9-11 anniversary

America Attacked 9 1 1

This ^ was what was done TO us by al qaeda.

These are the people whose memory you lowlife dishonest shitheads piss on.

Go fuck yourselves.

While the twoofers play with themselves, I suggest that the rest of us click that hyperlink and bear the sadness to make sure that we NEVER permit these twoofer pieces of shit to make us forget what 9/11/2001 was REALLY all about.
Ever notice how hard the isareli luvvas push the official 9/11 propaganda story?
Ever notice how hard the isareli luvvas push the official 9/11 propaganda story?


Do you mean the "story" about how al qaeda got a bunch of suicidally murderous scumbag jihadists to hijack passenger jet-liners to fly into civilian office towers and into the Pentagon and some other ill-defined "target?"

I ask because, you know, that's not "propaganda." Words have meaning. And loving, liking, disliking or loathing Israel has nothing to do with it.
the ones you speak of are indeed sheep in a herd...lambs to slaughter

George Bush 2OO1 speech revisited - YouTube

Which shows exactly how little you know, you imbecilic piece of shit

thanks for demonstrating your constant ignorance and no need to brag that you are an imbecilic piece of shit.we already know that.

And your experience with the military is what???

Give it up... you and your ilk like eots have no clue about what makes a soldier...

Not only do your ridiculous stances dishonor those who fight to defend this country... your ignorance adds to that dishonor
Ever notice how hard the isareli luvvas push the official 9/11 propaganda story?


Do you mean the "story" about how al qaeda got a bunch of suicidally murderous scumbag jihadists to hijack passenger jet-liners to fly into civilian office towers and into the Pentagon and some other ill-defined "target?"

I ask because, you know, that's not "propaganda." Words have meaning. And loving, liking, disliking or loathing Israel has nothing to do with it.

Yep, that's the one
Two or three of the 9/11 hijackers are believed to go out on a gambling cruise ship that sails from Madeira Beach, Florida. According to a company official of SunCruz Casinos, who owns the ship, there are passengers on two of their cruises today who look like some of the men later identified as 9/11 hijackers, and whose names are either similar or the same as the hijackers’. In the days after 9/11, some of the cruise employees recognize a number of the hijackers as former customers. A casino manager on another SunCruz ship that sails from Port Canaveral, Florida, later believes that a former customer, caught on security video, resembles one of the hijackers. According to Michael Hlavsa, chairman of SunCruz Casinos, the hijackers “acted just like normal guests of ours and they were courteous.” Following 9/11, SunCruz turns over photographs and documents to FBI investigators.
Complete 911 Timeline: The Alleged 9/11 Hijackers
Ever notice how hard the isareli luvvas push the official 9/11 propaganda story?


Do you mean the "story" about how al qaeda got a bunch of suicidally murderous scumbag jihadists to hijack passenger jet-liners to fly into civilian office towers and into the Pentagon and some other ill-defined "target?"

I ask because, you know, that's not "propaganda." Words have meaning. And loving, liking, disliking or loathing Israel has nothing to do with it.

Yep, that's the one
Two or three of the 9/11 hijackers are believed to go out on a gambling cruise ship that sails from Madeira Beach, Florida. According to a company official of SunCruz Casinos, who owns the ship, there are passengers on two of their cruises today who look like some of the men later identified as 9/11 hijackers, and whose names are either similar or the same as the hijackers’. In the days after 9/11, some of the cruise employees recognize a number of the hijackers as former customers. A casino manager on another SunCruz ship that sails from Port Canaveral, Florida, later believes that a former customer, caught on security video, resembles one of the hijackers. According to Michael Hlavsa, chairman of SunCruz Casinos, the hijackers “acted just like normal guests of ours and they were courteous.” Following 9/11, SunCruz turns over photographs and documents to FBI investigators.
Complete 911 Timeline: The Alleged 9/11 Hijackers


Two or three of the 9/11 hijackers are believed to go out on a gambling cruise ship that sails from Madeira Beach, Florida. According to a company official of SunCruz Casinos, who owns the ship, there are passengers on two of their cruises today who look like some of the men later identified as 9/11 hijackers, and whose names are either similar or the same as the hijackers’. In the days after 9/11, some of the cruise employees recognize a number of the hijackers as former customers. A casino manager on another SunCruz ship that sails from Port Canaveral, Florida, later believes that a former customer, caught on security video, resembles one of the hijackers. According to Michael Hlavsa, chairman of SunCruz Casinos, the hijackers “acted just like normal guests of ours and they were courteous.” Following 9/11, SunCruz turns over photographs and documents to FBI investigators.

