9 of 10 Most Expensive States for Gas Are Democrat Controlled

Ya know what?

Start a thread on it. Complicated issues like that can't be explored in a couple posts
Okay, so we'll just take the whole assertion that they are underfunded and overpopulated out of this thread.
PUTIN gas.......4.49 and maybe climbing

There...fixed it for you
Lol, yeah at 70k a pop and they're extremely toxic to the environment. No thanks.

You can buy electric for $30K and less, a pop, and no they are not "extremely toxic to the environment". Why don't you every fact check the lies conservatives feed you????

My brother-in-law retired from Toyota 4 years ago. He's been driving a hybrid for more than 15 years, none of which cost more than $30,000 in Canada, where cars are more expensive. He bought gas once a month, even though he drove more than 10 miles each way, back and forth to work. My husband filled his tank once a week driving a similar distance.

My daughter owns a hybrid and it uses almost no gas at all.

The Tesla is the most expensive and it's under $60,000 Cdn. That works out to $47,000 US.

Here's the US List. EV's starting at $27,000

Who said political ideology does not affect costs on the poor?
  1. California: $5.34
  2. Hawaii: $4.69
  3. Nevada: $4.59
  4. Oregon: $4.51
  5. Washington: $4.44
  6. Alaska: $4.39
  7. Illinois: $4.30
  8. Connecticut: $4.28
  9. New York: $4.26
  10. Pennsylvania: $4.23
Supply and demand.
Okay, so we'll just take the whole assertion that they are underfunded and overpopulated out of this thread.
Considering the entire thing has no place on this thread…
Wrong...but thanks for trying....

Now it’s true that the average taxpayer in blue states pays a higher per capita income tax than the average taxpayer in red states. But that’s because those states — particularly Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York and California — have more rich people. Don’t the Democrats want the rich paying their fair share?

As for blue states allegedly getting back less, what numbers are they looking at? It is true that red states receive 35.75 percent on average of their budgets from the federal government, while blue states receive 30.80 percent.

But this is because the blue states’ budgets are far larger due to all the bloat and waste.

The 10 states in the best fiscal condition are almost all red states.

The 10 states with the worst numbers in the red are almost all blue states.
The higher the taxes, the more mismanaged a state is. CNBC examined the infrastructure of every state — roads, airports, water systems and ports — and found that the places with the worst-rated infrastructure are six Democratic states, which also rank among the highest in taxes collected per resident: Connecticut, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York.
Kyle Sammin at The Federalist found that if you look at the amount of money the federal government gives to states on a per capita basis instead, blue states get more; $2,124 per resident. Red states receive just $1,879 on average.

Matt Palumbo writing at The Dan Bongino Show found that even if red states receive more in federal welfare, it’s not going to Republicans. Those on public assistance, as well as long-term unemployment, are overwhelmingly Democrats.

Behind the Misleading Statement That Blue States Subsidize Red States
We pay more in taxes despite the fact those rich people pay 0-6% on their income. Why do they pay so little? Because you vote for them. Weird.
You can buy electric for $30K and less, a pop, and no they are not "extremely toxic to the environment". Why don't you every fact check the lies conservatives feed you????

My brother-in-law retired from Toyota 4 years ago. He's been driving a hybrid for more than 15 years, none of which cost more than $30,000 in Canada, where cars are more expensive. He bought gas once a month, even though he drove more than 10 miles each way, back and forth to work. My husband filled his tank once a week driving a similar distance.

My daughter owns a hybrid and it uses almost no gas at all.

The Tesla is the most expensive and it's under $60,000 Cdn. That works out to $47,000 US.

Here's the US List. EV's starting at $27,000

Oh boy! People making $15/hr get to add a $1,200 car payment and $1,500 annual registration fees to their cost of living!

Why do you Leftards hate the poor?
You can buy electric for $30K and less, a pop, and no they are not "extremely toxic to the environment". Why don't you every fact check the lies conservatives feed you????

My brother-in-law retired from Toyota 4 years ago. He's been driving a hybrid for more than 15 years, none of which cost more than $30,000 in Canada, where cars are more expensive. He bought gas once a month, even though he drove more than 10 miles each way, back and forth to work. My husband filled his tank once a week driving a similar distance.

My daughter owns a hybrid and it uses almost no gas at all.

The Tesla is the most expensive and it's under $60,000 Cdn. That works out to $47,000 US.

Here's the US List. EV's starting at $27,000

Yeah....keep telling yourself that..you guys love you some child slave labor.......

Yet, if one looks under the hood of “clean energy” battery-driven EVs, the dirt found would surprise most. The most important component in the EV is the lithium-ion rechargeable battery which relies on critical mineral commodities such as cobalt, graphite, lithium, and manganese. Tracing the source of these minerals, in what is called “full-cycle economics”, it becomes apparent that EVs create a trail of dirt from the mining and processing of minerals upstream.

A recent United Nations report warns that the raw materials used in electric car batteries are highly concentrated in a small number of countries where environmental and labour regulations are weak or non-existent. Thus, battery production for EVs is driving a boom in small-scale or “artisanal” cobalt production in the Democratic Republic of Congo which supplies two thirds of global output of the mineral. These artisanal mines, which account for up to a quarter of the country’s production, have been found to be dangerous and employ child labour.

