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911 who did it?

Muslim community: Harrisburg acts of terror 'go against any sense of mercy'

For example. I could copy and paste dozens from a quick Google search. You apparently don't want to listen, because anytime there has been a terrorist attack in this country, I have heard the Muslim community speak out against it.
I'm sorry but why we 1.8 billion muslims have to apologize foe an act of some deranged psychopaths?
Christian's, Jews, Buddhists do commit atrocities I dont see people of their faith apologizing, and they dont have to....criminals will be criminals regardless of religion.
If it was the case the US should be apologizing for millions of lives lost, millions of other lives ruined. Countries ruined. Regimes toppled , etc....
The so called bigoted conservatives in this country will always play this excuse of....but muslims dont speak up against terrorism....they are twisted bigots who will brush all muslims with the same brush.

the deranged psychopaths you mention are the Bush administration, the clintons,the CIA and the mossad.
Muslim community: Harrisburg acts of terror 'go against any sense of mercy'

For example. I could copy and paste dozens from a quick Google search. You apparently don't want to listen, because anytime there has been a terrorist attack in this country, I have heard the Muslim community speak out against it.
I'm sorry but why we 1.8 billion muslims have to apologize foe an act of some deranged psychopaths?
Christian's, Jews, Buddhists do commit atrocities I dont see people of their faith apologizing, and they dont have to....criminals will be criminals regardless of religion.
If it was the case the US should be apologizing for millions of lives lost, millions of other lives ruined. Countries ruined. Regimes toppled , etc....
The so called bigoted conservatives in this country will always play this excuse of....but muslims dont speak up against terrorism....they are twisted bigots who will brush all muslims with the same brush.

the deranged psychopaths you mention are the Bush administration, the clintons,the CIA and the mossad.

Says the wasteland of your imagination.

Remember, you can't factually establish any part of your silly conspiracy. You merely *imagine* it must be true, imagine who planned and executed it, and imagine what they must be to do what you made up.

All pristinely void of an actual connection to reality. With the actual evidence contradicting your silly tale....and nothing backing it up.
Who were they? 15 Saudis, 2 Emiratis, A Lebanese and an Egyptian. Funded by a renegade Saudi and a minor Saudi Prince. All followers of the radical Wahabist Muslim sect advanced by the Saudi royal family and government.

Notice how there are no Iranians, Iraqis, Afghans, Yemenis, or Syrians in this tale of woe. Just our dear friends and co-conspirators.

Osama bin laden had his headquarters and training compounds in Afghanistan protected by the Taliban. ISIS is in Syria and Iraq today and their goal is the death of americans (YOU and ME). Radical islam is the enemy no matter which country it comes from.

That's the point of the thread, if we ignore the continuing threat of radical islam we are doomed to have more 911's. Islam is not compatible with the US constitution and a free nation, anyone who does not recognize that is an idiot.

And the Taliban was ready to hand him over on a platter and Shrub refused and insisted on invasion so they chased him to Pakistan, another friend of US foreign policy, where he was allowed to hide out.
There was no ISIS until the US disbanded the Iraqi army and handed half the country and it's capitol over to pro Iranian Shia militias. ISIS is nothing more than the former Sunni leadership pushed to the north and West and radicalised by the invasion.
If a bunch of foreigners invaded my country, treated the people badly, and installed a puppet regime, I'd want them all dead too.

Where dd you come up with this bullshit fantasy? That is not how it happened and lying about it is beneath contempt.
On this 17th anniversary lets remember who killed over 3000 innocent americans and why they did it.

It was not Hindus, Catholics, Protestants, Buddhists, Shintos, Wickens, or even atheists. It was Muslims and they did it in the name of their perverted religion.

We need to stop the PC bullshit about Islam and understand that at its most basic foundations, it is not a religion of peace, it is a religion of murder, intolerance, abuse of women, and hate of all non-muslims.

Now, having said that, there are many good peaceful muslims, but why do we not hear from them? why do they not condemn those who murder in the name of islam?

