95%+ Muslims Going to Europe are NOT Refugees

amazing...Sweden takes 100% of them. I expect at least that one country to be at least 50% non-white in a couple of decades.
amazing...Sweden takes 100% of them. I expect at least that one country to be at least 50% non-white in a couple of decades.
With a population slightly over 9 mil and a low birth rate Sweden is sure to be 50% Islamic (0% Jewish) by the end of the century.

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Yep, if things were so bad back there. these cowards of men went off and left their wives and children back there. The people in Europe is being sold out big time by their Socialist Masters. that's we need to SPEAK up here and not allow them to shove off 100thousand people on us that we can't afford what we have now
As always, snatching your information from the headlines and then quickly switching to right wing blogs will take you to the conclusions drawn in the O/P.

O/P's link takes you to a post on a blog authored by an anonymous poster named soopermexican. Drilling down further there is a graphic with a clear disclaimer in the lower right hand corner. Too bad we can't see that information.

Good work, lazy idiot.
Hey, you gotta die sometime....right?
Good, you get to volunteer to step up and take them on when things blow up...

God, it's good to finally se a liberal with some balls!!!

And don't worry... I'll be right behind you, backing you up...
Hey, you gotta die sometime....right?
Good, you get to volunteer to step up and take them on when things blow up...

God, it's good to finally se a liberal with some balls!!!

And don't worry... I'll be right behind you, backing you up...

I was being sarcastic, Barney......
Good, because I wasn't...

Seven years in, and I could train you well...

Hell, I could even get you up to Iranian standards from the Iran-Iraq war...

You would do well on the front line, and I would be more than happy to back you up...

I promise, your Messiah would be proud of you for defending his honor.
As always, snatching your information from the headlines and then quickly switching to right wing blogs will take you to the conclusions drawn in the O/P.

O/P's link takes you to a post on a blog authored by an anonymous poster named soopermexican. Drilling down further there is a graphic with a clear disclaimer in the lower right hand corner. Too bad we can't see that information.

Good work, lazy idiot.
The information came from the UN report skippy, but nice red herring!

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Hey, you gotta die sometime....right?
Good, you get to volunteer to step up and take them on when things blow up...

God, it's good to finally se a liberal with some balls!!!

And don't worry... I'll be right behind you, backing you up...

I was being sarcastic, Barney......
Good, because I wasn't...

Seven years in, and I could train you well...

Hell, I could even get you up to Iranian standards from the Iran-Iraq war...

You would do well on the front line, and I would be more than happy to back you up...

I promise, your Messiah would be proud of you for defending his honor.

Will I get to wear a swastika? Never worn one of those you know.....
amazing...Sweden takes 100% of them. I expect at least that one country to be at least 50% non-white in a couple of decades.
Their birth rate is below sustainability. They need immigrants to keep their country as a going concern.

So does all of the rest of Europe.
Hey, you gotta die sometime....right?
Good, you get to volunteer to step up and take them on when things blow up...

God, it's good to finally se a liberal with some balls!!!

And don't worry... I'll be right behind you, backing you up...

I was being sarcastic, Barney......
Good, because I wasn't...

Seven years in, and I could train you well...

Hell, I could even get you up to Iranian standards from the Iran-Iraq war...

You would do well on the front line, and I would be more than happy to back you up...

I promise, your Messiah would be proud of you for defending his honor.

Will I get to wear a swastika? Never worn one of those you know.....
Wear a diaper, for all I care.
These are not refugees. Check out the pictures. The men are clean shaven with new hair cuts. Clothing in perfect condition. No one is stressed. The back packs are expensive. Well fed and nice and chunky. These are the in best shape healthiest bordering on chunky the world has so called witnessed refugees.
Now I don't know about any of you guys, but on the second day driving to Florida for March break my mom, dad me my baba all looked frayed and crumpled. These people for the most part looked like they just stepped off a catwalk for crying out loud.

My husband noticed no men had a 5 oclock shadow and their hair was groomed. Women were not perfectly dressed but not dishevelled. Hell's bells most of them look better than me coming out of the garden for crying out loud.

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