9-11….. Startling New Evidence of a Conspiracy

The idea that 9/11 was staged is so fucking ridiculous....

Is that WHY chickenshit cowards like you ALWAYS do this-:scared1: when confronted by those pesky little facts in those two videos I posted in post#114 here that you Bush dupes refuse to watch

9-11….. Startling New Evidence of a Conspiracy
that it was a joint CIA/mossad operation that you wont take your head out of your ass to watch cause the truth scares you,nor will you read that book in the link i gave because of the same reason?

Those aren't "facts" you are presenting the video dude. Those are called OPINIONS. HUUUUUGE difference. I suggest you learn that.

what you watched maybe two minutes worth on both and then got scared like you always do and did this-:scared1: as you always do and decided they are opinions.comedy gold from you as always.

How can I get scared by a fucking video. Get real silly boy, I have been shot at and survived a plane crash. This shit don't bug me in the least.
sure they dont scare you,thats why you refuse to look at them like all Bush dupes and turn off with your tail between your legs all the time.


You clowns are fond of calling anyone who disagrees with you "dupes" but the only dupes are you morons who have no scientific knowledge at all. It is easy to dupe you because you have not the slightest bit of engineering sense. By 10 year old daughter has a better grasp of science and engineering than you do.
Note: I am aware of the fact that there are several other open treads on 9-11 However, they have long been dormant since shortly after they was started earlier this year. In addition, none of them feature the film that I recently discovered. This is different. This is compelling and worth a look!

This is an amazing, and eye opening film that may well change everything that you thought you knew or that you believed about what happened on 9.11.01.


It is long. Over an hour. But if you just watch the first 10 or 15 minutes, you will certainly get the idea.

Now let me be clear, I was never a conspiracy theorists. I did not consider myself a 9-11 truther and I’m yet 100% convinced that we have been lied to. However, I am leaning in that direction.

The basic premise of the film is that the two planes alone did not bring the three building, WTC 1,2, and 7 down – that the collapses were caused, at least aided, by “controlled demolitions. Indeed, no plane had hit WTC 7! It is alleged that there was deliberate destruction of evidence, explosions not caused by the planes, and a symmetrical collapse of all three buildings consistent with a controlled demolition.

The film is narrated by Richard Gaga of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, an organization of 2,300 professionals who are demanding an independent investigation, and features a long succession of architects, engineers, various other scientists all of whom are quite credible. It also features eye witnesses who saw and heard things that are not explained and can’t be explained by the official version of what happened.

There is no dirt to be found on this organization. They are credible. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Architects_%26_Engineers_for_9/11_Truth

Here is the official site: http://www1.ae911truth.org/en/news-section/41-articles/928-nists-wtc-7-reports-filled-with-fantasy-fiction-and-fraud-pt1.html

It is interesting to note that while it’s alleged that the plot was much wider than the hijackers, the report specifically avoids pointing any fingers or speculating on motive so as not to distract from the forensic evidence.

The film that you are about to see was published in the Free Thought Project http://thefreethoughtproject.com/

You will see that while the stories that they publish are provocative and under-reported in the main stream media, it is not “fake news” or conspiracy theories from the fringes of reality

Now to be fair, I am not without my doubts. We know that planes actually did hit the towers and that they were controlled by terrorists. But were there additional terrorists on the ground who planted explosives in all three building? Would that have even been possible? And, if they were expert enough to plant the bombs so strategically as to bring the buildings down, why did they bother to hijack planes?

Another possibility that some entity other than the terrorists- such as the Bush Administration- planted the bombs. Did they know about the plot ( as some have previously alleged ) and, rather than stopping it, planted to explosives to make certain of the outcome. Farfetched? I don’t know.

That brings me to the authors and publishers of the study and documentary. As I said Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, appear to be highly credible. However, here is a site that says that it is all bunk. You can decide for yourself.


Now not being a scientist, I will not attempt to argue the conflicting scientific theories (although I do find the evidence for a controlled demolition very compelling) . However, they also attack the credibility and credentials of the chief author of the study Professor Steven E. Jones:

To be clear, let me restate the test which makes a real scientific paper. It has to be published in a respected scientific journal. As an example, The Journal of Engineering Mechanics is a well respected scientific journal. The peer review process is tough and precise. The reviewers are well respected in their fields of expertise. The Journal of the American Chemical Society is another which Jones can submit his papers. There are many well respected journals which have an impact in the scientific community. Bentham, where Jones has submitted his latest paper, is the Wiki of Journals. They have been criticized in the past for passing "gibberish".

One editor resigned after learning Jones paper passed their review. It seems the reviewers are told of the paper AFTER they are passed! Amazing!

Though Jones may have found the perfect home for his latest attempt at peer-review, it is far from a respected scientific journal. Will Jones ever publish in a "respected scientific journal"? Do they want legitimacy or a talking points?

So where does that leave us? Deep into more uncertainty. Jones was published in Europhysics News which appears to be highly credible and widely respected:


Europhysics News Trutherism — Trutherism, the belief that Al-Qaeda terrorists were not entirely behind the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, received a boost, Aug. 24, in the latest issue of Europhysics News which carries an article claiming that the World Trade Center was brought down by controlled demolition.

The magazine is published by the prestigious European Physical Society.

The authors of the piece are Steven Jones, a former full professor of physics at Brigham Young University; Robert Korol, a professor emeritus of civil engineering at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada; Anthony Szamboti, a mechanical design engineer; and Ted Walter, who holds master of public policy degree from the University of California, Berkeley.

The authors cite, among other things, the lack of heat to melt, or adequately weaken, the girders to cause the collapse.

Melted girders was widely reported as a reason immediately after the attack. This was quickly understood to be impossible, however. In fact, it was even being noted that things didn’t get hot enough to cause enough loss of structural strength.

This paper from the December 2001 issue of JOM, — the member journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society , — is in full agreement with the Jones group on this point.

However, even here there is dissention:

The authors Thomas W. Eagar and Christopher Musso, however, don’t feel the need to deny what was before everyone’s eyes. Their article points out that temperature along the 18-meter long joists was certainly not uniform and that given the thermal expansion of steel, a 300 F temperature difference from one location to another will produce yield-level residual stresses hence causing distortions resulting in buckling failures

Jones et al makes the point that fire never collapsed a skyscraper before 9/11 and has yet to bring one down since.

The rebuttal to this is that jet aircraft have never been flown into skyscrapers before or since. Further, a fire, while not collapsing a skyscraper, did make One Meridan Plaza in Philadelphia unstable enough to cause its demolition.

Again, I’m not going to attempt to evaluate the science. I am just presenting what has been said. I’m not trying to sell anything here. My intention is to stimulate discussion, elicit opinions, and to get a sense of how people, in general are leaning.

Finally, the is https://www.gspellchecker.com/2016/09/debunking-conspiracies-spread-some-truth-on-the-anniversary-of-911/#more-4482

This is apparently an Atheistic leaning site and as such, I, an atheist, give a certain amount of credibility to. They support the “conventional or main stream explanation for 9-11 and reject the conspiracy- controlled demolition theory and provide a link to the aforementioned . http://www.debunking911.com/index.html. I'm just not completely convinced, but as I said, leaning towards a conspiracy.

That’s it folks! Have at it .Don’t troll me bro. I’m just the messenger!
Reminds me of Oliver Stone's 1991 movie about JFK.

You clowns are fond of calling anyone who disagrees with you "dupes" but the only dupes are you morons who have no scientific knowledge at all. It is easy to dupe you because you have not the slightest bit of engineering sense. By 10 year old daughter has a better grasp of science and engineering than you do.
Jeeze westwall relax and take a stress pill.
Note: I am aware of the fact that there are several other open treads on 9-11 However, they have long been dormant since shortly after they was started earlier this year. In addition, none of them feature the film that I recently discovered. This is different. This is compelling and worth a look!

This is an amazing, and eye opening film that may well change everything that you thought you knew or that you believed about what happened on 9.11.01.


It is long. Over an hour. But if you just watch the first 10 or 15 minutes, you will certainly get the idea.

Now let me be clear, I was never a conspiracy theorists. I did not consider myself a 9-11 truther and I’m yet 100% convinced that we have been lied to. However, I am leaning in that direction.

The basic premise of the film is that the two planes alone did not bring the three building, WTC 1,2, and 7 down – that the collapses were caused, at least aided, by “controlled demolitions. Indeed, no plane had hit WTC 7! It is alleged that there was deliberate destruction of evidence, explosions not caused by the planes, and a symmetrical collapse of all three buildings consistent with a controlled demolition.

The film is narrated by Richard Gaga of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, an organization of 2,300 professionals who are demanding an independent investigation, and features a long succession of architects, engineers, various other scientists all of whom are quite credible. It also features eye witnesses who saw and heard things that are not explained and can’t be explained by the official version of what happened.

There is no dirt to be found on this organization. They are credible. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Architects_%26_Engineers_for_9/11_Truth

Here is the official site: http://www1.ae911truth.org/en/news-section/41-articles/928-nists-wtc-7-reports-filled-with-fantasy-fiction-and-fraud-pt1.html

It is interesting to note that while it’s alleged that the plot was much wider than the hijackers, the report specifically avoids pointing any fingers or speculating on motive so as not to distract from the forensic evidence.

The film that you are about to see was published in the Free Thought Project http://thefreethoughtproject.com/

You will see that while the stories that they publish are provocative and under-reported in the main stream media, it is not “fake news” or conspiracy theories from the fringes of reality

Now to be fair, I am not without my doubts. We know that planes actually did hit the towers and that they were controlled by terrorists. But were there additional terrorists on the ground who planted explosives in all three building? Would that have even been possible? And, if they were expert enough to plant the bombs so strategically as to bring the buildings down, why did they bother to hijack planes?

Another possibility that some entity other than the terrorists- such as the Bush Administration- planted the bombs. Did they know about the plot ( as some have previously alleged ) and, rather than stopping it, planted to explosives to make certain of the outcome. Farfetched? I don’t know.

That brings me to the authors and publishers of the study and documentary. As I said Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, appear to be highly credible. However, here is a site that says that it is all bunk. You can decide for yourself.


Now not being a scientist, I will not attempt to argue the conflicting scientific theories (although I do find the evidence for a controlled demolition very compelling) . However, they also attack the credibility and credentials of the chief author of the study Professor Steven E. Jones:

To be clear, let me restate the test which makes a real scientific paper. It has to be published in a respected scientific journal. As an example, The Journal of Engineering Mechanics is a well respected scientific journal. The peer review process is tough and precise. The reviewers are well respected in their fields of expertise. The Journal of the American Chemical Society is another which Jones can submit his papers. There are many well respected journals which have an impact in the scientific community. Bentham, where Jones has submitted his latest paper, is the Wiki of Journals. They have been criticized in the past for passing "gibberish".

One editor resigned after learning Jones paper passed their review. It seems the reviewers are told of the paper AFTER they are passed! Amazing!

Though Jones may have found the perfect home for his latest attempt at peer-review, it is far from a respected scientific journal. Will Jones ever publish in a "respected scientific journal"? Do they want legitimacy or a talking points?

So where does that leave us? Deep into more uncertainty. Jones was published in Europhysics News which appears to be highly credible and widely respected:


Europhysics News Trutherism — Trutherism, the belief that Al-Qaeda terrorists were not entirely behind the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, received a boost, Aug. 24, in the latest issue of Europhysics News which carries an article claiming that the World Trade Center was brought down by controlled demolition.