On this anniversary lets remember the innocents who died, the first responders and everyone else who was victimized by this heinous act, and lets never become so foolish that we forget who did it and why.
WE should have bombed Riyadh back to the stone age on September 12, 2011. But no, instead, America instead attacked Iraq months later instead. THEY had nothing to do with anything. Saudi Arabia had EVERYTHING to do with 9/11. Still we do NOTHING.
Saudi Arabia was totally responsible for 9/11. We knew that days after it happened. We know it NOW 17 years later. And what? We are in Afghanistan and disrupted Iraq culture. OK, So isn't it about time Saudi Arabia paid for 9/11? WE destroyed Japan after Pearl Harbor. We didn't forget the Japanese bombed Pearl harbor and we didn't chase shadows and shift the blame for 17 years. WE didn't defend the attackers. Nope, we just kicked their asses and that was that. WWII ended in 4 years. 6 years tops. 17 years and what have we have to show? THE 9/11 attackers are still in power. AND we do NOTHING but chase shadows.
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Who were they? 15 Saudis, 2 Emiratis, A Lebanese and an Egyptian. Funded by a renegade Saudi and a minor Saudi Prince. All followers of the radical Wahabist Muslim sect advanced by the Saudi royal family and government.

Notice how there are no Iranians, Iraqis, Afghans, Yemenis, or Syrians in this tale of woe. Just our dear friends and co-conspirators.

Osama bin laden had his headquarters and training compounds in Afghanistan protected by the Taliban. ISIS is in Syria and Iraq today and their goal is the death of americans (YOU and ME). Radical islam is the enemy no matter which country it comes from.

That's the point of the thread, if we ignore the continuing threat of radical islam we are doomed to have more 911's. Islam is not compatible with the US constitution and a free nation, anyone who does not recognize that is an idiot.

And the Taliban was ready to hand him over on a platter and Shrub refused and insisted on invasion so they chased him to Pakistan, another friend of US foreign policy, where he was allowed to hide out.
There was no ISIS until the US disbanded the Iraqi army and handed half the country and it's capitol over to pro Iranian Shia militias. ISIS is nothing more than the former Sunni leadership pushed to the north and West and radicalised by the invasion.
If a bunch of foreigners invaded my country, treated the people badly, and installed a puppet regime, I'd want them all dead too.

Where dd you come up with this bullshit fantasy? That is not how it happened and lying about it is beneath contempt.
Stick your contempt in your ear.

Newly Disclosed Documents Shed More Light on Early Taliban Offers, Pakistan Role | Foreign Policy Journal

Bush Rejects Taliban Bin Laden Offer

New offer on Bin Laden
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Who were they? 15 Saudis, 2 Emiratis, A Lebanese and an Egyptian. Funded by a renegade Saudi and a minor Saudi Prince. All followers of the radical Wahabist Muslim sect advanced by the Saudi royal family and government.

Notice how there are no Iranians, Iraqis, Afghans, Yemenis, or Syrians in this tale of woe. Just our dear friends and co-conspirators.

Osama bin laden had his headquarters and training compounds in Afghanistan protected by the Taliban. ISIS is in Syria and Iraq today and their goal is the death of americans (YOU and ME). Radical islam is the enemy no matter which country it comes from.

That's the point of the thread, if we ignore the continuing threat of radical islam we are doomed to have more 911's. Islam is not compatible with the US constitution and a free nation, anyone who does not recognize that is an idiot.

And the Taliban was ready to hand him over on a platter and Shrub refused and insisted on invasion so they chased him to Pakistan, another friend of US foreign policy, where he was allowed to hide out.
There was no ISIS until the US disbanded the Iraqi army and handed half the country and it's capitol over to pro Iranian Shia militias. ISIS is nothing more than the former Sunni leadership pushed to the north and West and radicalised by the invasion.
If a bunch of foreigners invaded my country, treated the people badly, and installed a puppet regime, I'd want them all dead too.

Where dd you come up with this bullshit fantasy? That is not how it happened and lying about it is beneath contempt.
Stick your contempt in your ear.

Newly Disclosed Documents Shed More Light on Early Taliban Offers, Pakistan Role | Foreign Policy Journal

Bush Rejects Taliban Bin Laden Offer

New offer on Bin Laden

You post three links that disagree with your claim and you STILL continue to lie?

The Taliban offered to hand Bin Laden over to a third party. You blatantly left out that little poison pill that killed the deal on purpose, didn't you?

I hate lying sacks of shit like you!

F-U and the horse you rode in on!
On this 17th anniversary lets remember who killed over 3000 innocent americans and why they did it.

It was not Hindus, Catholics, Protestants, Buddhists, Shintos, Wickens, or even atheists. It was Muslims and they did it in the name of their perverted religion.

We need to stop the PC bullshit about Islam and understand that at its most basic foundations, it is not a religion of peace, it is a religion of murder, intolerance, abuse of women, and hate of all non-muslims.

Now, having said that, there are many good peaceful muslims, but why do we not hear from them? why do they not condemn those who murder in the name of islam?