That cinches it then.

Obviously this compelling evidence makes it a perfect certainty that some of our own people "done it."

Yessireebob: Columbo had nothing on you.
Which shows exactly how little you know, you imbecilic piece of shit

thanks for demonstrating your constant ignorance and no need to brag that you are an imbecilic piece of shit.we already know that.

And your experience with the military is what???

Give it up... you and your ilk like eots have no clue about what makes a soldier...

Not only do your ridiculous stances dishonor those who fight to defend this country... your ignorance adds to that dishonor

says the guy who thinks oswald killed kennedy.:lol::lol::lol::lol: you demonstrate in BOTH cases,that government conspiracys scare you and you only see what you WANT to see besides shitting on the members of the 9/11 familys victems as well as you prove that you slept through junior high science classes because the laws of physics prove you wrong in BOTH cases.:lol:
And of course.. the military are not 'mindless sheep' as these loonies contend... only when they hitch up to a conspiracy theory about 9/11

so in essence,in your OWN words,these military guys and all these credible people are mindless sheep loonies.okay gotcha.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

you trolls sure are amusing.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

They are not mindless sheep or brainiacs because they are military.... it is the likes of you whackos that make the lump assumption on the military, that is unless they buy in to your conspiracy theories that have more holes than 430 metric tons of swiss cheese
And of course.. the military are not 'mindless sheep' as these loonies contend... only when they hitch up to a conspiracy theory about 9/11

so in essence,in your OWN words,these military guys and all these credible people are mindless sheep loonies.okay gotcha.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

you trolls sure are amusing.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

They are not mindless sheep or brainiacs because they are military.... it is the likes of you whackos that make the lump assumption on the military, that is unless they buy in to your conspiracy theories that have more holes than 430 metric tons of swiss cheese

these military people are not brainless dumbfucks like you who slept through junior high science classes and they are not afraid of the truth like you are either.again a fool who still thinks oswald killed kennedy has no credibility and is in no position to be defending the 9/11 coverup commission.:lol:

you want to listen to disinfo agents like gomer pyle ollie that have penetrated this site who is a disgrace to his fellow officers,then you are a disgrace to thse 9/11 familys as well just like he is.again you need to go back and take science classes in junior high because you obvioulsy slept through them.:lol:
so in essence,in your OWN words,these military guys and all these credible people are mindless sheep loonies.okay gotcha.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

you trolls sure are amusing.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

They are not mindless sheep or brainiacs because they are military.... it is the likes of you whackos that make the lump assumption on the military, that is unless they buy in to your conspiracy theories that have more holes than 430 metric tons of swiss cheese

these military people are not brainless dumbfucks like you who slept through junior high science classes and they are not afraid of the truth like you are either.again a fool who still thinks oswald killed kennedy has no credibility and is in no position to be defending the 9/11 coverup commission.:lol:

you want to listen to disinfo agents like gomer pyle ollie that have penetrated this site who is a disgrace to his fellow officers,then you are a disgrace to thse 9/11 familys as well just like he is.again you need to go back and take science classes in junior high because you obvioulsy slept through them.:lol:

Yet you, and your motherfucking ilk, think the rest of the military are mindless sheep... why?? Because they don't fall for your conspiracy bullshit... it is only those who follow your bullshit that you 'grant' a reprieve...

