9/11: What really happened on that day?

I see zionist agent phoenix farted after my post.His handlers sure got worried sending him immediately afterwards to talk to himself.

comedy gold that he uses INTERNET links as sources.:lmao::haha:

His handlers could have done much better than that of what to instruct him to do.:lmao::haha:
LOL. An example of anti-semitic "friendly fire"; one anti-semitic nutjob takes down another in a case of juvenile idiotic mistaken identity.
...YOU are the coward here,the fact you ignored EVERYTHING i posted and dismissed it...
Disagreed. I'm not the coward that spit out a half dozen posts of bile then proclaimed to put another person on ignore before they could respond. It takes both a special kind of cowardice and mental instability to do such a thing.

As for ignoring your dribble; yeah. Wanna guess why?
If you check the original design of the Twin Towers you will see it was designed by Jews. They designed secret control demo charges into the towers so that when the day came that the towers were hit by two jets flying at 500 mph, the Jews could blame the Saudi hijackers.
It is what I have labeled an "inside job" by the Jews, NWO, Bilderberg and Obama

Leslie Robertson wasn't a jew to the best of my knowledge.
Did you pull down his pants?
Do you have any evidence to back up your claim?

I am a conspiracy theorist, I do not need evidence

There are 2 types of conspiracy theorists. Those who don't care about the evidence (many official conspiracy theorists belong in this category) and those who do. You are clearly in the former category. Good luck with that.

You asked us to provide our theories of what REALLY happened and I did.

Come on rightwinger, do you honestly believe anyone believes you actually believe these "theories" you've put out? Furthermore, a good theory has to be backed up by evidence. Otherwise, it's just quackery.
I've seen rightwinger posting for some time and can tell he's serious as shit.
Damn skippy

Phoenix doesn't have a clue to what happened on 9-11. I am the only one accurately describing what happened that day

Don't you love when a truther complains you don't have evidence?
someone farted in here.^:9:

that means i got you on ignore troll.
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You may be right on that one; the whole truth concerning 9/11 is quite a lot of information. But I certainly believe that many (including myself) can learn a lot more then we currently know of the event.

So you don't find Howard Hunt's confession to be credible, I take it? As to your notion that Saddam Hussein definitely had WMDs, I know that this has been claimed, but I haven't seen any real evidence to back it up.

No, Hunt is grandstanding.

How are you so sure? It seems his primary purpose was to tell his children, not to tell the media. It was his children who told the media.

If you haven't seen any evidence that Saddam had WMDs then you haven't been looking. Saddam Hussein killed hundreds of thousands of Kurds with his WMDs, that is an easily proven fact. But this is off the point.

Yeah, it's off the point, but we could always make a new thread if it really got going. I'm not saying that Saddam Hussein didn't have chemical weapons at the time of the first gulf war. What I'd like to see is evidence that they still had it before Bush Jr. invaded.

Absence of proof is not proof of absence.

True. Ofcourse, that logic can be used to argue for the existence of invisible unicorns and elves on Mars. You're free to do it, but don't expect me to go along for the ride :p.

He had WMDs, he used them, there's no reason to believe that he used them all and what did we give him? 30-40 days advance notice before we attacked?

The strongest evidence that he had no chemical weapons left is in the fact that none were ever found after Bush Jr.'s invasion. Like you said, absence of proof and even absence of evidence is not proof of its lack, but that doesn't mean I'm going to believe in invisible unicorns just because no one has proven they don't exist.

Piss poor analogy. In order for your comparison to work, unicorns would have to be a fact. The WMDs were a fact.
Sorry, you seem to have two problems that will make a rational discussion about 9-11 very difficult; 1. a refusal or inability to see the logical, and 2, a refusal to admit when you are wrong.
oh the irony.:badgrin:

a guy who believes oswald shot JFK and he expects people to take him serious when he says the WMD's were a fact.

talk about a guy who refuses to admit when he has been proven wrong.
:lmao:THIS coming from a guy who ran off with his tail between his legs when i challenged him to prove oswald was shot JFK and then put me on ignore when he was cornered.:lmao::haha:
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Now you are obfuscating....just like all truthers

It was viewed by millions that people started jumping minutes before the towers were controlled demoed. How could they have known the controlled demo would take place if they weren't tipped off?

You haven't yet established that they weren't simply jumping out because they were being burned alive inside -.-

Burned alive?

How could the moment they were being burned alive occur at the same time Bush was control demoing the building?

