96% of Trump voters say: "No Regrets"...Really???

Saying nothing was found on Hillary isn't a lie. It's truth.[

Again, BULLSHIT. PROVEN bullshit. Her ass being protected and not held accountable is not the same thing as nothing being found...no matter how much snowflakes declare it to be true. AGAIN, it was revealed Hillary had her maid printing out classified for her. That is a CRIME! She was protected by Obama and his criminal AGs, but it was still a crime.

Even though reports as recent as last year came out that Republicans found nothing on her.
You keep repeating that LIE, and I just DESTROYED it. COMEY Destroyed it. She broke the law. She was protected. It's THAT damn obvious. Of course the GOP - career politicians like the Democrats - are not going to go after Hillary, especially now that HER JOPES FOR THE presidency ARE DETROYED. There is no need to drag the nation through the gutter due to another Clinton disgraceful scandal...though I completely disagree with that thought process. Her ass deserved to go to JAIL!

The only thing that came from Republicans were suggestions to change things. The conspiracy theories were debunked.
So you ARE saying giving individuals who have no security clearance access to classified information is NOT a crime? Again, Hillary was PROVEN to have done this.

"Only those persons who have a bona fide need to know, and who possess a personnel security clearance at the same or higher level as the classified information to be disclosed. The clearance level and the classified information to be accessed are determined by the granting federal agency."
- Security Clearance FAQs | ClearedJobs.Net

Comey testified Hillary gave individuals who had no security clearance access to highly classified information. as shown, this is a CRIME! Hillary broke the law.

You can continue to spout OPINION, but I have just PROVEN Hillary broke the law.
OK, back to the FALSE, DEBUNKED Thread / Propaganda.

The latest poll shows 98% of Trump voters would vote for Trump again today, compared to only 85% of Hillary voters. not only would she still LOSE the election...again...today, she would not win the Popular Vote, either.

'nuff said.
Saying nothing was found on Hillary isn't a lie. It's truth.[

Again, BULLSHIT. PROVEN bullshit. Her ass being protected and not held accountable is not the same thing as nothing being found...no matter how much snowflakes declare it to be true. AGAIN, it was revealed Hillary had her maid printing out classified for her. That is a CRIME! She was protected by Obama and his criminal AGs, but it was still a crime.

Even though reports as recent as last year came out that Republicans found nothing on her.
You keep repeating that LIE, and I just DESTROYED it. COMEY Destroyed it. She broke the law. She was protected. It's THAT damn obvious. Of course the GOP - career politicians like the Democrats - are not going to go after Hillary, especially now that HER JOPES FOR THE presidency ARE DETROYED. There is no need to drag the nation through the gutter due to another Clinton disgraceful scandal...though I completely disagree with that thought process. Her ass deserved to go to JAIL!

The only thing that came from Republicans were suggestions to change things. The conspiracy theories were debunked.
So you ARE saying giving individuals who have no security clearance access to classified information is NOT a crime? Again, Hillary was PROVEN to have done this.

"Only those persons who have a bona fide need to know, and who possess a personnel security clearance at the same or higher level as the classified information to be disclosed. The clearance level and the classified information to be accessed are determined by the granting federal agency."
- Security Clearance FAQs | ClearedJobs.Net

Comey testified Hillary gave individuals who had no security clearance access to highly classified information. as shown, this is a CRIME! Hillary broke the law.

You can continue to spout OPINION, but I have just PROVEN Hillary broke the law.

I wonder how much credibility Comey has since he opened his mouth a week before the election and she was found to be cleared of that, too. It doesn't change the fact that countless probes cleared her of Benghazi, something that the family of Ambassador Stevens does not blame Hillary for.

I wonder how much credibility Comey has since he opened his mouth a week before the election and she was found to be cleared of that, too.
Comey's credibility has nothing to do with whether Hillary broke the law. Comey cited the law. I just cited the law. Hillary broke the law. PERIOD. FACT. PROVEN. End of story. The fact that she was never indicted proves Obama and his crooked AGs protected Hillary.
I wonder how much credibility Comey has since he opened his mouth a week before the election and she was found to be cleared of that, too.
Comey's credibility has nothing to do with whether Hillary broke the law. Comey cited the law. I just cited the law. Hillary broke the law. PERIOD. FACT. PROVEN. End of story. The fact that she was never indicted proves Obama and his crooked AGs protected Hillary.

