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9 of the Last 10 Recessions, under GOP Pres...

Yeah, we see you ignoring the actual facts. Go home, you are embarrassing yourself. You are ignorant as hell and what's more is you know it.
My opinion is that the chief architect of the crash was Greenspan, who was had always favored free wheeling derivatives trading and worked toward it under 4 presidents, 3 of which were republican. I associate free wheeling deregulation as a republican republican mating call, decidedly not conservative in nature, but good to make a fast dangerous buck. He got out in 2006, pretty sure he saw the writing on the wall.
Never said it was not bipartisan. You have not even attempted to address the number of times the democrats blatantly and deliberately ignored the warnings.

You never even considered any of those things. I know you didn't know about clinton signing the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which exempted default swaps from regulation. You didn't even address what the Community Reinvestment Act did after Clinton rewrote it. Why? Do you know what it did? It put significant pressure to lend to low income, UNQUALIFIED buyers.

Take the time, watch the videos and comment. I will know if you have not watched it and it will be obvious why.

Then watch this one.

You didn't even address what barney frank and dodd did during their time with Frannie and Freddy.

Its embarrassing. Really. You have been wrong....for 15 years. Understand that must be hard.

Plenty of blame for both sides, but it happened on Bush's watch. If it happens on your watch you own it. Fed bailed out Obama to jump start the economy and it slowly proceeded upward into the trump era or error, depending on how you view him. Regulation slows growth, no doubt, but is long term wise instead of quick buck foolish.

Plenty of blame for both sides, but it happened on Bush's watch.
10,000 Mexicans and 1 border agent died by "Fast and Furious" under Obama's watch.
Cash for Clunkers happened under Obama's watch.
14 trillion dollars of debt spent under Obama's watch.
ISIS was created under Obama's watch.
Ebola came to America for the 1st time ever, under Obama's watch.
Swine Flu killed 23,000 people under Obama's watch.
The most in poverty since the "War on Poverty" happened, under Obama's watch.
Largest gun sales every, making Obama the best gun salesman, under Obama's watch.
Largest income inequality in America, under Obama's watch.

Shall i continue.....

Knock yourself out. Did not effect me negatively while I put my financial boat back in order after the Bush crash. Now bomb proof. Good luck with your gish gallup.

Did not effect me negatively while I put my financial boat back in order

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
Yeah, i can see all that liberal compassion, just bleeding right out of you. Shame you are such an ignorant fool.
My opinion is that the chief architect of the crash was Greenspan, who was had always favored free wheeling derivatives trading and worked toward it under 4 presidents, 3 of which were republican. I associate free wheeling deregulation as a republican republican mating call, decidedly not conservative in nature, but good to make a fast dangerous buck. He got out in 2006, pretty sure he saw the writing on the wall.
Never said it was not bipartisan. You have not even attempted to address the number of times the democrats blatantly and deliberately ignored the warnings.

You never even considered any of those things. I know you didn't know about clinton signing the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which exempted default swaps from regulation. You didn't even address what the Community Reinvestment Act did after Clinton rewrote it. Why? Do you know what it did? It put significant pressure to lend to low income, UNQUALIFIED buyers.

Take the time, watch the videos and comment. I will know if you have not watched it and it will be obvious why.

Then watch this one.

You didn't even address what barney frank and dodd did during their time with Frannie and Freddy.

Its embarrassing. Really. You have been wrong....for 15 years. Understand that must be hard.

Plenty of blame for both sides, but it happened on Bush's watch. If it happens on your watch you own it. Fed bailed out Obama to jump start the economy and it slowly proceeded upward into the trump era or error, depending on how you view him. Regulation slows growth, no doubt, but is long term wise instead of quick buck foolish.

Bush's watch? Was he a king idiot? Go ahead and explain what the economy did from 2007 to 2010. Go ahead.

At the end of 2006, unemployment was at 4.6 and dow was high. Then, in 2007 the democrats took majority control. HOUSE AND SENATE!!!!!!!!!!



Nope. I'm just stating my opinion. It was Bush's crash. Donny had help destabilizing this economy from a virus, but his lying, minimizing, and hoax naming, scared the market, as the whole county knew he was clueless and had made mistakes handling and was still making mistakes that could lead to failure to contain. That spooked the market and here we are. Trump owns this one, just like the other republican presidents before him.

I notice you totally ignored the FACTS about the brown turd, is there a reason why?

Because he is not in office. I don't care if trump supporters would like to run against him. He ain't in office and cannot run, just like the Hill you guys save us from. Neither one of them matter.
Never said it was not bipartisan. You have not even attempted to address the number of times the democrats blatantly and deliberately ignored the warnings.

