9/11 Conspiracy Solved?: Names, Connections, Details Exposed...

Still don't get how all U.S. planes were ordered grounded, yet the Bin Laden Family was allowed to fly away on their private jet. Doesn't anyone else find that just a tad bit suspicious?
Welcome To The USS NEW YORK

The USS NEW YORK (LPD 21), built with 7.5 tons of steel from the World Trade Center in her bow, was commissioned in New York City on Nov. 7, 2009. At approximately 8:00 a.m., on November 2, the USS NEW YORK came to a standstill across from the World Trade Center site, dipped her flag, and delivered a 21-gun salute. Members of the Fire Department of New York, the New York Police Department, Port Authority Police, members of the families of 9/11 victims and veterans gathered on the shore at the North Cove in the World Financial Center to return the salute. Members of the general public were in attendance.

USS New York LPD-21 | About the USS New York
No excuses, they should have done a proper investigation. They violated all acceptable protocols of proper investigating. They simply wanted to get rid of the evidence as soon as possible. They shipped that steel off way too quickly. It wasn't right.

They did a proper investigation. The NIST's report is the result.

All a very sad sham. Evidence was destroyed and disposed of. It was anything but a proper investigation.

Well they did enough to come to the correct interpretation.

So, YOUR sites are credible, mine are not. Ok so why won't you answer the question?

What difference does it make how much steel went where? What would that mean if anything at all?

It means everything, if you take the time to think about it. Why the rush to ship all that steel off to China? That doesn't cause you to be even a tad bit suspicious or curious?
Don't forget that no person or agency presented any science to support this assertion but numerous, no make that thousands of people trained in the design and construction of such buildings have presented the science that proves it impossible.

Actually you have this almost backwards.........

really ? list twenty

Of the 500,000 or more? You forget the people who know there was no CD don't make a big deal out of knowing that. Only the nutters make noise about it and they have nothing but opinion.
well said. Yup, quickly shipped the steel off to china and wrapped up a completely phony investigation. Unfortunately, it's probably too late for truth now. The evidence was quickly destroyed and disposed of. The only truth we're left with, is the fact we were lied to. Sadly, that will always be the only truth we'll get on 9/11.

wrong again. They used the steel to make a us navy ship.

thats not true one piece was used on a u.s ship for pr purposes..

Now why do you want to lie like that?

In an historic event in New York City on November 7, 2009, the nation watched USS NEW YORK, with 73/4 tons of World Trade Center steel in her bow, as she was commissionioned into U.S. Navy service.
USS New York (LPD 21) | The Official Website. Commissioning Event Information.
We had a special prosecutor to investigate President Clinton's penis but no prosecutor to investigate the attack on America and the righties think I'm wearing a tin foil hat because I point out that it is IMPOSSIBLE, repeat, IMPOSSIBLE!!!! that a modern steel frame high rise can collapse due to fire. Don't forget that no person or agency presented any science to support this assertion but numerous, no make that thousands of people trained in the design and construction of such buildings have presented the science that proves it impossible.

We'll never solve the question here. We need a real investigation by a prosecutor with subpoena power. Considering that this has not been done I ask all the nay sayers what are you afraid of?

1. Prosecutors "investigate" crimes. We did have a prosecutor. It isn't his job to come up with a theory. He isn't an engineer.

2. It is NOT impossible for a modern steel high rise to collapse due to fire.

3. The people who are skeptical of your conspiracy theory aren't "righties" they are composed of sane people from all political walks of life.

Just as flaming CT loons themselves come from all sides of the political spectrum. Their commonality? Lunacy. :cuckoo:
And then there's the fact all planes in the U.S. were ordered grounded, yet the Bin Laden Family was allowed to fly away on their private jet. People don't find that just a little bit suspicious?

Suspicious? Put yourself in the bin Laden's shoes. America had just been attacked by Muslim extremists. Would I;
1) use my money, power and influence to get out of here
2) hang around and see what comes next
They did not go to Mars. If we want to get to them personally we still have that option.
You seem to believe everything is a nefarious CT, Princess.
I seem to think you're a paranoid loon. :cuckoo:
Clearly you are wrong and I am right.
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yeah, buildings burn and collapse perfectly symmetrically all the time. Happens every day in fact. Seriously, it's true. ;)

what was perfect and symmetrical about how the towers fell?

NIST described the collapse as symetrical

10. Some people have said that a failure at one column should not have produced a symmetrical fall like this one. What is NIST’s answer to those assertions?

