9 Warning Signs of Democrat Radicalization


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
9 Warning Signs of Democrat Radicalization

12 Oct 2020 ~~ By J.B. Shurk

Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats, Antifa, BLM, media, anarchists and the deep state are all components of the left. They all hate America and the American idea. They believe that your rights are not from your creator but granted to by the State. Towards that end they will use any means including the DA, FISA courts, riots, violence and intimidation. If you search for antifa.com it opens Joe Biden’s donation page. Then go to Antifa Inc. for the truth about Antifa..
The best method in dealing Democrat Radicalization and Sedition is a lot of lead and napalm.

You have yet to prove anyone that is anti-American votes or is registered to vote nor do you provide any poof of their voting record which leads me to assume you are not telling the truth. Assuming one is a Democrat because they don't like you is not a fact but an opinion.
All leftist are not Democrats just like all Republicans are not KKK members.
9 Warning Signs of Democrat Radicalization

12 Oct 2020 ~~ By J.B. Shurk

Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats, Antifa, BLM, media, anarchists and the deep state are all components of the left. They all hate America and the American idea. They believe that your rights are not from your creator but granted to by the State. Towards that end they will use any means including the DA, FISA courts, riots, violence and intimidation. If you search for antifa.com it opens Joe Biden’s donation page. Then go to Antifa Inc. for the truth about Antifa..
The best method in dealing Democrat Radicalization and Sedition is a lot of lead and napalm.

If you study the transformation of Russia into a communist regime you will notice many similarities to what is happening in the US now. Primarily, getting the wealthy and academia on board with the revolution is key, which democrats have successfully done. Now we are to the point that corporations all around the world are giving a self described Marxist organization, like BLM, millions of dollars to support them.

Marxists are not that smart, but they do know that one recipe for success and are following the same recipe.
9 Warning Signs of Democrat Radicalization

12 Oct 2020 ~~ By J.B. Shurk

Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats, Antifa, BLM, media, anarchists and the deep state are all components of the left. They all hate America and the American idea. They believe that your rights are not from your creator but granted to by the State. Towards that end they will use any means including the DA, FISA courts, riots, violence and intimidation. If you search for antifa.com it opens Joe Biden’s donation page. Then go to Antifa Inc. for the truth about Antifa..
The best method in dealing Democrat Radicalization and Sedition is a lot of lead and napalm.

This is why you shouldn't pay attention to or frequent alt-right sites. They start to warp your objectivity. I especially liked the whole attempt to turn belief in conspiracy theories around. And becoming abusive to those that are different??...LOL. That's a right wing staple. And you even use the courts to justify doing it. You may as well paste the word "Republican" in your OP. Because this article describes the right wing...to a "T".
You have yet to prove anyone that is anti-American votes or is registered to vote nor do you provide any poof of their voting record which leads me to assume you are not telling the truth. Assuming one is a Democrat because they don't like you is not a fact but an opinion.
All leftist are not Democrats just like all Republicans are not KKK members.

Sure, but all Republicans have received their applications for membership in the mail, and they can fill it out and send it in when they are ready.
9 Warning Signs of Democrat Radicalization

12 Oct 2020 ~~ By J.B. Shurk

Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats, Antifa, BLM, media, anarchists and the deep state are all components of the left. They all hate America and the American idea. They believe that your rights are not from your creator but granted to by the State. Towards that end they will use any means including the DA, FISA courts, riots, violence and intimidation. If you search for antifa.com it opens Joe Biden’s donation page. Then go to Antifa Inc. for the truth about Antifa..
The best method in dealing Democrat Radicalization and Sedition is a lot of lead and napalm.

It's a CONSPIRACY!!!(imagine the spittle spraying part)
9 Warning Signs of Democrat Radicalization

12 Oct 2020 ~~ By J.B. Shurk

Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats, Antifa, BLM, media, anarchists and the deep state are all components of the left. They all hate America and the American idea. They believe that your rights are not from your creator but granted to by the State. Towards that end they will use any means including the DA, FISA courts, riots, violence and intimidation. If you search for antifa.com it opens Joe Biden’s donation page. Then go to Antifa Inc. for the truth about Antifa..
The best method in dealing Democrat Radicalization and Sedition is a lot of lead and napalm.

