increase foreign manufacturers presence in this country and increase demand?

You have none whatsoever

The effect of a tariff is always that it raises domestic prices by removing the choice of less expensive goods and ultimately reduce demand
Skull believes it acceptable to have a foreign government subsidize an industry (steel for example) so the industry can sell product in the USA at a cost lower than the production cost.

A foreign company finds skulls idea very acceptable for.putting American companies out of business. Sell product below cost.
With no tariffs to protect American industry.

Skull hates American workers.

I haven't said anything about acceptable or not I am merely telling you idiots the effect of high tariffs. It' is historically proven and universally agreed that tariffs raise domestic prices and ultimately reduce demand

Feel free to find proof that refutes this if you can.

If you're in favor of tariffs you hate American consumers especially the poor
SO now you're sticking to cars huh?

I already said that is not a good example because we already have foreign car companies with manufacturing plants here

I have been talking about tariffs in general and you are talking about an industry that tariffs will not affect much if at all

You think Tariffs will make foreign manufacturers without facilities here move here. It won't

The fact is tariffs RAISE consumer prices for the products they are placed on because people have no choice but to buy either the more expensive goods already produced here or the artificially inflated prices of the formerly less expensive imports

I have already explained to you more than once why the auto industry is a poor example. There are already foreign manufacturers here so there will be no tariffs on those cars. You cannot place a tariff on cars made by US owned companies in Mexico because they are technically not imports and there's this thing called NAFTA that prevents it. So what cars can you place a tariff on?

That shows how wrong you are. It is a good example because we have foreign car companies here. It shows the price won't increase for consumers. And as I showed we are far from 100% of cars made here, so there is room for more.

And how will tariffs ensure enough companies move their manufacturing to this country?

And post some expert testimony that says it will

I have posted multiple sources on the effect of tariffs from economists and even from a Harvard publication but you have not posted anything that supports your claim that high tariffs on foreign goods would make a foreign manufacturer move production to this country

It will make the foreign made cars more expensive lowering demand for them and increasing demand for US made cars. They will move or business will move to companies making cars here.

Suddenly you care about expert testimony? That is funny.

So it will force people to pay more for American made cars than they would have paid for a cheaper foreign car with no tariff.

So now what happens? People might still buy the more expensive American car and have less money to spend on something else or they will not buy a new car and instead buy a used one and put off their purchase of a new car indefinitely.

So how does that increase demand? It doesn't. it works the same way with every tariff as I have posted links to support and as of yet you have posted none to support your claims. Why is that?

Why would they pay more?

Because as I have told you they will pay more because you artificially raised the prices of the cheper product they would have bought instead of the more expensive domestic product

If a consumer could buy a pair of foreign sneakers for 50 bucks and a comparable pair of American made sneakers for 100 bucks he would pick the less expensive pair.

Now you artificially raise the price of the imported sneakers with a tariff that makes the price 150 bucks. You just forced the consumer to pay either 150 or 100 dollars for a pair of sneakers he could have only paid 50 for.

So now he has less money to spend on other things than before the tariff

Or he doesn't buy any new sneakers at this time at all and keeps his old ones longer which equates to a reduction in demand

How is that a good thing?
That shows how wrong you are. It is a good example because we have foreign car companies here. It shows the price won't increase for consumers. And as I showed we are far from 100% of cars made here, so there is room for more.

And how will tariffs ensure enough companies move their manufacturing to this country?

And post some expert testimony that says it will

I have posted multiple sources on the effect of tariffs from economists and even from a Harvard publication but you have not posted anything that supports your claim that high tariffs on foreign goods would make a foreign manufacturer move production to this country

It will make the foreign made cars more expensive lowering demand for them and increasing demand for US made cars. They will move or business will move to companies making cars here.

Suddenly you care about expert testimony? That is funny.

So it will force people to pay more for American made cars than they would have paid for a cheaper foreign car with no tariff.

So now what happens? People might still buy the more expensive American car and have less money to spend on something else or they will not buy a new car and instead buy a used one and put off their purchase of a new car indefinitely.

So how does that increase demand? It doesn't. it works the same way with every tariff as I have posted links to support and as of yet you have posted none to support your claims. Why is that?

Why would they pay more?

Because as I have told you they will pay more because you artificially raised the prices of the cheper product they would have bought instead of the more expensive domestic product

If a consumer could buy a pair of foreign sneakers for 50 bucks and a comparable pair of American made sneakers for 100 bucks he would pick the less expensive pair.