Sigh -.- Come on rightwinger, let's stop with this skit of a discussion and get to a real one. Do you believe the official story wholeheartedly?

Just to make it clear to you, RW seems to be saying his ridiculous 9/11 CTs are just as valid (or way more so) than any of the foil-hat alternatives you and the "Truther" Movement have produced in 15 years of trying to prove "the Joooo did it!"

Not the "Joo" thing again -.- Look, I know there are some CTers that believe that anything bad in the world was caused by jews, but I'm certainly not one of them. RW isn't providing any evidence for claims that he doesn't even believe to begin with. I played along for a bit, but I've now lost interest.

The fact that you can't seem to get any distance from this board's village [insults removed] says all one needs to know about you.

9/11 has his flaws (I think he's too quick to decide that someone is a shill, for instance), but I think that he has made some good points.

The question isn't if anyone believes "the official story wholeheartedly"

My question was if RW believes the official story wholeheartedly. I'm hoping he'll answer it instead of going on with theories that he doesn't even believe in.

...do any of the 9/11 CTs you promote make a lick of sense?

I and many others believe they make a lot more sense then any of the official narratives out there regarding 9/11.

again its not my fault you are in denial rightwinger is a paid shill like so many others here that they have penetrated these forums.:rolleyes:

again i think its sad your worried so much of the PAST instead of whats going on NOW when 9/11 is the least of our problems we have to worry about from the government right now.:rolleyes:
How could they possibly have known when to jump if they weren't warned that Bush was ready to control demo the building?

You haven't even shown any evidence that they all jumped right before the collapses -.-

Now you are obfuscating....just like all truthers

It was viewed by millions that people started jumping minutes before the towers were controlled demoed. How could they have known the controlled demo would take place if they weren't tipped off?

You haven't yet established that they weren't simply jumping out because they were being burned alive inside -.-

Burned alive?

How could the moment they were being burned alive occur at the same time Bush was control demoing the building?

Sigh -.- Come on rightwinger, let's stop with this skit of a discussion and get to a real one. Do you believe the official story wholeheartedly?

Yes he does,this paid troll once made a thread called "9/11 was an inside job and oswald shot JFK" which i would be more than HAPPY to show you that thread if you doubt me?

also,this will for sure indeed beyond a doubt prove in spades that you do love wasting your time on all these paid shills like rightwinger BECAUSE here is the proof in the pudding that he is incapable of EVER admitting it when he has been proven wrong.

I once a made a thread two years ago saying the rams would be back in LA and he came on the thread and insisted they were never coming back,you can see for yourself right here in this thread.

expect Rams to be back in LA next year.

well guess what? He STILL to this day goes around trolling saying the rams will be playing in st louis this year? if that is not a troll phoenyx in capable of admitting he has been proven wrong,PLEASE tell me what is then.:lmao::haha:

I can ALSO get you a thread showing where he kept saying to me they were playing in st louis this year long after it was announced they were going back to LA if you want proof I am not making this up.seriously,I am NOT making this up,this is no joke.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::haha::haha:

I have a valid reason as you can see,to why he wins first prize as USMB's resident troll.
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Seriously, ANYONE that believes the official horseshit story of 9/11/01 have to be THE dumbest motherfuckers on this planet. It's people like those that buy this load of horseshit that enables them to continue. I am fucking EMBARRASSED to even admit that I was born in America when I am in world wide chat rooms because it's a source of shame. Seriously, you stupid fuckwads that worship at the feet of the biggest terrorist organization on the planet that is USA.INC disgust me in ways that I never thought possible. I don't HAVE to give every fucking minute detail showing the lies and fraud because I have two eyes and some common sense. Those of you that attack posters here that have their eyes open and thinking you are taking up for your beloved "gubermint" which is nothing but a private "for profit" entity are in for the rudest awakening of your life. What I wouldn't give to see the look on your stupid faces when the realization that you were played for an idiot slaps you upside the head.
Do you REALLY believe the official story of 9/11/01? You always struck me as being intelligent.
Yes. I'm both intelligent and sane.

I'm also an expert on human psychology; albeit narrowed to a specific field. Ever see that commercial about "I'm a monitor, not a fixer"? I'm a monitor.