LOL!!! The Trumpistas engage in most, if not all, of those same activities.
9 Warning Signs of Democrat Radicalization

12 Oct 2020 ~~ By J.B. Shurk

Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats, Antifa, BLM, media, anarchists and the deep state are all components of the left. They all hate America and the American idea. They believe that your rights are not from your creator but granted to by the State. Towards that end they will use any means including the DA, FISA courts, riots, violence and intimidation. If you search for antifa.com it opens Joe Biden’s donation page. Then go to Antifa Inc. for the truth about Antifa..
The best method in dealing Democrat Radicalization and Sedition is a lot of lead and napalm.

Right wingers are worse. They were willing to levy War against the Union to be unfaithful to our Constitution to keep slavery.
9 Warning Signs of Democrat Radicalization

12 Oct 2020 ~~ By J.B. Shurk

Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats, Antifa, BLM, media, anarchists and the deep state are all components of the left. They all hate America and the American idea. They believe that your rights are not from your creator but granted to by the State. Towards that end they will use any means including the DA, FISA courts, riots, violence and intimidation. If you search for antifa.com it opens Joe Biden’s donation page. Then go to Antifa Inc. for the truth about Antifa..
The best method in dealing Democrat Radicalization and Sedition is a lot of lead and napalm.

This is why you shouldn't pay attention to or frequent alt-right sites. They start to warp your objectivity. I especially liked the whole attempt to turn belief in conspiracy theories around. And becoming abusive to those that are different??...LOL. That's a right wing staple. And you even use the courts to justify doing it. You may as well paste the word "Republican" in your OP. Because this article describes the right wing...to a "T".
Conspiracy theories?

I'm sure this conspiracy theory will get moved to the badlands, as where conspiracy theories about Russia and Trump are allowed to stay in the political forums.

9 Warning Signs of Democrat Radicalization

12 Oct 2020 ~~ By J.B. Shurk

Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats, Antifa, BLM, media, anarchists and the deep state are all components of the left. They all hate America and the American idea. They believe that your rights are not from your creator but granted to by the State. Towards that end they will use any means including the DA, FISA courts, riots, violence and intimidation. If you search for antifa.com it opens Joe Biden’s donation page. Then go to Antifa Inc. for the truth about Antifa..
The best method in dealing Democrat Radicalization and Sedition is a lot of lead and napalm.

Look at the Open Lawlessness of Democrats and the Left.
  • Biden/Clinton - openly selling the foreign policy of the United States in order to take in $Millions.
  • Federal Agencies colluding with the Democrat Congress openly trying to drive the President from office while running cover for Dems, Clintons and Bidens.
  • Pelosi openly withholding COVID aid in an election calculation.
  • MSM and Debate "Moderators" as open collaborators and propagandists for the Left.
  • Antifa/BLM
  • Censorship by Twitter and Facebook. This would be like the Truckers Unions refusing to deliver newspapers because they didn't like what was printed on them.

The Leftist Family Tree Of Sedition and Treason

Leftists engaged in bullying this nation in an increasingly violent manner are largely going unchecked. If you do decide to stand your ground like the McCloskey’s did in St Louis, when a group of Black Lives Matter Marxists tore down a gate and entered their neighborhood, you could be charged with state felonies even though the attackers were led by an admitted Marxist who advocates for the overthrow of the nation’s government. Yet by todays DOJ standards, advocating for the overthrow of the nation just doesn’t seem to meet the guidelines anymore of treason and sedition conspiracy. But, then they also collaborated in the illegal spying on the Trump Campaign, Transition and Presidency and concealed Hunter's laptop full of exculpatory evidence during the Impeachment sham.

Take this week’s social media censorship of Conservatives and all things that could injure Joe Biden’s bid for the Presidency. There is clear evidence of a massive conspiracy. This conspiracy is like a family tree of treason and sedition with different limbs, roots and a giant trunk that perform different tasks, all working towards the same political aim of the leftist takeover.

