9/11 Conspiracy Solved?: Names, Connections, Details Exposed...

The Bush and Bin Laden Families do have a very close relationship. But my point was that i don't think George Bush had much to do with it. The man just isn't capable. He's a bit of a clueless buffoon. Now, his Father? Maybe. And the planning would have begun long before he took office. That's why i said most of it was likely planned during Clinton's reign. Regardless, all planes were ordered to be gounded...Except for the Bin Laden Family's apparently. And yes, i do find that suspicious and curious. But hey, you don't have to. I'm not forcing you to agree with me, or post on my threads. That's your call.
the problem is you find everything suspicious ....

Nah, the problem is you find nothing suspicious.
wrong again paulie, I get the facts and then decide if it's worth being suspicious about.
you do neither.
Check out the film 'Harodim.' It's pretty interesting.

if it's that good why did it go straight to video?

Matter of opinion i guess. Didn't make a lot of money. But that doesn't mean it wasn't interesting. You should check it out.

Translation: Normal peeps won't waste their time and cash on that which CT loons like Pauli find "interesting." Evidently norms are a lot smarter than pompous CTs give us credit for. :badgrin:
if it's that good why did it go straight to video?

Matter of opinion i guess. Didn't make a lot of money. But that doesn't mean it wasn't interesting. You should check it out.

Translation: Normal peeps won't waste their time and cash on that which CT loons like Pauli find "interesting." Evidently norms are a lot smarter than pompous CTs give us credit for. :badgrin:

Yeah, like a deranged Sock Puppet troll like you is 'normal'? Priceless. :lol:
if it's that good why did it go straight to video?

Matter of opinion i guess. Didn't make a lot of money. But that doesn't mean it wasn't interesting. You should check it out.

Translation: Normal peeps won't waste their time and cash on that which CT loons like Pauli find "interesting." Evidently norms are a lot smarter than pompous CTs give us credit for. :badgrin:

Normal, rational thinking adults don't let assholes like you dictate what is considered "normal" and fear your juvenile ridicule. Normal people should not be afraid to question or seek answers concerning the attacks of 9-11, or try to learn about the reality of the nation or the world they live in.
You subscribe to and defend an outrageous conspiracy theory that is full of lies and instances where it needs to lie, ignore, and falsify data, evidence and circumstances and demands plausibility because it comes from an "official" source LOL...That "official source" is a historic lying entity, and research of history, and 9-11 will show that this is true.
People like you are anti truth, and anti American, and use false information, lies, and ridicules anyone who questions your OCT, all the while never putting up anything that substantiates your beliefs against anything that counters your OCT. while spending daily work shift hours on message boards propagating your anti American stance and your insane views..
instances where it needs to lie, ignore, and falsify data, evidence and circumstances

I suppose you would be willing to show examples and proof of each of these things?

We have...for years now, but you always ignore whatever examples are provided. Anyone who doesn't know about it and is new to the boards can look through the many threads, whereas people like you are only asking for "proof" yet again to continue your circle of wash rinse repeat.
You know how it goes troll. We post proof and evidence, that includes many sources, facts, calculations, news reports, and videos...and you pretend you never heard of them, while also pretending you are some kind of valiant warrior who defended our "freedumbs" once upon a time, while never once standing up for your fellow military comrades who went off and died, or were wounded for the lies that you try to defend while using "amnesia" on these boards...
You're a fucking disgrace and a joke.
instances where it needs to lie, ignore, and falsify data, evidence and circumstances

I suppose you would be willing to show examples and proof of each of these things?

We have...for years now, but you always ignore whatever examples are provided. Anyone who doesn't know about it and is new to the boards can look through the many threads, whereas people like you are only asking for "proof" yet again to continue your circle of wash rinse repeat.
You know how it goes troll. We post proof and evidence, that includes many sources, facts, calculations, news reports, and videos...and you pretend you never heard of them, while also pretending you are some kind of valiant warrior who defended our "freedumbs" once upon a time, while never once standing up for your fellow military comrades who went off and died, or were wounded for the lies that you try to defend while using "amnesia" on these boards...
You're a fucking disgrace and a joke.

