9 signs you're in a political cult

Nope. I'm pretty sure all of us agree that he can and has done wrong. But he got a whole lot more right than any other President in my lifetime.
Unlike leftists who feverish defend Biden without any regards to what has been presented.

[1] You find a sense of purpose in embracing a totalistic ideology that sees itself in intractable opposition with the “evil other.”

Mumbo Jumbo . I have no idea what this means .
Could it be Cognitive Rigidity ?
If so , why he does he not say so ?

Dare not look at the others in case I lose the will to live
That's the state of the leftists/Democrats/Marxists at this time. They defend those of their own in government no matter what they do, and refuse to even consider, much less honestly look at the harm that its policies and initiatives do or the waste and ineffectiveness or that it didn't at all accomplish what they said spending trillions would do. And anything the opposition does, suggests, proposes, or considers is evil. Most especially in the opposition is in power of any part of the government.
As I said we know about the the lies the media has went as far and had their fact checkers to call Trump a liar. To later find out there was no truth to what the media fact checked
again: cult:

Two-thirds of Republicans apparently have no problem with reelecting someone who attempted to overthrow the government.

Just 31 percent of Republicans would not vote for Donald Trump if he was convicted before Election Day 2024, according to a new Reuters/IPSOS poll.

Two-thirds of Republicans apparently have no problem with reelecting someone who attempted to overthrow the government.

Just 31 percent of Republicans would not vote for Donald Trump if he was convicted before Election Day 2024, according to a new Reuters/IPSOS poll.
No one attempted to over throw the government. Another lie created by the lying media that you believed. That makes you a cultist
again: cult:

Two-thirds of Republicans apparently have no problem with reelecting someone who attempted to overthrow the government.

Just 31 percent of Republicans would not vote for Donald Trump if he was convicted before Election Day 2024, according to a new Reuters/IPSOS poll.
Perfect example that you are a democrat cultist you repeat a lie that never happened
Yeah, the idea that Trump supporters have widely different opinions is pretty outlandish.
Different opinions but a few basic things that brings us together America first, individual rights, rule of law, limiting the bureaucracy of government, ending justices that ignore the constitution for social justice and social equity.
And the democrats believe and defend him like a cult
Yes. If anybody in the country is a cult, they are a cult. You don't see Democrats/leftists questioning, much less disagreeing with ANYTHING the government does with Biden in the White House. They don't try to defend it much either except with nonsensical stuff they don't even understand or could articulate a rationale for if their lives depended on it. And if anybody else does, that anybody else is either attacked personally or they divert the discussion with smears of Trump or Republicans or other diversionary tactics.
Different opinions but a few basic things that brings us together America first, individual rights, rule of law, limiting the bureaucracy of government, ending justices that ignore the constitution for social justice and social equity.
lol, don’t forget your belief that bumper sticker slogans are substitutes for policy.

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