9/11 Conspiracy Solved?: Names, Connections, Details Exposed...

Yeah, riiiiiight... Did you hear the man say "It was like they had detonators, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom...."?

You're nothing but another apologist, Bro, and your BS is plainly obvious.

Yep we heard the man say it was "LIKE" not it was..Now please tell us what makes him an expert on demolition? Or better yet what makes him more of an expert than the real experts that do it for a living.... BTW We've seen this video at least 100 times.....It still proves nothing other than people have opinions....

Him and his FDNY brothers were there and eye witnesses and people like him and others were thoroughly ignored by the 9-11 omission and NIST.

The pancake theory has been dismissed even by NIST.
The real world physics don't add
up with the rapid descents or the conservation of momentum, nor is it consistent with the properties of steel, or fire.
The OCT fanatics aren't discussing these real objections to their government theory, and that is all they are believing in, an unscientific theory...with incomplete data or legitimate proof and evidence that support any of it.
You can not dismiss the science or physics, and dismiss any alternative theories simply because CD crews were not seen entering or leaving the complex. Hell that would be easy enough to do simply by controlling the fucking security, and any work rigging the buildings could have been "renovations". :lol:

To anyone who observes the WTC being destroyed, and objectively studies the physics behind the objections to the OCT, it's really clear and convincing, and makes a solid case against the government guesses.

I still await the OCT idiots on here to explain to us how it is the WTC can have minimal resistance, and come down just short of FF acceleration, when debris was exploded and ejected away from the actual collapse front, and couldn't contribute to any "crush down" like you pancake heads are implying.
You people only have 2nd grade thinking ability and ad hominem attacks, when you are asked to confront the above mentioned parts of the debate, and posting excerpts or bits of the NIST report is useless, as it does not explain any of what is asked either. Even their own fire tests
do not prove the extreme fire temps. Their computer model of the WTC 7 is a joke, and can't be accessed for replication. It is clear they don't want anyone to even think about this, and going by what we get from you people, you actually DON'T think about it with any degree of intellect.
Until you face and address these issues, you remain trapped believing an explanation that only demands you believe it because it comes from the government and its agencies, who historically have lied to you and the rest of the American public.
The OCT 19 fanatical jihadists fantasy believers have less evidence to back up their beliefs, then those that believe something else helped destroy the WTC other then planes and fires.
So explain to us how it is the WTC can have minimal resistance, and come down just short of FF acceleration. I await your usual avoidance of questions like this.

Now go ahead and tell us again how only a handful of people could pull this off, and we are still waiting to hear your version of what caused the towers to basically suck in before they fell.....Never saw an explosive that could pull a building in before it blew it out....
Fact is you've got opinion, And those who may or may not be experts you have less than 0.01% of them agreeing with you on some point or another... So go ahead and keep talking trash, when you have real evidence let us know......
Oh and most of the truther sites I had to wade through to find that claimed that the Murry st engine was from a 747. not a 737. So come on man.get on the same sheet of music at least...

I'm kinda new at this but it seems the "truther" game is to toss absurd BS on the wall just to see how long it takes the norms to hose it off. Is that the deal? These idiots are just pulling my leg, right? :D

I wish we knew what it is that you consider absurd about a theory other then the one you subscribe to. It would also help if you would clarify what you feel gives your belief that the OCT is so solid.
Let's have a serious debate on this now, instead of you thanking people for things you seem to know nothing about. If I were you I would abstain from partying before jumping into a serious discussion on 9-11, being stupid AND hungover is no way to go through live poobutt.:razz:
misquoting out of context movie dialog as a way to fake intellectuality is no substitute for actual evidence and analytical ability..!
Oh and most of the truther sites I had to wade through to find that claimed that the Murry st engine was from a 747. not a 737. So come on man.get on the same sheet of music at least...

I'm kinda new at this but it seems the "truther" game is to toss absurd BS on the wall just to see how long it takes the norms to hose it off. Is that the deal? These idiots are just pulling my leg, right? :D

I wish we knew what it is that you consider absurd about a theory other then the one you subscribe to. It would also help if you would clarify what you feel gives your belief that the OCT is so solid.
Let's have a serious debate on this now, instead of you thanking people for things you seem to know nothing about. If I were you I would abstain from partying before jumping into a serious discussion on 9-11, being stupid AND hungover is no way to go through live poobutt.:razz:

The source of my beliefs, what you wild-eyed CTs refer to as the OCT, is the rational, scientific way it was it established. You seem incapable of accepting the fact that a bunch of angry Muslim loons attacked America on 9/11. All you do seem capable of proving is that you are an irrational a-hole who is worthy only of the ridicule you garner.
Move out of your Mommy's basement and get a life, Princess. :D
Yeah, riiiiiight... Did you hear the man say "It was like they had detonators, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom...."?

