8Hr workday? Weekends? Thank Henry Ford and Capitalism!

YOu need to go and push around your two employees so you can feel like a real man again.

LMAO. He has been taking an ass whipping lately. Those two employees are gonna get it now.
Wow you're even more pathetic than I thought if you think you can give anyone an "ass whipping" on the internet

you must be another one of those internet tough guys.

t's 10 soon to be 14 after the addition is built. And like I said I spend less than 20 hours a week there.

I'm out the door in an hour to walk the dogs then and you'll like this my wife and I are going to buy a new pistol for her before we go to the range for a while. Then a movie and a nice dinner out. And guess what? I'm not setting foot into my business today and I'll make more money today than you will all week getting coffee for and giving blow jobs to your boss

wow, dude, you need to keep your homo-erotic fantasies to yourself.

It's like that study said, scratch a homophobe and you find a latent homosexual underneath.

Says the faggot with the penis obsession
It will make the foreign made cars more expensive lowering demand for them and increasing demand for US made cars. They will move or business will move to companies making cars here.

Suddenly you care about expert testimony? That is funny.

How many times did you ask me for expert testimony? What's the matter you don't have any this time? I have plenty

The problem is I provided you with loads and you still chose to ignore. No point in bothering.
Where is your proof that high tariffs increase salaries, increase foreign manufacturers presence in this country and increase demand?

You have none whatsoever

The effect of a tariff is always that it raises domestic prices by removing the choice of less expensive goods and ultimately reduce demand
What is the purpose of a tariff? You say it's so the government can get their cut but we say it's to encourage companies to manufacture here in the USA. If shipping and tariff costs make it too expensive to make it in China, come on home.

And I think even NIKE should be paying tariffs. But only because they mark up their product so much.

How much does Nike actually spend on a pair of sneakers that retails for $100? About $28.50.

Actually that's not that much of a mark up. I thought they would only pay $5 a pair. LOL

A tariff is an outdated protectionist tax that does nothing but raise prices for consumers

And you do know that part of the cost of Nike Sneakers is a tariff don't you? No I guess you don't

They seem to be a popular idea again among conservatives. See trump.
Wow you're even more pathetic than I thought if you think you can give anyone an "ass whipping" on the internet

You really are stupid.
What we have here is a battle of wits.
What has been happening to you is a metaphorical ass whipping.

Hope that helps you understand whats been happening. You seem clueless most of the time.
Wow you're even more pathetic than I thought if you think you can give anyone an "ass whipping" on the internet

You really are stupid.
What we have here is a battle of wits.
What has been happening to you is a metaphorical ass whipping.

Hope that helps you understand whats been happening. You seem clueless most of the time.

Another teeny bopper legend in her own mind


How many times did you ask me for expert testimony? What's the matter you don't have any this time? I have plenty

The problem is I provided you with loads and you still chose to ignore. No point in bothering.
Where is your proof that high tariffs increase salaries, increase foreign manufacturers presence in this country and increase demand?

You have none whatsoever

The effect of a tariff is always that it raises domestic prices by removing the choice of less expensive goods and ultimately reduce demand
What is the purpose of a tariff? You say it's so the government can get their cut but we say it's to encourage companies to manufacture here in the USA. If shipping and tariff costs make it too expensive to make it in China, come on home.

And I think even NIKE should be paying tariffs. But only because they mark up their product so much.

How much does Nike actually spend on a pair of sneakers that retails for $100? About $28.50.

Actually that's not that much of a mark up. I thought they would only pay $5 a pair. LOL

A tariff is an outdated protectionist tax that does nothing but raise prices for consumers

And you do know that part of the cost of Nike Sneakers is a tariff don't you? No I guess you don't

They seem to be a popular idea again among conservatives. See trump.
So what?

They still don't work and all they will do is raise domestic prices
What we have here is a battle of wits.

Another teeny bopper legend in her own mind

Bear, when you heard that message board posting was a battle of "wits, you heard battle of "shits". Right? You've been working overtime spreading shit. Stupid shit, bull shit, but still shit.

