8Hr workday? Weekends? Thank Henry Ford and Capitalism!

1 Manufacturing job creates ten service jobs. We can't all go around serving ourselves. Someone's got to make grow or dig something valuable out of the ground.

Without manufacturing you don't need so many service jobs. It unsustainable.

Banks don't make anything either.

Face the fact manufacturing jobs in this country are on the decline and they will stay that way but its funny that service sector jobs have risen steadily as manufacturing declines that seems to contradict you doesn't it?

And wages are stagnant. We need to fix that.

And just how do you propose we do that? FYI cutting CEO pay and tax hikes won't do it

Well there are many things that might help. Increasing min wage is one option. I would stop all the immigration and guest workers. I would heavily tax services like IT, Finance, and CS from other countries. The best way to fix it is creating a better environment for workers. If that didn't seem to be enough a few tariffs on certain products to increase manufacturing here would be helpful.

So you want people to pay more fr everything then?

Basically all a tariff does is increase the prices we pay here.

I'll use my sneakers example again.

You buy sneakers made overseas for $50 now those exact same shoes would have to be sold for $100 if they were made here because of the cost. So you want to put a tariff on the imports so they will cost more than $100. You have just forced a person to spend twice as much on a pair of sneakers than they had to leaving them less money to spend on other things.

How is that helpful?

I mentioned certain products. For instance many cars are already made here. Tariffs could create even more car manufacturing jobs without adding to the cost in any significant way.
You can't name a single industry that can replace good paying manufacturing jobs.

You support the free market. The free global market takes wages down the lowest possible level. That is what you want for Americans.
1 Manufacturing job creates ten service jobs. We can't all go around serving ourselves. Someone's got to make grow or dig something valuable out of the ground.

Without manufacturing you don't need so many service jobs. It unsustainable.

Banks don't make anything either.

Face the fact manufacturing jobs in this country are on the decline and they will stay that way but its funny that service sector jobs have risen steadily as manufacturing declines that seems to contradict you doesn't it?

And wages are stagnant. We need to fix that.

And just how do you propose we do that? FYI cutting CEO pay and tax hikes won't do it
It's a start. Why not instead of giving the CEO a $20 million dollar bonus next year you give him a $10 million bonus and give the other $10 million to his 30,000 employees? You don't think those employees could use that extra $333 a year? Greedy fuck.

Because it's not your money. What don't you understand about that? You cannot tell a business how much to pay it's CEO.

And 300 a year? less than 6 bucks a week? really? That's going to make the difference in your standard of living?
Face the fact manufacturing jobs in this country are on the decline and they will stay that way but its funny that service sector jobs have risen steadily as manufacturing declines that seems to contradict you doesn't it?

And wages are stagnant. We need to fix that.

And just how do you propose we do that? FYI cutting CEO pay and tax hikes won't do it

Well there are many things that might help. Increasing min wage is one option. I would stop all the immigration and guest workers. I would heavily tax services like IT, Finance, and CS from other countries. The best way to fix it is creating a better environment for workers. If that didn't seem to be enough a few tariffs on certain products to increase manufacturing here would be helpful.

So you want people to pay more fr everything then?

Basically all a tariff does is increase the prices we pay here.

I'll use my sneakers example again.

You buy sneakers made overseas for $50 now those exact same shoes would have to be sold for $100 if they were made here because of the cost. So you want to put a tariff on the imports so they will cost more than $100. You have just forced a person to spend twice as much on a pair of sneakers than they had to leaving them less money to spend on other things.

How is that helpful?

I mentioned certain products. For instance many cars are already made here. Tariffs could create even more car manufacturing jobs without adding to the cost in any significant way.

Cars is a poor example. Foreign car companies now make cars here so technically they are not imports so no tariffs apply.

So do you want to close down all foreign owned car companies and kick them out so we can import their cars and put tariffs on them?
1 Manufacturing job creates ten service jobs. We can't all go around serving ourselves. Someone's got to make grow or dig something valuable out of the ground.

Without manufacturing you don't need so many service jobs. It unsustainable.

Banks don't make anything either.

Face the fact manufacturing jobs in this country are on the decline and they will stay that way but its funny that service sector jobs have risen steadily as manufacturing declines that seems to contradict you doesn't it?

And wages are stagnant. We need to fix that.