Each individual part of the family tree does it's part: Organizers plan, direct, and acquire logistics and funding. Activists rally, riot, and protest. Big money donors ensure the funding flows seamlessly and that politicians are properly lobbied. Corrupt leftwing attorneys, prosecutors, and law enforcement executives all maneuver where needed to dominate the justice system and ensure planned destructive actions occur with total disregard for the Constitution or fear of prosecution of anyone involved in the conspiracy.

The Fake News Media has taken on an increasingly overt role since 2016, acting as both an echo chamber and as a manufacturer of evidence that the Left uses to validate accusations they created themselves in order to sideline anything and anyone that opposes their ideology. The corrupt political machine of Washington DC is the heart from which the blood flows, feeding and sustaining the entire tree, but its roots are deeply embedded into each State’s governments, all the way down to the local school boards where indoctrination of future Leftists begins.

Then you have your social media platforms and covert overwatchers and influencers who are ready at a moment’s notice to delete accounts, such as on Instagram and Facebook that have been removed this past week for no reason except for having a conservative stance. It is the closest to Americans being held hostage since the British occupied this nation and forced allegiance to their King 240 years ago. And while everyone is up in arms about how Twitter and Facebook shut down a New York Post article about Hunter Biden, what is being missed is the cancelling of normal Conservative citizens from the Leftist-controlled social media platforms. People have lost all contact with childhood friends and family members, had their online businesses crushed, their ability to see different perspectives of news events squashed, all because they don’t conform to Marxist doctrine.

We are experiencing in this nation a violation of our First and Third Amendments as our speech is no longer free and they have quartered within our homes, phones, and daily lives, just like the British soldiers did in private homes. We have no choice nor a Government that is willing to do what it takes to stop this Marxist invasion.

It will likely require the State Legislatures writing some amendments that bring the Federal Morass under control.
9 Warning Signs of Democrat Radicalization

12 Oct 2020 ~~ By J.B. Shurk

Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats, Antifa, BLM, media, anarchists and the deep state are all components of the left. They all hate America and the American idea. They believe that your rights are not from your creator but granted to by the State. Towards that end they will use any means including the DA, FISA courts, riots, violence and intimidation. If you search for antifa.com it opens Joe Biden’s donation page. Then go to Antifa Inc. for the truth about Antifa..
The best method in dealing Democrat Radicalization and Sedition is a lot of lead and napalm.

Look at the Open Lawlessness of Democrats and the Left.
  • Biden/Clinton - openly selling the foreign policy of the United States in order to take in $Millions.
  • Federal Agencies colluding with the Democrat Congress openly trying to drive the President from office while running cover for Dems, Clintons and Bidens.
  • Pelosi openly withholding COVID aid in an election calculation.
  • MSM and Debate "Moderators" as open collaborators and propagandists for the Left.
  • Antifa/BLM
  • Censorship by Twitter and Facebook. This would be like the Truckers Unions refusing to deliver newspapers because they didn't like what was printed on them.

The Leftist Family Tree Of Sedition and Treason

Leftists engaged in bullying this nation in an increasingly violent manner are largely going unchecked. If you do decide to stand your ground like the McCloskey’s did in St Louis, when a group of Black Lives Matter Marxists tore down a gate and entered their neighborhood, you could be charged with state felonies even though the attackers were led by an admitted Marxist who advocates for the overthrow of the nation’s government. Yet by todays DOJ standards, advocating for the overthrow of the nation just doesn’t seem to meet the guidelines anymore of treason and sedition conspiracy. But, then they also collaborated in the illegal spying on the Trump Campaign, Transition and Presidency and concealed Hunter's laptop full of exculpatory evidence during the Impeachment sham.

Take this week’s social media censorship of Conservatives and all things that could injure Joe Biden’s bid for the Presidency. There is clear evidence of a massive conspiracy. This conspiracy is like a family tree of treason and sedition with different limbs, roots and a giant trunk that perform different tasks, all working towards the same political aim of the leftist takeover.

