9 yr old boy who sneaked onto Las Vegas Flight


Senior Member
Nov 14, 2012
9-year-old boy who sneaked onto Delta flight has rap sheet: report* - NY Daily News

<Two weeks earlier, the boy was arrested after stealing a car. It is unclear whether he was driving at the time.

He also had a &#8220;history&#8221; of riding a train to a Bloomington water park, where he would wait in line &#8220;until a large family is entering&#8221; before slipping in.

The boy reportedly lives in a two-parent home with at least one other sibling. He told authorities that his mom would hold a knife to his throat. He also said that his mother had been &#8220;stabbed and died.&#8221;

The mother reportedly works at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. Officials are investigating whether she helped him board that flight.

If CPS discovers that he has been abused, the boy could be taken out of his home. He will be treated with a &#8220;behavioral health response&#8221; if they find that the boy has a mental health problem, Moore writes.>

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nat...-sheet-report-article-1.1479895#ixzz2hBRAp5M4

In another forum posters apparently had read articles that indicated the boy was 'smart'.

Regardless he seems to lack appropriate supervision.

<There have also, allegedly, been four child protection assessments conducted on the boy's family since last December, and staff members have labeled him a "challenging child>
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Sounds like someone's momma and baby daddy needs to spend some time in an 8x8.
Sounds like someone's momma and baby daddy needs to spend some time in an 8x8.

With all the focus on 'identifying' potential issues I will be greatly surprised if/when no further action is deemed appropriate.

What was the name of the guy in the 'Catch Me If You Can' movie--with Leo di Caprio?


Sounds like this kid is well on his way to some sort of antisocial future.
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He's currently in Foster care? That kid should be in juvie with an ankle monitor on is leg.

I don't know. When the Las Vegas PD took custody at the airport he had a meltdown and had to be hospitalized.

Possible speculative theories in the other forum included 'spectrum disorders'--such as Asbergers.
The father gave an interview, with a sweatshirt pulled up over his face to preserve anonymity.

Some organization in Minneapolis is working with him--'Mad Dads'. He wants help and says he has not been able to find it --conferences at school over behavior--fighting and related matters, I assume he had contact with the juvenile system after the boy stole a truck a few days ago. His father thought he was inspired to do this because he had been playing Grand Theft Auto at a friend's house.

The father is clearly overwhelmed. Nonetheless--the 9 yr took out the trash and didn't return. The father thought he was at a friend's house--didn't get concerned until the next day. He didn't seem to think this was an unusual response. The boy was not in school because he was suspended.

It would certainly seem that he does need help--no mention of charges against the parents for neglect at this point but it certainly seems like whatever is going on is not working well for this child.

The father told LE he wanted to beat him and the officer said he would have to arrest the father if he did.

The problems have supposedly been progressing since the child was 5.

It just seems to me when a child can go missing for over 24 hours without an adult searching everywhere --some intervention is needed.

If my dog were missing for even 10 minutes I would be out looking for him. He took out the trash, on a day he was suspended from school, and his father assumed he had gone to a friend's house--stayed overnight. Sorry--that is a problem--the parent's.

Some sort of services are now said to be provided.
They'll make a movie out of this, starring Leonardo DeCrapio.

I'm afraid this guy is headed toward a different type of life--too many kids that just don't get what they need at the time they need it.

HLN's panel reviewed the alternatives--remove him from the home/foster care or juvenile facility--lots of potential for damage with either. Hope the parents can do better--not a lot of optimism. Sounds like some foundation --something that Dr. Phil would be able to provide needs to step in.

I have been trying to think of the sort of things that might have been going on since he was 5. It would seem that this would have become an issue at school and some sort of referral to a behavioral program would have been indicated. The father said they had attended conferences and discussed his child's 'plan'. Not certain what that means--whatever had been tried was not enough.

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