These soldiers or vets are like any other part of the populous.... being that it is not because they are soldiers or because they are black or because they are short or because they are poor that make them questionable.... what makes them questionable, is just like what makes you questionable... your bullshit belief and your ignorance when shown that your assertions and assumptions are bullshit, you still pronounce them as fact... you and your ilk have ZERO proof and ZERO to stand on with your theories... they have been debunked over and over and over and over again... and quite frankly, the only hope you have is either a severe blow to the cranium that relieves you of conscious thought, or to step in front of a moving freight train and attempt to explain your conspiracy theories to it as it barrels toward you
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I remember the day of that incident very clearly… I was extremely excited, I thought; “finally, WWIII will happen and life will become infinitely better for everyone who survives.” But, sadly it never happened and things have become millions of times worse in the past 10 years. I do admit that it was very sad for those who lost someone and it was ridiculously stupid and childish of those insane religious freaks who think they’re better then us. But, in long term human reality, death is inevitable… So, if we’re lucky, history will see that event as a failed attempt at population control and nothing more.

Personally, I am sick and fucking tired of hearing about it... I don't give a shit about the fucking WTC or the event that occurred 10 years ago. In my opinion, it's the past let it there and move the fuck on...
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I'm all for free speech, but I wish Admin would put these truthers on a temporary ban for a week or so while the rest of us remember 9-11 and reflect on what we lost. Before 9-11 I had a favorite Aunt and a belief that people were inherently good. After 9-11 I didn't have an Aunt and learned quickly just how evil some people can be.

With all due respect, sir. Aren't you supposed to be fighting the "enemy" so we can keep our rights and freedom? Oh, I see. As long as we agree on how to remember and reflect on a situation, that is true. Otherwise we are scum undeserving of the right to our freedoms as American citizens. Sit on it and spin, toolbag.

Gotta love the double standard.
They are not mindless sheep or brainiacs because they are military.... it is the likes of you whackos that make the lump assumption on the military, that is unless they buy in to your conspiracy theories that have more holes than 430 metric tons of swiss cheese

these military people are not brainless dumbfucks like you who slept through junior high science classes and they are not afraid of the truth like you are either.again a fool who still thinks oswald killed kennedy has no credibility and is in no position to be defending the 9/11 coverup commission.:lol:

you want to listen to disinfo agents like gomer pyle ollie that have penetrated this site who is a disgrace to his fellow officers,then you are a disgrace to thse 9/11 familys as well just like he is.again you need to go back and take science classes in junior high because you obvioulsy slept through them.:lol:

Yet you, and your motherfucking ilk, think the rest of the military are mindless sheep... why?? Because they don't fall for your conspiracy bullshit... it is only those who follow your bullshit that you 'grant' a reprieve...

These soldiers or vets are like any other part of the populous.... being that it is not because they are soldiers or because they are black or because they are short or because they are poor that make them questionable.... what makes them questionable, is just like what makes you questionable... your bullshit belief and your ignorance when shown that your assertions and assumptions are bullshit, you still pronounce them as fact... you and your ilk have ZERO proof and ZERO to stand on with your theories... they have been debunked over and over and over and over again... and quite frankly, the only hope you have is either a severe blow to the cranium that relieves you of conscious thought, or to step in front of a movie freight train and attempt to explain your conspiracy theories to it as it barrels toward you

as usual,you OCTA trolls put words in my mouth.i give the rest of the military the benefit of the doubt that they dont know the facts or evidencem,for the hundreth time,all you do is say its bullshit and you dont even try to debunk it.great way to debate and just because you are scared and only see what you want to see does not mean we have not provided proof.:lol::lol::cuckoo: again you keep denying that you slept through junior high school classes and that you are afraid of government conspiracys since you also think oswald killed kennedy.:lol::lol::lol: for the hundreth time,if you ever took any junior high science classes you would know that BOTH versions DEFY THE LAWS OF PHYSICS.:lol::lol:

Oh instead of acting like a retard defending the governments conspiracy THEORY saying there is zero evidence and bullshit like that,why dont you read this book and debunk it? you can find it at ANY library or bookstore.

Like all Bush dupes,,you wont read it cause the truth scares you as we both know.everyone of them all have run off when taken this challenge,seeing how you are such a retard,i know you will do the same and wont be the first to try and debunk it.
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