You never even considered any of those things. I know you didn't know about clinton signing the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which exempted default swaps from regulation. You didn't even address what the Community Reinvestment Act did after Clinton rewrote it. Why? Do you know what it did? It put significant pressure to lend to low income, UNQUALIFIED buyers.

Take the time, watch the videos and comment. I will know if you have not watched it and it will be obvious why.

Then watch this one.

You didn't even address what barney frank and dodd did during their time with Frannie and Freddy.

Its embarrassing. Really. You have been wrong....for 15 years. Understand that must be hard.

Plenty of blame for both sides, but it happened on Bush's watch. If it happens on your watch you own it. Fed bailed out Obama to jump start the economy and it slowly proceeded upward into the trump era or error, depending on how you view him. Regulation slows growth, no doubt, but is long term wise instead of quick buck foolish.

Bush's watch? Was he a king idiot? Go ahead and explain what the economy did from 2007 to 2010. Go ahead.

At the end of 2006, unemployment was at 4.6 and dow was high. Then, in 2007 the democrats took majority control. HOUSE AND SENATE!!!!!!!!!!



Nope. I'm just stating my opinion. It was Bush's crash. Donny had help destabilizing this economy from a virus, but his lying, minimizing, and hoax naming, scared the market, as the whole county knew he was clueless and had made mistakes handling and was still making mistakes that could lead to failure to contain. That spooked the market and here we are. Trump owns this one, just like the other republican presidents before him.

I notice you totally ignored the FACTS about the brown turd, is there a reason why?

Because he is not in office. I don't care if trump supporters would like to run against him. He ain't in office and cannot run, just like the Hill you guys save us from. Neither one of them matter.

Oh, so if these Markets rebound and the DOW hits 30,000 by Nov 2nd it will all be President Trump's fault, am i right?
LBJ took a great economy and threw it in the trashbin we call Vietnam.
Yes every president has their problems, I'm not saying the democrats are great saviors, they are terrible too. It's just the GOP is really really terrible and they have had far worse economic results in both the 20th and 21st centuries.

Which, of course, is pretty silly given that there is a congress sitting opposite them.
My opinion is that the chief architect of the crash was Greenspan, who was had always favored free wheeling derivatives trading and worked toward it under 4 presidents, 3 of which were republican. I associate free wheeling deregulation as a republican republican mating call, decidedly not conservative in nature, but good to make a fast dangerous buck. He got out in 2006, pretty sure he saw the writing on the wall.
Never said it was not bipartisan. You have not even attempted to address the number of times the democrats blatantly and deliberately ignored the warnings.

You never even considered any of those things. I know you didn't know about clinton signing the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which exempted default swaps from regulation. You didn't even address what the Community Reinvestment Act did after Clinton rewrote it. Why? Do you know what it did? It put significant pressure to lend to low income, UNQUALIFIED buyers.

Take the time, watch the videos and comment. I will know if you have not watched it and it will be obvious why.

Then watch this one.

You didn't even address what barney frank and dodd did during their time with Frannie and Freddy.

Its embarrassing. Really. You have been wrong....for 15 years. Understand that must be hard.

Plenty of blame for both sides, but it happened on Bush's watch. If it happens on your watch you own it. Fed bailed out Obama to jump start the economy and it slowly proceeded upward into the trump era or error, depending on how you view him. Regulation slows growth, no doubt, but is long term wise instead of quick buck foolish.

Plenty of blame for both sides, but it happened on Bush's watch.
10,000 Mexicans and 1 border agent died by "Fast and Furious" under Obama's watch.
Cash for Clunkers happened under Obama's watch.
14 trillion dollars of debt spent under Obama's watch.
ISIS was created under Obama's watch.
Ebola came to America for the 1st time ever, under Obama's watch.
Swine Flu killed 23,000 people under Obama's watch.
The most in poverty since the "War on Poverty" happened, under Obama's watch.
Largest gun sales every, making Obama the best gun salesman, under Obama's watch.
Largest income inequality in America, under Obama's watch.

Shall i continue.....

Knock yourself out. Did not effect me negatively while I put my financial boat back in order after the Bush crash. Now bomb proof. Good luck with your gish gallup.

Did not effect me negatively while I put my financial boat back in order

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
Yeah, i can see all that liberal compassion, just bleeding right out of you. Shame you are such an ignorant fool.