Or it just proves that they tried so hard to pin this on her but they couldn't.
I wonder how much credibility Comey has since he opened his mouth a week before the election and she was found to be cleared of that, too. It doesn't change the fact that countless probes cleared her of Benghazi, something that the family of Ambassador Stevens does not blame Hillary for.

The Obama administration admitted they knew about the call for Middle east-wide terrorist attacks on US Embassies on 9/11/12, that a terrorist attack was called for in Benghazi on 9/11/12, that an Al Qaeda leader had called for Stevens assassination on 9/11/12, that there had been a growing Al Qaeda presence in Benghazi, that the US compound had been attacked TWICE in the weeks leading up to 9/11/12, that Stevens had asked for more security - and was denied every time - more than 50 (FIFTY) times, that the State Department TOOK AWAY members of his existing security team AFTER all of this - to include the 2 terrorist attacks on the Compound , AND that EVERY nation with people in Benghazi withdrew them from there before 9/11/12....and Hillary / Obama STILL refused to take Stevens and Americans out of Benghazi.

Even if there was no criminal acts perpetrated by Clinton and Obama, leaving them there to NEEDLESSLY DIE after all this still makes them the STUPIDEST, most INCOMPETENT, FAILED Mother F*ers in the HISTORY of the Presidency and the State Department.

Only rabid party-1st partisanship could explain anyone trying to defend these 2 after understanding all this happened and they STILL left Americans behind in Benghazi.
I wonder how much credibility Comey has since he opened his mouth a week before the election and she was found to be cleared of that, too. It doesn't change the fact that countless probes cleared her of Benghazi, something that the family of Ambassador Stevens does not blame Hillary for.

The Obama administration admitted they knew about the call for Middle east-wide terrorist attacks on US Embassies on 9/11/12, that a terrorist attack was called for in Benghazi on 9/11/12, that an Al Qaeda leader had called for Stevens assassination on 9/11/12, that there had been a growing Al Qaeda presence in Benghazi, that the US compound had been attacked TWICE in the weeks leading up to 9/11/12, that Stevens had asked for more security - and was denied every time - more than 50 (FIFTY) times, that the State Department TOOK AWAY members of his existing security team AFTER all of this - to include the 2 terrorist attacks on the Compound , AND that EVERY nation with people in Benghazi withdrew them from there before 9/11/12....and Hillary / Obama STILL refused to take Stevens and Americans out of Benghazi.

Even if there was no criminal acts perpetrated by Clinton and Obama, leaving them there to NEEDLESSLY DIE after all this still makes them the STUPIDEST, most INCOMPETENT, FAILED Mother F*ers in the HISTORY of the Presidency and the State Department.

Only rabid party-1st partisanship could explain anyone trying to defend these 2 after understanding all this happened and they STILL left Americans behind in Benghazi.

Clinton wanted embassy security funding. She was denied.
I wonder how much credibility Comey has since he opened his mouth a week before the election and she was found to be cleared of that, too. It doesn't change the fact that countless probes cleared her of Benghazi, something that the family of Ambassador Stevens does not blame Hillary for.

The Obama administration admitted they knew about the call for Middle east-wide terrorist attacks on US Embassies on 9/11/12, that a terrorist attack was called for in Benghazi on 9/11/12, that an Al Qaeda leader had called for Stevens assassination on 9/11/12, that there had been a growing Al Qaeda presence in Benghazi, that the US compound had been attacked TWICE in the weeks leading up to 9/11/12, that Stevens had asked for more security - and was denied every time - more than 50 (FIFTY) times, that the State Department TOOK AWAY members of his existing security team AFTER all of this - to include the 2 terrorist attacks on the Compound , AND that EVERY nation with people in Benghazi withdrew them from there before 9/11/12....and Hillary / Obama STILL refused to take Stevens and Americans out of Benghazi.

Even if there was no criminal acts perpetrated by Clinton and Obama, leaving them there to NEEDLESSLY DIE after all this still makes them the STUPIDEST, most INCOMPETENT, FAILED Mother F*ers in the HISTORY of the Presidency and the State Department.

Only rabid party-1st partisanship could explain anyone trying to defend these 2 after understanding all this happened and they STILL left Americans behind in Benghazi.

