9/11 The Same Time

Nov 15, 2009
The same time the terrorists were training with light planes for pilot lessons...it is a proven fact the Israeli Mossad was with them monitoring them....

The same time the terrorists were training flying light planes...the U.S. military was training and testing remote operating passenger Boeing 727 planes and succesfully putting them on precise flight paths and landing them with remote operation...

The same time the terrorists were training flying light planes...the top U.S. military was perfecting flying passenger Boeing 727 planes via remote operation...the Twin Towers were going under "construction renovations" on the very core columns that happened to fail...

At the same time the terrorists were training flying light planes...the U.S. was perfecting remote operating passenger Boeing 727 planes...the Trade Centers were undergoing construction renovations on its support columns...the new owner of the World Trade Centers was taking out the biggest insurance policy out in history on these buildings and specifically adding terrorism to the policy...

On top of this...the same time the Pentagon was undergoing construction renovations on the very spot that was involved on 9/11...
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This is a widely known truth. It was no mistake that during the heavy Mossad spy infiltration of 2000-2001 that the plurality of those Mossad agents were in fact, shadowing Atta and his merry men in Florida and the filthy Israeli dogs peddled their art and tried their Mossad best to steal our secrets from highly secure places like Tinker AFB for example. This is an undisputable fact, so the question is, and there is no conspiracy here although it should be an obvious question: Which intelligence agency dropped the ball?
This is a widely known truth. It was no mistake that during the heavy Mossad spy infiltration of 2000-2001 that the plurality of those Mossad agents were in fact, shadowing Atta and his merry men in Florida and the filthy Israeli dogs peddled their art and tried their Mossad best to steal our secrets from highly secure places like Tinker AFB for example. This is an undisputable fact, so the question is, and there is no conspiracy here although it should be an obvious question: Which intelligence agency dropped the ball?

It is all connected....no intelligence agency "dropped the ball"...there are many different well documented warnings....but the top of the pyramid scheme (ponzi scheme) stonewalled the information and placed gag orders on the ones who attempted to be whistleblowers
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Perhaps, but they won't be able to mock the fact that the state of Israel was watching Atta in Florida while simultaneously attempting to steal state secrets from the U.S. Great allies, even better pariah state.
Great post. Cite your sources though. :)

I do have indisputable sources for it all....sorry I'm a little tired and will come back with them...

By the way...thanks!

i'm just trying to protect you from the immature adults who will mock you in any way possible. They will be here any moment, prepare to be astonished to how ignorant and rude they are.

I'll be back with the indisputable sources for it all....with a lot more that connects....with sources for that too
Perhaps, but they won't be able to mock the fact that the state of Israel was watching Atta in Florida while simultaneously attempting to steal state secrets from the U.S. Great allies, even better pariah state.

I've seen a lot about it on Fox News where many were even arrested....including Mossad explosive experts active in the Israeli military arrested near the Trade Centers around 9/11....only to be released and deported by the top of the pyramid scheme
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And you'll remember that the source on fox news couldn't elaborate because the information became classified.
Creativedreams said:
The same time the terrorists were training with light planes for pilot lessons...it is a proven fact the Israeli Mossad was with them monitoring them....

So provide us with evidence to back up this claim.

Creativedreams said:
The same time the terrorists were training flying light planes...the U.S. military was training and testing remote operating passenger Boeing 727 planes and succesfully putting them on precise flight paths and landing them with remote operation...

So provide us with evidence they managed to get all the untested, experimental remote control hardware and software converted to 757s and 767s and installed without anyone noticing all the new equipment and hardware on far more complicated and modern aircraft.

For a more detailed explanation as to the impossibility of remote control, click here.

Want more proof? Why didn't the CVRs record the pilots or the hijackers trying to regain control of the aircraft?

Creativedreams said:
The same time the terrorists were training flying light planes...the top U.S. military was perfecting flying passenger Boeing 727 planes via remote operation...the Twin Towers were going under "construction renovations" on the very core columns that happened to fail...


Creativedreams said:
At the same time the terrorists were training flying light planes...the U.S. was perfecting remote operating passenger Boeing 727 planes...the Trade Centers were undergoing construction renovations on its support columns...the new owner of the World Trade Centers was taking out the biggest insurance policy out in history on these buildings and specifically adding terrorism to the policy...

At the request of the people he was borrowing the money from to finance the lease. If you truthtards actually DID any research you would know that.

Creativedreams said:
On top of this...the same time the Pentagon was undergoing construction renovations on the very spot that was involved on 9/11...


More examples of the paranoid delusions truthtards suffer.
Creativedreams said:
The same time the terrorists were training with light planes for pilot lessons...it is a proven fact the Israeli Mossad was with them monitoring them....

So provide us with evidence to back up this claim.

This is just for starters...

There was extensive successful testing of remote flying pilotless Boeing 727 leading up to 9/11...