Funny :) Nice little article though. As I read I thought of Jim Jones and trump and was not surprised when it mentioned Jones, but was surprised that it did not mention trump. No matter.
Again the reason I don't respond to your disdain for Obama is he does not matter, (other than a reference point) since he is not in office. He is not the problem at hand. I am no Obama apologist. You should find one on the board and have a long thread to explore and exorcise whatever demons are still torturing you. Been voting since I was 18 and voted for Nixon. I have been pissed off at things done by him and every single one of the presidents since him, with possible exception of George Bush Sr. I was kind of busy back then. I make no apologies for any and have called out their stupidity while in office. Never having a party affiliation is liberating. After they are out, they can do us no harm. They no longer matter, just like the ones that failed to get elected.
I also am avers to taking on laundry lists in general in conversations. Often a cheap trick of amateur debaters, common enough for someone to come up with the term gish gallup. I'll let you look it up, but you're probably familiar.
Try not to get to carried away with dime store psychology found on the internet. It is often fun and funny, but as working tools? Not so much. Have fun.
America always elects a Republican to clean up messes left behind by Dimsocialist Presidents.
Oh you mean like when Bush inherited a balanced budget and projected surplus and turned that into the Bush collapse, the greatest financial crisis ever...

You just type random words in the box, but they have no basis in facts.

There was never a surplus. I can't believe you Dims still try and spread this lie.

And the financial collapse of '08 was caused by subprime mortgages, courtesy of Clinton era modifications to the Community Reinvestment Act.
9 of the Last 10 Recessions, under GOP Pres...

and a democrat house....
Yes more excuses. It's always somebody else's fault with you people. You can never take personal responsibility for any of your actions. You always blame others for everything.

If the GOP could run the country as good as they could make excuses for their failures, then we would be in a Clinton era golden age...
Come on....its the house that passes the budget...its the house that spends the money and votes on regulation and makes laws that affect bank loans etc etc...

So the 10 trillion Obama supposedly added to the debt was really the Houses fault. Very enlighten thinking! I mean "Hot potato!"
Dont forget the 4.5 trillion the FED created so Obama could borrow that money too. That makes about 14 trillion total but hey, idiots like you dont give a shit, you just want your free shit.

Fiscal responsibility was being cast on the House not the President and I was wondering if that applied to all Presidents or just the Gansta in Chief the Banana Republicans embrace. But I'm glad to see you got that off your chest, you must have felt better after that release of unbridled hatred.
Last edited:
When I was in college getting my degree in accounting/finance, I took an economic history of America course. One of the major things I learned in that class was every time conservative economics is implemented in America, it crashes and destroys our economy.

You should ask that University for a refund..... ;p


It was one of the best Universities on the west coast.

I graduated with a 3.85 gpa.

I've done well in my life. So well that I was able to retire fully financially independent when I was 54 years old.

That university doesn't deserve a refund.

You should take some economics courses. That way you wouldn't make a total fool of yourself on this message board.
The Trump crash will make that 10 of the last 11... Pathetic.
9 of the last 10 US recessions began with a GOP President. Why would anyone trust a Republican with the economy again? – Alternet.org

Since Teddy Roosevelt, every single GOP pres has had a recession and some more than 1...
Should Trump expect a recession? Every Republican since Teddy Roosevelt has had one in their first term

It is a 100% lock that a GOP president will crash they economy, because every single one has...

Bill Clinton’s line at the 2012 Democratic Convention: “Since 1961, for 52 years now, the Republicans have held the White House 28 years, the Democrats 24…. In those 52 years, our private economy has produced 66 million private-sector jobs. So what's the jobs score? Republicans 24 million, Democrats 42 [million].”

(that number doesn't include the ~ 6 million jobs created under Obama, from 2012-2016)

Trump lies, Trumpers lie, BUT THE NUMBERS DON'T LIE...

When I was in college getting my degree in accounting/finance, I took an economic history of America course. One of the major things I learned in that class was every time conservative economics is implemented in America, it crashes and destroys our economy.

I've lived through 6 republican presidencies. I don't remember Eisenhower, I was born in his last year as president, I do remember all the republican presidents since him. So I've lived through a lot of republican economic collapses and recessions. I've seen democratic presidents come after them to clean the mess up.

When will Americans learn?

When you were in college? How was Plato as a teacher?

View attachment 313436

I went to college from 1978 until 1982.

I graduated in the middle of Reagan's recession. Which was the worst economic recession since the last republican Great Depression at that time.