And just how do you propose we do that? FYI cutting CEO pay and tax hikes won't do it

Well there are many things that might help. Increasing min wage is one option. I would stop all the immigration and guest workers. I would heavily tax services like IT, Finance, and CS from other countries. The best way to fix it is creating a better environment for workers. If that didn't seem to be enough a few tariffs on certain products to increase manufacturing here would be helpful.

So you want people to pay more fr everything then?

Basically all a tariff does is increase the prices we pay here.

I'll use my sneakers example again.

You buy sneakers made overseas for $50 now those exact same shoes would have to be sold for $100 if they were made here because of the cost. So you want to put a tariff on the imports so they will cost more than $100. You have just forced a person to spend twice as much on a pair of sneakers than they had to leaving them less money to spend on other things.

How is that helpful?

A tariff says, if you want to do business in America, you're going to act like an American company. For example, you're not going to sell goods here made by dollar an hour workers when we in America have decided 8 bucks and hour is a minimum.

Otherwise, eventually, either American wages come down, or Americans lose that work.
And wages are stagnant. We need to fix that.

And just how do you propose we do that? FYI cutting CEO pay and tax hikes won't do it

Well there are many things that might help. Increasing min wage is one option. I would stop all the immigration and guest workers. I would heavily tax services like IT, Finance, and CS from other countries. The best way to fix it is creating a better environment for workers. If that didn't seem to be enough a few tariffs on certain products to increase manufacturing here would be helpful.

So you want people to pay more fr everything then?

Basically all a tariff does is increase the prices we pay here.

I'll use my sneakers example again.

You buy sneakers made overseas for $50 now those exact same shoes would have to be sold for $100 if they were made here because of the cost. So you want to put a tariff on the imports so they will cost more than $100. You have just forced a person to spend twice as much on a pair of sneakers than they had to leaving them less money to spend on other things.

How is that helpful?

I mentioned certain products. For instance many cars are already made here. Tariffs could create even more car manufacturing jobs without adding to the cost in any significant way.

Cars is a poor example. Foreign car companies now make cars here so technically they are not imports so no tariffs apply.

So do you want to close down all foreign owned car companies and kick them out so we can import their cars and put tariffs on them?

You aren't making sense again. It would inspire more companies to make cars here. It would stop US companies from moving production to other countries.
You can't name a single industry that can replace good paying manufacturing jobs.

You support the free market. The free global market takes wages down the lowest possible level. That is what you want for Americans.
1 Manufacturing job creates ten service jobs. We can't all go around serving ourselves. Someone's got to make grow or dig something valuable out of the ground.

Without manufacturing you don't need so many service jobs. It unsustainable.

Banks don't make anything either.

Face the fact manufacturing jobs in this country are on the decline and they will stay that way but its funny that service sector jobs have risen steadily as manufacturing declines that seems to contradict you doesn't it?

And wages are stagnant. We need to fix that.

No if your wages are stagnant YOU fix it.

You have the catalyst to do anything you want to do in this country, you want to be a millionaire go ahead and do it, if you want to do as little as possible then that is YOUR choice also.

Ha ha. Lots of people WANT to be millionaires and they work their asses off to try and become millionaires and they never become millionaires.

Funny thing is my dad became a millionaire and he never made more than $13 hr. He's not really a "millionaire" but has $1 million in $ and assets.

if his net worth is a million then technically he is a millionaire.

FYI anyone can become a millionaire by the time they retire all you have to do is save $50 a week from the ages of 18 to 68 in an investment portfolio designed to average a 7% return
Face the fact manufacturing jobs in this country are on the decline and they will stay that way but its funny that service sector jobs have risen steadily as manufacturing declines that seems to contradict you doesn't it?

And wages are stagnant. We need to fix that.

And just how do you propose we do that? FYI cutting CEO pay and tax hikes won't do it

Well there are many things that might help. Increasing min wage is one option. I would stop all the immigration and guest workers. I would heavily tax services like IT, Finance, and CS from other countries. The best way to fix it is creating a better environment for workers. If that didn't seem to be enough a few tariffs on certain products to increase manufacturing here would be helpful.

So you want people to pay more fr everything then?

Basically all a tariff does is increase the prices we pay here.

I'll use my sneakers example again.

You buy sneakers made overseas for $50 now those exact same shoes would have to be sold for $100 if they were made here because of the cost. So you want to put a tariff on the imports so they will cost more than $100. You have just forced a person to spend twice as much on a pair of sneakers than they had to leaving them less money to spend on other things.

How is that helpful?

A tariff says, if you want to do business in America, you're going to act like an American company. For example, you're not going to sell goods here made by dollar an hour workers when we in America have decided 8 bucks and hour is a minimum.

