9-11 was a hate crime

Hate is a natural emotion, shouldn’t be prosecuted
Hating someone isn't a crime. A hate crime is a crime (assualt, slander, etc...) that is intended to provoke public anger and hatred. It's like "inciting a riot". Or half of Trump's tweets.
Hate is a natural emotion, shouldn’t be prosecuted
Hating someone isn't a crime. A hate crime is a crime (assualt, slander, etc...) that is intended to provoke public anger and hatred. It's like "inciting a riot". Or half of Trump's tweets.
Lol so men that agree to a fist fight to settle a argument is a hate crime? You would have arrested a shit load of American men, and woman in urban areas. That’s how we settle our differences, it’s how boxing was created. GO AWAY DEMTARDS
Hate is a natural emotion, shouldn’t be prosecuted
Hating someone isn't a crime. A hate crime is a crime (assualt, slander, etc...) that is intended to provoke public anger and hatred. It's like "inciting a riot". Or half of Trump's tweets.
Lol so men that agree to a fist fight to settle a argument is a hate crime? You would have arrested a shit load of American men, and woman in urban areas. That’s how we settle our differences, it’s how boxing was created. GO AWAY DEMTARDS

What the fuck are you even talking about??? You're not really this stupid are you? Tell me it's an act.
Hate is a natural emotion, shouldn’t be prosecuted
Hating someone isn't a crime. A hate crime is a crime (assualt, slander, etc...) that is intended to provoke public anger and hatred. It's like "inciting a riot". Or half of Trump's tweets.
Lol so men that agree to a fist fight to settle a argument is a hate crime? You would have arrested a shit load of American men, and woman in urban areas. That’s how we settle our differences, it’s how boxing was created. GO AWAY DEMTARDS

What the fuck are you even talking about??? You're not really this stupid are you? Tell me it's an act.
You just said if you hate someone and you assult them it’s a hate crime? Are your reading what you are posting dip shit? I know you sound stupid we are just highlighting your stupidity loll
Hate is a natural emotion, shouldn’t be prosecuted
Hating someone isn't a crime. A hate crime is a crime (assualt, slander, etc...) that is intended to provoke public anger and hatred. It's like "inciting a riot". Or half of Trump's tweets.
Lol so men that agree to a fist fight to settle a argument is a hate crime? You would have arrested a shit load of American men, and woman in urban areas. That’s how we settle our differences, it’s how boxing was created. GO AWAY DEMTARDS

What the fuck are you even talking about??? You're not really this stupid are you? Tell me it's an act.
You just said if you hate someone and you assult them it’s a hate crime?
No, that's not what I said. I'd ask you to read my post again, but I doubt it would do any good.
Maybe we should go to war with someone over it

Oh wait!
We did of course. We did after Pearl Harbor too. If Obama had been president I am sure strongly-worded letter with claims of red lines would have sufficed.
So when you d1c suckers talk about how Obama expanded drone strikes, you were just bullshitting??

Obama really ended the drone strike program and withdrew all the troops because of how much he hated to go to war??

Obama was killing American citizens with his drone strikes.
Hate is a natural emotion, shouldn’t be prosecuted
Hating someone isn't a crime. A hate crime is a crime (assualt, slander, etc...) that is intended to provoke public anger and hatred. It's like "inciting a riot". Or half of Trump's tweets.
Lol so men that agree to a fist fight to settle a argument is a hate crime? You would have arrested a shit load of American men, and woman in urban areas. That’s how we settle our differences, it’s how boxing was created. GO AWAY DEMTARDS

What the fuck are you even talking about??? You're not really this stupid are you? Tell me it's an act.
You just said if you hate someone and you assult them it’s a hate crime?
No, that's not what I said. I'd ask you to read my post again, but I doubt it would do any good.
Hate crime= assault .. you think two people assulting each other like each other? Do you understand how insane you sound?
Maybe we should go to war with someone over it

Oh wait!
We did of course. We did after Pearl Harbor too. If Obama had been president I am sure strongly-worded letter with claims of red lines would have sufficed.
So when you d1c suckers talk about how Obama expanded drone strikes, you were just bullshitting??

