9/11 Conspiracy Solved?: Names, Connections, Details Exposed...

Personally, i'm not so much a proponent of George Bush being involved in the 9/11 attacks. He was only in there 8 months when it happened. The planning for such a large-scale heinous attack like 9/11, had to be in the works all throughout Clinton's 8 year reign. I think too many concentrate too much of their anger and suspicion on George Bush. I mean, take a look at the man. Do you really think he was in charge of anything?

More focus should be shifted to the Clinton reign. That's when most of the planning had to take place. But the Bush's do have a very long-standing close relationship with the Bin Laden Family. So i can see why so many focus all their anger on them. But something like 9/11 had to be planned by others for a very long time. It's much bigger than just George Bush. But that being said, here's a pleasant little musical interlude for ya...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H99TdRm9_08]Bush knocked down the towers?????? - YouTube[/ame]
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Do you even realize that one of those Bin Laden family members was an American citizen who was afraid for her life? There was nothing to keep them here. After all do we shoot the children of a murderer?
Check out the film 'Harodim.' It's pretty interesting.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0I12SZ0H6U]HARODIM: LOOK CLOSER - OFFICIAL TRAILER ENGLISH (HD) - YouTube[/ame]
Still don't get how all U.S. planes were ordered grounded, yet the Bin Laden Family was allowed to fly away on their private jet. Doesn't anyone else find that just a tad bit suspicious?

Wait. You guys claim that the US Jets were ordered to Canada for drills of some sort. Make up your minds.

The Bin Ladens were probably sent away for their own protection. Not really much more to that.
no wonder any credible sites ?...did you view the video

So, YOUR sites are credible, mine are not. Ok so why won't you answer the question?

What difference does it make how much steel went where? What would that mean if anything at all?

It means everything, if you take the time to think about it. Why the rush to ship all that steel off to China? That doesn't cause you to be even a tad bit suspicious or curious?

"It means everything" is not an answer. What does it mean is the question, or rather what do YOU think it means?

Frist of all, it didn't all go to China, second, if they were trying to hide something, why send it to a country that would love to scandalize us?

No, it doesn't make me suspicious at all. Why would it?
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It is easy to poke holes in the NIST's report and conclusions. After all the events had to be pieced together after the fact and it would be impossible to know exactly what happened. It's MUCH harder to support a conspiracy theory and in fact the very few who tried, failed miserably to do so.

The NIST's report is the closest thing to reality that we will ever know. It's the onlyn theory that fits the facts. It does not fit it 100% and never will. So far no alternative theory7 fits the facts better and most fall abysmally short.

WE do know this:

1. 4 planes were hijacked.
2. 2 planes struck the towers.
3. All the real people onboard those two planes died.
4. The towers collapsed from the point of impact down.

The NIST's report fits these facts whereas no current CT fits them all.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_w6CS-b49U]Brilliant Conspiracy Rap - InTeLLeGeNtZ - YouTube[/ame]
Personally, i'm not so much a proponent of George Bush being involved in the 9/11 attacks. He was only in there 8 months when it happened. The planning for such a large-scale heinous attack like 9/11, had to be in the works all throughout Clinton's 8 year reign. I think too many concentrate too much of their anger and suspicion on George Bush. I mean, take a look at the man. Do you really think he was in charge of anything?

More focus should be shifted to the Clinton reign. That's when most of the planning had to take place. But the Bush's do have a very long-standing close relationship with the Bin Laden Family. So i can see why so many focus all their anger on them. But something like 9/11 had to be planned by others for a very long time. It's much bigger than just George Bush. But that being said, here's a pleasant little musical interlude for ya...

Bush knocked down the towers?????? - YouTube

Woo. First you argue the quick exit of the bin Laden's from US soil following 9/11 is "at least suspicious" and then you admit you don't think Bush, who had to sign off on allowing the bin Ladens to leave, was in on the conspiracy. So why interject the bin Laden thing in the first place and why now add in that the family was friendly with the Bush clan?
Your thinking is all over the fucking place. No wonder you're such a fuck-up ... you're a loon. :cuckoo:
Personally, i'm not so much a proponent of George Bush being involved in the 9/11 attacks. He was only in there 8 months when it happened. The planning for such a large-scale heinous attack like 9/11, had to be in the works all throughout Clinton's 8 year reign. I think too many concentrate too much of their anger and suspicion on George Bush. I mean, take a look at the man. Do you really think he was in charge of anything?

More focus should be shifted to the Clinton reign. That's when most of the planning had to take place. But the Bush's do have a very long-standing close relationship with the Bin Laden Family. So i can see why so many focus all their anger on them. But something like 9/11 had to be planned by others for a very long time. It's much bigger than just George Bush. But that being said, here's a pleasant little musical interlude for ya...

