9-11 anniversary

I remember the day of that incident very clearly… I was extremely excited, I thought; “finally, WWIII will happen and life will become infinitely better for everyone who survives.” But, sadly it never happened and things have become millions of times worse in the past 10 years. I do admit that it was very sad for those who lost someone and it was ridiculously stupid and childish of those insane religious freaks who think they’re better then us. But, in long term human reality, death is inevitable… So, if we’re lucky, history will see that event as a failed attempt at population control and nothing more.

Personally, I am sick and fucking tired of hearing about it... I don't give a shit about the fucking WTC or the event that occurred 10 years ago. In my opinion, it's the past let it there and move the fuck on...

so in eccense.le the the REAL killers,the neocons in the Bush administration murder over 3000 people so all these corporations can profit from it and let them strip away our freedoms and move on.great logic there jones.:rolleyes::cuckoo::cuckoo:
I remember the day of that incident very clearly… I was extremely excited, I thought; “finally, WWIII will happen and life will become infinitely better for everyone who survives.” But, sadly it never happened and things have become millions of times worse in the past 10 years. I do admit that it was very sad for those who lost someone and it was ridiculously stupid and childish of those insane religious freaks who think they’re better then us. But, in long term human reality, death is inevitable… So, if we’re lucky, history will see that event as a failed attempt at population control and nothing more.

Personally, I am sick and fucking tired of hearing about it... I don't give a shit about the fucking WTC or the event that occurred 10 years ago. In my opinion, it's the past let it there and move the fuck on...

so in eccense.le the the REAL killers,the neocons in the Bush administration murder over 3000 people so all these corporations can profit from it and let them strip away our freedoms and move on.great logic there jones.:rolleyes::cuckoo::cuckoo:

9/11 Rimjob (even in his always utterly illiterate manner) cannot even reconstruct what one dipshit was actually saying in a fairly clear post.

Zidane said some stupid shit.

Then 9/11 Rimjob misconstrued the stupid shit said by Zidane in order to regurgitate the FOREVER baseless and dishonest 9/11 Twoofer crap.

Why don't the two of you go fuck each other mercilessly for a few weeks? Then report back. Better yet. Don't report back.
I am new to this forum so forgive me if this question has been asked before. My brother is a firefighter and visited NY city right after 9-11. There was evidence of thermite or thermate melted steel. Why haven't we heard anymore about the bombs that brought the twin towers down as well as building 7 that was not hit by an airplane? If you look at footage of the Oklahoma City bombing, the building didn't fall down, just partly blown apart. The twin towers fell like a planned demolition. Looking for answers.

Well, I think you are a nut job, but I'll give you some food for thought anyway. I was at the Pentagon before the F-16s were. (Yeah, I know, you were talking about NYC, but I have nothing to add for NYC). I guy I know (husband of a client, we've had dinner a couple of times), was just getting to a ski shop he was working at in Seven Corners (I know you don't know where that is, but Google is your friend.....it's about 2 seconds flying time from the Pentagon). He heard noise...plane flying really low....and looked up. He could see the faces of the passengers in the plane as they looked out of the airplane that hit the Pentagon. He's still traumatized to this day about it and almost never talks about it.

If you think planes didn't fly into buildings that day, you need to check yourself into a mental health facility immediately.
I remember the day of that incident very clearly… I was extremely excited, I thought; “finally, WWIII will happen and life will become infinitely better for everyone who survives.” But, sadly it never happened and things have become millions of times worse in the past 10 years. I do admit that it was very sad for those who lost someone and it was ridiculously stupid and childish of those insane religious freaks who think they’re better then us. But, in long term human reality, death is inevitable… So, if we’re lucky, history will see that event as a failed attempt at population control and nothing more.

Personally, I am sick and fucking tired of hearing about it... I don't give a shit about the fucking WTC or the event that occurred 10 years ago. In my opinion, it's the past let it there and move the fuck on...

so in eccense.le the the REAL killers,the neocons in the Bush administration murder over 3000 people so all these corporations can profit from it and let them strip away our freedoms and move on.great logic there jones.:rolleyes::cuckoo::cuckoo:

9/11 Rimjob (even in his always utterly illiterate manner) cannot even reconstruct what one dipshit was actually saying in a fairly clear post.

Zidane said some stupid shit.

Then 9/11 Rimjob misconstrued the stupid shit said by Zidane in order to regurgitate the FOREVER baseless and dishonest 9/11 Twoofer crap.