Obama really ended the drone strike program and withdrew all the troops because of how much he hated to go to war??

Obama was killing American citizens with his drone strikes.
So??? Are you saying you are against American citizens being killed??

If so....

Why so quiet now??

Why did Trump not only ramp up the number of drone strikes but also end the policy of reporting drone strike deaths...what is he trying to hide?

US to stop revealing drone deaths
Maybe we should go to war with someone over it

Oh wait!
We did of course. We did after Pearl Harbor too. If Obama had been president I am sure strongly-worded letter with claims of red lines would have sufficed.
So when you d1c suckers talk about how Obama expanded drone strikes, you were just bullshitting??

Obama really ended the drone strike program and withdrew all the troops because of how much he hated to go to war??

Obama was killing American citizens with his drone strikes.
So??? Are you saying you are against American citizens being killed??

If so....

Why so quiet now??

Why did Trump not only ramp up the number of drone strikes but also end the policy of reporting drone strike deaths...what is he trying to hide?

US to stop revealing drone deaths

I am against American citizens being killed with drones. Can you read?

I have no problem with drones strikes against foreign terrorists. They have no right to due process.
Calling our soldiers "losers" is sickening, especially on of all days 9/11.
I second this. Our troops are the reason why we have the freedom to say anything and so to me, appreciation should be shown.

"I hear people saying, 'We don't need this war!' Well I say, 'There's some things worth fighting for!' What about our freedom and this piece of ground? We didn't get to keep them by backing down!"

God bless you and Darryl and our troops always!!!

Holly (a day one fan of Darryl)

There was nothing the wars in Iraq and very little in Afgan did that really changed the safety in the USA.
A one-off plane strike. We changed the screening at airports no more airplane attacks for 20 Billion. We
knew from the Gulf war we could use airstrike on the Terrorist. Send in a few Seal teams here and there.
There was no need to invade either nation and spending trillions other than changing ownership of oil control more or less.

Like most vets, they tell me they were used for nothing of worth. Both nations are still armed and are GUN NUTTER NRA Crazy.

btw.the Leader was in Pakistan.

Still wasting 6 Trillion plus over 4 planes 3 buildings and 2500 people in the USA over a non-nation terrorist attack.
We should have bombed Saudi Arabia by air first, the rest would fall in line. Trade food for oil at protected ports etc.
Really was stupid, the soldiers that were too stupid to see the BS at the start.
But after 2 years understood it was lies in Afgan and Iraq. Dying or living as walk dead/ wounded so the top 5% could make money.
To me, they were stupid to go in by land, where they could send in drones for 98% of the killing and steal the oil, the top 5% wanted.

And add another 18 Trillion for letting these two nations stay armed. In our future spending, the problem is still there.
The Troops lost these wars as the losers they are. WWII vets can tell you how to be winners.
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I disagree. When something means enough to you, you do whatever it takes to make sure that it isn't ripped away from you and in my opinion, letting anyone get away with what they are guilty of only makes you an enabler. Since when are we in America not worth the self defense?

God bless you and our homeland always!!!


Did I say we could not go after them? No, I did not.
I just posted a better, safer, cheaper way to kill them.
What are we doing now? Drone Strikes, Air Strikes, some Seal kill strikes.
It's what should have been done from the start. And save 17 trillion dollars.
1 Trillion can kill many more than it has if used the right ways. In WWII we
set whole cities on fire in Japan and Germany. We spend huge sums to occupy these lands
and now we don't, and they are doing what they were doing before.
"911 every year will remind these losers they died or were wounded and used for nothing"

"Most people who join the military are not the best peoples.
Just stupid losers that can't get a real job and support themselves, it was not out of some patriotic feelings
It was to get food and shelter free, medical and some possible useless schooling. Just sucking off Gobmint dimes thinking no wars were coming and it was a safe short term bet."

olks, this right here is who you are aligning yourself with, every time you vote for a Dimocrat today.
EXCLUSIVE - New Information About 9-11 Investigation

Calling our soldiers "losers" is sickening, especially on of all days 9/11.
I second this. Our troops are the reason why we have the freedom to say anything and so to me, appreciation should be shown.