You're nothing but another apologist, Bro, and your BS is plainly obvious.

Yep we heard the man say it was "LIKE" not it was..Now please tell us what makes him an expert on demolition? Or better yet what makes him more of an expert than the real experts that do it for a living.... BTW We've seen this video at least 100 times.....It still proves nothing other than people have opinions....

Him and his FDNY brothers were there and eye witnesses and people like him and others were thoroughly ignored by the 9-11 omission and NIST... I await your usual avoidance of questions like this.

NIST ignored those who, like you, have only their opinions but no proof. The explosion theories were considered, found to be baseless and dismised them in favor of that which could be proven. Your problem is your allegiance to CTs is so all-consuming you are forced to reject the report in favor of CT pseudoscience because it does not support your silliness. :D
Yep another paid troll that has penetrated this site.
I doubt they're paid trolls but how many of them do you think still believe that Al Qaida is the enemy in the War on Terror when the US supports them in Libya and Syria?

How many of them still think Oswald was the lone shooter?
How many of them don't know the Gulf of Tonkin incident Never Happened? Robert McNamara said so in 1995!
How many of them don't know that Income Taxes ONLY go to paying Interest on the National Debt? That the Federal Reserve is a PRIVATE BANK?

There's a LOT these guys will NEVER question. You know why?

They're scared shitless!

Uh-huh. Like most loony CTs you are a regular scary legend in your own small mind.
You posted a pic in this thread of the remains of a jet engine you claimed to be that of a 737. When asked for your source of that fact you slithered away like the coward you now claim others to be.
So who told you that was the remains of a 737 engine, Princess, and please don't ignore this 2nd request as you did the first? :D
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Dear Mr. Jones:
(a) I don't see how the collapse could be seen as "minimal resistance".
There was a lot of force, pressure and material involved.
(b) Can you explain how the timing and positions of pre-planted bombs could
coincide with the exact spots where the planes hit?

I believe 9/11 was tragedy for all humanity, including and especially the political division before and after which is where most of the longterm damage has the worst impact.

As long as we point the finger at one group or another, we lose our humanity and we suffer greater loss. No one could have planned or foreseen the entire collapse, neither any terrorist nor any government group has that much foresight. People hating and excluding each other politically "allowed" 9/11 to happen.

The one thing we all can agree on - NO ONE did enough to stop it from happening.
We all allowed it to happen, whatever went into it, and whatever comes from it.

We cannot change it but we can stop further destruction of our relations from division and projected blame. teh most we can do is make sure no group, whether domestic or foreign, continues to take advantage of political division to pit one person or group against another and waste any more resources or freedom entangled in conflict instead of solving problems.

Take care and I hope this issue inspires you to overcome any fears or separation you have regarding people of different views or groups. The best deterrence to any political oppression by US or other governments is to make peace and work together in all relationships, local first which then shapes our global relations collectively; then, no one, no person party or political or religious figure can control you because you will have equal responsibility and authority in all matters that anyone else could influence either.

Yours truly and happy 2013
Emily Nghiem

Yeah, riiiiiight... Did you hear the man say "It was like they had detonators, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom...."?

You're nothing but another apologist, Bro, and your BS is plainly obvious.

Yep we heard the man say it was "LIKE" not it was..Now please tell us what makes him an expert on demolition? Or better yet what makes him more of an expert than the real experts that do it for a living.... BTW We've seen this video at least 100 times.....It still proves nothing other than people have opinions....

Him and his FDNY brothers were there and eye witnesses and people like him and others were thoroughly ignored by the 9-11 omission and NIST.

The pancake theory has been dismissed even by NIST.
The real world physics don't add
up with the rapid descents or the conservation of momentum, nor is it consistent with the properties of steel, or fire.
The OCT fanatics aren't discussing these real objections to their government theory, and that is all they are believing in, an unscientific theory...with incomplete data or legitimate proof and evidence that support any of it.
You can not dismiss the science or physics, and dismiss any alternative theories simply because CD crews were not seen entering or leaving the complex. Hell that would be easy enough to do simply by controlling the fucking security, and any work rigging the buildings could have been "renovations". :lol:

To anyone who observes the WTC being destroyed, and objectively studies the physics behind the objections to the OCT, it's really clear and convincing, and makes a solid case against the government guesses.

