9/11 Proof: Basic Physics. Can you handle it?

Will the Troll man up and answer the facts like promised?

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Explosive Residues
Independent researchers have discovered a highly engineered explosive-incendiary material in several dust samples collected near the WTC site. In their paper, entitled Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe, nine researchers, led by chemist Niels Harrit of the University of Copenhagen, conclude:

“[T]he red layer of the red/gray chips we have discovered in the WTC dust is active, unreacted thermitic material, incorporating nanotechnology, and is a highly energetic pyrotechnic or explosive material.”

Harrit, Farrer, Jones, Ryan, Legge, Farnsworth, Roberts, Gourley, Larsen, “Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe,” Bentham Open Access, 2009. http://buildingwhat.org/downloads/Full_Thermite_paper.pdf

Address this Fact.

thats NOT a fact
its more paranoid delusions

Everyone clap. :clap2:

dipshit, since none of what you posted as a fact is actually true, it is NOT a fact
Maybe I'm missing something here. Why does it even matter? The buildings fell; even assuming the conspiracy theory is right, what good does it do to know about it?

I'm really not sold on the standard version of events on 9/11, but seriously - so what?
Maybe I'm missing something here. Why does it even matter? The buildings fell; even assuming the conspiracy theory is right, what good does it do to know about it?

I'm really not sold on the standard version of events on 9/11, but seriously - so what?

I recommend starting here: Home and Away: Iraq and Afghanistan War Casualties - CNN.com

Every documented death of the wars in the middle east up to the very detail. That's the 'so what?'

Or maybe take a look at the list of people dead from the events on 9/11:
List of Victims from Sept. 11, 2001 - September 11 | Terrorist Attacks | World Trade Center Attack - FOXNews.com

or you could even so far as use common sense and realize the whole decade has been a farce if 9/11 was a controlled demolition. And you seem to not care...is this true?
oh NOES he has more people here that DONT like him, he clearly has no credibility

well, thats what he says about non-troofer videos on youtube because more troofer morons dislike the video it makes the content of the video wrong
Explosive Residues
Independent researchers have discovered a highly engineered explosive-incendiary material in several dust samples collected near the WTC site. In their paper, entitled Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe, nine researchers, led by chemist Niels Harrit of the University of Copenhagen, conclude:

“[T]he red layer of the red/gray chips we have discovered in the WTC dust is active, unreacted thermitic material, incorporating nanotechnology, and is a highly energetic pyrotechnic or explosive material.”

Harrit, Farrer, Jones, Ryan, Legge, Farnsworth, Roberts, Gourley, Larsen, “Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe,” Bentham Open Access, 2009. http://buildingwhat.org/downloads/Full_Thermite_paper.pdf

Address this Fact.

thats NOT a fact
its more paranoid delusions

Only explosives can instantaneously remove 8 stories allowing the upper structure to accelerate downwards in free fall. The absolute free fall of Building 7 over a period of 2.25 seconds is by itself overwhelming evidence that explosives were used to bring down the building.

Care to address this fact?

These "facts" have been debunked repeatedly by showing that the measurement of the time it took the building to fall is NOT 2.25 seconds. The time it took to fall cannot be measured from a video-FACT! The reason is that the fall starts before it can be seen in the video. Additionally the so-called "experts" you have quoted cherry picked the time they used knowing full well that they were using misleading data, and point to a video taken from outside the building to "prove' their point.
The only thing they have proved is that as professionals they should be disciplined for malfeasance. As humans they should be charged with a fraud perpetrated on the weak-minded (and stupid)among the public As citizens they should be charged and tried for treason for perpetrating the fraud and supporting the claims of enemies of the USA, including but not limited to the president of iran.
thats NOT a fact
its more paranoid delusions

Only explosives can instantaneously remove 8 stories allowing the upper structure to accelerate downwards in free fall. The absolute free fall of Building 7 over a period of 2.25 seconds is by itself overwhelming evidence that explosives were used to bring down the building.

Care to address this fact?