The magazine is published by the prestigious European Physical Society.

The authors of the piece are Steven Jones, a former full professor of physics at Brigham Young University; Robert Korol, a professor emeritus of civil engineering at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada; Anthony Szamboti, a mechanical design engineer; and Ted Walter, who holds master of public policy degree from the University of California, Berkeley.

The authors cite, among other things, the lack of heat to melt, or adequately weaken, the girders to cause the collapse.

Melted girders was widely reported as a reason immediately after the attack. This was quickly understood to be impossible, however. In fact, it was even being noted that things didn’t get hot enough to cause enough loss of structural strength.

This paper from the December 2001 issue of JOM, — the member journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society , — is in full agreement with the Jones group on this point.

However, even here there is dissention:

The authors Thomas W. Eagar and Christopher Musso, however, don’t feel the need to deny what was before everyone’s eyes. Their article points out that temperature along the 18-meter long joists was certainly not uniform and that given the thermal expansion of steel, a 300 F temperature difference from one location to another will produce yield-level residual stresses hence causing distortions resulting in buckling failures

Jones et al makes the point that fire never collapsed a skyscraper before 9/11 and has yet to bring one down since.

The rebuttal to this is that jet aircraft have never been flown into skyscrapers before or since. Further, a fire, while not collapsing a skyscraper, did make One Meridan Plaza in Philadelphia unstable enough to cause its demolition.

Again, I’m not going to attempt to evaluate the science. I am just presenting what has been said. I’m not trying to sell anything here. My intention is to stimulate discussion, elicit opinions, and to get a sense of how people, in general are leaning.

Finally, the is https://www.gspellchecker.com/2016/09/debunking-conspiracies-spread-some-truth-on-the-anniversary-of-911/#more-4482

This is apparently an Atheistic leaning site and as such, I, an atheist, give a certain amount of credibility to. They support the “conventional or main stream explanation for 9-11 and reject the conspiracy- controlled demolition theory and provide a link to the aforementioned . http://www.debunking911.com/index.html. I'm just not completely convinced, but as I said, leaning towards a conspiracy.

That’s it folks! Have at it .Don’t troll me bro. I’m just the messenger!
Reminds me of Oliver Stone's 1991 movie about JFK.


Yup it does , doesn't? Afraid of the truth? You might have noticed that I'm not, where ever it leads. That's why I've taken a balanced approach to this rather than being arrogant and dogmatic. You might want to try it. Anyone who says with certainty that they know the truth is like an evangelical wing nut.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Last edited:
Note: I am aware of the fact that there are several other open treads on 9-11 However, they have long been dormant since shortly after they was started earlier this year. In addition, none of them feature the film that I recently discovered. This is different. This is compelling and worth a look!

This is an amazing, and eye opening film that may well change everything that you thought you knew or that you believed about what happened on 9.11.01.


It is long. Over an hour. But if you just watch the first 10 or 15 minutes, you will certainly get the idea.

Now let me be clear, I was never a conspiracy theorists. I did not consider myself a 9-11 truther and I’m yet 100% convinced that we have been lied to. However, I am leaning in that direction.

The basic premise of the film is that the two planes alone did not bring the three building, WTC 1,2, and 7 down – that the collapses were caused, at least aided, by “controlled demolitions. Indeed, no plane had hit WTC 7! It is alleged that there was deliberate destruction of evidence, explosions not caused by the planes, and a symmetrical collapse of all three buildings consistent with a controlled demolition.

The film is narrated by Richard Gaga of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, an organization of 2,300 professionals who are demanding an independent investigation, and features a long succession of architects, engineers, various other scientists all of whom are quite credible. It also features eye witnesses who saw and heard things that are not explained and can’t be explained by the official version of what happened.

There is no dirt to be found on this organization. They are credible. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Architects_%26_Engineers_for_9/11_Truth

Here is the official site: http://www1.ae911truth.org/en/news-section/41-articles/928-nists-wtc-7-reports-filled-with-fantasy-fiction-and-fraud-pt1.html

It is interesting to note that while it’s alleged that the plot was much wider than the hijackers, the report specifically avoids pointing any fingers or speculating on motive so as not to distract from the forensic evidence.

The film that you are about to see was published in the Free Thought Project http://thefreethoughtproject.com/

You will see that while the stories that they publish are provocative and under-reported in the main stream media, it is not “fake news” or conspiracy theories from the fringes of reality

Now to be fair, I am not without my doubts. We know that planes actually did hit the towers and that they were controlled by terrorists. But were there additional terrorists on the ground who planted explosives in all three building? Would that have even been possible? And, if they were expert enough to plant the bombs so strategically as to bring the buildings down, why did they bother to hijack planes?

Another possibility that some entity other than the terrorists- such as the Bush Administration- planted the bombs. Did they know about the plot ( as some have previously alleged ) and, rather than stopping it, planted to explosives to make certain of the outcome. Farfetched? I don’t know.

That brings me to the authors and publishers of the study and documentary. As I said Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, appear to be highly credible. However, here is a site that says that it is all bunk. You can decide for yourself.


Now not being a scientist, I will not attempt to argue the conflicting scientific theories (although I do find the evidence for a controlled demolition very compelling) . However, they also attack the credibility and credentials of the chief author of the study Professor Steven E. Jones:

To be clear, let me restate the test which makes a real scientific paper. It has to be published in a respected scientific journal. As an example, The Journal of Engineering Mechanics is a well respected scientific journal. The peer review process is tough and precise. The reviewers are well respected in their fields of expertise. The Journal of the American Chemical Society is another which Jones can submit his papers. There are many well respected journals which have an impact in the scientific community. Bentham, where Jones has submitted his latest paper, is the Wiki of Journals. They have been criticized in the past for passing "gibberish".

One editor resigned after learning Jones paper passed their review. It seems the reviewers are told of the paper AFTER they are passed! Amazing!

Though Jones may have found the perfect home for his latest attempt at peer-review, it is far from a respected scientific journal. Will Jones ever publish in a "respected scientific journal"? Do they want legitimacy or a talking points?

So where does that leave us? Deep into more uncertainty. Jones was published in Europhysics News which appears to be highly credible and widely respected:


Europhysics News Trutherism — Trutherism, the belief that Al-Qaeda terrorists were not entirely behind the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, received a boost, Aug. 24, in the latest issue of Europhysics News which carries an article claiming that the World Trade Center was brought down by controlled demolition.

The magazine is published by the prestigious European Physical Society.

The authors of the piece are Steven Jones, a former full professor of physics at Brigham Young University; Robert Korol, a professor emeritus of civil engineering at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada; Anthony Szamboti, a mechanical design engineer; and Ted Walter, who holds master of public policy degree from the University of California, Berkeley.

The authors cite, among other things, the lack of heat to melt, or adequately weaken, the girders to cause the collapse.

Melted girders was widely reported as a reason immediately after the attack. This was quickly understood to be impossible, however. In fact, it was even being noted that things didn’t get hot enough to cause enough loss of structural strength.

This paper from the December 2001 issue of JOM, — the member journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society , — is in full agreement with the Jones group on this point.

However, even here there is dissention:

The authors Thomas W. Eagar and Christopher Musso, however, don’t feel the need to deny what was before everyone’s eyes. Their article points out that temperature along the 18-meter long joists was certainly not uniform and that given the thermal expansion of steel, a 300 F temperature difference from one location to another will produce yield-level residual stresses hence causing distortions resulting in buckling failures

Jones et al makes the point that fire never collapsed a skyscraper before 9/11 and has yet to bring one down since.

The rebuttal to this is that jet aircraft have never been flown into skyscrapers before or since. Further, a fire, while not collapsing a skyscraper, did make One Meridan Plaza in Philadelphia unstable enough to cause its demolition.

Again, I’m not going to attempt to evaluate the science. I am just presenting what has been said. I’m not trying to sell anything here. My intention is to stimulate discussion, elicit opinions, and to get a sense of how people, in general are leaning.

Finally, the is https://www.gspellchecker.com/2016/09/debunking-conspiracies-spread-some-truth-on-the-anniversary-of-911/#more-4482

This is apparently an Atheistic leaning site and as such, I, an atheist, give a certain amount of credibility to. They support the “conventional or main stream explanation for 9-11 and reject the conspiracy- controlled demolition theory and provide a link to the aforementioned . http://www.debunking911.com/index.html. I'm just not completely convinced, but as I said, leaning towards a conspiracy.

That’s it folks! Have at it .Don’t troll me bro. I’m just the messenger!

9/11 was an inside job......a false flag event.......15 years later, do people still believe that 19 box-cutter welding Saudis (guided by a CIA asset residing in a cave in Afghanistan) took down the CIA, NSA, NORAD and the Pentagon and buttfucked them on the world stage with combined budgets of over two TRILLION dollars a year but so quickly got their shit together that nothing else happened while leaving the southern border totally unprotected? How fucking stupid does one have to be to not smell this bullshit???.... Two planes collapsed three buildings that fell inside their own footprints and attacked the Pentagon by doing an aeronautical maneuver that pilots for 9/11 truth said was impossible because a plane is really nothing but a bus with wings??? It's akin to a Greyhound bus trying to compete in the Indy 500. It isn't fucking impossible and it embarrasses me that people still buy the bullshit shoveled by this corporate entity that lamely attempts to disguise itself as a legitimate governmental body.

I dare anyone that wants to debate this topic to take their shots at me. I have done the research and I know all the arguments because I was a denier for 11 years and took on the "truthers" but the scales fell from my eyes so there is nothing you can throw at me that I haven't used myself. This was a bullshit false flag that accomplished many things including money laundering and the passage of ten year oil and gas securities that were bought up when the Ruble collapsed and could not have passed the sniff test of the S.E.C that was shut down due to the events of that day. The Patriot Act was written in advance of this event? What are the odds? The very "freedoms" the CIA funded al qaeda was jealous of was taken away in small increments including our rights to privacy was taken away. Wake up and grow the fuck up, deniers...you are not in Kansas anymore.
9/11 was an inside job......a false flag event.......15 years later, do people still believe that 19 box-cutter welding Saudis (guided by a CIA asset residing in a cave in Afghanistan) took down the CIA, NSA, NORAD and the Pentagon and buttfucked them on the world stage...

LOOK! Good old Dale "I believe it's about time to cut my losses and move on from here" Smith is back and spewing the same old silly BS!

What a shock! Are the new meds helping?

FTR - They didn't take down the CIA, NSA, NORAD and the Pentagon. They overpowered a couple of pilots and a handful of flight attendants (and evidently left you dazed and confused).

Note: I am aware of the fact that there are several other open treads on 9-11 However, they have long been dormant since shortly after they was started earlier this year. In addition, none of them feature the film that I recently discovered. This is different. This is compelling and worth a look!

This is an amazing, and eye opening film that may well change everything that you thought you knew or that you believed about what happened on 9.11.01.


It is long. Over an hour. But if you just watch the first 10 or 15 minutes, you will certainly get the idea.

Now let me be clear, I was never a conspiracy theorists. I did not consider myself a 9-11 truther and I’m yet 100% convinced that we have been lied to. However, I am leaning in that direction.

The basic premise of the film is that the two planes alone did not bring the three building, WTC 1,2, and 7 down – that the collapses were caused, at least aided, by “controlled demolitions. Indeed, no plane had hit WTC 7! It is alleged that there was deliberate destruction of evidence, explosions not caused by the planes, and a symmetrical collapse of all three buildings consistent with a controlled demolition.