Why don't the two of you go fuck each other mercilessly for a few weeks? Then report back. Better yet. Don't report back.

And then at the end, 9/11 inside jobbity job-job completely forgot who he was insulting, and brought up mr jones logic.

Which really shows how stupid jobbity job-job is because the rest of us know jones has no logic.
I am new to this forum so forgive me if this question has been asked before. My brother is a firefighter and visited NY city right after 9-11. There was evidence of thermite or thermate melted steel. Why haven't we heard anymore about the bombs that brought the twin towers down as well as building 7 that was not hit by an airplane? If you look at footage of the Oklahoma City bombing, the building didn't fall down, just partly blown apart. The twin towers fell like a planned demolition. Looking for answers.

In other words, JAQing around.
Because I am subjected to the constant rhetoric this week regarding 9/11, including a NY Times display in the lobby that amounts to a bunch of emotional based junk that offers no insight to the event, I offer this gift. Go on. Post a "debunking" video that has scrolling text of someone's opinion and flashy untz music.

Who's Philip Zelikow & what does he have to do with 911? pt1 - YouTube

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQBAJ06OoLw&feature=related]Who's Philip Zelikow & what does he have to do with 911? pt2 - YouTube[/ame]
LOL 2 Questions.

Question one has been debunked a thousand times, How many Muhammad's in the Mid east?

Question 2 again 6 1/2 seconds, really, what is that, the time between the beginning of the collapse and the time the roof line started to move?
You fucktards can attempt to insult me all you want... I really don't give a shit. The reality is, WWIII would make the world a MUCH better place to live in (for all of us smart enough to survive)! The attack on 9/11 was stupid and it should have sparked a much, much bigger conflict that never happened. And now, 10 years after a few people died in a couple of buildings, we have retarded patriotic morons like all you perpetuating your tired propaganda and simple-minded conspiracies all in the name of "Remembrance"? :cuckoo:

Grow the fuck up and get over the past. The people who didn't die that day woke up the next morning and life went on (just like it should). This is not the first time a couple thousand people died in the name of religious extremism and it won't be the last.
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You fucktards can attempt to insult me all you want... I really don't give a shit. The reality is, WWIII would make the world a MUCH better place to live (for all of us smart enough to survive)! The attack on 9/11 was stupid, and it should have sparked a much much bigger conflict that never happened. And, now 10 years after a few people died in a couple of buildings, we have retarded patriotic morons like all you perpetuating your tired propaganda and simple-minded conspiracies all in the name of "Remembrance"? :cuckoo:

Grow the fuck up and get over the past. The people who didn't die that day woke up the next morning and life went on (just like it should). This is not the first time a couple thousand people died in the name of religious extremism and it won't be the last.

I think you would feel a whole lot differently if your best friend of over 20 years was smack dab in the middle of Flight 11's path into the building.

I dropped Jim off at O'Hare Airport on 9/10, to fly to New York for business meetings at his home office in WTC1 on the 11th & 12th.

I never saw him again. Neither did his wife & 3 kids.

I miss the hell out of him. He was closer to me than my brother is.
You fucktards can attempt to insult me all you want... I really don't give a shit. The reality is, WWIII would make the world a MUCH better place to live (for all of us smart enough to survive)! The attack on 9/11 was stupid, and it should have sparked a much much bigger conflict that never happened. And, now 10 years after a few people died in a couple of buildings, we have retarded patriotic morons like all you perpetuating your tired propaganda and simple-minded conspiracies all in the name of "Remembrance"? :cuckoo:

Grow the fuck up and get over the past. The people who didn't die that day woke up the next morning and life went on (just like it should). This is not the first time a couple thousand people died in the name of religious extremism and it won't be the last.

You are one sick fuck.

Obviously you have never faced any life or death situation.

I hope for your sake you never have to, I have a feeling you would handle it very badly.
You fucktards can attempt to insult me all you want... I really don't give a shit. The reality is, WWIII would make the world a MUCH better place to live in (for all of us smart enough to survive)! The attack on 9/11 was stupid and it should have sparked a much, much bigger conflict that never happened. And now, 10 years after a few people died in a couple of buildings, we have retarded patriotic morons like all you perpetuating your tired propaganda and simple-minded conspiracies all in the name of "Remembrance"? :cuckoo:

Grow the fuck up and get over the past. The people who didn't die that day woke up the next morning and life went on (just like it should). This is not the first time a couple thousand people died in the name of religious extremism and it won't be the last.