These "facts" have been debunked repeatedly by showing that the measurement of the time it took the building to fall is NOT 2.25 seconds. The time it took to fall cannot be measured from a video-FACT! The reason is that the fall starts before it can be seen in the video. Additionally the so-called "experts" you have quoted cherry picked the time they used knowing full well that they were using misleading data, and point to a video taken from outside the building to "prove' their point.
The only thing they have proved is that as professionals they should be disciplined for malfeasance. As humans they should be charged with a fraud perpetrated on the weak-minded (and stupid)among the public As citizens they should be charged and tried for treason for perpetrating the fraud and supporting the claims of enemies of the USA, including but not limited to the president of iran.

NIST in its final report issued in November 2008 did finally acknowledge that Building 7 descended at free fall. According to NIST, “This free fall drop continued for approximately 8 stories, or 32.0 meters (105 ft), the distance traveled between times t = 1.75 s and t = 4.0 s [a period of 2.25 seconds].”[v] However, NIST did not attempt to explain how Building 7’s free fall descent could have occurred.
BuildingWhat? - Building 7 |Please stand with the 9-11 families in calling for a NEW Building 7 investigation - Free Fall Collapse

Why are you so ignorant?
oh NOES he has more people here that DONT like him, he clearly has no credibility

well, thats what he says about non-troofer videos on youtube because more troofer morons dislike the video it makes the content of the video wrong

Aint' that the truth!

Remember, if it wasn't made by Alex Jones or his ilk, it just doesn't support the "truth' and is more than likely part of the conspiracy.(sarcasm intended)
Only explosives can instantaneously remove 8 stories allowing the upper structure to accelerate downwards in free fall. The absolute free fall of Building 7 over a period of 2.25 seconds is by itself overwhelming evidence that explosives were used to bring down the building.

Care to address this fact?

These "facts" have been debunked repeatedly by showing that the measurement of the time it took the building to fall is NOT 2.25 seconds. The time it took to fall cannot be measured from a video-FACT! The reason is that the fall starts before it can be seen in the video. Additionally the so-called "experts" you have quoted cherry picked the time they used knowing full well that they were using misleading data, and point to a video taken from outside the building to "prove' their point.
The only thing they have proved is that as professionals they should be disciplined for malfeasance. As humans they should be charged with a fraud perpetrated on the weak-minded (and stupid)among the public As citizens they should be charged and tried for treason for perpetrating the fraud and supporting the claims of enemies of the USA, including but not limited to the president of iran.

NIST in its final report issued in November 2008 did finally acknowledge that Building 7 descended at free fall. According to NIST, “This free fall drop continued for approximately 8 stories, or 32.0 meters (105 ft), the distance traveled between times t = 1.75 s and t = 4.0 s [a period of 2.25 seconds].”[v] However, NIST did not attempt to explain how Building 7’s free fall descent could have occurred.
BuildingWhat? - Building 7 |Please stand with the 9-11 families in calling for a NEW Building 7 investigation - Free Fall Collapse

Why are you so ignorant?

So to be clear on your post;
You claim a conspiracy, and the government is behind it, yet want to use the government's iformation to make a case to support your delusions?

Holy fuck batman, what an ignorant troll you seem to be.

Bring it on you treasonous jerkweed, you look like you will be fun to play with.
These "facts" have been debunked repeatedly by showing that the measurement of the time it took the building to fall is NOT 2.25 seconds. The time it took to fall cannot be measured from a video-FACT! The reason is that the fall starts before it can be seen in the video. Additionally the so-called "experts" you have quoted cherry picked the time they used knowing full well that they were using misleading data, and point to a video taken from outside the building to "prove' their point.
The only thing they have proved is that as professionals they should be disciplined for malfeasance. As humans they should be charged with a fraud perpetrated on the weak-minded (and stupid)among the public As citizens they should be charged and tried for treason for perpetrating the fraud and supporting the claims of enemies of the USA, including but not limited to the president of iran.

NIST in its final report issued in November 2008 did finally acknowledge that Building 7 descended at free fall. According to NIST, “This free fall drop continued for approximately 8 stories, or 32.0 meters (105 ft), the distance traveled between times t = 1.75 s and t = 4.0 s [a period of 2.25 seconds].”[v] However, NIST did not attempt to explain how Building 7’s free fall descent could have occurred.
BuildingWhat? - Building 7 |Please stand with the 9-11 families in calling for a NEW Building 7 investigation - Free Fall Collapse

Why are you so ignorant?

So to be clear on your post;
You claim a conspiracy, and the government is behind it, yet want to use the government's iformation to make a case to support your delusions?

