9-11 revisited

The attacks came from within our own government.

you nailed it. Im still waiting for the Bush/obama dupes to debunk these two videos here on my thread that it was a joint CIA/MOSSAD operation,they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are,they got NO ANSWERS .:abgg2q.jpg:


you nailed it. Im still waiting for the Bush/obama dupes to debunk these two videos here on my thread that it was a joint CIA/MOSSAD operation,they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are,they got NO ANSWERS .:abgg2q.jpg:

The Mossad would not leave evidence.
The Mossad would not leave evidence.
Be thst as it may but there has never been one single person that defends the fairy tale version of the gubernuts that Bin Laden and muslims did it who has been able to debunk these two videos it was a joint CIA/MOSSAD operation.:biggrin:

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Boy, talk about the pot calling the kettle black. What actually happened on 9-11 was that muslim kamikazes attacked the U.S. In the past muslim countries attacked the West. It's just more of the same.
you are embarrassing yourself charlie.LOL :rofl:

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Be thst as it may but there has never been one single person that defends the fairy tale version of the gubernuts that Bin Laden and muslims did it who has been able to debunk these two videos it was a joint CIA/MOSSAD operation.:biggrin:

Hard to tell since the video is gone.
you are embarrassing yourself charlie.LOL :rofl:

My problem with Alex Jones is that he plays both sides of the fence at the same time.
He hates/loves everybody simultaneously.
It took about a week for him to bore me to death.
My problem with Alex Jones is that he plays both sides of the fence at the same time.
He hates/loves everybody simultaneously.
It took about a week for him to bore me to death.
Yeah but the one on Israel you can still click on and yeah I don’t use Jones as source anymore,he is part of the controlled opposition,he has ties to the CIA.sense that CIA video got deleted I will have to ask a mod to put another one there but again you can still view the second one Israel.people don’t realise how bad people in Israel have it thete,the majority of the citizens are force vaccinated cause they are out in concentration camps if they resist and they literally are pulling children away from their parents off the streets and taking them away to get vaccinated.they are finding out when citizens in Germany went through,you just don’t hear about it from the cia controlled media..

there is a lot of excellent information in the second link and I see the videos don’t work but you can still go to YouTube and type in 9/11 missing links is what it’s called and you can view the video.

incredible but YouTube amazingly has not deleted it yet,it’s still there somehow.

can’t post the link now sense I’m on a tablet but david ray griffiths debunkimg the 9/11 debunking is an excellent book that has overwhelming evidence in it on the CIAs involvement.
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They cannot start a war unless it is approved by the majority of the people. like the game Hitler had played on the public's minds. By having all of the German people to believe that all of Germany was for the takeover of the whole world. But actually it was a few men that pretended that it was many. So that nobody didn't protested or spoken against the mistreatment of the Jews because they were afraid of the make-believe majority that was for it.

And so the Deep state has created their own terracotta warriors to scare off anyone that approaches them.

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I've figured that Youtube was going to remove Alex Jones video about 9/11. I wonder why he left it on Youtube knowingly that they were going to remove it.

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Be thst as it may but there has never been one single person that defends the fairy tale version of the gubernuts that Bin Laden and muslims did it who has been able to debunk these two videos it was a joint CIA/MOSSAD operation.:biggrin:

I grew up in a town of TRUE BELIEVERS-----a WASP-VILLE land where every sunday little girls and boys attended something called
"SUNDAY SCHOOL" As a quiet kid and part of the small jewish
minority I got INVITED to lots of SUNDAY SCHOOL sessions. I was
also a curious kid and read any book that fell into my hands (not many). THUS I learned about this and that without benefit of having
been brainwashed into any particular religion (no "hebrew school" for
me.) I did conclude that Jesus was actually an observant jew---not
that I knew that much about "observant jew" BUT I did come to understand that my very WASPY friends could not accept the idea that CHRISTIAN JESUS never ate bacon and eggs for breakfast.

you nailed it. Im still waiting for the Bush/obama dupes to debunk these two videos here on my thread that it was a joint CIA/MOSSAD operation,they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are,they got NO ANSWERS .:abgg2q.jpg:

No you are not waiting.

they have been debunked and proven fiction like all of your claims
All three towers collapsed in the exact same footprint that buildings in a controlled demolition do.

Yeah, it sure does look like they collapsed in their own footprints. No debris ANYWHERE outside them eh?


I'll just wait here for LA RAM FAN to respond with the usual "poop" or "fart" response.

"Schoolchildren must be properly taught about the September 11 terrorist attacks to stop them from researching the event themselves"

This? This is the problem with state education on everything. . . and why folks think the experts are right about everything. :rolleyes:

education meme.jpg


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