It's "wits" dumb shit.
it's not a battle at all and people who think they win on the internet are pathetic. It doesn't mean anything.

It's kind of like the special Olympics even if you give yourself a gold medal, you're still retarded

It's just a way to waste time and fend off boredom

But you go ahead and win on the internet if it makes you feel good abut yourself
Wow you're even more pathetic than I thought if you think you can give anyone an "ass whipping" on the internet

You really are stupid.
What we have here is a battle of wits.
What has been happening to you is a metaphorical ass whipping.

Hope that helps you understand whats been happening. You seem clueless most of the time.
Yeah 2 internet tough guys hurling insults is a real ass whooping

I better get to the burn unit
On average, full-time manufacturing work pays 20 percent more than full-time service-sector jobs.

And manufacturing is in decline so do you bet your economic future on a manufacturing job?

You can't name a single industry that can replace good paying manufacturing jobs.

You support the free market. The free global market takes wages down the lowest possible level. That is what you want for Americans.

I don't want anything for anyone. And define "good paying".

All I am saying is that like it or not our economy has been and is still moving to a predominantly service based economy.

I never said it was good or bad I merely said that's the way it is and therefore the place to look for opportunities is not in manufacturing.

But since you can't seem to think on your own I'll give you a few service area jobs in high demand
Plumbers, HVAC electricians.

We actually have a severe lack of skilled tradesmen in this country. There is a golden opportunity there

America's Skilled Trades Dilemma: Shortages Loom As Most-In-Demand Group Of Workers Ages

If you don't know what a good paying job is you must never have worked.

Maybe someday you'll realize that an ideologically purist obsession with 'free markets' might not be in the best interest of your nation.

Once you sell foreign made products in the US made at $1.00 hr. labor, you have made the minimum wage here for that production a dollar an hour. That's what amounts to an illegal invasion as bad or worse than people sneaking across the border.

The goal of capitalism is to maximize profits.

This puts downward pressure on wages.

Which leads to crisis of demand (because workers are also consumers whose consumption is vital to the success of "Main Street" business. As you lower their wages, it becomes harder for them to buy what they produce).

Henry Ford and the New Deal liberals solved this crisis by supporting high wages and benefits for hard working Americans.

Ronald Reagan solved this crisis by letting the market drive down wages (so as to maintain profits) BUT shifting the consumption of workers to debt-based vehicles (credit cards, no money down, financialization, etc). Clinton and the "new" Democrats joined Reagan.

The OP is wrongly assigning the high wages of Fordist Capitalism to Free Market capitalism, which uses completely different mechanisms to address consumer demand.

Now we find ourselves in the predicament where a larger share of consumer's wages are going to service their debt rather than being spent in the larger economy. We have to move back to higher wages if there is going to be future growth.
You have the catalyst to do anything you want to do in this country, you

Really? How do people with an IQ of 100 and a 5th grade education, how do they become millionaires?

Be specific. Those people need your expertise in becoming millionaires. Btw, how many millions have you made?

Stupid is as Stupid does....

Damn dude why are you such an enabler? You do know the difference between book smarts and street smarts correct?

This 8-Year-Old Makes $1.3 Million A Year By Posting YouTube Videos

This 8-Year-Old Makes $1.3 Million A Year By Posting YouTube Videos

Wonderful. Now can 50 million people do that?
What is the purpose of a tariff? You say it's so the government can get their cut but we say it's to encourage companies to manufacture here in the USA. If shipping and tariff costs make it too expensive to make it in China, come on home.

And I think even NIKE should be paying tariffs. But only because they mark up their product so much.

How much does Nike actually spend on a pair of sneakers that retails for $100? About $28.50.

Actually that's not that much of a mark up. I thought they would only pay $5 a pair. LOL

A tariff is an outdated protectionist tax that does nothing but raise prices for consumers

And you do know that part of the cost of Nike Sneakers is a tariff don't you? No I guess you don't

Nearly every time someone suggests raising the minimum wage, some ass always smugly chimes in with “Yeah, but do you want to pay $10 for a McDonald’s cheeseburger? I don’t think so.”

