9-11 was a hate crime


Yep! We won no wars here. Just killed some people. Spending Trillions.
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The Dems still refuses to admit that the 9-11 terrorist attack was a hate crime because they don't want to offended the Islamist wing of their party.
In fact it is the biggest hate crime in the history of America, but the Left doesn't want to talk about it.
The Left never calls these reoccurring Islamic mass murder attacks hate crimes.
Orlando was a hate crime
Fort Hood was a hate crime
Boston was a hate crime
San Bernardino was a hate crime
It's just more proof that the Dems puts power above principles
911 was payback for generations of hate crimes committed by the US and its proxies:

Motives for the September 11 attacks - Wikipedia

"In Osama Bin Laden's November 2002 'Letter to America',[3][4] he explicitly stated that al-Qaeda's motives for their attacks include: Western support for attacking Muslims in Somalia, supporting Russian atrocities against Muslims in Chechnya, supporting the Indian oppression against Muslims in Kashmir, the Jewish aggression against Muslims in Lebanon, the presence of US troops in Saudi Arabia,[4][5][6] US support of Israel,[7][8] and sanctions against Iraq."

How many innocent Muslim civilians can you maim, murder, displace, and incarcerate before those chickens come home to roost?

There it is folks, your modern day liberal.
911? What was that? Other than many stupid American troops played the game for long term healthcare and sucking off the taxpayer's dimes.
911 every year will remind these losers they died or were wounded and used for nothing. But for the Repugger supporting CEO making the war happen, just making money off the stupids.
I see 6 and moreover longterm 10 trillion in spending and nothing has changed. And why do we keep losing wars after WWII?

Please if possible, bring back Saddam type these guys know how to control these people in the ME.
Now WWII Troops knew how to win wars fully.

"911 every year will remind these losers they died or were wounded and used for nothing"

Wow, read this everyone ! Calling our soldiers "losers". Holy shit, amazing any normal American would vote alongside people like this.
911? What was that? Other than many stupid American troops played the game for long term healthcare and sucking off the taxpayer's dimes.
911 every year will remind these losers they died or were wounded and used for nothing. But for the Repugger supporting CEO making the war happen, just making money off the stupids.
I see 6 and moreover longterm 10 trillion in spending and nothing has changed. And why do we keep losing wars after WWII?

Please if possible, bring back Saddam type these guys know how to control these people in the ME.
Now WWII Troops knew how to win wars fully.

"911 every year will remind these losers they died or were wounded and used for nothing"

Wow, read this everyone ! Calling our soldiers "losers". Holy shit, amazing any normal American would vote alongside people like this.
Tell me, what did they win? They won no war.
And after the truth came out there were no WND's in Iraq. Would you fell like a winner?
I say more like a loser. And they should have just called to be removed based on the fraud into war done by Pres. Cheney and VP Bush. They never put the country under the boot and took all weapons away from them.
Just let some run around killing people for sport. To me I recall no germans running around after the war killing people. Wait There was no surrender in Iraq.
When Bush claimed he won the so-called war in Iraq. Bush just
signed the order for the removal of troops later on. Where Obama had to agree to what Bush signed to leave.
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Calling our soldiers "losers" is sickening, especially on of all days 9/11.

Might be better for you to disappear for a few days, maybe people won't spot what you've said.
Calling our soldiers "losers" is sickening, especially on of all days 9/11.

Might be better for you to disappear for a few days, maybe people won't spot what you've said.

I've talked to many Iraq/Afgan vets. They say they were used for nothing.
Most people who join the military are not the best peoples.
Just stupid losers that can't get a real job and support themselves, it was not out of some patriotic feelings
It was to get food and shelter free, medical and some possible useless schooling. Just sucking off Gobmint dimes thinking no wars were coming and it was a safe short term bet.
The Dems still refuses to admit that the 9-11 terrorist attack was a hate crime because they don't want to offended the Islamist wing of their party.
In fact it is the biggest hate crime in the history of America, but the Left doesn't want to talk about it.
The Left never calls these reoccurring Islamic mass murder attacks hate crimes.
Orlando was a hate crime
Fort Hood was a hate crime
Boston was a hate crime
San Bernardino was a hate crime
It's just more proof that the Dems puts power above principles
911 was payback for generations of hate crimes committed by the US and its proxies:

Motives for the September 11 attacks - Wikipedia

"In Osama Bin Laden's November 2002 'Letter to America',[3][4] he explicitly stated that al-Qaeda's motives for their attacks include: Western support for attacking Muslims in Somalia, supporting Russian atrocities against Muslims in Chechnya, supporting the Indian oppression against Muslims in Kashmir, the Jewish aggression against Muslims in Lebanon, the presence of US troops in Saudi Arabia,[4][5][6] US support of Israel,[7][8] and sanctions against Iraq."