Fuck you. how many Veterans funerals have you been to in the past 10 years? I have news for you dickhead I've forgotten how many times I've taken that folded flag and held back my tears as i presented it to the next of kin. "From the president and a grateful nation". BS not when it comes to you CT assholes.
You haven't a clue what honor is and all you do is demonize the government and the freedoms that men better than yourselves have died for to make sure you have. The freedom to come on your little internet and talk shit was purchased by the lives of way better men than you will ever be.
You have never offered a shred of proof, just as you sidestepped it again today. You had to go after the personal attack. Come walk with me asswipe I'll show you the real fucking world.
while also pretending you are some kind of valiant warrior who defended our "freedumbs" once upon a time, while never once standing up for your fellow military comrades who went off and died, or were wounded for the lies that you try to defend while using "amnesia" on these boards...
You're a fucking disgrace and a joke.

The above is the kind of pathetic, soulless, gutless, and decrepit bullshit that makes you the fucking asshole that most people think you are.

What a gutless turd.

I dare you to go say that same line of crap to some of the men and woman in the armed forces.

You'd get your ass handed to you.

I talk all the time to my friends and family who are in the armed forces right now and they think you people who believe/say this type of shit are all fucksticks.

Rightfully so I might add.
if it's that good why did it go straight to video?

Matter of opinion i guess. Didn't make a lot of money. But that doesn't mean it wasn't interesting. You should check it out.

Translation: Normal peeps won't waste their time and cash on that which CT loons like Pauli find "interesting." Evidently norms are a lot smarter than pompous CTs give us credit for. :badgrin:
on the other hand somebody is making a shit load of cash off suckers like paulie and sister jones.
their sub culture has certain needs ,what movies to watch, books to buy, tee shirts ,coffee mugs....personal appearances, just to name a few.
somebody has to supply it ...wish I'd though of that scam...
instances where it needs to lie, ignore, and falsify data, evidence and circumstances

I suppose you would be willing to show examples and proof of each of these things?

We have...for years now, but you always ignore whatever examples are provided. Anyone who doesn't know about it and is new to the boards can look through the many threads, whereas people like you are only asking for "proof" yet again to continue your circle of wash rinse repeat.
You know how it goes troll. We post proof and evidence, that includes many sources, facts, calculations, news reports, and videos...and you pretend you never heard of them, while also pretending you are some kind of valiant warrior who defended our "freedumbs" once upon a time, while never once standing up for your fellow military comrades who went off and died, or were wounded for the lies that you try to defend while using "amnesia" on these boards...
You're a fucking disgrace and a joke.
who the fuck is we ?
do you belong to a twoofer organization? if so name it ,if not then you have no right to represent or in this case misrepresent other people with out their permission. you self aggrandizing limp dick..
I suppose you would be willing to show examples and proof of each of these things?

We have...for years now, but you always ignore whatever examples are provided. Anyone who doesn't know about it and is new to the boards can look through the many threads, whereas people like you are only asking for "proof" yet again to continue your circle of wash rinse repeat.
You know how it goes troll. We post proof and evidence, that includes many sources, facts, calculations, news reports, and videos...and you pretend you never heard of them, while also pretending you are some kind of valiant warrior who defended our "freedumbs" once upon a time, while never once standing up for your fellow military comrades who went off and died, or were wounded for the lies that you try to defend while using "amnesia" on these boards...
You're a fucking disgrace and a joke.

Fuck you. how many Veterans funerals have you been to in the past 10 years? I have news for you dickhead I've forgotten how many times I've taken that folded flag and held back my tears as i presented it to the next of kin. "From the president and a grateful nation". BS not when it comes to you CT assholes.
You haven't a clue what honor is and all you do is demonize the government and the freedoms that men better than yourselves have died for to make sure you have. The freedom to come on your little internet and talk shit was purchased by the lives of way better men than you will ever be.
You have never offered a shred of proof, just as you sidestepped it again today. You had to go after the personal attack. Come walk with me asswipe I'll show you the real fucking world.

He won't be able to keep up. You'll have to hold his hand.
I suppose you would be willing to show examples and proof of each of these things?