I still await the OCT idiots on here to explain to us how it is the WTC can have minimal resistance, and come down just short of FF acceleration, when debris was exploded and ejected away from the actual collapse front, and couldn't contribute to any "crush down" like you pancake heads are implying.
You people only have 2nd grade thinking ability and ad hominem attacks, when you are asked to confront the above mentioned parts of the debate, and posting excerpts or bits of the NIST report is useless, as it does not explain any of what is asked either. Even their own fire tests
do not prove the extreme fire temps. Their computer model of the WTC 7 is a joke, and can't be accessed for replication. It is clear they don't want anyone to even think about this, and going by what we get from you people, you actually DON'T think about it with any degree of intellect.
Until you face and address these issues, you remain trapped believing an explanation that only demands you believe it because it comes from the government and its agencies, who historically have lied to you and the rest of the American public.
The OCT 19 fanatical jihadists fantasy believers have less evidence to back up their beliefs, then those that believe something else helped destroy the WTC other then planes and fires.
So explain to us how it is the WTC can have minimal resistance, and come down just short of FF acceleration. I await your usual avoidance of questions like this.

I agree with no name calling. And I agree to respect each other's intellect.
When you do this, then others will respect the same, it takes mutual effort and it works!

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OK, whatever you say. You don't like first-hand witness accounts, you don't like video, you don't like people who disagree with your government-sponsored story

Dear 911IJ: Do you also include in "first hand witness accounts"
the devastation of the man cited as saying the noise "sounded like missiles"
and using that to spread rumors there was a missile instead of what he really meant???

If you accuse opponents (who believe Saudi Arabian terrorists flew planes into the buildings to cause their collapse) of "excluding" any testimony/arguments/evidence to the contrary,
do you acknowledge that many who disbelieve the govt/media accounts are equally if not more "selective" in which sources or information they cite as proof backing their beliefs?

Do you at least agree the problem with communicating to address points of question or infirmation is mutual and not one-sided?
You are probably pointing to the same people who believe that natural rights of man are given by government and protected by hiring political parties to lobby in DC; so if the government infringes on rights that means they were never inalienable to start with!

I still hadn't figured out how removing a Cross from a historic building is religious freedom, before this new idea came out about depending on govt to remove guns to ensure security?
Whatever denomination of Constitutional law this is, I am not that denomination obviously!

Yep another paid troll that has penetrated this site.
I doubt they're paid trolls but how many of them do you think still believe that Al Qaida is the enemy in the War on Terror when the US supports them in Libya and Syria?

How many of them still think Oswald was the lone shooter?
How many of them don't know the Gulf of Tonkin incident Never Happened? Robert McNamara said so in 1995!
How many of them don't know that Income Taxes ONLY go to paying Interest on the National Debt? That the Federal Reserve is a PRIVATE BANK?

There's a LOT these guys will NEVER question. You know why?

They're scared shitless!

No, they have faith that praying to Government as divine providence is going to save them. So they are not worried about all the costs, because the Government is going to fix all that.
the people are only the government when it comes to claiming benefits and rights (99%) but when it comes to paying for them, all that is charged to the % who pay for more than they use because they don't depend on govt. Isn't Government wonderful to pay for all that!
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And you are a moron who doesn't have a clue what anyone else knows or believes. You are simply one of those that for some weird fucked up reason wants the US Government to always be the bad guy... But I bet you wouldn't leave........
And you're one of those guys for some weird fucked up reason thinks the US is RIGHT all the time.

I don't WANT the US to be the bad guy, it's just that in some instances they are. And when they are, I point it out. Like when the US supports Al Qaida in Libya and Syria.

Don't like it? Too fuckin' bad for you Napoleon.
Yep we heard the man say it was "LIKE" not it was..Now please tell us what makes him an expert on demolition? Or better yet what makes him more of an expert than the real experts that do it for a living.... BTW We've seen this video at least 100 times.....It still proves nothing other than people have opinions....

Him and his FDNY brothers were there and eye witnesses and people like him and others were thoroughly ignored by the 9-11 omission and NIST... I await your usual avoidance of questions like this.

NIST ignored those who, like you, have only their opinions but no proof. The explosion theories were considered, found to be baseless and dismised them in favor of that which could be proven. Your problem is your allegiance to CTs is so all-consuming you are forced to reject the report in favor of CT pseudoscience because it does not support your silliness. :D

NIST proved nothing with its computer model which is they cornerstone of their theory...NIST did no testing for explosive residue and dismissed the many reports of explosions claiming explosions would be "as loud as a shot gun blast or as loud as speakers at a rock concert and no such sounds were heard "...true story
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQdJuQLNFCk]We Have the Results and Only We Have the Results - YouTube[/ame]
And you are a moron who doesn't have a clue what anyone else knows or believes. You are simply one of those that for some weird fucked up reason wants the US Government to always be the bad guy... But I bet you wouldn't leave........
And you're one of those guys for some weird fucked up reason thinks the US is RIGHT all the time.

