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911 who did it?

Bush knows it was NOT 19 idiots with box cutters that did 9/11.

G. W. needs to tell America what really happened on 9/11 & stop his BS cover-up.

Obomination is just as much guilty for covering up for Bush.

I want to believe that Trump is different but so far his actions have proven he is not the fact he has not demanded a new investigation yet or even tried to get rid of the evil CIA yet who had a huge hand in this. I give him two more years and if he still does not do anything,he is no different than mass murderers Bush and Obama.

No; Trump is much different. Trump is way worse than both G. W. & Obama.

Uh dude stop listening to the FAKE news.
In all seriousness it's because the alternative destroys EVERYTHING they have ever believed about this Nation. I fought and bled and then discovered what was wrong with our Nation. I grieved for a VERY long time about it.
I think you hit the nail on the head with that one. Many people prefer to keep their head in the sand, because the alternative is unthinkable. But here's where many of them are wrong… Exposing the subversive criminals in government does not make someone unpatriotic… just the opposite is true! To paraphrase a famous quote, a true patriot stands by his country, not the government, except to the degree in which the government stands by the country. We have people in power who are not beholden to the constitution or the American people, they are traitors, and in their mind, the ends justify the means.

False flags have been happening for a long time. Problem – reaction – solution. It is their way of achieving goals that they otherwise would not be able to achieve. I'm kind of amazed that more people have not caught onto this by now.

Or.....I simply refuse to ignore the evidence you must to cling to uselessly complicated conspiracies.

For example, WTC 7. I've presented extensive testimony from the fire fighters who were there that the FDNY determined that WTC 7 would collapse due to fire and structural damage. They cited the massive damage on the front of the building, they cited the uncontrolled fires, they placed transits on the building and measured its structural collapse for hours.

And the FDNY evacuated the collapse zone around WTC 7 hours before it came down.

Truthers have to ignore that. They have to either pretend that none of that ever happened. Or they have to fold the FDNY into their conspiracy, making it even more far fetched and uselessly complicated.

I'll stick with the evidence and leave the silly conspiracy theories to you and yours.
Mueller hasn't finished his investigation and hasn't announced any conclusions yet. So I'm pretty sure you're citing your imagination.
There is no evidence of collusion...anywhere...it's a witch hunt and a hoax

And where has Mueller accused anyone of 'collusion'?

But perhaps I'm wrong. Show us Mueller accusing someone of 'collusion'. With evidence, please.
So when you said that Mueller had made accusations of collusion, you imagined it.

put some kitty litter under those wheels or get some snow tires

As Mueller hasn't finished his investigation nor presented his evidence nor announced any conclusions.
now I have a better understanding of why you praised "glorious imaginations"
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As Mueller hasn't finished his investigation nor presented his evidence nor announced any conclusions.
now I have a better understanding of why you praised "glorious imaginations"

I laughed at 'glorious imagination'. Like your imagination that Mueller had accused anyone of collusion.

He hasn't yet. His investigation hasn't concluded. He hasn't released his evidence. He hasn't announced any conclusions.

But despite this, you still imagined he did. Demonstrating my point brilliantly. Thank you.
yep believe the official conspiracy theory all they want,live in a fantasyland there is evidence of it.LOL
How can anyone really know what the basic facts are? Most of the gov don't tell the truth nor do the media. Yet y'all sit her spewing your stories like you were on the planes.

Then how do you know 911 even happened? If you're going to get existential and philosophical......you'll have to prove that you're not a brain in a jar responding a program before anything you say has any relevance.
How do I know? I saw a video of two big airplanes flying really fast as they hit the buildings. And then I got pictures from a guy who was there. And then the buildings are gone. But now that I think about who historically has flown planes into things to destroy them? The Japanese that's who! Ok, so it was kamikazes who did it. Is that better for you now troll?

