9/11 Proof: Basic Physics. Can you handle it?

Will the Troll man up and answer the facts like promised?

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    Votes: 2 100.0%
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    Votes: 0 0.0%

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By definition, isn't "free fall" only possible with zero resistance underneath it?
With nothing slowing the path of descent?

Exact free fall is only possible with zero resistance. The NIST only had videos to measure acceleration, and that is not an excact science or means of measurement, so it wasn't "exact" free fall, but close.

With enough weight bearing down on lower structures, especailly with many of those internal structures already compromized due to fires and previous internal collapses before the main collapse, there wasn't much resistance to the overall collapse.

Some will pretend the dynamic loads are no greater than the normal static loads and that every column would have to be cut simultaniously in order to reach free fall acceleration. They ignore video and audio evidence that these explosions never happened.
DiveCon is no troll.

He lives in the fact based world. I may not agree with him..but he doesn't fudge facts.
I saw, and took a quote from the idiot for my own dive!

Some of the 911 conspiracy kooks are profoundly insane, others are profoundly delusional, still others are merely laboring under their poor education and poor self-esteem, trying to improve their self images by pretending to be heroes.
For the most part thery are just lacking intelligence.
Your poll is in error. You are naming Dive Con as a troll. That is clearly not possible. The only troll in evidence is yourself. Alter the poll or the only responder will be you.

your hysterical,actually he hit the nail right on the head.you have obviously never debated with divecunt,if you did,you would know this is how he constantly debates all the time. Physics will show something like the expert opinions of architects and engineers and post links of them talking and divecunt will reply with -you moron,it wasnt an inside job.Thats how he ALWAYS debates,which is why after when i first got here,after a week just put the troll on ignore cause he simpley doesnt even try to debate.people like physics find that out immediately when they start discussing anything with him thats how he always debates.Biggest troll at USMB by far,second worst candyidiot.
Surely there are some conspiracy theory boards on the interwebs where these tin foil hat types can go have their little circle jerks by themselves and quit dirtying up serious boards.
I saw, and took a quote from the idiot for my own dive!

Some of the 911 conspiracy kooks are profoundly insane, others are profoundly delusional, still others are merely laboring under their poor education and poor self-esteem, trying to improve their self images by pretending to be heroes.
For the most part thery are just lacking intelligence.

You have not made a single accurate statement yet
Maybe I'm missing something here. Why does it even matter? The buildings fell; even assuming the conspiracy theory is right, what good does it do to know about it?

I'm really not sold on the standard version of events on 9/11, but seriously - so what?

thats actually a good point because yeah it doesnt do much good to know about it,nothing will ever be done about it in the real killers will never be brought to justice.not as long as we have this corrupt two party system we have of remocrats and demopublicans.till we get a third party president in office,nothing will be done about it so yeah your right,it really does no good knowing about it or spreading the word.
Surely there are some conspiracy theory boards on the interwebs where these tin foil hat types can go have their little circle jerks by themselves and quit dirtying up serious boards.

you Bush dupes are the tin foil hatters.people like physics exist and myself dont have the logic that because corrupt government agencys and the corporate controlled media said it happened this way,that makes it automatically true and all these architiects and engineers and their field of experts doesnt mater.:lol:
Surely there are some conspiracy theory boards on the interwebs where these tin foil hat types can go have their little circle jerks by themselves and quit dirtying up serious boards.

you Bush dupes are the tin foil hatters.people like physics exist and myself dont have the logic that because corrupt government agencys and the corporate controlled media said it happened this way,that makes it automatically true and all these architiects and engineers and their field of experts doesnt mater.:lol:

You mean the 0.053% of all Architects and Engineers in the US that pretend there is an issue, but they have no evidence for? Those fuckheads? :lol: Actually, I shouldn't say that. A lot of the names at AE911 are faked as has been demonstrated repeatedly on this and other boards.

You truthtards are a joke. The very fact you have to ignore hard evidence to cling to your fantasies shows just how big of a joke you really are.
Hell I'm still waiting for the audio evidence of the explosions and the explanation of the indestructible paper and unmelted rebar in the meteorite.

I have seen hairs and paper stick to cooling welds

cooling welds do not equal molten steel as claimed. The flash point of paper is 662F. That means the paper would have spontaniously combusted long before it ever got close to molten steel.
Surely there are some conspiracy theory boards on the interwebs where these tin foil hat types can go have their little circle jerks by themselves and quit dirtying up serious boards.

you Bush dupes are the tin foil hatters.people like physics exist and myself dont have the logic that because corrupt government agencys and the corporate controlled media said it happened this way,that makes it automatically true and all these architiects and engineers and their field of experts doesnt mater.:lol:

Bush dupe? That's rich! I'm a libertarian.
Hell I'm still waiting for the audio evidence of the explosions and the explanation of the indestructible paper and unmelted rebar in the meteorite.

I have seen hairs and paper stick to cooling welds

cooling welds do not equal molten steel as claimed. The flash point of paper is 662F. That means the paper would have spontaniously combusted long before it ever got close to molten steel.

A weld is not molten metal ?...lol...it rapidly froms a llight crust of slag that things can stick to
Surely there are some conspiracy theory boards on the interwebs where these tin foil hat types can go have their little circle jerks by themselves and quit dirtying up serious boards.
this is a serious board?
really? ;)

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