Did you even go to college? I wouldn't be surprised if you never even graduated high school.
The Trump crash will make that 10 of the last 11... Pathetic.
9 of the last 10 US recessions began with a GOP President. Why would anyone trust a Republican with the economy again? – Alternet.org

Since Teddy Roosevelt, every single GOP pres has had a recession and some more than 1...
Should Trump expect a recession? Every Republican since Teddy Roosevelt has had one in their first term

It is a 100% lock that a GOP president will crash they economy, because every single one has...

Bill Clinton’s line at the 2012 Democratic Convention: “Since 1961, for 52 years now, the Republicans have held the White House 28 years, the Democrats 24…. In those 52 years, our private economy has produced 66 million private-sector jobs. So what's the jobs score? Republicans 24 million, Democrats 42 [million].”

(that number doesn't include the ~ 6 million jobs created under Obama, from 2012-2016)

Trump lies, Trumpers lie, BUT THE NUMBERS DON'T LIE...

When I was in college getting my degree in accounting/finance, I took an economic history of America course. One of the major things I learned in that class was every time conservative economics is implemented in America, it crashes and destroys our economy.

I've lived through 6 republican presidencies. I don't remember Eisenhower, I was born in his last year as president, I do remember all the republican presidents since him. So I've lived through a lot of republican economic collapses and recessions. I've seen democratic presidents come after them to clean the mess up.

When will Americans learn?

When you were in college? How was Plato as a teacher?

View attachment 313436

I went to college from 1978 until 1982.

I graduated in the middle of Reagan's recession. Which was the worst economic recession since the last republican Great Depression at that time.

Did you even go to college? I wouldn't be surprised if you never even graduated high school.

Grad School
Sit on a board of a major University

Graduated in 2003

Reagan's recession ended in 1982 so you graduated toward the end of it. Reagan came into office in January 1980 and recession began in early 1980. How is he more responsible than Carter. I was born in October 1980. Maybe I am to blame?
Never said it was not bipartisan. You have not even attempted to address the number of times the democrats blatantly and deliberately ignored the warnings.

You never even considered any of those things. I know you didn't know about clinton signing the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which exempted default swaps from regulation. You didn't even address what the Community Reinvestment Act did after Clinton rewrote it. Why? Do you know what it did? It put significant pressure to lend to low income, UNQUALIFIED buyers.

Take the time, watch the videos and comment. I will know if you have not watched it and it will be obvious why.

Then watch this one.

You didn't even address what barney frank and dodd did during their time with Frannie and Freddy.

Its embarrassing. Really. You have been wrong....for 15 years. Understand that must be hard.

Plenty of blame for both sides, but it happened on Bush's watch. If it happens on your watch you own it. Fed bailed out Obama to jump start the economy and it slowly proceeded upward into the trump era or error, depending on how you view him. Regulation slows growth, no doubt, but is long term wise instead of quick buck foolish.

Plenty of blame for both sides, but it happened on Bush's watch.
10,000 Mexicans and 1 border agent died by "Fast and Furious" under Obama's watch.
Cash for Clunkers happened under Obama's watch.
14 trillion dollars of debt spent under Obama's watch.
ISIS was created under Obama's watch.
Ebola came to America for the 1st time ever, under Obama's watch.
Swine Flu killed 23,000 people under Obama's watch.
The most in poverty since the "War on Poverty" happened, under Obama's watch.
Largest gun sales every, making Obama the best gun salesman, under Obama's watch.
Largest income inequality in America, under Obama's watch.

Shall i continue.....

Knock yourself out. Did not effect me negatively while I put my financial boat back in order after the Bush crash. Now bomb proof. Good luck with your gish gallup.

Did not effect me negatively while I put my financial boat back in order

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
Yeah, i can see all that liberal compassion, just bleeding right out of you. Shame you are such an ignorant fool.

Funny :) Nice little article though. As I read I thought of Jim Jones and trump and was not surprised when it mentioned Jones, but was surprised that it did not mention trump. No matter.
Again the reason I don't respond to your disdain for Obama is he does not matter, (other than a reference point) since he is not in office. He is not the problem at hand. I am no Obama apologist. You should find one on the board and have a long thread to explore and exorcise whatever demons are still torturing you. Been voting since I was 18 and voted for Nixon. I have been pissed off at things done by him and every single one of the presidents since him, with possible exception of George Bush Sr. I was kind of busy back then. I make no apologies for any and have called out their stupidity while in office. Never having a party affiliation is liberating. After they are out, they can do us no harm. They no longer matter, just like the ones that failed to get elected.
I also am avers to taking on laundry lists in general in conversations. Often a cheap trick of amateur debaters, common enough for someone to come up with the term gish gallup. I'll let you look it up, but you're probably familiar.
Try not to get to carried away with dime store psychology found on the internet. It is often fun and funny, but as working tools? Not so much. Have fun.

