9 of 10 Most Expensive States for Gas Are Democrat Controlled

No one can do it alone. I still drive a gas guzzling F150 that doesn't mean I'm a hypocrite for wanting to move to battery powered cars and sustainable energy.

Dumb argument you cons have been making for decades. Gore can't be serious because he has 3 houses and flies private jets? Yes he can. We all need to change. And we will.
Call me when those saying it’s a crisis start acting like it’s a crisis.

In the meantime they want to live like royalty and tell the 99% they need to be poorer.
Why was gas $2.34 in 2019?
I’ll give you all the time you need to spin an answer.
I would also point out that gasoline prices at that time of year are usually low, because seasonal demand is low (and it's cheaper to produce winter gasoline).....

In January 2009 -- just a couple of weeks before Barack Obama's inauguration -- gasoline prices had fallen by nearly half from the previous year. That price, $1.74/gallon. Why?

the third lowest price on the chart. President Obama was in office at that time. Why?

Nevertheless, if we return to President Trump's tweet and the question of whether it's just luck that gasoline prices are low -- I think it's clear that sometimes it is just luck. President Bush's energy policies weren't responsible for gasoline prices being below $2/gallon in 2009. Nor did President Obama's energy policies cause gasoline prices to fall in 2015 and 2016.

But the jury is still out as to whether President Trump's impact will be more than fleeting. The short-term benefit of lower gas prices came at a cost. Saudi Arabia is already reducing oil production and pushing oil prices higher. It is doubtful they will be as compliant when it comes to future requests that they pump more oil.
Call me when those saying it’s a crisis start acting like it’s a crisis.

In the meantime they want to live like royalty and tell the 99% they need to be poorer.
I won't need to call you. You will simply buy a battery car because you will no longer be able to afford the gas. You will ride the train instead of the plane because you won't be able to afford the airline ticket.

Gore pays a lot of taxes to have a second, third and 4th home.
I won't need to call you. You will simply buy a battery car because you will no longer be able to afford the gas. You will ride the train instead of the plane because you won't be able to afford the airline ticket.

Gore pays a lot of taxes to have a second, third and 4th home.
Oh great! Everyone gets a $1,200 a month bill and $1,500 annual car registration added to their budget!

That’ll be great for the economy!
I won’t even get into we have less than 5% of the nickel and lithium required and most of it is in China and Russia….
Oh great! Everyone gets a $1,200 a month bill and $1,500 annual car registration added to their budget!

That’ll be great for the economy!
I won’t even get into we have less than 5% of the nickel and lithium required and most of it is in China and Russia….
Maybe you move within 5 miles of your job.
You know what Trump accomplished, price stability. There was a range he helped
keep prices within. Something you would never admit to, and I don't expect you to.
You're just a minion to your masters.

Trump accomplished NOTHING. Absolultely NOTHING. Except for selling leases on public lands, Trump simply continued the policies of the Obama Administration, and then took credit for the energy independence achieved by Obama and Biden.

Prices went up by 50% after Trump became President. The increase took two years and was gradual but I didn't notice ANY of you clowns wishing you had some of that $1.80 a gallon gas you had under Obama, when the price hit $2.80 in 2018. You didn't even mention it.

And like the useful idiot YOU are, you continue to parrot the lies, that Biden controls the price of gas.
Trump accomplished NOTHING. Absolultely NOTHING. Except for selling leases on public lands, Trump simply continued the policies of the Obama Administration, and then took credit for the energy independence achieved by Obama and Biden.

Prices went up by 50% after Trump became President. The increase took two years and was gradual but I didn't notice ANY of you clowns wishing you had some of that $1.80 a gallon gas you had under Obama, when the price hit $2.80 in 2018. You didn't even mention it.

And like the useful idiot YOU are, you continue to parrot the lies, that Biden controls the price of gas.
Except for the best economy in decades, historic peace agreements throughout the ME, energy independence, and driving you America hating Commies even nuttier, Trump accomplished nothing!
You can buy electric for $30K and less, a pop, and no they are not "extremely toxic to the environment". Why don't you every fact check the lies conservatives feed you????

My brother-in-law retired from Toyota 4 years ago. He's been driving a hybrid for more than 15 years, none of which cost more than $30,000 in Canada, where cars are more expensive. He bought gas once a month, even though he drove more than 10 miles each way, back and forth to work. My husband filled his tank once a week driving a similar distance.

My daughter owns a hybrid and it uses almost no gas at all.

The Tesla is the most expensive and it's under $60,000 Cdn. That works out to $47,000 US.

Here's the US List. EV's starting at $27,000

Yeah, they are toxic and more dangerous to the environment. No thanks. I've seen what happens when they excavate for lithium ores.

Oh great! Everyone gets a $1,200 a month bill and $1,500 annual car registration added to their budget!

That’ll be great for the economy!
I won’t even get into we have less than 5% of the nickel and lithium required and most of it is in China and Russia….


Russia has NONE of these resources, but China developed their resources because they're not stupid, and Americans couldn't be bothered. China saw an opportunity to corner the market and made it happen. Stupid Americans were more than happy to let China manufacture EVERYTHING for them. It was cheaper and they made more money.

Americans stopped investing in advancing technology years ago. You're just content to reap the profits on oil and coal until the end of time. You're trying to hold on to your cowboy economy in a conserver world.

Given the billions you're currently spending on wildfires, flooding, and extreme weather events that are the result of your refusal to live in the real world, it's time to face reality.
Who said political ideology does not affect costs on the poor?
  1. California: $5.34
  2. Hawaii: $4.69
  3. Nevada: $4.59
  4. Oregon: $4.51
  5. Washington: $4.44
  6. Alaska: $4.39
  7. Illinois: $4.30
  8. Connecticut: $4.28
  9. New York: $4.26
  10. Pennsylvania: $4.23
Gas prices were higher in these state before the current mess, What excuse do you give to the company's who made billions in profit & still took advantage of the situation to raise prices?
Yeah, they are toxic and more dangerous to the environment. No thanks. I've seen what happens when they excavate for lithium ores.

Do you have a REAL scientific website, or just your bullshit fake news sites:

Does it never bother you that you cannot find a single honest website to back up the lies Republicans tell you? You're begging them to scam you, and they do it regularly. You really need to read this book. It was written by a Republican.

Amazon product ASIN 0525658459
A "few extra bucks". It is to laugh at the feeble attempts to minimize what is going to decimate the working poor.
Spin. These are tough times. Perhaps next time you'll run an honest man who knows what he's doing. Surely you aren't saying Trump is the ONLY one who can be POTUS?

I'd be arguing a lot less if you were running DiSanto or some other normal human being.

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