We have...for years now, but you always ignore whatever examples are provided. Anyone who doesn't know about it and is new to the boards can look through the many threads, whereas people like you are only asking for "proof" yet again to continue your circle of wash rinse repeat.
You know how it goes troll. We post proof and evidence, that includes many sources, facts, calculations, news reports, and videos...and you pretend you never heard of them, while also pretending you are some kind of valiant warrior who defended our "freedumbs" once upon a time, while never once standing up for your fellow military comrades who went off and died, or were wounded for the lies that you try to defend while using "amnesia" on these boards...
You're a fucking disgrace and a joke.

Fuck you. how many Veterans funerals have you been to in the past 10 years? I have news for you dickhead I've forgotten how many times I've taken that folded flag and held back my tears as i presented it to the next of kin. "From the president and a grateful nation". BS not when it comes to you CT assholes.
You haven't a clue what honor is and all you do is demonize the government and the freedoms that men better than yourselves have died for to make sure you have. The freedom to come on your little internet and talk shit was purchased by the lives of way better men than you will ever be.
You have never offered a shred of proof, just as you sidestepped it again today. You had to go after the personal attack. Come walk with me asswipe I'll show you the real fucking world.

You say you attend so many funerals, but still defend the lies that sent them to their graves. You defend the lies so adamantly over the lives of your so called comrades and fellow military brothers and sisters, in spite of so many vets, and facts that are totally against the criminals who sent them to die, and the lies they told to accomplish this.
You can't name one fucking instance where Americans "freedumbs" were ever in any jeopardy, and that your "brave actions" or service protected..
If you think thinking Americans will wilt because of your BS, and defense of the lies that caused the death of their sons and daughters, you're even more full of shit then I previously thought.
Instead of educating the young impressionable recruits, you help spread lies, and defend the ones already told, right to their faces....There are many honorable military veterans, who have had the guts to at least speak out about what are clear violations and orders given to them, and the lies they were told so they would "protect American" freedumbs,
and you are a phoney ass liar, if you as a military man, don't give them their due respect.

The instances that show what fucking liars the chicken hawks who concocted the lies that sent our military off to die, for resources, and strategic military conquests, and in defense of Israel, who NEVER EVER has their military fight alongside Americans, is fucking vast, and well known, especially to the military men and women who woke up after realizing they were fucking lied to.

You saying that some how, spending trillions on wars to save Americans freedoms, and their continued use of the internet is laughable on its face, especially when it's obvious that our freedoms have been trampled on, and have been curtailed...not by any outside "terrorists" forces , but by our own fucking government.

Fuck you you damn phoney ass liar. Many Americans have awakened to the truth about why they were told to go off to foreign lands and die, and it had nothing to do with American freedoms, or values, or their fucking internet service.
If you are indeed telling the truth about attending any military funerals, you should feel shame when looking their grieving relatives in the face after all that is now known about the sons of bitches and cowards who concocted the massive lies that sent them to their deaths and who you disgustingly fucking defend..
I would caution any one from even listening to such a willfully ignorant, indoctrinated stooge like you, especially anyone who wants to know anything about the disaster that has befallen America the last 12 years, and who wont even respect the sentiments or opinions of those he calls fellow comrades in arms, who are sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America.
You are the last person someone should go to for advice or knowledge.

You others should indeed support our military, by NOT defending the lies that have proven to be detrimental to them, their families and to Americas security around the world, and by not supporting any candidate who would out source American foreign policy to an distrustful, so called "ally"..

I'm done responding to you, and trying to reason with you after all these years, especially when you lie so much and defend and try to cover, everything the criminals have said, instead of our own military and their families. who have more guts then you do and speak out..and are the REAL PATRIOTS of the American Republic.
I suppose you would be willing to show examples and proof of each of these things?

We have...for years now, but you always ignore whatever examples are provided. Anyone who doesn't know about it and is new to the boards can look through the many threads, whereas people like you are only asking for "proof" yet again to continue your circle of wash rinse repeat.
You know how it goes troll. We post proof and evidence, that includes many sources, facts, calculations, news reports, and videos...and you pretend you never heard of them, while also pretending you are some kind of valiant warrior who defended our "freedumbs" once upon a time, while never once standing up for your fellow military comrades who went off and died, or were wounded for the lies that you try to defend while using "amnesia" on these boards...
You're a fucking disgrace and a joke.

Fuck you. how many Veterans funerals have you been to in the past 10 years? I have news for you dickhead I've forgotten how many times I've taken that folded flag and held back my tears as i presented it to the next of kin. "From the president and a grateful nation".
From a lying draft dodging president, and his dual citizen chicken hawk liars you mean...