The film is narrated by Richard Gaga of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, an organization of 2,300 professionals who are demanding an independent investigation, and features a long succession of architects, engineers, various other scientists all of whom are quite credible. It also features eye witnesses who saw and heard things that are not explained and can’t be explained by the official version of what happened.

There is no dirt to be found on this organization. They are credible. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Architects_%26_Engineers_for_9/11_Truth

Here is the official site: http://www1.ae911truth.org/en/news-section/41-articles/928-nists-wtc-7-reports-filled-with-fantasy-fiction-and-fraud-pt1.html

It is interesting to note that while it’s alleged that the plot was much wider than the hijackers, the report specifically avoids pointing any fingers or speculating on motive so as not to distract from the forensic evidence.

The film that you are about to see was published in the Free Thought Project http://thefreethoughtproject.com/

You will see that while the stories that they publish are provocative and under-reported in the main stream media, it is not “fake news” or conspiracy theories from the fringes of reality

Now to be fair, I am not without my doubts. We know that planes actually did hit the towers and that they were controlled by terrorists. But were there additional terrorists on the ground who planted explosives in all three building? Would that have even been possible? And, if they were expert enough to plant the bombs so strategically as to bring the buildings down, why did they bother to hijack planes?

Another possibility that some entity other than the terrorists- such as the Bush Administration- planted the bombs. Did they know about the plot ( as some have previously alleged ) and, rather than stopping it, planted to explosives to make certain of the outcome. Farfetched? I don’t know.

That brings me to the authors and publishers of the study and documentary. As I said Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, appear to be highly credible. However, here is a site that says that it is all bunk. You can decide for yourself.


Now not being a scientist, I will not attempt to argue the conflicting scientific theories (although I do find the evidence for a controlled demolition very compelling) . However, they also attack the credibility and credentials of the chief author of the study Professor Steven E. Jones:

To be clear, let me restate the test which makes a real scientific paper. It has to be published in a respected scientific journal. As an example, The Journal of Engineering Mechanics is a well respected scientific journal. The peer review process is tough and precise. The reviewers are well respected in their fields of expertise. The Journal of the American Chemical Society is another which Jones can submit his papers. There are many well respected journals which have an impact in the scientific community. Bentham, where Jones has submitted his latest paper, is the Wiki of Journals. They have been criticized in the past for passing "gibberish".

One editor resigned after learning Jones paper passed their review. It seems the reviewers are told of the paper AFTER they are passed! Amazing!

Though Jones may have found the perfect home for his latest attempt at peer-review, it is far from a respected scientific journal. Will Jones ever publish in a "respected scientific journal"? Do they want legitimacy or a talking points?

So where does that leave us? Deep into more uncertainty. Jones was published in Europhysics News which appears to be highly credible and widely respected:


Europhysics News Trutherism — Trutherism, the belief that Al-Qaeda terrorists were not entirely behind the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, received a boost, Aug. 24, in the latest issue of Europhysics News which carries an article claiming that the World Trade Center was brought down by controlled demolition.

The magazine is published by the prestigious European Physical Society.

The authors of the piece are Steven Jones, a former full professor of physics at Brigham Young University; Robert Korol, a professor emeritus of civil engineering at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada; Anthony Szamboti, a mechanical design engineer; and Ted Walter, who holds master of public policy degree from the University of California, Berkeley.

The authors cite, among other things, the lack of heat to melt, or adequately weaken, the girders to cause the collapse.

Melted girders was widely reported as a reason immediately after the attack. This was quickly understood to be impossible, however. In fact, it was even being noted that things didn’t get hot enough to cause enough loss of structural strength.

This paper from the December 2001 issue of JOM, — the member journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society , — is in full agreement with the Jones group on this point.

However, even here there is dissention:

The authors Thomas W. Eagar and Christopher Musso, however, don’t feel the need to deny what was before everyone’s eyes. Their article points out that temperature along the 18-meter long joists was certainly not uniform and that given the thermal expansion of steel, a 300 F temperature difference from one location to another will produce yield-level residual stresses hence causing distortions resulting in buckling failures

Jones et al makes the point that fire never collapsed a skyscraper before 9/11 and has yet to bring one down since.

The rebuttal to this is that jet aircraft have never been flown into skyscrapers before or since. Further, a fire, while not collapsing a skyscraper, did make One Meridan Plaza in Philadelphia unstable enough to cause its demolition.

Again, I’m not going to attempt to evaluate the science. I am just presenting what has been said. I’m not trying to sell anything here. My intention is to stimulate discussion, elicit opinions, and to get a sense of how people, in general are leaning.

Finally, the is https://www.gspellchecker.com/2016/09/debunking-conspiracies-spread-some-truth-on-the-anniversary-of-911/#more-4482

This is apparently an Atheistic leaning site and as such, I, an atheist, give a certain amount of credibility to. They support the “conventional or main stream explanation for 9-11 and reject the conspiracy- controlled demolition theory and provide a link to the aforementioned . http://www.debunking911.com/index.html. I'm just not completely convinced, but as I said, leaning towards a conspiracy.

That’s it folks! Have at it .Don’t troll me bro. I’m just the messenger!

9/11 was an inside job......a false flag event.......15 years later, do people still believe that 19 box-cutter welding Saudis (guided by a CIA asset residing in a cave in Afghanistan) took down the CIA, NSA, NORAD and the Pentagon and buttfucked them on the world stage with combined budgets of over two TRILLION dollars a year but so quickly got their shit together that nothing else happened while leaving the southern border totally unprotected? How fucking stupid does one have to be to not smell this bullshit???.... Two planes collapsed three buildings that fell inside their own footprints and attacked the Pentagon by doing an aeronautical maneuver that pilots for 9/11 truth said was impossible because a plane is really nothing but a bus with wings??? It's akin to a Greyhound bus trying to compete in the Indy 500. It isn't fucking impossible and it embarrasses me that people still buy the bullshit shoveled by this corporate entity that lamely attempts to disguise itself as a legitimate governmental body.

I dare anyone that wants to debate this topic to take their shots at me. I have done the research and I know all the arguments because I was a denier for 11 years and took on the "truthers" but the scales fell from my eyes so there is nothing you can throw at me that I haven't used myself. This was a bullshit false flag that accomplished many things including money laundering and the passage of ten year oil and gas securities that were bought up when the Ruble collapsed and could not have passed the sniff test of the S.E.C that was shut down due to the events of that day. The Patriot Act was written in advance of this event? What are the odds? The very "freedoms" the CIA funded al qaeda was jealous of was taken away in small increments including our rights to privacy was taken away. Wake up and grow the fuck up, deniers...you are not in Kansas anymore.
Thank you! Excellent. A piece worth preserving
Note: I am aware of the fact that there are several other open treads on 9-11 However, they have long been dormant since shortly after they was started earlier this year. In addition, none of them feature the film that I recently discovered. This is different. This is compelling and worth a look!

This is an amazing, and eye opening film that may well change everything that you thought you knew or that you believed about what happened on 9.11.01.


It is long. Over an hour. But if you just watch the first 10 or 15 minutes, you will certainly get the idea.

Now let me be clear, I was never a conspiracy theorists. I did not consider myself a 9-11 truther and I’m yet 100% convinced that we have been lied to. However, I am leaning in that direction.

The basic premise of the film is that the two planes alone did not bring the three building, WTC 1,2, and 7 down – that the collapses were caused, at least aided, by “controlled demolitions. Indeed, no plane had hit WTC 7! It is alleged that there was deliberate destruction of evidence, explosions not caused by the planes, and a symmetrical collapse of all three buildings consistent with a controlled demolition.

The film is narrated by Richard Gaga of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, an organization of 2,300 professionals who are demanding an independent investigation, and features a long succession of architects, engineers, various other scientists all of whom are quite credible. It also features eye witnesses who saw and heard things that are not explained and can’t be explained by the official version of what happened.

There is no dirt to be found on this organization. They are credible. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Architects_%26_Engineers_for_9/11_Truth

Here is the official site: http://www1.ae911truth.org/en/news-section/41-articles/928-nists-wtc-7-reports-filled-with-fantasy-fiction-and-fraud-pt1.html

It is interesting to note that while it’s alleged that the plot was much wider than the hijackers, the report specifically avoids pointing any fingers or speculating on motive so as not to distract from the forensic evidence.

The film that you are about to see was published in the Free Thought Project http://thefreethoughtproject.com/

You will see that while the stories that they publish are provocative and under-reported in the main stream media, it is not “fake news” or conspiracy theories from the fringes of reality

Now to be fair, I am not without my doubts. We know that planes actually did hit the towers and that they were controlled by terrorists. But were there additional terrorists on the ground who planted explosives in all three building? Would that have even been possible? And, if they were expert enough to plant the bombs so strategically as to bring the buildings down, why did they bother to hijack planes?

Another possibility that some entity other than the terrorists- such as the Bush Administration- planted the bombs. Did they know about the plot ( as some have previously alleged ) and, rather than stopping it, planted to explosives to make certain of the outcome. Farfetched? I don’t know.

That brings me to the authors and publishers of the study and documentary. As I said Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, appear to be highly credible. However, here is a site that says that it is all bunk. You can decide for yourself.


Now not being a scientist, I will not attempt to argue the conflicting scientific theories (although I do find the evidence for a controlled demolition very compelling) . However, they also attack the credibility and credentials of the chief author of the study Professor Steven E. Jones:

To be clear, let me restate the test which makes a real scientific paper. It has to be published in a respected scientific journal. As an example, The Journal of Engineering Mechanics is a well respected scientific journal. The peer review process is tough and precise. The reviewers are well respected in their fields of expertise. The Journal of the American Chemical Society is another which Jones can submit his papers. There are many well respected journals which have an impact in the scientific community. Bentham, where Jones has submitted his latest paper, is the Wiki of Journals. They have been criticized in the past for passing "gibberish".

One editor resigned after learning Jones paper passed their review. It seems the reviewers are told of the paper AFTER they are passed! Amazing!

Though Jones may have found the perfect home for his latest attempt at peer-review, it is far from a respected scientific journal. Will Jones ever publish in a "respected scientific journal"? Do they want legitimacy or a talking points?

So where does that leave us? Deep into more uncertainty. Jones was published in Europhysics News which appears to be highly credible and widely respected:


Europhysics News Trutherism — Trutherism, the belief that Al-Qaeda terrorists were not entirely behind the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, received a boost, Aug. 24, in the latest issue of Europhysics News which carries an article claiming that the World Trade Center was brought down by controlled demolition.

The magazine is published by the prestigious European Physical Society.

The authors of the piece are Steven Jones, a former full professor of physics at Brigham Young University; Robert Korol, a professor emeritus of civil engineering at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada; Anthony Szamboti, a mechanical design engineer; and Ted Walter, who holds master of public policy degree from the University of California, Berkeley.

The authors cite, among other things, the lack of heat to melt, or adequately weaken, the girders to cause the collapse.

Melted girders was widely reported as a reason immediately after the attack. This was quickly understood to be impossible, however. In fact, it was even being noted that things didn’t get hot enough to cause enough loss of structural strength.

This paper from the December 2001 issue of JOM, — the member journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society , — is in full agreement with the Jones group on this point.

