9.8 ...Unemployment

How will the GOP's Summer of Recovery look if Bank of America goes the way of Enron by Memorial Day?

"In an October 2009 interview with Computerworld, Mr. Assange said that he had obtained copious amounts of data from a Bank of America executive’s hard drive.

"From the Computerworld piece:

“'At the moment, for example, we are sitting on 5GB from Bank of America, one of the executive’s hard drives,” he said.

“'Now how do we present that? It’s a difficult problem. We could just dump it all into one giant Zip file, but we know for a fact that has limited impact. To have impact, it needs to be easy for people to dive in and search it and get something out of it.'”

Wiki's Summer Storm?

Here we go with the wealth Envy crap again. 'Scuse me? But wasn't it Democrats (VP Joe Bite Me) that proclaimed "Summer Of Recovery"?

People are sitting on money because of the horsecrap this administration has been dishing out for the past 2 years and I don't blame them for sitting on it.

Why would anyone invest in anything right now knowing over half of it will be taken from them and spent on Socialist folly?

There has been nothing but attack after attack on American business and capitalism while this Government spends us further into the hole a-la EU and other despot nations.

Americans are waiting to see what the new GOP House is going to do. Watchword here is cautious optimism for even the GOP is on double secret probation in the eyes of the people that sent them.

The economy has recovered. There are no jobs because thanks to you free traders, we have an economy that doesn't require mass amounts of labor to run, and expand.

The economy hasn't revcovered.....that's the problem, it's still limping. Keep listening to your administration, though. Listen to all the jobs "created and saved" while your at it. :cuckoo:
How will the GOP's Summer of Recovery look if Bank of America goes the way of Enron by Memorial Day?

"In an October 2009 interview with Computerworld, Mr. Assange said that he had obtained copious amounts of data from a Bank of America executive’s hard drive.

"From the Computerworld piece:

“'At the moment, for example, we are sitting on 5GB from Bank of America, one of the executive’s hard drives,” he said.

“'Now how do we present that? It’s a difficult problem. We could just dump it all into one giant Zip file, but we know for a fact that has limited impact. To have impact, it needs to be easy for people to dive in and search it and get something out of it.'”

Wiki's Summer Storm?

Here we go with the wealth Envy crap again. 'Scuse me? But wasn't it Democrats (VP Joe Bite Me) that proclaimed "Summer Of Recovery"?

People are sitting on money because of the horsecrap this administration has been dishing out for the past 2 years and I don't blame them for sitting on it.

Why would anyone invest in anything right now knowing over half of it will be taken from them and spent on Socialist folly?

There has been nothing but attack after attack on American business and capitalism while this Government spends us further into the hole a-la EU and other despot nations.

Americans are waiting to see what the new GOP House is going to do. Watchword here is cautious optimism for even the GOP is on double secret probation in the eyes of the people that sent them.

The economy has recovered. There are no jobs because thanks to you free traders, we have an economy that doesn't require mass amounts of labor to run, and expand.

you're delusional.:cuckoo:
How will the GOP's Summer of Recovery look if Bank of America goes the way of Enron by Memorial Day?

"In an October 2009 interview with Computerworld, Mr. Assange said that he had obtained copious amounts of data from a Bank of America executive’s hard drive.

"From the Computerworld piece:

“'At the moment, for example, we are sitting on 5GB from Bank of America, one of the executive’s hard drives,” he said.

“'Now how do we present that? It’s a difficult problem. We could just dump it all into one giant Zip file, but we know for a fact that has limited impact. To have impact, it needs to be easy for people to dive in and search it and get something out of it.'”

Wiki's Summer Storm?

Here we go with the wealth Envy crap again. 'Scuse me? But wasn't it Democrats (VP Joe Bite Me) that proclaimed "Summer Of Recovery"?

People are sitting on money because of the horsecrap this administration has been dishing out for the past 2 years and I don't blame them for sitting on it.

Why would anyone invest in anything right now knowing over half of it will be taken from them and spent on Socialist folly?

