8Hr workday? Weekends? Thank Henry Ford and Capitalism!

Silly boo boo Micky ds is just an example, it's what you would pay extra if Minimum wage was raised across the board to $15 bucks an hour.

Instead of your weekly budget being say $150 bucks ...

It would be $180???? bucks plus for the same thing .....

Plus the other fact instead of 3% of the workers making minimum wage, you would then have 30%?
Minimum wage should be enough that a person who makes minimum wage that works 40 hours shouldn't qualify for food stamps. The US taxpayer is sick of subsidizing mcd's. If you can only afford to pay ten more and you'll have to get rid of ten workers, so be it. Those who lose their jobs will find better jobs. This is America you know
Increase the qualifications for food stamps. Problem solved.
WalMart etc is subsidizing the US taxpayer because if they didnt employ these people the taxpayer would be on the hook for all their needs.
Why we should pay for lazy people who cant find a job is a different question.

That sort of defeats the purpose of food stamps if people can't afford food. It figures that you would see hungry children as the problem rather than those who keep them in that position.
Poor people are obese in our society, not starving. There are no hungry children.
Even worse! I'm glad you said this. It illustrates just how ignorant you are to all the facts. Shame on your ignorant ass.

Why Poverty Leads to Obesity and Life-Long Problems | Scholars Strategy Network
You post an article that supports what I wrote and you call me ignorant?
Minimum wage should be enough that a person who makes minimum wage that works 40 hours shouldn't qualify for food stamps. The US taxpayer is sick of subsidizing mcd's. If you can only afford to pay ten more and you'll have to get rid of ten workers, so be it. Those who lose their jobs will find better jobs. This is America you know
Increase the qualifications for food stamps. Problem solved.
WalMart etc is subsidizing the US taxpayer because if they didnt employ these people the taxpayer would be on the hook for all their needs.
Why we should pay for lazy people who cant find a job is a different question.

That sort of defeats the purpose of food stamps if people can't afford food. It figures that you would see hungry children as the problem rather than those who keep them in that position.
Poor people are obese in our society, not starving. There are no hungry children.
Even worse! I'm glad you said this. It illustrates just how ignorant you are to all the facts. Shame on your ignorant ass.

Why Poverty Leads to Obesity and Life-Long Problems | Scholars Strategy Network
You post an article that supports what I wrote and you call me ignorant?
You said, "there are no hungry children" That makes you an ignorant fuck. I know fat black kids who are hungry because their parents aren't raising or feeding them right. The kids going to be morbidly obese someday. I know first hand you are full of shit. So how is it this article supported what you wrote? Please humor us.
Increase the qualifications for food stamps. Problem solved.
WalMart etc is subsidizing the US taxpayer because if they didnt employ these people the taxpayer would be on the hook for all their needs.
Why we should pay for lazy people who cant find a job is a different question.

That sort of defeats the purpose of food stamps if people can't afford food. It figures that you would see hungry children as the problem rather than those who keep them in that position.
Poor people are obese in our society, not starving. There are no hungry children.
Even worse! I'm glad you said this. It illustrates just how ignorant you are to all the facts. Shame on your ignorant ass.

Why Poverty Leads to Obesity and Life-Long Problems | Scholars Strategy Network
You post an article that supports what I wrote and you call me ignorant?
You said, "there are no hungry children" That makes you an ignorant fuck. I know fat black kids who are hungry because their parents aren't raising or feeding them right. The kids going to be morbidly obese someday. I know first hand you are full of shit. So how is it this article supported what you wrote? Please humor us.
Right going hungry makes you obese.
And now for something completely different.
Naw, when I see someone rich, it's usually because he fucked over the people who did the actual work. No one produces seven figures of value on his own. No one.
You continue to be proven wrong on every post you make.
All in all, Musk puts in about 85 to 100 hours a week
He puts in unimaginable hours (just like Bill Gates, just like Steve Jobs, etc.) and he produces considerably more than seven-figures himself. I know for a fact that at one point, he was sleeping on the factory floor at Telsa. He was doing 18 hour days trying to figure out a problem they were experiencing.
Well, as Inc. reported, the CEO...sleeps around six hours every night.
That is why Elon Musk and those like him makes hundreds of millions or billions of dollars. Your lazy ass wants to work 1/3 of that and sleep 2x's as much and still make the same kind of income.

