9,200 Purely Covid Deaths in the USA

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
CDC finally came clean with what we've all been wondering. Has ANYBODY actually died from Covid ALONE?

Apparently 9,200. Who knows what underlying circumstances caused the rest to die

Here's the actual CDC link for the tards who'll cry about the Gateway pundit:

For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death

Here's the actual CDC link for the tards who'll cry about the Gateway pundit:

For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death

"Look, officer, that guy had CANCER! So my shooting him in the head had nothing to do with his death!" - piece of trash Trump cultist
"That woman didn't die because I ran over her with my car, she'd just gone to the doctor with a cold!" - dumb ass Trumpist
You seem to be a little irate that the government has lied to you, and that it wasnt from the Kung Flu? Do you like being lied to all the time by your political hacks, or are you just a sponge that absorbs what ever Mika tells you?
This reminds me of the Family Matters TV show scene when the Winslow garage is trashed because of a beach ball being the last thing that is added to what is already on the shelves.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Steve did have a good point though. Before the beach ball was put away, Carl was hanging from the shelf. :D :D :D
If someone with hypertension, diabetes or cancer, lived 5 minutes less than they would without COVID 19, they most definitely died from the viral infection.
Didn’t take long for some asshole to bring Trump into this. Cannot trust anyone these days. Not the media and not the CDC.
"That woman didn't die because I ran over her with my car, she'd just gone to the doctor with a cold!" - dumb ass Trumpist
The hurricane didn’t kill that guy, the flying Yield sign decapitated him
Why is everything about Trump with your people. The Celtics won today.

Candycorn: Trump sucks and he hates the Celtics.

Get some help.
Originally posted by RoshawnMarkwees
No, their deaths resulted from preexisting conditions complicated by the virus, not caused by it.

In the example I gave, they would have died from their preexisting conditions at, let's say, 10 pm. What killed them at 09:55 pm was definitely COVID 19.

They weren't put on ventilators for hours, days or weeks before their deaths because of their hypertension, diabetes or cancer but because of their viral infection.

And even "preexisting conditions" is largely an assumption on your part because you have an awful lot of victims of COVID who had no underlying pathologies and an even greater number of survivors who did.

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