So, you didnt answer my question, when the DOW hits 30,000 on Nov 2, will you agree it was all President Trump's fault?
The Trump crash will make that 10 of the last 11... Pathetic.
9 of the last 10 US recessions began with a GOP President. Why would anyone trust a Republican with the economy again? – Alternet.org

Since Teddy Roosevelt, every single GOP pres has had a recession and some more than 1...
Should Trump expect a recession? Every Republican since Teddy Roosevelt has had one in their first term

It is a 100% lock that a GOP president will crash they economy, because every single one has...

Bill Clinton’s line at the 2012 Democratic Convention: “Since 1961, for 52 years now, the Republicans have held the White House 28 years, the Democrats 24…. In those 52 years, our private economy has produced 66 million private-sector jobs. So what's the jobs score? Republicans 24 million, Democrats 42 [million].”

(that number doesn't include the ~ 6 million jobs created under Obama, from 2012-2016)

Trump lies, Trumpers lie, BUT THE NUMBERS DON'T LIE...

When I was in college getting my degree in accounting/finance, I took an economic history of America course. One of the major things I learned in that class was every time conservative economics is implemented in America, it crashes and destroys our economy.

I've lived through 6 republican presidencies. I don't remember Eisenhower, I was born in his last year as president, I do remember all the republican presidents since him. So I've lived through a lot of republican economic collapses and recessions. I've seen democratic presidents come after them to clean the mess up.

When will Americans learn?

When you were in college? How was Plato as a teacher?

View attachment 313436

I went to college from 1978 until 1982.

I graduated in the middle of Reagan's recession. Which was the worst economic recession since the last republican Great Depression at that time.

Did you even go to college? I wouldn't be surprised if you never even graduated high school.

Grad School
Sit on a board of a major University

Graduated in 2003

Reagan's recession ended in 1982 so you graduated toward the end of it. Reagan came into office in January 1980 and recession began in early 1980. How is he more responsible than Carter. I was born in October 1980. Maybe I am to blame?
I was entering the work force under that slimeball Carter, who said that the world would run out of oil in 10 years, so he decided to make long lines at the gas stations by rationing. This caused food prices to go up, and other items, which then at the time "Put more people into poverty" until the brown turd showed up. It was a landslide for Reagan against the peanut farmer.
The Trump crash will make that 10 of the last 11... Pathetic.
9 of the last 10 US recessions began with a GOP President. Why would anyone trust a Republican with the economy again? – Alternet.org

Since Teddy Roosevelt, every single GOP pres has had a recession and some more than 1...
Should Trump expect a recession? Every Republican since Teddy Roosevelt has had one in their first term

It is a 100% lock that a GOP president will crash they economy, because every single one has...

Bill Clinton’s line at the 2012 Democratic Convention: “Since 1961, for 52 years now, the Republicans have held the White House 28 years, the Democrats 24…. In those 52 years, our private economy has produced 66 million private-sector jobs. So what's the jobs score? Republicans 24 million, Democrats 42 [million].”

(that number doesn't include the ~ 6 million jobs created under Obama, from 2012-2016)

Trump lies, Trumpers lie, BUT THE NUMBERS DON'T LIE...

When I was in college getting my degree in accounting/finance, I took an economic history of America course. One of the major things I learned in that class was every time conservative economics is implemented in America, it crashes and destroys our economy.

I've lived through 6 republican presidencies. I don't remember Eisenhower, I was born in his last year as president, I do remember all the republican presidents since him. So I've lived through a lot of republican economic collapses and recessions. I've seen democratic presidents come after them to clean the mess up.

When will Americans learn?

When you were in college? How was Plato as a teacher?

View attachment 313436

I went to college from 1978 until 1982.

I graduated in the middle of Reagan's recession. Which was the worst economic recession since the last republican Great Depression at that time.

Did you even go to college? I wouldn't be surprised if you never even graduated high school.

Grad School
Sit on a board of a major University

Graduated in 2003

Reagan's recession ended in 1982 so you graduated toward the end of it. Reagan came into office in January 1980 and recession began in early 1980. How is he more responsible than Carter. I was born in October 1980. Maybe I am to blame?
I was entering the work force under that slimeball Carter, who said that the world would run out of oil in 10 years, so he decided to make long lines at the gas stations by rationing. This caused food prices to go up, and other items, which then at the time "Put more people into poverty" until the brown turd showed up. It was a landslide for Reagan against the peanut farmer.