"I hear people saying, 'We don't need this war!' Well I say, 'There's some things worth fighting for!' What about our freedom and this piece of ground? We didn't get to keep them by backing down!"

God bless you and Darryl and our troops always!!!

Holly (a day one fan of Darryl)

There was nothing the wars in Iraq and very little in Afgan did that really changed the safety in the USA.
A one-off plane strike. We changed the screening at airports no more airplane attacks for 20 Billion. We
knew from the Gulf war we could use airstrike on the Terrorist. Send in a few Seal teams here and there.
There was no need to invade either nation and spending trillions other than changing ownership of oil control more or less.

Like most vets, they tell me they were used for nothing of worth. Both nations are still armed and are GUN NUTTER NRA Crazy.

btw.the Leader was in Pakistan.

Still wasting 6 Trillion plus over 4 planes 3 buildings and 2500 people in the USA over a non-nation terrorist attack.
We should have bombed Saudi Arabia by air first, the rest would fall in line. Trade food for oil at protected ports etc.
Really was stupid, the soldiers that were too stupid to see the BS at the start.
But after 2 years understood it was lies in Afgan and Iraq. Dying or living as walk dead/ wounded so the top 5% could make money.
To me, they were stupid to go in by land, where they could send in drones for 98% of the killing and steal the oil, the top 5% wanted.

And add another 18 Trillion for letting these two nations stay armed. In our future spending, the problem is still there.
The Troops lost these wars as the losers they are. WWII vets can tell you how to be winners.
View attachment 278770

I disagree. When something means enough to you, you do whatever it takes to make sure that it isn't ripped away from you and in my opinion, letting anyone get away with what they are guilty of only makes you an enabler. Since when are we in America not worth the self defense?

God bless you and our homeland always!!!


Did I say we could not go after them? No, I did not.
I just posted a better, safer, cheaper way to kill them.
What are we doing now? Drone Strikes, Air Strikes, some Seal kill strikes.
It's what should have been done from the start. And save 17 trillion dollars.
1 Trillion can kill many more than it has if used the right ways. In WWII we
set whole cities on fire in Japan and Germany. We spend huge sums to occupy these lands
and now we don't, and they are doing what they were doing before.

Thank you for writing back to me and I do apologize if I misunderstood you.

God bless you always!!!

I have no problem with drones strikes against foreign terrorists. They have no right to due process.

What about people who are accused of being terrorists? Do they get due process?
If you live in a terrorist hood, you are fair game for being killed by us or them. Better to be elsewhere.

I understand that. If a country harbors terrorist, we should go to war with them, officially and with decisive force.

But I'm concerned about this notion that "terrorists don't deserve due process", because it fundamentally misses the point of due process. If we already know someone is a terrorist, they should have no rights at all. We should just kill them. But usually, we don't know, for sure, if someone is a terrorist or not. That's when due process comes it. It protects potentially innocent people until it is proven that they are guilty.
"911 every year will remind these losers they died or were wounded and used for nothing"

"Most people who join the military are not the best peoples.
Just stupid losers that can't get a real job and support themselves, it was not out of some patriotic feelings
It was to get food and shelter free, medical and some possible useless schooling. Just sucking off Gobmint dimes thinking no wars were coming and it was a safe short term bet."

olks, this right here is who you are aligning yourself with, every time you vote for a Dimocrat today.
No, BazAres is not representative of Democrats. That's like me insisting that Easy or Snouter represents all Republicans. C'mon.
"911 every year will remind these losers they died or were wounded and used for nothing"

"Most people who join the military are not the best peoples.
Just stupid losers that can't get a real job and support themselves, it was not out of some patriotic feelings
It was to get food and shelter free, medical and some possible useless schooling. Just sucking off Gobmint dimes thinking no wars were coming and it was a safe short term bet."

olks, this right here is who you are aligning yourself with, every time you vote for a Dimocrat today.
No, BazAres is not representative of Democrats. That's like me insisting that Easy or Snouter represents all Republicans. C'mon.

So then you as a Dimocrat, need to call him out, and refute his disgusting comments about members of our military.

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