How many innocent Muslim civilians can you maim, murder, displace, and incarcerate before those chickens come home to roost?
You mean feeding the Arabs that the mullahs and princes allow to starve?
The Dems still refuses to admit that the 9-11 terrorist attack was a hate crime because they don't want to offended the Islamist wing of their party.
In fact it is the biggest hate crime in the history of America, but the Left doesn't want to talk about it.
The Left never calls these reoccurring Islamic mass murder attacks hate crimes.
Orlando was a hate crime
Fort Hood was a hate crime
Boston was a hate crime
San Bernardino was a hate crime
It's just more proof that the Dems puts power above principles
911 was payback for generations of hate crimes committed by the US and its proxies:

Motives for the September 11 attacks - Wikipedia

"In Osama Bin Laden's November 2002 'Letter to America',[3][4] he explicitly stated that al-Qaeda's motives for their attacks include: Western support for attacking Muslims in Somalia, supporting Russian atrocities against Muslims in Chechnya, supporting the Indian oppression against Muslims in Kashmir, the Jewish aggression against Muslims in Lebanon, the presence of US troops in Saudi Arabia,[4][5][6] US support of Israel,[7][8] and sanctions against Iraq."

How many innocent Muslim civilians can you maim, murder, displace, and incarcerate before those chickens come home to roost?

There it is folks, your modern day liberal.

Many Repuggers feel the same about killing Muslim folks that have nothing to do with the crazy Muslim NRA Gun Nutter types in the ME.
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Calling our soldiers "losers" is sickening, especially on of all days 9/11.

Might be better for you to disappear for a few days, maybe people won't spot what you've said.

I've talked to many Iraq/Afgan vets. They say they were used for nothing.
Most people who join the military are not the best peoples.
Just stupid losers that can't get a real job and support themselves, it was not out of some patriotic feelings
It was to get food and shelter free, medical and some possible useless schooling. Just sucking off Gobmint dimes thinking no wars were coming and it was a safe short term bet.
Fuck you. Thank goodness we don't need folks like you to keep us safe.

A candlelight vigil in Las Vegas for 9/11 victims. | (REUTERS/Ethan Miller)
Calling our soldiers "losers" is sickening, especially on of all days 9/11.

Might be better for you to disappear for a few days, maybe people won't spot what you've said.

I've talked to many Iraq/Afgan vets. They say they were used for nothing.
Most people who join the military are not the best peoples.
Just stupid losers that can't get a real job and support themselves, it was not out of some patriotic feelings
It was to get food and shelter free, medical and some possible useless schooling. Just sucking off Gobmint dimes thinking no wars were coming and it was a safe short term bet.
Fuck you. Thank goodness we don't need folks like you to keep us safe.

A candlelight vigil in Las Vegas for 9/11 victims. | (REUTERS/Ethan Miller)

Where were the nonpolice NRA Gun Nutter heroes for the shooting in Las Vegas?
Well Armed NRA member morons (Nutters Radically Armed) or not that never seem to charge the guns. Why is that?

Can you list one?
The Dems still refuses to admit that the 9-11 terrorist attack was a hate crime because they don't want to offended the Islamist wing of their party.
In fact it is the biggest hate crime in the history of America, but the Left doesn't want to talk about it.
The Left never calls these reoccurring Islamic mass murder attacks hate crimes.
Orlando was a hate crime
Fort Hood was a hate crime
Boston was a hate crime
San Bernardino was a hate crime
It's just more proof that the Dems puts power above principles
911 was payback for generations of hate crimes committed by the US and its proxies:

Motives for the September 11 attacks - Wikipedia

"In Osama Bin Laden's November 2002 'Letter to America',[3][4] he explicitly stated that al-Qaeda's motives for their attacks include: Western support for attacking Muslims in Somalia, supporting Russian atrocities against Muslims in Chechnya, supporting the Indian oppression against Muslims in Kashmir, the Jewish aggression against Muslims in Lebanon, the presence of US troops in Saudi Arabia,[4][5][6] US support of Israel,[7][8] and sanctions against Iraq."

How many innocent Muslim civilians can you maim, murder, displace, and incarcerate before those chickens come home to roost?
You mean feeding the Arabs that the mullahs and princes allow to starve?
You mean feeding the Arabs that the mullahs and princes allow to starve?
Like Fallujah

War crimes, international law and the elephant in the room
The Dems still refuses to admit that the 9-11 terrorist attack was a hate crime because they don't want to offended the Islamist wing of their party.
In fact it is the biggest hate crime in the history of America, but the Left doesn't want to talk about it.
The Left never calls these reoccurring Islamic mass murder attacks hate crimes.
Orlando was a hate crime
Fort Hood was a hate crime
Boston was a hate crime
San Bernardino was a hate crime
It's just more proof that the Dems puts power above principles
911 was payback for generations of hate crimes committed by the US and its proxies:

Motives for the September 11 attacks - Wikipedia

"In Osama Bin Laden's November 2002 'Letter to America',[3][4] he explicitly stated that al-Qaeda's motives for their attacks include: Western support for attacking Muslims in Somalia, supporting Russian atrocities against Muslims in Chechnya, supporting the Indian oppression against Muslims in Kashmir, the Jewish aggression against Muslims in Lebanon, the presence of US troops in Saudi Arabia,[4][5][6] US support of Israel,[7][8] and sanctions against Iraq."