Clinton wanted embassy security funding. She was denied.

1) Cost a whole lot less to pull Americans out of Benghazi.

2) Obama sent the UN $500 Million earmarked for Zika in the US and tried to send the PLA millions in his last days in office, but snowflakes are trying to argue Obama and Hillary couldn't find the money to pull Americans out of Benghazi / adequately protect American lives in Benghazi? The word 'BULLSHIT' can not be said loud enough in response to your comment.

(Just curious, when Hillary told the deceased's family members she would 'get' the video maker who spurred the protest, did she also tell the family members she denied Steven's requests for additional security more than 50 times because she just couldn't find the money to pay for adequately funding the protection of all the Americans she and Barry chose to leave in Benghazi?)
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Yes, the latest ABC/Wash. Post poll yields that 96% "amazing" datum that Trump voters are still sticking with the orange charlatan......

Now, what would an objective viewer conclude from such a high ranking?

1. Loyalty is non-discerning?
2. Trump voters refuse to admit reality?
3. Trump voters were dumb 6 months ago and are STILL dumb?

Of all the promises made by Trump.....by his OWN admission.....of what he would do in the first 100 days in office ( , making American great, defeating ISIS, a Mexican paid-for wall, ban immigrants, tax reform, health care, working tirelessly in the oval office, infrastructure funding, etc.) ONLY two have been fulfilled......

a. Trump did get Gorsuch a SCOTUS seat; of course, given the right wing majority in congress and the nuclear option factor, Trump could have nominated a first-year law student and managed to get him or her seated....

b. Trump has drastically improved his golf game.......

(I'd go with number 3 above.....LOL)

I don't know why I have to keep saying this. Yet again I will reiterate upon reiteration in a department of redundancy department approved manner.

The choice was between Hillary and Trump. If there had been just about anybody else on the ticket representing the Democrat I would have voted for them. The top of a very short list of Democrats I would not vote for is Hillary.

I do not regret voting against Hillary. I do not regret rejecting Hillary. I can honestly think of nothing that Trump can screw up through inexperience that Hillary would similarly screw up in an effort to be clever. Only Hillary would feign ignorance when caught.

I would not trust Hillary if she said night was dark and day was light.

I'm sure I'll have to repeat this every day or two for each week that Trump is President. That is why I don't regret the choice. He isn't Hillary and that means he's not as bad as we could have had.
Cheaters never win, and winners never cheat, but those who never win and never cheat are idiots. Still, Hillary / Democrats cheated and LOST. :p
I am talking about the fact that he had nothing to do with what happened in Afghanistan.

I am talking about how it shows how ill prepared he was for the job.

Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama was certainly far less prepared for the office of president than President Donald Trump. President Obama went into office believing he knew much moe than any of his military advisors and made an improving situation a total disaster and getting worse by the day.

On the other hand, President Trump is an experienced executive. Think hard now, what are the names of our three branches of government? As an EXECUTIVE, he hired the best-qualified people for the job. As he has shown, if someone proves they are not up to the job, he fires them. Then, as any executive, he turns the job over to them. They discuss the goals then Trump turns the job over to them and expects them to accomplish the goals.

President did his job perfectly and, instead of Obama's self-adoration and love of the word I and me, President Trump gave credit to his general in charge.
I really don't know. I can't answer that but I do know the ones who would suffer most from his policies are those who voted for him.

Specifically why? Which policies? Things are getting better on a daily basis.

How are they getting better? The latest jobs report shows fewer jobs were added than expected.

Sock, you dodged the questions. Please try again. I'll even repost them for your convenience.

Specifically why? Which policies? Things are getting better on a daily basis.
An article from 2012. That's what you are going to go with?

Please try to be specific. What does the date have to do with reporting then State Senator Barack Hussein Obama voting record? Did he or did he not vote against the act? Not once, not twice but THREE TIMES.
Yes, the latest ABC/Wash. Post poll yields that 96% "amazing" datum that Trump voters are still sticking with the orange charlatan......

Now, what would an objective viewer conclude from such a high ranking?

1. Loyalty is non-discerning?
2. Trump voters refuse to admit reality?
3. Trump voters were dumb 6 months ago and are STILL dumb?