Each individual part of the family tree does it's part: Organizers plan, direct, and acquire logistics and funding. Activists rally, riot, and protest. Big money donors ensure the funding flows seamlessly and that politicians are properly lobbied. Corrupt leftwing attorneys, prosecutors, and law enforcement executives all maneuver where needed to dominate the justice system and ensure planned destructive actions occur with total disregard for the Constitution or fear of prosecution of anyone involved in the conspiracy.

The Fake News Media has taken on an increasingly overt role since 2016, acting as both an echo chamber and as a manufacturer of evidence that the Left uses to validate accusations they created themselves in order to sideline anything and anyone that opposes their ideology. The corrupt political machine of Washington DC is the heart from which the blood flows, feeding and sustaining the entire tree, but its roots are deeply embedded into each State’s governments, all the way down to the local school boards where indoctrination of future Leftists begins.

Then you have your social media platforms and covert overwatchers and influencers who are ready at a moment’s notice to delete accounts, such as on Instagram and Facebook that have been removed this past week for no reason except for having a conservative stance. It is the closest to Americans being held hostage since the British occupied this nation and forced allegiance to their King 240 years ago. And while everyone is up in arms about how Twitter and Facebook shut down a New York Post article about Hunter Biden, what is being missed is the cancelling of normal Conservative citizens from the Leftist-controlled social media platforms. People have lost all contact with childhood friends and family members, had their online businesses crushed, their ability to see different perspectives of news events squashed, all because they don’t conform to Marxist doctrine.

We are experiencing in this nation a violation of our First and Third Amendments as our speech is no longer free and they have quartered within our homes, phones, and daily lives, just like the British soldiers did in private homes. We have no choice nor a Government that is willing to do what it takes to stop this Marxist invasion.

It will likely require the State Legislatures writing some amendments that bring the Federal Morass under control.
9 Warning Signs of Democrat Radicalization

12 Oct 2020 ~~ By J.B. Shurk

Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats, Antifa, BLM, media, anarchists and the deep state are all components of the left. They all hate America and the American idea. They believe that your rights are not from your creator but granted to by the State. Towards that end they will use any means including the DA, FISA courts, riots, violence and intimidation. If you search for antifa.com it opens Joe Biden’s donation page. Then go to Antifa Inc. for the truth about Antifa..
The best method in dealing Democrat Radicalization and Sedition is a lot of lead and napalm.

Look at the Open Lawlessness of Democrats and the Left.
  • Biden/Clinton - openly selling the foreign policy of the United States in order to take in $Millions.
  • Federal Agencies colluding with the Democrat Congress openly trying to drive the President from office while running cover for Dems, Clintons and Bidens.
  • Pelosi openly withholding COVID aid in an election calculation.
  • MSM and Debate "Moderators" as open collaborators and propagandists for the Left.
  • Antifa/BLM
  • Censorship by Twitter and Facebook. This would be like the Truckers Unions refusing to deliver newspapers because they didn't like what was printed on them.

The Leftist Family Tree Of Sedition and Treason

Leftists engaged in bullying this nation in an increasingly violent manner are largely going unchecked. If you do decide to stand your ground like the McCloskey’s did in St Louis, when a group of Black Lives Matter Marxists tore down a gate and entered their neighborhood, you could be charged with state felonies even though the attackers were led by an admitted Marxist who advocates for the overthrow of the nation’s government. Yet by todays DOJ standards, advocating for the overthrow of the nation just doesn’t seem to meet the guidelines anymore of treason and sedition conspiracy. But, then they also collaborated in the illegal spying on the Trump Campaign, Transition and Presidency and concealed Hunter's laptop full of exculpatory evidence during the Impeachment sham.

Take this week’s social media censorship of Conservatives and all things that could injure Joe Biden’s bid for the Presidency. There is clear evidence of a massive conspiracy. This conspiracy is like a family tree of treason and sedition with different limbs, roots and a giant trunk that perform different tasks, all working towards the same political aim of the leftist takeover.

