9/11 - What Have We Learned?

People love to wax nostalgic - mostly because I think they just want attention, but really, what have we learned? We have prevented another similar event from happening, but still there is ISIS etc.

I get disgusted with people honoring anniversaries of tragic events. I really don't see anything that come from it except media coverage and people rehashing things that will make no difference in the end.

If you want to honor the fallen from 9/11, go to NY or write their families

Posting here or on FB or wherever is just an exercise of self gratification and glorification.

Not impressed.

We've learned all people on Earth can only tolerate so much, and then they snap and fight back even if it kills them.

We learned Bush Jr. was a child not ready to be president of the PTA let alone the USA.

We learned 80% of the US military budget is a welfare-make-work program for the Military-Industrial-Complex. It did not protect anyone. The one thing the military is in existence to do.

We learned this is a great country, and great countries have great highs and fathomless lows.

I personally learned what it felt like on Dec 7, 1941. On 9/11/01 all I wanted to do was join the military and find the people that did that and kill them. It wasn't a thought, it was a physical reaction.

Most important, we learned we too are only human.
Spitting on their graves
by Michelle Malkin
Creators Syndicate

Across the nation, public officials will strike somber poses and shed television-friendly tears and bow their blow-dried heads in memory of the victims of the September 11 terrorist attacks.

They’ll hold hands, light candles, and pass around a plateful of platitudes: “Never forget,” they’ll intone. “Let’s roll,” they’ll thunder. “God bless America,” they’ll warble in perfect harmony.

They’ll assure us that they are committed to fighting terror and securing our borders and doing whatever it takes to protect the homeland from another horrific mass murder at the hands of freedom-hating fanatics. And then?

And then, from Washington state to Washington, D.C., they’ll go back to work, roll up their sleeves, and spit on the graves of the 9/11 dead.....
Spitting on their graves
by Michelle Malkin
Creators Syndicate

Across the nation, public officials will strike somber poses and shed television-friendly tears and bow their blow-dried heads in memory of the victims of the September 11 terrorist attacks.

They’ll hold hands, light candles, and pass around a plateful of platitudes: “Never forget,” they’ll intone. “Let’s roll,” they’ll thunder. “God bless America,” they’ll warble in perfect harmony.

They’ll assure us that they are committed to fighting terror and securing our borders and doing whatever it takes to protect the homeland from another horrific mass murder at the hands of freedom-hating fanatics. And then?

And then, from Washington state to Washington, D.C., they’ll go back to work, roll up their sleeves, and spit on the graves of the 9/11 dead.....
Only 1 way to turn....
False !

You're a great critic but with no answers or replies...
False my answers are not propaganda like yours .
In life sometimes there are no answers.
If comforting nonsense helps you cope, then great .
Selling it to others for your own personal security is not.

I didn't even say anything (yet) - I guess you have read some of my other posts :)
You know I'm right too ;)
Only 1 way to turn....
False !

You're a great critic but with no answers or replies...
False my answers are not propaganda like yours .
In life sometimes there are no answers.
If comforting nonsense helps you cope, then great .
Selling it to others for your own personal security is not.

I didn't even say anything (yet) - I guess you have read some of my other posts :)
You know I'm right too ;)
false! you may be right for you but not for anyone else .

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