Bush knocked down the towers?????? - YouTube

Woo. First you argue the quick exit of the bin Laden's from US soil following 9/11 is "at least suspicious" and then you admit you don't think Bush, who had to sign off on allowing the bin Ladens to leave, was in on the conspiracy. So why interject the bin Laden thing in the first place and why now add in that the family was friendly with the Bush clan?
Your thinking is all over the fucking place. No wonder you're such a fuck-up ... you're a loon. :cuckoo:

The Bush and Bin Laden Families do have a very close relationship. But my point was that i don't think George Bush had much to do with it. The man just isn't capable. He's a bit of a clueless buffoon. Now, his Father? Maybe. And the planning would have begun long before he took office. That's why i said most of it was likely planned during Clinton's reign. Regardless, all planes were ordered to be gounded...Except for the Bin Laden Family's apparently. And yes, i do find that suspicious and curious. But hey, you don't have to. I'm not forcing you to agree with me, or post on my threads. That's your call.
Personally, i'm not so much a proponent of George Bush being involved in the 9/11 attacks. He was only in there 8 months when it happened. The planning for such a large-scale heinous attack like 9/11, had to be in the works all throughout Clinton's 8 year reign. I think too many concentrate too much of their anger and suspicion on George Bush. I mean, take a look at the man. Do you really think he was in charge of anything?

More focus should be shifted to the Clinton reign. That's when most of the planning had to take place. But the Bush's do have a very long-standing close relationship with the Bin Laden Family. So i can see why so many focus all their anger on them. But something like 9/11 had to be planned by others for a very long time. It's much bigger than just George Bush. But that being said, here's a pleasant little musical interlude for ya...

Bush knocked down the towers?????? - YouTube

Woo. First you argue the quick exit of the bin Laden's from US soil following 9/11 is "at least suspicious" and then you admit you don't think Bush, who had to sign off on allowing the bin Ladens to leave, was in on the conspiracy. So why interject the bin Laden thing in the first place and why now add in that the family was friendly with the Bush clan?
Your thinking is all over the fucking place. No wonder you're such a fuck-up ... you're a loon. :cuckoo:

The Bush and Bin Laden Families do have a very close relationship. But my point was that i don't think George Bush had much to do with it. The man just isn't capable. He's a bit of a clueless buffoon. Now, his Father? Maybe. And the planning would have begun long before he took office. That's why i said most of it was likely planned during Clinton's reign. Regardless, all planes were ordered to be gounded...Except for the Bin Laden Family's apparently. And yes, i do find that suspicious and curious. But hey, you don't have to. I'm not forcing you to agree with me, or post on my threads. That's your call.

In fact, for probably the first time in months we did agree on something just hours ago but you rejected even my agreement with your assessment of Del:
"Finally we agree on something! Del is a weasel who would creep around my posts to neg me while never posting a word in response. That is weird but he hasn't bugged me in months." :D
Personally, i'm not so much a proponent of George Bush being involved in the 9/11 attacks. He was only in there 8 months when it happened. The planning for such a large-scale heinous attack like 9/11, had to be in the works all throughout Clinton's 8 year reign. I think too many concentrate too much of their anger and suspicion on George Bush. I mean, take a look at the man. Do you really think he was in charge of anything?

More focus should be shifted to the Clinton reign. That's when most of the planning had to take place. But the Bush's do have a very long-standing close relationship with the Bin Laden Family. So i can see why so many focus all their anger on them. But something like 9/11 had to be planned by others for a very long time. It's much bigger than just George Bush. But that being said, here's a pleasant little musical interlude for ya...

Bush knocked down the towers?????? - YouTube

Woo. First you argue the quick exit of the bin Laden's from US soil following 9/11 is "at least suspicious" and then you admit you don't think Bush, who had to sign off on allowing the bin Ladens to leave, was in on the conspiracy. So why interject the bin Laden thing in the first place and why now add in that the family was friendly with the Bush clan?
Your thinking is all over the fucking place. No wonder you're such a fuck-up ... you're a loon. :cuckoo:

The Bush and Bin Laden Families do have a very close relationship. But my point was that i don't think George Bush had much to do with it. The man just isn't capable. He's a bit of a clueless buffoon. Now, his Father? Maybe. And the planning would have begun long before he took office. That's why i said most of it was likely planned during Clinton's reign. Regardless, all planes were ordered to be gounded...Except for the Bin Laden Family's apparently. And yes, i do find that suspicious and curious. But hey, you don't have to. I'm not forcing you to agree with me, or post on my threads. That's your call.
the problem is you find everything suspicious ....
Woo. First you argue the quick exit of the bin Laden's from US soil following 9/11 is "at least suspicious" and then you admit you don't think Bush, who had to sign off on allowing the bin Ladens to leave, was in on the conspiracy. So why interject the bin Laden thing in the first place and why now add in that the family was friendly with the Bush clan?
Your thinking is all over the fucking place. No wonder you're such a fuck-up ... you're a loon. :cuckoo:

The Bush and Bin Laden Families do have a very close relationship. But my point was that i don't think George Bush had much to do with it. The man just isn't capable. He's a bit of a clueless buffoon. Now, his Father? Maybe. And the planning would have begun long before he took office. That's why i said most of it was likely planned during Clinton's reign. Regardless, all planes were ordered to be gounded...Except for the Bin Laden Family's apparently. And yes, i do find that suspicious and curious. But hey, you don't have to. I'm not forcing you to agree with me, or post on my threads. That's your call.
the problem is you find everything suspicious ....

Nah, the problem is you find nothing suspicious.
Check out the film 'Harodim.' It's pretty interesting.

if it's that good why did it go straight to video?

Matter of opinion i guess. Didn't make a lot of money. But that doesn't mean it wasn't interesting. You should check it out.
wrong paulie straight to video means it was not good enough for general release. so it went to video to make back some of the lost.

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