Well bless your vile little heart! :puke:
Personally... my wish for the troofers like 9/11rimjob and eots... is simply this...

That they meet terrorists like those who did the attacks on that dreadful day... I wish for them to feel the horror.... for them to think of their families... to feel the dread.. to feel the pain... and I pray for an afterlife for them... where they can see ones JUST LIKE THEMSELVES who make up dishonorable and bullshit stories in a feeble attempt at attention.... I hope they then see the pain it puts their families through as they hear the bullshit, even when debunked, over and over and over again.... and I hope that the almighty grants them the ability to repeat that over and over and over again....
Personally... my wish for the troofers like 9/11rimjob and eots... is simply this...

That they meet terrorists like those who did the attacks on that dreadful day... I wish for them to feel the horror.... for them to think of their families... to feel the dread.. to feel the pain... and I pray for an afterlife for them... where they can see ones JUST LIKE THEMSELVES who make up dishonorable and bullshit stories in a feeble attempt at attention.... I hope they then see the pain it puts their families through as they hear the bullshit, even when debunked, over and over and over again.... and I hope that the almighty grants them the ability to repeat that over and over and over again....

really ? all i wish from you is you would stfu with your meaningless rhetoric and realize "government" and media lied to you about 9/11
Personally... my wish for the troofers like 9/11rimjob and eots... is simply this...

That they meet terrorists like those who did the attacks on that dreadful day... I wish for them to feel the horror.... for them to think of their families... to feel the dread.. to feel the pain... and I pray for an afterlife for them... where they can see ones JUST LIKE THEMSELVES who make up dishonorable and bullshit stories in a feeble attempt at attention.... I hope they then see the pain it puts their families through as they hear the bullshit, even when debunked, over and over and over again.... and I hope that the almighty grants them the ability to repeat that over and over and over again....

really ? all i wish from you is you would stfu with your meaningless rhetoric and realize "government" and media lied to you about 9/11

I simply ask for you to PROVE IT... something you are incapable of understanding..

You know... proof... like all the evidence posted by your opposition

Die asshole
Personally... my wish for the troofers like 9/11rimjob and eots... is simply this...

That they meet terrorists like those who did the attacks on that dreadful day... I wish for them to feel the horror.... for them to think of their families... to feel the dread.. to feel the pain... and I pray for an afterlife for them... where they can see ones JUST LIKE THEMSELVES who make up dishonorable and bullshit stories in a feeble attempt at attention.... I hope they then see the pain it puts their families through as they hear the bullshit, even when debunked, over and over and over again.... and I hope that the almighty grants them the ability to repeat that over and over and over again....

really ? all i wish from you is you would stfu with your meaningless rhetoric and realize "government" and media lied to you about 9/11

I simply ask for you to PROVE IT... something you are incapable of understanding..

You know... proof... like all the evidence posted by your opposition

Die asshole

It has already been proved dildo.
personally... My wish for the troofers like 9/11rimjob and eots... Is simply this...

That they meet terrorists like those who did the attacks on that dreadful day... I wish for them to feel the horror.... For them to think of their families... To feel the dread.. To feel the pain... And i pray for an afterlife for them... Where they can see ones just like themselves who make up dishonorable and bullshit stories in a feeble attempt at attention.... I hope they then see the pain it puts their families through as they hear the bullshit, even when debunked, over and over and over again.... And i hope that the almighty grants them the ability to repeat that over and over and over again....

really ? All i wish from you is you would stfu with your meaningless rhetoric and realize "government" and media lied to you about 9/11

i simply ask for you to prove it... Something you are incapable of understanding..

You know... Proof... Like all the evidence posted by your opposition

die asshole

and what is your proof of the nist the single column theory ?
I'm all for free speech, but I wish Admin would put these truthers on a temporary ban for a week or so while the rest of us remember 9-11 and reflect on what we lost. Before 9-11 I had a favorite Aunt and a belief that people were inherently good. After 9-11 I didn't have an Aunt and learned quickly just how evil some people can be.

With all due respect, sir. Aren't you supposed to be fighting the "enemy" so we can keep our rights and freedom? Oh, I see. As long as we agree on how to remember and reflect on a situation, that is true. Otherwise we are scum undeserving of the right to our freedoms as American citizens. Sit on it and spin, toolbag.

Gotta love the double standard.

well said.:clap2:

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