Holy fuck batman, what an ignorant troll you seem to be.

Bring it on you treasonous jerkweed, you look like you will be fun to play with.

Free Fall Collapse
In its July 2008 Draft Report for Public Comment, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) initially claimed that Building 7 collapsed 40% slower than free fall acceleration.

Why would NIST want to say Building 7 did not experience free fall? NIST’s lead technical investigator, Shyam Sunder, stated in the WTC 7 technical briefing that free fall could only happen when an object “has no structural components below it.”[ii] The only way for a building to have no structural components below it is to remove the lower structural components with an external force such as explosives. If the upper part of a building is crushing its lower structural components, in other words, doing the work of removing them, not all of its energy will be converted into motion and its descent will not be free fall.

A high school physics teacher named David Chandler objected to NIST’s initial claim, pointing out that, based on video footage of Building 7’s destruction, NIST’s claim contradicted “a publicly visible, easily measurable quantity.”[iii] Mr. Chandler wrote a comment to NIST, saying, “Acknowledgement of and accounting for an extended period of free fall in the collapse of WTC 7 must be a priority if NIST is to be taken seriously.”[iv]

Responding to the criticism, NIST in its final report issued in November 2008 did finally acknowledge that Building 7 descended at free fall. According to NIST, “This free fall drop continued for approximately 8 stories, or 32.0 meters (105 ft), the distance traveled between times t = 1.75 s and t = 4.0 s [a period of 2.25 seconds].”[v] However, NIST did not attempt to explain how Building 7’s free fall descent could have occurred.

However, Mr. Chandler does explain how in Part 3 of his video, NIST Finally Admits Freefall, saying:[vi]

“In the case of a falling building, the only way it can go into free fall is if an external force removes the supporting structure. None of the gravitational potential energy of the building is available for this purpose, or it would slow the fall of the building. The fact of free fall by itself is strong evidence of explosive demolition, but the evidence of explosive demolition is even stronger than that.”

Mr. Chandler goes on to describe two particular attributes of Building 7’s free fall descent that make the evidence for explosive demolition even more overwhelming:

“What is particularly striking is the suddenness of onset of free fall. Acceleration doesn’t build up gradually. The graph [measuring the building’s descent] simply turns a corner. The building went from full support to zero support instantly.”


“The onset of freefall was not only sudden, it extended across the whole width of the building… The fact the roof stayed level shows the building was in free fall across the entire width.”

Mr. Chandler summarizes the meaning of these observations, saying:

“The collapse we see cannot be due to a column failure, or a few column failures, or a sequence of column failures. All 24 interior columns and 58 perimeter columns had to have been removed over the span of 8 floors low in the building simultaneously to within a small fraction of a second, and in such a way that the top half of the building remains intact and uncrumpled.”

Only explosives can instantaneously remove 8 stories allowing the upper structure to accelerate downwards in free fall. The absolute free fall of Building 7 over a period of 2.25 seconds is by itself overwhelming evidence that explosives were used to bring down the building.


National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), “Final Report on the Collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 – Draft for Public Comment,” Washington, DC. August 2008. Chapter 3 p.41. http://wtc.nist.gov/media/NIST_NCSTAR_1A_for_public_comment.pdf

[ii] NIST WTC 7 Technical Briefing, August 26, 2008. http://911speakout.org/NIST_Tech_Briefing_Transcript.pdf Transcript p.16

[iii] Ibid.

[iv] Quoted by David Ray Griffin, “The Mysterious Collapse of WTC 7: Why NIST’s Final 9/11 Report is Unscientific and False,” GlobalResearch.ca, September 14, 2009. The Mysterious Collapse of WTC Seven

[v] NIST NCSTAR 1A, “Final Report on the Collapse of World Trade Center Building 7,” Washington, DC. November 2008. p.45 NIST and the World Trade Center

[vi] [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3mudruFzNw&feature=related[/ame]
The Survival of Conspiracy Kook Notions

One of the longest-lasting conspiracy notions in the United States is the belief that the United States Air Force shot down at least one flying saucer outside of Roswell, New Mexico, and recovered a number of alien bodies from the wreckage.

