9 of 10 Poorest States Are Republican

California is deeply in debt. Same with a few other liberal states. Ooops.

I posted a list yesterday. the 10 best states financially are all conservative. 10 worst all dem.
That's insane. Your definition of "best states financially" would be highly suspect, and probably wouldn't include the REALLY best places--like, for example, California and New York. Those two states probably support the ten you listed.
California is deeply in debt. Same with a few other liberal states. Ooops.

I posted a list yesterday. the 10 best states financially are all conservative. 10 worst all dem.
That's insane. Your definition of "best states financially" would be highly suspect, and probably wouldn't include the REALLY best places--like, for example, California and New York. Those two states probably support the ten you listed.

best states financially? You are kidding, right? The two worst.
California is deeply in debt. Same with a few other liberal states. Ooops.

I posted a list yesterday. the 10 best states financially are all conservative. 10 worst all dem.
That's insane. Your definition of "best states financially" would be highly suspect, and probably wouldn't include the REALLY best places--like, for example, California and New York. Those two states probably support the ten you listed.

best states financially? You are kidding, right? The two worst.
You apparently don't get out much.
I'm not surprised at all that the states in the most trouble are all red states.

The fact is, most of their policies, such as "trickle down economics," are based on ideology and not facts or common sense.
Even after the get their welfare from the blue states

The least educated states are Red. The states with the most racism are Red. The states with the most welfare are Red.

Ironically the states that cut education are Red. Right Wing Media states that gun violence is due to lack of education and most gun violence is in Red States.

As a former salesman I know the basic principle of getting $ today. I want to take $ from your pocket and put it into mine. Stupid people are easier to take $ from. Look at the CEO positions today. They aren't promoted within, they don't know the job. They know how to turn people down when they ask for a raise. That's all.

Do your own research. It's just below your fingers. (to everyone, not the OP)
The least educated states are Red. The states with the most racism are Red. The states with the most welfare are Red.

Ironically the states that cut education are Red. Right Wing Media states that gun violence is due to lack of education and most gun violence is in Red States.

As a former salesman I know the basic principle of getting $ today. I want to take $ from your pocket and put it into mine. Stupid people are easier to take $ from. Look at the CEO positions today. They aren't promoted within, they don't know the job. They know how to turn people down when they ask for a raise. That's all.

Do your own research. It's just below your fingers. (to everyone, not the OP)
LOL. The spittle on your "I hate the right" baby bib doesn't constitute research. I'll touch on one, the "right wing media" doesn't say education is the problem, and they don't typically use the term "gun violence". That's reserved for retards that think inanimate objects can be evil.

The problem is the deterioration of morality, something the left will never look at. And most murder and violence is done in big cities, not rural America.
Even after the get their welfare from the blue states

I love it when lefties come out and announce to the world how fucking stupid they are. Cracks me the hell up. Do you think that there are no Democrats in those states? Do you think that each individual state has it's own economy independent of the US Economy? Do you think that blue states are the only ones that pay taxes?

Good job idiot.
Blacks are the poorest and worst educated demographic, yet they vote 90+ Democrat. Go figure.
Blacks are more numerous in the Red States.

Nationwide, whether the state is Red or Blue, most welfare goes to the Blue counties.

Blue counties have the highest murder rates, the highest welfare rates, and the stupidest people.

There are some exceptions, like tiny phony lib states like RI, CN, etc.
Can you prove this? Because Kansas is very, very white, and virtually every Kansas is on one form of government entitlement/transfer payment or another.

Example: I know this guy in Kansas that "retired" early from farming. His farmland was acquired when he was in his teens from (1) his dad, and (2) a no-interest loan from his uncle--that was ultimately forgiven without repayment. He managed to graduate high school, and that's all. He was too lazy/stupid to work though college. He couldn't make a living from just farming, though (he and his wife like casinos), so he and his wife took jobs for a while (off and on). He was fundamentally lazy, so he stopped farming his ground and rented it out. He build a new 5,000 square foot house in the middle of nowhere. He then quit his job and "retired," selling his only financial asset--his land. He made nearly $1,000,000 from the sale--but he's only 50 years old. He and his family plan to live out the rest of their lives from this money.

$1,000,000, over 20 years is just $50,000 per year--not enough to support him and his wife, given their casino habits, the cost of health care, and other expenses.

They scam insurance companies--they totalled out the roof from storm damage on their big home without repairing it, and took the money. They changed insurance companies, and then did it again. They drove to Texas on vacation and stayed a few extra days to "experience" a hurricane--and then collected insurance on their totalled automobile that was slightly damaged by debris from the storm.

They understate their wealth to get subsidized health care through the Affordable Care Act.

They have a son that has impregnated a girl. They plan to get married, but AFTER the birth of the child--so that medicaid will pay the medical bills.

This Kansas dude has recently been distraught because his rich uncle died and left him nothing. The wealth went to his other nephews, because they actually farmed some of his ground.

This guy is a full-on Tea Partier, a Republican, a gun owner.

He and his clan has cost American taxpayers a fortune--and he is a very typical Kansan.

Tea parties, Republican and a GUN OWNER! How scary that must be for you.

Glad you know a guy, how does that prove that virtually everyone is getting government assistance.

Sounds like it's an addiction issue, not a political issue. That is if your story is really true or accurate. I have my doubts.
I can understand why certain demographics play into why some states are so poor. But it doesn't have to be that way.
Many of the states that are poor also have the worse education systems in America, along with the worse healthcare systems in America and therefore have the worse quality of life. Quite a few have the lowest taxes also.
It's a sad "Catch-22". It's pretty hard to have a good quality of life when the state you live in has a poor educational system, so the state has a low educated workforce and therefore not many better paying jobs. Also, when a state has a poor healthcare system, it hurts that states productivity levels which again effects income levels. And all of this drives down upward mobility for the poor. So, the state ends up poor and when a state is poor, it's hard to invest in it's self to improve where it is weak. "Catch-22".
States With the Best (and Worst) Schools
States With the Best and Worst Schools - 24 7 Wall St.
The 10 States With the Worst Quality of Life
Read more: The 10 States With the Worst Quality of Life - 24/7 Wall St. The 10 States With the Worst Quality of Life - 24 7 Wall St.
The below map shows the states with the worse healthcare systems.


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