However, even here there is dissention:

The authors Thomas W. Eagar and Christopher Musso, however, don’t feel the need to deny what was before everyone’s eyes. Their article points out that temperature along the 18-meter long joists was certainly not uniform and that given the thermal expansion of steel, a 300 F temperature difference from one location to another will produce yield-level residual stresses hence causing distortions resulting in buckling failures

Jones et al makes the point that fire never collapsed a skyscraper before 9/11 and has yet to bring one down since.

The rebuttal to this is that jet aircraft have never been flown into skyscrapers before or since. Further, a fire, while not collapsing a skyscraper, did make One Meridan Plaza in Philadelphia unstable enough to cause its demolition.

Again, I’m not going to attempt to evaluate the science. I am just presenting what has been said. I’m not trying to sell anything here. My intention is to stimulate discussion, elicit opinions, and to get a sense of how people, in general are leaning.

Finally, the is https://www.gspellchecker.com/2016/09/debunking-conspiracies-spread-some-truth-on-the-anniversary-of-911/#more-4482

This is apparently an Atheistic leaning site and as such, I, an atheist, give a certain amount of credibility to. They support the “conventional or main stream explanation for 9-11 and reject the conspiracy- controlled demolition theory and provide a link to the aforementioned . http://www.debunking911.com/index.html. I'm just not completely convinced, but as I said, leaning towards a conspiracy.

That’s it folks! Have at it .Don’t troll me bro. I’m just the messenger!
Reminds me of Oliver Stone's 1991 movie about JFK.

Hate to make you cry son but his movie was 10 times more accurate than the warren commission was.:rolleyes-41: dont feel bad you have been brainwashed on this though,:itsok:

I was as well same as you till I started reading several books on it several years ago back in the mid 80's.:biggrin:
same as 9/11 you have done no research into the JFK assassination as well other than what the CIA controlled mainstream media and our corrupt school system reading only what their textbooks have told you.:rofl: You have done the same thing with the JFK assassination that you have done with 9/11,read only what the government has told you.:lmao::rofl:and like all Bush dupes,do THIS-:scared1: when anybody shows you evidence you cant counter.:rofl:

Hate to break your heart son but the majority of Stones movie was 95% accurate. Stone did not just invent stories for a good story.Unlike you,he exhaustlivey researched it mr magic bullet theorist.:lmao:He based it mostly off Jim Marrs Book Crossfire moron which you obviously have never read and never will since you cant deal with it that we live in a banana republic where the government can murder the president of the united states and get away with it.:rolleyes-41::lmao: Crossfire has the most amazing details and facts that the warren commission left out. over 500 pages of incredible material in it.:rolleyes-41:

Matter of fact you are also ignorant to the fact that he researched the subject for YEARS on end before making the film going to the dallas musuem that had been run by Larry Howard who he got many documents and reading material he had collected over the years dating back to 1963.Howard spent his LIFETIME 3 decades worth,devoting THOUSANDS of hours of research into it and let Stone look at all his 30 years of research you fucking idiot troll.:lmao::lmao::lmao::haha::haha::haha:

I met Howard just a few months before he died matter of fact at a JFK conference in dallas in november on the 30tth anniversary in fact and someone in the crowd asked him the question-How accurate was the movie? and he relied saying about 95%.

Howard unlike you,was not not an idiot moron and actually looked at BOTH sides of the coin.:lmao::lmao::lmao::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:

USMB's resident troll,the government paid shill rightwinger will post a smily after this post no doubt just like his boss tells him to.:lol:
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Note: I am aware of the fact that there are several other open treads on 9-11 However, they have long been dormant since shortly after they was started earlier this year. In addition, none of them feature the film that I recently discovered. This is different. This is compelling and worth a look!

This is an amazing, and eye opening film that may well change everything that you thought you knew or that you believed about what happened on 9.11.01.


It is long. Over an hour. But if you just watch the first 10 or 15 minutes, you will certainly get the idea.

Now let me be clear, I was never a conspiracy theorists. I did not consider myself a 9-11 truther and I’m yet 100% convinced that we have been lied to. However, I am leaning in that direction.

The basic premise of the film is that the two planes alone did not bring the three building, WTC 1,2, and 7 down – that the collapses were caused, at least aided, by “controlled demolitions. Indeed, no plane had hit WTC 7! It is alleged that there was deliberate destruction of evidence, explosions not caused by the planes, and a symmetrical collapse of all three buildings consistent with a controlled demolition.

The film is narrated by Richard Gaga of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, an organization of 2,300 professionals who are demanding an independent investigation, and features a long succession of architects, engineers, various other scientists all of whom are quite credible. It also features eye witnesses who saw and heard things that are not explained and can’t be explained by the official version of what happened.

There is no dirt to be found on this organization. They are credible. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Architects_%26_Engineers_for_9/11_Truth

Here is the official site: http://www1.ae911truth.org/en/news-section/41-articles/928-nists-wtc-7-reports-filled-with-fantasy-fiction-and-fraud-pt1.html

It is interesting to note that while it’s alleged that the plot was much wider than the hijackers, the report specifically avoids pointing any fingers or speculating on motive so as not to distract from the forensic evidence.

The film that you are about to see was published in the Free Thought Project http://thefreethoughtproject.com/

You will see that while the stories that they publish are provocative and under-reported in the main stream media, it is not “fake news” or conspiracy theories from the fringes of reality

Now to be fair, I am not without my doubts. We know that planes actually did hit the towers and that they were controlled by terrorists. But were there additional terrorists on the ground who planted explosives in all three building? Would that have even been possible? And, if they were expert enough to plant the bombs so strategically as to bring the buildings down, why did they bother to hijack planes?

Another possibility that some entity other than the terrorists- such as the Bush Administration- planted the bombs. Did they know about the plot ( as some have previously alleged ) and, rather than stopping it, planted to explosives to make certain of the outcome. Farfetched? I don’t know.

That brings me to the authors and publishers of the study and documentary. As I said Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, appear to be highly credible. However, here is a site that says that it is all bunk. You can decide for yourself.


Now not being a scientist, I will not attempt to argue the conflicting scientific theories (although I do find the evidence for a controlled demolition very compelling) . However, they also attack the credibility and credentials of the chief author of the study Professor Steven E. Jones:

To be clear, let me restate the test which makes a real scientific paper. It has to be published in a respected scientific journal. As an example, The Journal of Engineering Mechanics is a well respected scientific journal. The peer review process is tough and precise. The reviewers are well respected in their fields of expertise. The Journal of the American Chemical Society is another which Jones can submit his papers. There are many well respected journals which have an impact in the scientific community. Bentham, where Jones has submitted his latest paper, is the Wiki of Journals. They have been criticized in the past for passing "gibberish".

One editor resigned after learning Jones paper passed their review. It seems the reviewers are told of the paper AFTER they are passed! Amazing!

Though Jones may have found the perfect home for his latest attempt at peer-review, it is far from a respected scientific journal. Will Jones ever publish in a "respected scientific journal"? Do they want legitimacy or a talking points?

So where does that leave us? Deep into more uncertainty. Jones was published in Europhysics News which appears to be highly credible and widely respected:


Europhysics News Trutherism — Trutherism, the belief that Al-Qaeda terrorists were not entirely behind the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, received a boost, Aug. 24, in the latest issue of Europhysics News which carries an article claiming that the World Trade Center was brought down by controlled demolition.

The magazine is published by the prestigious European Physical Society.

The authors of the piece are Steven Jones, a former full professor of physics at Brigham Young University; Robert Korol, a professor emeritus of civil engineering at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada; Anthony Szamboti, a mechanical design engineer; and Ted Walter, who holds master of public policy degree from the University of California, Berkeley.

The authors cite, among other things, the lack of heat to melt, or adequately weaken, the girders to cause the collapse.

Melted girders was widely reported as a reason immediately after the attack. This was quickly understood to be impossible, however. In fact, it was even being noted that things didn’t get hot enough to cause enough loss of structural strength.

This paper from the December 2001 issue of JOM, — the member journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society , — is in full agreement with the Jones group on this point.

However, even here there is dissention:

The authors Thomas W. Eagar and Christopher Musso, however, don’t feel the need to deny what was before everyone’s eyes. Their article points out that temperature along the 18-meter long joists was certainly not uniform and that given the thermal expansion of steel, a 300 F temperature difference from one location to another will produce yield-level residual stresses hence causing distortions resulting in buckling failures

Jones et al makes the point that fire never collapsed a skyscraper before 9/11 and has yet to bring one down since.

The rebuttal to this is that jet aircraft have never been flown into skyscrapers before or since. Further, a fire, while not collapsing a skyscraper, did make One Meridan Plaza in Philadelphia unstable enough to cause its demolition.

Again, I’m not going to attempt to evaluate the science. I am just presenting what has been said. I’m not trying to sell anything here. My intention is to stimulate discussion, elicit opinions, and to get a sense of how people, in general are leaning.

Finally, the is https://www.gspellchecker.com/2016/09/debunking-conspiracies-spread-some-truth-on-the-anniversary-of-911/#more-4482

This is apparently an Atheistic leaning site and as such, I, an atheist, give a certain amount of credibility to. They support the “conventional or main stream explanation for 9-11 and reject the conspiracy- controlled demolition theory and provide a link to the aforementioned . http://www.debunking911.com/index.html. I'm just not completely convinced, but as I said, leaning towards a conspiracy.

That’s it folks! Have at it .Don’t troll me bro. I’m just the messenger!
Reminds me of Oliver Stone's 1991 movie about JFK.


PURE FICTION? you mean like the warren commission report and the 9/11 commission report on the shot in the dark unproven theories they have that the fires caused the towers to collapse as well as bld 7 ignoring what witnesses reported those pure fiction investigations?
THOSE PURE FICTION EVENTS?:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:
You clowns are fond of calling anyone who disagrees with you "dupes" but the only dupes are you morons who have no scientific knowledge at all. It is easy to dupe you because you have not the slightest bit of engineering sense. By 10 year old daughter has a better grasp of science and engineering than you do.
Jeeze westwall relax and take a stress pill.

For ONCE you actually spoke something intelligent.:up: I have never seen a mod have such meltdowns when he is backed up against the wall and is losing a 9/11 discussion knowing he cant counter any of the evidence truthers present to him that refute the governments unproven laughable theory that the fires caused the collapse of bld 7.:lmao: same as you,.he refuses to even try to refute the facts when you present them and changes the subject to being involved in a plane crash or something lame and pathetic as that when he is backed up against the wall and knows he has been checkmated.as evidenced throughout this whole thread.:lmao::haha:

Out of frustration, he has temper tantrems knowing he gets constant ass beatings here all the time by us and gets checkmated and loses everytime.some people are just sore losers when they get checkmated obviously.:rofl::D

whats hysterical though is when i tell the truth about people like him and you, that you guys are Bush dupes obviously afraid to look at the evidence,is he gets angry hearing the truth that he is a brainwashed Bush dupe afraid to look at the facts and acknowleged them. The thing that is so funny in his temper tantrems of anger of hearing the truth he is a brainwashed Bush dupe afraid to look at the evidence though and getting mad at hearing that truth is that I was the same at one point as well just like you and him.so was Dale as well.:lmao:

. "I" was ALSO a brainwashed Bush dupe same as you guys still are for THREE YEARS because I was not aware of the facts that were suppressed from me by the CIA controlled media you guys worship.:rolleyes-41: The only difference is between me and you STILL brainwashed Bush dupes is "I" have not been afraid to watch videos or read books that shoot down the lies of the 9/11 commission.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::haha::haha::haha:

Dale Smith ALSO was the same as you guys at one time much worse than me even .Matter of fact,HE will even be the first one to tell you that he same as myself at one time and same as you both are,was also a brainwashed Bush dupe clueless and in denial same as you both are for like THIRTEEN YEARS or something like that and then FINALLY woke up just recently a few years ago incredibly.:biggrin:

.Only difference between you and him though is unlike you,he is not afraid to look at the evidence presented in videos or books.he doesnt run off with his tail between his legs when i challenge him to read a book or look at videos and dismiss them as opinions without even watching the videos evading them when challenged to look at them by talking of something so irrelevent to the topic such as personally being involved in a planecrash,ect ect,blah,blah,blah.:blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah: with the same old song and dance dodgeball game you Bush dupes play.:boohoo:

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t should not be difficult to get accurate data on an experiment. So it should not be difficult to get accurate data on the amount of steel and concrete on each level of the buildings.