Yes, I believe the official story given it's not perfect. I certainly don't believe the nonsense about Jews, drones, explosive charges nor any other conspiracy theory beyond the known one.
someone farted in here.^:9:

that means i got you on ignore troll.
It's you and you're a pathetic, spineless liar. A sad mental case wearing aluminum foil on your head to ward off "the voices". Sad.

Do you REALLY believe the official story of 9/11/01? You always struck me as being intelligent.
Tell us what REALLY happened and don't forget the part about the Jews

The Jews had nothing to do with it and I have never stated that it was. 9/11 was done for a litany of reasons most of which had to do with money and to stop insider trading investigations by the SEC plus the laundering of ten year securities set to expire that were obtained by illegal means and would not have passed the sniff test of SEC contractors like Cantor Fitzgerald.
someone farted in here.^:9:

that means i got you on ignore troll.
It's you and you're a pathetic, spineless liar. A sad mental case wearing aluminum foil on your head to ward off "the voices". Sad.

Do you REALLY believe the official story of 9/11/01? You always struck me as being intelligent.
Tell us what REALLY happened and don't forget the part about the Jews

The Jews had nothing to do with it and I have never stated that it was. 9/11 was done for a litany of reasons most of which had to do with money and to stop insider trading investigations by the SEC plus the laundering of ten year securities set to expire that were obtained by illegal means and would not have passed the sniff test of SEC contractors like Cantor Fitzgerald.
Yes because AlQaida hated ten year securities
Do you REALLY believe the official story of 9/11/01? You always struck me as being intelligent.
Yes. I'm both intelligent and sane.

I'm also an expert on human psychology; albeit narrowed to a specific field. Ever see that commercial about "I'm a monitor, not a fixer"? I'm a monitor.

Yes, I believe the official story given it's not perfect. I certainly don't believe the nonsense about Jews, drones, explosive charges nor any other conspiracy theory beyond the known one.

I believed it for a very long time and I busted on anyone that dared to say otherwise until I found out that the PATRIOT Act had been written in advance and the apparatus to spy on every fucking thing we did on line and with our cell-phones was already in place. THAT is what set off my bullshit detector. My son constantly bugged me about 9/11 and insisting that the official story was bullshit. When Snowden made his revelations, I decided that maybe I should take my son up on his offer to watch "Loose Change" and if I could debunk it, he would never pester me again...so I did. I was only 30 minutes or so into the documentary before I felt the need to puke. Building 7? I heard almost nothing about it and I chalked it up to collateral damage caused by the falling of Towers 1 &2...until I took the time to watch the footage of it where it came straight down. THAT was my "come to Jesus" moment and I knew that the whole thing was a lie and a set-up from the "git-go". The Pentagon hit was even worse and totally implausible. Everyone has to find their own way when it comes to the truth and I was a long time hold out so I can't be hard on others. I have spent hundreds of hours searching the pro and cons of that day wanting to believe that our country wasn't capable of doing this to their own people. Sadly, I have learned that the shadow government does indeed exist and they operate outside of the bounds of even their corporate constitution with no oversight and no worries about the consequences. I have made this my mission to find the truth and try and make sense of how we got this place and some of the places I have been are very dark...like the MK-Ultra program, Operation Paperclip where Nazis that were complicit in genocide and inhumane experiments on the defenseless were "sheep-dipped" and brought over to this country and given jobs and high rankings in the OSS that later became the CIA and in the field of rockets.

What I have found is that nothing that I believed my country was about was true. If you ever want to look at a different perspective, watch "JFK To 9/11...Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick". You can watch it for free on youtube. It's the best documentary ever done about how things really are.
someone farted in here.^:9:

that means i got you on ignore troll.
It's you and you're a pathetic, spineless liar. A sad mental case wearing aluminum foil on your head to ward off "the voices". Sad.

Do you REALLY believe the official story of 9/11/01? You always struck me as being intelligent.
Tell us what REALLY happened and don't forget the part about the Jews

The Jews had nothing to do with it and I have never stated that it was. 9/11 was done for a litany of reasons most of which had to do with money and to stop insider trading investigations by the SEC plus the laundering of ten year securities set to expire that were obtained by illegal means and would not have passed the sniff test of SEC contractors like Cantor Fitzgerald.
Yes because AlQaida hated ten year securities

Al qaeda was a CIA term and Osama bin Laden aka "Tim Osman" was a CIA asset and was until the day he died on December 13th, 2001 of Marfan's Syndrome. We was visited by an array of intelligence agencies including the CIA at a military hospital in Dubai in July of 2001.

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