There has been nothing but attack after attack on American business and capitalism while this Government spends us further into the hole a-la EU and other despot nations.

Americans are waiting to see what the new GOP House is going to do. Watchword here is cautious optimism for even the GOP is on double secret probation in the eyes of the people that sent them.

The economy has recovered. There are no jobs because thanks to you free traders, we have an economy that doesn't require mass amounts of labor to run, and expand.

You couldn't be more wrong.

The economy has not recovered. 2.5% economic growth is not a recovery; we need 3% just to keep up with population growth.

The reason it has not recovered is because the size of the Federal Government as a % of GDP has increased by 25% in the past two years. The Feds sucked the oxygen out of the private sector.
Sheez ... that's what 4 years of Democrats controlling the purse strings gets you...

Well that and over 14 trillion in national debt..


In a potentially serious setback for the U.S. economy, hiring unexpectedly stalled in November while the nation's unemployment rate jumped to 9.8%, reversing a pattern of slow but steady improvement in the prospects for American workers.

The grim report released Friday by the Labor Department flew in the face of strong job growth in October and a slew of largely positive economic indicators in recent days. And it called into question the belief of most economists that the recovery from the worst recession in a generation was gaining momentum.

Unemployment, jobs: U.S. unemployment jumps to 9.8% as hiring stalls - latimes.com

4 years of democrats controlling the purse strings?

obama has only been in office for 2 years

it was only 2 years ago that obama and the democrats "took control"? (ha ha ha) of congress and the white house

prior to that bush was the president for 8 years and congress has been under the control of republicans since the freshmen republicans swept into office in 1994

the need? for a BIG BAILOUT occurred while bush and the repubs were still controlling the government

obama inherited this mess

sorry to seem insulting but....are you on drugs?

how could you possibly get all of this so wrong?

conservatives claim to be the party of RESPONSIBILITY

while they blame democrats for the mess they were responsible for
Here we go with the wealth Envy crap again. 'Scuse me? But wasn't it Democrats (VP Joe Bite Me) that proclaimed "Summer Of Recovery"?

People are sitting on money because of the horsecrap this administration has been dishing out for the past 2 years and I don't blame them for sitting on it.

Why would anyone invest in anything right now knowing over half of it will be taken from them and spent on Socialist folly?

There has been nothing but attack after attack on American business and capitalism while this Government spends us further into the hole a-la EU and other despot nations.

Americans are waiting to see what the new GOP House is going to do. Watchword here is cautious optimism for even the GOP is on double secret probation in the eyes of the people that sent them.

The economy has recovered. There are no jobs because thanks to you free traders, we have an economy that doesn't require mass amounts of labor to run, and expand.

You couldn't be more wrong.

The economy has not recovered. 2.5% economic growth is not a recovery; we need 3% just to keep up with population growth.

The reason it has not recovered is because the size of the Federal Government as a % of GDP has increased by 25% in the past two years. The Feds sucked the oxygen out of the private sector.
We're in agreement that the economy has not recovered; however, I'm not sure if your reason about the size of the Federal Government as a % of GDP makes as much sense as Dean Baker's autopsy of the President's Fiscal Commission:

"The country has a large deficit today because the collapse of the housing bubble wrecked the economy.

"This is simple and obvious to everyone familiar with the dynamics of the budget and the economy.

"If the unemployment rate were at its pre-recession level of 4.5 percent, we would have, at most, a modest deficit.

"Furthermore, the story of out of control government spending is entirely an invention of people with an agenda to pursue. In 1980, non-interest spending (?) was 19.8 percent of GDP.

"The Congressional Budget Office projects that it will rise to 21.1 percent of GDP in 2020 under President Obama's budget.

"An increase in spending of 1.3 percentage points of GDP over 40 years hardly qualifies as out of control.

"Much of any additional revenue needed can be obtained by a tax on Wall Street financial speculation.