Each individual part of the family tree does it's part: Organizers plan, direct, and acquire logistics and funding. Activists rally, riot, and protest. Big money donors ensure the funding flows seamlessly and that politicians are properly lobbied. Corrupt leftwing attorneys, prosecutors, and law enforcement executives all maneuver where needed to dominate the justice system and ensure planned destructive actions occur with total disregard for the Constitution or fear of prosecution of anyone involved in the conspiracy.

The Fake News Media has taken on an increasingly overt role since 2016, acting as both an echo chamber and as a manufacturer of evidence that the Left uses to validate accusations they created themselves in order to sideline anything and anyone that opposes their ideology. The corrupt political machine of Washington DC is the heart from which the blood flows, feeding and sustaining the entire tree, but its roots are deeply embedded into each State’s governments, all the way down to the local school boards where indoctrination of future Leftists begins.

Then you have your social media platforms and covert overwatchers and influencers who are ready at a moment’s notice to delete accounts, such as on Instagram and Facebook that have been removed this past week for no reason except for having a conservative stance. It is the closest to Americans being held hostage since the British occupied this nation and forced allegiance to their King 240 years ago. And while everyone is up in arms about how Twitter and Facebook shut down a New York Post article about Hunter Biden, what is being missed is the cancelling of normal Conservative citizens from the Leftist-controlled social media platforms. People have lost all contact with childhood friends and family members, had their online businesses crushed, their ability to see different perspectives of news events squashed, all because they don’t conform to Marxist doctrine.

We are experiencing in this nation a violation of our First and Third Amendments as our speech is no longer free and they have quartered within our homes, phones, and daily lives, just like the British soldiers did in private homes. We have no choice nor a Government that is willing to do what it takes to stop this Marxist invasion.

It will likely require the State Legislatures writing some amendments that bring the Federal Morass under control.
Y'all try to accuse others of the very things you're guilty of. It's the cheaters' way. Thank God the king of the cheats will be shown the door soon. GO JOE!!!
9 Warning Signs of Democrat Radicalization

12 Oct 2020 ~~ By J.B. Shurk

Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats, Antifa, BLM, media, anarchists and the deep state are all components of the left. They all hate America and the American idea. They believe that your rights are not from your creator but granted to by the State. Towards that end they will use any means including the DA, FISA courts, riots, violence and intimidation. If you search for antifa.com it opens Joe Biden’s donation page. Then go to Antifa Inc. for the truth about Antifa..
The best method in dealing Democrat Radicalization and Sedition is a lot of lead and napalm.

Look at the Open Lawlessness of Democrats and the Left.
  • Biden/Clinton - openly selling the foreign policy of the United States in order to take in $Millions.
  • Federal Agencies colluding with the Democrat Congress openly trying to drive the President from office while running cover for Dems, Clintons and Bidens.
  • Pelosi openly withholding COVID aid in an election calculation.
  • MSM and Debate "Moderators" as open collaborators and propagandists for the Left.
  • Antifa/BLM
  • Censorship by Twitter and Facebook. This would be like the Truckers Unions refusing to deliver newspapers because they didn't like what was printed on them.

The Leftist Family Tree Of Sedition and Treason

Leftists engaged in bullying this nation in an increasingly violent manner are largely going unchecked. If you do decide to stand your ground like the McCloskey’s did in St Louis, when a group of Black Lives Matter Marxists tore down a gate and entered their neighborhood, you could be charged with state felonies even though the attackers were led by an admitted Marxist who advocates for the overthrow of the nation’s government. Yet by todays DOJ standards, advocating for the overthrow of the nation just doesn’t seem to meet the guidelines anymore of treason and sedition conspiracy. But, then they also collaborated in the illegal spying on the Trump Campaign, Transition and Presidency and concealed Hunter's laptop full of exculpatory evidence during the Impeachment sham.

