96% of Trump voters say: "No Regrets"...Really???

So that's the crap the right is feeding you now? Some day you should make an effort to find out what liberals really stand for, instead of the crap you have been told.
Yeah, like the snowflake who just declared there is no room in the Democratic party for anyone who is pro-life....

It's not pro-life. it's pro-preborn. After they are born, it's fuckem from the right.

It that were true, the left want to f_ck the pre-born?

You know better than that.
So that's the crap the right is feeding you now? Some day you should make an effort to find out what liberals really stand for, instead of the crap you have been told.
Yeah, like the snowflake who just declared there is no room in the Democratic party for anyone who is pro-life....

It's not pro-life. it's pro-preborn. After they are born, it's fuckem from the right.
Obama argued for the right of a mother to have the right to still kill the baby fighting for life on the operating table after a failed abortion attempt because that was her original intent. Liberals have never met a baby they didn't at least THINK about killing, it seems. Too bad their mothers did not engage in what they so rabidly believe in....

I suppose that you really believe that crap since you only believe right wing rhetoric.
I suppose that you really believe that crap since you only believe right wing rhetoric.

From Politico, a left-leaning 'news' agency:

Obama the abortion extremist

"From a strictly down-the-middle, neutral perspective, if one side of a debate is “extreme,” the opposite and countervailing side is equally “extreme.” It would never even occur to the media to apply this standard to abortion. Under the guise of upholding abortion rights, Barack Obama could favor denying legal protection to babies after they are born and the press wouldn’t bat an eyelash. In fact—he did.

In the Illinois legislature, he opposed the “Born-Alive Infants Protection Act” three times. The bill recognized babies born after attempted abortions as persons and required doctors to give them care. Obama’s stalwart opposition to the bill came up during the 2008 campaign, and his team responded with a farrago of obfuscation and distortions."

I think it's only a matter of time until more regret their vote.
Yeah, and Hillary is going to win in a landslide... :p

Those polls were before the Comey announcement. Once the Comey announcement came, any polls that had Hillary leading were close and within the margin of error.

On top of that, Trump is having a hard time pushing his agenda forward. He's not delivering on a lot of his promises. Therefore, I think his supporters are going to get more restless.
I think it's only a matter of time until more regret their vote.
Yeah, and Hillary is going to win in a landslide... :p

Those polls were before the Comey announcement. Once the Comey announcement came, any polls that had Hillary leading were close and within the margin of error.

On top of that, Trump is having a hard time pushing his agenda forward. He's not delivering on a lot of his promises. Therefore, I think his supporters are going to get more restless.
What's the surprise?
Trump was, and is, hated by both Parties.
I think it's only a matter of time until more regret their vote.
Yeah, and Hillary is going to win in a landslide... :p

Those polls were before the Comey announcement. Once the Comey announcement came, any polls that had Hillary leading were close and within the margin of error.

On top of that, Trump is having a hard time pushing his agenda forward. He's not delivering on a lot of his promises. Therefore, I think his supporters are going to get more restless.
Don't blame Comey for Hillary's LOSS. Hillary should never have had her name on the ballot!

You know damn well that had a GOP candidate been under multiple FBI investigations with a month to go in the election the GOP candidate would have been forced from the race. The hypocritical Democrats, however, refused to withdraw Hillary. It was 'her turn' after all.
I think it's only a matter of time until more regret their vote.
Yeah, and Hillary is going to win in a landslide... :p

Those polls were before the Comey announcement. Once the Comey announcement came, any polls that had Hillary leading were close and within the margin of error.

On top of that, Trump is having a hard time pushing his agenda forward. He's not delivering on a lot of his promises. Therefore, I think his supporters are going to get more restless.
Don't blame Comey for Hillary's LOSS. Hillary should never have had her name on the ballot!

You know damn well that had a GOP candidate been under multiple FBI investigations with a month to go in the election the GOP candidate would have been forced from the race. The hypocritical Democrats, however, refused to withdraw Hillary. It was 'her turn' after all.

It seems to me there was an investigation going on, as there still is, about Russia. Hillary was leading the entire way. Then when Comey spoke up, and eventually when she was cleared, that's when it changed.
It seems to me there was an investigation going on, as there still is, about Russia. Hillary was leading the entire way. Then when Comey spoke up, and eventually when she was cleared, that's when it changed.