Now you artificially raise the price of the imported sneakers with a tariff that makes the price 150 bucks. You just forced the consumer to pay either 150 or 100 dollars for a pair of sneakers he could have only paid 50 for.

So now he has less money to spend on other things than before the tariff

Or he doesn't buy any new sneakers at this time at all and keeps his old ones longer which equates to a reduction in demand

How is that a good thing?

We aren't talking sneakers. I wouldn't tariff sneakers. We are talking cars. I see no evidence the domestic product would be more epensive. We already make lots of cars here.
And how will tariffs ensure enough companies move their manufacturing to this country?

And post some expert testimony that says it will

I have posted multiple sources on the effect of tariffs from economists and even from a Harvard publication but you have not posted anything that supports your claim that high tariffs on foreign goods would make a foreign manufacturer move production to this country

It will make the foreign made cars more expensive lowering demand for them and increasing demand for US made cars. They will move or business will move to companies making cars here.

Suddenly you care about expert testimony? That is funny.

So it will force people to pay more for American made cars than they would have paid for a cheaper foreign car with no tariff.

So now what happens? People might still buy the more expensive American car and have less money to spend on something else or they will not buy a new car and instead buy a used one and put off their purchase of a new car indefinitely.

So how does that increase demand? It doesn't. it works the same way with every tariff as I have posted links to support and as of yet you have posted none to support your claims. Why is that?

Why would they pay more?

Because as I have told you they will pay more because you artificially raised the prices of the cheper product they would have bought instead of the more expensive domestic product

If a consumer could buy a pair of foreign sneakers for 50 bucks and a comparable pair of American made sneakers for 100 bucks he would pick the less expensive pair.

Now you artificially raise the price of the imported sneakers with a tariff that makes the price 150 bucks. You just forced the consumer to pay either 150 or 100 dollars for a pair of sneakers he could have only paid 50 for.

So now he has less money to spend on other things than before the tariff

Or he doesn't buy any new sneakers at this time at all and keeps his old ones longer which equates to a reduction in demand

How is that a good thing?

We aren't talking sneakers. I wouldn't tariff sneakers. We are talking cars. I see no evidence the domestic product would be more epensive. We already make lots of cars here.

My god are you thick

If there is currently a foreign car with no tariffs that is less expensive than an American car and you place a tariff on it you just forced anyone who would have bought that less expensive car to pay more than he would have for a car by artificially raising the price on that car

Tariffs raise prices domestically I never said they raise the prices on domestic goods maybe you need to think about this a little or a lot more

And fyi we already have a tariff on sneakers which is why you pay more for them than you have to which leaves you less money to spend somewhere else thereby reducing demand for things

The US has imposed protective shoe tariffs on Americans for decades, even with no domestic shoe industry to protect - AEI
I haven't said anything about acceptable or not I am merely telling you idiots the effect of high tariffs.

And I am telling you that some foreign countries subsidize some industries to allow those industries to sell product below their cost to produce product so as to gain market share and drive out American business. Without tariffs, the above is easier to do.

You want to depend on the WTO to keep that from happening. Right?

Or do you find that practice acceptable?
It will make the foreign made cars more expensive lowering demand for them and increasing demand for US made cars. They will move or business will move to companies making cars here.

Suddenly you care about expert testimony? That is funny.

So it will force people to pay more for American made cars than they would have paid for a cheaper foreign car with no tariff.

So now what happens? People might still buy the more expensive American car and have less money to spend on something else or they will not buy a new car and instead buy a used one and put off their purchase of a new car indefinitely.

So how does that increase demand? It doesn't. it works the same way with every tariff as I have posted links to support and as of yet you have posted none to support your claims. Why is that?

Why would they pay more?

Because as I have told you they will pay more because you artificially raised the prices of the cheper product they would have bought instead of the more expensive domestic product

If a consumer could buy a pair of foreign sneakers for 50 bucks and a comparable pair of American made sneakers for 100 bucks he would pick the less expensive pair.

Now you artificially raise the price of the imported sneakers with a tariff that makes the price 150 bucks. You just forced the consumer to pay either 150 or 100 dollars for a pair of sneakers he could have only paid 50 for.

So now he has less money to spend on other things than before the tariff

Or he doesn't buy any new sneakers at this time at all and keeps his old ones longer which equates to a reduction in demand

How is that a good thing?