But wait, the NIST can write a 10,000 page report without specifying the amount of concrete in the buildings. But they did it for the steel, though not the distribution.

Americans are so hilarious with their general incompetence t science.

Show me where a 100 story skyscraper has ever been taken down with a controlled demo with no detectable explosions

I can't, and you can't either. You can just ignore all of the witnesses that reported explosions and pretend that the squibs were caused by air pressure.

And of course pretend it is irrelevant that engineering schools don't even try to come up with experiments to account for the north tower collapse and why the top of the south tower did not fall down the side.


Bush dupes run off with their tail between their legs EVERYTIME anybody brings up the fact that there were several credible witnesses "many being firefighters expereinced in explosives" that heard the sounds of explosives and who survived it were rightly so,insulted by the governments findings when they said the fires caused the collapse,many of the firefighters rightly so called the investigation a half baked farce.:thup: But credible witnesses of course dont count with Bush dupes,only what our corrupt government agencys and LAMESTREAM MEDIA tell them.:haha:

I would like to see these trolls like predfan and others that have trolled this thread cowardlly evading the facts from myself and many other truthers here,go up to the familys who lost their loved ones in this tragedy who ALSO dont accept the governments findings and also know about their lies knowing that it was a controlled demolition and go shit in their faces like they have on this thread by shitting on them telling them the governments version of events are correct and they did a good job investigating 9/11.

I hear that from ignorant trolls like predfan all the time,how I am being cruel to the 9/11 familys by saying explosives brought the towers down by our government.Oh really? if these trolls were not such stupid ass trolls,they would know THEMSELVES,there have been MANY 9/11 familys that are part of the truth movement and have come out and said that the government is lying as well,that it was a controlleld demoltion that brought down the towers.:rofl::rolleyes:

THEY dont ignore what many witnesses reported that were there,many AGAIN being very credible ones such as firefighters experienced in explosives.they dont ignore how the investigation was a complete joke and con job:rolleyes:

I know MANY independent 9/11 investigaters i have spoken to on the net who have talked to the familys who agree the government is lying,so BRING IT ON.I will be MORE THAN HAPPY to face them face to face and tell them the government murdered their familys.ANYTIME,BRING IT ON.:thup:.i would not be the first.

matter of fact i would be the 100th million person they would THANK for looking at the evidence and not ignoring the facts of a controlled demolition.:rolleyes::thup::lmao::haha:
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Note: I am aware of the fact that there are several other open treads on 9-11 However, they have long been dormant since shortly after they was started earlier this year. In addition, none of them feature the film that I recently discovered. This is different. This is compelling and worth a look!

This is an amazing, and eye opening film that may well change everything that you thought you knew or that you believed about what happened on 9.11.01.


It is long. Over an hour. But if you just watch the first 10 or 15 minutes, you will certainly get the idea.

Now let me be clear, I was never a conspiracy theorists. I did not consider myself a 9-11 truther and I’m yet 100% convinced that we have been lied to. However, I am leaning in that direction.

The basic premise of the film is that the two planes alone did not bring the three building, WTC 1,2, and 7 down – that the collapses were caused, at least aided, by “controlled demolitions. Indeed, no plane had hit WTC 7! It is alleged that there was deliberate destruction of evidence, explosions not caused by the planes, and a symmetrical collapse of all three buildings consistent with a controlled demolition.

The film is narrated by Richard Gaga of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, an organization of 2,300 professionals who are demanding an independent investigation, and features a long succession of architects, engineers, various other scientists all of whom are quite credible. It also features eye witnesses who saw and heard things that are not explained and can’t be explained by the official version of what happened.

There is no dirt to be found on this organization. They are credible. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Architects_%26_Engineers_for_9/11_Truth

Here is the official site: http://www1.ae911truth.org/en/news-section/41-articles/928-nists-wtc-7-reports-filled-with-fantasy-fiction-and-fraud-pt1.html

It is interesting to note that while it’s alleged that the plot was much wider than the hijackers, the report specifically avoids pointing any fingers or speculating on motive so as not to distract from the forensic evidence.

The film that you are about to see was published in the Free Thought Project http://thefreethoughtproject.com/

You will see that while the stories that they publish are provocative and under-reported in the main stream media, it is not “fake news” or conspiracy theories from the fringes of reality

Now to be fair, I am not without my doubts. We know that planes actually did hit the towers and that they were controlled by terrorists. But were there additional terrorists on the ground who planted explosives in all three building? Would that have even been possible? And, if they were expert enough to plant the bombs so strategically as to bring the buildings down, why did they bother to hijack planes?

Another possibility that some entity other than the terrorists- such as the Bush Administration- planted the bombs. Did they know about the plot ( as some have previously alleged ) and, rather than stopping it, planted to explosives to make certain of the outcome. Farfetched? I don’t know.

That brings me to the authors and publishers of the study and documentary. As I said Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, appear to be highly credible. However, here is a site that says that it is all bunk. You can decide for yourself.


Now not being a scientist, I will not attempt to argue the conflicting scientific theories (although I do find the evidence for a controlled demolition very compelling) . However, they also attack the credibility and credentials of the chief author of the study Professor Steven E. Jones:

To be clear, let me restate the test which makes a real scientific paper. It has to be published in a respected scientific journal. As an example, The Journal of Engineering Mechanics is a well respected scientific journal. The peer review process is tough and precise. The reviewers are well respected in their fields of expertise. The Journal of the American Chemical Society is another which Jones can submit his papers. There are many well respected journals which have an impact in the scientific community. Bentham, where Jones has submitted his latest paper, is the Wiki of Journals. They have been criticized in the past for passing "gibberish".

One editor resigned after learning Jones paper passed their review. It seems the reviewers are told of the paper AFTER they are passed! Amazing!

Though Jones may have found the perfect home for his latest attempt at peer-review, it is far from a respected scientific journal. Will Jones ever publish in a "respected scientific journal"? Do they want legitimacy or a talking points?

So where does that leave us? Deep into more uncertainty. Jones was published in Europhysics News which appears to be highly credible and widely respected:


Europhysics News Trutherism — Trutherism, the belief that Al-Qaeda terrorists were not entirely behind the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, received a boost, Aug. 24, in the latest issue of Europhysics News which carries an article claiming that the World Trade Center was brought down by controlled demolition.

The magazine is published by the prestigious European Physical Society.

The authors of the piece are Steven Jones, a former full professor of physics at Brigham Young University; Robert Korol, a professor emeritus of civil engineering at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada; Anthony Szamboti, a mechanical design engineer; and Ted Walter, who holds master of public policy degree from the University of California, Berkeley.

The authors cite, among other things, the lack of heat to melt, or adequately weaken, the girders to cause the collapse.

Melted girders was widely reported as a reason immediately after the attack. This was quickly understood to be impossible, however. In fact, it was even being noted that things didn’t get hot enough to cause enough loss of structural strength.

This paper from the December 2001 issue of JOM, — the member journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society , — is in full agreement with the Jones group on this point.

However, even here there is dissention:

The authors Thomas W. Eagar and Christopher Musso, however, don’t feel the need to deny what was before everyone’s eyes. Their article points out that temperature along the 18-meter long joists was certainly not uniform and that given the thermal expansion of steel, a 300 F temperature difference from one location to another will produce yield-level residual stresses hence causing distortions resulting in buckling failures

Jones et al makes the point that fire never collapsed a skyscraper before 9/11 and has yet to bring one down since.

The rebuttal to this is that jet aircraft have never been flown into skyscrapers before or since. Further, a fire, while not collapsing a skyscraper, did make One Meridan Plaza in Philadelphia unstable enough to cause its demolition.

Again, I’m not going to attempt to evaluate the science. I am just presenting what has been said. I’m not trying to sell anything here. My intention is to stimulate discussion, elicit opinions, and to get a sense of how people, in general are leaning.

Finally, the is https://www.gspellchecker.com/2016/09/debunking-conspiracies-spread-some-truth-on-the-anniversary-of-911/#more-4482

This is apparently an Atheistic leaning site and as such, I, an atheist, give a certain amount of credibility to. They support the “conventional or main stream explanation for 9-11 and reject the conspiracy- controlled demolition theory and provide a link to the aforementioned . http://www.debunking911.com/index.html. I'm just not completely convinced, but as I said, leaning towards a conspiracy.

That’s it folks! Have at it .Don’t troll me bro. I’m just the messenger!

9/11 was an inside job......a false flag event.......15 years later, do people still believe that 19 box-cutter welding Saudis (guided by a CIA asset residing in a cave in Afghanistan) took down the CIA, NSA, NORAD and the Pentagon and buttfucked them on the world stage with combined budgets of over two TRILLION dollars a year but so quickly got their shit together that nothing else happened while leaving the southern border totally unprotected? How fucking stupid does one have to be to not smell this bullshit???.... Two planes collapsed three buildings that fell inside their own footprints and attacked the Pentagon by doing an aeronautical maneuver that pilots for 9/11 truth said was impossible because a plane is really nothing but a bus with wings??? It's akin to a Greyhound bus trying to compete in the Indy 500. It isn't fucking impossible and it embarrasses me that people still buy the bullshit shoveled by this corporate entity that lamely attempts to disguise itself as a legitimate governmental body.

I dare anyone that wants to debate this topic to take their shots at me. I have done the research and I know all the arguments because I was a denier for 11 years and took on the "truthers" but the scales fell from my eyes so there is nothing you can throw at me that I haven't used myself. This was a bullshit false flag that accomplished many things including money laundering and the passage of ten year oil and gas securities that were bought up when the Ruble collapsed and could not have passed the sniff test of the S.E.C that was shut down due to the events of that day. The Patriot Act was written in advance of this event? What are the odds? The very "freedoms" the CIA funded al qaeda was jealous of was taken away in small increments including our rights to privacy was taken away. Wake up and grow the fuck up, deniers...you are not in Kansas anymore.