Which is true. Most people would not, in fact, pay $10 for a McDonald’s cheeseburger.

The thing is, this is not something I or anyone else has to ever worry about. Guess why? Because if McDonald’s charged more than anyone was actually willing to pay for a cheeseburger, no one would buy them and they wouldn’t make any money, period. But, my friends, this is how these corporations hold us hostage.

Think about this for a second. Nike pays its mistreated and abused sweatshop workers in Indonesia about 50 cents an hour, and still rarely charges less than $100 for their sneakers. Often they’re over $300.

Do you think J. Crew charges less because they use sweatshops ? Have you looked a J. Crew catalog recently?

McDonald’s, by the way, has upped the charge of a Big Mac nearly 75% since 2003. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it should actually have only gone up 28%. That extra cash wasn’t passed onto the workers, it was passed on to the people up top and the shareholders. So they’re going to increase prices whether or not they’re paying their employees a fair wage, depending on what they think they can sell these items for.

Silly boo boo Micky ds is just an example, it's what you would pay extra if Minimum wage was raised across the board to $15 bucks an hour.

Instead of your weekly budget being say $150 bucks ...

It would be $180???? bucks plus for the same thing .....

Plus the other fact instead of 3% of the workers making minimum wage, you would then have 30%?
Minimum wage should be enough that a person who makes minimum wage that works 40 hours shouldn't qualify for food stamps. The US taxpayer is sick of subsidizing mcd's. If you can only afford to pay ten more and you'll have to get rid of ten workers, so be it. Those who lose their jobs will find better jobs. This is America you know

Lmao who do you think sets the rates for food stamps, God?

You raise minimum wage across the board they would have to raise the qualifications for food stamps

Because they are still fucking poor

Funny other countries have figured this out without creating a huge massive group of people living below poverty. You Republicans will never make America great again.
Well there are many things that might help. Increasing min wage is one option. I would stop all the immigration and guest workers. I would heavily tax services like IT, Finance, and CS from other countries. The best way to fix it is creating a better environment for workers. If that didn't seem to be enough a few tariffs on certain products to increase manufacturing here would be helpful.

So you want people to pay more fr everything then?

Basically all a tariff does is increase the prices we pay here.

I'll use my sneakers example again.

You buy sneakers made overseas for $50 now those exact same shoes would have to be sold for $100 if they were made here because of the cost. So you want to put a tariff on the imports so they will cost more than $100. You have just forced a person to spend twice as much on a pair of sneakers than they had to leaving them less money to spend on other things.

How is that helpful?

A tariff says, if you want to do business in America, you're going to act like an American company. For example, you're not going to sell goods here made by dollar an hour workers when we in America have decided 8 bucks and hour is a minimum.

Otherwise, eventually, either American wages come down, or Americans lose that work.

A tariff makes YOU pay more for everything how does that help you?

If it puts the job back in the US, you increase the economic effect of a dollar earned and spent here which is worth far more than a 10 dollar pair of shoes.

and everything you buy costs more so how does that help you? You have less disposable income because the cheapest thing you can buy costs 2 or 3 times more than it has to.

2-300% increase in prices? Ridiculous.
What is the purpose of a tariff? You say it's so the government can get their cut but we say it's to encourage companies to manufacture here in the USA. If shipping and tariff costs make it too expensive to make it in China, come on home.

And I think even NIKE should be paying tariffs. But only because they mark up their product so much.

How much does Nike actually spend on a pair of sneakers that retails for $100? About $28.50.

Actually that's not that much of a mark up. I thought they would only pay $5 a pair. LOL

A tariff is an outdated protectionist tax that does nothing but raise prices for consumers

And you do know that part of the cost of Nike Sneakers is a tariff don't you? No I guess you don't

Nearly every time someone suggests raising the minimum wage, some ass always smugly chimes in with “Yeah, but do you want to pay $10 for a McDonald’s cheeseburger? I don’t think so.”