Mindful of what the image of children scrabbling for hand-dug minerals in Africa can do to high tech’s clean and green image, most tech and auto companies using cobalt and other toxic heavy metals avoid direct sourcing from mines. Tesla Inc. TSLA -4.2% struck a deal last month with Swiss-based Glencore Plc to buy as much as 6,000 tons of cobalt annually from the latter’s Congolese mines. While Tesla has said it aims to remove reputational risks associated with sourcing minerals from countries such as the DRC where corruption is rampant, Glencore assures buyers that no hand-dug cobalt is treated at its mechanized mines.

The environmental and social impact of vastly-expanded mining for these materials — some of which are highly toxic when mined, transported and processed – in countries afflicted by corruption and poor human rights records can only be imagined. The clean and green image of EVs stands in stark contrast to the realities of manufacturing batteries.

While one might question the inherent inequity in imposing such a trade-off, the supposed advantages of EVs in emitting lower carbon emissions are overstated according to a peer-reviewed life-cycle study comparing conventional and electric vehicles. To begin with, about half the lifetime carbon-dioxide emissions from an electric car come from the energy used to produce the car, especially in the mining and processing of raw materials needed for the battery.

This compares unfavorably with the manufacture of a gasoline-powered car which accounts for 17% of the car’s lifetime carbon-dioxide emissions.
When a new EV appears in the show-room, it has already caused 30,000 pounds of carbon-dioxide emission. The equivalent amount for manufacturing a conventional car is 14,000 pounds.

Once on the road, the carbon dioxide emissions of EVs depends on the power-generation fuel used to recharge its battery. If it comes mostly from coal-fired power plants, it will lead to about 15 ounces of carbon-dioxide for every mile it is driven—three ounces more than a similar gasoline-powered car. Even without reference to the source of electricity used for battery charging, if an EV is driven 50,000 miles over its lifetime, the huge initial emissions from its manufacture means the EV will actually have put more carbon-dioxide in the atmosphere than a similar-size gasoline-powered car driven the same number of miles.

Oh boy! People making $15/hr get to add a $1,200 car payment and $1,500 annual registration fees to their cost of living!

Why do you Leftards hate the poor?

Oooooh.......ooooooh.....pick me, pick me! :desk:

The democrat party thinks the world is over populated....and that people are destroying the planet....so lots of poor people are the enemy of the world...........
You can buy electric for $30K and less, a pop, and no they are not "extremely toxic to the environment". Why don't you every fact check the lies conservatives feed you????

My brother-in-law retired from Toyota 4 years ago. He's been driving a hybrid for more than 15 years, none of which cost more than $30,000 in Canada, where cars are more expensive. He bought gas once a month, even though he drove more than 10 miles each way, back and forth to work. My husband filled his tank once a week driving a similar distance.

My daughter owns a hybrid and it uses almost no gas at all.

The Tesla is the most expensive and it's under $60,000 Cdn. That works out to $47,000 US.

Here's the US List. EV's starting at $27,000

I believe that we should have went from gasoline to hybrid then to electric. But we bypassed hybrid to quickly and to perfect it. And all of this bullshit with people on two sides destroying the economy over not if it will happen but when.
You can buy electric for $30K and less, a pop, and no they are not "extremely toxic to the environment". Why don't you every fact check the lies conservatives feed you????

My brother-in-law retired from Toyota 4 years ago. He's been driving a hybrid for more than 15 years, none of which cost more than $30,000 in Canada, where cars are more expensive. He bought gas once a month, even though he drove more than 10 miles each way, back and forth to work. My husband filled his tank once a week driving a similar distance.

My daughter owns a hybrid and it uses almost no gas at all.

The Tesla is the most expensive and it's under $60,000 Cdn. That works out to $47,000 US.

Here's the US List. EV's starting at $27,000

EV’s are so great and cheap what do envirowhackos use for transportation!?
We DON'T want to "go green" We like our ICE cars, trucks, buses just fine.
Then enjoy your $5 a gallon gas stupid.

If you are a rich Republican like Toby Keith you can drive whatever you want.

Remember his song American Ride?

That's us, that's right
Gotta love this American ride
Both ends of the ozone burnin'
Funny how the world keeps turnin'
Hot dog, hot damn
I love this American ride
Gotta love this American ride
Oh yeah
Na na, na na na na
Na na, na na na na
Na na, na na na na
Na na na na na
Then enjoy your $5 a gallon gas stupid.

If you are a rich Republican like Toby Keith you can drive whatever you want.

Remember his song American Ride?

That's us, that's right
Gotta love this American ride
Both ends of the ozone burnin'
Funny how the world keeps turnin'
Hot dog, hot damn
I love this American ride
Gotta love this American ride
Oh yeah
Na na, na na na na
Na na, na na na na
Na na, na na na na
Na na na na na
Why was gas $2.34 in 2019?
I’ll give you all the time you need to spin an answer.
No one can do it alone. I still drive a gas guzzling F150 that doesn't mean I'm a hypocrite for wanting to move to battery powered cars and sustainable energy.

Dumb argument you cons have been making for decades. Gore can't be serious because he has 3 houses and flies private jets? Yes he can. We all need to change. And we will.

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