Being under MULTIPLE FBI INVESTIGATIONS for crimes to include fraud, influence peddling, and ESPIONAGE Hillary should NEVER have been permitted to stay in the race. AGAIN, had there been a GOP candidate in the same situation the Democratic party and 'All-In' Liberal media would have forced that candidate out!
It seems to me there was an investigation going on, as there still is, about Russia. Hillary was leading the entire way. Then when Comey spoke up, and eventually when she was cleared, that's when it changed.

Being under MULTIPLE FBI INVESTIGATIONS for crimes to include fraud, influence peddling, and ESPIONAGE Hillary should NEVER have been permitted to stay in the race. AGAIN, had there been a GOP candidate in the same situation the Democratic party and 'All-In' Liberal media would have forced that candidate out!

All these investigations, yet not one conviction.
All these investigations, yet not one conviction.
You said it - almost 1 year of 'McCarthy-istic' witch hunt investigations and

NO evidence the Russians 'hacked the election'
NO evidence the Trump Team colluded with Russians.
NO evidence Trump colluded with Russians
NO evidence any collusion ever happened
The FBI has said 3 times NO evidence of collusion between Russians and trump

..and the only crimes PROVEN to have been committed, according to the Directors of the NSA and FBI, was committed by Obama administration / Obama loyalists.
...then, of course, is all the evidence that the Clintons and Podestas were taking money and stocks from and working for the KGB, KGB Bank, the Russian Spy agency, the Kremlin, and Putin...
All these investigations, yet not one conviction.
You said it - almost 1 year of 'McCarthy-istic' witch hunt investigations and

NO evidence the Russians 'hacked the election'
NO evidence the Trump Team colluded with Russians.
NO evidence Trump colluded with Russians
NO evidence any collusion ever happened
The FBI has said 3 times NO evidence of collusion between Russians and trump

..and the only crimes PROVEN to have been committed, according to the Directors of the NSA and FBI, was committed by Obama administration / Obama loyalists.

You want to talk about a witch hunt? Benghazi was a witch hunt.

The FBI has not concluded their investigation in regards to Russia. Let's wait until that comes out.

Obama was cleared of wrongdoing. Hillary was cleared of wrongdoing. Susan Rice was cleared of wrongdoing.
You want to talk about a witch hunt? Benghazi was a witch hunt.

Poor snowflake....

The Benghazi investigations proved Obama and Hillary allowed 4 Americans to needlessly die, leaving Americans in Benghazi when every other nation pulled their people out. When asked about Stevens more than 70 requests fr additional security Hillary laughed under oath and stated she thought he was kidding and that his requests were part of his sense of humor. They exposed how Hillary, Obama, and Rice LIED about the terrorist attack being about a protest. Hillary's own e-mails showed she told the Turkish Ambassador and her own daughter that she 'KNEW' it was a TERRORIST ATTACK that had nothing to do with a 'protest'...and much more.

After 10+ months of the Liberal witch hunt against Trump there is NO evidence to support their false claims of the Russians 'hacking the election' or of collusion - supported by the FBI declaring 3 times now that no evidence of collusion exists.

Poor, pathetic delusional snowflakes....
no regrets so far

but let go on Julian Assange....ok? do not touch him

otherwise Trump is gone ...ok?

thank you for understanding.


You want to talk about a witch hunt? Benghazi was a witch hunt.

Poor snowflake....

The Benghazi investigations proved Obama and Hillary allowed 4 Americans to needlessly die, leaving Americans in Benghazi when every other nation pulled their people out. When asked about Stevens more than 70 requests fr additional security Hillary laughed under oath and stated she thought he was kidding and that his requests were part of his sense of humor. They exposed how Hillary, Obama, and Rice LIED about the terrorist attack being about a protest. Hillary's own e-mails showed she told the Turkish Ambassador and her own daughter that she 'KNEW' it was a TERRORIST ATTACK that had nothing to do with a 'protest'...and much more.

After 10+ months of the Liberal witch hunt against Trump there is NO evidence to support their false claims of the Russians 'hacking the election' or of collusion - supported by the FBI declaring 3 times now that no evidence of collusion exists.

Poor, pathetic delusional snowflakes....

Hillary was the one who asked for additional funding but was denied.

Time after time after time Congressional Republicans investigated Hillary and the Obama administration. Each and every time they were cleared of wrongdoing. Benghazi is a nonissue because she was cleared what, seven, eight, nine times?

Constantly investigating it made it a witch hunt. It screamed of keep looking until finding the results they wanted. They couldn't.

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