Otherwise, eventually, either American wages come down, or Americans lose that work.

A tariff makes YOU pay more for everything how does that help you?
1 Manufacturing job creates ten service jobs. We can't all go around serving ourselves. Someone's got to make grow or dig something valuable out of the ground.

Without manufacturing you don't need so many service jobs. It unsustainable.

Banks don't make anything either.

Face the fact manufacturing jobs in this country are on the decline and they will stay that way but its funny that service sector jobs have risen steadily as manufacturing declines that seems to contradict you doesn't it?

And wages are stagnant. We need to fix that.

No if your wages are stagnant YOU fix it.

You have the catalyst to do anything you want to do in this country, you want to be a millionaire go ahead and do it, if you want to do as little as possible then that is YOUR choice also.

Ha ha. Lots of people WANT to be millionaires and they work their asses off to try and become millionaires and they never become millionaires.

Funny thing is my dad became a millionaire and he never made more than $13 hr. He's not really a "millionaire" but has $1 million in $ and assets.

if his net worth is a million then technically he is a millionaire.

FYI anyone can become a millionaire by the time they retire all you have to do is save $50 a week from the ages of 18 to 68 in an investment portfolio designed to average a 7% return

So when I working at 18 making 75 bucks an hour, I should have been saving 50?

lol good one.
And just how do you propose we do that? FYI cutting CEO pay and tax hikes won't do it

Well there are many things that might help. Increasing min wage is one option. I would stop all the immigration and guest workers. I would heavily tax services like IT, Finance, and CS from other countries. The best way to fix it is creating a better environment for workers. If that didn't seem to be enough a few tariffs on certain products to increase manufacturing here would be helpful.

So you want people to pay more fr everything then?

Basically all a tariff does is increase the prices we pay here.

I'll use my sneakers example again.

You buy sneakers made overseas for $50 now those exact same shoes would have to be sold for $100 if they were made here because of the cost. So you want to put a tariff on the imports so they will cost more than $100. You have just forced a person to spend twice as much on a pair of sneakers than they had to leaving them less money to spend on other things.

How is that helpful?

I mentioned certain products. For instance many cars are already made here. Tariffs could create even more car manufacturing jobs without adding to the cost in any significant way.

Cars is a poor example. Foreign car companies now make cars here so technically they are not imports so no tariffs apply.

So do you want to close down all foreign owned car companies and kick them out so we can import their cars and put tariffs on them?

You aren't making sense again. It would inspire more companies to make cars here. It would stop US companies from moving production to other countries.

What car companies are not already making cars here that would all of a sudden start building plants here if you put a tariff on imported cars?
Face the fact manufacturing jobs in this country are on the decline and they will stay that way but its funny that service sector jobs have risen steadily as manufacturing declines that seems to contradict you doesn't it?

And wages are stagnant. We need to fix that.

No if your wages are stagnant YOU fix it.

You have the catalyst to do anything you want to do in this country, you want to be a millionaire go ahead and do it, if you want to do as little as possible then that is YOUR choice also.

Ha ha. Lots of people WANT to be millionaires and they work their asses off to try and become millionaires and they never become millionaires.

Funny thing is my dad became a millionaire and he never made more than $13 hr. He's not really a "millionaire" but has $1 million in $ and assets.

if his net worth is a million then technically he is a millionaire.

FYI anyone can become a millionaire by the time they retire all you have to do is save $50 a week from the ages of 18 to 68 in an investment portfolio designed to average a 7% return

So when I working at 18 making 75 bucks an hour, I should have been saving 50?

lol good one.

Yeah you get a part time job that pays you the extra 50 a week you need and save it.

What's the matter your financial security in retirement isn't worth a couple extra part time hours of work a week?
And wages are stagnant. We need to fix that.

And just how do you propose we do that? FYI cutting CEO pay and tax hikes won't do it

Well there are many things that might help. Increasing min wage is one option. I would stop all the immigration and guest workers. I would heavily tax services like IT, Finance, and CS from other countries. The best way to fix it is creating a better environment for workers. If that didn't seem to be enough a few tariffs on certain products to increase manufacturing here would be helpful.

So you want people to pay more fr everything then?

Basically all a tariff does is increase the prices we pay here.

I'll use my sneakers example again.