Which is true. Most people would not, in fact, pay $10 for a McDonald’s cheeseburger.

The thing is, this is not something I or anyone else has to ever worry about. Guess why? Because if McDonald’s charged more than anyone was actually willing to pay for a cheeseburger, no one would buy them and they wouldn’t make any money, period. But, my friends, this is how these corporations hold us hostage.

Think about this for a second. Nike pays its mistreated and abused sweatshop workers in Indonesia about 50 cents an hour, and still rarely charges less than $100 for their sneakers. Often they’re over $300.

Do you think J. Crew charges less because they use sweatshops ? Have you looked a J. Crew catalog recently?

McDonald’s, by the way, has upped the charge of a Big Mac nearly 75% since 2003. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it should actually have only gone up 28%. That extra cash wasn’t passed onto the workers, it was passed on to the people up top and the shareholders. So they’re going to increase prices whether or not they’re paying their employees a fair wage, depending on what they think they can sell these items for.

Silly boo boo Micky ds is just an example, it's what you would pay extra if Minimum wage was raised across the board to $15 bucks an hour.

Instead of your weekly budget being say $150 bucks ...

It would be $180???? bucks plus for the same thing .....

Plus the other fact instead of 3% of the workers making minimum wage, you would then have 30%?
Minimum wage should be enough that a person who makes minimum wage that works 40 hours shouldn't qualify for food stamps. The US taxpayer is sick of subsidizing mcd's. If you can only afford to pay ten more and you'll have to get rid of ten workers, so be it. Those who lose their jobs will find better jobs. This is America you know

Lmao who do you think sets the rates for food stamps, God?

You raise minimum wage across the board they would have to raise the qualifications for food stamps

Because they are still fucking poor

If that's true, maybe Capitalism isn't as good as you guys claim it is. If it relies on 50% of the population being dirt ass poor in order for it to work???
The problem is I provided you with loads and you still chose to ignore. No point in bothering.
Where is your proof that high tariffs increase salaries, increase foreign manufacturers presence in this country and increase demand?

You have none whatsoever

The effect of a tariff is always that it raises domestic prices by removing the choice of less expensive goods and ultimately reduce demand
What is the purpose of a tariff? You say it's so the government can get their cut but we say it's to encourage companies to manufacture here in the USA. If shipping and tariff costs make it too expensive to make it in China, come on home.

And I think even NIKE should be paying tariffs. But only because they mark up their product so much.

How much does Nike actually spend on a pair of sneakers that retails for $100? About $28.50.

Actually that's not that much of a mark up. I thought they would only pay $5 a pair. LOL

A tariff is an outdated protectionist tax that does nothing but raise prices for consumers

And you do know that part of the cost of Nike Sneakers is a tariff don't you? No I guess you don't

Nearly every time someone suggests raising the minimum wage, some ass always smugly chimes in with “Yeah, but do you want to pay $10 for a McDonald’s cheeseburger? I don’t think so.”

Which is true. Most people would not, in fact, pay $10 for a McDonald’s cheeseburger.

The thing is, this is not something I or anyone else has to ever worry about. Guess why? Because if McDonald’s charged more than anyone was actually willing to pay for a cheeseburger, no one would buy them and they wouldn’t make any money, period. But, my friends, this is how these corporations hold us hostage.

Think about this for a second. Nike pays its mistreated and abused sweatshop workers in Indonesia about 50 cents an hour, and still rarely charges less than $100 for their sneakers. Often they’re over $300.

Do you think J. Crew charges less because they use sweatshops ? Have you looked a J. Crew catalog recently?

McDonald’s, by the way, has upped the charge of a Big Mac nearly 75% since 2003. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it should actually have only gone up 28%. That extra cash wasn’t passed onto the workers, it was passed on to the people up top and the shareholders. So they’re going to increase prices whether or not they’re paying their employees a fair wage, depending on what they think they can sell these items for.
Was there some kind of point in there?
If McDonald's cannot sell reasonably priced hamburgers they will stop selling hamburgers. If they can substitute capital for labor by buying automated equipment they will do so. So instead of 10 people making 8/hr you'll have 2 people making 15/hr. Thats great if you're one of those two people, sucks for everyone else. What about this do you not understand?

