900 Missouri residents who ‘snitched’ on lockdown rule-breakers fear retaliation after details leaked online...you reap what you sow, my friends!

Hundreds of St. Louis citizens who snitched to the government about businesses that defied closure orders are discovering that their messages are not confidential and their identities are subject to sunshine laws.

As part of the effort to slow the spread of the coronavirus, some city and state leaders have forced businesses they deem “nonessential” to shut down. St. Louis County encouraged people to report any such businesses that are still open via an online form.

The county received more than 900 complaints. And the complaints, apparently, were not anonymous. Indeed, they’re public records subject to the state’s sunshine laws. Now people who are angry at the extent and duration of government shutdown orders are using those laws to expose the people who filed the complaints.

KSDK, a local NBC affiliate, reported in late April that a man named Jared Totsch received a copy of these tipsters’ records and shared them on Facebook. When a KDSK reporter reached out to him to point to him that these tipsters are now worried about retaliation, Totsch responded that was partly the point.
More cleansing of vermin of society about to commence.

That sounds exactly what a terrorist would do. We need strong federal laws against these groups.
Trumps sending us your address.
The people who broke the rules are the culprits here, not the people who reported them. What was this Jared Totsch aiming to do, other than endanger his neighbors who followed the law? He's a pig who does not care about his community or his country. He needs a one-way ticket to Moscow.

Spying has always been a treacherous and dangerous game. If there's danger in spying, then the spies endangered their own lives. Totsch more likely had as his intent, and rightly so in my opinion, to shame the government spies rather than to endanger them. Their families, children, wifes or husbands, neighbors, employers, coworkers, all know what low-life pigs they are. Their lives aren't in danger but their reputations are trashed. But if the truth trashes your reputation then that's your own fault.
Hundreds of St. Louis citizens who snitched to the government about businesses that defied closure orders are discovering that their messages are not confidential and their identities are subject to sunshine laws.

As part of the effort to slow the spread of the coronavirus, some city and state leaders have forced businesses they deem “nonessential” to shut down. St. Louis County encouraged people to report any such businesses that are still open via an online form.

The county received more than 900 complaints. And the complaints, apparently, were not anonymous. Indeed, they’re public records subject to the state’s sunshine laws. Now people who are angry at the extent and duration of government shutdown orders are using those laws to expose the people who filed the complaints.

KSDK, a local NBC affiliate, reported in late April that a man named Jared Totsch received a copy of these tipsters’ records and shared them on Facebook. When a KDSK reporter reached out to him to point to him that these tipsters are now worried about retaliation, Totsch responded that was partly the point.
More cleansing of vermin of society about to commence.

Not unexpected. Since Trump welcomed the altRighters, white nationalists, and crazy militia types into his cabal, right wing violence has increased throughout the country.

Actually, he never welcomed white nationalists; he welcomed American nationalists. White-nationalists are not welcome. Nationalists who are white, black, brown, Asian, women, men, homosexual, or just about anything else legal or moral are welcome.

But you'll have to show links for the increase in right-wing violence. The only political violence I see is AintIFascist (they abbreviate to Antifa).

George Orwell is a prophet!
Dumb-ass conservatives wanna protect the law breakers and punish the law abiding.

tRump has destroyed the republican party.

It was public records... Don't blame the guy who posted it.

But the amazing thing is how suddenly the left, liberals as they pretend to be, are against civil disobedience. You no longer support Antifa?



And you're solidly against releasing lists of gun owners? I'd bet money there were threads here about it when it happened but you weren't a member yet. You can post your objections to this list being released from whatever forum you were active on at the time.

Hundreds of St. Louis citizens who snitched to the government about businesses that defied closure orders are discovering that their messages are not confidential and their identities are subject to sunshine laws.

As part of the effort to slow the spread of the coronavirus, some city and state leaders have forced businesses they deem “nonessential” to shut down. St. Louis County encouraged people to report any such businesses that are still open via an online form.

The county received more than 900 complaints. And the complaints, apparently, were not anonymous. Indeed, they’re public records subject to the state’s sunshine laws. Now people who are angry at the extent and duration of government shutdown orders are using those laws to expose the people who filed the complaints.

KSDK, a local NBC affiliate, reported in late April that a man named Jared Totsch received a copy of these tipsters’ records and shared them on Facebook. When a KDSK reporter reached out to him to point to him that these tipsters are now worried about retaliation, Totsch responded that was partly the point.
More cleansing of vermin of society about to commence.

That sounds exactly what a terrorist would do. We need strong federal laws against these groups.

Laws against which groups?

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