Using your logic....what buildings? What planes? Prove that the WTC ever existed, using your own logic. Or that it was destroyed by planes. Or that anyone died.

If you can't trust anything, good luck.

You people are stuck on stupid. Watch this. The BBC reported bldg. 7's collapse BEFORE it collapsed.

I am sure that reporter could have picked WTC 7 out of a photo of the NYC skyline. Right?
I am sure an expert would have said, "Wait, it's still there!"

Somebody got confused. After all two little buildings called the the WTC 1 and WTC 2 collapsed already. Maybe they misheard someone say something about it might collapse, which is what was being discussed. The simplest explanation is also the most likely.
Be very careful with the 'basic foundations' argument. As Christianity has lakes of blood on its hands.

Not in the present day or even recent history.
How recent are you talking? And there are christians killing others in Africa and Asia.

Look up “Christian-fueled killings” and “Islamic fueled killings” and compare the amount in recent history, I’d say last 100 years but probably beyond that as well. You’ll see what I mean.
Be very careful with the 'basic foundations' argument. As Christianity has lakes of blood on its hands.

Not in the present day or even recent history.
How recent are you talking? And there are christians killing others in Africa and Asia.

Look up “Christian-fueled killings” and “Islamic fueled killings” and compare the amount in recent history, I’d say last 100 years but probably beyond that as well. You’ll see what I mean.
Who were they? 15 Saudis, 2 Emiratis, A Lebanese and an Egyptian. Funded by a renegade Saudi and a minor Saudi Prince. All followers of the radical Wahabist Muslim sect advanced by the Saudi royal family and government.

Notice how there are no Iranians, Iraqis, Afghans, Yemenis, or Syrians in this tale of woe. Just our dear friends and co-conspirators.
How can anyone really know what the basic facts are? Most of the gov don't tell the truth nor do the media. Yet y'all sit her spewing your stories like you were on the planes.

Then how do you know 911 even happened? If you're going to get existential and philosophical......you'll have to prove that you're not a brain in a jar responding a program before anything you say has any relevance.
How do I know? I saw a video of two big airplanes flying really fast as they hit the buildings. And then I got pictures from a guy who was there. And then the buildings are gone. But now that I think about who historically has flown planes into things to destroy them? The Japanese that's who! Ok, so it was kamikazes who did it. Is that better for you now troll?

Using your logic....what buildings? What planes? Prove that the WTC ever existed, using your own logic. Or that it was destroyed by planes. Or that anyone died.

If you can't trust anything, good luck.

You people are stuck on stupid. Watch this. The BBC reported bldg. 7's collapse BEFORE it collapsed.

I am sure that reporter could have picked WTC 7 out of a photo of the NYC skyline. Right?
I am sure an expert would have said, "Wait, it's still there!"

Somebody got confused. After all two little buildings called the the WTC 1 and WTC 2 collapsed already. Maybe they misheard someone say something about it might collapse, which is what was being discussed. The simplest explanation is also the most likely.

Exactly. In a day of chaos, a reporter got a detail wrong.

And with the FDNY evacuating an area to create a 'collapse zone', the method in which she was informed that WTC 7 would come down at all is established: The FDNY.

I ask, for perhaps the 10th time......so where is the conspiracy?
In all seriousness it's because the alternative destroys EVERYTHING they have ever believed about this Nation. I fought and bled and then discovered what was wrong with our Nation. I grieved for a VERY long time about it.
I think you hit the nail on the head with that one. Many people prefer to keep their head in the sand, because the alternative is unthinkable. But here's where many of them are wrong… Exposing the subversive criminals in government does not make someone unpatriotic… just the opposite is true! To paraphrase a famous quote, a true patriot stands by his country, not the government, except to the degree in which the government stands by the country. We have people in power who are not beholden to the constitution or the American people, they are traitors, and in their mind, the ends justify the means.

False flags have been happening for a long time. Problem – reaction – solution. It is their way of achieving goals that they otherwise would not be able to achieve. I'm kind of amazed that more people have not caught onto this by now.