"Remarkably, the commission's co-director's apparently never considered this obvious source of revenue."
So, with employment increasing, let's cut a bunch of people one unemployment loose. And make sure that nothing gets done in the way of projects that might repair our badly worn out infrastructure. The Republican plan seems to be to destroy anything that President Obama proposes, no matter what the cost to the nation. And if we have a nation left, give what is left to their very wealthy benefactors.

Oh boy... an "evil rich" post. How original.
How will the GOP's Summer of Recovery look if Bank of America goes the way of Enron by Memorial Day?

"In an October 2009 interview with Computerworld, Mr. Assange said that he had obtained copious amounts of data from a Bank of America executive’s hard drive.

"From the Computerworld piece:

“'At the moment, for example, we are sitting on 5GB from Bank of America, one of the executive’s hard drives,” he said.

“'Now how do we present that? It’s a difficult problem. We could just dump it all into one giant Zip file, but we know for a fact that has limited impact. To have impact, it needs to be easy for people to dive in and search it and get something out of it.'”

Wiki's Summer Storm?

Here we go with the wealth Envy crap again. 'Scuse me? But wasn't it Democrats (VP Joe Bite Me) that proclaimed "Summer Of Recovery"?

People are sitting on money because of the horsecrap this administration has been dishing out for the past 2 years and I don't blame them for sitting on it.

Why would anyone invest in anything right now knowing over half of it will be taken from them and spent on Socialist folly?

There has been nothing but attack after attack on American business and capitalism while this Government spends us further into the hole a-la EU and other despot nations.

Americans are waiting to see what the new GOP House is going to do. Watchword here is cautious optimism for even the GOP is on double secret probation in the eyes of the people that sent them.

The economy has recovered. There are no jobs because thanks to you free traders, we have an economy that doesn't require mass amounts of labor to run, and expand.

Hilarious!! :lol:
Sheez ... that's what 4 years of Democrats controlling the purse strings gets you...

Well that and over 14 trillion in national debt..


In a potentially serious setback for the U.S. economy, hiring unexpectedly stalled in November while the nation's unemployment rate jumped to 9.8%, reversing a pattern of slow but steady improvement in the prospects for American workers.

The grim report released Friday by the Labor Department flew in the face of strong job growth in October and a slew of largely positive economic indicators in recent days. And it called into question the belief of most economists that the recovery from the worst recession in a generation was gaining momentum.

Unemployment, jobs: U.S. unemployment jumps to 9.8% as hiring stalls - latimes.com

4 years of democrats controlling the purse strings?

obama has only been in office for 2 years

it was only 2 years ago that obama and the democrats "took control"? (ha ha ha) of congress and the white house

prior to that bush was the president for 8 years and congress has been under the control of republicans since the freshmen republicans swept into office in 1994

the need? for a BIG BAILOUT occurred while bush and the repubs were still controlling the government

obama inherited this mess

sorry to seem insulting but....are you on drugs?

how could you possibly get all of this so wrong?

conservatives claim to be the party of RESPONSIBILITY

while they blame democrats for the mess they were responsible for

In 2006 the Dems took control of Congress - and that is when spending started spinning completely out of control.
The economy has recovered. There are no jobs because thanks to you free traders, we have an economy that doesn't require mass amounts of labor to run, and expand.

You couldn't be more wrong.

The economy has not recovered. 2.5% economic growth is not a recovery; we need 3% just to keep up with population growth.

The reason it has not recovered is because the size of the Federal Government as a % of GDP has increased by 25% in the past two years. The Feds sucked the oxygen out of the private sector.
We're in agreement that the economy has not recovered; however, I'm not sure if your reason about the size of the Federal Government as a % of GDP makes as much sense as Dean Baker's autopsy of the President's Fiscal Commission:

"The country has a large deficit today because the collapse of the housing bubble wrecked the economy.

"This is simple and obvious to everyone familiar with the dynamics of the budget and the economy.

"If the unemployment rate were at its pre-recession level of 4.5 percent, we would have, at most, a modest deficit.

"Furthermore, the story of out of control government spending is entirely an invention of people with an agenda to pursue. In 1980, non-interest spending (?) was 19.8 percent of GDP.

