90 percent of job growth has been in full-time positions since ACA

I'm really pissed because I just wrote down a long post that detailed all the changes coming down the pike with regards to our new medical, the way it's going to be processed between state and feds, and exactly what the new roles for everyone will be. And it disappeared.

The long and short is this...medical as of today is being processed in state capitols. Case workers in local branches will no longer manage it. The goal is to further interlock all programs so that we can all access every single piece of information about every person that comes through our doors. We are going to integrate all information so that any of us can look it up and, ultimately, report it to the "health care" workers who ultimately work for the feds (programs semi funded by the states, but this is what it comes down to). Tax records, employment, utilities, birth, ssb, ssd, ssi, va benefits (though the va is dragging its feet and probably isn't too likely to participate. They know what the hell communism looks like). All will work with the IRS, law enforcement, etc.

Local workers will gather information, they will submit that information to the workers in the capitols, and they will then determine eligibility for the other programs (none of which require any of that information, btw. They can get what they need locally). And the jobs of the local workers is changing as we speak. They are being sent to doctrination classes (trust me on this one, i know of where I speak..I'll dig up some of the materials..it's classic..."Change!" "Learn to identify and address resistance!" no shit. It's hard to sit through that sort of thing...but we did it). Foodstamp workers are receiving more training on recognizing *resistance*...and finding ways to target famililes for scrutiny based on various and assorted things. Innocuous now but exceedingly alarming in implication. They are also changing mandatory reporting requirements. DHS workers nationwide, until like this month, were considered legally to be mandatory reporters...that means whatever they see that can indicate child or other abuse, either during work or off hours, had to be reported or they were being derelict in their duties and they could be fired and prosecuted.

That's changing too. Makes you sort of wonder.
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So, let's get this straight, the ACA, which hasn't even gone into effect, is responsible for non-existent job growth...

You fuckers are insane.

I hate to break this to you, Soggy but businesses anticipate change. Things that are on the horizon affect decisions that are made today. ObamaCare has thrown a serious monkey wrench into job growth for YEARS now because of provisions in the law and simple uncertainty about what will and will not occur when it takes effect.

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