On this anniversary lets remember the innocents who died, the first responders and everyone else who was victimized by this heinous act, and lets never become so foolish that we forget who did it and why.
WE should have bombed Riyadh back to the stone age on September 12, 2011. But no, instead, America instead attacked Iraq months later instead. THEY had nothing to do with anything. Saudi Arabia had EVERYTHING to do with 9/11. Still we do NOTHING.

Saudi Arabian citizens? Yes! The Saudi government? No.

You would kill innocent Saudi civilians who had nothing to do with it? What an asshole!

Thank God, people of you are limited to spewing idiocy on a web site. I pray you don't vote.
Saudi Arabia was totally responsible for 9/11. We knew that days after it happened. We know it NOW 17 years later. And what? We are in Afghanistan and disrupted Iraq culture. OK, So isn't it about time Saudi Arabia paid for 9/11? WE destroyed Japan after Pearl Harbor. We didn't forget the Japanese bombed Pearl harbor and we didn't chase shadows and shift the blame for 17 years. WE didn't defend the attackers. Nope, we just kicked their asses and that was that. WWII ended in 4 years. 6 years tops. 17 years and what have we have to show? THE 9/11 attackers are still in power. AND we do NOTHING but chase shadows.

So many lies contained in one post! You have learned well from the liberals. Normally it takes one of them to outstupid the rest of the board.
After reliving 9/11 because of the anniversary , I reflect on the Japanese attackers on Pearl harbor. How does one differentiate between a state sanctioned act of war or and ad hoc act by its' citizens? It WAS an act of WAR by Saudi Arabia. One way or the other.
What happened on 9/11 crossed the line civilly and morally.

You post three links that disagree with your claim and you STILL continue to lie?

The Taliban offered to hand Bin Laden over to a third party. You blatantly left out that little poison pill that killed the deal on purpose, didn't you?

I hate lying sacks of shit like you!

F-U and the horse you rode in on!
Reading comprehension isn’t your long suit, got it.
Lets say a 8 or 9 American Christians had skyjacked planes full of Muslims and crashed them into Mecca during the hajj and killed 3 thousand of them. OK, science fiction,only Muslims do this stupid shit. But Hypothetically, let's say that happened.

We in the west would be paying bazillions in reparations and apologizing up the ying yang. Muslims? Saudi Arabia recognize, let alone apologize for their wrongs, let alone pay? Dream on...dream on.
After reliving 9/11 because of the anniversary , I reflect on the Japanese attackers on Pearl harbor. How does one differentiate between a state sanctioned act of war or and ad hoc act by its' citizens? It WAS an act of WAR by Saudi Arabia. One way or the other.
What happened on 9/11 crossed the line civilly and morally.

Wrong answer.

Very easily. We attack and destroy those responsible for perpetrating the acts of terrorism and not the innocent people who unfortunately live under their control.

In WWII, if you were an innocent Japanese fishing boat encountered by the US military, it would be assumed that you would report the US presence. Therefore, you got obliterated, because it was assumed you were not so innocent.

Today, we do not assume that every Afghani supports the Taliban, and we don't think every Iraqi supports ISIS. That is why it takes so much longer to win these wars because we are not fighting a country but an ideology.
Lets say a 8 or 9 American Christians had skyjacked planes full of Muslims and crashed them into Mecca during the hajj and killed 3 thousand of them. OK, science fiction,only Muslims do this stupid shit. But Hypothetically, let's say that happened.

We in the west would be paying bazillions in reparations and apologizing up the ying yang. Muslims? Saudi Arabia recognize, let alone apologize for their wrongs, let alone pay? Dream on...dream on.

If what you claim is true, why didn't the Russians declare war on America and start an all out war after we killed hundreds of Russian mercenaries fighting against ISIS simply because they refused to get away from US troops?
After reliving 9/11 because of the anniversary , I reflect on the Japanese attackers on Pearl harbor. How does one differentiate between a state sanctioned act of war or and ad hoc act by its' citizens? It WAS an act of WAR by Saudi Arabia. One way or the other.
What happened on 9/11 crossed the line civilly and morally.

Wrong answer.

Very easily. We attack and destroy those responsible for perpetrating the acts of terrorism and not the innocent people who unfortunately live under their control.

In WWII, if you were an innocent Japanese fishing boat encountered by the US military, it would be assumed that you would report the US presence. Therefore, you got obliterated, because it was assumed you were not so innocent.