BS not when it comes to you CT assholes.
You defend a CT, and only tout any validity of it, because it comes from exposedliars in positions of authority...

You haven't a clue what honor is and all you do is demonize the government and the freedoms that men better than yourselves have died for to make sure you have. The freedom to come on your little internet and talk shit was purchased by the lives of way better men than you will ever be.
You dishonor the fallen who died for lies that have been exposed, by other honorable military vets.

You have never offered a shred of proof, just as you sidestepped it again today. You had to go after the personal attack. Come walk with me asswipe I'll show you the real fucking world.
You lie asshole, all one has to do is look through the years of threads and posts, and how many times you pretend no one has taken you by the hand step by step through their views...Get over yourself, and stop lying for the criminals, and their alliances that killed our brave men and women.....Join the real patriotic veterans..
We have...for years now, but you always ignore whatever examples are provided. Anyone who doesn't know about it and is new to the boards can look through the many threads, whereas people like you are only asking for "proof" yet again to continue your circle of wash rinse repeat.
You know how it goes troll. We post proof and evidence, that includes many sources, facts, calculations, news reports, and videos...and you pretend you never heard of them, while also pretending you are some kind of valiant warrior who defended our "freedumbs" once upon a time, while never once standing up for your fellow military comrades who went off and died, or were wounded for the lies that you try to defend while using "amnesia" on these boards...
You're a fucking disgrace and a joke.

Fuck you. how many Veterans funerals have you been to in the past 10 years? I have news for you dickhead I've forgotten how many times I've taken that folded flag and held back my tears as i presented it to the next of kin. "From the president and a grateful nation". BS not when it comes to you CT assholes.
You haven't a clue what honor is and all you do is demonize the government and the freedoms that men better than yourselves have died for to make sure you have. The freedom to come on your little internet and talk shit was purchased by the lives of way better men than you will ever be.
You have never offered a shred of proof, just as you sidestepped it again today. You had to go after the personal attack. Come walk with me asswipe I'll show you the real fucking world.

You say you attend so many funerals, but still defend the lies that sent them to their graves. You defend the lies so adamantly over the lives of your so called comrades and fellow military brothers and sisters, in spite of so many vets, and facts that are totally against the criminals who sent them to die, and the lies they told to accomplish this.
You can't name one fucking instance where Americans "freedumbs" were ever in any jeopardy, and that your "brave actions" or service protected..
If you think thinking Americans will wilt because of your BS, and defense of the lies that caused the death of their sons and daughters, you're even more full of shit then I previously thought.
Instead of educating the young impressionable recruits, you help spread lies, and defend the ones already told, right to their faces....There are many honorable military veterans, who have had the guts to at least speak out about what are clear violations and orders given to them, and the lies they were told so they would "protect American" freedumbs,
and you are a phoney ass liar, if you as a military man, don't give them their due respect.

The instances that show what fucking liars the chicken hawks who concocted the lies that sent our military off to die, for resources, and strategic military conquests, and in defense of Israel, who NEVER EVER has their military fight alongside Americans, is fucking vast, and well known, especially to the military men and women who woke up after realizing they were fucking lied to.

You saying that some how, spending trillions on wars to save Americans freedoms, and their continued use of the internet is laughable on its face, especially when it's obvious that our freedoms have been trampled on, and have been curtailed...not by any outside "terrorists" forces , but by our own fucking government.

Fuck you you damn phoney ass liar. Many Americans have awakened to the truth about why they were told to go off to foreign lands and die, and it had nothing to do with American freedoms, or values, or their fucking internet service.
If you are indeed telling the truth about attending any military funerals, you should feel shame when looking their grieving relatives in the face after all that is now known about the sons of bitches and cowards who concocted the massive lies that sent them to their deaths and who you disgustingly fucking defend..
I would caution any one from even listening to such a willfully ignorant, indoctrinated stooge like you, especially anyone who wants to know anything about the disaster that has befallen America the last 12 years, and who wont even respect the sentiments or opinions of those he calls fellow comrades in arms, who are sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America.
You are the last person someone should go to for advice or knowledge.