Killtown's:* 9/11 coincidences and oddities page! - 2001

August 25, 2001 - Raytheon and the U.S. Air Force successfully auto lands a pilot-less FedEx Boeing 727 six times at Holloman AFB, NM using a military GPS landing system that will enable ground control to take control of a hijacked airplane and force land it.

Civil-Military Interoperability For GPS Assisted Aircraft Landings Demonstrated

Civil-Military Interoperability For GPS Assisted Aircraft Landings Demonstrated

The JPALS system is being developed to meet the Defense Department's need for an anti-jam, secure, all weather Category II/III aircraft landing system that will be fully interoperable with planned civil systems utilizing the same technology.
Marlborough - Oct. 1, 2001
A government-industry team accomplished the first precision approach by a civil aircraft using a military Global Positioning System (GPS) landing system Aug. 25 at Holloman AFB, N.M., Raytheon Company announced today.

Sicherheitssystem: Entführte Maschinen landen selbständig - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Wissenschaft
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The same time the terrorists were training with light planes for pilot lessons...it is a proven fact the Israeli Mossad was with them monitoring them....

The same time the terrorists were training flying light planes...the U.S. military was training and testing remote operating passenger Boeing 727 planes and succesfully putting them on precise flight paths and landing them with remote operation...

The same time the terrorists were training flying light planes...the top U.S. military was perfecting flying passenger Boeing 727 planes via remote operation...the Twin Towers were going under "construction renovations" on the very core columns that happened to fail...

At the same time the terrorists were training flying light planes...the U.S. was perfecting remote operating passenger Boeing 727 planes...the Trade Centers were undergoing construction renovations on its support columns...the new owner of the World Trade Centers was taking out the biggest insurance policy out in history on these buildings and specifically adding terrorism to the policy...

On top of this...the same time the Pentagon was undergoing construction renovations on the very spot that was involved on 9/11...

I forgot to add that at the same time the Pentagon was undergoing construction renovations in the very spot involved on 9/11....there also began military flight drills which in fact there was a drill for a hijacking on the very day of 9/11 for the very type of hijacking that occured...
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Creativedreams said:
The same time the terrorists were training with light planes for pilot lessons...it is a proven fact the Israeli Mossad was with them monitoring them....

So provide us with evidence to back up this claim.

This is just for starters...

There was extensive successful testing of remote flying pilotless Boeing 727 leading up to 9/11...

I know they can remotely fly planes. Prove Mossad was monitoring the hijackers while they were in flight school.

And apparently you missed the question in your haste to prove planes can be piloted remotely. Here.... I'll ask them again. Pay attention this time.

So provide us with evidence they managed to get all the untested, experimental remote control hardware and software converted to 757s and 767s and installed without anyone noticing all the new equipment and hardware on far more complicated and modern aircraft.
I forgot to add that at the same time the Pentagon was undergoing construction renovations in the very spot involved on 9/11....there also began military flight drills which in fact there was a drill for a hijacking on the very day of 9/11 for the very type of hijacking that occured...


Show ANY proof there was a drill on 9/11 for a flight originating inside the US to be hijacked and flown into a building. It is a favorite claim of you truthtards, but just because you repeat it every opportunity you get doesn't mean it is true.

Vigilant Guardian had some planned simulated hijackings on 9/11, but they were canceled as soon as the events of 9/11 started unfolding and did not involve crashing the planes into buildings.
So provide us with evidence to back up this claim.

This is just for starters...

There was extensive successful testing of remote flying pilotless Boeing 727 leading up to 9/11...

I know they can remotely fly planes. Prove Mossad was monitoring the hijackers while they were in flight school.

And apparently you missed the question in your haste to prove planes can be piloted remotely. Here.... I'll ask them again. Pay attention this time.

So provide us with evidence they managed to get all the untested, experimental remote control hardware and software converted to 757s and 767s and installed without anyone noticing all the new equipment and hardware on far more complicated and modern aircraft.

O.K. Mr. O.J. Simpsons Defense Attorney.....I'll be back with that...
This is just for starters...

There was extensive successful testing of remote flying pilotless Boeing 727 leading up to 9/11...

I know they can remotely fly planes. Prove Mossad was monitoring the hijackers while they were in flight school.

And apparently you missed the question in your haste to prove planes can be piloted remotely. Here.... I'll ask them again. Pay attention this time.

So provide us with evidence they managed to get all the untested, experimental remote control hardware and software converted to 757s and 767s and installed without anyone noticing all the new equipment and hardware on far more complicated and modern aircraft.

O.K. Mr. O.J. Simpsons Defense Attorney.....I'll be back with that...

You also said, you'd be back with the names of the people "heading up investigations in foreign countries". You never came back with that.

You also said, you'd be back with a list of "super facts". You never came back with that either; using any sock.
Great post. Cite your sources though. :)

The same time the terrorists were training with light planes for pilot lessons...it is a proven fact the Israeli Mossad was with them monitoring them....





Great post. Cite your sources though. :)

The same time the terrorists were training with light planes for pilot lessons...it is a proven fact the Israeli Mossad was with them monitoring them....






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