Today, we do not assume that every Afghani supports the Taliban, and we don't think every Iraqi supports ISIS. That is why it takes so much longer to win these wars because we are not fighting a country but an ideology.
I find it ironic, we never worried about the picayune details of whom attacked us on December 7 1941. What religion where they, where they Taoist or Buddhist, was its an individual thing? Maybe it a was just a minor religious thing... Did those folks represent Japan? What difference did it make? Why split hairs like this NOW? Saudi Arabia attacked us on 9/11. We didn't need to attack Afghanistan or Iraq. That was a political diversion. I want to know how Saudi Arabia is going to pay for 9/11 NOW.
Lets say a 8 or 9 American Christians had skyjacked planes full of Muslims and crashed them into Mecca during the hajj and killed 3 thousand of them. OK, science fiction,only Muslims do this stupid shit. But Hypothetically, let's say that happened.

We in the west would be paying bazillions in reparations and apologizing up the ying yang. Muslims? Saudi Arabia recognize, let alone apologize for their wrongs, let alone pay? Dream on...dream on.

If what you claim is true, why didn't the Russians declare war on America and start an all out war after we killed hundreds of Russian mercenaries fighting against ISIS simply because they refused to get away from US troops?
Not sure what the connection is.Russia. Hmm. Non sequitur. Irrelevant. We are still talking about 9/11? As in mostly Muslim Saudi Arabians Muslims attacking the American homeland? Are you being deliberately obtuse or what?
After reliving 9/11 because of the anniversary , I reflect on the Japanese attackers on Pearl harbor. How does one differentiate between a state sanctioned act of war or and ad hoc act by its' citizens? It WAS an act of WAR by Saudi Arabia. One way or the other.
What happened on 9/11 crossed the line civilly and morally.

Wrong answer.

Very easily. We attack and destroy those responsible for perpetrating the acts of terrorism and not the innocent people who unfortunately live under their control.

In WWII, if you were an innocent Japanese fishing boat encountered by the US military, it would be assumed that you would report the US presence. Therefore, you got obliterated, because it was assumed you were not so innocent.

Today, we do not assume that every Afghani supports the Taliban, and we don't think every Iraqi supports ISIS. That is why it takes so much longer to win these wars because we are not fighting a country but an ideology.
I find it ironic, we never worried about the picayune details of whom attacked us on December 7 1941. What religion where they, where they Taoist or Buddhist, was its an individual thing? Maybe it a was just a minor religious thing... Did those folks represent Japan? What difference did it make? Why split hairs like this NOW? Saudi Arabia attacked us on 9/11. We didn't need to attack Afghanistan or Iraq. That was a political diversion. I want to know how Saudi Arabia is going to pay for 9/11 NOW.

Why are you continuing this idiotic discussion? Tuck tail and go hide.

Saudi Arabia is one of our staunchest allies in the Middle East. They need us to help them and prevent Iran from dominating their corner of the world. You do realize that Saudis are Arabs, and Iranians are Persians, plus they are on opposite sides of Islam. They hate each other. It makes no sense then and makes even less sense now for the Saudis to be our enemies. I don't know which right-wing nutjob sold you this bill of goods, but they are NOT your friend.
Not sure as I'm a skeptic on this ordeal, but I will admit Jewish Zionists won out the best from 9/11, which is why I'm a skeptic, among other eye-witness anomalies.
Nobody WON anything here. 9/11 was worse than December 7 1941. We didn't shift the blame for the sneak attack of thousands of innocent Americans to a cheap shot Jewish conspiracy thing THEN , NOPE. The JAPANESE imperial government and the Japanese people sort of did that. Saudi Arabia sort of is responsible for 9/11, shame on anyone for shifting the blame here. Islamic state sponsored terrorism. Plain pure and simple. Saudi Arabia.Look no further.
Lets say a 8 or 9 American Christians had skyjacked planes full of Muslims and crashed them into Mecca during the hajj and killed 3 thousand of them. OK, science fiction,only Muslims do this stupid shit. But Hypothetically, let's say that happened.

We in the west would be paying bazillions in reparations and apologizing up the ying yang. Muslims? Saudi Arabia recognize, let alone apologize for their wrongs, let alone pay? Dream on...dream on.

If what you claim is true, why didn't the Russians declare war on America and start an all out war after we killed hundreds of Russian mercenaries fighting against ISIS simply because they refused to get away from US troops?
Not sure what the connection is.Russia. Hmm. Non sequitur. Irrelevant. We are still talking about 9/11? As in mostly Muslim Saudi Arabians Muslims attacking the American homeland? Are you being deliberately obtuse or what?

I really am sorry that you are not up to speed on current events. You seriously disappoint me. I thought you were one of the more reasoned posters on this message board. Alas, I guess I was sadly mistaken.

Did you advocate that we bomb the state of New York after the Oklahoma City bombing because that is where Timothy McVeigh was from? That would be the same lack of reasoning.

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