9-11….. Startling New Evidence of a Conspiracy

Hey Progressive Patriot and Dale Smith I got a couple of questions for both of you.

Sadly I am left having to ask the both of you this question since all the Bush dupes here wont take me up on the challenge.:biggrin::rolleyes:

first question since NONE OF THEM will talk about the evidence in these three videos and they always prove they did not watch either one by dismissing it as one of them did saying they are just opinions and not facts which is the red flag right there and PROOF they did not watch either one of them.:D have you both seen these three videos? I think i might have asked you that question once Dale but if I did,i dont remember your answer.;)

You both MUST watch these three videos IF YOU HAVE NOT because any thinking logical person who is open minded, objective with logic and common sense can see the evidence in these videos contrary to what some troll mentioned earlier,is NOT opinions,they are cold hard facts that have never been debunked with overwhelming evidence that it was indeed a joint CIA/mossad operation that if we had an honest government with a fair objective and truthful investigation into this,they would have concluded it was a joint CIA/mossad operation. Nobody has ever been able to debunk either of the three.:D
they are long,over 3 hours except the last one, but since you both obviously want to know the truth,i know you will find the time to look at them.:)

Dale I am pretty sure YOU have read this book.Have you Progressive Patriot? for one such as yourself on the fence on this,you for sure need to read this book if you only read one more book the rest of your life. Nobody has ever been able to debunk it.Not the government,none of the shills on this this forum like rightwinger,NOBODY.the author has even challenged the Bush administration and now Obama administration and all of our corrupt members of congress and criminal politicians to debate him out in the open on CSPAN. to no surprise at all.NONE OF THE BUSH AND OBAMA ASS KISSERS will take him on the challenge,they are cowards that know they cant debunk it.:biggrin:

Also a question for both of you. Is Dale I know it wasnt till recenty years that you got you finally realised you had been brainwashed on 9/11 all the years. How about you Progressive Patriot? was it in just recent years you woke up about this and had doubts I assume? I mean you might as well be talking about how the CIA killed JFK:biggrin: same as JFK,thats old news that the awake already know.lol

I dont know if my last question applies to you or not Progressive patriot that is why it is mostly for Dale here but if it does,by all means i would like you to comment on it as well.:)

Dale I know there are thousands of brainwashed sheep out there that like yourself,even though they have are aware of the truth that the CIA killed JFK because he wanted to pull us out of vietnam,i try and tell and ask them the question-well if they did such an evil act like that,then WHY do you disregard all the evidence i have given you on 9/11 and wont look at it as you will with JFK? You are doing the same thing with 9/1 that the sheep who still think oswald shot JFK do.You go and tell them they are ignorant and in denial for not looking at the evidence but yet you do the same thing here on 9/11..why are you being such a hypocrite jerk on this?

do either of you ever encounter people like that? I have over the years and they either stop talking to me because they are in denial so much since 9/11 hits too close to home for them since it was so much more recent or they simply do the same thing these Bush ass kissers have aon this whole thread,come back with one liner insults and then give up as many here have all done which is why I have no choice to talk to both of you about this?:D that being said,have you encountered those types and if so,what has been YOUR experience with them when that comes up? :D thanks.:)

hey progressive patriot and dale,you never answered my questions I asked here on this post.

I have watched those videos and anything I could get my hands on including the Popular Mechanics bullshit side so I could make coherent arguments that 9/11 was a false flag. I was late to the truther party after being one of their most critical opponents so I am paying penance. I have gotten quite a few people to at least think about 9/11 but the ones that refuse always say the same shit..."It would take too many people involved in it and someone would have spoken by now". My response is that things are very compartmentalized. People could have played their part in this and not even realize that they were being used.

yeah but you did not answer my question on though i asked where have you come across people like you used to be,so dense that while you COULD accept it that the CIA killed JFK,and are still lying about that today yet at the same time they cannot accept it that 9/11 was an inside job,have you ever come across THOSE people that were like you at one time?

those are the only ones i even bother with because when you use logic and common sense,they get stumped everytime and dont post again on the thread because you know you got them stumped that if our government could do such an evil act like that,then it then dawns on them there is a real strong possibility they were behind 9/11 as well so that makes them think and they dont come has been my experience.what has been YOUR experience with those types of people which i assume you have run into them on the net as well?

Yeah, I have ran across people that don't buy the Warren Report and the magic bullet theory but can't fathom that 9/11 was a Pearl Harbor like false flag event.

A: We have a deep state i.e " shadow government" capable of doing that.

B: It's too much for them to contemplate that they would be complicit in it because then one's whole belief system would be exposed for being a lie.

what has been your experience with them when you give them evidence like that book of Griffins that has never been debunked or ask them the question-wait a minute,you can accept the fact that the CIA killed JFK cause he was going to pull out of vietnam yet you cannt accept it they did 9/1 as well so they could start another fake and phony war and even though our government is STILL lying to you all these years later saying the warren commission is correct you STILL believe them even though they have lied to DECADES now about JFK,waco and other events?

what do they say when you say THAT to them? :biggrin:like i said,my experience is they never have any answers,they stop posting because you make too much sense.PLUS they are too scared to read griffins book everytime i challenge them to just as they all have proved on this thread and they do the same thing that they did on this thread,stop posting since they prove they wont look at the evidence plus it makes too much sense to them that if they are still lying about JFK,that it must be true to them they are lying on this issue as well so they never come back as they have not on this thread has been MY experience them, have you had pretty much had the same experience thing as well with them? lol

If we are talking in real time, they start sweating...then they stutter and stammer trying to come up with an explanation that soothes their feelings and keeps that staid belief system in place. I don't persist too hard because I was just like them...but if I gave them something to think about? That is all I can hope for. On the internet? They either start trolling me or they totally ignore me.....either way is fine with me. The scales have fallen from my eyes and I see very clearly....and it's not a pretty picture. Here is a video one of my awaken brothers did that's pretty bad ass.......

hey progressive patriot and dale,you never answered my questions I asked here on this post.

I have watched those videos and anything I could get my hands on including the Popular Mechanics bullshit side so I could make coherent arguments that 9/11 was a false flag. I was late to the truther party after being one of their most critical opponents so I am paying penance. I have gotten quite a few people to at least think about 9/11 but the ones that refuse always say the same shit..."It would take too many people involved in it and someone would have spoken by now". My response is that things are very compartmentalized. People could have played their part in this and not even realize that they were being used.

yeah but you did not answer my question on though i asked where have you come across people like you used to be,so dense that while you COULD accept it that the CIA killed JFK,and are still lying about that today yet at the same time they cannot accept it that 9/11 was an inside job,have you ever come across THOSE people that were like you at one time?

those are the only ones i even bother with because when you use logic and common sense,they get stumped everytime and dont post again on the thread because you know you got them stumped that if our government could do such an evil act like that,then it then dawns on them there is a real strong possibility they were behind 9/11 as well so that makes them think and they dont come has been my experience.what has been YOUR experience with those types of people which i assume you have run into them on the net as well?

Yeah, I have ran across people that don't buy the Warren Report and the magic bullet theory but can't fathom that 9/11 was a Pearl Harbor like false flag event.

A: We have a deep state i.e " shadow government" capable of doing that.

B: It's too much for them to contemplate that they would be complicit in it because then one's whole belief system would be exposed for being a lie.

what has been your experience with them when you give them evidence like that book of Griffins that has never been debunked or ask them the question-wait a minute,you can accept the fact that the CIA killed JFK cause he was going to pull out of vietnam yet you cannt accept it they did 9/1 as well so they could start another fake and phony war and even though our government is STILL lying to you all these years later saying the warren commission is correct you STILL believe them even though they have lied to DECADES now about JFK,waco and other events?

what do they say when you say THAT to them? :biggrin:like i said,my experience is they never have any answers,they stop posting because you make too much sense.PLUS they are too scared to read griffins book everytime i challenge them to just as they all have proved on this thread and they do the same thing that they did on this thread,stop posting since they prove they wont look at the evidence plus it makes too much sense to them that if they are still lying about JFK,that it must be true to them they are lying on this issue as well so they never come back as they have not on this thread has been MY experience them, have you had pretty much had the same experience thing as well with them? lol

If we are talking in real time, they start sweating...then they stutter and stammer trying to come up with an explanation that soothes their feelings and keeps that staid belief system in place. I don't persist too hard because I was just like them...but if I gave them something to think about? That is all I can hope for. On the internet? They either start trolling me or they totally ignore me.....either way is fine with me. The scales have fallen from my eyes and I see very clearly....and it's not a pretty picture. Here is a video one of my awaken brothers did that's pretty bad ass.......


yeah on the net they indeed start trolling as they all have on this thread with the usual typical one liners insults since they know they are backed up against the wall with nowhere to run.Yeah that has been pretty much my experience as well in real time when i ask them that question,when i challenge them to rad griffins book or say it was done for the same reason they killed kennedy to get us into another fake and phony war so the bankers could profit from they pretty much do the same thing,stammer knowing they are licked and when i ask them to read the book they invent excuse after excuse not to read it yet they have all the time in the world to read books critical of the warren commission as the same time?:cuckoo::haha:

i then end up doing this to them:itsok: telling them the are being cowards afraid to read a simple book and they of course get mad since they hate hearing that little truth.:lol:
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I have watched those videos and anything I could get my hands on including the Popular Mechanics bullshit side so I could make coherent arguments that 9/11 was a false flag. I was late to the truther party after being one of their most critical opponents so I am paying penance. I have gotten quite a few people to at least think about 9/11 but the ones that refuse always say the same shit..."It would take too many people involved in it and someone would have spoken by now". My response is that things are very compartmentalized. People could have played their part in this and not even realize that they were being used.

yeah but you did not answer my question on though i asked where have you come across people like you used to be,so dense that while you COULD accept it that the CIA killed JFK,and are still lying about that today yet at the same time they cannot accept it that 9/11 was an inside job,have you ever come across THOSE people that were like you at one time?

those are the only ones i even bother with because when you use logic and common sense,they get stumped everytime and dont post again on the thread because you know you got them stumped that if our government could do such an evil act like that,then it then dawns on them there is a real strong possibility they were behind 9/11 as well so that makes them think and they dont come has been my experience.what has been YOUR experience with those types of people which i assume you have run into them on the net as well?

Yeah, I have ran across people that don't buy the Warren Report and the magic bullet theory but can't fathom that 9/11 was a Pearl Harbor like false flag event.

A: We have a deep state i.e " shadow government" capable of doing that.