This amusing belief became established solely due to the United States needing to keep secret the actual Project Mogul balloon project being conducted which sought to monitor Soviet above-ground nuclear testing. Because of the secrecy involved in the project, when the balsa wood, sheet plastic, flower-patterned adhesive tape, and balloon fragment remains from one secret flight were recovered near Roswell, the U. S. Government set the stage for conspiracy believers to adopt one of the more long-lasting, soundly debunked kook notions that survive up to today.

Conspiracy kooks who profess to believe that aliens from flying saucers were recovered from New Mexico utilize their belief as justification and as launching points for further unevidenced belief. Indeed, in the old "X-Files" television series, Christ Carter -- the creator of the series -- had the show's writers depict this phenomena rather amusingly.

In "X-Files" a flying saucer conspiracy kook is captured trespassing on some government property while trying to collect evidence of whatever conspiracy was afoot. As the individual is handcuffed and dragged away, the flying saucer kook yells, "Roswell! Roswell!" which was very amusing.

At core in that obviously fantasy television series' depiction of flying saucer believers is the behavioral trait of connecting one's own predicament to grander, sinister, at times world-spanning conspiracies, all of which makes one's predicament not of one's own making.

Get pulled over for speeding three times this week? It's a conspiracy, obviously, and not one's own fault for chronic speeding. (In fact something much like this has been observed in the Usenet newsgroup alt.impeach.bush and on various web sites. See "Secret Police[27]" for specifics.)

The ability of obvious flights of delusional fantasy to survive for decades certainly means that many of the profoundly and solidly debunked notions advocated by 911 conspiracy kooks will be with us far into the foreseeable futur


see, we can all find bullshit on the interwebs to support whatever we want.
"To be sure Creationist cults "self-publish" and play pretend that they're scientists publishing in "peer-reviewed journals" more than 911 conspiracy kooks do, but Creationists have been around for some 10,000 years and have been publishing and playing pretend since before the advent of the printing press.

Like all other 911 conspiracy kooks, Jones employs all the usual unscientific notions and fatal logic fallacies. He starts out from unevidenced notions -- such as the World Trade Center buildings falling at free fall speeds (see "Building 7"[26]) and then launches off into a description of the physics involved in such a free falling building, ignoring the fact that the buildings' collapse times are consistent with resisted falling.

Fellow conspiracy believers examine such logic fallacies, stumble through the physics offered, and believe that their unevidenced notions are thus proven beyond all doubt since the physics "agrees" with them. The fact that the premise upon which the conspiracy kooks' efforts are predicated are false and debunks the belief at the start is ignored.

This is a very common behavioral trait among conspiracy believers. They'll latch on to someone they want to believe is an authority because the person validates their unevidenced notions. The fact that ten thousand engineers and scientists dismiss Jones as a kook is something that believers either don't notice, attribute to "the conspiracy," or pass off as "well, they don't know what we know." The fact that physics and science is what doesn't agree with Jones and his fellow kooks is dismissed utterly."

The Mindset of 911 Scholars for Truth and Other Conspiracy Kooks

I wish to state I am among the engineers who dismiss jones, and ALL of the twoofers on this board, as kooks.

That means you asswipe charading as PhysicsExist, you appear to be the most moronic and abrasive twoofer of all, as well as the dumbest.

Peddle your logical fallicies elsewhere, nobody is buying them here, except maybe 911nutjob and he is certifiably insane.
I saw, and took a quote from the idiot for my own dive!

Some of the 911 conspiracy kooks are profoundly insane, others are profoundly delusional, still others are merely laboring under their poor education and poor self-esteem, trying to improve their self images by pretending to be heroes.
Based on a Private message from physicsExistbut Idontunderstandit, He believes, that all the 1400 engineers listed in the ae911.org petition are real.

Check the list people, is "Mr. Garrison P.E. from Colorado an engineer you want to design your new wastewater treatment plant?
(hint- thats an actual listing from the petition)
based on a private message from physicsexistbut idontunderstandit, he believes, that all the 1400 engineers listed in the ae911.org petition are real.

Check the list people, is "mr. Garrison p.e. From colorado an engineer you want to design your new wastewater treatment plant?
(hint- thats an actual listing from the petition)
Hell I'm still waiting for the audio evidence of the explosions and the explanation of the indestructible paper and unmelted rebar in the meteorite.

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