"The Congressional Budget Office projects that it will rise to 21.1 percent of GDP in 2020 under President Obama's budget.

"An increase in spending of 1.3 percentage points of GDP over 40 years hardly qualifies as out of control.

"Much of any additional revenue needed can be obtained by a tax on Wall Street financial speculation.

"Remarkably, the commission's co-director's apparently never considered this obvious source of revenue."

* And who was it that forced that condition? Whom caused it? Gubmint threatening banks to comply to give loans to people that couldn't repay the loans.

meanwhile Germany's unemployment rate in June 2009 was 7.7%, last month?

wait for it...

I said wait for it damn it!!!


So the lesson is that we should have ...

... more socialism?

if thats your take:lol: ....if theres one person I expected a non knee jerk response from it was you. you know that Germany and several other European nations in 2007 started ratcheting down their corp. tax rates for instance, real estate laws etc., grappling with adjusting entitlements etc. They didn't follow us as to massive spending, merkel built in savings to her last austerity measure in june without tax increases to boot, they had record growth in Q2, , so theres a lesson there somewhere...no?
Sheez ... that's what 4 years of Democrats controlling the purse strings gets you...

Well that and over 14 trillion in national debt..


In a potentially serious setback for the U.S. economy, hiring unexpectedly stalled in November while the nation's unemployment rate jumped to 9.8%, reversing a pattern of slow but steady improvement in the prospects for American workers.

The grim report released Friday by the Labor Department flew in the face of strong job growth in October and a slew of largely positive economic indicators in recent days. And it called into question the belief of most economists that the recovery from the worst recession in a generation was gaining momentum.

Unemployment, jobs: U.S. unemployment jumps to 9.8% as hiring stalls - latimes.com

4 years of democrats controlling the purse strings?

obama has only been in office for 2 years

it was only 2 years ago that obama and the democrats "took control"? (ha ha ha) of congress and the white house

prior to that bush was the president for 8 years and congress has been under the control of republicans since the freshmen republicans swept into office in 1994

the need? for a BIG BAILOUT occurred while bush and the repubs were still controlling the government

obama inherited this mess

sorry to seem insulting but....are you on drugs?

how could you possibly get all of this so wrong?

conservatives claim to be the party of RESPONSIBILITY

while they blame democrats for the mess they were responsible for

In 2006 the Dems took control of Congress - and that is when spending started spinning completely out of control.

Yep. They were sworn in at the same time the recession started. Things have gotten a whole lot worse since then. Coincidence?
meanwhile Germany's unemployment rate in June 2009 was 7.7%, last month?

wait for it...

I said wait for it damn it!!!


But wait, that's impossible. Germany must be doing worse than us... Because as far as you guys are concerned, they're... They're suh suh suh.....


Everyone knows the only answer to the problem is to govern to the right of where we're now governing!...:confused:

The top tax rate in Germany is 45%....

Corporate tax rate 15%...

They have a VAT that provides 31.5% of their national tax income...

They have a progressive death tax (up to 100%!)...

Everyone knows all these things just KILL the economy, so surely Germany's unemployment rate is at 1000% or worse! You MUST be mistaken! [/SARCASM]

Looks like austerity measures create growth even in economies more socialist than ours. Has Germany increased government or decreased it to produce this recovery? What is the US doing?
4 years of democrats controlling the purse strings?

obama has only been in office for 2 years

it was only 2 years ago that obama and the democrats "took control"? (ha ha ha) of congress and the white house

prior to that bush was the president for 8 years and congress has been under the control of republicans since the freshmen republicans swept into office in 1994

the need? for a BIG BAILOUT occurred while bush and the repubs were still controlling the government

obama inherited this mess

sorry to seem insulting but....are you on drugs?

how could you possibly get all of this so wrong?

conservatives claim to be the party of RESPONSIBILITY

while they blame democrats for the mess they were responsible for

In 2006 the Dems took control of Congress - and that is when spending started spinning completely out of control.