B: It's too much for them to contemplate that they would be complicit in it because then one's whole belief system would be exposed for being a lie.

what has been your experience with them when you give them evidence like that book of Griffins that has never been debunked or ask them the question-wait a minute,you can accept the fact that the CIA killed JFK cause he was going to pull out of vietnam yet you cannt accept it they did 9/1 as well so they could start another fake and phony war and even though our government is STILL lying to you all these years later saying the warren commission is correct you STILL believe them even though they have lied to DECADES now about JFK,waco and other events?

what do they say when you say THAT to them? :biggrin:like i said,my experience is they never have any answers,they stop posting because you make too much sense.PLUS they are too scared to read griffins book everytime i challenge them to just as they all have proved on this thread and they do the same thing that they did on this thread,stop posting since they prove they wont look at the evidence plus it makes too much sense to them that if they are still lying about JFK,that it must be true to them they are lying on this issue as well so they never come back as they have not on this thread has been MY experience them, have you had pretty much had the same experience thing as well with them? lol

If we are talking in real time, they start sweating...then they stutter and stammer trying to come up with an explanation that soothes their feelings and keeps that staid belief system in place. I don't persist too hard because I was just like them...but if I gave them something to think about? That is all I can hope for. On the internet? They either start trolling me or they totally ignore me.....either way is fine with me. The scales have fallen from my eyes and I see very clearly....and it's not a pretty picture. Here is a video one of my awaken brothers did that's pretty bad ass.......


yeah on the net they indeed start trolling as they all have on this thread with the usual typical one liners insults since they know they are backed up against the wall with nowhere to run.Yeah that has been pretty much my experience as well in real time when i ask them that question,when i challenge them to rad griffins book or say it was done for the same reason they killed kennedy to get us into another fake and phony war so the bankers could profit from they pretty much do the same thing,stammer knowing they are licked and when i ask them to read the book they invent excuse after excuse not to read it yet they have all the time in the world to read books critical of the warren commission as the same time?:cuckoo::haha:

i then end up doing this to them:itsok: telling them the are being cowards afraid to read a simple book and they mad of course since thhey hate hearing that little truth.:lol:

Those that deny this false flag event have never done one hour of research or they are "gubermint" trolls that are hired to disrupt discussions. That's right, this corporate "government" actually pays posters to troll messageboards and social media to disrupt conversations and tout the official narratives of anything that they wish to push. Prime example is gun control. Any shooting event that was news on Yahoo had a comment section and I started seeing a pattern of the same posters writing the same shit....so I did a search of their IDs and the only comments that they made was about the need for gun control......so fucking busted....thousands of posts and the only comments about the day's news had to do with guns???? Doesn't take an Einstein to figure that one out....
Note: I am aware of the fact that there are several other open treads on 9-11 However, they have long been dormant since shortly after they was started earlier this year. In addition, none of them feature the film that I recently discovered. This is different. This is compelling and worth a look!

This is an amazing, and eye opening film that may well change everything that you thought you knew or that you believed about what happened on 9.11.01.


It is long. Over an hour. But if you just watch the first 10 or 15 minutes, you will certainly get the idea.

Now let me be clear, I was never a conspiracy theorists. I did not consider myself a 9-11 truther and I’m yet 100% convinced that we have been lied to. However, I am leaning in that direction.

The basic premise of the film is that the two planes alone did not bring the three building, WTC 1,2, and 7 down – that the collapses were caused, at least aided, by “controlled demolitions. Indeed, no plane had hit WTC 7! It is alleged that there was deliberate destruction of evidence, explosions not caused by the planes, and a symmetrical collapse of all three buildings consistent with a controlled demolition.

The film is narrated by Richard Gaga of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, an organization of 2,300 professionals who are demanding an independent investigation, and features a long succession of architects, engineers, various other scientists all of whom are quite credible. It also features eye witnesses who saw and heard things that are not explained and can’t be explained by the official version of what happened.

There is no dirt to be found on this organization. They are credible. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Architects_%26_Engineers_for_9/11_Truth

Here is the official site: http://www1.ae911truth.org/en/news-section/41-articles/928-nists-wtc-7-reports-filled-with-fantasy-fiction-and-fraud-pt1.html

It is interesting to note that while it’s alleged that the plot was much wider than the hijackers, the report specifically avoids pointing any fingers or speculating on motive so as not to distract from the forensic evidence.

The film that you are about to see was published in the Free Thought Project http://thefreethoughtproject.com/

You will see that while the stories that they publish are provocative and under-reported in the main stream media, it is not “fake news” or conspiracy theories from the fringes of reality

Now to be fair, I am not without my doubts. We know that planes actually did hit the towers and that they were controlled by terrorists. But were there additional terrorists on the ground who planted explosives in all three building? Would that have even been possible? And, if they were expert enough to plant the bombs so strategically as to bring the buildings down, why did they bother to hijack planes?

Another possibility that some entity other than the terrorists- such as the Bush Administration- planted the bombs. Did they know about the plot ( as some have previously alleged ) and, rather than stopping it, planted to explosives to make certain of the outcome. Farfetched? I don’t know.

That brings me to the authors and publishers of the study and documentary. As I said Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, appear to be highly credible. However, here is a site that says that it is all bunk. You can decide for yourself.


Now not being a scientist, I will not attempt to argue the conflicting scientific theories (although I do find the evidence for a controlled demolition very compelling) . However, they also attack the credibility and credentials of the chief author of the study Professor Steven E. Jones:

So where does that leave us? Deep into more uncertainty. Jones was published in Europhysics News which appears to be highly credible and widely respected:


Europhysics News Trutherism — Trutherism, the belief that Al-Qaeda terrorists were not entirely behind the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, received a boost, Aug. 24, in the latest issue of Europhysics News which carries an article claiming that the World Trade Center was brought down by controlled demolition.

The magazine is published by the prestigious European Physical Society.

However, even here there is dissention:

Again, I’m not going to attempt to evaluate the science. I am just presenting what has been said. I’m not trying to sell anything here. My intention is to stimulate discussion, elicit opinions, and to get a sense of how people, in general are leaning.

Finally, the is https://www.gspellchecker.com/2016/09/debunking-conspiracies-spread-some-truth-on-the-anniversary-of-911/#more-4482

This is apparently an Atheistic leaning site and as such, I, an atheist, give a certain amount of credibility to. They support the “conventional or main stream explanation for 9-11 and reject the conspiracy- controlled demolition theory and provide a link to the aforementioned . http://www.debunking911.com/index.html. I'm just not completely convinced, but as I said, leaning towards a conspiracy.

That’s it folks! Have at it .Don’t troll me bro. I’m just the messenger!

9/11 was an inside job......a false flag event.......15 years later, do people still believe that 19 box-cutter welding Saudis (guided by a CIA asset residing in a cave in Afghanistan) took down the CIA, NSA, NORAD and the Pentagon and buttfucked them on the world stage with combined budgets of over two TRILLION dollars a year but so quickly got their shit together that nothing else happened while leaving the southern border totally unprotected? How fucking stupid does one have to be to not smell this bullshit???.... Two planes collapsed three buildings that fell inside their own footprints and attacked the Pentagon by doing an aeronautical maneuver that pilots for 9/11 truth said was impossible because a plane is really nothing but a bus with wings??? It's akin to a Greyhound bus trying to compete in the Indy 500. It isn't fucking impossible and it embarrasses me that people still buy the bullshit shoveled by this corporate entity that lamely attempts to disguise itself as a legitimate governmental body.

I dare anyone that wants to debate this topic to take their shots at me. I have done the research and I know all the arguments because I was a denier for 11 years and took on the "truthers" but the scales fell from my eyes so there is nothing you can throw at me that I haven't used myself. This was a bullshit false flag that accomplished many things including money laundering and the passage of ten year oil and gas securities that were bought up when the Ruble collapsed and could not have passed the sniff test of the S.E.C that was shut down due to the events of that day. The Patriot Act was written in advance of this event? What are the odds? The very "freedoms" the CIA funded al qaeda was jealous of was taken away in small increments including our rights to privacy was taken away. Wake up and grow the fuck up, deniers...you are not in Kansas anymore.
Thank you! Excellent. A piece worth preserving

We may disagree on some things but anyone that is willing to lay it out there like you did and tell the truth or at least attempt to try and get people to think when it comes to one of the most horrific self-inflicted wounds ever? Well, you have my utmost respect...this kind of shit has been going on for waaay too long. Every fucking war we have ever gotten into has been due to a false flag event and financed by the same puppetmasters that bet and hedge their bets on both sides. Good on ya for posting what you did and for being so concise with the information.

If I may suggest a great documentary that is incredibly done? Go to youtube.com and look up "JFK to 9/11...Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick"....it is a history lesson like no other and the hairs on your neck will stand on end because the realization of what we thought was "government" is nothing but a money making entity that has been sucking us dry for almost 100 years. The historical references are incredible. I have watched it at least 15 times and taken many pages of notes......why so many times? Because I have gotten so pulled in to the plot that I stopped jotting down notes and names. I will make a deal with you....if you watch it and you are not moved by it? I will send you a 50 dollar gift certificate to a restaurant chain of your choice. All I ask is if you did get a lot out of it, is that you pass it on.
Thank you. I found it and will watch it

Hey Progressive Patriot and Dale Smith I got a couple of questions for both of you.