We aren't talking sneakers. I wouldn't tariff sneakers. We are talking cars. I see no evidence the domestic product would be more epensive. We already make lots of cars here.

My god are you thick

If there is currently a foreign car with no tariffs that is less expensive than an American car and you place a tariff on it you just forced anyone who would have bought that less expensive car to pay more than he would have for a car by artificially raising the price on that car

Tariffs raise prices domestically I never said they raise the prices on domestic goods maybe you need to think about this a little or a lot more

And fyi we already have a tariff on sneakers which is why you pay more for them than you have to which leaves you less money to spend somewhere else thereby reducing demand for things

The US has imposed protective shoe tariffs on Americans for decades, even with no domestic shoe industry to protect - AEI

Not aware of a less expensive foreign made car.
Tariffs artificially raise prices forcing people to spend more than they would therefore they have less money to buy things. less money equals less demand less demand does not equal increased production

Moving production to the US creates jobs. Increased demand for workers increases wages.
And higher wages for workers means they spend more. I have a friend he owns a UPS store. He made a fortune in the 90's because everyone had money in their pockets. He says, "I don't think Americas realize how bad things are today. No one has any money. Everyone is in debt. Everyone is pretending to be middle class when they are borderline broke."

Now Republicans will try to pretend it was Obama who did this to the middle class but we all know better. Even Republicans get it. That's why Donald "bring jobs back home" Trump is their nominee.

But notice which side will immediately start telling us why we can't bring jobs back home? Of course it's the Republican party. The party of NO. If that's what's going to happen, then voters need to vote out the incumbants who tell us no we can't. As Obama said, "yes we can". Unfortunately the GOP said "oh no you can't and no you won't. Not while we are still around".

You assume that foreign manufacturers will move their operations here then show me some proof that it will happen and that it will raise people's incomes

FYI it won't but go ahead and try to find me the proof for your claims
Then don't fucking brag about how much Honda and Toyota pay their workers down south.

Where did I do that? It's you people whining that they don't get paid quite what the UAW workers get that we hear all the time

Nice deflection from the actual subject. Can you just admit you are wrong please?

You said (You assume that foreign manufacturers will move their operations here then show me some proof that it will happen and that it will raise people's incomes)

Foreign automakers pay from $38 to $65 per hour to non-union workers

Why didn't they just stay in China and ship the shit here? Can you tell me?

We see the truth in africa and asia as they haven't yet started to fight for their own rights.
My plan:

Initiate capitalism in africa/asia and eradicate poverty, then families will be rich enough to not send their kids to work.

Your plan:

Initiate liberal regressive gravity reversing legislation in africa/asia, outlawing child labor. Then kids no longer can work, and the families will starve due to lack of resources.

This is why the nickname for a libturd is a retard.
One problem
Capitalism exists in Africa. Many of the communist was overthrown back in the 90s.
In any case, Capitalism by itself will not ensure the citizens will prosper.

They still need something to trade, to sell, to make that others want.

Too bad most of the resources are owned by European countries!!

Or the King of one African nation sells his nations natural resources to China for real cheap. He lives in a palace but his citizens are starving.
That shows how wrong you are. It is a good example because we have foreign car companies here. It shows the price won't increase for consumers. And as I showed we are far from 100% of cars made here, so there is room for more.

And how will tariffs ensure enough companies move their manufacturing to this country?

And post some expert testimony that says it will

I have posted multiple sources on the effect of tariffs from economists and even from a Harvard publication but you have not posted anything that supports your claim that high tariffs on foreign goods would make a foreign manufacturer move production to this country

It will make the foreign made cars more expensive lowering demand for them and increasing demand for US made cars. They will move or business will move to companies making cars here.

Suddenly you care about expert testimony? That is funny.

How many times did you ask me for expert testimony? What's the matter you don't have any this time? I have plenty

The problem is I provided you with loads and you still chose to ignore. No point in bothering.
Where is your proof that high tariffs increase salaries, increase foreign manufacturers presence in this country and increase demand?

You have none whatsoever

The effect of a tariff is always that it raises domestic prices by removing the choice of less expensive goods and ultimately reduce demand
What is the purpose of a tariff? You say it's so the government can get their cut but we say it's to encourage companies to manufacture here in the USA. If shipping and tariff costs make it too expensive to make it in China, come on home.

