90 Year Old WWII Vet Killed, Wife Raped

The intention is to point out the ridiculous notion that the President only talked about Trayvon's case b/c he was black.

In reality, the outcry re: the Martin case was the lack of an arrest - which led to the race hustlers such as Sharpton to make it into huge Nat'l news, and the chaos ensued.

So the intention is retarded - because there's also white on black murders happening every day that the President does NOT address, and so the standard is not race-based, it's national news controversy based.

People involved in partisan politics really do think like grade schoolers, on an umpteenth level, it's really sad.

There was no arrest because, as evidenced by the verdict, there was no crime committed.
The intention is to point out the ridiculous notion that the President only talked about Trayvon's case b/c he was black.

In reality, the outcry re: the Martin case was the lack of an arrest - which led to the race hustlers such as Sharpton to make it into huge Nat'l news, and the chaos ensued.

So the intention is retarded - because there's also white on black murders happening every day that the President does NOT address, and so the standard is not race-based, it's national news controversy based.

People involved in partisan politics really do think like grade schoolers, on an umpteenth level, it's really sad.

There was no arrest because, as evidenced by the verdict, there was no crime committed.

Nice in hindsight, and I agree with the verdict, but that doesn't mean there shouldn't have been a trial. His conflicting statements were enough to cause suspicion.
Because the right wingers are racists.

No, because the libtard moonbats and this administration ARE racists -and they prove it every day.

So are you - damn racist.

I gotcha, so if you aren't a hard right white power nazi, you are a racist. :cuckoo:
You are a racist fascist- your and others wailings on trayvon and now not even a peep on the whole series of clear racist murders after a year of the race war conducted by administration and their servitude media
Interesting to watch RWrs get on the "Hate Crime" bandwagon now.

Most of us fair-minded RWs have know there is a double standard in he MSM and in the minds of LWs like your. The racist hate crimes are frequently black on white crimes.

"Hate crimes" by the blacks is nothing new, but is rarely reported nationally because it's not PC!
The intention is to point out the ridiculous notion that the President only talked about Trayvon's case b/c he was black.

In reality, the outcry re: the Martin case was the lack of an arrest - which led to the race hustlers such as Sharpton to make it into huge Nat'l news, and the chaos ensued.

So the intention is retarded - because there's also white on black murders happening every day that the President does NOT address, and so the standard is not race-based, it's national news controversy based.

People involved in partisan politics really do think like grade schoolers, on an umpteenth level, it's really sad.

There was no arrest because, as evidenced by the verdict, there was no crime committed.

Nice in hindsight, and I agree with the verdict, but that doesn't mean there shouldn't have been a trial. His conflicting statements were enough to cause suspicion.

No, the cops and DA got it right the first time before the political pressure came to take a bad case to trial
You are a racist fascist-

Fascism is far right on the political spectrum, like the teabaggers and today's GOP.

your and others wailings

LOLWUT? :lol:

on trayvon and now not even a peep on the whole series of clear racist murders after a year of the race war conducted by administration and their servitude media

Yes, Obama is behind a full on race war :cuckoo: You right wingers truly are mentally ill.
What's with the recent Drudge-led focus by the right wing on black-on-white crimes? What is your intention with this?

Very simple: TELLING THE TRUTH, about who the REAL racists, thugs and murderers in this country disproportionately are, in spite of your side's best efforts to hide, minimize and downplay that truth, and ignore the victims of the thug culture you pander to. Your Anointed One voiced his outrage over "poor little Trayvon" "who could have been my son". Well, where the hell is his outrage over THIS, whose perpetrators also "could have been his son"? Well, WHERE IS IT??? *crickets* RACIST PIG! And, while we are at it, WHERE'S YOURS? * more crickets* God, liberal hypocrisy is so thick, you could cut it with a knife! BTW, the evidence indicates Trayvon was killed while committing a crime, to wit, felonious assault; what crime did these old people commit? What crime did Delbert Belton commit? "Being White, in OBAMA'S New Peoples' Republic of America"-that's THEIR crime?

So YES, we're going to continue to point it out, and tell the truth you want to hide, until this stops! In the words of Harry Truman (isn't he one of your icons?) we're not going to give You and Obama hell; we're going to just tell the truth on you (and keep telling it) and you'll THINK it's hell!
I am SO SICK of the words TRAYVON and ZIMMERMAN.

An old man is DEAD. His wife was raped. By thugs. Black ones. Get over the TRAYVON shit. Move on.
90 Year Old WWII Vet Killed, Wife Raped

Another black on white crime and no sharpton , no oblamo,


Blacks cause 50% of all murders in this country. FACT
This is 5 times per capita that of WHITES. Fact
Blacks kill twice as many whites(raw numbers) fact
This is ten times per capita. Fact.

What do you leftist have to back up your case besides pointless outrage???
90 Year Old WWII Vet Killed, Wife Raped

Another black on white crime and no sharpton , no oblamo,

Is Al Sharpton supposed to fly in with a cape and use his superpowers to stop the crime?

If that dumbshit used more energy in providing solutions to the woes of the Black community instead of ranting and raving about supposed "injustices" against them, he probably could stop it.

It's sad the left doesn't want to find solutions...Just HATE against whites to push their stupid communism.

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