There is no evidence that Sarge "thinks the US is RIGHT all the time." You make that kind of Straw Man crap up to justify your irrational belief that, as he said, the US government is always the bad guy. :D
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The column 79 theory is completely ludicris and has zero supporting evidence
And you are a moron who doesn't have a clue what anyone else knows or believes. You are simply one of those that for some weird fucked up reason wants the US Government to always be the bad guy... But I bet you wouldn't leave........
And you're one of those guys for some weird fucked up reason thinks the US is RIGHT all the time.

I don't WANT the US to be the bad guy, it's just that in some instances they are. And when they are, I point it out. Like when the US supports Al Qaida in Libya and Syria.

Don't like it? Too fuckin' bad for you Napoleon.

You forget, I spent 22 years on active duty, been there, done that. I know that the USA is far from being lilly white.....

But I also know that our Government had nothing to do with the attacks on 911 other than being blind to them before hand....
And you are a moron who doesn't have a clue what anyone else knows or believes. You are simply one of those that for some weird fucked up reason wants the US Government to always be the bad guy... But I bet you wouldn't leave........
And you're one of those guys for some weird fucked up reason thinks the US is RIGHT all the time.

I don't WANT the US to be the bad guy, it's just that in some instances they are. And when they are, I point it out. Like when the US supports Al Qaida in Libya and Syria.

Don't like it? Too fuckin' bad for you Napoleon.

You forget, I spent 22 years on active duty, been there, done that. I know that the USA is far from being lilly white.....

But I also know that our Government had nothing to do with the attacks on 911 other than being blind to them before hand....

Yeah purposefully "blind", and obstructionist in its way how it "handled" the "investigation".
Yep we heard the man say it was "LIKE" not it was..Now please tell us what makes him an expert on demolition? Or better yet what makes him more of an expert than the real experts that do it for a living.... BTW We've seen this video at least 100 times.....It still proves nothing other than people have opinions....

Him and his FDNY brothers were there and eye witnesses and people like him and others were thoroughly ignored by the 9-11 omission and NIST.

The pancake theory has been dismissed even by NIST.
The real world physics don't add
up with the rapid descents or the conservation of momentum, nor is it consistent with the properties of steel, or fire.
The OCT fanatics aren't discussing these real objections to their government theory, and that is all they are believing in, an unscientific theory...with incomplete data or legitimate proof and evidence that support any of it.
You can not dismiss the science or physics, and dismiss any alternative theories simply because CD crews were not seen entering or leaving the complex. Hell that would be easy enough to do simply by controlling the fucking security, and any work rigging the buildings could have been "renovations". :lol:

To anyone who observes the WTC being destroyed, and objectively studies the physics behind the objections to the OCT, it's really clear and convincing, and makes a solid case against the government guesses.

I still await the OCT idiots on here to explain to us how it is the WTC can have minimal resistance, and come down just short of FF acceleration, when debris was exploded and ejected away from the actual collapse front, and couldn't contribute to any "crush down" like you pancake heads are implying.
You people only have 2nd grade thinking ability and ad hominem attacks, when you are asked to confront the above mentioned parts of the debate, and posting excerpts or bits of the NIST report is useless, as it does not explain any of what is asked either. Even their own fire tests
do not prove the extreme fire temps. Their computer model of the WTC 7 is a joke, and can't be accessed for replication. It is clear they don't want anyone to even think about this, and going by what we get from you people, you actually DON'T think about it with any degree of intellect.
Until you face and address these issues, you remain trapped believing an explanation that only demands you believe it because it comes from the government and its agencies, who historically have lied to you and the rest of the American public.
The OCT 19 fanatical jihadists fantasy believers have less evidence to back up their beliefs, then those that believe something else helped destroy the WTC other then planes and fires.
So explain to us how it is the WTC can have minimal resistance, and come down just short of FF acceleration. I await your usual avoidance of questions like this.

Now go ahead and tell us again how only a handful of people could pull this off, and we are still waiting to hear your version of what caused the towers to basically suck in before they fell.....Never saw an explosive that could pull a building in before it blew it out....
Fact is you've got opinion, And those who may or may not be experts you have less than 0.01% of them agreeing with you on some point or another... So go ahead and keep talking trash, when you have real evidence let us know......