What about this do you not understand?

You obviously don't understand at all.

McDonald's has been around a long time. MW has been around longer. How many times has the MW been raised and yet there are still plenty of people staffing their stores.
By your logic it should have been automated or had $10 hamburgers years ago. Neither is the case.
A tariff is an outdated protectionist tax that does nothing but raise prices for consumers

And you do know that part of the cost of Nike Sneakers is a tariff don't you? No I guess you don't

Nearly every time someone suggests raising the minimum wage, some ass always smugly chimes in with “Yeah, but do you want to pay $10 for a McDonald’s cheeseburger? I don’t think so.”

Which is true. Most people would not, in fact, pay $10 for a McDonald’s cheeseburger.

The thing is, this is not something I or anyone else has to ever worry about. Guess why? Because if McDonald’s charged more than anyone was actually willing to pay for a cheeseburger, no one would buy them and they wouldn’t make any money, period. But, my friends, this is how these corporations hold us hostage.

Think about this for a second. Nike pays its mistreated and abused sweatshop workers in Indonesia about 50 cents an hour, and still rarely charges less than $100 for their sneakers. Often they’re over $300.

Do you think J. Crew charges less because they use sweatshops ? Have you looked a J. Crew catalog recently?

McDonald’s, by the way, has upped the charge of a Big Mac nearly 75% since 2003. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it should actually have only gone up 28%. That extra cash wasn’t passed onto the workers, it was passed on to the people up top and the shareholders. So they’re going to increase prices whether or not they’re paying their employees a fair wage, depending on what they think they can sell these items for.

Silly boo boo Micky ds is just an example, it's what you would pay extra if Minimum wage was raised across the board to $15 bucks an hour.

Instead of your weekly budget being say $150 bucks ...

It would be $180???? bucks plus for the same thing .....

Plus the other fact instead of 3% of the workers making minimum wage, you would then have 30%?
Minimum wage should be enough that a person who makes minimum wage that works 40 hours shouldn't qualify for food stamps. The US taxpayer is sick of subsidizing mcd's. If you can only afford to pay ten more and you'll have to get rid of ten workers, so be it. Those who lose their jobs will find better jobs. This is America you know

Lmao who do you think sets the rates for food stamps, God?

You raise minimum wage across the board they would have to raise the qualifications for food stamps

Because they are still fucking poor

If that's true, maybe Capitalism isn't as good as you guys claim it is. If it relies on 50% of the population being dirt ass poor in order for it to work???

Good capitalism should raise everyone up. We just don't have very good capitalism right now. Things like non competes should not be legal. Too much favors employers right now.
What is the purpose of a tariff? You say it's so the government can get their cut but we say it's to encourage companies to manufacture here in the USA. If shipping and tariff costs make it too expensive to make it in China, come on home.

And I think even NIKE should be paying tariffs. But only because they mark up their product so much.

How much does Nike actually spend on a pair of sneakers that retails for $100? About $28.50.

Actually that's not that much of a mark up. I thought they would only pay $5 a pair. LOL

A tariff is an outdated protectionist tax that does nothing but raise prices for consumers

And you do know that part of the cost of Nike Sneakers is a tariff don't you? No I guess you don't

Nearly every time someone suggests raising the minimum wage, some ass always smugly chimes in with “Yeah, but do you want to pay $10 for a McDonald’s cheeseburger? I don’t think so.”

Which is true. Most people would not, in fact, pay $10 for a McDonald’s cheeseburger.

The thing is, this is not something I or anyone else has to ever worry about. Guess why? Because if McDonald’s charged more than anyone was actually willing to pay for a cheeseburger, no one would buy them and they wouldn’t make any money, period. But, my friends, this is how these corporations hold us hostage.