Sadly I am left having to ask the both of you this question since all the Bush dupes here wont take me up on the challenge.:biggrin::rolleyes:

first question since NONE OF THEM will talk about the evidence in these three videos and they always prove they did not watch either one by dismissing it as one of them did saying they are just opinions and not facts which is the red flag right there and PROOF they did not watch either one of them.:D have you both seen these three videos? I think i might have asked you that question once Dale but if I did,i dont remember your answer.;)

You both MUST watch these three videos IF YOU HAVE NOT because any thinking logical person who is open minded, objective with logic and common sense can see the evidence in these videos contrary to what some troll mentioned earlier,is NOT opinions,they are cold hard facts that have never been debunked with overwhelming evidence that it was indeed a joint CIA/mossad operation that if we had an honest government with a fair objective and truthful investigation into this,they would have concluded it was a joint CIA/mossad operation. Nobody has ever been able to debunk either of the three.:D
they are long,over 3 hours except the last one, but since you both obviously want to know the truth,i know you will find the time to look at them.:)

Dale I am pretty sure YOU have read this book.Have you Progressive Patriot? for one such as yourself on the fence on this,you for sure need to read this book if you only read one more book the rest of your life. Nobody has ever been able to debunk it.Not the government,none of the shills on this this forum like rightwinger,NOBODY.the author has even challenged the Bush administration and now Obama administration and all of our corrupt members of congress and criminal politicians to debate him out in the open on CSPAN. to no surprise at all.NONE OF THE BUSH AND OBAMA ASS KISSERS will take him on the challenge,they are cowards that know they cant debunk it.:biggrin:

Also a question for both of you. Is Dale I know it wasnt till recenty years that you got you finally realised you had been brainwashed on 9/11 all the years. How about you Progressive Patriot? was it in just recent years you woke up about this and had doubts I assume? I mean you might as well be talking about how the CIA killed JFK:biggrin: same as JFK,thats old news that the awake already know.lol

I dont know if my last question applies to you or not Progressive patriot that is why it is mostly for Dale here but if it does,by all means i would like you to comment on it as well.:)

Dale I know there are thousands of brainwashed sheep out there that like yourself,even though they have are aware of the truth that the CIA killed JFK because he wanted to pull us out of vietnam,i try and tell and ask them the question-well if they did such an evil act like that,then WHY do you disregard all the evidence i have given you on 9/11 and wont look at it as you will with JFK? You are doing the same thing with 9/1 that the sheep who still think oswald shot JFK do.You go and tell them they are ignorant and in denial for not looking at the evidence but yet you do the same thing here on 9/11..why are you being such a hypocrite jerk on this?

do either of you ever encounter people like that? I have over the years and they either stop talking to me because they are in denial so much since 9/11 hits too close to home for them since it was so much more recent or they simply do the same thing these Bush ass kissers have aon this whole thread,come back with one liner insults and then give up as many here have all done which is why I have no choice to talk to both of you about this?:D that being said,have you encountered those types and if so,what has been YOUR experience with them when that comes up? :D thanks.:)

Holy crap, you guys are really intense and into this. Me, not so much but it is fascinating . I watched portions of the first and last video and they are pretty compelling. I skipped Alex Jones -he has no credibility with me.

As you know, I have been a non committal fence sitter on 9-11 but have always had my doubts about the official version and now I'm a good deal closer to the controlled demolition theory.

I never bought the Warren Commission results but I think that we will never get the truth about either of these things. I will try to read the book as well if I can get to it. Thank you
9/11 was an inside job......a false flag event.......15 years later, do people still believe that 19 box-cutter welding Saudis (guided by a CIA asset residing in a cave in Afghanistan) took down the CIA, NSA, NORAD and the Pentagon and buttfucked them on the world stage with combined budgets of over two TRILLION dollars a year but so quickly got their shit together that nothing else happened while leaving the southern border totally unprotected? How fucking stupid does one have to be to not smell this bullshit???.... Two planes collapsed three buildings that fell inside their own footprints and attacked the Pentagon by doing an aeronautical maneuver that pilots for 9/11 truth said was impossible because a plane is really nothing but a bus with wings??? It's akin to a Greyhound bus trying to compete in the Indy 500. It isn't fucking impossible and it embarrasses me that people still buy the bullshit shoveled by this corporate entity that lamely attempts to disguise itself as a legitimate governmental body.

I dare anyone that wants to debate this topic to take their shots at me. I have done the research and I know all the arguments because I was a denier for 11 years and took on the "truthers" but the scales fell from my eyes so there is nothing you can throw at me that I haven't used myself. This was a bullshit false flag that accomplished many things including money laundering and the passage of ten year oil and gas securities that were bought up when the Ruble collapsed and could not have passed the sniff test of the S.E.C that was shut down due to the events of that day. The Patriot Act was written in advance of this event? What are the odds? The very "freedoms" the CIA funded al qaeda was jealous of was taken away in small increments including our rights to privacy was taken away. Wake up and grow the fuck up, deniers...you are not in Kansas anymore.
Thank you! Excellent. A piece worth preserving

We may disagree on some things but anyone that is willing to lay it out there like you did and tell the truth or at least attempt to try and get people to think when it comes to one of the most horrific self-inflicted wounds ever? Well, you have my utmost respect...this kind of shit has been going on for waaay too long. Every fucking war we have ever gotten into has been due to a false flag event and financed by the same puppetmasters that bet and hedge their bets on both sides. Good on ya for posting what you did and for being so concise with the information.

If I may suggest a great documentary that is incredibly done? Go to youtube.com and look up "JFK to 9/11...Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick"....it is a history lesson like no other and the hairs on your neck will stand on end because the realization of what we thought was "government" is nothing but a money making entity that has been sucking us dry for almost 100 years. The historical references are incredible. I have watched it at least 15 times and taken many pages of notes......why so many times? Because I have gotten so pulled in to the plot that I stopped jotting down notes and names. I will make a deal with you....if you watch it and you are not moved by it? I will send you a 50 dollar gift certificate to a restaurant chain of your choice. All I ask is if you did get a lot out of it, is that you pass it on.
Thank you. I found it and will watch it

Hey Progressive Patriot and Dale Smith I got a couple of questions for both of you.

Sadly I am left having to ask the both of you this question since all the Bush dupes here wont take me up on the challenge.:biggrin::rolleyes:

first question since NONE OF THEM will talk about the evidence in these three videos and they always prove they did not watch either one by dismissing it as one of them did saying they are just opinions and not facts which is the red flag right there and PROOF they did not watch either one of them.:D have you both seen these three videos? I think i might have asked you that question once Dale but if I did,i dont remember your answer.;)

You both MUST watch these three videos IF YOU HAVE NOT because any thinking logical person who is open minded, objective with logic and common sense can see the evidence in these videos contrary to what some troll mentioned earlier,is NOT opinions,they are cold hard facts that have never been debunked with overwhelming evidence that it was indeed a joint CIA/mossad operation that if we had an honest government with a fair objective and truthful investigation into this,they would have concluded it was a joint CIA/mossad operation. Nobody has ever been able to debunk either of the three.:D
they are long,over 3 hours except the last one, but since you both obviously want to know the truth,i know you will find the time to look at them.:)

Dale I am pretty sure YOU have read this book.Have you Progressive Patriot? for one such as yourself on the fence on this,you for sure need to read this book if you only read one more book the rest of your life. Nobody has ever been able to debunk it.Not the government,none of the shills on this this forum like rightwinger,NOBODY.the author has even challenged the Bush administration and now Obama administration and all of our corrupt members of congress and criminal politicians to debate him out in the open on CSPAN. to no surprise at all.NONE OF THE BUSH AND OBAMA ASS KISSERS will take him on the challenge,they are cowards that know they cant debunk it.:biggrin:

Also a question for both of you. Is Dale I know it wasnt till recenty years that you got you finally realised you had been brainwashed on 9/11 all the years. How about you Progressive Patriot? was it in just recent years you woke up about this and had doubts I assume? I mean you might as well be talking about how the CIA killed JFK:biggrin: same as JFK,thats old news that the awake already know.lol

I dont know if my last question applies to you or not Progressive patriot that is why it is mostly for Dale here but if it does,by all means i would like you to comment on it as well.:)

Dale I know there are thousands of brainwashed sheep out there that like yourself,even though they have are aware of the truth that the CIA killed JFK because he wanted to pull us out of vietnam,i try and tell and ask them the question-well if they did such an evil act like that,then WHY do you disregard all the evidence i have given you on 9/11 and wont look at it as you will with JFK? You are doing the same thing with 9/1 that the sheep who still think oswald shot JFK do.You go and tell them they are ignorant and in denial for not looking at the evidence but yet you do the same thing here on 9/11..why are you being such a hypocrite jerk on this?

do either of you ever encounter people like that? I have over the years and they either stop talking to me because they are in denial so much since 9/11 hits too close to home for them since it was so much more recent or they simply do the same thing these Bush ass kissers have aon this whole thread,come back with one liner insults and then give up as many here have all done which is why I have no choice to talk to both of you about this?:D that being said,have you encountered those types and if so,what has been YOUR experience with them when that comes up? :D thanks.:)

Holy crap, you guys are really intense and into this. Me, not so much but it is fascinating . I watched portions of the first and last video and they are pretty compelling. I skipped Alex Jones -he has no credibility with me.

As you know, I have been a non committal fence sitter on 9-11 but have always had my doubts about the official version and now I'm a good deal closer to the controlled demolition theory.

I never bought the Warren Commission results but I think that we will never get the truth about either of these things. I will try to read the book as well if I can get to it. Thank you

The fact that you are even willing to doubt the official story of 9/11/01 is enough for me...you will have to reach your own conclusions like I did...and I was a big time denier. Hell, I took delight on busting on the "truthers" and now here I am......it's a lot easier being on the other side of the fence, I can tell ya that much. I implore you to sit down and watch "JFK to 9/11...Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick" on youtube. I know that it is long but I promise you that someone like you and your intellect will be totally engrossed in it...it's a history lesson like no other and it has no partisan leaning, it has no agenda outside of wanting people to wake the fuck up....war is good and war and threats keep the masses afraid and going along with this madness. Like I said, if you watch that documentary and you are not moved? I will send you a fifty dollar gift card for the restaurant chain of your choice.......
9/11 was an inside job......a false flag event.......15 years later, do people still believe that 19 box-cutter welding Saudis (guided by a CIA asset residing in a cave in Afghanistan) took down the CIA, NSA, NORAD and the Pentagon and buttfucked them on the world stage with combined budgets of over two TRILLION dollars a year but so quickly got their shit together that nothing else happened while leaving the southern border totally unprotected? How fucking stupid does one have to be to not smell this bullshit???.... Two planes collapsed three buildings that fell inside their own footprints and attacked the Pentagon by doing an aeronautical maneuver that pilots for 9/11 truth said was impossible because a plane is really nothing but a bus with wings??? It's akin to a Greyhound bus trying to compete in the Indy 500. It isn't fucking impossible and it embarrasses me that people still buy the bullshit shoveled by this corporate entity that lamely attempts to disguise itself as a legitimate governmental body.