How many innocent Muslim civilians can you maim, murder, displace, and incarcerate before those chickens come home to roost?
I hope you’re on a watch list.
Perhaps you should move to a less criminal country, more deserving of your presence. Rwanda needs cab drivers like you.
I hope you’re on a watch list.
Perhaps you should move to a less criminal country, more deserving of your presence. Rwanda needs cab drivers like you.
Do you focus on individuals or systems?

Charles Derber on Our Sociopathic Society - Corporate Crime Reporter

"'A sociopathic society is one that develops anti-societal rules of behavior,' Derber told Corporate Crime Reporter in an interview last week. 'Our whole structure is designed to focus us on biology and personalities and not institutions. We see individuals, we don’t see systems.'"
Rwanda cabbie, right up your ally, Tyrell Philshawn.
Calling our soldiers "losers" is sickening, especially on of all days 9/11.
I second this. Our troops are the reason why we have the freedom to say anything and so to me, appreciation should be shown.

"I hear people saying, 'We don't need this war!' Well I say, 'There's some things worth fighting for!' What about our freedom and this piece of ground? We didn't get to keep them by backing down!"

God bless you and Darryl and our troops always!!!

Holly (a day one fan of Darryl)
Calling our soldiers "losers" is sickening, especially on of all days 9/11.
I second this. Our troops are the reason why we have the freedom to say anything and so to me, appreciation should be shown.

"I hear people saying, 'We don't need this war!' Well I say, 'There's some things worth fighting for!' What about our freedom and this piece of ground? We didn't get to keep them by backing down!"

God bless you and Darryl and our troops always!!!

Holly (a day one fan of Darryl)

There was nothing the wars in Iraq and very little in Afgan did that really changed the safety in the USA.
A one-off plane strike. We changed the screening at airports no more airplane attacks for 20 Billion. We
knew from the Gulf war we could use airstrike on the Terrorist. Send in a few Seal teams here and there.
There was no need to invade either nation and spending trillions other than changing ownership of oil control more or less.

Like most vets, they tell me they were used for nothing of worth. Both nations are still armed and are GUN NUTTER NRA Crazy.

btw.the Leader was in Pakistan.

Still wasting 6 Trillion plus over 4 planes 3 buildings and 2500 people in the USA over a non-nation terrorist attack.
We should have bombed Saudi Arabia by air first, the rest would fall in line. Trade food for oil at protected ports etc.
Really was stupid, the soldiers that were too stupid to see the BS at the start.
But after 2 years understood it was lies in Afgan and Iraq. Dying or living as walk dead/ wounded so the top 5% could make money.
To me, they were stupid to go in by land, where they could send in drones for 98% of the killing and steal the oil, the top 5% wanted.

And add another 18 Trillion for letting these two nations stay armed. In our future spending, the problem is still there.
The Troops lost these wars as the losers they are. WWII vets can tell you how to be winners.
Maybe we should go to war with someone over it

Oh wait!
We did of course. We did after Pearl Harbor too. If Obama had been president I am sure strongly-worded letter with claims of red lines would have sufficed.
So when you d1c suckers talk about how Obama expanded drone strikes, you were just bullshitting??

Obama really ended the drone strike program and withdrew all the troops because of how much he hated to go to war??
No, Obama was a mass murderer with those drones. He was merking everyone! Its one of the good things he did as president.
Calling our soldiers "losers" is sickening, especially on of all days 9/11.
I second this. Our troops are the reason why we have the freedom to say anything and so to me, appreciation should be shown.

"I hear people saying, 'We don't need this war!' Well I say, 'There's some things worth fighting for!' What about our freedom and this piece of ground? We didn't get to keep them by backing down!"

God bless you and Darryl and our troops always!!!

Holly (a day one fan of Darryl)

There was nothing the wars in Iraq and very little in Afgan did that really changed the safety in the USA.
A one-off plane strike. We changed the screening at airports no more airplane attacks for 20 Billion. We
knew from the Gulf war we could use airstrike on the Terrorist. Send in a few Seal teams here and there.
There was no need to invade either nation and spending trillions other than changing ownership of oil control more or less.

Like most vets, they tell me they were used for nothing of worth. Both nations are still armed and are GUN NUTTER NRA Crazy.

btw.the Leader was in Pakistan.

Still wasting 6 Trillion plus over 4 planes 3 buildings and 2500 people in the USA over a non-nation terrorist attack.
We should have bombed Saudi Arabia by air first, the rest would fall in line. Trade food for oil at protected ports etc.
Really was stupid, the soldiers that were too stupid to see the BS at the start.
But after 2 years understood it was lies in Afgan and Iraq. Dying or living as walk dead/ wounded so the top 5% could make money.
To me, they were stupid to go in by land, where they could send in drones for 98% of the killing and steal the oil, the top 5% wanted.

And add another 18 Trillion for letting these two nations stay armed. In our future spending, the problem is still there.
The Troops lost these wars as the losers they are. WWII vets can tell you how to be winners.
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I disagree. When something means enough to you, you do whatever it takes to make sure that it isn't ripped away from you and in my opinion, letting anyone get away with what they are guilty of only makes you an enabler. Since when are we in America not worth the self defense?

God bless you and our homeland always!!!

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