I am afraid you are making wayyyyyyy too much sense for the Bush dupes to comprehend.Logic and Common sense like this post of yours is far too complicated for them to comprehend or understand.:up:

I am afraid you will be waiting for years on end for them to even bother trying to comprehend what you just spoke just now same as how it looks like I will be waiting years on end for them to even try and answer all the evidence and pesky facts that none will take a look at in post# 98 here of minehttp://www.usmessageboard.com/threads/9-11-startling-new-evidence-of-a-conspiracy.555857/page-10 and post #114 here as well.:D

9-11….. Startling New Evidence of a Conspiracy

they know they have been checkmated by you here same as they know they have been checkmated by me here in these two posts of mine so all they can come back with of course is one liner insults out of frustration of being taken to school.:rofl:

Whats really funny though is some of them get angry about hearing the truth they are brainwashed Bush dupes in denial when the thing is,just like you,"I" admit "I" was once like them as well and was ALSO a brainwashed Bush dupe for three years, and like you said,you as well were a brainwashed Bush dupe in denial sadly for 11 years like you just said so they are REALLY in the minor leagues when they try and stand toe to toe with you because of the fact you were once in their same shoes in also used every kind of excuse in the world same as them to avoid hearing the truth and or look at the evidence that you were lied to.:D

Like you said,you used them ALL for 11 years "their excuses and dodgeball games" same as they are doing now,so this is old hat for YOU hearing what you USED to say over and over again that has been debunked too many times to remember by independent experts not on the governments payroll.:up:

the Bush dupes "which both me and you were at one time as well.:biggrin:" they of course will do the SAME EXACT SAME THING with this post of yours that they have done with post# 98 and Post#114 of mine-this-:scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1:

makes me wonder,dont their feet EVER get sore and hurt from running off scarred all the time as they will with this post of yours as well?:rofl::lmao::haha::muahaha:

as misterbeal said so well in these pics below they run off from everytime.:up::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:





not only that.SCREW credible witnesses such as firefighters experienced in explosives or demolition experts,THEY dont know what they are talking about after all.only the government agencys do AND the mainstream media know what they are talking about after all.oh and people who gave versions differen that the governments who ended up dying in very bizarre strage deaths,our government did not murder them of course.
Last edited:
Note: I am aware of the fact that there are several other open treads on 9-11 However, they have long been dormant since shortly after they was started earlier this year. In addition, none of them feature the film that I recently discovered. This is different. This is compelling and worth a look!

This is an amazing, and eye opening film that may well change everything that you thought you knew or that you believed about what happened on 9.11.01.


It is long. Over an hour. But if you just watch the first 10 or 15 minutes, you will certainly get the idea.

Now let me be clear, I was never a conspiracy theorists. I did not consider myself a 9-11 truther and I’m yet 100% convinced that we have been lied to. However, I am leaning in that direction.

The basic premise of the film is that the two planes alone did not bring the three building, WTC 1,2, and 7 down – that the collapses were caused, at least aided, by “controlled demolitions. Indeed, no plane had hit WTC 7! It is alleged that there was deliberate destruction of evidence, explosions not caused by the planes, and a symmetrical collapse of all three buildings consistent with a controlled demolition.

The film is narrated by Richard Gaga of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, an organization of 2,300 professionals who are demanding an independent investigation, and features a long succession of architects, engineers, various other scientists all of whom are quite credible. It also features eye witnesses who saw and heard things that are not explained and can’t be explained by the official version of what happened.

There is no dirt to be found on this organization. They are credible. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Architects_%26_Engineers_for_9/11_Truth

Here is the official site: http://www1.ae911truth.org/en/news-section/41-articles/928-nists-wtc-7-reports-filled-with-fantasy-fiction-and-fraud-pt1.html

It is interesting to note that while it’s alleged that the plot was much wider than the hijackers, the report specifically avoids pointing any fingers or speculating on motive so as not to distract from the forensic evidence.

The film that you are about to see was published in the Free Thought Project http://thefreethoughtproject.com/

You will see that while the stories that they publish are provocative and under-reported in the main stream media, it is not “fake news” or conspiracy theories from the fringes of reality

Now to be fair, I am not without my doubts. We know that planes actually did hit the towers and that they were controlled by terrorists. But were there additional terrorists on the ground who planted explosives in all three building? Would that have even been possible? And, if they were expert enough to plant the bombs so strategically as to bring the buildings down, why did they bother to hijack planes?

Another possibility that some entity other than the terrorists- such as the Bush Administration- planted the bombs. Did they know about the plot ( as some have previously alleged ) and, rather than stopping it, planted to explosives to make certain of the outcome. Farfetched? I don’t know.

That brings me to the authors and publishers of the study and documentary. As I said Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, appear to be highly credible. However, here is a site that says that it is all bunk. You can decide for yourself.


Now not being a scientist, I will not attempt to argue the conflicting scientific theories (although I do find the evidence for a controlled demolition very compelling) . However, they also attack the credibility and credentials of the chief author of the study Professor Steven E. Jones:

To be clear, let me restate the test which makes a real scientific paper. It has to be published in a respected scientific journal. As an example, The Journal of Engineering Mechanics is a well respected scientific journal. The peer review process is tough and precise. The reviewers are well respected in their fields of expertise. The Journal of the American Chemical Society is another which Jones can submit his papers. There are many well respected journals which have an impact in the scientific community. Bentham, where Jones has submitted his latest paper, is the Wiki of Journals. They have been criticized in the past for passing "gibberish".

One editor resigned after learning Jones paper passed their review. It seems the reviewers are told of the paper AFTER they are passed! Amazing!

Though Jones may have found the perfect home for his latest attempt at peer-review, it is far from a respected scientific journal. Will Jones ever publish in a "respected scientific journal"? Do they want legitimacy or a talking points?

So where does that leave us? Deep into more uncertainty. Jones was published in Europhysics News which appears to be highly credible and widely respected:


Europhysics News Trutherism — Trutherism, the belief that Al-Qaeda terrorists were not entirely behind the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, received a boost, Aug. 24, in the latest issue of Europhysics News which carries an article claiming that the World Trade Center was brought down by controlled demolition.

The magazine is published by the prestigious European Physical Society.

The authors of the piece are Steven Jones, a former full professor of physics at Brigham Young University; Robert Korol, a professor emeritus of civil engineering at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada; Anthony Szamboti, a mechanical design engineer; and Ted Walter, who holds master of public policy degree from the University of California, Berkeley.

The authors cite, among other things, the lack of heat to melt, or adequately weaken, the girders to cause the collapse.

Melted girders was widely reported as a reason immediately after the attack. This was quickly understood to be impossible, however. In fact, it was even being noted that things didn’t get hot enough to cause enough loss of structural strength.

This paper from the December 2001 issue of JOM, — the member journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society , — is in full agreement with the Jones group on this point.

However, even here there is dissention:

The authors Thomas W. Eagar and Christopher Musso, however, don’t feel the need to deny what was before everyone’s eyes. Their article points out that temperature along the 18-meter long joists was certainly not uniform and that given the thermal expansion of steel, a 300 F temperature difference from one location to another will produce yield-level residual stresses hence causing distortions resulting in buckling failures

Jones et al makes the point that fire never collapsed a skyscraper before 9/11 and has yet to bring one down since.

The rebuttal to this is that jet aircraft have never been flown into skyscrapers before or since. Further, a fire, while not collapsing a skyscraper, did make One Meridan Plaza in Philadelphia unstable enough to cause its demolition.

Again, I’m not going to attempt to evaluate the science. I am just presenting what has been said. I’m not trying to sell anything here. My intention is to stimulate discussion, elicit opinions, and to get a sense of how people, in general are leaning.

Finally, the is https://www.gspellchecker.com/2016/09/debunking-conspiracies-spread-some-truth-on-the-anniversary-of-911/#more-4482

This is apparently an Atheistic leaning site and as such, I, an atheist, give a certain amount of credibility to. They support the “conventional or main stream explanation for 9-11 and reject the conspiracy- controlled demolition theory and provide a link to the aforementioned . http://www.debunking911.com/index.html. I'm just not completely convinced, but as I said, leaning towards a conspiracy.

That’s it folks! Have at it .Don’t troll me bro. I’m just the messenger!
Reminds me of Oliver Stone's 1991 movie about JFK.

Hate to make you cry son but his movie was 10 times more accurate than the warren commission was.:rolleyes-41: dont feel bad you have been brainwashed on this though,:itsok:

I was as well same as you till I started reading several books on it several years ago back in the mid 80's.:biggrin:
same as 9/11 you have done no research into the JFK assassination as well other than what the CIA controlled mainstream media and our corrupt school system reading only what their textbooks have told you.:rofl: You have done the same thing with the JFK assassination that you have done with 9/11,read only what the government has told you.:lmao::rofl:and like all Bush dupes,do THIS-:scared1: when anybody shows you evidence you cant counter.:rofl:

Hate to break your heart son but the majority of Stones movie was 95% accurate. Stone did not just invent stories for a good story.Unlike you,he exhaustlivey researched it mr magic bullet theorist.:lmao:He based it mostly off Jim Marrs Book Crossfire moron which you obviously have never read and never will since you cant deal with it that we live in a banana republic where the government can murder the president of the united states and get away with it.:rolleyes-41::lmao: Crossfire has the most amazing details and facts that the warren commission left out. over 500 pages of incredible material in it.:rolleyes-41:

Matter of fact you are also ignorant to the fact that he researched the subject for YEARS on end before making the film going to the dallas musuem that had been run by Larry Howard who he got many documents and reading material he had collected over the years dating back to 1963.Howard spent his LIFETIME 3 decades worth,devoting THOUSANDS of hours of research into it and let Stone look at all his 30 years of research you fucking idiot troll.:lmao::lmao::lmao::haha::haha::haha:

I met Howard just a few months before he died matter of fact at a JFK conference in dallas in november on the 30tth anniversary in fact and someone in the crowd asked him the question-How accurate was the movie? and he relied saying about 95%.

Howard unlike you,was not not an idiot moron and actually looked at BOTH sides of the coin.:lmao::lmao::lmao::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:

USMB's resident troll,the government paid shill rightwinger will post a smily after this post no doubt just like his boss tells him to.:lol:

As usual, your post was pure greatness! Does it get cumbersome at times trying to get the blinded to wake the fuck up and see reality? It is for me at times....I often just want to throw up my hands and say "fuck it"...but I tarry on because the only chance we have is if enough people wake up to this bullshit before we become another communist China and I guaran-fucking-tee you that is exactly where we are heading.

To those of you that write stuff I enjoy but yet turn your nose up at 9/11/01? I was a fellow denier....hardcore as hell because to acknowledge it would be to admit my support of the neocons was wrong....and that my support of the illegal invasions into Afghanistan and Iraq was wrong.When I finally took the blinders off and I saw how badly we had been worked, how I had supported the suffering and needless deaths of innocents all to enrich the military industrial complex while our soldiers came home in body bags or missing limbs? I found it was rather easy to admit that I was wrong and it has pissed me off enough to educate myself on how things really work and who are the puppetmasters pulling the strings. I can point you in thew right direction but you have to want to know the ugly truth instead of believing in pretty little lies...it's not easy but you sleep better at night when you realize that by standing up for truth, you are standing up and being heard for those that were killed based on nothing but lies. There isn't a fucking thing ANYONE can post here that is going to shut me down and stop me from telling the truth while pointing out lies and I proudly stand behind TheProgressivePatriot on this even though we disagree on other things. I have the utmost respect for anyone that seeks the truth and is willing to put themselves out there knowing full well that he is opening himself up for ridicule and hate by the uninformed. LA RAM FAN is another knowledgeable truther that simply shakes his head at the ignorance of the masses but he is a walking, talking encyclopedia on the events of that day.

He stands tall...everyone that has taken off the blinders in support of TheProgressivePatriot whether it be with a post or a "thumbs up" are standing tall as well. You naysayers need to take a step back, look at the evidence and then see what has been lost in this country since the events of that day.
Note: I am aware of the fact that there are several other open treads on 9-11 However, they have long been dormant since shortly after they was started earlier this year. In addition, none of them feature the film that I recently discovered. This is different. This is compelling and worth a look!