I dare anyone that wants to debate this topic to take their shots at me. I have done the research and I know all the arguments because I was a denier for 11 years and took on the "truthers" but the scales fell from my eyes so there is nothing you can throw at me that I haven't used myself. This was a bullshit false flag that accomplished many things including money laundering and the passage of ten year oil and gas securities that were bought up when the Ruble collapsed and could not have passed the sniff test of the S.E.C that was shut down due to the events of that day. The Patriot Act was written in advance of this event? What are the odds? The very "freedoms" the CIA funded al qaeda was jealous of was taken away in small increments including our rights to privacy was taken away. Wake up and grow the fuck up, deniers...you are not in Kansas anymore.
Thank you! Excellent. A piece worth preserving

We may disagree on some things but anyone that is willing to lay it out there like you did and tell the truth or at least attempt to try and get people to think when it comes to one of the most horrific self-inflicted wounds ever? Well, you have my utmost respect...this kind of shit has been going on for waaay too long. Every fucking war we have ever gotten into has been due to a false flag event and financed by the same puppetmasters that bet and hedge their bets on both sides. Good on ya for posting what you did and for being so concise with the information.

If I may suggest a great documentary that is incredibly done? Go to youtube.com and look up "JFK to 9/11...Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick"....it is a history lesson like no other and the hairs on your neck will stand on end because the realization of what we thought was "government" is nothing but a money making entity that has been sucking us dry for almost 100 years. The historical references are incredible. I have watched it at least 15 times and taken many pages of notes......why so many times? Because I have gotten so pulled in to the plot that I stopped jotting down notes and names. I will make a deal with you....if you watch it and you are not moved by it? I will send you a 50 dollar gift certificate to a restaurant chain of your choice. All I ask is if you did get a lot out of it, is that you pass it on.
Thank you. I found it and will watch it

Hey Progressive Patriot and Dale Smith I got a couple of questions for both of you.

Sadly I am left having to ask the both of you this question since all the Bush dupes here wont take me up on the challenge.:biggrin::rolleyes:

first question since NONE OF THEM will talk about the evidence in these three videos and they always prove they did not watch either one by dismissing it as one of them did saying they are just opinions and not facts which is the red flag right there and PROOF they did not watch either one of them.:D have you both seen these three videos? I think i might have asked you that question once Dale but if I did,i dont remember your answer.;)

You both MUST watch these three videos IF YOU HAVE NOT because any thinking logical person who is open minded, objective with logic and common sense can see the evidence in these videos contrary to what some troll mentioned earlier,is NOT opinions,they are cold hard facts that have never been debunked with overwhelming evidence that it was indeed a joint CIA/mossad operation that if we had an honest government with a fair objective and truthful investigation into this,they would have concluded it was a joint CIA/mossad operation. Nobody has ever been able to debunk either of the three.:D
they are long,over 3 hours except the last one, but since you both obviously want to know the truth,i know you will find the time to look at them.:)

Dale I am pretty sure YOU have read this book.Have you Progressive Patriot? for one such as yourself on the fence on this,you for sure need to read this book if you only read one more book the rest of your life. Nobody has ever been able to debunk it.Not the government,none of the shills on this this forum like rightwinger,NOBODY.the author has even challenged the Bush administration and now Obama administration and all of our corrupt members of congress and criminal politicians to debate him out in the open on CSPAN. to no surprise at all.NONE OF THE BUSH AND OBAMA ASS KISSERS will take him on the challenge,they are cowards that know they cant debunk it.:biggrin:

Also a question for both of you. Is Dale I know it wasnt till recenty years that you got you finally realised you had been brainwashed on 9/11 all the years. How about you Progressive Patriot? was it in just recent years you woke up about this and had doubts I assume? I mean you might as well be talking about how the CIA killed JFK:biggrin: same as JFK,thats old news that the awake already know.lol

I dont know if my last question applies to you or not Progressive patriot that is why it is mostly for Dale here but if it does,by all means i would like you to comment on it as well.:)

Dale I know there are thousands of brainwashed sheep out there that like yourself,even though they have are aware of the truth that the CIA killed JFK because he wanted to pull us out of vietnam,i try and tell and ask them the question-well if they did such an evil act like that,then WHY do you disregard all the evidence i have given you on 9/11 and wont look at it as you will with JFK? You are doing the same thing with 9/1 that the sheep who still think oswald shot JFK do.You go and tell them they are ignorant and in denial for not looking at the evidence but yet you do the same thing here on 9/11..why are you being such a hypocrite jerk on this?

do either of you ever encounter people like that? I have over the years and they either stop talking to me because they are in denial so much since 9/11 hits too close to home for them since it was so much more recent or they simply do the same thing these Bush ass kissers have aon this whole thread,come back with one liner insults and then give up as many here have all done which is why I have no choice to talk to both of you about this?:D that being said,have you encountered those types and if so,what has been YOUR experience with them when that comes up? :D thanks.:)

Holy crap, you guys are really intense and into this. Me, not so much but it is fascinating . I watched portions of the first and last video and they are pretty compelling. I skipped Alex Jones -he has no credibility with me.

As you know, I have been a non committal fence sitter on 9-11 but have always had my doubts about the official version and now I'm a good deal closer to the controlled demolition theory.

I never bought the Warren Commission results but I think that we will never get the truth about either of these things. I will try to read the book as well if I can get to it. Thank you

I dont blame you for not watching the alex jones video but I really would do so if i were you.It took me years to believe this,I just could not believe it at first because he DOES do an excellent job of telling the truth about government corruption that you wont hear from the mainstream media.

However what I did not believe at first and now know to indeed be true is that he is a fear mongerer working for the government. the majority of what he does say is pretty much spot on,that is WHY I could not believe that he was working for them for so many years the fact he was exposing things the media is not telling us about but that is because they need someone like him that people can trust.

See they dont care if their corruption that the media never reports is told by jones because they KNOW the american people are too lazy and wont do anything about it.

See even though I KNOW that he is not one of us,not trying to stop government corruption,i STILL listen to him because you WILL learn a lot from him since again he is telling the truth about government corruption going on that the media is not reporting so you will learn a lot from him.

Just dont make the mistake that many americans have and trust him and send off for things to buy from him though because what he is hoping to accomplish is strike fear into the american people and get them to rebel against the government so the government can declare martial law on us.

However I would STILL encourage you to watch the video because it is factual and spot on.:thup: just dont go and purchase it or anything else from alex like i said earlier is all.:D

the thing that FINALLY woke me up that he was indeed working for the government was he always took credit for exposing 9/11 when it was actually Bill Cooper who did. Now Cooper WAS a true patriot unlike alex jones so when he came out and exposed it,they murdered him.Plus Jones made up all these lies about Cooper saying he was an alchoholic and BS like that.everybody that knew Cooper,his family and friends,all said he never touched alcohol.

Plus it is so obvious his protests are staged. Once In Austin,he had a bullhorn when George W Bush was speaking calling him a criminal and murderer and the police KINDLY escorted him out and even though he spent the night in jail,he was fine the next day where in this truther video a truther shot,some american tried to make a citizen arrest of Bush and he got tackled by the police and they sat on him and he was yelling in pain.they would have done the same with Jones if his protests were not fixed.

The government can murder anybody and get away with it,just look as JFK,they have gotten away with murdering a president all these years after all so if Jones was a true patriot like Cooper was,they would have killed him YEARS ago as well.

But as I said,I know Jones is evil but you can still glean from him the fact he is telling what is going on that the CIA controlled media is not telling.He had all kinds of information about 9/11 exposing it as an inside job way before many others after all.:thup:

You nailed it,that the truth will never be told about either of these events,that is why I NORMALLY say to people like yourself when they make one of these threads,that 9/11 is done and over with,its just like the JFK assassination,long done and over with,time to move on and stop worrying about 9/11 because it is the LEAST of our problems we have to worry about from the government right now.

what we HAVE to worry about now is trying to find SOLUTIONS to hold these criminal congressmen in washington accountable for their crimes they commit against us and unfortunatly nobody including myself,has any solutions.

I usually tell someone like yourself who comes on and makes a thread like this when exposing 9/11,i usually say to them-why dont you stop talking about it and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT?

Only reason i did not with you is because you were on the fence with it when tyou first made this thread so that was the only reason i cut you some slack.:D anyways,I hope you will watch the video anyways because while Jones is indeed working FOR them,you still learn things from him that will never get reported from the mainstream media after all and like i said,that video IS spot on and has never been refuted.;)
Last edited:
Thank you! Excellent. A piece worth preserving

We may disagree on some things but anyone that is willing to lay it out there like you did and tell the truth or at least attempt to try and get people to think when it comes to one of the most horrific self-inflicted wounds ever? Well, you have my utmost respect...this kind of shit has been going on for waaay too long. Every fucking war we have ever gotten into has been due to a false flag event and financed by the same puppetmasters that bet and hedge their bets on both sides. Good on ya for posting what you did and for being so concise with the information.

If I may suggest a great documentary that is incredibly done? Go to youtube.com and look up "JFK to 9/11...Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick"....it is a history lesson like no other and the hairs on your neck will stand on end because the realization of what we thought was "government" is nothing but a money making entity that has been sucking us dry for almost 100 years. The historical references are incredible. I have watched it at least 15 times and taken many pages of notes......why so many times? Because I have gotten so pulled in to the plot that I stopped jotting down notes and names. I will make a deal with you....if you watch it and you are not moved by it? I will send you a 50 dollar gift certificate to a restaurant chain of your choice. All I ask is if you did get a lot out of it, is that you pass it on.
Thank you. I found it and will watch it

Hey Progressive Patriot and Dale Smith I got a couple of questions for both of you.