Think about this for a second. Nike pays its mistreated and abused sweatshop workers in Indonesia about 50 cents an hour, and still rarely charges less than $100 for their sneakers. Often they’re over $300.

Do you think J. Crew charges less because they use sweatshops ? Have you looked a J. Crew catalog recently?

McDonald’s, by the way, has upped the charge of a Big Mac nearly 75% since 2003. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it should actually have only gone up 28%. That extra cash wasn’t passed onto the workers, it was passed on to the people up top and the shareholders. So they’re going to increase prices whether or not they’re paying their employees a fair wage, depending on what they think they can sell these items for.
Was there some kind of point in there?
If McDonald's cannot sell reasonably priced hamburgers they will stop selling hamburgers. If they can substitute capital for labor by buying automated equipment they will do so. So instead of 10 people making 8/hr you'll have 2 people making 15/hr. Thats great if you're one of those two people, sucks for everyone else. What about this do you not understand?
I'm just trying to educate you.

Except…rich people save their money. You give a rich person a tax break, they say “Oh good, thanks, more money for me!” and shove it away in a bank. It is highly unlikely that any business is going to hire extra people they don’t need just because they have some spare cash. They probably aren’t going to hire any less than they need, either.

If you think the screwing stops there, you’re quite mistaken. Having an abundance of poor people and a few rich people does nothing lovely for our economy. In order for our economy to work, we need lots of people to be able to purchase things. Not just rich people! Also, as previously mentioned, rich people save money, so them making more money is in no way helpful to the rest of us. If you give people who are living paycheck to paycheck more money, most of that is going right back into our economy.

Now, on a personal level, I believe in more drastic changes. I also believe in universal single payer health care, I believe college should be free and I believe in a maximum wage. I believe in systems that produce the most good for the most people. I am not nearly as excited about the possibility of having more money than I could dream of spending as I would be about every person in this country having food, clothing and shelter.

However, just by making these small tweaks to our system and to our labor laws, we would end up with a far stronger middle class and a small “lower class” that can at least afford food, clothing, shelter and healthcare. Crime would go down rapidly, we’d all actually end up paying less in taxes, and the only thing we’d be lacking would be a few Paris Hiltons and Kim Kardashians. I think it could work.

Corporations do not screw workers and pass the savings onto you, the consumer
OK, you think rich people just stick their money in a bank vault and it sits there.
That pretty much indicates you are too ignorant to engage.

No, but their investments don't do much for the economy at large.
What is the purpose of a tariff? You say it's so the government can get their cut but we say it's to encourage companies to manufacture here in the USA. If shipping and tariff costs make it too expensive to make it in China, come on home.

And I think even NIKE should be paying tariffs. But only because they mark up their product so much.

How much does Nike actually spend on a pair of sneakers that retails for $100? About $28.50.

Actually that's not that much of a mark up. I thought they would only pay $5 a pair. LOL

A tariff is an outdated protectionist tax that does nothing but raise prices for consumers

And you do know that part of the cost of Nike Sneakers is a tariff don't you? No I guess you don't

Nearly every time someone suggests raising the minimum wage, some ass always smugly chimes in with “Yeah, but do you want to pay $10 for a McDonald’s cheeseburger? I don’t think so.”

Which is true. Most people would not, in fact, pay $10 for a McDonald’s cheeseburger.

The thing is, this is not something I or anyone else has to ever worry about. Guess why? Because if McDonald’s charged more than anyone was actually willing to pay for a cheeseburger, no one would buy them and they wouldn’t make any money, period. But, my friends, this is how these corporations hold us hostage.

Think about this for a second. Nike pays its mistreated and abused sweatshop workers in Indonesia about 50 cents an hour, and still rarely charges less than $100 for their sneakers. Often they’re over $300.

Do you think J. Crew charges less because they use sweatshops ? Have you looked a J. Crew catalog recently?

McDonald’s, by the way, has upped the charge of a Big Mac nearly 75% since 2003. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it should actually have only gone up 28%. That extra cash wasn’t passed onto the workers, it was passed on to the people up top and the shareholders. So they’re going to increase prices whether or not they’re paying their employees a fair wage, depending on what they think they can sell these items for.