Yep. They were sworn in at the same time the recession started. Things have gotten a whole lot worse since then. Coincidence?

Bush did no one any favours by signing off on any spending other than Defense. Obama has continued the tradition [precident] set by Bush in spades...and almost triple amounts.
meanwhile Germany's unemployment rate in June 2009 was 7.7%, last month?

wait for it...

I said wait for it damn it!!!


But wait, that's impossible. Germany must be doing worse than us... Because as far as you guys are concerned, they're... They're suh suh suh.....


Everyone knows the only answer to the problem is to govern to the right of where we're now governing!...:confused:

The top tax rate in Germany is 45%....

Corporate tax rate 15%...

They have a VAT that provides 31.5% of their national tax income...

They have a progressive death tax (up to 100%!)...

Everyone knows all these things just KILL the economy, so surely Germany's unemployment rate is at 1000% or worse! You MUST be mistaken! [/SARCASM]

Looks like austerity measures create growth even in economies more socialist than ours. Has Germany increased government or decreased it to produce this recovery? What is the US doing?

Oblivious to the facts presented. Amazing.
Sheez ... that's what 4 years of Democrats controlling the purse strings gets you...

Well that and over 14 trillion in national debt..


In a potentially serious setback for the U.S. economy, hiring unexpectedly stalled in November while the nation's unemployment rate jumped to 9.8%, reversing a pattern of slow but steady improvement in the prospects for American workers.

The grim report released Friday by the Labor Department flew in the face of strong job growth in October and a slew of largely positive economic indicators in recent days. And it called into question the belief of most economists that the recovery from the worst recession in a generation was gaining momentum.

Unemployment, jobs: U.S. unemployment jumps to 9.8% as hiring stalls - latimes.com

4 years of democrats controlling the purse strings?

obama has only been in office for 2 years

it was only 2 years ago that obama and the democrats "took control"? (ha ha ha) of congress and the white house

prior to that bush was the president for 8 years and congress has been under the control of republicans since the freshmen republicans swept into office in 1994

the need? for a BIG BAILOUT occurred while bush and the repubs were still controlling the government

obama inherited this mess

sorry to seem insulting but....are you on drugs?

how could you possibly get all of this so wrong?

conservatives claim to be the party of RESPONSIBILITY

while they blame democrats for the mess they were responsible for

And the opinion of those with no access to information has been recieved.
meanwhile Germany's unemployment rate in June 2009 was 7.7%, last month?

wait for it...

I said wait for it damn it!!!


So the lesson is that we should have ...

... more socialism?

if thats your take:lol: ....if theres one person I expected a non knee jerk response from it was you. you know that Germany and several other European nations in 2007 started ratcheting down their corp. tax rates for instance, real estate laws etc., grappling with adjusting entitlements etc. They didn't follow us as to massive spending, merkel built in savings to her last austerity measure in june without tax increases to boot, they had record growth in Q2, , so theres a lesson there somewhere...no?

OK, so your take is that when they were farther left, and we were farther left, and we were "Winning," that's proof that "Socialism" doesn't work. But now that they've moved slightly to the right, and we've moved slightly to the right - But they're still to the left of us, and they're "winning," - That's also proof that "Socialism" doesn't work?
So the lesson is that we should have ...

... more socialism?

if thats your take:lol: ....if theres one person I expected a non knee jerk response from it was you. you know that Germany and several other European nations in 2007 started ratcheting down their corp. tax rates for instance, real estate laws etc., grappling with adjusting entitlements etc. They didn't follow us as to massive spending, merkel built in savings to her last austerity measure in june without tax increases to boot, they had record growth in Q2, , so theres a lesson there somewhere...no?

OK, so your take is that when they were farther left, and we were farther left, and we were "Winning," that's proof that "Socialism" doesn't work. But now that they've moved slightly to the right, and we've moved slightly to the right - But they're still to the left of us, and they're "winning," - That's also proof that "Socialism" doesn't work?

hello, my name Trajan, I don't know who's posts you have been readiing and assigning my name to but......


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