Sadly I am left having to ask the both of you this question since all the Bush dupes here wont take me up on the challenge.:biggrin::rolleyes:

first question since NONE OF THEM will talk about the evidence in these three videos and they always prove they did not watch either one by dismissing it as one of them did saying they are just opinions and not facts which is the red flag right there and PROOF they did not watch either one of them.:D have you both seen these three videos? I think i might have asked you that question once Dale but if I did,i dont remember your answer.;)

You both MUST watch these three videos IF YOU HAVE NOT because any thinking logical person who is open minded, objective with logic and common sense can see the evidence in these videos contrary to what some troll mentioned earlier,is NOT opinions,they are cold hard facts that have never been debunked with overwhelming evidence that it was indeed a joint CIA/mossad operation that if we had an honest government with a fair objective and truthful investigation into this,they would have concluded it was a joint CIA/mossad operation. Nobody has ever been able to debunk either of the three.:D
they are long,over 3 hours except the last one, but since you both obviously want to know the truth,i know you will find the time to look at them.:)

Dale I am pretty sure YOU have read this book.Have you Progressive Patriot? for one such as yourself on the fence on this,you for sure need to read this book if you only read one more book the rest of your life. Nobody has ever been able to debunk it.Not the government,none of the shills on this this forum like rightwinger,NOBODY.the author has even challenged the Bush administration and now Obama administration and all of our corrupt members of congress and criminal politicians to debate him out in the open on CSPAN. to no surprise at all.NONE OF THE BUSH AND OBAMA ASS KISSERS will take him on the challenge,they are cowards that know they cant debunk it.:biggrin:

Also a question for both of you. Is Dale I know it wasnt till recenty years that you got you finally realised you had been brainwashed on 9/11 all the years. How about you Progressive Patriot? was it in just recent years you woke up about this and had doubts I assume? I mean you might as well be talking about how the CIA killed JFK:biggrin: same as JFK,thats old news that the awake already know.lol

I dont know if my last question applies to you or not Progressive patriot that is why it is mostly for Dale here but if it does,by all means i would like you to comment on it as well.:)

Dale I know there are thousands of brainwashed sheep out there that like yourself,even though they have are aware of the truth that the CIA killed JFK because he wanted to pull us out of vietnam,i try and tell and ask them the question-well if they did such an evil act like that,then WHY do you disregard all the evidence i have given you on 9/11 and wont look at it as you will with JFK? You are doing the same thing with 9/1 that the sheep who still think oswald shot JFK do.You go and tell them they are ignorant and in denial for not looking at the evidence but yet you do the same thing here on 9/11..why are you being such a hypocrite jerk on this?

do either of you ever encounter people like that? I have over the years and they either stop talking to me because they are in denial so much since 9/11 hits too close to home for them since it was so much more recent or they simply do the same thing these Bush ass kissers have aon this whole thread,come back with one liner insults and then give up as many here have all done which is why I have no choice to talk to both of you about this?:D that being said,have you encountered those types and if so,what has been YOUR experience with them when that comes up? :D thanks.:)

Holy crap, you guys are really intense and into this. Me, not so much but it is fascinating . I watched portions of the first and last video and they are pretty compelling. I skipped Alex Jones -he has no credibility with me.

As you know, I have been a non committal fence sitter on 9-11 but have always had my doubts about the official version and now I'm a good deal closer to the controlled demolition theory.

I never bought the Warren Commission results but I think that we will never get the truth about either of these things. I will try to read the book as well if I can get to it. Thank you

The fact that you are even willing to doubt the official story of 9/11/01 is enough for me...you will have to reach your own conclusions like I did...and I was a big time denier. Hell, I took delight on busting on the "truthers" and now here I am......it's a lot easier being on the other side of the fence, I can tell ya that much. I implore you to sit down and watch "JFK to 9/11...Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick" on youtube. I know that it is long but I promise you that someone like you and your intellect will be totally engrossed in it...it's a history lesson like no other and it has no partisan leaning, it has no agenda outside of wanting people to wake the fuck up....war is good and war and threats keep the masses afraid and going along with this madness. Like I said, if you watch that documentary and you are not moved? I will send you a fifty dollar gift card for the restaurant chain of your choice.......

It blows me away that you have watched that video SEVERAL times.:D so far I have only had the chance to not watch it more than twice myself.

just wondering Dale,say you had been here at this site five years ago, just take a wild guess of what would have been YOUR reply to me back then had you gotten on a 9/11 thread like this one and refused to look at the evidence like all these Bush dupes trolls here have and i said to you back then -"Let me guess,you believe in magic bullets and that oswald shot JFK as well right?"

and your reply of course would have been something like-"No I recognize the government has lied to us about that one,but to say 9/11 is an inside job is absurd." I of course am just GUESSING that your reply back then would have been something nutty like that or similiar to it.:D

anyways after you gave a reply like that,try as best as you CAN remember back then, how you would have replied to me on this message board had i said this to you back then when you were STILL a Bush dupe- Okay Dale you are not making any sense,you are just helping me prove my case for me that 9/11 was an inside job. You just admitted yourself that you dont believe the governments lie that they are STILL telling that oswald shot JFK,you said you accept it that the CIA killed kennedy cause he was going to pull us out of vietnam,well since you can accept the government lied to us about THAT and re still lying about it today,WHAT is up with your warped logic you have that they could have done such an evil act like that not only murdering kennedy,but murdering 58.000 americans so they could profti from war,yet you STILL incredibly believe the official governments version they are telling you about 9/11 despite the lack of evidence or proof they have failed to produce,yet you believe their lies on THIS,not able to comprehend that the government did 9/11 for the same reason they killed JFK to get us into a war so all these bankers and corporations can profit from it? what kind of fucked up logic do you have Dale?:uhoh3::rofl:

As i said,PRETEND for a second this is five years ago when you were still a brainwashed Bush dupe on this like many here still are,as BEST AS YOU CAN REMEMBER,what would your reply be to me on this post of mine to you five years ago to answer this post? as best as you can remember how you replied to posts back then,post how you remember you did to a question like this five years ago.thanks.:D
Last edited:
Thank you! Excellent. A piece worth preserving

We may disagree on some things but anyone that is willing to lay it out there like you did and tell the truth or at least attempt to try and get people to think when it comes to one of the most horrific self-inflicted wounds ever? Well, you have my utmost respect...this kind of shit has been going on for waaay too long. Every fucking war we have ever gotten into has been due to a false flag event and financed by the same puppetmasters that bet and hedge their bets on both sides. Good on ya for posting what you did and for being so concise with the information.

If I may suggest a great documentary that is incredibly done? Go to youtube.com and look up "JFK to 9/11...Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick"....it is a history lesson like no other and the hairs on your neck will stand on end because the realization of what we thought was "government" is nothing but a money making entity that has been sucking us dry for almost 100 years. The historical references are incredible. I have watched it at least 15 times and taken many pages of notes......why so many times? Because I have gotten so pulled in to the plot that I stopped jotting down notes and names. I will make a deal with you....if you watch it and you are not moved by it? I will send you a 50 dollar gift certificate to a restaurant chain of your choice. All I ask is if you did get a lot out of it, is that you pass it on.
Thank you. I found it and will watch it

Hey Progressive Patriot and Dale Smith I got a couple of questions for both of you.

Sadly I am left having to ask the both of you this question since all the Bush dupes here wont take me up on the challenge.:biggrin::rolleyes:

first question since NONE OF THEM will talk about the evidence in these three videos and they always prove they did not watch either one by dismissing it as one of them did saying they are just opinions and not facts which is the red flag right there and PROOF they did not watch either one of them.:D have you both seen these three videos? I think i might have asked you that question once Dale but if I did,i dont remember your answer.;)

You both MUST watch these three videos IF YOU HAVE NOT because any thinking logical person who is open minded, objective with logic and common sense can see the evidence in these videos contrary to what some troll mentioned earlier,is NOT opinions,they are cold hard facts that have never been debunked with overwhelming evidence that it was indeed a joint CIA/mossad operation that if we had an honest government with a fair objective and truthful investigation into this,they would have concluded it was a joint CIA/mossad operation. Nobody has ever been able to debunk either of the three.:D
they are long,over 3 hours except the last one, but since you both obviously want to know the truth,i know you will find the time to look at them.:)

Dale I am pretty sure YOU have read this book.Have you Progressive Patriot? for one such as yourself on the fence on this,you for sure need to read this book if you only read one more book the rest of your life. Nobody has ever been able to debunk it.Not the government,none of the shills on this this forum like rightwinger,NOBODY.the author has even challenged the Bush administration and now Obama administration and all of our corrupt members of congress and criminal politicians to debate him out in the open on CSPAN. to no surprise at all.NONE OF THE BUSH AND OBAMA ASS KISSERS will take him on the challenge,they are cowards that know they cant debunk it.:biggrin:

Also a question for both of you. Is Dale I know it wasnt till recenty years that you got you finally realised you had been brainwashed on 9/11 all the years. How about you Progressive Patriot? was it in just recent years you woke up about this and had doubts I assume? I mean you might as well be talking about how the CIA killed JFK:biggrin: same as JFK,thats old news that the awake already know.lol

I dont know if my last question applies to you or not Progressive patriot that is why it is mostly for Dale here but if it does,by all means i would like you to comment on it as well.:)

Dale I know there are thousands of brainwashed sheep out there that like yourself,even though they have are aware of the truth that the CIA killed JFK because he wanted to pull us out of vietnam,i try and tell and ask them the question-well if they did such an evil act like that,then WHY do you disregard all the evidence i have given you on 9/11 and wont look at it as you will with JFK? You are doing the same thing with 9/1 that the sheep who still think oswald shot JFK do.You go and tell them they are ignorant and in denial for not looking at the evidence but yet you do the same thing here on 9/11..why are you being such a hypocrite jerk on this?

do either of you ever encounter people like that? I have over the years and they either stop talking to me because they are in denial so much since 9/11 hits too close to home for them since it was so much more recent or they simply do the same thing these Bush ass kissers have aon this whole thread,come back with one liner insults and then give up as many here have all done which is why I have no choice to talk to both of you about this?:D that being said,have you encountered those types and if so,what has been YOUR experience with them when that comes up? :D thanks.:)

Holy crap, you guys are really intense and into this. Me, not so much but it is fascinating . I watched portions of the first and last video and they are pretty compelling. I skipped Alex Jones -he has no credibility with me.

As you know, I have been a non committal fence sitter on 9-11 but have always had my doubts about the official version and now I'm a good deal closer to the controlled demolition theory.

I never bought the Warren Commission results but I think that we will never get the truth about either of these things. I will try to read the book as well if I can get to it. Thank you

I dont blame you for not watching the alex jones video but I really would do so if i were you.It took me years to believe this,I just could not believe it at first because he DOES do an excellent job of telling the truth about government corruption that you wont hear from the mainstream media.

However what I did not believe at first and now know to indeed be true is that he is a fear mongerer working for the government. the majority of what he does say is pretty much spot on,that is WHY I could not believe that he was working for them for so many years the fact he was exposing things the media is not telling us about but that is because they need someone like him that people can trust.

See they dont care if their corruption that the media never reports is told by jones because they KNOW the american people are too lazy and wont do anything about it.

See even though I KNOW that he is not one of us,not trying to stop government corruption,i STILL listen to him because you WILL learn a lot from him since again he is telling the truth about government corruption going on that the media is not reporting so you will learn a lot from him.

Just dont make the mistake that many americans have and trust him and send off for things to buy from him though because what he is hoping to accomplish is strike fear into the american people and get them to rebel against the government so the government can declare martial law on us.