Of all the promises made by Trump.....by his OWN admission.....of what he would do in the first 100 days in office ( , making American great, defeating ISIS, a Mexican paid-for wall, ban immigrants, tax reform, health care, working tirelessly in the oval office, infrastructure funding, etc.) ONLY two have been fulfilled......

a. Trump did get Gorsuch a SCOTUS seat; of course, given the right wing majority in congress and the nuclear option factor, Trump could have nominated a first-year law student and managed to get him or her seated....

b. Trump has drastically improved his golf game.......

(I'd go with number 3 above.....LOL)

I huge factor in turning things around will be finding a way for Trump voters to gracefully change their minds. If we insist on rubbing their noses in it, you can bet they will resist.
Hillary was the one who asked for additional funding but was denied.

Sock, as you know, there was an EXCESS OF FUNDS because they were near the end of the fiscal year. The additional funding was denied for the fiscal year 2014. The attack occurred in 2012.
You want to talk about a witch hunt? Benghazi was a witch hunt.

Poor snowflake....

The Benghazi investigations proved Obama and Hillary allowed 4 Americans to needlessly die, leaving Americans in Benghazi when every other nation pulled their people out. When asked about Stevens more than 70 requests fr additional security Hillary laughed under oath and stated she thought he was kidding and that his requests were part of his sense of humor. They exposed how Hillary, Obama, and Rice LIED about the terrorist attack being about a protest. Hillary's own e-mails showed she told the Turkish Ambassador and her own daughter that she 'KNEW' it was a TERRORIST ATTACK that had nothing to do with a 'protest'...and much more.

After 10+ months of the Liberal witch hunt against Trump there is NO evidence to support their false claims of the Russians 'hacking the election' or of collusion - supported by the FBI declaring 3 times now that no evidence of collusion exists.

Poor, pathetic delusional snowflakes....

Hillary was the one who asked for additional funding but was denied.

Time after time after time Congressional Republicans investigated Hillary and the Obama administration. Each and every time they were cleared of wrongdoing. Benghazi is a nonissue because she was cleared what, seven, eight, nine times?

Constantly investigating it made it a witch hunt. It screamed of keep looking until finding the results they wanted. They couldn't.
Hillary abandoned 4 Americans to needlessly die. Don't try to sugar-coat it or make excuses for her and Barry. She F*ed up, all because Obama was falsely boasting about there being no terrorist problem / threats coming up on is 2012 election. Only delusional / partisan snowflakes would argue that point.

Every time she was probed, even by Republicans, they couldn't put anything on her. They would've loved to. I know they would. They simply could not. No evidence supported the accusations.

You want to talk about a witch hunt? Benghazi was a witch hunt.

Poor snowflake....

The Benghazi investigations proved Obama and Hillary allowed 4 Americans to needlessly die, leaving Americans in Benghazi when every other nation pulled their people out. When asked about Stevens more than 70 requests fr additional security Hillary laughed under oath and stated she thought he was kidding and that his requests were part of his sense of humor. They exposed how Hillary, Obama, and Rice LIED about the terrorist attack being about a protest. Hillary's own e-mails showed she told the Turkish Ambassador and her own daughter that she 'KNEW' it was a TERRORIST ATTACK that had nothing to do with a 'protest'...and much more.

After 10+ months of the Liberal witch hunt against Trump there is NO evidence to support their false claims of the Russians 'hacking the election' or of collusion - supported by the FBI declaring 3 times now that no evidence of collusion exists.

Poor, pathetic delusional snowflakes....

Hillary was the one who asked for additional funding but was denied.

Time after time after time Congressional Republicans investigated Hillary and the Obama administration. Each and every time they were cleared of wrongdoing. Benghazi is a nonissue because she was cleared what, seven, eight, nine times?

Constantly investigating it made it a witch hunt. It screamed of keep looking until finding the results they wanted. They couldn't.
Hillary abandoned 4 Americans to needlessly die. Don't try to sugar-coat it or make excuses for her and Barry. She F*ed up, all because Obama was falsely boasting about there being no terrorist problem / threats coming up on is 2012 election. Only delusional / partisan snowflakes would argue that point.

Every time she was probed, even by Republicans, they couldn't put anything on her. They would've loved to. I know they would. They simply could not. No evidence supported the accusations.


That's it. When you can't come up with anything to counter, just throw out a silly picture and run. It's what RWNJs do.

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