Or.....I simply refuse to ignore the evidence you must to cling to uselessly complicated conspiracies.

For example, WTC 7. I've presented extensive testimony from the fire fighters who were there that the FDNY determined that WTC 7 would collapse due to fire and structural damage. They cited the massive damage on the front of the building, they cited the uncontrolled fires, they placed transits on the building and measured its structural collapse for hours.

And the FDNY evacuated the collapse zone around WTC 7 hours before it came down.

Truthers have to ignore that. They have to either pretend that none of that ever happened. Or they have to fold the FDNY into their conspiracy, making it even more far fetched and uselessly complicated.

I'll stick with the evidence and leave the silly conspiracy theories to you and yours.

Still full of shit I see. You cling DESPERATELY to the things you were "taught" in school , Our Gov is great and benevolent and could NEVER do ANYTHING so bad. My friend you have so much to learn but your mind is so closed to the truth you can't accept any reality but your own. I notice you ran from Benghazi once you read the memo. There may be hope for you.
In all seriousness it's because the alternative destroys EVERYTHING they have ever believed about this Nation. I fought and bled and then discovered what was wrong with our Nation. I grieved for a VERY long time about it.
I think you hit the nail on the head with that one. Many people prefer to keep their head in the sand, because the alternative is unthinkable. But here's where many of them are wrong… Exposing the subversive criminals in government does not make someone unpatriotic… just the opposite is true! To paraphrase a famous quote, a true patriot stands by his country, not the government, except to the degree in which the government stands by the country. We have people in power who are not beholden to the constitution or the American people, they are traitors, and in their mind, the ends justify the means.

False flags have been happening for a long time. Problem – reaction – solution. It is their way of achieving goals that they otherwise would not be able to achieve. I'm kind of amazed that more people have not caught onto this by now.

Or.....I simply refuse to ignore the evidence you must to cling to uselessly complicated conspiracies.

For example, WTC 7. I've presented extensive testimony from the fire fighters who were there that the FDNY determined that WTC 7 would collapse due to fire and structural damage. They cited the massive damage on the front of the building, they cited the uncontrolled fires, they placed transits on the building and measured its structural collapse for hours.

And the FDNY evacuated the collapse zone around WTC 7 hours before it came down.

Truthers have to ignore that. They have to either pretend that none of that ever happened. Or they have to fold the FDNY into their conspiracy, making it even more far fetched and uselessly complicated.

I'll stick with the evidence and leave the silly conspiracy theories to you and yours.

Still full of shit I see. You cling DESPERATELY to the things you were "taught" in school , Our Gov is great and benevolent and could NEVER do ANYTHING so bad. My friend you have so much to learn but your mind is so closed to the truth you can't accept any reality but your own. I notice you ran from Benghazi once you read the memo. There may be hope for you.

Or.......I simply find the FDNY a far more credible source on the collapse of the WTC 7 than I do you. As they were there and experts in their field. And you're nobody.

Your irrational emotional attachment to your silly conspiracy theory creates no obligation on my part to ignore the overwhelming evidence contradicting you.

And that's why you fail. The evidence.
Does anyone doubt that muslims did 911 in the name of Islam? If so, please tell us what screaming "allah Akbar" just before crashing the planes means.

"God is great" means something different in Arabic than it does in English?

no, but only muslims say it in Arabic as they are about to die for jihad. They believe that they are on the way to paradise with virgins and golden streets.
Who were they? 15 Saudis, 2 Emiratis, A Lebanese and an Egyptian. Funded by a renegade Saudi and a minor Saudi Prince. All followers of the radical Wahabist Muslim sect advanced by the Saudi royal family and government.

Notice how there are no Iranians, Iraqis, Afghans, Yemenis, or Syrians in this tale of woe. Just our dear friends and co-conspirators.