So I suppose say, a rouge platoon leader, or CO, couldn't lead his men to commit atrocities either? Now just imagine someone way higher in the chain of command, with the resources and manpower to help you keep your mouth shut...For good..Take a hard look at the men who had the power, and authority in the chain of command, on that day, in that administration and who their unabashed loyalties were to. PNAC. Rebuilding Americas Defenses.

Those buildings were not destroyed solely by fire, the physical destruction don't jive with the physics, and collapse times. Period.
Wars and civil liberty infringements were a direct result of the attacks and a lot of money was made in the war effort on "terrorism" that was total bullshit.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Zt9BZD7mlc]Iraq For Sale - Full Movie - YouTube[/ame]
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And you're one of those guys for some weird fucked up reason thinks the US is RIGHT all the time.

I don't WANT the US to be the bad guy, it's just that in some instances they are. And when they are, I point it out. Like when the US supports Al Qaida in Libya and Syria.

Don't like it? Too fuckin' bad for you Napoleon.

You forget, I spent 22 years on active duty, been there, done that. I know that the USA is far from being lilly white.....

But I also know that our Government had nothing to do with the attacks on 911 other than being blind to them before hand....

Yeah purposefully "blind", and obstructionist in its way how it "handled" the "investigation".
you're talking a lot but not saying anything (psyco killer David Burne/ THE TALKING HEADS)
Him and his FDNY brothers were there and eye witnesses and people like him and others were thoroughly ignored by the 9-11 omission and NIST.

The pancake theory has been dismissed even by NIST.
The real world physics don't add
up with the rapid descents or the conservation of momentum, nor is it consistent with the properties of steel, or fire.
The OCT fanatics aren't discussing these real objections to their government theory, and that is all they are believing in, an unscientific theory...with incomplete data or legitimate proof and evidence that support any of it.
You can not dismiss the science or physics, and dismiss any alternative theories simply because CD crews were not seen entering or leaving the complex. Hell that would be easy enough to do simply by controlling the fucking security, and any work rigging the buildings could have been "renovations". :lol:

To anyone who observes the WTC being destroyed, and objectively studies the physics behind the objections to the OCT, it's really clear and convincing, and makes a solid case against the government guesses.

I still await the OCT idiots on here to explain to us how it is the WTC can have minimal resistance, and come down just short of FF acceleration, when debris was exploded and ejected away from the actual collapse front, and couldn't contribute to any "crush down" like you pancake heads are implying.
You people only have 2nd grade thinking ability and ad hominem attacks, when you are asked to confront the above mentioned parts of the debate, and posting excerpts or bits of the NIST report is useless, as it does not explain any of what is asked either. Even their own fire tests
do not prove the extreme fire temps. Their computer model of the WTC 7 is a joke, and can't be accessed for replication. It is clear they don't want anyone to even think about this, and going by what we get from you people, you actually DON'T think about it with any degree of intellect.
Until you face and address these issues, you remain trapped believing an explanation that only demands you believe it because it comes from the government and its agencies, who historically have lied to you and the rest of the American public.
The OCT 19 fanatical jihadists fantasy believers have less evidence to back up their beliefs, then those that believe something else helped destroy the WTC other then planes and fires.
So explain to us how it is the WTC can have minimal resistance, and come down just short of FF acceleration. I await your usual avoidance of questions like this.

Now go ahead and tell us again how only a handful of people could pull this off, and we are still waiting to hear your version of what caused the towers to basically suck in before they fell.....Never saw an explosive that could pull a building in before it blew it out....
Fact is you've got opinion, And those who may or may not be experts you have less than 0.01% of them agreeing with you on some point or another... So go ahead and keep talking trash, when you have real evidence let us know......

So I suppose say, a rouge platoon leader, or CO, couldn't lead his men to commit atrocities either? Now just imagine someone way higher in the chain of command, with the resources and manpower to help you keep your mouth shut...For good..Take a hard look at the men who had the power, and authority in the chain of command, on that day, in that administration and who their unabashed loyalties were to. PNAC. Rebuilding Americas Defenses.

Those buildings were not destroyed solely by fire, the physical destruction don't jive with the physics, and collapse times. Period.
Wars and civil liberty infringements were a direct result of the attacks and a lot of money was made in the war effort on "terrorism" that was total bullshit.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Zt9BZD7mlc]Iraq For Sale - Full Movie - YouTube[/ame]
False declarative!
you've shown no evidence that the physics don't jive.
where's your precedence ?
can you provide any evidence other then wtc7 where the laws of physics were broken?

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