You buy sneakers made overseas for $50 now those exact same shoes would have to be sold for $100 if they were made here because of the cost. So you want to put a tariff on the imports so they will cost more than $100. You have just forced a person to spend twice as much on a pair of sneakers than they had to leaving them less money to spend on other things.

How is that helpful?

A tariff says, if you want to do business in America, you're going to act like an American company. For example, you're not going to sell goods here made by dollar an hour workers when we in America have decided 8 bucks and hour is a minimum.

Otherwise, eventually, either American wages come down, or Americans lose that work.

A tariff makes YOU pay more for everything how does that help you?

If it puts the job back in the US, you increase the economic effect of a dollar earned and spent here which is worth far more than a 10 dollar pair of shoes.
And wages are stagnant. We need to fix that.

No if your wages are stagnant YOU fix it.

You have the catalyst to do anything you want to do in this country, you want to be a millionaire go ahead and do it, if you want to do as little as possible then that is YOUR choice also.

Ha ha. Lots of people WANT to be millionaires and they work their asses off to try and become millionaires and they never become millionaires.

Funny thing is my dad became a millionaire and he never made more than $13 hr. He's not really a "millionaire" but has $1 million in $ and assets.

if his net worth is a million then technically he is a millionaire.

FYI anyone can become a millionaire by the time they retire all you have to do is save $50 a week from the ages of 18 to 68 in an investment portfolio designed to average a 7% return

So when I working at 18 making 75 bucks an hour, I should have been saving 50?

lol good one.

Yeah you get a part time job that pays you the extra 50 a week you need and save it.

What's the matter your financial security in retirement isn't worth a couple extra part time hours of work a week?

At 18 I was in college and working. You're an idiot.
And just how do you propose we do that? FYI cutting CEO pay and tax hikes won't do it

Well there are many things that might help. Increasing min wage is one option. I would stop all the immigration and guest workers. I would heavily tax services like IT, Finance, and CS from other countries. The best way to fix it is creating a better environment for workers. If that didn't seem to be enough a few tariffs on certain products to increase manufacturing here would be helpful.

So you want people to pay more fr everything then?

Basically all a tariff does is increase the prices we pay here.

I'll use my sneakers example again.

You buy sneakers made overseas for $50 now those exact same shoes would have to be sold for $100 if they were made here because of the cost. So you want to put a tariff on the imports so they will cost more than $100. You have just forced a person to spend twice as much on a pair of sneakers than they had to leaving them less money to spend on other things.

How is that helpful?

A tariff says, if you want to do business in America, you're going to act like an American company. For example, you're not going to sell goods here made by dollar an hour workers when we in America have decided 8 bucks and hour is a minimum.

Otherwise, eventually, either American wages come down, or Americans lose that work.

A tariff makes YOU pay more for everything how does that help you?

If it puts the job back in the US, you increase the economic effect of a dollar earned and spent here which is worth far more than a 10 dollar pair of shoes.

and everything you buy costs more so how does that help you? You have less disposable income because the cheapest thing you can buy costs 2 or 3 times more than it has to.
No if your wages are stagnant YOU fix it.

You have the catalyst to do anything you want to do in this country, you want to be a millionaire go ahead and do it, if you want to do as little as possible then that is YOUR choice also.

Ha ha. Lots of people WANT to be millionaires and they work their asses off to try and become millionaires and they never become millionaires.

Funny thing is my dad became a millionaire and he never made more than $13 hr. He's not really a "millionaire" but has $1 million in $ and assets.

if his net worth is a million then technically he is a millionaire.

FYI anyone can become a millionaire by the time they retire all you have to do is save $50 a week from the ages of 18 to 68 in an investment portfolio designed to average a 7% return

So when I working at 18 making 75 bucks an hour, I should have been saving 50?

lol good one.

Yeah you get a part time job that pays you the extra 50 a week you need and save it.

What's the matter your financial security in retirement isn't worth a couple extra part time hours of work a week?

At 18 I was in college and working. You're an idiot.

So was I and I still managed to save money. Imagine that.

Tell me is there actually anything that you think you can do because all I hear from you is "I couldn't do this or that" Or "people can't do that"

Well I know people who did and still do the things I talk about. I'm one of them.
Well there are many things that might help. Increasing min wage is one option. I would stop all the immigration and guest workers. I would heavily tax services like IT, Finance, and CS from other countries. The best way to fix it is creating a better environment for workers. If that didn't seem to be enough a few tariffs on certain products to increase manufacturing here would be helpful.

So you want people to pay more fr everything then?

Basically all a tariff does is increase the prices we pay here.