Carter was ahead of his time. He wanted to decriminalize weed, reduce our dependence on ME oil, as well as reduce our foreign military interventions. He was opposed by Big Business, the Oil Patch and the Military Industries.
Plenty of blame for both sides, but it happened on Bush's watch. If it happens on your watch you own it. Fed bailed out Obama to jump start the economy and it slowly proceeded upward into the trump era or error, depending on how you view him. Regulation slows growth, no doubt, but is long term wise instead of quick buck foolish.
Plenty of blame for both sides, but it happened on Bush's watch.
10,000 Mexicans and 1 border agent died by "Fast and Furious" under Obama's watch.
Cash for Clunkers happened under Obama's watch.
14 trillion dollars of debt spent under Obama's watch.
ISIS was created under Obama's watch.
Ebola came to America for the 1st time ever, under Obama's watch.
Swine Flu killed 23,000 people under Obama's watch.
The most in poverty since the "War on Poverty" happened, under Obama's watch.
Largest gun sales every, making Obama the best gun salesman, under Obama's watch.
Largest income inequality in America, under Obama's watch.

Shall i continue.....
Knock yourself out. Did not effect me negatively while I put my financial boat back in order after the Bush crash. Now bomb proof. Good luck with your gish gallup.
Did not effect me negatively while I put my financial boat back in order

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
Yeah, i can see all that liberal compassion, just bleeding right out of you. Shame you are such an ignorant fool.
Funny :) Nice little article though. As I read I thought of Jim Jones and trump and was not surprised when it mentioned Jones, but was surprised that it did not mention trump. No matter.
Again the reason I don't respond to your disdain for Obama is he does not matter, (other than a reference point) since he is not in office. He is not the problem at hand. I am no Obama apologist. You should find one on the board and have a long thread to explore and exorcise whatever demons are still torturing you. Been voting since I was 18 and voted for Nixon. I have been pissed off at things done by him and every single one of the presidents since him, with possible exception of George Bush Sr. I was kind of busy back then. I make no apologies for any and have called out their stupidity while in office. Never having a party affiliation is liberating. After they are out, they can do us no harm. They no longer matter, just like the ones that failed to get elected.
I also am avers to taking on laundry lists in general in conversations. Often a cheap trick of amateur debaters, common enough for someone to come up with the term gish gallup. I'll let you look it up, but you're probably familiar.
Try not to get to carried away with dime store psychology found on the internet. It is often fun and funny, but as working tools? Not so much. Have fun.
So, you didnt answer my question, when the DOW hits 30,000 on Nov 2, will you agree it was all President Trump's fault?
Have not managed to work up a good Corona Panic. When we get out of this, and we will, it will not be because of brilliant leadership, certainly not his, it will be the continuing excellent work of the scientist, technicians, upper, middle and lower level employees of many branches of government, private and academic research, the public and private hospitals, health industry etc. It will be what the bastards on the right refer to as deep state that get us out of this. Thank God he only gutted the absolute highest executive levels, to replace with political sycophants, cronies and idiots. The stock market people have always been panicky bitches, now, just like 2008 under Bush. They too will settle down, not because of trump, but in spite of him. I would like to see a nice stock market miracle of DOW 3000 by Nov, but it is so unrealistic as to not even be considerable, in this world wide pandemic situation. I never said it was all his fault. His management, political gamesmanship, views and fears and of course, lack of character only made it worse. All the rational people know this.
His policies of massive wasteful deficit spending gutting any shred of fiscal health in our country.

Funny, Bonker,
  • When Trump created more than 2 million new jobs bringing tons new tax revenue into the country--- you said nothing.
  • When Trump saved billions on the F-35---- you were no where to be found.
  • When Trump pulled out of TPP saving billions---- you looked the other way.
  • When Trump left the Paris Accord saving us billions---- we couldn't find you.
  • When Trump pushed for energy independence---- your support was no where to be found.
  • When Trump opened up the Keystone Pipeline creating billions and new jobs---- you bitched.
  • When Trump got Food Stamp usage to the lowest level in 7 years with more people supporting themselves---- you cried.
  • When Trump cut the WH payroll---- you yawned.
  • When Trump donates his own presidential salary to charity---- you have no comment.
  • When Trump cut needless Obamacare subsidies---- you laughed.
  • When Trump signed a new better trade deal with China---- you balked.
  • When Trump pulled out of Syria effectively ending most of our presence in that war---- you screamed he was abandoning the Kurds!
  • And now when Trump makes a deal with the Taliban to get mostly out of Afghanistan---- you screamed.
But when Obama blew over NINE TRILLION DOLLARS putting a bandaid on the damage done by the 2006 House Democrats, you applauded!

