96% of Trump voters say: "No Regrets"...Really???

I was basically responding to the prior post that indicated "There's still no hard evidence proof illegals voted." Knowing that liberals parse their words and tend to move the goalpost frequently. BTW, thought libs removed "illegal" from their vocabulary, isn't undocumented the new illegal?

So that's the crap the right is feeding you now? Some day you should make an effort to find out what liberals really stand for, instead of the crap you have been told.

Yup, straight off of MSNBC....or was it CNN.

You're an idiot. No it wasn't.
After Obama and your support of him, you have no credibility left.

Let me know when that check from Mexico shows up, and then we can talk about your ability to recognize credibility.
Maybe when Obama closes gitmo?
Troll Holio:

ABC conducted a poll. You like Polls. I don't.

But if the election were held today, not only would President Trump Win, but he'd win over more Dems and win The Popular Vote as well, and this is despite the fact Dems registered millions of illegals in Dem states through motor voter registration.

How's it feel to be desperate?
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I got Niel Gorsuch.

I lost ?

Who knew ?

Does the above mean that you'll soon add a picture of Gorsuch (along with Trump's) above your bed....LOL

No, but it does mean that I'll add a picture of the SCOTUS to my wall knowing that I am that much closer to what I WANT in terms of constitutional rulings.

And when Stephens retires or Ginsgurg croaks...I'll be happy to change that picture again.

No more asswipes like Kagen or Sotomeyer.

I expect you'll soon get over your butthurt, learn to live on the sidelines, stop whining and get rid of your Obama blow up doll.
Yeah I have no regrets whatsoever considering who the alternative was,an evil mass murdering bitch who is a globalist.a FACT you ignore and wont accept.:rofl:

something that worries me here about this post of mine is government paid shill sayit liked it.:D
No, but it does mean that I'll add a picture of the SCOTUS to my wall knowing that I am that much closer to what I WANT in terms of constitutional rulings.

Hey, maybe YOUR kind of scotus rulings will bring back segregation, something your fucked up ilk would simply LOVE.......

BTW, all that Gorsuch did is fill the seat of the slimy Scalia....may the devil bless his evil soul...........LOL
Yet there's no evidence about Trump's tweet in regards to illegals voting. Even Ryan dismissed Trump's claim about that.
Obama said before the election that if you are illegal and you vote, you wouldn't have anything to worry about.

No he didn't.
Yes he did, but I wouldn't expect you to know that. Since Obama said he relied on your ignorance to get Obamacare passed, and you defended him on that. You're a sheep.

You gotta come up with a link for that, but don't bother with that one right wingers are so fond of taking out of context. You need a real one.
Google it.

Perhaps you should. You are referring to another out of context claim by Neil Cavuto. If it weren't for lies, Fox would have nothing.
FALSE: Obama Encouraged 'Illegal Aliens' to Vote
Yes, the latest ABC/Wash. Post poll yields that 96% "amazing" datum that Trump voters are still sticking with the orange charlatan......

Now, what would an objective viewer conclude from such a high ranking?

1. Loyalty is non-discerning?
2. Trump voters refuse to admit reality?
3. Trump voters were dumb 6 months ago and are STILL dumb?

Of all the promises made by Trump.....by his OWN admission.....of what he would do in the first 100 days in office ( , making American great, defeating ISIS, a Mexican paid-for wall, ban immigrants, tax reform, health care, working tirelessly in the oval office, infrastructure funding, etc.) ONLY two have been fulfilled......

a. Trump did get Gorsuch a SCOTUS seat; of course, given the right wing majority in congress and the nuclear option factor, Trump could have nominated a first-year law student and managed to get him or her seated....

b. Trump has drastically improved his golf game.......

(I'd go with number 3 above.....LOL)

That's right Moron, read it and weep. Trump isn't able to give us everything we want, not yet, but he's done a great job so far.
So that's the crap the right is feeding you now? Some day you should make an effort to find out what liberals really stand for, instead of the crap you have been told.

Yup, straight off of MSNBC....or was it CNN.

You're an idiot. No it wasn't.
After Obama and your support of him, you have no credibility left.

Let me know when that check from Mexico shows up, and then we can talk about your ability to recognize credibility.
Maybe when Obama closes gitmo?

Republicans blocked him from closing Gitmo. Who is blocking Trump?
I'll state it again.....That 96% of naive idiots that voted for Trump are STILL as dumb as they were 6 months ago....Wait until Trump screws them royally with HC and tax breaks for his crooked cabinet members and himself...........
Maybe then they'll wake up...LOL
Obama said before the election that if you are illegal and you vote, you wouldn't have anything to worry about.