I'll use my sneakers example again.

You buy sneakers made overseas for $50 now those exact same shoes would have to be sold for $100 if they were made here because of the cost. So you want to put a tariff on the imports so they will cost more than $100. You have just forced a person to spend twice as much on a pair of sneakers than they had to leaving them less money to spend on other things.

How is that helpful?

I mentioned certain products. For instance many cars are already made here. Tariffs could create even more car manufacturing jobs without adding to the cost in any significant way.

Cars is a poor example. Foreign car companies now make cars here so technically they are not imports so no tariffs apply.

So do you want to close down all foreign owned car companies and kick them out so we can import their cars and put tariffs on them?

You aren't making sense again. It would inspire more companies to make cars here. It would stop US companies from moving production to other countries.

What car companies are not already making cars here that would all of a sudden start building plants here if you put a tariff on imported cars?

Some are made in Canada and Mexico.

About 94% of all Honda vehicles sold in the U.S. were made in North America, Bookbinder said, and about 71% of all Toyota vehicles sold in this country were made in North America.

Nissan provides more detail, he noted, and about 76% of that company's vehicles sold in this country were made in the U.S.
So you want people to pay more fr everything then?

Basically all a tariff does is increase the prices we pay here.

I'll use my sneakers example again.

You buy sneakers made overseas for $50 now those exact same shoes would have to be sold for $100 if they were made here because of the cost. So you want to put a tariff on the imports so they will cost more than $100. You have just forced a person to spend twice as much on a pair of sneakers than they had to leaving them less money to spend on other things.

How is that helpful?

I mentioned certain products. For instance many cars are already made here. Tariffs could create even more car manufacturing jobs without adding to the cost in any significant way.

Cars is a poor example. Foreign car companies now make cars here so technically they are not imports so no tariffs apply.

So do you want to close down all foreign owned car companies and kick them out so we can import their cars and put tariffs on them?

You aren't making sense again. It would inspire more companies to make cars here. It would stop US companies from moving production to other countries.

What car companies are not already making cars here that would all of a sudden start building plants here if you put a tariff on imported cars?

Some are made in Canada and Mexico.

About 94% of all Honda vehicles sold in the U.S. were made in North America, Bookbinder said, and about 71% of all Toyota vehicles sold in this country were made in North America.

Nissan provides more detail, he noted, and about 76% of that company's vehicles sold in this country were made in the U.S.

You still haven't proven they would move production to the US

The Basics Of Tariffs And Trade Barriers | Investopedia

Who Benefits?
The benefits of tariffs are uneven. Because a tariff is a tax, the government will see increased revenue as imports enter the domestic market. Domestic industries also benefit from a reduction in competition, since import prices are artificially inflated. Unfortunately for consumers - both individual consumers and businesses - higher import prices mean higher prices for goods. If the price of steel is inflated due to tariffs, individual consumers pay more for products using steel, and businesses pay more for steel that they use to make goods. In short, tariffs and trade barriers tend to be pro-producer and anti-consumer.

Read more: The Basics Of Tariffs And Trade Barriers | Investopedia The Basics Of Tariffs And Trade Barriers | Investopedia
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Since the low information left substitutes emotion and hatred for political analysis they probably think everyone else does. Nobody hates unions in general and most people understand that unions are a powerful political force and union leaders are sometimes nothing more than petty crooks. Sometimes municipal unions can bankrupt small communities while only union leaders seem to benefit from the extortion. Yeah it's true that early 20th century unions improved the lot of the common worker but what have they done for us lately? Even when both the president and the presumed democrat front runner vow to bankrupt coal mines and put union workers out of a job the union leaders still pay homage to the democrat party.
You can't name a single industry that can replace good paying manufacturing jobs.

You support the free market. The free global market takes wages down the lowest possible level. That is what you want for Americans.
1 Manufacturing job creates ten service jobs. We can't all go around serving ourselves. Someone's got to make grow or dig something valuable out of the ground.

Without manufacturing you don't need so many service jobs. It unsustainable.

Banks don't make anything either.

Face the fact manufacturing jobs in this country are on the decline and they will stay that way but its funny that service sector jobs have risen steadily as manufacturing declines that seems to contradict you doesn't it?

And wages are stagnant. We need to fix that.

No if your wages are stagnant YOU fix it.

You have the catalyst to do anything you want to do in this country, you want to be a millionaire go ahead and do it, if you want to do as little as possible then that is YOUR choice also.

