9 truths about Muslims in America

Black Muslims tend to be converts to Islam and are recruited in poor urban communities and prisons. While they may have more conflict with the law, they are also more law abiding than others in similar circumstances
WTF is that supposed to mean? They're criminals but they're "law abiding" criminals?
To some in prison...

Becoming a Muslim reforms them

joining a religious community that makes beating and owning women socially acceptable must be irresistible to some, especially among those who have already demonstrated a predilection for violence and abuse.

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It's that time of year when kids figure out that Santa loves rich kids more

The richdom Santa loves is the light in the eyes of the children.

Santa gives rich kids a pony and poor kids a pair of warm socks

Santa gives poor kids good friends too. And to visit this friends makes more fun with warm feet. I know for example a poor girl who never got a dog from her rich parents when she was a child. But when she was grown up a good friend of Santa decided to give a little dog her as a master. Both are still very happy.

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