No he didn't.
Yes he did, but I wouldn't expect you to know that. Since Obama said he relied on your ignorance to get Obamacare passed, and you defended him on that. You're a sheep.

You gotta come up with a link for that, but don't bother with that one right wingers are so fond of taking out of context. You need a real one.
Google it.

Perhaps you should. You are referring to another out of context claim by Neil Cavuto. If it weren't for lies, Fox would have nothing.
FALSE: Obama Encouraged 'Illegal Aliens' to Vote
View attachment 123269
If Obama said he was queer, and I told you he said it. You would say I took it out of context. What's new.
Yup, straight off of MSNBC....or was it CNN.

You're an idiot. No it wasn't.
After Obama and your support of him, you have no credibility left.

Let me know when that check from Mexico shows up, and then we can talk about your ability to recognize credibility.
Maybe when Obama closes gitmo?

Republicans blocked him from closing Gitmo. Who is blocking Trump?
He had two years to do it. You won't give Trump a hundred days.
No he didn't.
Yes he did, but I wouldn't expect you to know that. Since Obama said he relied on your ignorance to get Obamacare passed, and you defended him on that. You're a sheep.

You gotta come up with a link for that, but don't bother with that one right wingers are so fond of taking out of context. You need a real one.
Google it.

Perhaps you should. You are referring to another out of context claim by Neil Cavuto. If it weren't for lies, Fox would have nothing.
FALSE: Obama Encouraged 'Illegal Aliens' to Vote
View attachment 123269
If Obama said he was queer, and I told you he said it. You would say I took it out of context. What's new.

That would depend on the context of the remark. I certainly wouldn't take your word for it. You believe too many lies already.
Yes he did, but I wouldn't expect you to know that. Since Obama said he relied on your ignorance to get Obamacare passed, and you defended him on that. You're a sheep.

You gotta come up with a link for that, but don't bother with that one right wingers are so fond of taking out of context. You need a real one.
Google it.

Perhaps you should. You are referring to another out of context claim by Neil Cavuto. If it weren't for lies, Fox would have nothing.
FALSE: Obama Encouraged 'Illegal Aliens' to Vote
View attachment 123269
If Obama said he was queer, and I told you he said it. You would say I took it out of context. What's new.

That would depend on the context of the remark. I certainly wouldn't take your word for it. You believe too many lies already.
He said it in a speech.
You're an idiot. No it wasn't.
After Obama and your support of him, you have no credibility left.

Let me know when that check from Mexico shows up, and then we can talk about your ability to recognize credibility.
Maybe when Obama closes gitmo?

Republicans blocked him from closing Gitmo. Who is blocking Trump?
He had two years to do it. You won't give Trump a hundred days.

It was Trump's 100 day action plan. He put the time frame on it.
Today, probably most Trump voters would not admit they voted for Trumpday.
You gotta come up with a link for that, but don't bother with that one right wingers are so fond of taking out of context. You need a real one.
Google it.

Perhaps you should. You are referring to another out of context claim by Neil Cavuto. If it weren't for lies, Fox would have nothing.
FALSE: Obama Encouraged 'Illegal Aliens' to Vote
View attachment 123269
If Obama said he was queer, and I told you he said it. You would say I took it out of context. What's new.

That would depend on the context of the remark. I certainly wouldn't take your word for it. You believe too many lies already.
He said it in a speech.

OK. Give me a credible source, and I'll look at it.
After Obama and your support of him, you have no credibility left.

Let me know when that check from Mexico shows up, and then we can talk about your ability to recognize credibility.
Maybe when Obama closes gitmo?

Republicans blocked him from closing Gitmo. Who is blocking Trump?
He had two years to do it. You won't give Trump a hundred days.

It was Trump's 100 day action plan. He put the time frame on it.
View attachment 123278
Trump is working on it. Obama never closed gitmo, but he gets a pass.
No, but it does mean that I'll add a picture of the SCOTUS to my wall knowing that I am that much closer to what I WANT in terms of constitutional rulings.

Hey, maybe YOUR kind of scotus rulings will bring back segregation, something your fucked up ilk would simply LOVE.......

BTW, all that Gorsuch did is fill the seat of the slimy Scalia....may the devil bless his evil soul...........LOL

More prognostications from the board moron.

Please show me where I ever said anything about segregation.

Oh, that's right...I forgot...you are the prick who elected HIllary before November 8th and told everyone there was "no way" Trump would win.

Sorry, Butthurtboi......you lost

Suck on it.

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