9 Democrat governors send letter to Biden begging him to address border crisis

No, gomer. HR 2 that the idiot House Repugs passed last year wants to build Trump's bullshit border wall....that actually requires MONEY.

FACTS do matter, imbecile.


A shit for brains leftard talking about facts? :p

The House Repugs are unserious people...everything they do is for SHOW.

Ask me if I care what the Republicans do or don't do.


It doesn't require any Republicans.

You clowns are such whiny little snowflakes. Dangerously incompetent. Can't even enforce a simple fucking law.

Hey man - YOU pay for the goddamn illegals. I ain't doing it. YOU do it.
They just want grift money.....I read where for each dollar spent on the support of the illegals in the dem cities only around .11 cents is really spend on them.....The rest is spent on "administrative costs".
You mean like how a Judge claims that a prime property Trump bought 43 years ago for $20MM should only be worth $18MM?
You goofy little goober. That was the tax appraisal value of the property. That is the amount trump has been paying taxes on. He didn't have a problem with that valuation when he was paying his taxes.
They just want grift money.....I read where for each dollar spent on the support of the illegals in the dem cities only around .11 cents is really spend on them.....The rest is spent on "administrative costs".
I'm sure you read a lot of crazy crap from those MAGA sites. They lie.
You goofy little goober. That was the tax appraisal value of the property. That is the amount trump has been paying taxes on. He didn't have a problem with that valuation when he was paying his taxes.
Well that’s how real estate taxes work!

They’re set basically to fund the schools and not to tax to maximum value.

Assessed value is almost NEVER equal to and almost ALWAYS LESS THAN market value
No, gomer. HR 2 that the idiot House Repugs passed last year wants to build Trump's bullshit border wall....that actually requires MONEY.
What costs more, to finish the wall or provide food, clothing, shelter and $1000 a month debit cards to some 15-25 million criminal occupiers?
You keep forgetting the key point .. Biden revoked security measures on day 1 of his presidency .. it's not Republican's fault that Biden opened the doors to the rest of the world and stopped enforcement of immigration laws. Democrats only care now because of the upcoming election this November.
The security measures were unconstitutional. The Supreme Court said so. They were never enforced in the first place, despite whatever bullshit you've been told.

Biden has already done more in terms of border security than Trump did in 4 years. --

First, Biden has already issued more than 500 immigration-related executive actions, more than Trump announced over four years, according to the Migration Policy Institute. Biden has arguably exhausted the extent of his presidential authority, and so far his measures haven’t stemmed the tide of border crossings.

You're just wrong....not that you really care.
What costs more, to finish the wall or provide food, clothing, shelter and $1000 a month debit cards to some 15-25 million criminal occupiers?
Why didn't trump finish it? He had the house, the senate, and the presidency. What stopped him?
What costs more, to finish the wall or provide food, clothing, shelter and $1000 a month debit cards to some 15-25 million criminal occupiers?
Your question is irrelevant....since HR 2 provided funding for NEITHER ONE.
There is a bipartisin bill ready right now that could solve most of the problem, but MAGAs refuse to accept it. It's what they said they wanted.
The GOP talks about the border being a national security issue but then they put politics above national security. Nice.

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