Silly boo boo Micky ds is just an example, it's what you would pay extra if Minimum wage was raised across the board to $15 bucks an hour.

Instead of your weekly budget being say $150 bucks ...

It would be $180???? bucks plus for the same thing .....

Plus the other fact instead of 3% of the workers making minimum wage, you would then have 30%?
Minimum wage should be enough that a person who makes minimum wage that works 40 hours shouldn't qualify for food stamps. The US taxpayer is sick of subsidizing mcd's. If you can only afford to pay ten more and you'll have to get rid of ten workers, so be it. Those who lose their jobs will find better jobs. This is America you know
Increase the qualifications for food stamps. Problem solved.
WalMart etc is subsidizing the US taxpayer because if they didnt employ these people the taxpayer would be on the hook for all their needs.
Why we should pay for lazy people who cant find a job is a different question.

That sort of defeats the purpose of food stamps if people can't afford food. It figures that you would see hungry children as the problem rather than those who keep them in that position.
Yeah especially the one you see in the mirror every morning.

Now you better tun along we know you have to push start your Yugo because you can't afford a new starter.

YOu need to go and push around your two employees so you can feel like a real man again.
It's 10 soon to be 14 after the addition is built. And like I said I spend less than 20 hours a week there.

I'm out the door in an hour to walk the dogs then and you'll like this my wife and I are going to buy a new pistol for her before we go to the range for a while. Then a movie and a nice dinner out. And guess what? I'm not setting foot into my business today and I'll make more money today than you will all week getting coffee for and giving blow jobs to your boss

What service do you provide with ten employees that pays any real money?
Are you a pimp or own a strip club?
A tariff is an outdated protectionist tax that does nothing but raise prices for consumers

And you do know that part of the cost of Nike Sneakers is a tariff don't you? No I guess you don't

Nearly every time someone suggests raising the minimum wage, some ass always smugly chimes in with “Yeah, but do you want to pay $10 for a McDonald’s cheeseburger? I don’t think so.”

Which is true. Most people would not, in fact, pay $10 for a McDonald’s cheeseburger.

The thing is, this is not something I or anyone else has to ever worry about. Guess why? Because if McDonald’s charged more than anyone was actually willing to pay for a cheeseburger, no one would buy them and they wouldn’t make any money, period. But, my friends, this is how these corporations hold us hostage.

Think about this for a second. Nike pays its mistreated and abused sweatshop workers in Indonesia about 50 cents an hour, and still rarely charges less than $100 for their sneakers. Often they’re over $300.

Do you think J. Crew charges less because they use sweatshops ? Have you looked a J. Crew catalog recently?

McDonald’s, by the way, has upped the charge of a Big Mac nearly 75% since 2003. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it should actually have only gone up 28%. That extra cash wasn’t passed onto the workers, it was passed on to the people up top and the shareholders. So they’re going to increase prices whether or not they’re paying their employees a fair wage, depending on what they think they can sell these items for.

Silly boo boo Micky ds is just an example, it's what you would pay extra if Minimum wage was raised across the board to $15 bucks an hour.

Instead of your weekly budget being say $150 bucks ...

It would be $180???? bucks plus for the same thing .....

Plus the other fact instead of 3% of the workers making minimum wage, you would then have 30%?
Minimum wage should be enough that a person who makes minimum wage that works 40 hours shouldn't qualify for food stamps. The US taxpayer is sick of subsidizing mcd's. If you can only afford to pay ten more and you'll have to get rid of ten workers, so be it. Those who lose their jobs will find better jobs. This is America you know

Lmao who do you think sets the rates for food stamps, God?

You raise minimum wage across the board they would have to raise the qualifications for food stamps

Because they are still fucking poor

If that's true, maybe Capitalism isn't as good as you guys claim it is. If it relies on 50% of the population being dirt ass poor in order for it to work???

No it doesn't. Where do you get this stupid shit from?

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