You others should indeed support our military, by NOT defending the lies that have proven to be detrimental to them, their families and to Americas security around the world, and by not supporting any candidate who would out source American foreign policy to an distrustful, so called "ally"..

I'm done responding to you, and trying to reason with you after all these years, especially when you lie so much and defend and try to cover, everything the criminals have said, instead of our own military and their families. who have more guts then you do and speak out..and are the REAL PATRIOTS of the American Republic.

Woo. Shrill, desperate, self-serving and hateful. Typical CTBS. Oh, and fuck you too, asshole.
We have...for years now, but you always ignore whatever examples are provided. Anyone who doesn't know about it and is new to the boards can look through the many threads, whereas people like you are only asking for "proof" yet again to continue your circle of wash rinse repeat.
You know how it goes troll. We post proof and evidence, that includes many sources, facts, calculations, news reports, and videos...and you pretend you never heard of them, while also pretending you are some kind of valiant warrior who defended our "freedumbs" once upon a time, while never once standing up for your fellow military comrades who went off and died, or were wounded for the lies that you try to defend while using "amnesia" on these boards...
You're a fucking disgrace and a joke.

From a lying draft dodging president, and his dual citizen chicken hawk liars you mean...

You defend a CT, and only tout any validity of it, because it comes from exposedliars in positions of authority...

You dishonor the fallen who died for lies that have been exposed, by other honorable military vets.

You have never offered a shred of proof, just as you sidestepped it again today. You had to go after the personal attack. Come walk with me asswipe I'll show you the real fucking world.
You lie asshole, all one has to do is look through the years of threads and posts, and how many times you pretend no one has taken you by the hand step by step through their views...Get over yourself, and stop lying for the criminals, and their alliances that killed our brave men and women.....Join the real patriotic veterans..

:lol: :lol: :lol:
I can't speak for anyone else but I do love when some cyber warrior wraps himself in our flag and acts like he's defending America. Delusional asshole. :cuckoo:
From a lying draft dodging president, and his dual citizen chicken hawk liars you mean...

You defend a CT, and only tout any validity of it, because it comes from exposedliars in positions of authority...

You dishonor the fallen who died for lies that have been exposed, by other honorable military vets.

You lie asshole, all one has to do is look through the years of threads and posts, and how many times you pretend no one has taken you by the hand step by step through their views...Get over yourself, and stop lying for the criminals, and their alliances that killed our brave men and women.....Join the real patriotic veterans..

:lol: :lol: :lol:
I can't speak for anyone else but I do love when some cyber warrior wraps himself in our flag and acts like he's defending America. Delusional asshole. :cuckoo:
he's even lying about that.. his motives are like all egotists he's compensating for huge discrepancies in his life..
We have...for years now, but you always ignore whatever examples are provided. Anyone who doesn't know about it and is new to the boards can look through the many threads, whereas people like you are only asking for "proof" yet again to continue your circle of wash rinse repeat.
You know how it goes troll. We post proof and evidence, that includes many sources, facts, calculations, news reports, and videos...and you pretend you never heard of them, while also pretending you are some kind of valiant warrior who defended our "freedumbs" once upon a time, while never once standing up for your fellow military comrades who went off and died, or were wounded for the lies that you try to defend while using "amnesia" on these boards...
You're a fucking disgrace and a joke.

Fuck you. how many Veterans funerals have you been to in the past 10 years? I have news for you dickhead I've forgotten how many times I've taken that folded flag and held back my tears as i presented it to the next of kin. "From the president and a grateful nation". BS not when it comes to you CT assholes.
You haven't a clue what honor is and all you do is demonize the government and the freedoms that men better than yourselves have died for to make sure you have. The freedom to come on your little internet and talk shit was purchased by the lives of way better men than you will ever be.
You have never offered a shred of proof, just as you sidestepped it again today. You had to go after the personal attack. Come walk with me asswipe I'll show you the real fucking world.

You say you attend so many funerals, but still defend the lies that sent them to their graves. You defend the lies so adamantly over the lives of your so called comrades and fellow military brothers and sisters, in spite of so many vets, and facts that are totally against the criminals who sent them to die, and the lies they told to accomplish this.
You can't name one fucking instance where Americans "freedumbs" were ever in any jeopardy, and that your "brave actions" or service protected..
If you think thinking Americans will wilt because of your BS, and defense of the lies that caused the death of their sons and daughters, you're even more full of shit then I previously thought.
Instead of educating the young impressionable recruits, you help spread lies, and defend the ones already told, right to their faces....There are many honorable military veterans, who have had the guts to at least speak out about what are clear violations and orders given to them, and the lies they were told so they would "protect American" freedumbs,
and you are a phoney ass liar, if you as a military man, don't give them their due respect.