And I think even NIKE should be paying tariffs. But only because they mark up their product so much.

How much does Nike actually spend on a pair of sneakers that retails for $100? About $28.50.

Actually that's not that much of a mark up. I thought they would only pay $5 a pair. LOL
Stand up to me? Really, internet tough guy?

You don't know any of my employees just like you don't anything period.

But you go ahead and feel important playing with other kids' toys while deluding yourself that you somehow had anything to do with your boss's success

You better run along now and punch that clock little drone

I suspect the best part of the day for your employees is when you go into your office to get on USMB to whine about "Those people".
I haven't said anything about acceptable or not I am merely telling you idiots the effect of high tariffs.

And I am telling you that some foreign countries subsidize some industries to allow those industries to sell product below their cost to produce product so as to gain market share and drive out American business. Without tariffs, the above is easier to do.

You want to depend on the WTO to keep that from happening. Right?

Or do you find that practice acceptable?

So what? There's not a lot we can do about that is there?

You think the answer to that is to make American consumers pay more for stuff? How does that help any American?
So it will force people to pay more for American made cars than they would have paid for a cheaper foreign car with no tariff.

So now what happens? People might still buy the more expensive American car and have less money to spend on something else or they will not buy a new car and instead buy a used one and put off their purchase of a new car indefinitely.

So how does that increase demand? It doesn't. it works the same way with every tariff as I have posted links to support and as of yet you have posted none to support your claims. Why is that?

Why would they pay more?

Because as I have told you they will pay more because you artificially raised the prices of the cheper product they would have bought instead of the more expensive domestic product

If a consumer could buy a pair of foreign sneakers for 50 bucks and a comparable pair of American made sneakers for 100 bucks he would pick the less expensive pair.

Now you artificially raise the price of the imported sneakers with a tariff that makes the price 150 bucks. You just forced the consumer to pay either 150 or 100 dollars for a pair of sneakers he could have only paid 50 for.

So now he has less money to spend on other things than before the tariff

Or he doesn't buy any new sneakers at this time at all and keeps his old ones longer which equates to a reduction in demand

How is that a good thing?

We aren't talking sneakers. I wouldn't tariff sneakers. We are talking cars. I see no evidence the domestic product would be more epensive. We already make lots of cars here.

My god are you thick

If there is currently a foreign car with no tariffs that is less expensive than an American car and you place a tariff on it you just forced anyone who would have bought that less expensive car to pay more than he would have for a car by artificially raising the price on that car

Tariffs raise prices domestically I never said they raise the prices on domestic goods maybe you need to think about this a little or a lot more

And fyi we already have a tariff on sneakers which is why you pay more for them than you have to which leaves you less money to spend somewhere else thereby reducing demand for things

The US has imposed protective shoe tariffs on Americans for decades, even with no domestic shoe industry to protect - AEI

Not aware of a less expensive foreign made car.

You're not aware of much
Stand up to me? Really, internet tough guy?

You don't know any of my employees just like you don't anything period.

But you go ahead and feel important playing with other kids' toys while deluding yourself that you somehow had anything to do with your boss's success

You better run along now and punch that clock little drone

I suspect the best part of the day for your employees is when you go into your office to get on USMB to whine about "Those people".

In all honesty I only spend about 15 or so hours a week in my office at the business. I do most of my work from my home office now. My Office manager takes care of the day to day minutiae. I get called in to fix the stuff she can't handle.

I'm basically semi retired and I'm not 50 yet. So you better go copy and paste some resumes or you'll be late with your Yugo payment
Moving production to the US creates jobs. Increased demand for workers increases wages.
And higher wages for workers means they spend more. I have a friend he owns a UPS store. He made a fortune in the 90's because everyone had money in their pockets. He says, "I don't think Americas realize how bad things are today. No one has any money. Everyone is in debt. Everyone is pretending to be middle class when they are borderline broke."

Now Republicans will try to pretend it was Obama who did this to the middle class but we all know better. Even Republicans get it. That's why Donald "bring jobs back home" Trump is their nominee.

But notice which side will immediately start telling us why we can't bring jobs back home? Of course it's the Republican party. The party of NO. If that's what's going to happen, then voters need to vote out the incumbants who tell us no we can't. As Obama said, "yes we can". Unfortunately the GOP said "oh no you can't and no you won't. Not while we are still around".