However I would STILL encourage you to watch the video because it is factual and spot on.:thup: just dont go and purchase it or anything else from alex like i said earlier is all.:D

the thing that FINALLY woke me up that he was indeed working for the government was he always took credit for exposing 9/11 when it was actually Bill Cooper who did. Now Cooper WAS a true patriot unlike alex jones so when he came out and exposed it,they murdered him.Plus Jones made up all these lies about Cooper saying he was an alchoholic and BS like that.everybody that knew Cooper,his family and friends,all said he never touched alcohol.

Plus it is so obvious his protests are staged. Once In Austin,he had a bullhorn when George W Bush was speaking calling him a criminal and murderer and the police KINDLY escorted him out and even though he spent the night in jail,he was fine the next day where in this truther video a truther shot,some american tried to make a citizen arrest of Bush and he got tackled by the police and they sat on him and he was yelling in pain.they would have done the same with Jones if his protests were not fixed.

The government can murder anybody and get away with it,just look as JFK,they have gotten away with murdering a president all these years after all so if Jones was a true patriot like Cooper was,they would have killed him YEARS ago as well.

But as I said,I know Jones is evil but you can still glean from him the fact he is telling what is going on that the CIA controlled media is not telling.He had all kinds of information about 9/11 exposing it as an inside job way before many others after all.:thup:

You nailed it,that the truth will never be told about either of these events,that is why I NORMALLY say to people like yourself when they make one of these threads,that 9/11 is done and over with,its just like the JFK assassination,long done and over with,time to move on and stop worrying about 9/11 because it is the LEAST of our problems we have to worry about from the government right now.

what we HAVE to worry about now is trying to find SOLUTIONS to hold these criminal congressmen in washington accountable for their crimes they commit against us and unfortunatly nobody including myself,has any solutions.

I usually tell someone like yourself who comes on and makes a thread like this when exposing 9/11,i usually say to them-why dont you stop talking about it and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT?

Only reason i did not with you is because you were on the fence with it when tyou first made this thread so that was the only reason i cut you some slack.:D anyways,I hope you will watch the video anyways because while Jones is indeed working FOR them,you still learn things from him that will never get reported from the mainstream media after all and like i said,that video IS spot on and has never been refuted.;)

I find it hard to believe that Jones ever told the truth about anything but maybe I'll give it a shot. He works for the government? What part of the government? The administration? The CIA? Wait! He works for the government while exposing government corruption??! Even if people are not paying attention- it seems to be a contradiction, and you're paying attention so there must be others. I'll try to digest the rest of this later
We may disagree on some things but anyone that is willing to lay it out there like you did and tell the truth or at least attempt to try and get people to think when it comes to one of the most horrific self-inflicted wounds ever? Well, you have my utmost respect...this kind of shit has been going on for waaay too long. Every fucking war we have ever gotten into has been due to a false flag event and financed by the same puppetmasters that bet and hedge their bets on both sides. Good on ya for posting what you did and for being so concise with the information.

If I may suggest a great documentary that is incredibly done? Go to youtube.com and look up "JFK to 9/11...Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick"....it is a history lesson like no other and the hairs on your neck will stand on end because the realization of what we thought was "government" is nothing but a money making entity that has been sucking us dry for almost 100 years. The historical references are incredible. I have watched it at least 15 times and taken many pages of notes......why so many times? Because I have gotten so pulled in to the plot that I stopped jotting down notes and names. I will make a deal with you....if you watch it and you are not moved by it? I will send you a 50 dollar gift certificate to a restaurant chain of your choice. All I ask is if you did get a lot out of it, is that you pass it on.
Thank you. I found it and will watch it

Hey Progressive Patriot and Dale Smith I got a couple of questions for both of you.

Sadly I am left having to ask the both of you this question since all the Bush dupes here wont take me up on the challenge.:biggrin::rolleyes:

first question since NONE OF THEM will talk about the evidence in these three videos and they always prove they did not watch either one by dismissing it as one of them did saying they are just opinions and not facts which is the red flag right there and PROOF they did not watch either one of them.:D have you both seen these three videos? I think i might have asked you that question once Dale but if I did,i dont remember your answer.;)

You both MUST watch these three videos IF YOU HAVE NOT because any thinking logical person who is open minded, objective with logic and common sense can see the evidence in these videos contrary to what some troll mentioned earlier,is NOT opinions,they are cold hard facts that have never been debunked with overwhelming evidence that it was indeed a joint CIA/mossad operation that if we had an honest government with a fair objective and truthful investigation into this,they would have concluded it was a joint CIA/mossad operation. Nobody has ever been able to debunk either of the three.:D
they are long,over 3 hours except the last one, but since you both obviously want to know the truth,i know you will find the time to look at them.:)

Dale I am pretty sure YOU have read this book.Have you Progressive Patriot? for one such as yourself on the fence on this,you for sure need to read this book if you only read one more book the rest of your life. Nobody has ever been able to debunk it.Not the government,none of the shills on this this forum like rightwinger,NOBODY.the author has even challenged the Bush administration and now Obama administration and all of our corrupt members of congress and criminal politicians to debate him out in the open on CSPAN. to no surprise at all.NONE OF THE BUSH AND OBAMA ASS KISSERS will take him on the challenge,they are cowards that know they cant debunk it.:biggrin:

Also a question for both of you. Is Dale I know it wasnt till recenty years that you got you finally realised you had been brainwashed on 9/11 all the years. How about you Progressive Patriot? was it in just recent years you woke up about this and had doubts I assume? I mean you might as well be talking about how the CIA killed JFK:biggrin: same as JFK,thats old news that the awake already know.lol

I dont know if my last question applies to you or not Progressive patriot that is why it is mostly for Dale here but if it does,by all means i would like you to comment on it as well.:)

Dale I know there are thousands of brainwashed sheep out there that like yourself,even though they have are aware of the truth that the CIA killed JFK because he wanted to pull us out of vietnam,i try and tell and ask them the question-well if they did such an evil act like that,then WHY do you disregard all the evidence i have given you on 9/11 and wont look at it as you will with JFK? You are doing the same thing with 9/1 that the sheep who still think oswald shot JFK do.You go and tell them they are ignorant and in denial for not looking at the evidence but yet you do the same thing here on 9/11..why are you being such a hypocrite jerk on this?

do either of you ever encounter people like that? I have over the years and they either stop talking to me because they are in denial so much since 9/11 hits too close to home for them since it was so much more recent or they simply do the same thing these Bush ass kissers have aon this whole thread,come back with one liner insults and then give up as many here have all done which is why I have no choice to talk to both of you about this?:D that being said,have you encountered those types and if so,what has been YOUR experience with them when that comes up? :D thanks.:)

Holy crap, you guys are really intense and into this. Me, not so much but it is fascinating . I watched portions of the first and last video and they are pretty compelling. I skipped Alex Jones -he has no credibility with me.

As you know, I have been a non committal fence sitter on 9-11 but have always had my doubts about the official version and now I'm a good deal closer to the controlled demolition theory.

I never bought the Warren Commission results but I think that we will never get the truth about either of these things. I will try to read the book as well if I can get to it. Thank you

I dont blame you for not watching the alex jones video but I really would do so if i were you.It took me years to believe this,I just could not believe it at first because he DOES do an excellent job of telling the truth about government corruption that you wont hear from the mainstream media.

However what I did not believe at first and now know to indeed be true is that he is a fear mongerer working for the government. the majority of what he does say is pretty much spot on,that is WHY I could not believe that he was working for them for so many years the fact he was exposing things the media is not telling us about but that is because they need someone like him that people can trust.

See they dont care if their corruption that the media never reports is told by jones because they KNOW the american people are too lazy and wont do anything about it.

See even though I KNOW that he is not one of us,not trying to stop government corruption,i STILL listen to him because you WILL learn a lot from him since again he is telling the truth about government corruption going on that the media is not reporting so you will learn a lot from him.

Just dont make the mistake that many americans have and trust him and send off for things to buy from him though because what he is hoping to accomplish is strike fear into the american people and get them to rebel against the government so the government can declare martial law on us.

However I would STILL encourage you to watch the video because it is factual and spot on.:thup: just dont go and purchase it or anything else from alex like i said earlier is all.:D

the thing that FINALLY woke me up that he was indeed working for the government was he always took credit for exposing 9/11 when it was actually Bill Cooper who did. Now Cooper WAS a true patriot unlike alex jones so when he came out and exposed it,they murdered him.Plus Jones made up all these lies about Cooper saying he was an alchoholic and BS like that.everybody that knew Cooper,his family and friends,all said he never touched alcohol.

Plus it is so obvious his protests are staged. Once In Austin,he had a bullhorn when George W Bush was speaking calling him a criminal and murderer and the police KINDLY escorted him out and even though he spent the night in jail,he was fine the next day where in this truther video a truther shot,some american tried to make a citizen arrest of Bush and he got tackled by the police and they sat on him and he was yelling in pain.they would have done the same with Jones if his protests were not fixed.

The government can murder anybody and get away with it,just look as JFK,they have gotten away with murdering a president all these years after all so if Jones was a true patriot like Cooper was,they would have killed him YEARS ago as well.

But as I said,I know Jones is evil but you can still glean from him the fact he is telling what is going on that the CIA controlled media is not telling.He had all kinds of information about 9/11 exposing it as an inside job way before many others after all.:thup:

You nailed it,that the truth will never be told about either of these events,that is why I NORMALLY say to people like yourself when they make one of these threads,that 9/11 is done and over with,its just like the JFK assassination,long done and over with,time to move on and stop worrying about 9/11 because it is the LEAST of our problems we have to worry about from the government right now.

what we HAVE to worry about now is trying to find SOLUTIONS to hold these criminal congressmen in washington accountable for their crimes they commit against us and unfortunatly nobody including myself,has any solutions.

I usually tell someone like yourself who comes on and makes a thread like this when exposing 9/11,i usually say to them-why dont you stop talking about it and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT?

Only reason i did not with you is because you were on the fence with it when tyou first made this thread so that was the only reason i cut you some slack.:D anyways,I hope you will watch the video anyways because while Jones is indeed working FOR them,you still learn things from him that will never get reported from the mainstream media after all and like i said,that video IS spot on and has never been refuted.;)

I find it hard to believe that Jones ever told the truth about anything but maybe I'll give it a shot. He works for the government? What part of the government? The administration? The CIA? Wait! He works for the government while exposing government corruption??! Even if people are not paying attention- it seems to be a contradiction, and you're paying attention so there must be others. I'll try to digest the rest of this later

I'll PM mistebeal and maybe he can explain it to you better than I can. For a long time he tried to get me to believe it but I did not see it.Like I said,it wasnt till he made up that lie about Copper that he sold me that is not on our side as I believed for so many years.