IF NOT FOR DEMOCRATS, we wouldn't have half the national debt we have today IN THE FIRST PLACE.

You're such a retard. Democrats did not control the House or the Senate in 2006.

The Trump crash will make that 10 of the last 11... Pathetic.
9 of the last 10 US recessions began with a GOP President. Why would anyone trust a Republican with the economy again? – Alternet.org

Since Teddy Roosevelt, every single GOP pres has had a recession and some more than 1...
Should Trump expect a recession? Every Republican since Teddy Roosevelt has had one in their first term

It is a 100% lock that a GOP president will crash they economy, because every single one has...

Bill Clinton’s line at the 2012 Democratic Convention: “Since 1961, for 52 years now, the Republicans have held the White House 28 years, the Democrats 24…. In those 52 years, our private economy has produced 66 million private-sector jobs. So what's the jobs score? Republicans 24 million, Democrats 42 [million].”

(that number doesn't include the ~ 6 million jobs created under Obama, from 2012-2016)

Trump lies, Trumpers lie, BUT THE NUMBERS DON'T LIE...
What crash? The economy is sound. It will rebound.
Sure it will ,,,if you have the time
Time is all we have.
The Trump crash will make that 10 of the last 11... Pathetic.
9 of the last 10 US recessions began with a GOP President. Why would anyone trust a Republican with the economy again? – Alternet.org

Since Teddy Roosevelt, every single GOP pres has had a recession and some more than 1...
Should Trump expect a recession? Every Republican since Teddy Roosevelt has had one in their first term

It is a 100% lock that a GOP president will crash they economy, because every single one has...

Bill Clinton’s line at the 2012 Democratic Convention: “Since 1961, for 52 years now, the Republicans have held the White House 28 years, the Democrats 24…. In those 52 years, our private economy has produced 66 million private-sector jobs. So what's the jobs score? Republicans 24 million, Democrats 42 [million].”

(that number doesn't include the ~ 6 million jobs created under Obama, from 2012-2016)

Trump lies, Trumpers lie, BUT THE NUMBERS DON'T LIE...
What crash? The economy is sound. It will rebound.
Sure it will ,,,if you have the time
Time is all we have.
Some like me have less than most
When I was in college getting my degree in accounting/finance, I took an economic history of America course. One of the major things I learned in that class was every time conservative economics is implemented in America, it crashes and destroys our economy.

I've lived through 6 republican presidencies. I don't remember Eisenhower, I was born in his last year as president, I do remember all the republican presidents since him. So I've lived through a lot of republican economic collapses and recessions. I've seen democratic presidents come after them to clean the mess up.

When will Americans learn?

When you were in college? How was Plato as a teacher?

View attachment 313436

I went to college from 1978 until 1982.

I graduated in the middle of Reagan's recession. Which was the worst economic recession since the last republican Great Depression at that time.

Did you even go to college? I wouldn't be surprised if you never even graduated high school.

Grad School
Sit on a board of a major University

Graduated in 2003

Reagan's recession ended in 1982 so you graduated toward the end of it. Reagan came into office in January 1980 and recession began in early 1980. How is he more responsible than Carter. I was born in October 1980. Maybe I am to blame?
I was entering the work force under that slimeball Carter, who said that the world would run out of oil in 10 years, so he decided to make long lines at the gas stations by rationing. This caused food prices to go up, and other items, which then at the time "Put more people into poverty" until the brown turd showed up. It was a landslide for Reagan against the peanut farmer.

Carter was ahead of his time. He wanted to decriminalize weed, reduce our dependence on ME oil, as well as reduce our foreign military interventions. He was opposed by Big Business, the Oil Patch and the Military Industries.
reduce our foreign military interventions.
Yeah, and that got us the Iran terrorism as we see it today, when he allowed those rag heads to invade our embassy and hold hostage US citizens. It took a real man to bring those hostages home, Ronald Reagan, not pussy Jimmy (the peanut) Carter. Oh he was a "head" of his time, such a dick of the Nth degree. Oh by the way, all that oil that was supposed to be gone by 1985, we are sitting on the largest reserves of energy ever. No thanks to that dick.
10,000 Mexicans and 1 border agent died by "Fast and Furious" under Obama's watch.
Cash for Clunkers happened under Obama's watch.
14 trillion dollars of debt spent under Obama's watch.
ISIS was created under Obama's watch.
Ebola came to America for the 1st time ever, under Obama's watch.
Swine Flu killed 23,000 people under Obama's watch.
The most in poverty since the "War on Poverty" happened, under Obama's watch.
Largest gun sales every, making Obama the best gun salesman, under Obama's watch.
Largest income inequality in America, under Obama's watch.