The instances that show what fucking liars the chicken hawks who concocted the lies that sent our military off to die, for resources, and strategic military conquests, and in defense of Israel, who NEVER EVER has their military fight alongside Americans, is fucking vast, and well known, especially to the military men and women who woke up after realizing they were fucking lied to.

You saying that some how, spending trillions on wars to save Americans freedoms, and their continued use of the internet is laughable on its face, especially when it's obvious that our freedoms have been trampled on, and have been curtailed...not by any outside "terrorists" forces , but by our own fucking government.

Fuck you you damn phoney ass liar. Many Americans have awakened to the truth about why they were told to go off to foreign lands and die, and it had nothing to do with American freedoms, or values, or their fucking internet service.
If you are indeed telling the truth about attending any military funerals, you should feel shame when looking their grieving relatives in the face after all that is now known about the sons of bitches and cowards who concocted the massive lies that sent them to their deaths and who you disgustingly fucking defend..
I would caution any one from even listening to such a willfully ignorant, indoctrinated stooge like you, especially anyone who wants to know anything about the disaster that has befallen America the last 12 years, and who wont even respect the sentiments or opinions of those he calls fellow comrades in arms, who are sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America.
You are the last person someone should go to for advice or knowledge.

You others should indeed support our military, by NOT defending the lies that have proven to be detrimental to them, their families and to Americas security around the world, and by not supporting any candidate who would out source American foreign policy to an distrustful, so called "ally"..

I'm done responding to you, and trying to reason with you after all these years, especially when you lie so much and defend and try to cover, everything the criminals have said, instead of our own military and their families. who have more guts then you do and speak out..and are the REAL PATRIOTS of the American Republic.

You hate this country so much why don't you just get the fuck out?

You talk about lies this and lies that and you can't prove one of them.

Reason with me? You deny that our military has kept us free and you want to reason with me.... Go ahead asswipe let's pretend we haven't had a strong military all these decades. Which language do you want to learn?

And you have never ever seen me post a lie....... You want my fucking address you can stand on my front porch and call me a liar if you'd like. but you wouldn't stand there very long.

And that is not a threat, it's a promise.........

Now go report me to whomever...........
Personally, i'm not so much a proponent of George Bush being involved in the 9/11 attacks. He was only in there 8 months when it happened. The planning for such a large-scale heinous attack like 9/11, had to be in the works all throughout Clinton's 8 year reign. I think too many concentrate too much of their anger and suspicion on George Bush. I mean, take a look at the man. Do you really think he was in charge of anything?

More focus should be shifted to the Clinton reign. That's when most of the planning had to take place. But the Bush's do have a very long-standing close relationship with the Bin Laden Family. So i can see why so many focus all their anger on them. But something like 9/11 had to be planned by others for a very long time. It's much bigger than just George Bush. But that being said, here's a pleasant little musical interlude for ya...

Bush knocked down the towers?????? - YouTube

Woo. First you argue the quick exit of the bin Laden's from US soil following 9/11 is "at least suspicious" and then you admit you don't think Bush, who had to sign off on allowing the bin Ladens to leave, was in on the conspiracy. So why interject the bin Laden thing in the first place and why now add in that the family was friendly with the Bush clan?
Your thinking is all over the fucking place. No wonder you're such a fuck-up ... you're a loon. :cuckoo:

The Bush and Bin Laden Families do have a very close relationship. But my point was that i don't think George Bush had much to do with it. The man just isn't capable. He's a bit of a clueless buffoon. Now, his Father? Maybe. And the planning would have begun long before he took office. That's why i said most of it was likely planned during Clinton's reign. Regardless, all planes were ordered to be gounded...Except for the Bin Laden Family's apparently. And yes, i do find that suspicious and curious. But hey, you don't have to. I'm not forcing you to agree with me, or post on my threads. That's your call.

You're right it IS suspicious. I suspect it was for their protection.

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