96% of Trump voters say: "No Regrets"...Really???

The Leftist trolls are certainly hard at work posting their crap.

What YOU consider "crap", others consider the avalanche that's about to hit your screwed up current administration.
What are we to conclude?

That the media has been lying to themselves for months saying he is losing support
That the media has been lying to themselves for months saying he is losing support

You're delusions must be comforting....Trump went from 41% to 52% DISAPPROVAL ratings in these last 95 days......
What YOU consider "crap", others consider the avalanche that's about to hit your screwed up current administration.
Snowflake...you've been spewing this nonsense since November 8, 2016. Donald Trump is your President. He's not going to be "impeached". He's not going to die. He's not stepping down. He's not losing some special election.

You sound like the ultimate nitwit repeating this same asinine nonsense for 8 straight months.
Hey, maybe YOUR kind of scotus rulings will bring back segregation, something your fucked up ilk would simply LOVE.......

As you know, it was the Democrats who fought desegregation. I can understand how those facts would be some you would prefer to forget.

Don't forget the birth of the Ku Klux Klan belongs to you as well.
What YOU consider "crap", others consider the avalanche that's about to hit your screwed up current administration.
Snowflake...you've been spewing this nonsense since November 8, 2016. Donald Trump is your President. He's not going to be "impeached". He's not going to die. He's not stepping down. He's not losing some special election.

You sound like the ultimate nitwit repeating this same asinine nonsense for 8 straight months.
I guess 1 out of 5 claims is something.
Republicans blocked him from closing Gitmo. Who is blocking Trump?

Why close GITMO? It contains the worse of the worse.

It is and always has been a great recruiting tool for terrorists. It costs WAY too much, Many of the people who are, and have been held there were never even charged with a crime.

I agree. As I've said all along, they should have been shot instead. So shoot any that are left and from now on make corpses; not prisoners. Libs are far too enamored of catch and release warfare to stockpile them.
Yes, the latest ABC/Wash. Post poll yields that 96% "amazing" datum that Trump voters are still sticking with the orange charlatan......

Now, what would an objective viewer conclude from such a high ranking?

1. Loyalty is non-discerning?
2. Trump voters refuse to admit reality?
3. Trump voters were dumb 6 months ago and are STILL dumb?

Of all the promises made by Trump.....by his OWN admission.....of what he would do in the first 100 days in office ( , making American great, defeating ISIS, a Mexican paid-for wall, ban immigrants, tax reform, health care, working tirelessly in the oval office, infrastructure funding, etc.) ONLY two have been fulfilled......

a. Trump did get Gorsuch a SCOTUS seat; of course, given the right wing majority in congress and the nuclear option factor, Trump could have nominated a first-year law student and managed to get him or her seated....

b. Trump has drastically improved his golf game.......

(I'd go with number 3 above.....LOL)

Yes we know that this basement dwelling type of posting is the far left hatred religious dogma..
It is and always has been a great recruiting tool for terrorists. It costs WAY too much, Many of the people who are, and have been held there were never even charged with a crime.
That is astoundingly stupid - even by the high standards of stupidity that you've managed to set. They are terrorists we captured on foreign soil. We don't need to "charge them" with anything - nor should we. Their ass should sit there until they die. They are not U.S. citizens so they have no constitutional rights. And they didn't wear a uniform, represent a nation, and adhere to the rules of war, so they don't enjoy protections under the Geneva Convention either.

Look....we get it. You hate the United States and you side with muslim terrorist looking to bring the U.S. down. But that doesn't mean you should resort to saying stupid shit that humiliates you. Now I think I hear your muslim masters calling you - run along now puppy.
It is and always has been a great recruiting tool for terrorists.
Is that how they got you, puppy?

Listening to you spout idiotic left-wing talking points is as painful as it is hilarious. You can't "recruit" a sociopath, nitwit. They are born, not made. Normal people will never resort to suicide missions or killing innocent women and children, no matter what. You are such an obedient little lap-dog to the left-wing ideology. Whatever they feed you, you regurgitate.
It is and always has been a great recruiting tool for terrorists. It costs WAY too much, Many of the people who are, and have been held there were never even charged with a crime.
That is astoundingly stupid - even by the high standards of stupidity that you've managed to set. They are terrorists we captured on foreign soil. We don't need to "charge them" with anything - nor should we. Their ass should sit there until they die. They are not U.S. citizens so they have no constitutional rights. And they didn't wear a uniform, represent a nation, and adhere to the rules of war, so they don't enjoy protections under the Geneva Convention either.

Look....we get it. You hate the United States and you side with muslim terrorist looking to bring the U.S. down. But that doesn't mean you should resort to saying stupid shit that humiliates you. Now I think I hear your muslim masters calling you - run along now puppy.

So now I side with terrorists,and I want to bring the U.S. down? You are getting dumber by the day.

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