Take this week’s social media censorship of Conservatives and all things that could injure Joe Biden’s bid for the Presidency. There is clear evidence of a massive conspiracy. This conspiracy is like a family tree of treason and sedition with different limbs, roots and a giant trunk that perform different tasks, all working towards the same political aim of the leftist takeover.

Each individual part of the family tree does it's part: Organizers plan, direct, and acquire logistics and funding. Activists rally, riot, and protest. Big money donors ensure the funding flows seamlessly and that politicians are properly lobbied. Corrupt leftwing attorneys, prosecutors, and law enforcement executives all maneuver where needed to dominate the justice system and ensure planned destructive actions occur with total disregard for the Constitution or fear of prosecution of anyone involved in the conspiracy.

The Fake News Media has taken on an increasingly overt role since 2016, acting as both an echo chamber and as a manufacturer of evidence that the Left uses to validate accusations they created themselves in order to sideline anything and anyone that opposes their ideology. The corrupt political machine of Washington DC is the heart from which the blood flows, feeding and sustaining the entire tree, but its roots are deeply embedded into each State’s governments, all the way down to the local school boards where indoctrination of future Leftists begins.

Then you have your social media platforms and covert overwatchers and influencers who are ready at a moment’s notice to delete accounts, such as on Instagram and Facebook that have been removed this past week for no reason except for having a conservative stance. It is the closest to Americans being held hostage since the British occupied this nation and forced allegiance to their King 240 years ago. And while everyone is up in arms about how Twitter and Facebook shut down a New York Post article about Hunter Biden, what is being missed is the cancelling of normal Conservative citizens from the Leftist-controlled social media platforms. People have lost all contact with childhood friends and family members, had their online businesses crushed, their ability to see different perspectives of news events squashed, all because they don’t conform to Marxist doctrine.

We are experiencing in this nation a violation of our First and Third Amendments as our speech is no longer free and they have quartered within our homes, phones, and daily lives, just like the British soldiers did in private homes. We have no choice nor a Government that is willing to do what it takes to stop this Marxist invasion.

It will likely require the State Legislatures writing some amendments that bring the Federal Morass under control.
Y'all try to accuse others of the very things you're guilty of. It's the cheaters' way. Thank God the king of the cheats will be shown the door soon. GO JOE!!!
Let us know when you are finished screaming at the mirror.

The Lying Biden's could issue clear unequivocal denials that these emails are authentic, or even that Hunter's laptop was ever dropped off at this computer shop.

Featured image
The Biden crime family news barks, but the Biden campaign caravan rolls on. Sam Dorman and Mike Emanuel have confirmed the authenticity of one of the most troubling emails on Hunter’s abandoned laptop computer. Their story is Source on alleged Hunter Biden email chain verifies message about Chinese investment firm. Subhead: “‘The big guy’ is a reference to the former vice president.”

Professor Jonathan Turley notes the Sherlockian dog that isn't barking: “If the Hunter Biden laptop emails are fabricated, there were three barks that we would have expected within hours of the release.” Professor Turley itemizes the missing barks:
Bark 1: This was not Hunter Biden’s computer
Bark 2: These were not Hunter Biden’s photos or emails
Bark 3: This is defamation
Yet, Turley only hears a faint whimper: “that the campaign could not find any notation on Vice President Biden’s official schedule that he met with a Ukrainian figure connected to the payments to his son Hunter Biden.”

Following the publication of Turley’s column yesterday afternoon, Biden worked up a modified limited bark at the CBS News reporter who had the gall to ask him about the Post stories: “I know you’d ask it. I have no response, it’s another smear campaign, right up your alley, those are the questions you always ask.”

That's not a denial, that's a fighting retreat. From which you can infer:
  1. This is Hunter's computer.
  2. These are Hunter's photo and emails.
  3. The Biden Crime Family was shaping the foreign policy of the United States in order to fill their personal coffers with $Millions and $Millions and $Millions and $Millions and $Millions and $Millions and $Millions and $Millions.
  4. The FBI knew, DURING IMPEACHMENT, and concealed this information from the Administration and either from Congress as well, or coordinated with Congress to keep it hidden.

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