Osama bin laden had his headquarters and training compounds in Afghanistan protected by the Taliban. ISIS is in Syria and Iraq today and their goal is the death of americans (YOU and ME). Radical islam is the enemy no matter which country it comes from.

That's the point of the thread, if we ignore the continuing threat of radical islam we are doomed to have more 911's. Islam is not compatible with the US constitution and a free nation, anyone who does not recognize that is an idiot.
Does anyone doubt that muslims did 911 in the name of Islam? If so, please tell us what screaming "allah Akbar" just before crashing the planes means.

"God is great" means something different in Arabic than it does in English?

no, but only muslims say it in Arabic as they are about to die for jihad. They believe that they are on the way to paradise with virgins and golden streets.

I can see you know little about their religion, but that is par for the course for most Americans who do not study.
A whole lot of Christians believe all non-Christians will be in hell.

The stench of hypocrisy, ladies and gentlemen.

the difference is that 99% of Christians do not murder non Christians and claim that God told them to do it. some radical sects of Christianity do believe as you said, but they are a tiny minority, whereas the vast majority of Muslims believe that non muslims will burn in hell and that they should expedite their journey there.

the hypocrisy is allowing muslims take over our cities and parts of the federal government. the US constitution is incompatible with muslim rule. Islam is the government and body of law in muslim countries. Try holding a Bible study in Saudi Arabia. Friends there had a phillipino house keeper who was a Christian and started a Bible study, he was beheaded. Tolerance? Religion of peace? bullshit.


I see you have cowardly evaded every post of people like me who have all taken you to school there is NO EVIDENCE that 19 muslins or bin laden did it but plenty of evidence it was a CIA.mossad operation.:rolleyes:
Does anyone doubt that muslims did 911 in the name of Islam? If so, please tell us what screaming "allah


Akbar" just before crashing the planes means.


Who were they? 15 Saudis, 2 Emiratis, A Lebanese and an Egyptian. Funded by a renegade Saudi and a minor Saudi Prince. All followers of the radical Wahabist Muslim sect advanced by the Saudi royal family and government.

Notice how there are no Iranians, Iraqis, Afghans, Yemenis, or Syrians in this tale of woe. Just our dear friends and co-conspirators.

Osama bin laden had his headquarters and training compounds in Afghanistan protected by the Taliban. ISIS is in Syria and Iraq today and their goal is the death of americans (YOU and ME). Radical islam is the enemy no matter which country it comes from.

That's the point of the thread, if we ignore the continuing threat of radical islam we are doomed to have more 911's. Islam is not compatible with the US constitution and a free nation, anyone who does not recognize that is an idiot.

And the Taliban was ready to hand him over on a platter and Shrub refused and insisted on invasion so they chased him to Pakistan, another friend of US foreign policy, where he was allowed to hide out.
There was no ISIS until the US disbanded the Iraqi army and handed half the country and it's capitol over to pro Iranian Shia militias. ISIS is nothing more than the former Sunni leadership pushed to the north and West and radicalised by the invasion.
If a bunch of foreigners invaded my country, treated the people badly, and installed a puppet regime, I'd want them all dead too.
Muslim community: Harrisburg acts of terror 'go against any sense of mercy'

For example. I could copy and paste dozens from a quick Google search. You apparently don't want to listen, because anytime there has been a terrorist attack in this country, I have heard the Muslim community speak out against it.
I'm sorry but why we 1.8 billion muslims have to apologize foe an act of some deranged psychopaths?
Christian's, Jews, Buddhists do commit atrocities I dont see people of their faith apologizing, and they dont have to....criminals will be criminals regardless of religion.
If it was the case the US should be apologizing for millions of lives lost, millions of other lives ruined. Countries ruined. Regimes toppled , etc....
The so called bigoted conservatives in this country will always play this excuse of....but muslims dont speak up against terrorism....they are twisted bigots who will brush all muslims with the same brush.

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