WTC 7's collapse, viewed from the exterior (most videos were taken from the north), did appear to fall almost uniformly as a single unit. This occurred because the interior failures that took place did not cause the exterior framing to fail until the final stages of the building collapse. The interior floor framing and columns collapsed downward and pulled away from the exterior frame. There were clues that internal damage was taking place prior to the downward movement of the exterior frame, such as when the east penthouse fell downward into the building and windows broke out on the north face at the ends of the building core. The symmetric appearance of the downward fall of WTC 7 was primarily due to the greater stiffness and strength of its exterior frame relative to the interior framing.
FAQs - NIST WTC 7 Investigation
And then there's the fact all planes in the U.S. were ordered grounded, yet the Bin Laden Family was allowed to fly away on their private jet. People don't find that just a little bit suspicious?

Ah yes the infamous Bin Laden flight. When was that? 20 September and sanctioned by Richard Clarke. (not exactly a friend of Bush)
And then there's the fact all planes in the U.S. were ordered grounded, yet the Bin Laden Family was allowed to fly away on their private jet. People don't find that just a little bit suspicious?

Ah yes the infamous Bin Laden flight. When was that? 20 September and sanctioned by Richard Clarke. (not exactly a friend of Bush)

Obviously, the Bin Laden Family had many close friends in our Government.
Some of it was. But most was shipped to China and other foreign nations. And it was done very quickly. Way too quickly. There was no credible investigating done. They just wanted the evidence out of the way as quickly as possible. It's a real shame.

They wanted to clear the site. They had to move the stuff, it's a shame they sent it to China (if in fact they did). That in no way means there was some conspiracy. How was the steel sent to China different from the steel used to make the ship? What would ordinary steel tell us about how the towers fell?

You CT people are long on imagination, short on facts or logic.

No excuses, they should have done a proper investigation. They violated all acceptable protocols of proper investigating. They simply wanted to get rid of the evidence as soon as possible. They shipped that steel off way too quickly. It wasn't right.

One twisted steel beam looks pretty much like the next, Princess, and you have no proof (because there is no proof) they "wanted to get rid of the evidence as soon as possible." That's just more BS on your ever growing list of CTBS. :D
And then there's the fact all planes in the U.S. were ordered grounded, yet the Bin Laden Family was allowed to fly away on their private jet. People don't find that just a little bit suspicious?

Ah yes the infamous Bin Laden flight. When was that? 20 September and sanctioned by Richard Clarke. (not exactly a friend of Bush)

Obviously, the Bin Laden Family had many close friends in our Government.
your point?
And then there's the fact all planes in the U.S. were ordered grounded, yet the Bin Laden Family was allowed to fly away on their private jet. People don't find that just a little bit suspicious?

Ah yes the infamous Bin Laden flight. When was that? 20 September and sanctioned by Richard Clarke. (not exactly a friend of Bush)

Obviously, the Bin Laden Family had many close friends in our Government.

So you are thinking maybe GWB and the bin Laden clan spent a summer weekend together planting explosives?
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Now why do you want to lie like that?

In an historic event in New York City on November 7, 2009, the nation watched USS NEW YORK, with 73/4 tons of World Trade Center steel in her bow, as she was commissionioned into U.S. Navy service.
USS New York (LPD 21) | The Official Website. Commissioning Event Information.

This is what I've found also.

7.5 to 7.75 tons of WTC steel is part of the ship.

They salvaged 24 tons (48,780 lbs.) from the WTC steel and lost 10% of it when that melted it down. The remaining steel (about 21,000 lbs.) was to be used for anchor-handling castings.
World Trade Center Steel is Shaped into PCU New York
On the night of September
12, 2001
the Fresh Kills
Landfill on Staten Island
was designated a crime
scene and trucks began
arriving from Ground Zero
with steel and
debris that was
the World Trade Center.
Over the next ten months,
an operation to recover
human remains, personal
effects and the objects
of everyday life from 1.8
million tons of material was
undertaken by the New
York Police Department,
an FBI evidence recovery
team, twenty-five state
and federal agencies, and
fourteen private contractors.
The story of this operation
unfolds in many rare images
and compelling objects that
are now preserved for history.
Thousands of detectives,
agents, and forensic evidence
specialists worked around
the clock to recover rem-
nants of the lives lost
at the World Trade Center.
Over 1.7 million hours were
spent working at the landfill.
The exhibition photographs,
taken over several months,
document the immense

But there was no investigation or examination of any evidence.........


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