90% Of Voters Are Against The Republicans Bogus Obamacare Challenge Being Argued Today


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Ninety. Percent. So, yeah, there's good reason for Republicans to be sweating the election. That's not going to stop them from ramming Brett Kavanaugh through, however, even though at this point it's very likely this case comes to the Supreme Court. Even though it's very likely this man would happily throw the law out the window.

Seems like that's something Sens. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and Susan Collins (R-ME), who went out on a limb with their leadership to save the law last year, would be worried about when they vote on this nomination.

90 percent of voters are against the Republicans' bogus Obamacare challenge being argued today

We already know Republicans are going to lose the House because of their sabotage of Obamacare. It's now a question are they going to lose the Senate because of their sabotage of Obamacare.

One thing is for sure. It's not a winning issue for Republicans sabotaging Obamacare.
Ninety. Percent. So, yeah, there's good reason for Republicans to be sweating the election. That's not going to stop them from ramming Brett Kavanaugh through, however, even though at this point it's very likely this case comes to the Supreme Court. Even though it's very likely this man would happily throw the law out the window.

Seems like that's something Sens. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and Susan Collins (R-ME), who went out on a limb with their leadership to save the law last year, would be worried about when they vote on this nomination.

90 percent of voters are against the Republicans' bogus Obamacare challenge being argued today

We already know Republicans are going to lose the House because of their sabotage of Obamacare. It's now a question are they going to lose the Senate because of their sabotage of Obamacare.

One thing is for sure. It's not a winning issue for Republicans sabotaging Obamacare.
What a joke. You fall for this crap. You need help.
Ninety. Percent. So, yeah, there's good reason for Republicans to be sweating the election. That's not going to stop them from ramming Brett Kavanaugh through, however, even though at this point it's very likely this case comes to the Supreme Court. Even though it's very likely this man would happily throw the law out the window.

Seems like that's something Sens. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and Susan Collins (R-ME), who went out on a limb with their leadership to save the law last year, would be worried about when they vote on this nomination.

90 percent of voters are against the Republicans' bogus Obamacare challenge being argued today

We already know Republicans are going to lose the House because of their sabotage of Obamacare. It's now a question are they going to lose the Senate because of their sabotage of Obamacare.

One thing is for sure. It's not a winning issue for Republicans sabotaging Obamacare.


You're a moron. Coincidentally I have a bridge for sale...
Ninety. Percent. So, yeah, there's good reason for Republicans to be sweating the election. That's not going to stop them from ramming Brett Kavanaugh through, however, even though at this point it's very likely this case comes to the Supreme Court. Even though it's very likely this man would happily throw the law out the window.

Seems like that's something Sens. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and Susan Collins (R-ME), who went out on a limb with their leadership to save the law last year, would be worried about when they vote on this nomination.

90 percent of voters are against the Republicans' bogus Obamacare challenge being argued today

We already know Republicans are going to lose the House because of their sabotage of Obamacare. It's now a question are they going to lose the Senate because of their sabotage of Obamacare.

One thing is for sure. It's not a winning issue for Republicans sabotaging Obamacare.
Daily Kos saz zo!

Moron. 90% can’t agree water is wet anymore.
You should really follow your story’s links sometime. That is not what it said. Did it say provisions were important? Yes, but not what you stated.

“Battleground voters – those living in states and districts that the Cook Political Report rates as having the most competitive House, Senate and gubernatorial races – rank campaign topics similarly, with corruption (32%), the economy and jobs (27%) and health care (26%) topping their list of “most important” topics.

When voters are asked what health care issue they most want to hear the candidates discuss, a quarter (27%) mention health care costs – three times the share that mention any other health care issue, such as increasing access (9%), universal coverage (8%), Medicare or senior concerns (7%), or prescription drug costs (7%). Health care costs are the top health care issue mentioned by Democratic voters (29%), independent voters (29%), and Republican voters (25%).”

Poll: The ACA’s Pre-Existing Condition Protections Remain Popular with the Public, including Republicans, As Legal Challenge Looms This Week

Ninety. Percent. So, yeah, there's good reason for Republicans to be sweating the election. That's not going to stop them from ramming Brett Kavanaugh through, however, even though at this point it's very likely this case comes to the Supreme Court. Even though it's very likely this man would happily throw the law out the window.

Seems like that's something Sens. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and Susan Collins (R-ME), who went out on a limb with their leadership to save the law last year, would be worried about when they vote on this nomination.

90 percent of voters are against the Republicans' bogus Obamacare challenge being argued today

We already know Republicans are going to lose the House because of their sabotage of Obamacare. It's now a question are they going to lose the Senate because of their sabotage of Obamacare.

One thing is for sure. It's not a winning issue for Republicans sabotaging Obamacare.
Ninety. Percent. So, yeah, there's good reason for Republicans to be sweating the election. That's not going to stop them from ramming Brett Kavanaugh through, however, even though at this point it's very likely this case comes to the Supreme Court. Even though it's very likely this man would happily throw the law out the window.

Seems like that's something Sens. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and Susan Collins (R-ME), who went out on a limb with their leadership to save the law last year, would be worried about when they vote on this nomination.

90 percent of voters are against the Republicans' bogus Obamacare challenge being argued today

We already know Republicans are going to lose the House because of their sabotage of Obamacare. It's now a question are they going to lose the Senate because of their sabotage of Obamacare.

One thing is for sure. It's not a winning issue for Republicans sabotaging Obamacare.
Pff, you must be even dumber than we thought if you believe that. :laugh:
My BULLSHIT METER is pegged! There is not one "voter" in a hundred who could articulate the ramifications of a COMPLETE overturn of the ACA - not that ANYONE is advocating such a thing.

EVERY SINGLE REPUBLIC PROPOSAL has addressed the plight of those with serious pre-existing conditions, and EVERY SINGLE DEMOCRAT/LEFTIST/MEDIA commentator pretends that if the Republicans get their way, these unfortunates will be left high and dry.

Fuck you and your stupid, uninformed poll. 90% my ass.
The GOP plan of "Die Quickly" polls well in Red States.

Only, they don't understand, they're the ones being attacked.
It takes a special kind of stupid to believe in today's polarized environment that 90% of Americans could agree on ANYTHING.

How very embarrassing for the op

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