This is an amazing, and eye opening film that may well change everything that you thought you knew or that you believed about what happened on 9.11.01.


It is long. Over an hour. But if you just watch the first 10 or 15 minutes, you will certainly get the idea.

Now let me be clear, I was never a conspiracy theorists. I did not consider myself a 9-11 truther and I’m yet 100% convinced that we have been lied to. However, I am leaning in that direction.

The basic premise of the film is that the two planes alone did not bring the three building, WTC 1,2, and 7 down – that the collapses were caused, at least aided, by “controlled demolitions. Indeed, no plane had hit WTC 7! It is alleged that there was deliberate destruction of evidence, explosions not caused by the planes, and a symmetrical collapse of all three buildings consistent with a controlled demolition.

The film is narrated by Richard Gaga of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, an organization of 2,300 professionals who are demanding an independent investigation, and features a long succession of architects, engineers, various other scientists all of whom are quite credible. It also features eye witnesses who saw and heard things that are not explained and can’t be explained by the official version of what happened.

There is no dirt to be found on this organization. They are credible. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Architects_%26_Engineers_for_9/11_Truth

Here is the official site: http://www1.ae911truth.org/en/news-section/41-articles/928-nists-wtc-7-reports-filled-with-fantasy-fiction-and-fraud-pt1.html

It is interesting to note that while it’s alleged that the plot was much wider than the hijackers, the report specifically avoids pointing any fingers or speculating on motive so as not to distract from the forensic evidence.

The film that you are about to see was published in the Free Thought Project http://thefreethoughtproject.com/

You will see that while the stories that they publish are provocative and under-reported in the main stream media, it is not “fake news” or conspiracy theories from the fringes of reality

Now to be fair, I am not without my doubts. We know that planes actually did hit the towers and that they were controlled by terrorists. But were there additional terrorists on the ground who planted explosives in all three building? Would that have even been possible? And, if they were expert enough to plant the bombs so strategically as to bring the buildings down, why did they bother to hijack planes?

Another possibility that some entity other than the terrorists- such as the Bush Administration- planted the bombs. Did they know about the plot ( as some have previously alleged ) and, rather than stopping it, planted to explosives to make certain of the outcome. Farfetched? I don’t know.

That brings me to the authors and publishers of the study and documentary. As I said Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, appear to be highly credible. However, here is a site that says that it is all bunk. You can decide for yourself.


Now not being a scientist, I will not attempt to argue the conflicting scientific theories (although I do find the evidence for a controlled demolition very compelling) . However, they also attack the credibility and credentials of the chief author of the study Professor Steven E. Jones:

To be clear, let me restate the test which makes a real scientific paper. It has to be published in a respected scientific journal. As an example, The Journal of Engineering Mechanics is a well respected scientific journal. The peer review process is tough and precise. The reviewers are well respected in their fields of expertise. The Journal of the American Chemical Society is another which Jones can submit his papers. There are many well respected journals which have an impact in the scientific community. Bentham, where Jones has submitted his latest paper, is the Wiki of Journals. They have been criticized in the past for passing "gibberish".

One editor resigned after learning Jones paper passed their review. It seems the reviewers are told of the paper AFTER they are passed! Amazing!

Though Jones may have found the perfect home for his latest attempt at peer-review, it is far from a respected scientific journal. Will Jones ever publish in a "respected scientific journal"? Do they want legitimacy or a talking points?

So where does that leave us? Deep into more uncertainty. Jones was published in Europhysics News which appears to be highly credible and widely respected:


Europhysics News Trutherism — Trutherism, the belief that Al-Qaeda terrorists were not entirely behind the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, received a boost, Aug. 24, in the latest issue of Europhysics News which carries an article claiming that the World Trade Center was brought down by controlled demolition.

The magazine is published by the prestigious European Physical Society.

The authors of the piece are Steven Jones, a former full professor of physics at Brigham Young University; Robert Korol, a professor emeritus of civil engineering at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada; Anthony Szamboti, a mechanical design engineer; and Ted Walter, who holds master of public policy degree from the University of California, Berkeley.

The authors cite, among other things, the lack of heat to melt, or adequately weaken, the girders to cause the collapse.

Melted girders was widely reported as a reason immediately after the attack. This was quickly understood to be impossible, however. In fact, it was even being noted that things didn’t get hot enough to cause enough loss of structural strength.

This paper from the December 2001 issue of JOM, — the member journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society , — is in full agreement with the Jones group on this point.

However, even here there is dissention:

The authors Thomas W. Eagar and Christopher Musso, however, don’t feel the need to deny what was before everyone’s eyes. Their article points out that temperature along the 18-meter long joists was certainly not uniform and that given the thermal expansion of steel, a 300 F temperature difference from one location to another will produce yield-level residual stresses hence causing distortions resulting in buckling failures

Jones et al makes the point that fire never collapsed a skyscraper before 9/11 and has yet to bring one down since.

The rebuttal to this is that jet aircraft have never been flown into skyscrapers before or since. Further, a fire, while not collapsing a skyscraper, did make One Meridan Plaza in Philadelphia unstable enough to cause its demolition.

Again, I’m not going to attempt to evaluate the science. I am just presenting what has been said. I’m not trying to sell anything here. My intention is to stimulate discussion, elicit opinions, and to get a sense of how people, in general are leaning.

Finally, the is https://www.gspellchecker.com/2016/09/debunking-conspiracies-spread-some-truth-on-the-anniversary-of-911/#more-4482

This is apparently an Atheistic leaning site and as such, I, an atheist, give a certain amount of credibility to. They support the “conventional or main stream explanation for 9-11 and reject the conspiracy- controlled demolition theory and provide a link to the aforementioned . http://www.debunking911.com/index.html. I'm just not completely convinced, but as I said, leaning towards a conspiracy.

That’s it folks! Have at it .Don’t troll me bro. I’m just the messenger!

9/11 was an inside job......a false flag event.......15 years later, do people still believe that 19 box-cutter welding Saudis (guided by a CIA asset residing in a cave in Afghanistan) took down the CIA, NSA, NORAD and the Pentagon and buttfucked them on the world stage with combined budgets of over two TRILLION dollars a year but so quickly got their shit together that nothing else happened while leaving the southern border totally unprotected? How fucking stupid does one have to be to not smell this bullshit???.... Two planes collapsed three buildings that fell inside their own footprints and attacked the Pentagon by doing an aeronautical maneuver that pilots for 9/11 truth said was impossible because a plane is really nothing but a bus with wings??? It's akin to a Greyhound bus trying to compete in the Indy 500. It isn't fucking impossible and it embarrasses me that people still buy the bullshit shoveled by this corporate entity that lamely attempts to disguise itself as a legitimate governmental body.

I dare anyone that wants to debate this topic to take their shots at me. I have done the research and I know all the arguments because I was a denier for 11 years and took on the "truthers" but the scales fell from my eyes so there is nothing you can throw at me that I haven't used myself. This was a bullshit false flag that accomplished many things including money laundering and the passage of ten year oil and gas securities that were bought up when the Ruble collapsed and could not have passed the sniff test of the S.E.C that was shut down due to the events of that day. The Patriot Act was written in advance of this event? What are the odds? The very "freedoms" the CIA funded al qaeda was jealous of was taken away in small increments including our rights to privacy was taken away. Wake up and grow the fuck up, deniers...you are not in Kansas anymore.
Thank you! Excellent. A piece worth preserving

We may disagree on some things but anyone that is willing to lay it out there like you did and tell the truth or at least attempt to try and get people to think when it comes to one of the most horrific self-inflicted wounds ever? Well, you have my utmost respect...this kind of shit has been going on for waaay too long. Every fucking war we have ever gotten into has been due to a false flag event and financed by the same puppetmasters that bet and hedge their bets on both sides. Good on ya for posting what you did and for being so concise with the information.

If I may suggest a great documentary that is incredibly done? Go to youtube.com and look up "JFK to 9/11...Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick"....it is a history lesson like no other and the hairs on your neck will stand on end because the realization of what we thought was "government" is nothing but a money making entity that has been sucking us dry for almost 100 years. The historical references are incredible. I have watched it at least 15 times and taken many pages of notes......why so many times? Because I have gotten so pulled in to the plot that I stopped jotting down notes and names. I will make a deal with you....if you watch it and you are not moved by it? I will send you a 50 dollar gift certificate to a restaurant chain of your choice. All I ask is if you did get a lot out of it, is that you pass it on.
Oswald took his gun to work, fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out
Note: I am aware of the fact that there are several other open treads on 9-11 However, they have long been dormant since shortly after they was started earlier this year. In addition, none of them feature the film that I recently discovered. This is different. This is compelling and worth a look!

This is an amazing, and eye opening film that may well change everything that you thought you knew or that you believed about what happened on 9.11.01.


It is long. Over an hour. But if you just watch the first 10 or 15 minutes, you will certainly get the idea.

Now let me be clear, I was never a conspiracy theorists. I did not consider myself a 9-11 truther and I’m yet 100% convinced that we have been lied to. However, I am leaning in that direction.

The basic premise of the film is that the two planes alone did not bring the three building, WTC 1,2, and 7 down – that the collapses were caused, at least aided, by “controlled demolitions. Indeed, no plane had hit WTC 7! It is alleged that there was deliberate destruction of evidence, explosions not caused by the planes, and a symmetrical collapse of all three buildings consistent with a controlled demolition.

The film is narrated by Richard Gaga of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, an organization of 2,300 professionals who are demanding an independent investigation, and features a long succession of architects, engineers, various other scientists all of whom are quite credible. It also features eye witnesses who saw and heard things that are not explained and can’t be explained by the official version of what happened.

There is no dirt to be found on this organization. They are credible. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Architects_%26_Engineers_for_9/11_Truth

Here is the official site: http://www1.ae911truth.org/en/news-section/41-articles/928-nists-wtc-7-reports-filled-with-fantasy-fiction-and-fraud-pt1.html

It is interesting to note that while it’s alleged that the plot was much wider than the hijackers, the report specifically avoids pointing any fingers or speculating on motive so as not to distract from the forensic evidence.

The film that you are about to see was published in the Free Thought Project http://thefreethoughtproject.com/

You will see that while the stories that they publish are provocative and under-reported in the main stream media, it is not “fake news” or conspiracy theories from the fringes of reality

Now to be fair, I am not without my doubts. We know that planes actually did hit the towers and that they were controlled by terrorists. But were there additional terrorists on the ground who planted explosives in all three building? Would that have even been possible? And, if they were expert enough to plant the bombs so strategically as to bring the buildings down, why did they bother to hijack planes?

Another possibility that some entity other than the terrorists- such as the Bush Administration- planted the bombs. Did they know about the plot ( as some have previously alleged ) and, rather than stopping it, planted to explosives to make certain of the outcome. Farfetched? I don’t know.

That brings me to the authors and publishers of the study and documentary. As I said Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, appear to be highly credible. However, here is a site that says that it is all bunk. You can decide for yourself.


Now not being a scientist, I will not attempt to argue the conflicting scientific theories (although I do find the evidence for a controlled demolition very compelling) . However, they also attack the credibility and credentials of the chief author of the study Professor Steven E. Jones:

To be clear, let me restate the test which makes a real scientific paper. It has to be published in a respected scientific journal. As an example, The Journal of Engineering Mechanics is a well respected scientific journal. The peer review process is tough and precise. The reviewers are well respected in their fields of expertise. The Journal of the American Chemical Society is another which Jones can submit his papers. There are many well respected journals which have an impact in the scientific community. Bentham, where Jones has submitted his latest paper, is the Wiki of Journals. They have been criticized in the past for passing "gibberish".