Elon Musk runs two huge companies by breaking his day into 5-minute slots
The biggest lie ever told was that people only need to work 40 hours a week to be successful.

No one who has ever accomplished anything has ever worked only 40 hours a week.

Do you think Henry Ford only worked from 9 to 5 Mon -Fri took vacations and sick time and holidays off?

Instead of whining about shit maybe you ought to emulate successful people instead of the idiots who barely make it paycheck to paycheck
Line workers, middle management, and many others get to go home every night without the burden of worrying about every detail. They execute their responsibilities during their "on" time and go find another job if things don't work out. Owners have a very different level of investment and are never "off". Making decisions that affect hundreds or thousands of people is no small task. Some understand this, others bitch about it, believing it is easy.
He puts in unimaginable hours (just like Bill Gates, just like Steve Jobs, etc.) and he produces considerably more than seven-figures himself. I know for a fact that at one point, he was sleeping on the factory floor at Telsa. He was doing 18 hour days trying to figure out a problem they were experiencing.

Once again, not worth seven or eight figures. You need to stop being a battered housewife conservative and working so hard to make other people rich.
considering the low end of middle class income in America is about 80 thousand dollars....anything less prevents a person from owning a house and vehicle....etc. most all people are then in the lower class and should be working alot more hours.....then again most all business owners pay poorly. It's all part of basic economics which centers around the conflict that must exist between employer and employee....the two are always at odds with each other.
He puts in unimaginable hours (just like Bill Gates, just like Steve Jobs, etc.) and he produces considerably more than seven-figures himself. I know for a fact that at one point, he was sleeping on the factory floor at Telsa. He was doing 18 hour days trying to figure out a problem they were experiencing.

Once again, not worth seven or eight figures. You need to stop being a battered housewife conservative and working so hard to make other people rich.
He's broke and barely works, how else do you spend so much time whining on a message board?
He puts in unimaginable hours (just like Bill Gates, just like Steve Jobs, etc.) and he produces considerably more than seven-figures himself. I know for a fact that at one point, he was sleeping on the factory floor at Telsa. He was doing 18 hour days trying to figure out a problem they were experiencing.
Once again, not worth seven or eight figures. You need to stop being a battered housewife conservative and working so hard to make other people rich.
You need to stop being a greedy parasite and start your own company. Elon Musk is worth 8 or 9 figures per year easily. I know because that's what he brings home without doing so at the barrel of a gun.
You need to stop being a greedy parasite and start your own company. Elon Musk is worth 8 or 9 figures per year easily. I know because that's what he brings home without doing so at the barrel of a gun.

I already have a company. Mine just doesn't go around cheating people.

Kind of disturbing that you parasites have so much time on your hands, you actually track the USMB usage habits of other users.

I think it says a lot about you, Poodle. If you are posting regularly at time when most people are normally working (Please note that most of my posts are before working hours), it means that you are stealing from your employer. You are supposed to be working to make him richer, not spooging your Ayn Rand fantasies on a message board.
You need to stop being a greedy parasite and start your own company. Elon Musk is worth 8 or 9 figures per year easily. I know because that's what he brings home without doing so at the barrel of a gun.

I already have a company. Mine just doesn't go around cheating people.

Kind of disturbing that you parasites have so much time on your hands, you actually track the USMB usage habits of other users.

I think it says a lot about you, Poodle. If you are posting regularly at time when most people are normally working (Please note that most of my posts are before working hours), it means that you are stealing from your employer. You are supposed to be working to make him richer, not spooging your Ayn Rand fantasies on a message board.
if you're not employing other people you don't have a company
if you're not employing other people you don't have a company

Oh, good, that means I don't have to pay taxes on all the money I made this year doing that.

Oh, wait. No, the IRS would probably not agree with that.
He's broke and barely works, how else do you spend so much time whining on a message board?

Looking at Poodle's Posting times, you have a good point.
Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Look at these two welfare-queens...


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