Shall i continue.....
Knock yourself out. Did not effect me negatively while I put my financial boat back in order after the Bush crash. Now bomb proof. Good luck with your gish gallup.
Did not effect me negatively while I put my financial boat back in order

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
Yeah, i can see all that liberal compassion, just bleeding right out of you. Shame you are such an ignorant fool.
Funny :) Nice little article though. As I read I thought of Jim Jones and trump and was not surprised when it mentioned Jones, but was surprised that it did not mention trump. No matter.
Again the reason I don't respond to your disdain for Obama is he does not matter, (other than a reference point) since he is not in office. He is not the problem at hand. I am no Obama apologist. You should find one on the board and have a long thread to explore and exorcise whatever demons are still torturing you. Been voting since I was 18 and voted for Nixon. I have been pissed off at things done by him and every single one of the presidents since him, with possible exception of George Bush Sr. I was kind of busy back then. I make no apologies for any and have called out their stupidity while in office. Never having a party affiliation is liberating. After they are out, they can do us no harm. They no longer matter, just like the ones that failed to get elected.
I also am avers to taking on laundry lists in general in conversations. Often a cheap trick of amateur debaters, common enough for someone to come up with the term gish gallup. I'll let you look it up, but you're probably familiar.
Try not to get to carried away with dime store psychology found on the internet. It is often fun and funny, but as working tools? Not so much. Have fun.
So, you didnt answer my question, when the DOW hits 30,000 on Nov 2, will you agree it was all President Trump's fault?
Have not managed to work up a good Corona Panic. When we get out of this, and we will, it will not be because of brilliant leadership, certainly not his, it will be the continuing excellent work of the scientist, technicians, upper, middle and lower level employees of many branches of government, private and academic research, the public and private hospitals, health industry etc. It will be what the bastards on the right refer to as deep state that get us out of this. Thank God he only gutted the absolute highest executive levels, to replace with political sycophants, cronies and idiots. The stock market people have always been panicky bitches, now, just like 2008 under Bush. They too will settle down, not because of trump, but in spite of him. I would like to see a nice stock market miracle of DOW 3000 by Nov, but it is so unrealistic as to not even be considerable, in this world wide pandemic situation. I never said it was all his fault. His management, political gamesmanship, views and fears and of course, lack of character only made it worse. All the rational people know this.
I would like to see a nice stock market miracle of DOW 3000 by Nov,
DOW 3,000 huh? Pretty pessimistic of you. I would say that if that happened you liberals better head to Cuba or Mexico, because the rest of US are going hunting.....
When you were in college? How was Plato as a teacher?

View attachment 313436

I went to college from 1978 until 1982.

I graduated in the middle of Reagan's recession. Which was the worst economic recession since the last republican Great Depression at that time.

Did you even go to college? I wouldn't be surprised if you never even graduated high school.

Grad School
Sit on a board of a major University

Graduated in 2003

Reagan's recession ended in 1982 so you graduated toward the end of it. Reagan came into office in January 1980 and recession began in early 1980. How is he more responsible than Carter. I was born in October 1980. Maybe I am to blame?
I was entering the work force under that slimeball Carter, who said that the world would run out of oil in 10 years, so he decided to make long lines at the gas stations by rationing. This caused food prices to go up, and other items, which then at the time "Put more people into poverty" until the brown turd showed up. It was a landslide for Reagan against the peanut farmer.

Carter was ahead of his time. He wanted to decriminalize weed, reduce our dependence on ME oil, as well as reduce our foreign military interventions. He was opposed by Big Business, the Oil Patch and the Military Industries.
reduce our foreign military interventions.
Yeah, and that got us the Iran terrorism as we see it today, when he allowed those rag heads to invade our embassy and hold hostage US citizens. It took a real man to bring those hostages home, Ronald Reagan, not pussy Jimmy (the peanut) Carter. Oh he was a "head" of his time, such a dick of the Nth degree. Oh by the way, all that oil that was supposed to be gone by 1985, we are sitting on the largest reserves of energy ever. No thanks to that dick.
Carter ran into a lot of bad luck but he's still 10x the man any of your republicans are

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