One editor resigned after learning Jones paper passed their review. It seems the reviewers are told of the paper AFTER they are passed! Amazing!

Though Jones may have found the perfect home for his latest attempt at peer-review, it is far from a respected scientific journal. Will Jones ever publish in a "respected scientific journal"? Do they want legitimacy or a talking points?

So where does that leave us? Deep into more uncertainty. Jones was published in Europhysics News which appears to be highly credible and widely respected:


Europhysics News Trutherism — Trutherism, the belief that Al-Qaeda terrorists were not entirely behind the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, received a boost, Aug. 24, in the latest issue of Europhysics News which carries an article claiming that the World Trade Center was brought down by controlled demolition.

The magazine is published by the prestigious European Physical Society.

The authors of the piece are Steven Jones, a former full professor of physics at Brigham Young University; Robert Korol, a professor emeritus of civil engineering at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada; Anthony Szamboti, a mechanical design engineer; and Ted Walter, who holds master of public policy degree from the University of California, Berkeley.

The authors cite, among other things, the lack of heat to melt, or adequately weaken, the girders to cause the collapse.

Melted girders was widely reported as a reason immediately after the attack. This was quickly understood to be impossible, however. In fact, it was even being noted that things didn’t get hot enough to cause enough loss of structural strength.

This paper from the December 2001 issue of JOM, — the member journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society , — is in full agreement with the Jones group on this point.

However, even here there is dissention:

The authors Thomas W. Eagar and Christopher Musso, however, don’t feel the need to deny what was before everyone’s eyes. Their article points out that temperature along the 18-meter long joists was certainly not uniform and that given the thermal expansion of steel, a 300 F temperature difference from one location to another will produce yield-level residual stresses hence causing distortions resulting in buckling failures

Jones et al makes the point that fire never collapsed a skyscraper before 9/11 and has yet to bring one down since.

The rebuttal to this is that jet aircraft have never been flown into skyscrapers before or since. Further, a fire, while not collapsing a skyscraper, did make One Meridan Plaza in Philadelphia unstable enough to cause its demolition.

Again, I’m not going to attempt to evaluate the science. I am just presenting what has been said. I’m not trying to sell anything here. My intention is to stimulate discussion, elicit opinions, and to get a sense of how people, in general are leaning.

Finally, the is https://www.gspellchecker.com/2016/09/debunking-conspiracies-spread-some-truth-on-the-anniversary-of-911/#more-4482

This is apparently an Atheistic leaning site and as such, I, an atheist, give a certain amount of credibility to. They support the “conventional or main stream explanation for 9-11 and reject the conspiracy- controlled demolition theory and provide a link to the aforementioned . http://www.debunking911.com/index.html. I'm just not completely convinced, but as I said, leaning towards a conspiracy.

That’s it folks! Have at it .Don’t troll me bro. I’m just the messenger!

9/11 was an inside job......a false flag event.......15 years later, do people still believe that 19 box-cutter welding Saudis (guided by a CIA asset residing in a cave in Afghanistan) took down the CIA, NSA, NORAD and the Pentagon and buttfucked them on the world stage with combined budgets of over two TRILLION dollars a year but so quickly got their shit together that nothing else happened while leaving the southern border totally unprotected? How fucking stupid does one have to be to not smell this bullshit???.... Two planes collapsed three buildings that fell inside their own footprints and attacked the Pentagon by doing an aeronautical maneuver that pilots for 9/11 truth said was impossible because a plane is really nothing but a bus with wings??? It's akin to a Greyhound bus trying to compete in the Indy 500. It isn't fucking impossible and it embarrasses me that people still buy the bullshit shoveled by this corporate entity that lamely attempts to disguise itself as a legitimate governmental body.

I dare anyone that wants to debate this topic to take their shots at me. I have done the research and I know all the arguments because I was a denier for 11 years and took on the "truthers" but the scales fell from my eyes so there is nothing you can throw at me that I haven't used myself. This was a bullshit false flag that accomplished many things including money laundering and the passage of ten year oil and gas securities that were bought up when the Ruble collapsed and could not have passed the sniff test of the S.E.C that was shut down due to the events of that day. The Patriot Act was written in advance of this event? What are the odds? The very "freedoms" the CIA funded al qaeda was jealous of was taken away in small increments including our rights to privacy was taken away. Wake up and grow the fuck up, deniers...you are not in Kansas anymore.
Thank you! Excellent. A piece worth preserving

We may disagree on some things but anyone that is willing to lay it out there like you did and tell the truth or at least attempt to try and get people to think when it comes to one of the most horrific self-inflicted wounds ever? Well, you have my utmost respect...this kind of shit has been going on for waaay too long. Every fucking war we have ever gotten into has been due to a false flag event and financed by the same puppetmasters that bet and hedge their bets on both sides. Good on ya for posting what you did and for being so concise with the information.

If I may suggest a great documentary that is incredibly done? Go to youtube.com and look up "JFK to 9/11...Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick"....it is a history lesson like no other and the hairs on your neck will stand on end because the realization of what we thought was "government" is nothing but a money making entity that has been sucking us dry for almost 100 years. The historical references are incredible. I have watched it at least 15 times and taken many pages of notes......why so many times? Because I have gotten so pulled in to the plot that I stopped jotting down notes and names. I will make a deal with you....if you watch it and you are not moved by it? I will send you a 50 dollar gift certificate to a restaurant chain of your choice. All I ask is if you did get a lot out of it, is that you pass it on.
Thank you. I found it and will watch it
Oswald took his gun to work, fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out
Oswald took his gun to work, fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out

Really? JFK was shot in the throat, was shot in the back and another shot that missed hit pavement and scraped a spectator on the cheek hard enough to draw blood.....then we have the shot that became the magic bullet that blew out the right hand side of Kennedy's head (that knocked him back and to the left by a "marksman" which Oswald was not using a bolt action rifle) that then passed through John Connally doing all kinds of u-turns while exiting and found in almost pristine condition on the gurney that JFK's body was resting on....are ya sure you want to go with that story?????

Seriously, if you believe that pile of shit, you are either the dumbest motherfucker on the planet or you are a "gubermint" shill....either way, you can't out debate me on this topic nor can you put any doubt in the minds of sane thinking people. You are more than welcome to try and debate me on JFK, OKC or 9/11....give it a go because I will fucking bury you under an avalanche of undeniable facts.....bring it.
Oswald took his gun to work, fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out
Oswald took his gun to work, fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out

Really? JFK was shot in the throat, was shot in the back and another shot that missed hit pavement and scraped a spectator on the cheek hard enough to draw blood.....then we have the shot that became the magic bullet that blew out the right hand side of Kennedy's head (that knocked him back and to the left by a "marksman" which Oswald was not using a bolt action rifle) that then passed through John Connally doing all kinds of u-turns while exiting and found in almost pristine condition on the gurney that JFK's body was resting on....are ya sure you want to go with that story?????

Seriously, if you believe that pile of shit, you are either the dumbest motherfucker on the planet or you are a "gubermint" shill....either way, you can't out debate me on this topic nor can you put any doubt in the minds of sane thinking people. You are more than welcome to try and debate me on JFK, OKC or 9/11....give it a go because I will fucking bury you under an avalanche of undeniable facts.....bring it.
I hate it when even conspiracy nut jobs can't get their story correct

First shot hit the pavement
Second shot struck JFK in the upper back, passed through his throat and then hit John Connally.....that was your imaginary magic bullet
Third shot blew JFKs brains out
Oswald took his gun to work, fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out
Oswald took his gun to work, fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out

Really? JFK was shot in the throat, was shot in the back and another shot that missed hit pavement and scraped a spectator on the cheek hard enough to draw blood.....then we have the shot that became the magic bullet that blew out the right hand side of Kennedy's head (that knocked him back and to the left by a "marksman" which Oswald was not using a bolt action rifle) that then passed through John Connally doing all kinds of u-turns while exiting and found in almost pristine condition on the gurney that JFK's body was resting on....are ya sure you want to go with that story?????

Seriously, if you believe that pile of shit, you are either the dumbest motherfucker on the planet or you are a "gubermint" shill....either way, you can't out debate me on this topic nor can you put any doubt in the minds of sane thinking people. You are more than welcome to try and debate me on JFK, OKC or 9/11....give it a go because I will fucking bury you under an avalanche of undeniable facts.....bring it.
I hate it when even conspiracy nut jobs can't get their story correct

First shot hit the pavement
Second shot struck JFK in the upper back, passed through his throat and then hit John Connally.....that was your imaginary magic bullet
Third shot blew JFKs brains out

So where did the throat and back shot come from? There were 8 shooters all positioned in strategic places...some from the CIA, some from the mafia and some Cuban sharpshooters. Oswald was given the test for gun spray and he had no ammo residue except from his handling of some bullets on his hand. Oswald never fired a shot nor did he kill Officer Tippet. Why did your beloved "gubermint" pick someone that had never done an autopsy on a gunshot victim to perform the most important autopsy in our history? What about the white chalk mark, the umbrella man? The three tramps, the gun smoke that was sen from the grassy knoll to deflect from the fact that Greer stopped at the white mark per the instructions of the CIA that if JFK wasn't dead that William Greer was to stop so the assassin in the storm drain had an easy shot????? You have nothing.....because you know nothing but what your beloved "gubermint" has told you....bring some game, home boy......so far you haven't shown me shit.....
Oswald took his gun to work, fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out
Oswald took his gun to work, fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out

Really? JFK was shot in the throat, was shot in the back and another shot that missed hit pavement and scraped a spectator on the cheek hard enough to draw blood.....then we have the shot that became the magic bullet that blew out the right hand side of Kennedy's head (that knocked him back and to the left by a "marksman" which Oswald was not using a bolt action rifle) that then passed through John Connally doing all kinds of u-turns while exiting and found in almost pristine condition on the gurney that JFK's body was resting on....are ya sure you want to go with that story?????

Seriously, if you believe that pile of shit, you are either the dumbest motherfucker on the planet or you are a "gubermint" shill....either way, you can't out debate me on this topic nor can you put any doubt in the minds of sane thinking people. You are more than welcome to try and debate me on JFK, OKC or 9/11....give it a go because I will fucking bury you under an avalanche of undeniable facts.....bring it.
I hate it when even conspiracy nut jobs can't get their story correct

First shot hit the pavement
Second shot struck JFK in the upper back, passed through his throat and then hit John Connally.....that was your imaginary magic bullet
Third shot blew JFKs brains out

So where did the throat and back shot come from? There were 8 shooters all positioned in strategic places...some from the CIA, some from the mafia and some Cuban sharpshooters. Oswald was given the test for gun spray and he had no ammo residue except from his handling of some bullets on his hand. Oswald never fired a shot nor did he kill Officer Tippet. Why did your beloved "gubermint" pick someone that had never done an autopsy on a gunshot victim to perform the most important autopsy in our history? What about the white chalk mark, the umbrella man? The three tramps, the gun smoke that was sen from the grassy knoll to deflect from the fact that Greer stopped at the white mark per the instructions of the CIA that if JFK wasn't dead that William Greer was to stop so the assassin in the storm drain had an easy shot????? You have nothing.....because you know nothing but what your beloved "gubermint" has told you....bring some game, home boy......so far you haven't shown me shit.....
How did eight shooters only manage to get off three shots?

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