Ha ha. Lots of people WANT to be millionaires and they work their asses off to try and become millionaires and they never become millionaires.

Funny thing is my dad became a millionaire and he never made more than $13 hr. He's not really a "millionaire" but has $1 million in $ and assets.

You just proved my point, dork.
Face the fact manufacturing jobs in this country are on the decline and they will stay that way but its funny that service sector jobs have risen steadily as manufacturing declines that seems to contradict you doesn't it?

And wages are stagnant. We need to fix that.

And just how do you propose we do that? FYI cutting CEO pay and tax hikes won't do it

Well there are many things that might help. Increasing min wage is one option. I would stop all the immigration and guest workers. I would heavily tax services like IT, Finance, and CS from other countries. The best way to fix it is creating a better environment for workers. If that didn't seem to be enough a few tariffs on certain products to increase manufacturing here would be helpful.

So you want people to pay more fr everything then?

Basically all a tariff does is increase the prices we pay here.

I'll use my sneakers example again.

You buy sneakers made overseas for $50 now those exact same shoes would have to be sold for $100 if they were made here because of the cost. So you want to put a tariff on the imports so they will cost more than $100. You have just forced a person to spend twice as much on a pair of sneakers than they had to leaving them less money to spend on other things.

How is that helpful?

A tariff says, if you want to do business in America, you're going to act like an American company. For example, you're not going to sell goods here made by dollar an hour workers when we in America have decided 8 bucks and hour is a minimum.

Otherwise, eventually, either American wages come down, or Americans lose that work.


Wages have been going up in your so beloved example of China that jobs are coming back.

You see how capitalism and free trade works

U.S. Manufacturing costs are almost as low as China’s, and that’s a very big deal

And just how do you propose we do that? FYI cutting CEO pay and tax hikes won't do it

Well there are many things that might help. Increasing min wage is one option. I would stop all the immigration and guest workers. I would heavily tax services like IT, Finance, and CS from other countries. The best way to fix it is creating a better environment for workers. If that didn't seem to be enough a few tariffs on certain products to increase manufacturing here would be helpful.

So you want people to pay more fr everything then?

Basically all a tariff does is increase the prices we pay here.

I'll use my sneakers example again.

You buy sneakers made overseas for $50 now those exact same shoes would have to be sold for $100 if they were made here because of the cost. So you want to put a tariff on the imports so they will cost more than $100. You have just forced a person to spend twice as much on a pair of sneakers than they had to leaving them less money to spend on other things.

How is that helpful?

A tariff says, if you want to do business in America, you're going to act like an American company. For example, you're not going to sell goods here made by dollar an hour workers when we in America have decided 8 bucks and hour is a minimum.

Otherwise, eventually, either American wages come down, or Americans lose that work.

A tariff makes YOU pay more for everything how does that help you?

If it puts the job back in the US, you increase the economic effect of a dollar earned and spent here which is worth far more than a 10 dollar pair of shoes.

Why don't you just mandate Americans just buy U.S. made goods?

Hell you force us against our will to buy car insurance, health insurance, wear seat belts in most states wear motorcycle helmets ...
And wages are stagnant. We need to fix that.

And just how do you propose we do that? FYI cutting CEO pay and tax hikes won't do it

Well there are many things that might help. Increasing min wage is one option. I would stop all the immigration and guest workers. I would heavily tax services like IT, Finance, and CS from other countries. The best way to fix it is creating a better environment for workers. If that didn't seem to be enough a few tariffs on certain products to increase manufacturing here would be helpful.

So you want people to pay more fr everything then?

Basically all a tariff does is increase the prices we pay here.

I'll use my sneakers example again.

You buy sneakers made overseas for $50 now those exact same shoes would have to be sold for $100 if they were made here because of the cost. So you want to put a tariff on the imports so they will cost more than $100. You have just forced a person to spend twice as much on a pair of sneakers than they had to leaving them less money to spend on other things.

How is that helpful?

A tariff says, if you want to do business in America, you're going to act like an American company. For example, you're not going to sell goods here made by dollar an hour workers when we in America have decided 8 bucks and hour is a minimum.

Otherwise, eventually, either American wages come down, or Americans lose that work.


Wages have been going up in your so beloved example of China that jobs are coming back.

You see how capitalism and free trade work?

U.S. Manufacturing costs are almost as low as China’s, and that’s a very big deal

The textile industry in China is going to even cheaper labor in places like Vietnam. You have no clue what's going on.

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