You assume that foreign manufacturers will move their operations here then show me some proof that it will happen and that it will raise people's incomes

FYI it won't but go ahead and try to find me the proof for your claims
Then don't fucking brag about how much Honda and Toyota pay their workers down south.

Where did I do that? It's you people whining that they don't get paid quite what the UAW workers get that we hear all the time

Nice deflection from the actual subject. Can you just admit you are wrong please?

You said (You assume that foreign manufacturers will move their operations here then show me some proof that it will happen and that it will raise people's incomes)

Foreign automakers pay from $38 to $65 per hour to non-union workers

Why didn't they just stay in China and ship the shit here? Can you tell me?

WHat car companies from China re set up here?
And how will tariffs ensure enough companies move their manufacturing to this country?

And post some expert testimony that says it will

I have posted multiple sources on the effect of tariffs from economists and even from a Harvard publication but you have not posted anything that supports your claim that high tariffs on foreign goods would make a foreign manufacturer move production to this country

It will make the foreign made cars more expensive lowering demand for them and increasing demand for US made cars. They will move or business will move to companies making cars here.

Suddenly you care about expert testimony? That is funny.

How many times did you ask me for expert testimony? What's the matter you don't have any this time? I have plenty

The problem is I provided you with loads and you still chose to ignore. No point in bothering.
Where is your proof that high tariffs increase salaries, increase foreign manufacturers presence in this country and increase demand?

You have none whatsoever

The effect of a tariff is always that it raises domestic prices by removing the choice of less expensive goods and ultimately reduce demand
What is the purpose of a tariff? You say it's so the government can get their cut but we say it's to encourage companies to manufacture here in the USA. If shipping and tariff costs make it too expensive to make it in China, come on home.

And I think even NIKE should be paying tariffs. But only because they mark up their product so much.

How much does Nike actually spend on a pair of sneakers that retails for $100? About $28.50.

Actually that's not that much of a mark up. I thought they would only pay $5 a pair. LOL

A tariff is an outdated protectionist tax that does nothing but raise prices for consumers

And you do know that part of the cost of Nike Sneakers is a tariff don't you? No I guess you don't
It will make the foreign made cars more expensive lowering demand for them and increasing demand for US made cars. They will move or business will move to companies making cars here.

Suddenly you care about expert testimony? That is funny.

How many times did you ask me for expert testimony? What's the matter you don't have any this time? I have plenty

The problem is I provided you with loads and you still chose to ignore. No point in bothering.
Where is your proof that high tariffs increase salaries, increase foreign manufacturers presence in this country and increase demand?

You have none whatsoever

The effect of a tariff is always that it raises domestic prices by removing the choice of less expensive goods and ultimately reduce demand
What is the purpose of a tariff? You say it's so the government can get their cut but we say it's to encourage companies to manufacture here in the USA. If shipping and tariff costs make it too expensive to make it in China, come on home.

And I think even NIKE should be paying tariffs. But only because they mark up their product so much.

How much does Nike actually spend on a pair of sneakers that retails for $100? About $28.50.

Actually that's not that much of a mark up. I thought they would only pay $5 a pair. LOL

A tariff is an outdated protectionist tax that does nothing but raise prices for consumers

And you do know that part of the cost of Nike Sneakers is a tariff don't you? No I guess you don't

Nearly every time someone suggests raising the minimum wage, some ass always smugly chimes in with “Yeah, but do you want to pay $10 for a McDonald’s cheeseburger? I don’t think so.”

Which is true. Most people would not, in fact, pay $10 for a McDonald’s cheeseburger.

The thing is, this is not something I or anyone else has to ever worry about. Guess why? Because if McDonald’s charged more than anyone was actually willing to pay for a cheeseburger, no one would buy them and they wouldn’t make any money, period. But, my friends, this is how these corporations hold us hostage.

Think about this for a second. Nike pays its mistreated and abused sweatshop workers in Indonesia about 50 cents an hour, and still rarely charges less than $100 for their sneakers. Often they’re over $300.

Do you think J. Crew charges less because they use sweatshops ? Have you looked a J. Crew catalog recently?

McDonald’s, by the way, has upped the charge of a Big Mac nearly 75% since 2003. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it should actually have only gone up 28%. That extra cash wasn’t passed onto the workers, it was passed on to the people up top and the shareholders. So they’re going to increase prices whether or not they’re paying their employees a fair wage, depending on what they think they can sell these items for.

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