I did not believe him when he told me about Jones, but then i heard the lies he made up about Bill Cooper and that sold me he was a double agent. think about it,what better way to be able for the government to keep tabs on every dissenter than for them to have a plant like alex jones telling things the mainstream media wont report so they will trust him and confide eveything to him. makes perfect sense to me.Bill Cooper obviously made that fatal mistake with him. Like i said,I'll get Beal here to explain it to you.He can do it much better than I can.
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Not that anyone saw anyone rig those buildings for demo - a monumental task - nor has anyone admitted to having been involved, and seismic evidence shows no CD explosions. Furthermore, the Towers were hit by freakin' passenger jets loaded with jet fuel which ignited and caused the chaotic fires that burned for HOURS. How the hell could demo rigging survive that and even if some of it - not that there is any evidence there ever was any - managed to survive, enough would have had to have been destroyed to make a controlled demo impossible.

So making models of straight down collapse should not be difficult.

Oh yeah, no one has done it in 15 years. Oh yeah, the NIST can't even specify the distribution of concrete down the building in 10,000 pages so no one can make a good model. Curious that.

Ironic that you call me intellectually deprived because I believe what happened, but you believe nonsense to the point where you are completely unable to think.

It isn't curious at all, there could be many reasons that they didn't know, and all of them innocent. You prefer to make something out of nothing because you want to believe an unfounded and impossible conspiracy theory.

Conspiracies are irrelevant! It is just physics. So what is the problem with experiments? If what so many people believe is true then the experiments should simply prove the collapses were possible.

A model of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge only took 4 months. But no engineering school has even said they would try in FIFTEEN YEARS. Very Scientific!

Ironic that you call me intellectually deprived because I believe what happened, but you believe nonsense to the point where you are completely unable to think.

It isn't curious at all, there could be many reasons that they didn't know, and all of them innocent. You prefer to make something out of nothing because you want to believe an unfounded and impossible conspiracy theory.

Conspiracies are irrelevant! It is just physics. So what is the problem with experiments? If what so many people believe is true then the experiments should simply prove the collapses were possible.

A model of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge only took 4 months. But no engineering school has even said they would try in FIFTEEN YEARS. Very Scientific!


How the fuck are they supposed to recreate two planes smashing into two buildings? That's pretty ridiculous. We saw the planes hit and we saw the buildings drop. Making something that's not only more complicated but virtually impossible out of something simple is just stupid.
How the fuck are they supposed to recreate two planes smashing into two buildings? That's pretty ridiculous. We saw the planes hit and we saw the buildings drop. Making something that's not only more complicated but virtually impossible out of something simple is just stupid.

That is the biggest joke of 9/11!

The Twin Towers were probably the first buildings designed via computers. An IBM 1620 computer was used to design the columns. The 1620 was 1959 technology.

Now we are supposed to take climate simulations 100 years into the future seriously but we are supposed to believe that 30 second collapses of skyscrapers can be done in 15 years. Forget the planes! Remove 5 stories, 91 through 95. Drop the top 15 stories through the empty 60 foot gap and analyze the result on the lower 90 stories. Removing 5 stories is more damage than aircraft impact and fire could possibly have done.

Now if the simulation comes nowhere near complete collapse then....

But then we are supposed to believe that scientists and engineers can't think of a simulation that simple in FIFTEEN YEARS.

But then the NIST cannot even specify the total amount of concrete in the towers in 10,000 pages. However an accurate simulation cannot be made without accurate steel and concrete distribution data.

We may disagree on some things but anyone that is willing to lay it out there like you did and tell the truth or at least attempt to try and get people to think when it comes to one of the most horrific self-inflicted wounds ever? Well, you have my utmost respect...this kind of shit has been going on for waaay too long. Every fucking war we have ever gotten into has been due to a false flag event and financed by the same puppetmasters that bet and hedge their bets on both sides. Good on ya for posting what you did and for being so concise with the information.

If I may suggest a great documentary that is incredibly done? Go to youtube.com and look up "JFK to 9/11...Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick"....it is a history lesson like no other and the hairs on your neck will stand on end because the realization of what we thought was "government" is nothing but a money making entity that has been sucking us dry for almost 100 years. The historical references are incredible. I have watched it at least 15 times and taken many pages of notes......why so many times? Because I have gotten so pulled in to the plot that I stopped jotting down notes and names. I will make a deal with you....if you watch it and you are not moved by it? I will send you a 50 dollar gift certificate to a restaurant chain of your choice. All I ask is if you did get a lot out of it, is that you pass it on.
Thank you. I found it and will watch it

Hey Progressive Patriot and Dale Smith I got a couple of questions for both of you.

Sadly I am left having to ask the both of you this question since all the Bush dupes here wont take me up on the challenge.:biggrin::rolleyes:

first question since NONE OF THEM will talk about the evidence in these three videos and they always prove they did not watch either one by dismissing it as one of them did saying they are just opinions and not facts which is the red flag right there and PROOF they did not watch either one of them.:D have you both seen these three videos? I think i might have asked you that question once Dale but if I did,i dont remember your answer.;)

You both MUST watch these three videos IF YOU HAVE NOT because any thinking logical person who is open minded, objective with logic and common sense can see the evidence in these videos contrary to what some troll mentioned earlier,is NOT opinions,they are cold hard facts that have never been debunked with overwhelming evidence that it was indeed a joint CIA/mossad operation that if we had an honest government with a fair objective and truthful investigation into this,they would have concluded it was a joint CIA/mossad operation. Nobody has ever been able to debunk either of the three.:D
they are long,over 3 hours except the last one, but since you both obviously want to know the truth,i know you will find the time to look at them.:)

Dale I am pretty sure YOU have read this book.Have you Progressive Patriot? for one such as yourself on the fence on this,you for sure need to read this book if you only read one more book the rest of your life. Nobody has ever been able to debunk it.Not the government,none of the shills on this this forum like rightwinger,NOBODY.the author has even challenged the Bush administration and now Obama administration and all of our corrupt members of congress and criminal politicians to debate him out in the open on CSPAN. to no surprise at all.NONE OF THE BUSH AND OBAMA ASS KISSERS will take him on the challenge,they are cowards that know they cant debunk it.:biggrin:

Also a question for both of you. Is Dale I know it wasnt till recenty years that you got you finally realised you had been brainwashed on 9/11 all the years. How about you Progressive Patriot? was it in just recent years you woke up about this and had doubts I assume? I mean you might as well be talking about how the CIA killed JFK:biggrin: same as JFK,thats old news that the awake already know.lol

I dont know if my last question applies to you or not Progressive patriot that is why it is mostly for Dale here but if it does,by all means i would like you to comment on it as well.:)

Dale I know there are thousands of brainwashed sheep out there that like yourself,even though they have are aware of the truth that the CIA killed JFK because he wanted to pull us out of vietnam,i try and tell and ask them the question-well if they did such an evil act like that,then WHY do you disregard all the evidence i have given you on 9/11 and wont look at it as you will with JFK? You are doing the same thing with 9/1 that the sheep who still think oswald shot JFK do.You go and tell them they are ignorant and in denial for not looking at the evidence but yet you do the same thing here on 9/11..why are you being such a hypocrite jerk on this?

do either of you ever encounter people like that? I have over the years and they either stop talking to me because they are in denial so much since 9/11 hits too close to home for them since it was so much more recent or they simply do the same thing these Bush ass kissers have aon this whole thread,come back with one liner insults and then give up as many here have all done which is why I have no choice to talk to both of you about this?:D that being said,have you encountered those types and if so,what has been YOUR experience with them when that comes up? :D thanks.:)

Holy crap, you guys are really intense and into this. Me, not so much but it is fascinating . I watched portions of the first and last video and they are pretty compelling. I skipped Alex Jones -he has no credibility with me.

As you know, I have been a non committal fence sitter on 9-11 but have always had my doubts about the official version and now I'm a good deal closer to the controlled demolition theory.

I never bought the Warren Commission results but I think that we will never get the truth about either of these things. I will try to read the book as well if I can get to it. Thank you

The fact that you are even willing to doubt the official story of 9/11/01 is enough for me...you will have to reach your own conclusions like I did...and I was a big time denier. Hell, I took delight on busting on the "truthers" and now here I am......it's a lot easier being on the other side of the fence, I can tell ya that much. I implore you to sit down and watch "JFK to 9/11...Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick" on youtube. I know that it is long but I promise you that someone like you and your intellect will be totally engrossed in it...it's a history lesson like no other and it has no partisan leaning, it has no agenda outside of wanting people to wake the fuck up....war is good and war and threats keep the masses afraid and going along with this madness. Like I said, if you watch that documentary and you are not moved? I will send you a fifty dollar gift card for the restaurant chain of your choice.......

It blows me away that you have watched that video SEVERAL times.:D so far I have only had the chance to not watch it more than twice myself.

just wondering Dale,say you had been here at this site five years ago, just take a wild guess of what would have been YOUR reply to me back then had you gotten on a 9/11 thread like this one and refused to look at the evidence like all these Bush dupes trolls here have and i said to you back then -"Let me guess,you believe in magic bullets and that oswald shot JFK as well right?"

and your reply of course would have been something like-"No I recognize the government has lied to us about that one,but to say 9/11 is an inside job is absurd." I of course am just GUESSING that your reply back then would have been something nutty like that or similiar to it.:D

anyways after you gave a reply like that,try as best as you CAN remember back then, how you would have replied to me on this message board had i said this to you back then when you were STILL a Bush dupe- Okay Dale you are not making any sense,you are just helping me prove my case for me that 9/11 was an inside job. You just admitted yourself that you dont believe the governments lie that they are STILL telling that oswald shot JFK,you said you accept it that the CIA killed kennedy cause he was going to pull us out of vietnam,well since you can accept the government lied to us about THAT and re still lying about it today,WHAT is up with your warped logic you have that they could have done such an evil act like that not only murdering kennedy,but murdering 58.000 americans so they could profti from war,yet you STILL incredibly believe the official governments version they are telling you about 9/11 despite the lack of evidence or proof they have failed to produce,yet you believe their lies on THIS,not able to comprehend that the government did 9/11 for the same reason they killed JFK to get us into a war so all these bankers and corporations can profit from it? what kind of fucked up logic do you have Dale?:uhoh3::rofl:

As i said,PRETEND for a second this is five years ago when you were still a brainwashed Bush dupe on this like many here still are,as BEST AS YOU CAN REMEMBER,what would your reply be to me on this post of mine to you five years ago to answer this post? as best as you can remember how you replied to posts back then,post how you remember you did to a question like this five years ago.thanks.:D

Nothing personal, but I don't want to revisit the days when I was one of the sheeple....nothing that I could post about my responses to truthers would make me come off as someone other than a sheeple. I have evolved and moved on. Wallowing in my prior stupidity doesn't help my cause.....hope you understand.
Ironic that you call me intellectually deprived because I believe what happened, but you believe nonsense to the point where you are completely unable to think.

It isn't curious at all, there could be many reasons that they didn't know, and all of them innocent. You prefer to make something out of nothing because you want to believe an unfounded and impossible conspiracy theory.

Conspiracies are irrelevant! It is just physics. So what is the problem with experiments? If what so many people believe is true then the experiments should simply prove the collapses were possible.

A model of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge only took 4 months. But no engineering school has even said they would try in FIFTEEN YEARS. Very Scientific!


How the fuck are they supposed to recreate two planes smashing into two buildings? That's pretty ridiculous. We saw the planes hit and we saw the buildings drop. Making something that's not only more complicated but virtually impossible out of something simple is just stupid.

So, here is my question to you......the higher a building/skyscraper is built, the less weight they put on the foundation by lessening the weight of the higher floors. The inner core of both towers were intertwined with rebar encased in concrete. Think of a skyscraper like a needle....the very point is light weight....the base is the strength. There is NO fucking way that both towers and WTC7 should have collapsed in free fall fashion....none, zero......nada unless there were explosives planted there....and many people have testified to that fact. People have been executed on less credibhle eye-witnes accounts of a crime than what happened that day......it's a fact.
....the higher a building/skyscraper is built, the less weight they put on the foundation by lessening the weight of the higher floors.


What is your evidence for that statement?

The absurd thing about 9/11 is that we do not have data on the tons of steel and tons of concrete on every level of the Twin Towers. The NIST does not even specify the total amount of concrete in the towers but they do for the steel. Why is that about?

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....the higher a building/skyscraper is built, the less weight they put on the foundation by lessening the weight of the higher floors.


What is your evidence for that statement?

The absurd thing about 9/11 is that we do not have data on the tons of steel and tons of concrete on every level of the Twin Towers. The NIST does not even specify the total amount of concrete in the towers but they do for the steel. Why is that about?


Boy you need to get off the weed you been smoking because it is obviously keeping you from using logic and common sense dude.lol.

Dude it does not take a rocket scientist to understand that very well known fact same as it does not take a rocket scientist to understand that fires dont cause a building to fall straight down at freefall speed in their own footprint within seconds,that it happens GRADUALLY over a long period of time like a few hours.:biggrin: Bush dupes like predfan are so much in denial on.:biggrin:

when you put down the weed and stop doing an imitation of a Bush dupes in denial like predfan,he will then have a mature discussion with you and keep taking you to school on this as he has done so well.

thats been well known since the dawn of time when towers like that started getting built. Obviously you have never spoken to an architect in your lifetime..:biggrin: You been hanging around with predfan too long since like him, you dont want o hear pesky little FACTS.:biggrin::haha:
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Thank you. I found it and will watch it

Hey Progressive Patriot and Dale Smith I got a couple of questions for both of you.

Sadly I am left having to ask the both of you this question since all the Bush dupes here wont take me up on the challenge.:biggrin::rolleyes:

first question since NONE OF THEM will talk about the evidence in these three videos and they always prove they did not watch either one by dismissing it as one of them did saying they are just opinions and not facts which is the red flag right there and PROOF they did not watch either one of them.:D have you both seen these three videos? I think i might have asked you that question once Dale but if I did,i dont remember your answer.;)

You both MUST watch these three videos IF YOU HAVE NOT because any thinking logical person who is open minded, objective with logic and common sense can see the evidence in these videos contrary to what some troll mentioned earlier,is NOT opinions,they are cold hard facts that have never been debunked with overwhelming evidence that it was indeed a joint CIA/mossad operation that if we had an honest government with a fair objective and truthful investigation into this,they would have concluded it was a joint CIA/mossad operation. Nobody has ever been able to debunk either of the three.:D
they are long,over 3 hours except the last one, but since you both obviously want to know the truth,i know you will find the time to look at them.:)

Dale I am pretty sure YOU have read this book.Have you Progressive Patriot? for one such as yourself on the fence on this,you for sure need to read this book if you only read one more book the rest of your life. Nobody has ever been able to debunk it.Not the government,none of the shills on this this forum like rightwinger,NOBODY.the author has even challenged the Bush administration and now Obama administration and all of our corrupt members of congress and criminal politicians to debate him out in the open on CSPAN. to no surprise at all.NONE OF THE BUSH AND OBAMA ASS KISSERS will take him on the challenge,they are cowards that know they cant debunk it.:biggrin:

Also a question for both of you. Is Dale I know it wasnt till recenty years that you got you finally realised you had been brainwashed on 9/11 all the years. How about you Progressive Patriot? was it in just recent years you woke up about this and had doubts I assume? I mean you might as well be talking about how the CIA killed JFK:biggrin: same as JFK,thats old news that the awake already know.lol

I dont know if my last question applies to you or not Progressive patriot that is why it is mostly for Dale here but if it does,by all means i would like you to comment on it as well.:)

Dale I know there are thousands of brainwashed sheep out there that like yourself,even though they have are aware of the truth that the CIA killed JFK because he wanted to pull us out of vietnam,i try and tell and ask them the question-well if they did such an evil act like that,then WHY do you disregard all the evidence i have given you on 9/11 and wont look at it as you will with JFK? You are doing the same thing with 9/1 that the sheep who still think oswald shot JFK do.You go and tell them they are ignorant and in denial for not looking at the evidence but yet you do the same thing here on 9/11..why are you being such a hypocrite jerk on this?

do either of you ever encounter people like that? I have over the years and they either stop talking to me because they are in denial so much since 9/11 hits too close to home for them since it was so much more recent or they simply do the same thing these Bush ass kissers have aon this whole thread,come back with one liner insults and then give up as many here have all done which is why I have no choice to talk to both of you about this?:D that being said,have you encountered those types and if so,what has been YOUR experience with them when that comes up? :D thanks.:)

Holy crap, you guys are really intense and into this. Me, not so much but it is fascinating . I watched portions of the first and last video and they are pretty compelling. I skipped Alex Jones -he has no credibility with me.

As you know, I have been a non committal fence sitter on 9-11 but have always had my doubts about the official version and now I'm a good deal closer to the controlled demolition theory.

I never bought the Warren Commission results but I think that we will never get the truth about either of these things. I will try to read the book as well if I can get to it. Thank you

The fact that you are even willing to doubt the official story of 9/11/01 is enough for me...you will have to reach your own conclusions like I did...and I was a big time denier. Hell, I took delight on busting on the "truthers" and now here I am......it's a lot easier being on the other side of the fence, I can tell ya that much. I implore you to sit down and watch "JFK to 9/11...Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick" on youtube. I know that it is long but I promise you that someone like you and your intellect will be totally engrossed in it...it's a history lesson like no other and it has no partisan leaning, it has no agenda outside of wanting people to wake the fuck up....war is good and war and threats keep the masses afraid and going along with this madness. Like I said, if you watch that documentary and you are not moved? I will send you a fifty dollar gift card for the restaurant chain of your choice.......

It blows me away that you have watched that video SEVERAL times.:D so far I have only had the chance to not watch it more than twice myself.

just wondering Dale,say you had been here at this site five years ago, just take a wild guess of what would have been YOUR reply to me back then had you gotten on a 9/11 thread like this one and refused to look at the evidence like all these Bush dupes trolls here have and i said to you back then -"Let me guess,you believe in magic bullets and that oswald shot JFK as well right?"

and your reply of course would have been something like-"No I recognize the government has lied to us about that one,but to say 9/11 is an inside job is absurd." I of course am just GUESSING that your reply back then would have been something nutty like that or similiar to it.:D

anyways after you gave a reply like that,try as best as you CAN remember back then, how you would have replied to me on this message board had i said this to you back then when you were STILL a Bush dupe- Okay Dale you are not making any sense,you are just helping me prove my case for me that 9/11 was an inside job. You just admitted yourself that you dont believe the governments lie that they are STILL telling that oswald shot JFK,you said you accept it that the CIA killed kennedy cause he was going to pull us out of vietnam,well since you can accept the government lied to us about THAT and re still lying about it today,WHAT is up with your warped logic you have that they could have done such an evil act like that not only murdering kennedy,but murdering 58.000 americans so they could profti from war,yet you STILL incredibly believe the official governments version they are telling you about 9/11 despite the lack of evidence or proof they have failed to produce,yet you believe their lies on THIS,not able to comprehend that the government did 9/11 for the same reason they killed JFK to get us into a war so all these bankers and corporations can profit from it? what kind of fucked up logic do you have Dale?:uhoh3::rofl:

As i said,PRETEND for a second this is five years ago when you were still a brainwashed Bush dupe on this like many here still are,as BEST AS YOU CAN REMEMBER,what would your reply be to me on this post of mine to you five years ago to answer this post? as best as you can remember how you replied to posts back then,post how you remember you did to a question like this five years ago.thanks.:D

Nothing personal, but I don't want to revisit the days when I was one of the sheeple....nothing that I could post about my responses to truthers would make me come off as someone other than a sheeple. I have evolved and moved on. Wallowing in my prior stupidity doesn't help my cause.....hope you understand.

Well i wont take it personal as long as you follow through on what you said you would do with that troll on my thread in the sports section to give him shit.I been waiting for you on that for a couple weeks now.I thought you agreed it would be fun to mess with him?:D
....the higher a building/skyscraper is built, the less weight they put on the foundation by lessening the weight of the higher floors.


What is your evidence for that statement?

The absurd thing about 9/11 is that we do not have data on the tons of steel and tons of concrete on every level of the Twin Towers. The NIST does not even specify the total amount of concrete in the towers but they do for the steel. Why is that about?


Wow, what you just posted has totally nullified my thousand or so hours of research.......seriously....you summed up in a few sentences what I have failed to grasp in the last five years....how did you do that????

Tell me more........I sit here "wide-eyed" waiting with bated breath as to how those two buildings fell down at "free-fall speed"....you are the missing link to this puzzle I have tried to solve.....don't leave me hangin'.......

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